The Huron Signal, 1888-7-27, Page 7- 4 -- TI I L 'AVM" X31 VAt, VIIIDAY, JULY 27. 1888. lei heti sir► WW1 high at Mari e THE ,. sffIONa. I ICED MAIN, WIIIITN HO as E. I y all thi drwey b*liare Lor rotor Kiate et the 0 arose seas• treswrstpl•sa b of 1.•10•, s ate Ott Leer. 'semi ••t alma 111.14,0r• J .t the hoc . The Ira. t of it.• is gene,.. iy south Lelia Oita. The popular jest sheet the dee4 styu.b i .-u.., dresses at the sum- o,i.itulty .4 ,w -headed girl. ass•' whit. ..;,t3 a.. it r re,: li c••reelat e, .v re 11."1•••. 1• by mD 41104411 14.44111, u the ah wodrn awl d.•. yly r••uwi•d I ..coot revival at has.wr{ot the onentry ss ..k, ,hese e..•.lelet,.l by a Rau- not elle. IS.ou•. of w new. 1h.1 our ul nim n , l l oe , t ullr',>tl cry...Ilea. graridf4t1lr96 14444 )ovula' ,g to sweet It e 111.yin•ut with thr10i.y J14wnuA t ,the Mao i. r, ,g 10414 ,•t pooh% u a well - .1t w utwaro fait. lit ell butli0l. Thew er,t7.ol•r an deeply w#stt «,J the my - IL 1.•-k 1110 Del tin , nailed s�nert;tae 'game .•f the .1444, withtnutrnings of moire nute.u- Ctpm-whit• serge ..r mem. •-hair lobitis. barred with wahugaey, .berry. Wive, Rumen red, or u..rto* hoer, make g oy end becensiug .ft.rwwu dresa1 tau uat-e(-tuuI Bear i'..me et Ilia .Dalt• ere aade wholly of the bs.red others have etyliehly draped skin...[ it. 81th pl44u cr•.u,.u.d.•red tercets taitn.t.o e.•a•t•.�g is slot... enitl a certain uua•brr .tth bnldiug 111 • vine p+tteell. or ( tart ed npr•u car; ars od the . ietory, hut * (Irwk .•learne duo* to wutacne the • .�>c red Menotti ctrl ..1 a J•,tskey gime the of the hue in the •wart material. seine at ace. The popularity of mato. hat. Au ntb«r rxi.lu.aIien re fere the phrase est that n Juuer. b'114, her wtR1A w. :•, a ti,•nh Ir.lall.l supeiatlra.,u 1het tt •'root abeu.d the e.elet ,.t 4 r. J hwie.l girl britt. 111 are maul.( the. •I'°pe Al t-crvwloed, t k - bel mid r tell ser. Last tittle straight b.immed shop.•• • R,r dry .a 41,14 punnet Irmo and heck, at d un Cosh. u r a ohs Euvas1. vas. II J 1' but '1•11't•..ltan .� 14111 at.. Ila," •loth i. or • f4• /,Id Isamu(• clitldn�i 4nti towteilu4 • its•.e4t rte Uie.t B i t114. 11 • `?ally t*kr, tri• "uy m:,:0 •d th• lir 1 • .r ru*d, the •t$.er the ''d ,au. ' c •u• anti urn, for .very . rdesery ol.jre( °, 4 Mon, l..r a *hoe 11.•180 t• piebald I.1 out sud Lille. T� „� IA" trite .s allured on wires it r ape sal trim- med with .react Atm 're se ,of lace and w hite ruses A •bMc bt.r.•u. White Point J 1' Sys 4.-t.'4 with black, is tta•de up or .why tame way. \'here are I"' ...cote hats of creaut-elute crater ab' no' ,,., gold w.;s•, watt 84t lop. 11 anew high to (root, mingled with par! road until he meets a piebald horse, nerd Smith -1f see by the roper. the! the. hadgn,ld, wharf eon and Flhea of de shouts 1.. the driaer:-"Heil,., assn on Dee of A'vier* ie dead. J„nes-I'm chid y�1.y M•uy .d the hats 'neve lace of the piebald borne, what is 44..41 Ir''' the to hoar it. It's time :oath took • Dey crape scarfs at the hack. wh.M.piuV cough '' and nu matter bow !off. 'here ate u,.w imported entire skins, alsur.1 that monody suggested he will ` skirt (roots, panda, 8 vera, Wedging. eertatu••• 4se cared 111 Sro'lanel,t' dressu , \v *tern FJ•ior (potting on hos coat) Egan) jackets. tried sl ios.es, made wholly of .•f a • hate horn f.rettlls the coming I -Well, I cis ie hard '.1. k. Obituary of a kisrr. ',column •burs half an .cat, and I've got of silk of eo6erie, w be laid neer skirts The pre jadie• against red hate is as Ito go out and kill • roan t . bIl it up. of silk of a paler shade. Nothing can wi1}esprens sad deep -roofed as it u un "What did your danr!lter tstlA,Iate equal the grace of thedesigu, the beauty er.-..ufK•b'n. Tradition amen* reddish : • sod inseams of the work and the rich- hair in;buth Ahamlum 11.44 Judas Thus i 111.‘‘i." asked a (Boost . f the utnther. use. of the etiecta Mead• are soil lit- hate silk, with s Nllll corsage and tenainglemi lit many f the reagent*. u,d R sal:nd a,wpluuing of het huabod's 1 elbow eke..., with kn.••pt answer. there Ie, aesotsg .esker tmpurtatt„tls, • tar- 1.-,ea4' pettishly eaclarws :-- His own seterb panel •no • thee "ruameutal hair 14 0'111v 414eetablang.e.414 : and mil �htsiR SfisAw Fhrvt• e# wa11 duwe-s executed to bronze, ateserred by Celts .-" fieenewhat br..wn- Twice a year the ashen set off for the pieces er alio Jwdaa... Manton, ale), in hist 7 owl.Alenuy, {told and terracotta silk • I, senate C ,untrm says :--"1 mer !coral reefs it. the Red S-.. A fleet e on- Judeasold."11 ,111 rum eighto. twenty ons u• en • the ooteeuth oeoemry. lint L0o•nard•, eta 1 tool it may i/n with a single lateen sail in each. The pus AND FANCY. , MN m{eeeame. �011hur, Malo. i. 1 *cll4d . too spook at 1 S 'SPRIN SIA Tate meet eerwomisal tern i' the one 1 Ihw vl.t., had W. rot VIA* the ••t leer day who a•apeud the tart mime, W advwt• 1 As ll.uu•r 8* .sit by '.t W..uy, 4944 [,.ally mitt : "Me, 1ato't I ay..i loot �° f Du10 word f ' '---♦T Pollute the wood over people's eyes- ..You know the rule, Amba.. " i4.•4►ut entomb for 0111 iaarb. ••dust Due word " •alt's a perfect .s. el . 1 • house," said "N. , A- hu , .ut instil your fa her sh,. "Ail siege. 14944,14,'• said b.. tiss.bw ,be papa.." _ Teo* waste tot no Iran, because sone Arthur 'w 'wooded dotal the paper wee t t Novelties the 111010144 10104 be inuad o,. nor MRS. SALKELD'S • .J what Le The la a t les ofNorth .1.10 of 1b. misers. .neo are w !dug w c:uui,•t 10 um•, r. finished : mh10u he was eek sol wtshe•l to a4y ll•ppinea is only relative sod some "Ole nothing ; Duly Non put the ue.' 4.' lied tea, It 1. 8 v.,1 dimwit rel.- custard. uutalde 11. window 1' 00 d, 1111.1 44,41 e%erythlay eu be fucad is • first earn millinery establishment. ♦ mew lute ut .Ice, itnleed the 441 isms beau .se -ug them up.' t'w.aeatar y •e obi •teal 1'ead111sa ,has 14ern added. 4 Mall *cad raaaa/se Om stock 4944 g.1 pnc.-u. A.,rat for flarttr'11 steam sh••ul.t here 1014 tn,ui.la 4944 wore weak Chewtu4 run/ baa coon* to be co.neld- Dye Works. Toronto. in Parliastent. mold the {,..pular euro fuse Jcs{rrpsia, at 4II Stu I RB. Of 41't LS�I,IJ_ (;Iso. tttwrckiIi .[til talks of heating least by thnw room datum wh.. have _ er as t•. imagine that they suffer tont MOUNTS, SHAPES, RIBBONS, GAUZES, Talk is .heap. If talk were dear we CRAPE AND NUN'S VFI7 INCA the S*.t•r Trust end tru.t.ng the stagy beet the ill edacte .4 widnight suppers and GEL. B It BAY sells eheap for ash ; b. will cot Ito 11111111111111111- A udas•01L A false ih••rd ••f music u • discord. t. a lungs agnea ..f droner parties In EVILIt one 'hamlet call on hits before purchasing FURNITURE elsewhere. A (al.e cord of earl is about ween• Newport. Lestwnuner peppermint droops �jj eighth.. were introduced at a certain pout au th• ORE and all C4111•&11. swwy by buying from GEO. HARRY, meal and partaken of bymor our, Mad •, Wl.nn 1 grow up," ii, ..1 • bttlt Si %. l , y . year-old phil .sel•ht'r, "ehaa't I feel at se entertalntueot which was into strange I,.r •Jay ..r btu ! recently, •ben tea cream was serve t. ' BA1�,R�' makes • specialty of UNDERTAKING and I'iotute F.sming. Jsmuea gouger was passed. and a few ao onion_ t10 t r 1141 -Can't pit hoe nue )Wt • little, drop. recommended to counteract the ALL kinds of FURNITURE kept on hand. Cell and see his Stock of 1.. rim .tsl[ui; [..11u1 i but 41 ho wrci$ ■ •1,•044 4 1 She-- Why, lt.rry, don't 1 effect of the ice. When the plates were whoa li, 1oe .t cut et.Re on tela backward lure you little enough WI.ady. chanitnl for the list time u a gentle- j}1)CKING Chairs, Tables, Parlor Setts, Mattresses, Bedsteads, Easy Chain, &o. Ypnyrress ane .pelf is Ip•.. 1.1-•11 *tensed W'e are told tits eu4iwr1 are to have a 4444'• dingier given a few nigh!. 54D soh 1b 1.. the mlJ:a+.J tomatoes of 1,utlaud, tai. pa ,tor printed rot their interest- W1 Map- doe held a ticket for • Tallish bath, r I EME,MMBER that 6110. HARRY keep' the best Stock of FURNITURE in town. the. other Land, rt is ill -luck to tweet • + sear• it will be • o•trrl oars., tad corw4eutary .,,, the co.ldition thwt �`,+ white h. ear •tth•,ut sputuog at It In the guests have been iu.-Ne• Yolk ' 1 11C should call and get hu PRICES before buying elsewhere. Wetfad an o2J cure for the who.,piee + Wizens -Yaw aw ; 1 Ivo net a bit thin- P;tio c••u,t!t i. eugtfestwl by curreut *epeeist.- , ty now ; but for goodrr•s mike lets go toot. The patient trudges 'auto; the ( somewhere and get wonetloing to tut. N, H Itr.ti, who has so ingot -Dusty 4144 scared 14441 pn•prlety of dot, - 2 I 1 beads.4 J brad., witch a unsurpassed u bio• ht 1. his red heard be w.,u1J prove I •i.14.4 about three hundred open boats beauty amu art by sly tn.4surrd teu.1 „tf a efW..e here •m 1 *•aught and ( t t t t b d and noted to ; acting, paints � Judas with l 0185* c'.‘11114.,1 onsist a1mo st 0 ,41relr of block Mark hair, .0 his fresco, "The Lot 'laves, srbo rrcelte tea , \lords of the hile ird Jedgsa•ut. owners sof the the other \Chen the [sea the - cal.o the fishers anchor the boats near Whsamisiemt ttlres.a•akv'r. the coral reefs, and ;oing not ab canoes The great ditaculty and expense of se- t•• the fahing-*.,ubds, dire ter the with beset's' or horny p°a410wwutvinw in silk cord. the "Killarney cloak ' 1st litany Wim to d.. their own work. The I ten to forty yeah, end are remar iablp •dove -gray NNW. deo.rsred wits a silk -ear 1.v.t essential Is the fitting of the goo". , strong and healthy. The thither o f •br•odery collar and real silver clasps, u Mauy ladles have this dos item dune by !pearl .hells etre told at auction in the a:.vont• duet dusk abroad. a brat -01814 dressmaker. who will chore& si4rkeli oat Jeddah, and from there sent A chic and pretty susisi•,r c,atume tall as .duck for the +one 11801 u an un- to Lasdoh riot Iisvre. shoos a skirt od paly •imnne.c..""red .ufn •ktlful drtsew.aker would charge for Duk- - - c'.ecked with 004-treen and cantata,, rat the whole gown,bu[ at la 1141 exi,erid l- under > too wenn po•lona•.euf �i.rk .room ture wisely .made. if the lady coma ht Prinking the whole milk, mays a pro- f Ie of Wnehtserte. Toe foot .4 the to-r.rf au..•eeesfully. After the waist u 1 raiment aG,cktnan, make, tine fat calves, pduusne lope b, the left side auk a carefu.iy heced,care should be taken that ; but calves raised .•n slim milk and 081- rrven that 14 blaidrd. There is a l• the .rtm0iag a not out on au ouch a�` tray , meat and bran, if not soy slick at eight cefnl drape on the night side, 1410114 a* w tuterfe•e with the tuutour 111 the 1 months old have is l,etter start in bone the telt a *Mort, sl utriog the checked buO1°' I only a few of the new bodices land muscle and beet the mon pampered skit 1, hes a large equere prekct •ltuw aur iuttons the s&ssnt. A veer !calf at two years of see. it u • waste of touch males this ride appear like a i. and revers cover ole buttons. It is well :cosh product t.. feed • calf whole milk aces The noddle urns .re c,ouuuus to Aare this vest and revers applied i after us rennet stomach changes so se *0. princess.faahoon, and the heels are after the diem a fitted, buttoning the ' all for said food, and it 14 • mistake to f ng 4944 but slightly �,reped waist straItbt down the front as usual, I an feed it after it is ten days old. Neat in popularity ularit to the short pale- sod bnlloollwg the vest over It under one Warmed skim milk and a little oatmeal pep 7 .4 the revers. Collars remain exceed- s much better. nose of jet *rid .1k and far more elegant, Messy of the costly travelhnl wraps ore 71.5 Iy ele•t•tt additions to th• cos- tume they aro intended to protect. beteg. same :of Indo silk. tuns-.rr. (a►1le, ?ilk,_ wrap Fergie. ps1n, checked. cr stnptd mush, Ronan reps, or tine French caae- ere, silk -lined and handsomely trimmed eerier, a sltlful dressmaker has toned ;.hens. Three 'levee an of all agm from are tbe French coats made ..f black la •e. Tome are handsome in *he{w, and make a eluate stylish wrap f, r dressy ear all roomier, as they ata very ittehly lined • th thin black serail. Epaulets, bre- toles, bands, c.•I'are, end girdle* of jet, it desired, me used to tram tarOeenta A few nsh eipeusive o rusmeuts to 614 eco jet, however, an r mon d..lrshl. ',unionise than the showy, elaborate de- e'rations of coons, inferior premed jet, w�ieh quickly loge their borrowed lustre, soon cut the threat's and rove anything te: Iatasfactor, In pont (,f appearance, or in the matter of dan- t, tether black-laoe cost• are un- lined, and these are frequently trimmed w th k,••ps .4 black moire ribbon, and oc- , atonally with gold or silver pass.men- t.n1*. .eebarM Trlmsslea. Then is rte beubt that many people trim their orchard* mere than is neces- sary after they have begun to bear fruit. 1• is not necessary to be c,utinually Licking at them. Iodeed, the removal • branches should rte looked upon as a locoman eve in some eases, and to be •r. aided whet puesible. It is not beet to be continually asking when 1* the hest time to trim. or be putting it off from 0118 to another, fur in this way you emit nece ry prunivg entirely. foe much pruning should not he done at one t ne. A little pruning may be done at a y season without serious damage. tt ere I to have my choice I should pre- fer late spring just before the buds start. 1' I were all ready t.. undertake the w� rk in the fall I should do it then, fear- ing that if kft tall spring it would be n eglected. Orchards that are visited every spring with the pruning knife from the fuse '.1 planting, objectionable brandies being cut when wadi, do net require mach aubsenseot pruning. Prune • tree in its youth as you desire to have at in its salinity, and do not let it » strophe along in its youth w it .i11, and >j then in its maturity attempt by one cut- ting and slashing to reduce it to the lure dewed. - - Aa old farmer thinks hedge fences are .nod, but that the companies that pot tkem out are too away for the average i armee. A Veresoat mats who brags of his palate drops sale he mama smell aimed, smooth, sound potatoes that have sat 'tweeter' for seed, eats ewes tit tyke the tante day he plants. and plonk by bad. Ile prawn fall ploughing, likes early &semi.. best, sod pants in hills. tattle awl who has ,ui.lished a Welt on hich he iniehes lthe vnge r .* oonsyanw'ut'i,' nehof his - --- 1. fora onnstderstit1 tell, the CHICAGO diaciplea hos dehorned 2:3 head of cattle "this fall and winter." A IIIc• 1 mcnt a calcu!.slne proves that Mr Haalf G=O_ BARRY, Hamiltou-:q,, Godeticb. in etak;ng this aeseruon tells what 'imply cabled be true. If 5 11•111 worked a:e day for half a year -leap year at that- l of 133 days, Sundays Included. he would I hare to kne ': the horns off 136 amebas 1 e:ary day during that period. Nei:her, Mr Heel s reputeti!u11i.t Dr+oity. per the sal. .4 that book, will be eokacced by such rt %freest ions. Horse dentistry is becoming finite a ' ac'ence and malty special instruments 1 hate been i teeniest f..r the benefit of equine pa•ient.. Decayed teeth of hones are 11:ied with gutta perch.. Pears must not be allowed to rapes oe HOUSE I have just returned from the cities and am now receiving the latest lines in SPRING MILLINERY. My dressmaking detartmenl is also in full zvork- ing order. A call is respectfully solicited. A. J. WILKINSON • the tree. As soon redly the stern grill Aert uld' NEW GOODS, from the tease readily the peso ahunld, he gathered. They will then keep for sevent days and bear shipping to a die tent market, and will have• much bet- ter flavor thea if allowed to moo on the tree. IREADMAKER'S YEAST BREAD made of this vea•t took tp First Pries at Ontario frail 4 boss iso OM. Over tupoo ladies have written to .ay that it surpasses any ywd ever 1001 M them. It nmkesthe lighters, whitest, asserted bread. nils, huts and huckwheat pa„cskes. .takers in nearly every town is Canada ciao n,..r.g PRICE FIVE CENTS FRESH GOODS, CHEAP GOODS, ZT NIXON STURDY'S People's Grocery. TFROM 15c. UP. No old Stock to work off, but all Fresh and New at Prices to suit. fTwlskese trash Mer ter Rslgsr ase Caw. ttentember the tliani--0• the Square, next to Ilingham's Iteatattrant. GET TOUR PRINTING AT SIGNAL -- ibgiy high. They should be a bra. hand, , three inches or more in width before they are hushed and should be held to- wards the seamstress while they are put on, • :etch lug theme Gide to th they will tit suug!y around the throat- The *alder seams, the aide form seams and all other seams on the inside of the bodices should be opened, bound on the edge with bias silk or binding which c .nes for this purpose The edges of the beeps* and the 001181.1 dress of wool shooed oe faced and hold with silk or ferment satin. An interlining .1 crino- hoe about two ltxhes wide should be used around the edge of all bodices c( wool or silk. The convenient miasma which cave by the yard in all o love should certainly supersede the narrow bias folds of lining with which it has been custom, .7 to .over whaleboees, but it a not wise, 11.werer to m l *h. mooned steels which hese been inlr o - diced to tike the place of whalebones as these are liable to slip or weer mit of place sod bred., and is a thin dress an likely to show their outline. a seed Tb•eg for toes•• Manual I -aiding is ate of the few good :hinge that aro good for everybody. It is good for the rich boy, to teach ham respect for the dignity of beautiful work. It is good for the poor boy, to increase bis facility for handling tools ; if tools prove to be the thing he must handle for • living afterwards. It is good fur the boyish boy, to draw him away from books. But, most of all, it is good for the non -boyish boy, in showing him that there is something he can do well. The boy utterly unable, even if he were studious, to keep up in book -knowledge and preoentage with the brighter b/y., becomes discouraged, dull and moody. Lot him go to the work roan for an hoar, and find that he can makes box or plane • reegh piece of board as well sa the brighter scholar, nay, very likely better than his brighter neighbor, .not you have given him an impulse of self- respeet that is of untold benefit to him when he goes beck to his Mediae. He is a brighter cad bettor boy for finding not something he eon de well. Mind you, it is sot planing tho board that does him mood ; it is the planing the board le the peoe.see of other boys who can no longer look down apse him when they see how well hems plana He might go home after school sod plasm. a board in tae bosom ed the family, or go to an evening school to leers in plass, without a quar- ter met, nay, trident iey, of the invalu- able area span hie sia.Mod that it will have to let him Wane aid* by side with those who is siesta] attainmeet4 may be W sapsrie s. A oak's has become, to home extent, prevlest that sheep require 1iit11e or on atteetica is the matter of drink. This w • very more mistake. While sheep e4h soden thirst better these most .thee deeestlie ••inane, beeatlas We Ines of tester kp peremrsitirw is (mss, yet • sup- ply of ideaa,whoteenwe wetter seme.tiel t.. their hall. seped•117 1• wenn weath ot. This Wallah* boa,, arisen from tit• bet that even t1Mtesn hardly draw'_._ ea atrea.4- Mr Howells has sosimad rip nos sort d girlhood meetly and severely • • •tfllel- hrood," 1. gam "se often • termed' cy Wild iespsses, ligmor.nt .zalt.tioas, eels - lakes ideals, .heft Wally-epe.eht se anteltite.t purpose, and ease hem 4114 .ordered morwaa, ill advised rasdiat •motWOEl1, rte a res r uspss1iew of ktempae!• IR, Met • kt m CAN USE ANY WRITING INK. ErE= D� 2..1 r. S as a_�2 c • E-4- •. sii, 0 `cam !/ tE._ c . ta:tr 9 d 5-611 4 e c a 40 •J •1c(y a 0 lfiac• c e, g1Ect 2 L d. 11:,1 ,115: O f 7I ccs►, •t�• d �A 6r .. 1 g 9 • y c--c-a o -14 • .s,.iii 3. • r:iy$ g (. 6 all6 6 2 4t 411 ora° 105 G 41n e. Mag -4 e / 13 dy aE 1.4 Ott'. 'I -Soof a U 341,' O • e 1l a„ g +y t °100 • - p211 .y `b 14 r 3i� 04 O ffr w 0 a •1 O J SO 0 ALEg_ MORTON, G ODERIOH, MANUFACTURER OF FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGES. c..mk;l tit:•= to teat i'tt; ::*4 water • a. tt FLOUR!. FLOUR! Opposite Osborne Hotel, Goderieb. The new full Roller Mills at Port Albert using the LATEST & BEST MACHINERY will be running about the 2lith of February. dially invited to give thein a trial. CIiOPPINCi• DONE EVER'- DAY. Farmers ear JAMES NAHAFFY, Proprietor. :130 u 1 DBU&S, PKRFUIERY AND FANCY GOOD$ Just Received at tai Medico\ Hall by ►. JORDA 4, and w111 h0 sold at PrlISKto telt herd Them. ladl triad 048 therm before leaking goer a.rehase• P. JORDAN, Medical Hall, Gabriel. CARD_ T E THH] I IRM OP' iaA.zriS.CI-SON having been dissolved by mutual concent, I beg leave to thank the customers of the late firm for past favors at their hands, and to intimate that the business will hereafter be r•arriatl on by me at the old '/tanfli intend to earry FULL SHELVES OF HA1tDW'iRE ani1 in every line in which i ileal I will snake it my aitn to have a full assortment. New grxxis constantly arriving, awl goods not in stock onimmed at short notice. The publics obedient nervaot, JAMES YATES, 11111sesmer u Yeses a sVMIIa •ti a•-• '�Nn. •r"."