HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-8-3, Page 1i FORTY -elft T 'RAIL WHOLK Nl'Mele nit f 0EVOTE° o SOU GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1$$$. GEN ER INTELLIGENCE tgfaa �m saett IN ]IT THE WATERWORKS. WS LAMB M OiRLYEL — -- Rare atweeesee at the e i.J-AD How the Wolk of Putting in the praH masa. Pipes is Progressing. rrem the Montreal Oaaet ie. -- The funeral of the late Mr John es and tae s eerraebr Less Arwl IDs were O,tileie took place from the faintly mei- -Tim Molar s. eietl.as Ilse rapes dance, 127 Druwut,.n i street, at 3 Mw tb. Laborer* aro Worlds' o'clock Wednesday afteruoun and was Making lite Pars. Joist. very largely attended, many prominent esrehants and repneeutauve men Neal present to pay their lest tribute of re - Wednesday moraine THm StiiNAL spice to the memory of the deceased, strolled down to the part of the town 'ih. members of the Corn Exchange whet• the work of laying wsterwarke is woeytiun attended in a body, as did F[sessam e, and had • pleasant Toter- also the employees of the .•lice and mills view with superintendent Leathern, one of A. W. (Silt ie .l' Co., of which 6rw of the stntractors. He is • square -est the deceased was • member. A service Ereseekwmn apparettly, with a thorough was held in the house,at which the Rev. knowledge of his business, and the M. Stewart Oxley officiated, assisted by knack of being able to turn his hand to the Rev A. le Upham. after which the anything fro. handling • spade to civ- funeral esters formed and proceeded to Ing • technical ditqutntion on the most Mount Royal Cemetery where the re- totnate details el water serves. mina were cosigned to their last earthly Yes, we're Netting ahead in fstr faah- rset/ng place. ion, said he, and iso far we haven't ezper- The paU-bearers were Mtwara Hugh tensed moth tooth digging. We streak McLennan, H. Labelle, G. Cheney, G. some d.y op -•n Wslhugteeest., oat kept M. Kioghor n, M. P. Ryan, G. W. moving alogia at a *rood rate, and we Reed, George Graham and Ewan Mc - don't anticipate much trouble with Ibe Loose. The chief mounters were the digging part. If the supply of pipes is three sons et the deceased, )lases Alex - kept up ws will make good time, and get soder. Douglass and Norman tiKilvie ; through satisfactorily, although losing his brother, Mr W. W. t►gilvie ; his tl.e month of July throws es Inter in the son-in-law, Mr E. F. M•»eley ; his * *aeon. The committee appear to be fatber-in-Iaw.Mr G. Watson, .,f Chicago; doing all they emu to keep as supplied Mann M. Hutchison and F. Jurdan, with pipes, and now that Garfishes.* bsa of Goderich ; J. Baptiste, .d Three - got down to busioees, I think bell be Riven, and G. W. Lumdie, of Muntreal. able to keep us going. I don't think Amongst the large number who followed there'll he any difficulty about getting were Means. George A. Drummond, R. hands. We stt.rted iso Thursday with B. Angus, Ald. Jacques (heftier, J. 1'. thirteen. and have about twenty-tbree Clethorn, W- C. bluodsrk,h, A. F. now. By the end of the week well pro- ()salt, Jonathan Hedg•un,C.P. Harbert. bade have on thirty. The work is Robert Refund, Wm. enacts. Henry n ew to them, but some of them will Hogan, Ald. White, Ald. Clendinneng, maks gond hands, ani by the sad of the Thomas Macdougall, Ron J. K. Ward, season will be well op :o the basins.. Fred Gardner, B. Judge, J. J. Curran. Every man has his twelve foot action to Q C., M P., J. 8. Hall. sr., John Hall, empty out, and knows what be has todo. M PP., Owen McGarvey, J. A Pillow, So far I bare had no difficulty, and the Robe. Mackay, Cleft. Howard, J. 8. thing is musing along smoothly. When Honey, Georg. Brush, H. R. Ives, we were starting, one of your town girls George Hsndrill, Murdock Laing, W. wanted to turn the first sod, bet we had M•sterman,W. F. Johnston, 8. H. Ma Nixon the work before she got on the Ald Stevenson, Mr Justice Cruse, D. ground, sod of oourse that ceremony Lock.rby,George Barringtun,D. Robert - was dispensed with. She was a little sen, R. M. Edales, A. E. Gagnon, A. put out about it, and I dieted to let bar G. McBean, D. A. McPherson, Stewart, dig oat • section 12 feet long, • yard Munn, J. 8. Nein.. Chas. S. Goole, wide and 5} feet deep; but she declined Joseph Gould, J. E. Kirkpatrick, James with ibaok•. We made the first iuint Allen. W. H. Arotoi, W. T. Benson, A. on Wellington-st oo Friday morning, MeK. Cowie, J. P. Cox, E. F. Craik, T. and mother girl volunteered to do it. A. Crane, Jas. Darling. Thos Darling, I told ler to be on heed at 730 s m., M. Nolan Delisie, A. A. L. Dessulnises, expecting that she would bask -out at the W. A. DeWitt,R. Finley, G. H. Hans, last, but she didn't. flies yon, she just J. E Huueicksr, W. F. Johnston, R jumped into the drain without anyhest- S. Kioghorn, Wm. Kinloch, John taunt, sod poured the lead into tjeiwt Magor, A. A. McCulloch, Alex McDns- ia • thorough workmanlike manner. ga11,M. J. McGrail,R. P. Maelea,Walter Y... she belongs to the town -it was Mies Paul, James Shearer. J. L. Smith.Jams• Stokes There will be 33.000 fat of pips Stewart. James Th.rn,A. G. Thompson, IsiJ, al told, with 47 hydrants. Sees D. G. Thompson, Jams Williamson, T. changes will be made from the (Iri;Tasl C. Balmer, Alex. Tough, David Brows, plan, bet that is disssstionery with the G. Serbs, Wm. Smith, Alex. Ramsay. Pitcher who brought $800.000 of steles Liverpool Child, John Hsxtord's Hiatus committee. Up to the present time we P S. Rnm,R. T. Routh. F. Peal, D. H. money into Goad., and modestly propos- end poetry. For 52 numbers of 64 large have laid shoat 1,400, and have had Henderson, W. J. Heodersou.Ald. Vile d to his victim to compromise fci pages each for more than 3,300 para a plain ailing. It doesn't take much rain aueave, A. C. Trotem, Peter White, $130,000. year) the subscription puce ($8) is low ; to interrupt work when you get down 1 Hugh Brodie, Jas. Currie, J Daigle E. TIER sERINA INDIAN& while for $1.50 the publishers offer to over five fest, for at that depth you ars St. Dennis, A. B. Chaise, jr., Wm. Me- i wed any one of the Amerie•n $4 month - close to the dags]L p in any event, and be- aster, George A. Greene, A. C. Het- Major General Middleton has retort- tlies or wsek:ues with the Liri,.1 Aye for sides that, ear pecking for the pips chieoo, Robert Irwin, D. McMillan, W. ed to the city trots Quebec, and aye ; a year, both postpaid. Leta!! 4 Cc., most be kept dry. , No, you sane do Drysdale, D. Morrie* (Sts Therese), 8 he doesn't think the Indian trouble in Boston Masse are the publishers. mach better than aartebore's contract fur the Skims district, British Columbia, pipe. We hare figured on the pipe supply on several oemmaiess. and bed that the dety is agaiate es ; that extra $12 is • sticker. If it wasn't for that you could get in pipe at about $26 a toe. Wbo pays the duty / Why the tows, of course. But, then, it help" oar Canadian 'masteries, although ws have to pa for it. No ; the dsty doesn't help the Canadian workmen who make the pipes, for their wages were mot is - creased by the putting ore elf the darty. In the casting of the pipes there is very little of what you'd call skilled labor. Any ordinary laborer nen go in, sed as - wt et the work of .siding papa It takes over five pounds of lead to 611 each joist, reed on Monday, was mode in e.o.m. MI. J. V. lura, M P. and it hos to be Rood sad soft to poor. bor. 1871, with a codicil added in June, Many ayes were tatted os Mr Ellis, We expect to have some mon of our 1883. It gives the exseston the power )L. P., for 81. Jobs, N. B, duties last owe workmen from Leados tomorrow of inverting the money of the estate as esu on as be had expressed tb. opines and thee we shall move along mon they plass Deceased lava to his flat seasx•tioo to the Gaited States was rapidly. widow $6,000 a yar, the hoes and all desirable. T►ey saw a little man with • Mr Leathern then explained the appendages. furniture, etc., during her fresh 1..., wearing a beg whits beard, 'hese been used. awl in all cases duly se method of placing the hydrants sod lifetime. No expense is to be spared. bright eyes and high toeehsed sur.ouot- knowledge.). The "Statistical Record.' rsistng bite. in the event of breakage or partioalyvly in the *dimities of his sons. .4 by white locks of hair.ague. Hs is aguwill prove to be •• most valuable of Tod ativM working, titer which Tin j reported es advocates annexation in his BIOLAL bade him good; morellog, feeling 'iib IO [ h piper the St John Globe, but in faints. satisfied that so is a the oontred for to Mr Ellie it should be staged that in laying the pipe was coseereed it meld be shoved along as fast m tet dligset work and exponents could do it.. FROM THE CAPITAL. l M.n't°6* tag"""" are farmers, lawyers, 5 merchant., four grata Myers I and a banker, an Sesame mesa, au Latest Political and General implement manufacturer and a surveyor. News from Ottawa. Eighteen are Presbytsriaoa, 7 Catholics, 7 Episcopalians, 4 Methodists and two —_ Riptisrs. Liquor Lar. ss. 1. tar alai west- Sr bolas /Mod Davla's Keeton TM lseMbs or Assemill.s-- t'ekrbeserr flee. Mow urinal Cwtp. Prom our reviler Correspondent. t)ttaws, July 31. The liLIuor question in the Northwest Territories is bound to bo the subject of much future discussion in and out of Per- lis meet owing to the sction of the new Lieut. Governor, Mr Royai. Hs was here yesterday and announced tbat he was going to inaneunte a general license systtnn °reecho whole of the Northwest. He will inue permits to soy hotel to see wine and beer provided the application is endorsed by the local member of the Assemble , THE LAW .r Ir. The clause in the Northwest Tenitoriee Act says : "I' o intoxicating Bursar or iotoxieant shall be manufactured, a,epuatced or made in the territories except by the mooed permeates of the Governor in Counciljp �mi�n�t shall any intoxicating hopes or tato ieist b• imported or sold, exchanged, traded or bartered or had iu possession therein except by special per- mission, in writing of the Lieut. Gover- nor. It is under this clause Mr Royal most proceed. He aye he will allow the sale of beer under the (ollowinv c-,ndiuons —It mat cot contain more than four per seat of alcubol, • his of ten tants • a cellon beiog charged.' The hotel must have twelve redia, beer must not be spur on Sur:days except at mals, nor to asyose under 14, nor to a draukeo per- son, the total quantity under one permit shall be shipped in at one time and every shipment shall be inspected by the polios Mr Royal says thea will premote temperance by replacing the "hop beer" at present sold there and which Mr Nico lir Flood Davin describes as being ccs- cocted of the following ExTIAoaDUta&Y COMPOUNDS: salicylic acid, • poises : 0000ulus indices. els, • poison ; gree. vitriol, slue, com- mon salt, system pepper. caramel, cori- ander, caraway seeds, liquorice, treads hooey. It is certainly too much to *a- pes Retina's favored son to drink this stuff end how anyone does and lies through it is • q.eetiou. The license to Banff Hotel, Mr Royal says, will have to be ratified by the Do.iaaon Guverameot, as it controls the National Park. Aft $800,0(x1 rater. The Goveratoent has received an •p - plication for the extradition of Mr TuB cAKAL PALL& Great threats of retaliation are being made at Washington against Canada it we continue to charge at the Welland Canal 20 cents • tun en vessels passing through sod vim 18 cows back to all vessels that go by the Canadian route to Kingston and Montreal. The Ameri- can who take groin to the seaboard by American routes pay the full 20 cents and elates that this u • violation of treaty rights. Au article in Friday'. Mutitreal Getette foreshadows a change by the Canadian Government, who area. doubt assess t i continue pleasant relstiuus with our big neighbor. •'►Milt. W",4IP. The Kingston dry duck, one of the largest on the lakes, to, cost $75,000, u being located by a ,toreroment engineer. Hon. J. J C. Abbott is yachting w the Saguenay. Hon Mr Chaplau is at Orcharil Beach. He will be at Joliette the 7th August, and at St Jerome on the 14th. H. Cuursal M. P. is danueromuly ill at his hums in Quebec province. - Hon, Mr Thompson, Minister of Jet- ties*, returns about Aug. Inth. Government engineers have completed preliminary surveys' of the projected "Ss' canal. Arthur Ward, • Montreal contractor is applying for a divorce from his wife Jennie Darrel:, now of New York on the grounds of adultery, desertion, and attempting to p.ien hies The "Cruiser" is to cruise in the Geor- gian Bay. The convict R chart., dying in King- ston, penitentiary is t o be release*. THE EDITOR'S TABLE. A word er ewe arse New MsbUestlN* Teat Move tome M Man. ar LITTELL!t LICINo Ai;S. The numbers of the Lanny Aw for Jot, 21 and �I contain Arehb.hnp Trench's poems Nineteenth Center, ; Co etempurary Life and Thought in France, Contemporary : Eli:abeth,Qusen of Roumania, and A Rival of March Polo, National ; Mate Semervdle, •sd lndun Insects, Blackwood : About Twu Great Novelists, Temple Bar ; A Visit to the Monastery of Rile, and Diver- sions of a Pedajogse, Macmillan ; The Hohenzillerns, and Tb• Late Emperor's Malady, Si. James.; Martens. Eagles and Owls, *eaterdey keriev. ; Wonders is Man, Litteraise du Figaro ; with Lil, a H. May. John Lewis, J. L. Morris, Q. Dunham, F. Simms, H Chaaviu, and i the expediticn sent north, consisting We hats rso ivd the "Statistical many o•thete if about 100 men, is too small in the I R.eord• of the Dominion of Canada for Among the floral ofuie*. which were ' Geo.ea'. opni°o, sod he telegraphed t` 11887. it u published by the Dp•rt- meet of A ricultarel, and this is the third year of imps. All the Ieadisg tables that appeared in its predecessors have best retuned, and In some c•aes have been enlarged, the information being brooght to the close of the Miss the authorised strength. 1 bs tial or calendar year, while on Dome mat- Northw.st, however, should be allowed ten, information. has been given op to the tied of 1888. A new Alter to raise • couple of regiments if they are on Mineral statistics haa boon added, anxious t� do Drs, as it would /sun a which will be found to contain informs - feeling of security. tion of much value, hitherto not avail- able to the public. The fell teat of the proposed 6sery Treaty m given io chap- ter hap ter Ilii. Official publiestions hay.,in all eases been used, where •ralleble, and where iaforesstion has neo taken from outside works only the most trustworthy C Warden King,A. McKerrow, Georg. will amount to anything. But if it doseI aTATnnTICAL RECOID. THE SPHINX. Another Letter From the Land of the Pharaohs. 11b. M.sap /scare - A Meat Rho RILVDMaa Taatssaesee -T a Tempts /Cabe spites —an beat/est be tbe *side as Nassau Delver. Doubtless it is the desire of every traveller to see this famous old deity of the ancient Loy puma, and with limy brain and weary body after our toilsome descent from Cheops, we plodded through the sends over a driftiog path where peripatetic pleasure -eskers had trudged sins lung before the days of P'tioy. A quarter of • mule brought us to this remarkable work of mac. Io the hieroglyphics • large black crow standing over • black dao represents the name by whmch this god of the aimlents was kalowa, and which is translated Hol -EM 100, "The Sun in his resting place." I was much disappuinted on beholding the rough -featured fes. The descriptions generally given in books of travel lend the readers to imagine the Sphinx to have a "massive" "classic brow", a "keen penetrating' yerophette eye," a "pleasing expression on the face,' "a fined reeoiution" anda "dreamy thought- fulness,' etc ; these gualitise of beauty are evolved merely from an overwrought imagtoatlen. There u nothing io this nowise, beardless, eyeless, hairless figure, but its massiveness to recommend it to • second thought from the passer by. 1 No famous Egyptologist, Marlette Bey, proves TRI* ftTRLSOE IIOCIE with a lion's body and • man's head to be older even than the pyramids. For nearly 100 years its massive emotes. body lay crouching, buried in the ands of the desert, but while I sat on a smooth polished granite boulder that had at one time been part of the tempts of the Sphinx, viewing it, shumefoily de- faced features, 1 counted thirty small boys and girls from eight years old to fourteen, busy with baskets on their heads, oarryiug away the and from be- tween the forepaws. Over this drove of unfortunate, toiling children was A REAL, LIVE I0YPTIA\ TASEYL'TEI. Every half minute some lingering boy or girl would suddenly have proof of his liveliness and reslity by $ heavy blow from a Tong ox goad. One of our party would have taken summary ve0Raoce en the miserable slave-driver, but he was prevented by the others of es It, however, had the effect of badly searing the ever...re'and of giving • short re- spite to the toiling chilren. The clear- ing away of the and is a most difficult and tedious operation on account of the drifting clouds from the Western desert. Betweeo the paws are this tablets, an i altar, • hon, and some fragments of lions. The altar shows from its position that in the long -ago past sacrifices were made before the Sphinx aid the numerous and beautiful, was one from ; the Prevents' Government th• the family, eoo.istio. of • large eusbioe enemy be owed raw 5,000 men to sop - with the �"MTN and impressive word Pres any rising. Pathsr." The employees o[ the so - ora sad Royal mills, as a token ret their i for their demised employer, soot • sndnnse broke° °cisme, standing folly 3 feet high, surmounted with • dove, and at eke kms in purple letters were the words "GOoete Rest." It wee tastefully designed by Mr 8. 8. Bain. The will of the late Mr John Ogilvie, Gi Th. request of some Calgary residenta for the enrolment of a battalion in each of the Northwest Provinces is not likely to be cooplied with, u the militia u now to fit them as useful members of moiety. • willstats that apart rem the amounts required to edemas the obit - dem, the remainder is to be allowed to ameasulate until theyounvest child is of age tthi. child is one year old), then to be divided equally amongst the ehilde s. The total amount lyft is altos $900,000, $40,000 in life as.srasee, $500,000 is Josh or its equivalent, tAt r•maiader bo - ins is stoats and real estate. Thsre an no eharitabl• bequests The young Eve roe of Germany .peak• of "my army. ' ' my navy," "my people,- "my empire." He has not and anything shout ' e] earth." but it ..y rot bs lest before be wire it. It will bs enosidembly longer before he gee It. When two women, who are (insets, meet no the street, they ..i1. right there. What two a s•,who ars :riends, mese os the Areal, they adjoiern to the mama same to '4msile.' The latter method ie the meat enemies. As lar sed Mn John Little and • ewg remake Bebop• team attoodisig sawed Mime llsaila felgrwere am, $snday aft rsen m basset. ne.nnatsable and the rig •heed, which was asse- y 0.s.• Prader, lee wife sad Mr Gee. Proses and two mid .past all dowe an •.bask - ea•. whit• n smarty isnoty fest Map pima Mei Ohm Proctor is so aim bat glut she (amok vesee i. Ache Utile Ian hie span badly hart. Yi.s faith sod Mw (lei* Prods ham rewired *In r t is j rives, whish be Mos op f ow a elide A somber of monitory man ineisdisg Lime -Colonel Str.ebsui. and Liemt- t:olesd Lewis, it... arrived is Ottawa to sit •• • eommi.won spas °Maio Aims arises est of the N°rtkwest re- bellion. The sestina frneeen of the L. H. 81 B , south of Chutes, met wit► whet wee seer being a serieos§ ssetdestt. Mr ansthom was ea the 646 p.m expose Wood seerh, sad doubles to get of at the Bsyfsld road bridge, attempted to limp of whir the train was almost at fell speed, sod in doing se he fell Mak and woe shatk by the Mils. He was btsnght to Clinks Motion nu the trate. •sd it was lased a .iaminstss by Dr Williams them ea boas wen broken, although badly shaken up. He is pro gremlog as favorably as meld M expo d, although it will k will Mame wushe Way he will be ably to attend to his duties. refsr.sc., T$E('AY.aDA MRTH.D14T wiIAZINI. this kart article he merely takes •dean- The quality and quantity of illustrat- taRe d Senator Stewart's sueaeetion to eel articles in this popular month! for persists. Omsk from England. to my Aetort, are well kept up. Among those that our totem is oar own sod here is of chief interest in the present number an opporteeity to disuse it, artainv too are tbse en "Round About England," that possibly Cenads may prefer Inde- "The Land of Pharaohs,' "Landsarks peados,* to absorption by the Cr.ited of History,' and an aha written pappesrr Mama. Mr Ellis, no deed, believes , M the Rev, R. Walter Wright, on 'Th• aseaxatios the bat osteons. bet ie the 1 Life of Henry t► adsworth Loughlin," peesest artiste he sorely invites discs- with fine portrait The first of these is Son, std this is • free eosntry for the i devoted merely to walks about London. seniors. Tim t OLC IMITII (*Oft/ er. The esedidste het nominated by the C.nenunar Liberab bevin rmig.ed, the totems The engrsvisp ars of • very d T hose declared pletfors is ami -1 ap•td•i totiendowelling. &dol re.lewtd reeipeomty ani sed eloquent papas en THREE Mon TA$IZT. were placed against the beset forming a sort of sanctuary. There u no doubt but shat the Sphinx was trusted with divine honors by the priest. asd •tr'a.g- en who visited the spot in MMM times Th. combination of the lion sad mea, symbolical of strength and wisdom, is a common form of deity with the atsaients, and is found in many part of the ancient world, bot this u undoubtedly eke kis* of stone Reda. It measures 140 fest t owing to the mode of =semi, some s•k long ; the head i. 30 feet from the top u ewe, haw, und eigeess"oset, wee it *mem pioturoe and vivid descrip- tions enable one to realize very seesnte- ly the varies sepses of the world'. metn.polis. The other artielse are of nook beetles, sewed W the Lumina -me other Tike thine, eery weep.. e M proved 01 .or s•ts.fisteue bus.. use were very ,nein with age, bet M Loa IVO were Lao lea the ''notique" lies, b u aid that many of the pnoeipal 4s'hND in Cairo boomed rich trues t, • pets of antiquities wuufrlutal is their backyards, end siren a geaoine smite/ appearance by • peculiar greening IR* - ewe eh:eh would decree taw .stat expert eldest ,.f u,cmaet rarities. Fat this moustmns creates of stump with ite thick Negro lips and msssise- lees face, we turn to the tIMILI or THE •SPNIAI a abort dietetic* t•, the meth. lye betiding is wholly constructed of to imam blocks oaf red granite, remtedmt the visitor of Stonehenge. flue tame block is upwards of 2K) feet long toy feet spasm and elevated on other simi- lar blocks to • height of 12 feet. This singular place, ones no doubt h•autufei, but now • ro..sese pile of granite. mss almost certainly • tomb -house built s some connection with the neighbor* Sphinx, but no writings have been f,,tsi on it to definitely solve the time of, co remelt for tie its construction. Toed amid foota.'re we returned to the carriage and poked op the driver who had cos !stably tone to sleep on oar mats at soasiderable rick to the future clerk - mum of otr penmen, for filth and sense ars in fertile soil in Egypt.. Qs_ apple tart to Cairo AN ACCIDENT OCCURRED which served to show the heartless as- ters ton of these people. The horses, • fine pair of greys, were very froth after their long reit while we were doing the surds. Turning rapidly rotted • atone curbsag in the mad the guide who accomp•si•l us from Cairo was thrown violently from the driver. sat, the carriage psecae over bits, but the festive Jehu ou the box would have dnven on and -left the unfortunate guide lying on the rod, dead for all be oared, had we out inter fared and had him attended to. The poor fellow was badly hurt but met with no sympathy from his fellows. 1). E. Mi -C, COMMUNICATIONS. t4•�Mw et ear eeW Me Mr w ten te this debertb B est meet e r selves to pue�oqueet nes. awl be bed.�� Tbe teasers war. G odeticb July 30th led. To the eiitor of Tho Mese Sta.-The explanation regnired to the editorial from tete Torosto Mail, which yen published of last week, regarding a standard barrel of alt and short weight salt, is not tar to seek. What they ,all a tall, was passed through perliamest last ssasio• governing, or attempting to regulate,a barrel of alt at 280 lbs, which is very unastisf story and not what the majority of the salt manufacturers want- ed. W. trusted cur ace in the heeds of Robert Porter. M. P., bet be moat have slept at his post, for two .alt mse- factorers are able to obtain their ose- sided atran etnest, much to the detri- ments of all others. The charge of con- travening the law is unfounded, because when the manufacturers found sssb • law wee in fora, they ceased to ship whet the public asked for. We ate eompsfled to pay mon for our staves, and sisfihr many hardships to meet the wishes of a selfish few. The Government sbcdd have appointed same ane to esquire into the mode of manufacture sod to have vested the different works before making say ..ch •mesdme•ta when they would sot grant any means of inspection. Today, of tie foeebad to flu bottoge of the /bin, and about 15 test serous the top. At one time the face was &domed with a lung, heavy bard, but some unknown power, • oonv.lsion of esters possibly, book. the beard nfi close to tb. Mkin,tkr riving rise to the common error that this fair creature was of the female persua- sion. TIM oto, The somtin•tios • ..road eoev.stioe dim on 1 !high order o f artistic sent • the h Mr Cr.. Eaton, hardware ssrebaM, qualities r of no lees sloe Wewedd e•i Time, w •flea • - �ahibNiete soy "CAgisItsuk emus that se emdittde If tW •eestysag Other patio," Ay nee. Pre. wet will fee, the people maks they Eft is far prohibition. I1 there is $ Third Party Msedidate it will be Edward lehos. Premier (Ived•way who i is New Tort ia said to hem edmpt•W as Braes meet with the Maths. Tales Roelwy however, still hangs • hues mass of al- most shapeless ruck on either side of the had, • rather convincing pored of the antiquity of that t.ible of Nene. At sae tisk. • cap or hsedrees eovered the bead. probably terminating io an sop erect as see in other ancient /uses o1 the $phinz. Whether, *ben these easements were i■ their place the writer scold have treed the features .et:limely basthful or sweetly emilieg, oddly benevolent or ewe inspiring, • typo 01 moisten msjesty or base Idolatry, 1 kiss sot, but as it stands it is almost • tole up whether you believe it to be • playful freak of oaten where she has by obsees left a big rook somewhat re se.bliag • lice's body with a e•s°'m heed, or, in tb. days of giants, some of the young Runts herring war the Nile on their way to school bent out of Nis mid this badly fashioned titers which wee afterwards petrified. The tam laded very closely rermbles a schoolboy's attempt at emotes" • Im- am head frogs teed. As Arab for a 'haekakdshe" of /red `go, of Victoria fleivseity h is • most in.treetive sod beesd-sitaded Mt.4y of empathy* religien. There is aim a mask esteeming paper nu 'The Tri- umphs nf the Cres. stn Higbee. Oriesds," by tie Rov. F. W. Msere. The real .moan of Kibbe .rtimss I. by wbisk the Prioritise will ION semp.ti. fareish•d ; ales a vigorous paper as Hee with lb. O. P. 13 .04 so r.tify "After the Scott Aet-What r' le gives Prohibiting,. the IAgisstine Y to be calla I en societies soma omi the enbjeet d kggother at ems. It le ke asest ig to T.blProhibiting,. 7ers a* : William sett that of the 38 slasher, of the Mfg* - 2 per year, 61 for sir meaths requires weak leas to give the public 280 lbs. titan it would take of good salt but as quantity somas to be all that's re- quired it is cot an expasuive, or yet difileslt, tints for us to resort to the emu mesas. Bet whither shell the re- sent good maims of Godotrich salt deal I .talons a copy of the petition settles forth whet the (iodsis\ salt manatee - terse wanted, sod yes sat ase bow seer they cisme to obtahoing it. Having to pile our alt 6 tiers high Si a weasel es End . 260 Rm. barrel ie so heavy that tis bottom mese aro generally 'rushed and broken, and do ant mask their marled io as good a shape sea 4fi0 lbs barrel would. The bill does ant provide Ilse the weight of socks ; knowing that all English Balt reaches 0.rada ie some Okay wished to add to their present ad - van tags. over the Cased leo mandace ems. I. oouolssion 1, wish to thank you for the manner in which you MN for some weeks plat placed before the plebes the sscstisnt qs hes of O.asdis* alt Your., Jen. KIDD, Jr. VO DUMB UP TIO •eetex'm wmire, end get tab • minty no the trip el the head where its braitw .hnsld be, bet we were satisfied that he amid do it end did lint enter tato seetiest. the w'add hoes boohoo of a piano of the ens. toe ss to ferry .way, bat eomstdoriag th t the septum sad all the artilaila.om ewe had lima fake •wsyq by • eaaomr ie the days of the f'hae.ob. we agate wars im- mswhls ifs thea triad to sail as some of tIO wnbese - little hod served The fall wheat around here is • light Mile Maggie McOmdia has bas in at the \seaweed lately. )tile I. Bathe/deed, side d aroma. her holiday' d lidasy.isius[ t Il.emillee. Mr Robe. Stnthers, wife sad .hildzss of Ottawa, are visiting Meade is this sestina. Mr Mothers, bet ham roes - meted for another year, ee un am ataat timber in the Ottawa Oo1Lgi•t• tasti- tate, at an iners.ad salary. Mr Distal Altos has grim. to Lnados to work with his Mother. W. mite pleased to a. that Masts Haeme Mullis passed the Entma.u, seam. 4 SO " ' .e ee • 9. 1