HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-8-3, Page 3Tali PORTS CORN f lam teepees Soy a /begot. I Iew M tunas ase4 twists, And hew he ,sods• la Willies ab Meg; • Hom mead M reale. Our wWealeaim boy inthureh! Tama earner un' etlU. 1 He &treads with a w- 11. While the story te told tN some hero bold, Our deer, thoughtful bq 1■ cherub; Hut our Kind surprise At his thoughtful eyes, I, termed tedespair As Ire twitches Mohair Of his little dater to church. ORW, each naughty trick files, Ata tea from the eyes Of tits mother so dear, Who thinks best to sit nem Her mlublerwn bo; a ch.tnh 1 Ann' tyer irk k comes Yes alb (lager be drums. Or W 'kerchief b sprsat1 AU over hie lose- r% rot @1111 we take him torhuruA ! He's troublesome? ties! That lam Iwuud to venires : But Owl route the bora. With their fun and their sole. Aid He .urrly wont. their In church. Much children you know, Log. loot year. ago. Diu not trouble the Lori. Tho.•gh his disciples were bored So we'll keep them near Him is church • to reel asassneat .n made by Miss Jane Rutherford, it, Nettles Cortaro, Unto, Rb„ write, -"I have used your Suede ck Blood Bitters for Djsp•psia and tied it t.. he the best remedy 1 ever tried. B. It B. es told by all dealers at oue dollar per bottle. 2 Salt is a very common article, for the ocean holds it, w,luttun an immeoee quantity .f it. Dow rtrange It is that though Salt water is not ht to drihk salt ts necessary to health and fife. Have you ever eaten br'ati in which a, salt Pies, as Lbs tra5Is are thtek enough to Ian sod cents. As well might a shin be hes been pot f 11 so,yoo know it is cast.. •Put lad ani steep for Several da; s of sat upon a wife's dec,.ttnn or the lore of lees. My cki dreu would not like to eat 'I Mien'. children. Thera his been erected in the meat wohoot mak oft to bait ie mime, To Cert Coax. - Cat the Dorn from ''park of au, American city • statue 01 soluble, irrsoalar, sparkling, hard and the cob and peck in glass cans until ro Howard Paine. Other statues here been wh.ta We say : "As .hue as snow.' more San be put in. Pet the coven on !erected there in honor of men of greeter We might say, es white as salt. Chem- loosely, and set as many cans as will !renown, but of none of whose single tatty tells as that salt is chlordia of stand straight 'u the bonier, till the boil ' achievement has foond such atTeehouste sodium. Two elements embrace or ab- er up to the noels of the cane teeth cold routing to the bosoms of the young. To sorb each other, and the result . alt, • water, and boil for three hours from the the little ones that ituthir a'eout It, all compound unlike the chlordia and so- dium which compose it. It crystalizes in the Corm of cubes which distortive in two and .Sven -tenth times their weight HO08111$OLD HINT'.Seam. If sailed upon to give the 41.40 sienifi- Caurs. sup 41 melee -M, nae ' cant motto/) liable In our laiotuese, it 1. oud nae -half tmaepoouful of aaterates , uot'iuubt.ed but that by Ieusatmuus voice mama all lumps est e/ ihbo coin. then it would be House. Its tneotiva anv.r- best with etulaaee. until .11 of • tuata; ably ptctursa to the mind the old home - n ow add ort. half teal eful af woken' steed, be it • o,tt.ge in it edtage street, lard or butts. owe -half teaspoonful of salt, one teespuonful of ginger and one slap of soled fit ur, beat well together ; or a omission in the mteat of ample gruuo,L and oat y eovironmaste. N'hu dues not revere tie home of his thea one cep of sour milk (buttermilk u ohildho,.d, mud ell the plo•eaut things better if ubrats•hh and more flour untiI that clustered *twist the family roof "is it is very hard, rull oat es thee as poen- the drys of auW Isug quo, ' even t�, the blm said not. seed the, bake to • yui.lk pictures to the wall, the old mew chair ut.•.i until brown. and the great overgrown family bible Dzurror. Caul ours Cees -Orae cop that rested with folded Duren wits al• white molar, ore half cup of butler, two toted place. There, too, was the dower eupe of flour, one-half sus of stoat mill, Igls d ti, with ate scatty kept beds of whites of three alga t.wteu to a froth, mmnguld•, pinks, pansies and hachslor buttuus, wuh hen end th.r. • flowenn rose bush that defied the winter snow& added last. Il•ke uo two lung tins, with or, half teaspoonful of soda, one tea- int spoonful 4 imam tartar ; wtttass of aims We 5.010 1' see them u..w, as we mw albs,;. between and on top. 'them years ago, and to realize more then ever that we shall neon cease tv love the Yit.uxn. -Three-ft urths cup of rest- picture, for it steals upon the memory d chocolate, one cup . 1 white sager. with the (resenting' of *prom days that yolks of three eget, tw , tablespoofule renew the verdure of the fields and fill of sweet milk ; mix to a basin, end set the w old with rrj ,icing. iu hot water to scald while cake is "Be it ever so humble there is so hokum.). stir often, dew"' with '""ill"; place like home -no place that in the et cool until thick enough to pnad same degree rewards the care that is be cool. stowed upon it, for the home a the Cagan Pt. -One and one-half cups powdered sugar, two reps. piece butter atm ..f a walnut, one cup of sweet milk, two ',sinuous cream tartar, one tea - sewn salerstus, three cups .tffted dour. or fl..wer that lends its beauty to the Cream, butter and sugar ; add the rims lawn, Nan educator and sheds upon the and beat thoroughly. Put in the milk whole household a refining tudaeeee fez opt two Targe spoonfuls, and stir in which is felt in all the yeas to come. dour in which you have sifted the cream R'nn has not read "Ytociula, ' and shar- tartar. i iseolve the soda in the rest of the milk, add the last thing. }Salient two Isrge, deep, r .und tins. When wanted, split one ut the cakes and cover the low. er half nit'h slices of banana sprinkled with powderedau,t.r. Haresome whip- ped cream prepared as for shortcake, sod spread a few spoonfuls user the fruit. On chia place the other portion "f the surgery of the noble and great among the rates of men. We cannot do tote much for our home& Every well chosen ornament within d ,ore and every throb ed with the unfortunate captive his soli- tude, for the companionship of the humble little plait that pushed its way entre tine reeky pavement of his prison yard, and who has nut felt at acme pa- th.' of his life • like interest io some frail charge committed to his care and upon whose well being some dear hope rat entertained' cake, which moat be covered with bane- Wee hare known parsimonious men in us and auger; pour the reuteatodet of the estimating the cost of bring to reckon cream over the top and Was, and serve the interest ten the money value of the immediately. Use a silver knife to slice family homestead, es if this sacred spot the bananas. This recipe makes two was capable of being figured out in dol. time the water begins to boil If two- that need to be told them is that this�i is game cane are used, boil four hours. i the usage of the man who wrote the sang then takeout and *crew the coven down of "Home, Sweet Home.' tight. Hay or straw should be put in It is bec•nse the home is always Nu of water either hot or odd. There are the bottom of the boiler to keep the cans surd, and terms an ineflbcesble pictete several kinds of salt. Ruck salt is dug froth br'eaklagt in the mind, that we urge its sanctifies - from mines in the earth. In Australia CaorKSza Picgttnt-Make a brine thin by every available means. Nothing there is en immense mine is which ie a strums 'month to bear the weight of so which adds to its comfort in a material chapel. In nor chaste, it 1. chtetly ub- egg. Into this put cueumbers fresh sense, or to its adornment in a purely totoed from springs and wails of water. Irene the garden. 'Thee will keen in ,esthetie relation, should be neglected. The must imprtait tali weeks are oar thus brine indefinitely. Whenecx fresh A single inez' eneire but gne.ful picture Syracuse in the State of New York. ; pickles are wanted, take out as many as in the Iir.ng room, a stand of hardy 8011@108 Ysesatenewn 1111111111-tesewses the Mousses eoopes.tsa memos. The Niagara Falls rut way .u.pensl'•n bridge oarrted suoowafelly a heavy treats fur 7ti yeas ; it was then tumid that some repairs to the cable were required at the soehmags. Timms terns were made, as'd the &echoroig. was wbitanttally re Winced. At •rhe mine time it noes f.,onu that the wooden wspeuded superstruc- ture was in teed c,udition, end this was euttruly reueuead and replaced by a struc- ture of iron, built .ud adjwte1 um such t• 'Lenoir se to secure the beet too/table result& Fur some tune it had been noticed that tbmstuis towers which sup- ported the great cables of the brtd4e showed evidences of disintegration at the surface, sod • oreful eogioeetiug •1141111 oattuu iu 18d3 showed that those towers were in • really dangerous couditioa. The remote fur this was that the saddles over which the cables pass on the top of the towers hod not the freedom of mo- tion which was required fur the action of the cables, caused by difference of temperature and by p&missg load& A must laterestetio and suooeseful feat was accomplished is the substitution of i.o0 torten for these storm towers, mah- out interrupting the troth: across the bridge. This has been accomplished eery recently by bedding • ekeletus Iron tower outside of the stone tnwer,and transferring the cables from the stunk 10 the Iron tower by a moat ingenious ar- raugement of hydraulic jacks The stone towers wore thou removed. Thus, by the renewal of Its suspended struc- ture and the replacing of its towers, the bridge has been given • new lease of hie god is in suelletit condition today. This Niezera railway seepensiun bridge has been so long in successful operation that it Is difficult now to ap- preciate the general disbelief in the pposs stbtliity of its success as a railway bridge, when is was undertaken. It was pm - fatted ■td executed by the late John A IG•eh'ing. Before it was finished, R"bt. Stephenson aid to him. "If your bridge succeeds, urine the Victoria tubular 1 bridge at Montreal) is a magnificent blunder." The Niagara din succeed. Yew a Mode fasgM lMa. .k ohm young man in the height of ' fashion was violently sneezing in • street 11 ear, when • companion remsrkd, "Aw, Chawles, dealt boy, how�r Batch that dwesdful cold." "Ano, deah fellah, left . my cane in the 1 -wet hall tether day, and in sucking the ivory handle, so dweadful odd, it chilled the almost to death." If Charles had used Dr. Har- vey'. Red Pine Gum hie cold wocld not fiionbty him wary much For ala at J •s !0'X AND FANCY. When • monks make op their mitred • We to get alarmed it easy be called vista What s the ditfereaee Mewea • lee - pard aid • Netbvdut scouter / Oue at-- not chance his spots, sad the otbsr meat A clergymen was telling • aurvellei ' story, whoa hie little girl said, • -N .s pa, is that true, ter is a only peewits/6d r '•No," said • druggist, "there s nut each an awful profit us a glass of soda water. You see, the wear nod tear on I the glass amounts to something 1 A man was selling a bows, and the would-be purchaser, impairing es to his looping powers, asked. "Wdl he take timber t' "Hell jump over your head," was the answer , "I don't know what you call that." It is said that at learning to swim women are quicker than apes. This se probably beesu.e the costae& of wearier trains has learned them to kick out gracefully. ■.►.g Treabte Stay be Expecte& If you do not heed the warnings of na- ture and at ince pay atteotion to the muutainaoce of your ealth. Huw often we see a persue put off from day to day the purchase of a medicine which if pro- cured at the outstart of • disease would have remedied tt almost immediately Now if Johnston's Tonic Liver Pills had been taken when the fret uneasiness made its appearance the illness would have been "nipped i.t the bud." John- son's Tonic Bitters and Liver Pills are decidedly the best medicine on the sur kit for general tonic and invigorating properties. Pills:23a per bottle. Bitten oi0 cents sod $1 per bottle, sold by Goode the druggist, Albion block, sole agent. (bj A worthy schoolmaster once re- solved to put down the piscine of pro- fane swearing among his pupil& Smit watch was kept, arid it was not long be - fere three youths were caught in the amt. All pled guilty. and were duly I punished. Resolved to improve the °weaken, the teacher requested each of toe youths to promise he would never swear amino Twu of them at once complied, but the third held out and would not prorates. On being p� for his rasion. be replied : - "Wive s cuddy .t hams, sir, and he'd no gang unless ye swear at him." WORDS OF WISDOM We loon .eolitu_whaa lite has pawed pxacriptu,n [icor .tura- tf awry. ry The Tbte.t gel,' Geld. I can see a lovely •alley where Nature had gathered into her lap all her wealth of scenery and we! ; all her riven of jewels and ?erple-cla•i m,uttalns, where the castles of the nobles above end the homesteads of the peltants bedew and abroad presided over peace and plenty Coates salt is tnade by evaporating the are distred from the brio., and let them lowers in a winduw•rsnot wuhoot their amid eternal S,nng. water in *railer vats by the beat of the ' soak in fresh water two days, changing educatiooel as well as inspirational value. One day while dinging a di:ch a lump men. Fine, or table salt is made by I the water once. Now pet two quarts of Such tow ere the barbiugers of health, of goid was turned up : Pursuing :he boihrg the brine in large iron kettles. ; the best eider •ioe{tdr Ito fifty coesm- the warders of dooms and often times search, a mine was revealed. The news Sea salt is made from the ocean water. ; ben; on the fire in a parcelain kettle,with the forerunners of refinements which a the discovery overran the valley like It has a bitter taste from other salts Ione ounce of whole pepper, t os of ma- spiritualize the humblest lives and open which are *hoc in the water. Sea water , lard -teed, 1 os of ginger, abced, 4 oz of the way to • higher level of thought and e.•ntatna one -thirtieth its weight of alt. j mace. a small stalk of le ss-rsdiab, a action. Pleats contain a ,mall quantity of at. e; piece of alum the size of a large pea, and Then ts much truth In the homely sp- it is arpli.d to the sol to promote their 'half m cup of sugar. Tie op the spices horusm, "All work and no pity wakes growth. All the children know that salt in three mush* begs. Boil all together Jack a dull boy." Children should be seasons food aged preeereed meat end ; 10 miautes ; then pone all over the Provided with the means of amusing bah. It lase another bee, namely, glaz- I pickles. It is not necessary to amid the tbemeelves in suitale ways, and almost mg esrtbenware. Animals require salt etwmbers, yet many do 'n, rutting any inncceot way is suitable. You can the tames* humin bonnie and Nature , them into the kettle, with the vinegar not begin this top early, nor continue it has i evaded salt licks for wild anttnals laud mime, wbea cold, and mewing the too late. Playing cards are often object • an epidemic. Rich and ;mor were soon employed digging up the sail. The noble allowed his castle to fall into ruin and his park to run into a wilderness. The peasant left the fallow to dig in the mountain side. Rices ran dry, for the waters were diverted into flumen to wash the golden dirt. blonds were eut down to furnish sheds to import the under - It is easier to he wise for others than to be so for ones self. We like to give in the sunlight and to receive io the dark. Experience is the name men give to thir follies or their sorrow. If we did net flatter ourselves the flat- tery of others could nut hurt ua A man in any station can do his duty, and doing it can earn his own repast, Eternity is long enough to stake of for the ills of our brief troubled life hen. If you would not have affliction visit you twice, listen at knee to what it teach- es. Do not east your burden,' upon others. Rest them between yourself aad heaven! If you assume the garb of a fool, are you very sure that jou have not a natu- mined earth. The fields were mottled ral richt to it. with preat molehills and holes, and the There ie nothing more necessary than The dumb creatures khuw where to find bottom. sides, and top closely with eab- ed to es imjlementa of gamblingar , but so apeck'el face of Netere revealed where to know how to bethe tdious.toommu these salty pieces and resort there to lick I bye leaves, which improve the color. are wheat and deur and horses, and even the gnldpox had left its filthy tram' of life it up 11f they are Dot green enough at themea in frets of endurance sometimes The rich Memo rrn•r and they ravelled Our enemies curve nearer to the troth It us calculated that a tenon consume@ 1 tiro scalding, scald them a seared cease and brutalizing. But aside from . in their halls. Vulgarity and pretense sixteen pounds of Slat 'tory year. or 1 11T11, with fresh leaves around. This ads there are venous indoor amuse- I ruled in the castle. while the noble bee - about five ounces a week. Someone has `recipe is especially desirable for people menu to which no reasonable objection Qed at his own gate. The ' tint sat in the calculated that the salt in the ocean, if , living in the reentry, bemuse, hewing can be made. By all meatus encourage ' magisterial chair and the vile woman, separated would make a add stratum want' winos. the ..members of any size seasonable outdoor exercises, and do not espousing the bel bon, mo•ontd the r ter the ked of the oeser. 140 feet thick. preferred can be picked each day, wash• be alarmed at a little 1 uiaterousness. A I throne, and they received the homage There am many salt home in the world. ed. and put into the brine. if the beet keerty risgtine laugh indicates a healthy deeto genius, The Caspian Sea is the 'arrest being four coder vinegar is used for making pickles, cc.nditiout. You will never hear it from _ tines se large as Lake Superior. Great they will not become soft. the pale and sickly offspring of Dante i nemeerese teuterrrns. Belt lake in Utsh es the largest salt lake Mezzo hewn' - Take some very Propriety who stands ready to check the Cucnterfeits are always dangerous, in the United State& Now. children. lewder string henna. 'oma tory •m;(1 least naturalness in her tittle old men i more so that they always closely txt- in the opuuuss they form of as thou we do ourselte& Retribution stands with uplifted ale, and culture, rank and robes of sanctity canr.ot say its blow. We would often be ashamed of our toot actions if the world saw the motives whtch caused them. The nerve that never relaxes, the' eye that never blanches, the thought that when yes use salt, remember what a otiose, a eauli.ow•r broken into bite, • and women. There is indeed nothing ; TATE rug ost.ot(At IN APPEA1!ASr'E two avower wanders, are the harbingeoI valuta', article it is on earth so near heaven as a little child ( laws The remarkable @access achieved pepper* gherkins nand small green tr who has been suffered to retain its Rales aim- I by Nasal as a positive cure fur vr. ictory, tic'Pet solitude 1 or maMr ?01101. is usually subject to dangerous and sad- den attacks or bowel complaints, diar- rtse .re. dysentery, etc., slowed by change of food and water. The on-eerie /a n re- medy 'and curvet safeguard against all pet: troubles s Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Never travel with- out It. 2 Scene\ - Dunbarton Ret -office win- dow : - Two roasters gazing at a re- pre•eatatiol of • mother caressing an infant. Jamie -Aye, Delude, that's gee an' like ma mither an ens wee baby brither. Duncan—His your mither • babbi. tote Jamie -Ay, Doctor Mac- lachhc brocbt it, an' ma mither paid aim. Dunces--Aw. bit nor wean'. far the beet, 'casae Mrs Wilson brought it fn the Co-operation Si".. and it's a cheap- er vin tae, forbye we'll got "daviden on't. .f0mie agrees that in fetes all his wee baby heathers will come trim the dote. ens an•vevaae- it at said that daring the lifetime of mn the avenge ea be will soder* about 500 days nasals. The bat way to re- duce your seer -sego mee ie to wee Havdo. Blood Bitters whomever the system re- quited a toots regohtiug and cleansing nod:cans. 2 The beet way to improve eM i$il 5 lot is to build • home on it and pot a good .. man in the boo. Beal spreeaae. Run no nsk in haying medians, bat ttt. groat Kidney and Lever regula- r, made by Dr. Cha.', aothes of h.as's maitre. Try Chasa's ave It and 1111 TR In m imagoes,, them in salt and water and ere •great delight to the Agoing. The let them stand .boat twenty-four hour care bestowed upon then is never with- out, them well, pat them into a jar nr pan, end turn boiling *pieced vinegar over oat its reward, as the oft told tales of them ; let them stand till cool, then pat their fidelity and instinct that seems( them into glass jars and strip them tight. akin to reason' amply testify' Only the i The proportions of the different three- vicious or naturally cruel would indulge diorite in this pickle can be •arid to suit 18 abate abuse' and to such, their eom- the taste. paniontship should be denied hs inmacea .•f wh•tev Sore roe A Se ALL Fem ur. lbs of d r the home should be made seep meat, ora soup bnue weighiwg th d t sweetest place on earth. It In • word, tot er Me or a nM1, that ; wash the meat well and put to it 3 . is indeed the shield of honor Arid the quarte of oold water and threetesapn�a• sanciuiry of ipso'. Think not that any e .ares fills of salt, half one of pepper, nue small carrot. # • small turnip, moos ; each must weigh 3 ounoes after peeling ; @tick one clove in the onion, cut the veg.- able., and when the meat lies slowly boiled two hours, add the vegetables and cock 3 boars more. By slew boiling is meant just an occasional bobble in the mitre of the pelt Skim just as the meat comes to the hull then throw in half a sup of Bold water : take off the scum that will now nee rapidly, adding a little cold water again when it begins to boil. Skim again after the vegetables are in, and when done, strain. When mold, take of the fat ; don't shake; the snap, but poor through • clan cloth, &11 ,bet the •ediwt, whimb*e.p to mike gravy. It meet never boil feet, or it will be cloudy and taste poor. There will be two gaar1a ani a halt of fine, Meat slap, if the boiling had treats en slew as to waste vary little, sod this will be sufficient for two dinners. It ay be served sear tan fine day, and the next liaised 'nth cager rifle, barley, nom hos, vermicelli, IWian paste, noodles. Me. iuvack/We Uavtu.-I tablespoitshl et few nasal. 1 pint d sweet milk, 1 Pint of water. Mix the floor and semi ore for all dtssots of the lower, "n a little of the milk. make the rem.inn'• rye, Stomach end Bowels Sold by all of the milk and the water hot • wbM drumstsboiling stw is finand meal, seed" n^ paleness en often nA- II.AI 20 mtr.ut.&the Reae ta teats. easeten' The u. resat sowed le yowls girls and womNt. is dee sweetie if desired. is s wrest measure to a last of the red esepnuelei 111 the Mwd.. hl eTh o r,medy Freeman's dorm Powders Aemleoy H's&Menwinmeraery•anIhlW.blood" ec.sLteeets, rim"" "TEM without inlay to sawn or infest lm an4 the hast yM disowned es Johnson's T�aa•••Ddisowned. Sotos Priv. bit cents, and el Moktatge et °mosses dreg stare, AI&im oI'roepevtty ewmis.ks the ykier ; ft%Nf• ?tem11 per, Bole spat, [let silty messes the virtue& thing which adds to its eejoymeut is wasted. No investment yield* each pre- cious returns, since neither the love and gratitude id the young, nor the peace and c.nteotmeot of the old, are capable of being estimated by the aorntd values that obtain in the market places. Hay fever is a type of catarrh having penalise symptoms. It is attended by an inflamed condition of the lining mem- branes of the nostrils, teat-dacts and throat, affecting the lung& An acrid •wcoue ueecreted,the di.chargeiaaoecm Denied with a burning emotion. There are severe spasms of enforcing. frequent attacks of headache. watery and inflam- ed eyes, Ely's Crams Balm is a reme- dy that can ble depended upon. Boots. et dr..ggiste ; by mail, registered, AOeta. illy Brothers , Droggista, Owego, New Turk V ly _ — As old minister in Perth, in doom - ling from ensue tett i* whit& the word "follow" occurred, informed his audi- ence that he would speak of four dif- %mat kinds of followers. "Firm,- said he. "my friends, there are fill..weee shiest ; e.enndly, there are followers afore ; thirdly, there are followete eheekie for cin, sed aide* by side* and last i a', there are followers that Maud .tenentill " Catarrh and Culd in the Head bee in- duced unprincipled parties to imitate it. The public are csutiooed not to be de- ceived by noetruma imitating Nasal B•lea in name and appearance, bearing such names as Null Cream, N.sal Balsam, etc. Arc for Nasal Balm and do not take imitation dealers may urge epos you. l''or sale by •11 druggiatu nr newt post-paid nn receipt of puce (50c and 31) by addresatpgt Fulford & Cc., Brockville, Ont. tf a fn* OM Around rich Mottle of Dr Cbve'a Liver Cure is a medical [vide .nc1 receip book ennaining unfit information, over '100 reasiees, and pennouscrd by doctors sad druggists se worth ten tunes the .net of the inadentna Meditiitse wed Use* $L tioid ley ail dnrggrste. A story is is told If a a woman who, having some bodily ailment, called upon a doctor eo have his advice. After es• &mining her minutely, he gave her a fly plaster, and told her to put it on bet chest, On calling nett day. the doctor asked if she had applied the plaster to her chest, and felt any the better of it. "Nn replied the woman, "i tsarina • chest in the house, and I just olaand K on the auld tea -biz... tee ea weer Coave. ' Don't allow • colo in the head to slow- ly and surely run into Catarrh, whets yew can he cured for 25c. by using Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure- A few applica- tions cure incipient catarrh , 1 to 2 boxes mires ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 6 boxes is guaranteed to cote uhrotric catarrh. Try it. Only 25c and sure cure. !Sid by all drsgei•ts. 1y M. L. Swint, of Grand Rspide, has lomps of gsarried rock salt placed in the manger of each of his Hihsteina, a method of salting which is recommended I.y many. The salt eons 312 per time is Chicago, and a ton makes eaves bureau. Ladies Oat . The oomplenioc is only rendered un- sightly by Pimples, Liver Spots and Yellowness. These it is well knows are clued from au inactive Liver and bad blood. Dr Chase's Liver Care purifies the blood and whole Teem. Bea Re- cipe Book for toilet recipes, hinta and suggestions on how to preserve the moo plezton. fold by all druggist. A Famous Doctor Once mil that the secret of good tomettio .---d la ke.ptng the heed feet w*sa, and the bowels otos the eminent phyla..an heel is ore- and ur and known the uteric. of Agnes raft man aperteet, be would cert&ialy t.yve emeesa-s-ded them, sa so many et Ns distfngutshed successor* are duos`. 1 Tim celebrated 1)r. F&nuwort►, rn-, Norwich. Como, recommends Ayer% Pills as the best of all remedies lett "Intermittent Fevers." 1)r. 1. R. Fowler, of Bridgeport. Conn.. says: " Ayer's Pills are hied, and ualversally spoken of by the people about here. 1 make daily use of dies% Hs goy practice." • Dr. Mayhew. of New Bedford, Name says : " Havtug preiu rtbed many tins. Node of Ayer's Pills, in my pewter., 1 tan eaheeltatlugly pronounce them the beat cathartic in use." The Massachusetts State Awyer, hr. A. A. Hayes, certifies' : ' I have made a careful analysts of Ayer's Pills. They contain the score principles of well_ known drugs, Isolated Irons inert mat- ter, which plan is, chemically speak leg. d importance to their usehtlness. It lwaree activity, certainty, and uni- formity d effect. Ayer's Pills contain no metallic or mineral •uh tante, but the virtues of ye -getable remedies is skillful combination." Ayer's Pills, Prepared by Dr. J. C. A yer k Co., Lowell. V s. . bold by all Dester•s In ie 1.1*.. It not the eetuetion which makes the "Lien, but the man who snakes the &itrs- tine'. The alarm my be • freemen. Tne monarch may he a slave. Sitr•- nuns see n• hle dr ignoble, es we may make them, ectental a are. A core for Chelsea Morbus A posi- tive cure for thio dat.gerona completed. and foe ell scute or chr..r.ic tens of bowel complaint incident to summer and f.11 is found in Dr Fowler's Estrect int Wild Strawberry, to M procured frim any druggist or medieiue dealer. * , It is mid that the sae cello res. toff with a pair of scales is the man who stole a weigh. But the matt 'Phu cheated b them was the one lying to weight. Regulate the Lam and B "wets by the jzdicioa use ed National Pills, they are purely "operable. lm A lady asked Garrick why love was al- ways repnraeuted es $ child ? He replied, • "Because lure hewer reaeber the age of wimduin and experience." Mule e. rl•rpes.. W. are taught that everything is made to till some purpose. Th. reason Bar - dock Blood Hitters has succeeded in be- ing placed in the front rank of modern medicines is that it fills s, well the pur- pose for which it was iutended-that of curing diseases of the stomach, liver and blood. 2 floe of the beat usggestions we have seen anywhere is that "Every farmer should grow his own feeding stuffs o0 his own farm." To do so makes farm• ing fairly profitable in bad times. Bare and thin spots in meadows can be remedied by sowing on grass or clover seed and apnekliug it over with a light coat of tine manure, and if well sorateh- d with a fine toothed implement the process will be aided very materially. To make en excellent rattrap fill a barrel two-thirds fell of water, and spread on top of the water a quantity of chaff. Take • piece ..f light board, .iz inches square, and to the centre of one aide of it a piece of smoked meat and te the centre of the other aide a piece d lead, or ether metal, a little hoiden than the meat, and set the hoard on the chaff. meat aide up, and makes runway en the eats can tet to the top of the Iter• rel cm the outside. This trip is always set, sod the rat san never eat the bait. •• He Sever aeaeta/ •gala r Pin "hardly ewer' about it. He ked an shuck of what people ealI "bilioas- neea,"and to smile was impassible, jet a mole may ''senile and smile. sad he a villasn still. Mill he was no villain, hat a plain. blunt, honest man, that needed a remedy such as Dr Pierces "IMg'asant Perg.tive Pellets." which never fail to Mem b,iw.nesame end discussed m torpid Irmo, dvspeMu snit chrome oaust ps ties. tie drnggtit& If our whole time was spent in ama- ing ourselves we should find it more wearisome than the hardest days work. N.,. Yessaeta►M 114111. Found at last, what the true public has been looking for these many yeses and that 1. a medicine which although but lately introduced, has made for itself a reputation second to none, the medicine is Jthnson's Tonic Bitten which in conjunction with Johnson's Tunic Liver Pills has performed some most wonderful cures impure nr im- pnverished blood soon becomes purified and enriched. Billiousnew, indtgeetion, sick headache, liver complaint, languor, weakness, etc , soon disappear when treated by these excellent tonic medi- cines. For hale by Good, druggist, Al- bion block, Goderich, sol. agent . (d , It is alleges that manufactures of lard have used fifty million pounds of cotton seed for adulterating lard doting the pact y ar. Te /M remessS. . aa/ matt whom it may eases. Phosphstine, or Nerve lime, a Pim- them Element !lased epos Scientific Yeats, Formulated by Professor Austin, i1. D. of Roston, Masa., eines Pulmnn- ttq Coonanmptioa, Sick Headeehe, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia clad dl wasting dis.a.se. of Me- human eyresa Phsmphatiwe is not a Misdating'. hist a Nutriment, Laic.a it en stains no ♦eseable to Mineral Poisons, Opiates Rummel., and no Stiun Ianta, hat sionplj Zline PhnspiiMie and Gsrtrie Memento fused is ear duly f.w.d. A single bottle is aYfa.imttA lel enevinoe. All ilrugtrmets .dl it. fit OJ per bottle. i. rally & 0o. sale woes foe Om Duminton, .Z., A real Etreet LAst Toruntu. 5- t '1 • • -I 41 t i • 4 • 1, W:LL CURE OR REUEVt BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINE88, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF IrNE STOMACH. DRI rES INDIGESTION. JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS. BAIT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, ItfADA(NIE, W THE SKIR, And eery spectre .1 d1M•as dt.order•d LIVER, KlOaetYS, eT $Oewata OR St.000. T. MILBURN a 8C.. ^-a''t''p pre,. Clilira Cr' for Pit r'iCastarz When ashy nos risk, we p.e iter em*wo. Wins she mea. & ChM. aM mad ear OapsatA When she besem. Mir, abs sheat se0•Mmia. Whoa aha had Cbdirak she game them ani sem. INVENTION hes MVO lotion/MT OW warts Amin. 111. hit hal eeatsry, Int IMO ameng the weeders et inventive pep rr tea method 17071871.1..4 .1 week mer sae pe.tter ocd an ever tit* ttesatre within* t 11,. +wharm Muss their hemss. Pavy Illlmeal an tae cue 4e the •�•� .nos, young or old so epeeist • Ity rot= not no.erl,.d . reg see etaeted Cot tuts not and rotors to .Mead we will am yfro!,eew.Mhtt.* of 'pent valor sere partamcv to Too, that wt11 ONO pen 1. beM- mwr, which win Mag yen to mw right *way, tam anything else fa the =if 44.8114 wit* few. AAdreee Tltra R Cps. neMteeta.: 4004