HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-7-27, Page 8t
Pencilling', and Bctarring* from
Wow rem. all ever 4'eaatr. cooed
t Upped see 4 e meriseed rite an.
Mast The ?Irk et the kr44
fosse oar 1trMS•es.
Archie McLaren, of I'hiladelphis, is
vis it his father in U:.btin. Mr Mc-
Laren has become •nigh attached to the
Quaker City and has succeeded in estab-
halting quite • lucrative trade is the
furniture lino
Chas Lloyd, of old %1'ingham boy, and
who has been on a tour through the
'outheru Stites during the past four
years, returned to town last week. Char-
lie has many friends in 4.wn, who wel-
come him back home.
Mrs las Whitely, of the With onto
Goderieb township, has rented her farm
of 80 acres w Mr John Weir, for $'tib a
ye•r,end is s e,..ttata•.n for the purchase' the knotty problem of rowing •bot
of a hoand lot .t Clinton, whom she ashore while I., ,king at the sun setting
will take up her residence.
in an opposite direction.
Wm Stewart, if 1st cm E. Wawa- _
nosh, met with a very painful accident Lee IMM.
last week. He was engaged in rolling _
stones down an incline for a fou.data,n Mrs John Andrew., of G.oderirh. And
of •hare, when •,ria 11 ter, tally ruttedMrs Jarvis, of Windsor, are visiting
on his foot, lamming very badly.
friends hare.
"e"re W. Hale, W. W41"' and J. Mr and Mrs J. Rapson, of Hulled,
Cole of Clinton, have been camping ru d d sleasaut visit
a enc•
(7&NADlL1 1t 14EIW+►Iad. 1 The probability,f tie aaee.M of Slee-
_ _ ley i• relNviuK ihartoaat i• regarded
A weak ago Ia.t W.tl.ed•p, Isaac A glee smitten time the rrNlaee er with
duwaralibt 1g1•.ty io mailer, ell'
f joker, Culb.rne, toil tikieteea le•Z of stout.•.
mettle, a. aggregate weight of which
.atoautod to 17,b,iO lbs. The price paid Ftansi C'lnee•astl Commercial Gazette.
was 160 a tread. Mr Fishes keeps g'>ur I The Centennial Commissioners extend- convennou is Hatton.
mock and u pays nits
_ duff an iovitatiwt to the (iorernme•t of It is.tsted • tb beet authorih that
the Province of Ontario to take part iu the Iediars at ktos• are honest an.'. iu-
1 John Wldie, who represented the
aonstitttercy during nes session of par-
%%am.ot, is th • choice tit the Reknit
aotsf10n ToWnehi• our Lrap mUluu. The lav,tst►oa was ac• offensive and the stories from there are
(>„e of the stalwart prep of ee ani the result u nose to be semi :m
pled doubtless 1.•Kel) exaggerated.
yelling th. Park building, where are .►own over 1 1
Ooderteh attended • pantie someTherer sea,1 to I Nothing that amld be slid rI'rov inx
rep Rua ..f the Peruse Mi.s11'a1a of
down the •bore last Pride was . t tin over four hundred I the pro:ine cru ; s i• the Prairie Provaece 1
tsr►o, reprove ,
• boat .on the beach, and t young man I n `would La er•_teMed. It is eetim+rod
] distinct entries and •uv.er two thousand that the •nr I t. of ousel olid be abut
asst los best girl took formal pusessioa specimens. The eahtbit is intereetiutt
and weal out fur • row, b working in •
tied lwtructire. An ides a given of the 20.1 . ) t eolith' and other grilil in
sturdy fashion at the oars.After having mineral wealth of a errantry that Meet i- proportion. lI
rowed out in a straight line for mon them woe Aare nut eonulared particularly Permit. in the Nortl-W e.t ere n ,w
an hour, he found that his knowledge rich in that respect, and because the being issued t,. keepers of hotels with s
rowing was not sufficient to enable him murals and urea are exhibited in their
capacity of twelve sleeping apartments _
to return to the shore. Atter he had eaterdcoodition. and stabling f• -r Ave horses, to import 1
Made fruitless attempts to work toward There is • magnificent collection of and sell hoer i ntaining fuer per cent of
the land and "back water," some young
men on share took in the situation, and
drove to Gudench, hired a brat, went to
the rescue, and towed him in to shore.
He was over three hours vainly endeavor-
ing to solve what appeared to hien to be
and chit ren, enter • 1
B. MacCorm&C.
oohed, the 4°"Uiwment receiving leu - ! - p;vARD N. LEWIS BARRI
t• per male tergum have hese ItilCHt)Ls4- , L D o. eeuelr . la a roes. I
rated temporary permits fir brand !cart. Oates gest doer to
doctors certificate. y E N TA I. R O O H g• M h Maser wham- it.
uelow the Pus: le. Wes,
iron ore, hematite, magnetite, and d D
• h Id he f Brost interest gra 'T1
Etjl th stow
yrites. Over forty mines are represented. ' sett
This section should
to our manufacturers, and ie well worth 1 on
their clow attention. Next anises sup-
per, principally from the region of Sud•
bury and the north shore of Like Super•
ior, lathe mines of which some (deur U.
8. citizens are financially interested.
Lead and silver trout the district north
and west of Lake Superior are nest ob-
served. The mints, such es Beaver,
Badger, Silver Mountain and Rabbit
Mountain, are the center of the silver
deposits, and it is said that Americans,
who largely oontrul them, aro likely to
reap rich rewards. Gold -bearing quarts
the Naftel farm, near ( off h ,they' here last weed. s represented by $ large Vde, u
have a evil boat, end on , t F went I Miss Jennie Lan a former resident, comes from the Lake-,f-the-1 'ouds dis-
th lake as lar as Pon Frank, in- •I is R• I trier, wet of Inks Superior.
tending to continue the trip to Sarnia. waking a sojourn of several weeks I ?l, o of of. Nal ore, gypsum, panto or
John Skelton, sen of (:gorge Skelton, among old friends in this section. I and lima els, are wt. eahibi-
The recent eclipseof the moon was heavy spar
Mian ago,who
here on a I.isit'ba T e sof witnessed by maof our residents. i tion' Phosphate of lime is weery promiu-
eptly represented, .here being shown one
his friends knew him on bio arrival last The tall laird being among the number imitteree specimen here bei; nearly half
week. He has Ota) acres ..f land near' who kept the midnight vigil, aua took a I a ton. The Canadian phosphate of lime
Virden and success has attended his! close observation of the event. or apatite is eaoeedtnstly rich. Most of
labors. A H Clutton drove the horse re- it is shipped to England. there being its existence. and its gtneral success mina
In Grey, township Mr Edward Hen- eently purchased by his brother, Dr t,C little demand as yet for it in the Gaited its incorporation has been such as to
ry's imported Clydeed.le stallion, "Gal- H Clutton, from Dunlop, to hie alleles. owing to iu •slur and eztent warrant its perfect safety to all with sue -
Lowey Lad,- after • •uece.sful season, i home at Edgar, Simeue C luuty. Jt ._beinz little underst„off. The mta tdtr plus moneys Ain have no ready teeth -
died on Saturday last of inflammation. doctor ie well pleased wits the steed. pl&y attracts much attcnttun. In petro- flea for investing their means otherwise,
Mr Henry has still tea.. horses left. both ` During the holiday' vacation of the leum and its pre ducts aro shown bottles sod who require their interest promptly
being tine specimens ..f the Clyde.dals' schools the Band of Hope hold their .•f all the various grades of off, (rim the at regular periudt To all such the f >1•
breed. i meetings on Tuesday afternoon. At one Slack crude oil to the refined naphtha, lowing short recital of Loan Companies
In these notes last week it was stated ' of their recent meetings several of the while hard coke, wax candles and axle -
DOW doing business in Ontario, may
that the cheese ..1 Belgrave factory was I lady guests from the Point Feria attend- Kresge represent what ma)- he termed • prove interesting -
sold for 8!I cense per pound. It should i ed, and gave a donation towards its the bye -products. :-
loam Companies have now been in
Terra cotta, tiles, red and white existence for 33 can, and their useful -
been f►i cents. The mistake, no I fonds.y
doubt, occurred through a typographical • Pees.oftat..--P. Stuart and G. Green bri_ks aro ciao exhibited. t tt bnildin¢ noir d seem* proven beyond all y tea -
error and we hasten to make the oorree- I trek in the excursi•rn to the metrupop, st^ria• ssndetenes, rrarbles, nanttes end ' ti.•a
tion, as elan one figure makes a big of t )ntario last week, and during their serpebtines there is a very tine display There has been no failure of any Loon
difference some limes. , sojourn had the pleasure of meeting our . The most attractive, probably. in this Company fot•ned uncles the General
Wm Anderson, of the boundary line,' former fellow tuwuemen H. G. Horton, I connection are the back marbles and Lain Company Act.
between Morris and Turnberry, met i who is on the staff of one of the leading colored marbles. i There are now 65 loan companies in
wish . painful accident a few days ago. firms in the drug business in that city. The native silver, reties =old end rOnt.ario8 haring a subscribed capita! o1
He was leading an animal of the steer 1 Harry gave the toys • loyal welcome : precious stones displayed in the cites I li"I 178,ti0; , E which 1,175,4 D, iW
persuasion by a halter when it roddenly ! and acted as their cicerone,showing them are rich -looking and attractive. and •std paid up.
wheeled and kicked. strikingMr A. on man .,f the sights and wonders of the very much to rue'1 apptecateon of the ti The total amonnt of the subscribed
the leg, making an ugly wound. icity. g ' extent of the mineral we&!th represent i capitaloftheBankaerOntariois417,-
JIr Janos clrewardof theOrd coeces- Daum. lin the walls see Reoingtdl and mitt-
; that of the lean sampan:ea The pied op
Mon of Tueicenmith, L R S, cut a !arylsoral, graced maps of Ontario, • forestry , cspitel of the Oalario Beaks is $1,,580, -
held of tall wheat on Tuesday rapt, the rail wheat harvest for 1883 started I map by Dr. Bell. of Ottawa, Ont., and 18;5, being abeee sae-hslf !hat of l..ac
faith Inst. It is an excellent crop, was , here on the 23rd inst. 1 three colored plates representing some I eon lea lean cumpar iss of l)n-
fully ripe and will yield from _08 to 30 ; original methods in the determination of !aria have on t on all or short
bushels per acre. This is the earliest 11lisreW Sara Corbett and A. Cumming minerals by the use of the blow pipe. nc,tioe, s15 6 on debentarv% in
harvesting we hive heard ..f this season. I this
k• pteasai.t visa to KingsbndQe They represent the work of Dr E. Has- Ontario l:
I f Victoria College, (obourg Ont. E k es f41
S,RAato-is U,,deeteh. ea the MIA that.. (Le
wUe of 11. I. Strungofasett.
KAtssm-in (iodate&, ea thrilled test.. tle
wUe of J. 8. K.:-er of a trim,
11 1agfl/.
San.r-Hal la Listew.l. at the residence
elf 16e bride'. f..',. typ IIRt tam., by the
Rev MrCampbe dappb Barry to Mies
Gertrude Hal. LNtewel.
JointeTota-t „t•aigs--At the residence of
the bride's fatt••r.es July nth by tie Rev D.
0. Cameros. I,arld Jubnmina to lsabell•,
dauRht. r of Js• ,--1 ('o..ains. allot Aadetd.
Horeseiv In Goderich. ea a tuMar
Joh: ia . 110. Itrrtia Jane. yoe•ge dans6-
of Mr Fraari. blat6•way. aced 1t years. 3
motitbs and 9.Sn1-s.
A siert Slew, era Vl.arbitat rr.a.Nal
The Huron and Brun Loan Company
is now entering upon the fourth year of
1 756,300. being 1ses than one-quarter of
is wee . 1k38; on debentures in
Mise Maggie McNair, Rntasrls, met
ng o'
with •n accident last Saturday afternoon I Mrs Thos. Sowerby anti son John, of vet.
e Visitors aro welcomed by thong in 33 • Tb.
that might have had serione results. 1 the 4th con. G..dench township, were charge sou full information is cheerful- posits on call,
She was lighting a oral oral store at 0 A {the guests ut Mn Tobin the weer. ly given. Th. intention of the echibtt notiel, >14"
D.adman'e residence and while boldin; ' Master John D. Cumming is routing is openly declared to be that of drawing 071. 4howii„3w Cusepeuess over
the burning match in her hand her apron 1 in Uoderich. the attention of U. S. capitalists to these Ban".4,nt,lltli ss1
sad dress ignited unknown to her and ••NoRA '• This fast bay mare hu risk deposits, that they may Ire develop- The Huron Wild Bruce Loan and In -
quite a bole was burned in these articles been purchaasd from the laird of I.tns- y
In -
before the cot the fere opt. t dowue farm by Dr W. 11. Clutton, who,
Garnet. second son of ('o. E. Cooper, as noticed a short time ago by our Lee.
Brussels, had one of his legs broken and burn cotem had pasted his examination
the other badly bruited by being run • Olt D. The sum paid for the sorer'
over by the horse cart last Monday even- was ff140 She is fleet of foot. and will
ing. A number of boyo were aaaiatint never fail the doctor for • fast drive
the firemen in hauling the cart from the where his presence is required almost
neer to the Hall lifter practice When instantly. He has located at Edgar,
math opposite the queen's hotel Garnet County of Simone, taking up, we under -
who was running altng with the toys, stand the practice of Dr Harvey. who
stumbled and fell before he could get
oat d the nod the right wheel of the
cart ran over his legs. The little fellow
was im-nedi•ete1y picked up and cared
A boy named Peter Hill, aged eight
oars and six months whose father work's
in a saw -mill at Bluevsle, was drowned --
in the mill pond at that place on Monday The funeral of the late Win. Maize an
afternoon. He with wme ..cher boys
were play on the logs to the water, when, old resident of the township .•f Ashfield,
without being, seen by any of the others, took place on last Friday. His relatives
it is supposed he slipped in. Some of and friend s have the h.artfelt sympathy
the boys who had been playing with him of the community. Revd W. F. Camp-
asw his hat floating on the water. and as hell delivered a very impressive dis-
h. could not be fsand it was surmised course for the occasion to • large con-
thst he mutt be drowned. Search was Kregation 00 Sabbath evenirg in his
immediately made fru the body, which church.
was discovered close by. It is supposed Mr Wm. Fowler and daughter in-law,
he was in the water fully halt •n hour. Mrs John Fowler,and little girl are visit -
When foen4 life was extinct, although ing relatives and friends at Listowel.
every effort was roade at mussitation.
Much sympathy is telt for the bereaved
Another Seaforthite is distinguish-
ing himself abroad. Since his
arrival at Wimbledon, Mall Sergeant
Alex Watson, of the 33rd battalion, has
hese doing excellent work as • marksman
and seems destined b do his share of
keeping up the credit of the Canadian
team. He has won asvenl valuable
prizes. On Tuesday, in the oompetitioe
for the London Corpor•tian prise for
Indian and Canadian
volunteers, he
Mood at the heed of the list with a score
of 320, winning the prise of 30 guineas
sed a cup. The second erne was 315,
and the lowest 284. In the aggregate to
whish the C.oadias Challe.gs Trophy is
attached, Servant Wilson also won d:E
with his genre of 320. We expect mon
triumph* for him yet. Private Fulton,
.d Middlesex, won the Queen's prise with
a mere of 280.
ted Olfate.. OM.tio
ice opposite Mattis Hetet 1101
Gas and Vitsl.red Air adminlstered for C. HAYS, et)LICIT'OR. drum
pslalesextrecttniofteeth. :speaialatteu,tw . Glee. across et Nears aM W.
gives to the preewtiatss of the No,ursl street. (:oder4•h, over telegraph elks. Pre
Teeth. rate roads is lead at a per cunt. ft3o-
pA1un_t•pstairs. u:a.dOperaerich. rnse8lork.'!'1ARROWa PIWUDFOOT, BAIL
E•traatsoeWat-s:..,►.dertc6. ri41•I1 1. Tf
• Magee moderate. All work was- rr CAMERON
c re•t'x pain- iMW.1''Z', If . ,
ranted. Gas or teeth .\u tri I Cj Hamsters. tionsitory in Cb.so5! Ice.
tee• extraction of last►. _ ` ;;ederich. M. C. t'esaeru., tj.C.; 1'. molt. M.
O. Cameron. C C. Rema t731-
_- r ItiKTYIt.•t \horses saki tete.
WL. W(4)LVERTt,N L. D. b. coder J T narrow. W. Proadfoot
Aloe• --Odd rel'ow. Mali, lurch St.
- - I Loans and insurance.
She Peoples totem.
I (1ST Obi !WIND AY JUNE 4TH 1 zo
J betworoWraintae• W. and S utiles .enttb 1
on t t ttwydeld rued. a lady'
cloth to tolyl sassed awtl
tram G .CAMERON HOLT isCA14•'1tUN. God
saicb ! contaaataor ••'Ann • w6Rc deth•ni. rack. It3e
collars, blue " . ,(-one scold n brok este muilaPeld ottead ATI o etre. Pia Evoker. ,tf, twee st7eal' ONEY TO LEND. -4 LAT: (: K
two inti.. is diameter k ttt amount of ['Miele Funds far in% a ne, t
girlish rtaattf•cture r /.der wall for re- 't, ►ownwt rates ua see. ler lletggari,„ A pp.?
by ... .nK :t at a mut. (Ayr. te1iAuit ow t l'ROl ormyf
H, Y.ortrh O.0 --
U WF i:l BA(.
j'oR HALE - A mCnt very
1' windmill sad pumping eetrrng
complete. is working order. ten be seen un
ti.. premises of the OWbci will K•t "old
reaioasbie. NORAt'E HOI:T(tN.
-A limped arra red at of rat a at
-Manuals" suss beset'
Tits Mesa& Ones.
Only_Plie f -cress CD'apeairi Resesse.trd
se weary tea Lead on alright rises. at the
lowest rate of lateresi come. is say way to
step it. oeeruwer
-.OVYice - Second deer fres. neraare.
West turret. Dederick. iea-tf
_Legal ;ares. _ $00,040 PRIVATE FUNDS
\action Sale of rentable farm property.
t' oder sad by vin u• of a Power Oink, con-
raieed in•certain M.n 4e bcating.dair •he
Ith L1 of Devi:tuber. A.U. 1.43. tattoo Ven -
dote. and which will .e prodtf•.-ed.ithe tore
of •ale, there will ter sold by Public Ancriun.
at Martini hotel in the t ttlyre •f Dutigan-
non. in Inc Combo of Harem aiasone
ba k in
the afternoon. on Thursday.
Auras/. A.L. Wolk by Jima Knox. Attrt:eneer.
the following valuable term property, name•
ly : Ali and Mn tI. r thin cerium p..r--el or
Intel of land mad premiers. atuGate. Irui,t and
•rx Wa•e.noaa,
bring in the Township -
in the County of Herron anti ITorince n• lh-
ter•io. and eoatairiag by adnteasaremr•. tete
buad»d acres of bead. be time same nett or
1...s, and being coot/weed of lout t• :atter
tweettyy-too. In the tehth conc.-noun d the
mid Towewhip of Wed Wswatsoeh.
About 1R acres of the able land u reared
:14. Total. 64;3.420,-
t(,J,4 0,- and free from steam. a. 4 tt.ereare Moms as
acne of growing ,inter. conri•a$ of
Of Ontario have de- Mack Ask. Eire. Pita aad rester.
412,8' , . Dep, • its on There u a amine creek on hence.
74. Total, 34'2.0,_,- The b't:ldt.es cesnst or a hewn lox "Mane
with tramp tdtcben. a sew trarw baa:: bat's
ed to the benefit of the 1...estore sir:d of
vestment C, receives depoesta
Ontario as well. from trustees. rats or children in
The Government of Ontario is repro- sums of from dollar to three thou -
seated by Hon T. W. Anglin, of Toren- and dollars 0111111 allows ctop,urd in-
to, assisted ty Mr David B Ile. Three- tercet added "eery sit months, at rates
tor of the Canadian Institute Museum.' as agreed apes. The highest cutrent
Toronto, and Prof. C. C James, of the tate, are au..wed an depomu, according
Ontario Agncultunl College, Guelph. to the amount and time left. For
The success of the undertaking is largely tartber particulars call at the Company's
due to Mr A. Blue, of Toronto, Deputy , dice.corner of Costthouse Square and
Minister of Agriculture. who has the N• rth St. (:uderidi. s
has removed to t trillia. During hie so- oversight of the mininginterests of i H, tar a ldnxr tv, Marta ter.
journ of two months there Ur Clutton llntario. Mr Blue was in Cntrn"art '(,,,stench.
h leu 11148 tf
has been very successful, and with Mr during the arrangement of the exhih;t, ,
Gilchrist, s medics1 student, has per- but has just returned to To•oa:•e.
formed several difficult operations with
the knife.
We onto with pleasure that Mr James
F Roberts, of Seaforth, has passed a most
peesesfel sod creditable examinee/0o at
fie College of Pharat•ey, Toronto. He
was awarded the college gold medal for
gamer& prof ciency is all branches and
,trod at theism's) et th. list of grsdeatea
This is partieaiarly creditable in view of
the feet that the exataiaatiew was a par-
ticularly sever, on*, 0517 1e per soot of
the Modest* passing. where in forms,
etaeslnaiona about 37 par ee.t wimp .ee-
ossrfel. IA this ooassiee 98 were see -
MOON sad to stood at tbo bead of toll a
elms is an honor of whisk Mr Rnbrts
maybWe bona his ewe-
sea • gtetleleery plaid 'Molt of the
eag ot M • warms_
Ms others who pattend lass alliated sted
irfw Ala.se of Meme T R Pries
we wells• the gra and Kr H.
C481Mi Mete*. P oe•
rrellslea'v raamiaa11.w .1 the aa1 Ala
f o.alerfNNrt.
Sas ia• Ont., July 25. -Th. examin-
ation of Charles Johnston, W. 0. Per-
sona and Benjamin Mackenzie, on the
charge of being engaged in the counter-
feiting business, was taken up here to-
day. There was considerable testimony
offered. Knight the party •ho has been
committed for trial for passing counter-
feit money at Kingston, gave evidence
that he sot =000 in counterfeits of the
Bank of British North America from a
man Tamed C. ulti•, at Point Edward
Iasi April, and that Johnston was in the
company of Coultio Knight went to
Fall wheat is about ready f -r her- Kmgrton a couple of days afterwards
vesting. A gond many farmers in this and in a couple of hours passed 8300 of
locality are intending tri commence in a it. Alexander Brnwley, of Ads' Craig,
few days.
Haying is &bout through, the weather
being all that can be desired for harvest-
ing the crop.
sten Kava evidence to the effect that he
has obtained counterfeit money from
Parsons and Mackenzie. and that John.
ston toad hint he was dealing in the money
The various raspberry patches in thio Mand would eat it for him. The evidence
and surrounded locality are daily vie- tits not the three w.s strong.
Rtes by a largo number of berry pickers.
They WORM to enjoy themselves rery
The council of the municipality of
West Wawanosh will meet in the town
ball on Saturday, the 4th day of August.
A sidewalk is being onostrnoted in
this village, under the superintendence
a Mr Gordon Anderson. merchant,
)eadise westward from Bleak's Hotel. 11
will be a great benefit to the residents nil
that part of the village.
Mr .lnhn Martin, hotel keeper, is im-
proving the appeeer•nce of hie hotel by
• good spplioatien of paint. Mr Winless
wields the brush.
Mr Jardine, of A•hfieM, is puttiag op
• new remdenee, Geo. Regloy amanit-
Chief Sherwood and Inspector O'Le••
ry, of the secret service, who had been
engaged on the case, bud who made the
awaits, were present al the examination
sed gave testimony. The three prison•
ors were committed for trial Crown
Attorney Berke prrsecnted and J F
Lister, M.P., appeared for Johnston and
Parsons, with 1. F Dickson for Slacken -
JAN'Y 1st, 1889
Will send to any Address in
Canada, United States, or
Great Britain fbr 50c.
Meet for organization at Little Current Subscribe at Once
u. Monday eext.
The Ontario lining Commission will w
The amount of square timber takes
out of the limit ort the 1 pper lhtaws
during last mason, and now coating
down the river, is larger than the cut of
any previous season for four or five
years. The total cot is estimated at 2,-
Yr end Mn Glmwldtrtte celebrated proximately Net. This timber a worth ap-
thesr golden w,dding Wednesday proximately ?S milts per foot, taken •
in ell. so that the shrive estimate re.
A eoditioaal order for the release of „mods between, i1e00 &rad $700.
Jobs Dillow on • habeas e•rpse W hose I It is stated Hast asee t e high names
granted. law west iete riifeet in Philadelphia, the
J&M.s J. O'K•Ily, M.P. fee she North hominess of the beewsriss has isereaaed
Divisive of Rese.esos, has boos mr- 20 per cost. The trade in bottled beer
rooted maim the Crimes Act leas quadrupled stem Jon* 1. in root
nrmsl,sppors are More tsbstifel in
Cerlotow. R.M►U ad Ottawa onanties
thew they have bees for tea yaws pest,
end are duieg eoseidsrable damage os
high lying farms to grass drop. sad also
to este and barley. felon the • is • wet
.poll their ravaest 110y b wriest
the "bottled belie... los grown so trig
that it is impossible for tb me glass a. •
fosterers to limp up with then orders.
They lave pat up the pees of bottles
from $8.10 to $12.60 pet gross. rave
m • great Itallieg of is the wholesale
whiskey pad wine ►wsints•,
and a frame Rr•eary.
The soil Is • clay Isar.. The property is
situate about P mile* from Lot -knew and
about 3 miles from Insa.•aaon. and Itbost 2
miles trots itt. 1!e im%
Th' above property will be sold stave t to
• mortgage. TERMS
Ten per cent. down mid the balance :n •see
month Roto the Mete of elle.
Per further parne-Ise• aepty to
CAMERON. MOLT w t A311:1est
Vei4ore' Solicitors. ti det1. h_
Auctioneer. Godericb.
Dated tOth July. A.H. Intl 110••4'
Send along the money and
dont ib.t to wit.s it
and sddteess
Pfirlf yea are already a liolooribor have
• mei to sere of 1
ot Moods for
do Wows of 1e15 -
Bet fill Boit of this Oier
ti SOWN &t1
For Sats or to Let.
As this estate must be sod at M early date
1 is prepared to accept MOTs for the farm.
Solt Weeks. ase flaw MILL I shall a.41 :aa
pans brick wet#. butlditest, dwelling booms.
machinery. 6e1c►sa. Dalry 14.lt sod 4.009.!
Absw everytbtae. either separately or c-ul-
&actively. There 1.350 feet of 3! tuck taboo
and weettag barrel, use feet be w : i.ctt tab
ing. tee fed Ash Well totes will he add
cheap for Cash. Ubsrat terw4 will be troves
on fares. Apply to JOS. KIDD. JR. a•tC
To km . oft darn sed town property% ms haw
est overeat Merges purchased. Na ROW
mission . b•esreil egrata for the Trust a dLns.
Company e( Cassias. the Canada Lembo
l'rrdi: t'o'tsparl. the London Lura (smpaag
of Cassis& intens. G. N sed : per eta*.
N. R.-Norrwwen.an,Main mousy is
day .11 title satietantery.
1!'.} leorristers, 4... O'slvtd
Main building. 20t19: r..r a•idition.
Main oai&iing contains 5 roomy rear addle
tlo., kttchea. .satry, wash. -room awl two
roosm. upstairs.. There u t ut an acre of lard
attached. and ten feet of .to akin/Meg tot.
As my family wit" h. &bent all ,pet. by the
tat st l tto ' d Isause, bo
1 am opeJuly.'i 1or 00.15,netii-for theaO .&mrea poises.ioaho
ootid be elves sa time after Oahu of Jttdt1yy
A ieeks+ to atafterth
e 14s4s' as4. DA N i1L
e farmtmesre sirlet Ip, test- IktaiattigMsor»» ofasstgoodtlt>s6errigm aysiroad. &rad therMtb.e&erroflimo id.0orGE&Mterms&ant!oet fiAedNOaGEORGE BW A. ., fJoi►
was. OM is the tewae64 d A'YuM,
oostalliag 11 ac . sue' Rett tWMra•
sesa. ee.htetag partleslsra
apply to Cameron. Holt k Camerons-
. God
3flC I1cat.
R. W. L $Obi. LICEN fl ATI OV
11+.4 Royal Cellos, ef 0 x OssWelsh side of Himiltew-M. t5.-
OBANt. Cereal r sir. U19e aa4rishilen
Serol. e.m.ed Mer weal el e t
i R,r $HA"1'It)N t SB.RIiO:i,
°MeiJ P.ys10 e. steeps.. AeMi ws. ie.
pmol O at lir. mammals C. s its tiog,M M. ar t
'gaol t3odene4 G. C. Sws strw, J. M. 8
50 i. 17111
3Elittusafght, Ualuator, Ott
. A. armeElt,
M A (' III N J.$T,
Estimates Mal* aad Costner, Take+ tit
House Hsi.•.g by t6. Hot Water System.
Hot Water aid .steno BoiI.r•, Little Mow
end other Water W heels. Agricultural 1110-
plcrneat., 3141 ]t•chitwry.
('1 ODRRJi. M M WH A NICW num.
R0034, ser. of kart street and Square tip
Ossa frees 1 In 4 p.m., sad from ' to tap,m
Letsd,n., Nay, R':elig and IUweenstea
Papers, Ifireciors, d v. , no Pita
greeting free use of Library sod Readtsa
Appllcat►os be membership receieed b,
Librarian. in mama
President. Beetetery
Oodewlcb. 1A'eb 1ritt. 106
TORI( clues OsMUAL /Me
tae TIONHall !LN V • Gedleelha
Ove. Having awl*&. Will w.eh ig h `
Mt l•ractins
1e 61m. Orders 11W0a
.ts'ut by dd
mall to OV ar ps,
_ .stptuYy attended to. J0i114
Aneele-eer. 1ly4
trenching 6uib.
of R1Ft► TRUN["`eRmm A1imLWs.A O
West 1M Mt. Arthur Street with T tllm*sad dep&rt a Ood6rtrb as N.
litres, eR
1111, 144. 143. Blade
K Rttree said Britannia Rases.
e i..ei 'y Mew ss Keays Street, ler
1s Wier s Harvey. opposite saw
1 * fa 54. es 64. et
sieve at WW RATES.
see.w"' • 4 ell alteot r sh.
0. P. R, BOOM
i bows • large somber of Homes and Lay
GM Vacant lases le the meet desttabbe pans
41 lb* Taws tsee SAL. moor..•rt
ties we is
l tss
Tie C, P. Emo
„ fl at
MgNmege wYl havesorl the a to
of mosy.
else least ask Pets.. .Mare masher
tag elseetherm
tiesistsiR RADOLiff'Z,