The Huron Signal, 1888-7-27, Page 6THE tIUJiON SIGNAL, PkIDAV. J171.Y ?7, 188. FARM. FIELD AND GARDEN. I w rare• Deep coated moor, twos• rney be Ibis r:e OPPORTUNE INFORMATION ON A dertltrwarr -t salt Ihsstlleed C. I tattoo .e ('Bunn-�Iketo Vaasa .s r,. . VAAI.TV OF SUBJECTS. 1'l•nfeeo••r T N. Rrtbarts, 1: a essay on Protease, C. A •'het( F,.rultzation of e p a. staturdirecte c of fdluwiestatements.t^ rasher the the llaesseiussttso[*wl�sot stators• calfs ' K I attention W the iapertaaee of a liberal 1 tura Fodder, tree lea wow 11 .ad wt..a • Ari etaentpt was made IS determine the °sltivatba of root crops V a mind fart 1 to Cat tt--•1.•.t.. ..ener,Ity rrwtred. ! del iv''.iwof self heti/hied Bora. The p and Ills of euro p favor allowed t° grow wit►k these stalks t U � eats FERTILIZATION OF COtlgt. I IMPORTANCE OP_ROdy CROt�s eGaperte.ata Mad. $. D.S. a Ale. a ...,,, .,.tee Lor a bleb stents I were by • and Aro (t„t,....:. until the ear eel tread bagau to forts Tim two weaker plants were Ikea removed Sow- .d t I..rger ya t 1t.s of sweet from cute of Ib. k111 , sad a fl'amr two rote pre.: „ , yos tient fielder. and it fed feet whim in naatit.g tar n.udiLb.!! make the 1 an sad "me fest b formed best passible Knee Leto.. •. The trouble, however. is likely to he that when It has eea.'hed that r.nea! ion 1 ht ears will be 'gold for market err cs!inlug. and the ears will not get anything better thea the talks Mau,• pera..us who mo new 1n the Cosine** drill or row entirely toss' thick. ,This produees a .plLo!liu; growth of green. watery jilrats, het;, r tl::u entirely n feed. ref c':tf.o, hut 1.,,t •r good as esii he raised by tirepping the graltu four or fire i teha. apart in drill. ..r by pliant - lag half • dozen kent'Is le )alis eighteen •1irhos apart. 11'hether drilled or pinntal Lt loll.. the rows .h olill It three and a bell feet apart. In this way the snake will grow more atorky . and far more nutriment will he realized than from very clothe and creed's' drilling. An imateose amount of ger eft ?Adair eon be el educed front an acre Winer good cora laud. whether teeth or south.. • 1t also stakes excellent winter fodder, the elite( teepee ion tieing th ditfieulty of properly curing and Paving i' v I•en Ifarte:ted !ate, as it is !table to mold if parker away without loving thun.uglily diitd out. Its 'thief valve and jt• hest use is for or feeding to cows in its growl ata is • a,wmpt experience that when pas- turage grows abort •nil rows fail in their mLk to cry conaiderahlr extent. they ran- ee' lee fully brettght leek t.. their best yield by nay subsequent letter fes iieg 011 bran, toots, Le. 'Bigght hone is when. the':r••••tt *men fishier sT,nul•) e{p•re I:: aua ben •:it tuned to eumpeu.atc for the storage in the stature, and prevent ahriukatfr in milk for the want of sntrnlent food. Early and late plantings may be. made to bring it into the right roi:t:itiun at the tin.,, o}o.n it will Is• most I!tgMied. After rainy ht the hot months of July and Au- gust it emirs very- rapidly. Ftarmers have yet much to learn with re ;a:.1 to the stalk and leaves of the fern plant as fodd T. The waste is still too great. A C..rr-cpr?deent Ib The Mind New Yorker recently described add advo- cated w hat to many will ap pt::r • new way ,.f prusert ing corn fodder. In brief, I he *t eta is this: The Dern iw sown in drill• thirty two inches apart• leaving about eight plants to tate foot. The, Omits ere not I.ermittrd to mature errs, hut ::r, rut when the tassels are perfectly d.v.•l,.pcd The stalks are not dried, hut dins-tly after cutting ire t'ruw•n into large' Turks whero they stat:d at.tll 1►e- co:els•r It is claimed for this system that a heavier yield of stalks is Beraud, that the fodder is kept tir.•'•n without the ex}s•n'e of eosilojng, and that case of wui,n{! 1. actinides iu nonuser system - Thi' plan would tend to u!.trt many egain:s ..f other handlers of corn fodder The impression very generally prevails that the Turn plant needs more spare in drill. and this correspondent gives it that it tnnst mature an car beton it can be said t.. /mittaln its matimere ,•f nutri- ment. and that it nearlydont.as : i nutri- tive value in the period bit wren t i -:ailing and the glazing of the kennel. also, that gnen corn folder will bur Iy r :old tin - kept in a perfectly air tight compart- ment Ile shows his faith, however, iu the t.ystem by putting in ten or mr,e acres on this plan, and others t.r•e testify- ing to the value of such fodder as he onslutta. Break las Horwea. A Mississippi correspondent in The Southern Cultivator gives his plan for 4trtaking horses: On all young horses jest being broken use a common draw halter 1,f Iftron rope, and when the neres- aily fomes to hitch. tie to a ntre,ug post or other object that cannot he shaken. being rueful not to tgCltve more that four feet pixy, nor tie higher than a level with the horse•. nose when at nest. The first precaution prevents the young animal from turning his tail to• the post. an . awkward pslition from which he iiitart ably tries to extricate hici:telt by turning the wrong way.The second pr eantinn prevents pasang under the halter and being in consequent* pulled intn a tearing position w inch sometimes remelts in a fall. and the head (wing high in air, the berme in mashie to get up. t'ontinue the use of the halter until the habit of stars' formed. Older horses that you have not had the privilege of breaking in thin manner n+luirr mon i.ht itnn•, bat hi using the halter until they le -quire the habit of standing. and then use alter- nately with bride. being careful t o tine the halter when yon expect the hone to stand some hours, yore ren finally leave It off altogether. l'nder no tireumstances nllnw any one to scats or whip your horse while hitched. as such treatment only arrest,. niake the nervone horse more so. Shon'el a horst break horse, Batch hint immediately and tie more si'enr Iy to the name place and let him stand there looser. The care or rearm Trow and {'Iris With the prnapeet of protracted drongbt this summer ail who have newly planted term. vines and shrubs will do well to provide the sate with a mulch of some kind. unitise it is intended to frequently stir the soil sound them. Any material planed npon the all around the trees and vIna. that will provost the earth teem beemeing heated and retard evaperatkta of *mister's therefrom may be rued ter ssalehing, such as strsw, refuse from the =pile. hay, out ourestalka, atones. rte. oohs, being more retentive of mois- ture and p.__...d of greater power of ars lees benefited by the ualeh tkaa seethes, of a sandy character, t it will be wise plan to guard all the Oben and plats set out during the spring ith a mat* of some kind. • Young trete, especially three with tall i minks, ate liable b fajury from the hot Iraya of tbe son. The odd device of pro- t.eting the tier he by means of two boards n ailed trigadhar IN AO to form an angle for Lbs teas, sad plsssd ora the south side, Is rIna N - of g whit the etal forei ar•u. Want of Sleep Is seeding thalamiga aaattafly to tiro Insane a.y luta i fled tie• doctors say this , trouble to otomy •a tie* ttscreaas. , , The usual retnsjjr, wku, they may twtagaatent. wherever a des nal! I ii re temporary Wide as', likely to do t emend character of tbs climate'stove harm thea good. What is heeded their ,turnia! development. clouts fur- 17 as Alterative and lldrlwd_puriAer- nlsh an exceptionally large quszitity of I A7e" mss Ula 1s laoomparrbly valuable ve •table. matter fit fur fodder the bat. It c'emete thee, distar1MSIMCs for various' kinds of fano live stork. Cum- I in the ctreulattos which cases sleepless. p�tulg In this Jiro thou f•vttaably wife roes' aeaa, gives increased vitality, sad re - lase e n two oostiguoe s s and of I Dost reset fodder c y pay g ry,po; and they stores the aenrrea amen b a healthful e muslin on the outer two aides and well, on account of large tetnrna for the top, was placed over the ramaiaing nereseary carr bestowed upon them by a OoitdI ios- k This ',rerouted all contact with t eur,ug deep reltivat len t.0 meet sw•t•*•o. Rev. T. G- A. OW, tMgt of Ike :lava. Ilea; the glass permitted fail The h Mcal conditions • {w peaseof the soli, how • Aurae Mirteuary $octet], writes that osis •.l light and the muslin of air. No p y .rut t y t.wy hrte Dtxw fur his stomach was stet of order, his sleep i,::ldl. interference with the normal the owl very often •h•tarbed, and roma no - purity of the Hotel manifest ; but that a perfect cure was obtained by the use of Ayer'. 8arsat'ortlla. r'ederick W. Pratt, �t Waahingtun street. Roston. writes: •• My daughter was prostrated with nervous debility. Ayer's Sarsaparilla restored her to health." William F. Meeker, feria., Pa., was eared of nervousness and sleeplessness* by taking Ayrr'a Sarsaparilla for about two months, daring which time hu weight increase' over twenty pounds. A r S ever favorable L. pM1ce p uc.ian orf crops of a similar temperature and moisture was observed, ekararter, will suffer. if year after year se the t;laenaltheuf (be frame were tweed the same system or sultivatlon ti car- te the teeth and asst. rind nut. leverwlt in the mechanical It has kern shown by Italian Inveatiga. tre haunt ut the soil. and cltange.of er•- tions that the only effect of a white mus- trot for soul treatment. cannot otherwise on *creep oft the growth of corn is to but alert advuita)ssut ly its ni rhauiral stake it slender, but with an increase in condition and tl.e degree of it,. chemical total welght This important inllueuee, disintegration. pn•wotirtg then-hy an fit ,in the oxpest este under wtmideratiun, o1e.. for development -nt inbenut plait was ueuttaliz.d by having hall of the food. as sell as its power of turnit g to screen wade of glass; and, on the other I account atmospheric resources of plant hand. the harm that might arise (nen gre wth. The n.•ts of the rams' plants onuflntmmwt under glass was neutralized abwtrart their food. yt•ar after year, from by combining .:nth with It, which offer. the same layer of iiia. while • change of little n+sista,oe to the passage of sir and crepe with reference to • different mot moisture. In a word, the single aero spoon renders it pus slble to make all plaint was under normal inetwu,-es pow pane of the agriea tl ural toll contribute tically, the ares of foreign pollen wee I in a de� irabir sur.'... un towards an being pn•veuted. .rt.nowi.al production of the es'. to be The plant continued to grow 5ar ally, 1 raised. beep noting plants. like our pollen iu the greatest abundance eau-. pre- pnouanebt ruo! crops, for this reaaou. de - ' awl cutrna the leaves. ti ri. and serve a l+articalar cont'ideratiuu ui the ground bruareh filth athick. yellow dust. I piatuting of a nit heed staatem of ritati•w The silk was p••II-•uir .l in the tame prod igal matwer, and there seemed no reason why the ear should not mature a f1,11 eoI plement of kernels. In the fall the frrr:e was n•m.vel, when it was iota :.l that the tor which 13.14 only r.•er 1:ed 1..1 len tr• n file same is crit contained t. , kir. mels at all. while the two stalks wIi'•h were free, to ric:are ellen (nem ascii other or elsewhere had the ears well eked out with sound kernels. Although this is Inst a single Jnt'tance, it je points afroggly towards the ineapsei Jt of the corn plant W elute fertiiire, and the great advantage in productiveness of Mao her tiliee<tia i. _ - _ now a Whtseste sae Was 1aatw_ .� The idUowlatr description of how a silo was befit was given ata meeting of Whi- toeutin fanners by the builder. The strurtute wan 24 feet luno(. ' 2 (tel. wide Cml 113 feet high. It was built ut the and of a befit barn, lapping eight feet ill.•t the barn. curt � e but f awnf•et are iflat agoaKa the bank The het tom the oil, isoua level with the bottom of the lrase•lnent ..1 the bane, with which it is center -toil by • door through which the ensilage is wheeled to the feeding mangers. The silo is built of wood, uln: • wall on the aide two feet high. in which are set posts four to eve feet apart. the tops of which are on a level with the top of the wall. On the bank side the wall is seven feet high. The sills of the building aro of two inch plait, ane foot wide, held in place by spiking ti,em to the tops of the posts in the wall. The studding u of plank, one I foot wide, plated thirty-two inches apart (the width of building paper). The plates are of plank. one f,wet wide. and mortised to the top of the studding. The building is kept from smarting at the top by false rafters. spiked to the plate and tbe regu- lar shatters, reaching across to the oppo sits rafter. two feet below the peak and securely fastened. The building is re v ered on the outside with paper tacked to the studding. and thou with lap •siding. ()n the inside It is papered, then farrowed outwith inch strips, thc•u needed with (a tendency to check Its ravages. By this good watched rheetie Tho ndt is of means ht had not het a tree for fourteen the best aiting.r't. A partition divides yew.. The varieties which had done the the ails into ten compartments. The best with him were the Lombard, lye whole cot was $150. _ penal (:age Bradshaw, Niagara 'and The A.paeyaa fled. Wheat. From what he had seen of the Aspara„as produces need the second Niagara. he was favorably impressed with it. soon, therefore, as the stalks die in the fall these should be A word Abort Pig Pea. of crops. To mine intprevtd vanettes of routs shot:W be the rule. Boot crops. although somewhat peen - liar Bt their a ompositten ween romper d with many of orir prominent heftier ar- U, Ips, hove proved a tern valuable eo,n- .t itueut iu the Birt of various kinds of farm live reek, when pre ly supple- mented by hay, ffr.his. ail cake. bras, etc . as eirtunuitanc•s may midst. The professor's experience at the elation con- firms hilly the valuable services of roots as an ingredient of fodder rations for nlik•h rows To rahre writs the second year. after a liheral ap•olicatlou of coarse barnyard ma- nure, or the turning over of grass lands, wish-aaatataneerr f. 70116• a nln..reiiti ph+•. Latif! fertiliser In the Interest ..f a timely- maturity. is highly recommended by poi/lira! cultivators of sugar beet* 7'.. stimulate in the!'+vias the pnduetiou of the largest jiessible amount of sugar ■ad star•'l, m•:st he the object of the ea- t tvator, for these two eonatituenis of roots e' nor ol, more than any other tine. their iurnase in solids. rotate In Plum eareare. Followin • are some points in plum rill. tun riven by a fruit grower with ti.irty years' expel -team at a u:eet ing . f Maine p,taedogiats: Plums na -eyed well on different wills. hat tee trete reeuire to he well fed. Pluni trees will not thrive miter neghrt. lien manure and manure frost the hog peti are as good as any. The hest pia• e for the plum is in a henya.•d. A t It re- quires clean ewltivatkin, tout doing well in grass. a henyard seems to be jest the plus for it. Besides. the hens are the best protection against the eereulio. the worst pest of this fruit. This grower at- tributed his own success with plums to this growing there. The leak knot had troubled hien e. ntederably. While no sure remedy had been discos -ere!. he found by applying manure liberally to a tree where he saw sigua of the Mack knot. it gave the tree • thrifty growth, and had n°8anAs to cut down and burned to prevent. as far as The farmer'sign should iw located possible, the growth of are e seedlings at a considerable ati.r ren fmrd the housecrop.unong the rp, which aout nada] and in a dir•ecti,-n feet which the pre- erodir•ated and are really weds. vailinq windy will t t waft t! d It is use as's't plant is at just Peru elan guano mi and the manure is the surf a mulch of weds fore he plied, w fre- quent working g n of bushes. stud would destn.} all the seeds without teeming any injury to the roots. -Dr- A. (Semler, lieorgia. lea. to apply maenre when the the odors rest in the fall and winter. but tow it. Better .tL•;. the Dad smells loth. tx+gtnningof growth make nitonk' be reduced to a minimum by clean- lo hien of half . ton to lbs arm of lineae and deodorizing at the pmt This guan. 1s.ne flour or MINIMA (1.1easily! end profitably. ear Tho KIS STEEL BINDER. • tlsvltyt hod *beet Meir reap a►xt.seI.e.e 1n n•ealrIne waren+ rod teeters. there are "'sr Iu.twnuJ imam that 1 nese disease 4 iu rrtror.t to tea• nerd..: err. l•.pdet. which to my rttiad proves its sryrrwrey., Er oil oth. • : 5. i:.•pp.ato ewe he teralob sl 'w ah..-.. r r•s'ire t i...'. 1* any' eth* r ,'••mrruy, • t. Jvnitr sett with we se xi an,. t •'. h• . !:ei p w. tn.se 11•• nt.t•n.•..at..r7. This lathe 010.1 tee -orient tram to *0 uses eyed 4r.11 tnrbys7 Lw•.• slit.. A 'l us' r isel.i,••• r totter •, 1.1* w. opo +I 5. 11, ..lee•.• r., Into*. -! •, . :. and to :her fore Iwcrr able to e'Yt,: worn .•.•t s ..' 1..- •'',.a war ut ret• eters, ~• 1. 1 oro not a ire reams' :.re., aryl •- • • •':ear• • Ne fe•uu••t at earshot.. atr•.digf to haelnrw. Faros*. wallettyr,t.e hoe threw:+..•. • .• .wafer+q• •.1041'•. rho u,..1 .11 .1.. t?r Hurl rt 1. ted, are inr.ted10 r... - '«.M ass shop. 1hats the !r use .iv.kofre p . r* ,or f a rills e. al,laM of 4111 u. a ..•,rse. . u.n. yes' s arsaparilla, _ S rn - . A Jf -AN PRlrle ns' Dr. J. C. Ayer & Sold by al: Lrnrriste ax ' Co., Lowell, Mass I•nMMyt 1Mar144.1sr, err..*, poi..t.r ra•' s......•rel ::r•••,'•er • • L it.:.al Medd as' Prise pi, adz bots..., M -ry. st..-1 .H. riowmillr. Teri .h:n:- 0A line- •..o•. , :. !if. h.,• ; ,c•tweer made ase - I kept tea hnn•1, an•- (erosive retro ii.f say .1 ,:. •.• s,iss hs- to t'e.. • ' ,.n, eel'. s' 21/0 is ,.u,•. r .. Seder:ch. y-r'up 4e, es' w,•r,(..•... ytgeraay tit e. CTS UM he St R Dula, h. I. I. ;;iiwlsai,: lrS1.3 (1.41. `J S. t HI BLOOD - -se 4' i, Witt rent attlea.sae•a • 1st epela Lis er t eeaplwlet ▪ tea ■•adaHes ser. .Mee NOM My. >rr Apok. Blood :eve, E.DOWNING, Th. (114 Fsrahtt.teu !t.•ue .r - ... ••la•. of Geller•t..U.1.111 to Ike front 'alit. (:.r of ! Lances . • u, tole 1 lunNa:••u, .i.iproane. { For sole lir Januar. 11siffrte Zeit-Woe Dun i aline el. Prier ''nets 4114 •t. C.1tA r i. FC L- e i llil pYtk 71 N R. EPPS'Z cocoa IiI11iA KFAB'r. 'lie •. thoratuth soteMiae es-Mp w•twral I,ws wbt-h rutrru foie.Puratjssw, f dismot .o ane! nutrition, and bye e apphalien ,q the rine prepentr.' of *ell es' t'no a. Mr Kilns, has provided our brava foot t..Lle with a . et .self flavored hetrryae• whi,-h nosy Neve Iv many Leavy doctors' slits. R it bs • the }Wiens" ase o.' each artirle•s of diet that a constitution may be- to•ulusile built _ i up until strong enough to ream ewers tendency to disease. Ftasdre4e. sof subtle maladies are flaming ea seedy to as tack wherever there 1• .t weak pais:. We may escape maim a doral *heft br 'reenlist oarariyrw writ *oolitic., w t11. pure hind Nod a properly soetrtsl,ed :raaoe --"(Writ Scenes e:w : Apr Made simply with b.,. water or milk. Sold onit in p•.11.•t• try 14,40•rs, labr11m1 the: J AMISS If Pr.-‘ et. c... tiuotaapysC.:c I'hem- ids. Landon. Eta laud. •ryy}_- a ASAL BALM use. -a.1:: • :;. biretta} •1 -.line. . flay Ilth. 1IIR'. 1 My wife en3ered for Ave years with that di.:ress:ag disease. catarrh. Her race was Des of the w sot knows ha these parts. she tread all of the atarslt rums_ dies I ever saw ads,•rtisee- bot easy were M no use. 1 finally procured s bottle of Natal !calm. :Abe has heed waif one huff of it, and now feet' like a new person. i 1re1 it toy duty to ta7 thst Naarl Bales cannot be TuV HIGHLY' n•coatae,.Aed for catarrh tram:Am. and act ptsseed t0 1...e all each st:ftt•r.•rs knnw through its r..; they wt.' n•,-ei.-e ii.steut relief earl cl•Itb; Gust i, 51COILL Farmer a e arae too. by >;eel with murk or garden m.o. throwing r a few shoere the of dry rano DR. ! T LAS then harrow it in. If stabl<, "n that portiva when the pigtr resort, neo card it ought to remain upon titst their manure i, mixed up with it in are. The material tering at hand, thethe penpen, and still mere thorougEvery eehly when ••EXT: OF thick tnongh to present agmwth be constructed so tie.it can be cleaned oatshanlANI LD and grass, to be burned off be-• winter to dressing is to be Gr to one of Enoughthe Rides without entering it TR BERRY p g • •� set nal. space .iu,a1J be lilt lice nuld obviate the necessity of fee• twecn the floor and the siding for intro Orkin or mowing dewR6 during a long handled scraper or hoe for CURES the ampere of liberally cleaning p ort. If dry r°' ter^pen I as been Inretall annplfai wir6 dr]1�Kearth. bad odors will he prevented and O the value of flet manure ittereaaed. OLrI C'a RAMPS IARRHOA YSENTERY Tire Mr Fel Ihority In says: Ch gapes. Feud sprinkled down the kerosene a may beast night 1' brood at u heat of th freed. be t move the to risen, may be as heart boat never ion W011114 C1.41 roes, fare ter Capes. eh, who i• reeffenizei u• an a• matters p••rtaining 10 poultry.ickens neigh when theybevel then, with chopisd onions with sulphur. Blow sulphur throat -Just a little -or import has become inflamed and the prssaur, in 1 Into the nostrils that duty milking Irritates her. a milking tube may he the fumes .1 the same all anmetimen be used to advantage until the nderlay the coop in which they dttiieulty has been removed- They ars ight with cariolatrd lime. the eimply small tubes of rubber ver silver. to e brand will rause the arid to be inserted in the teats. Their nee is not he breathing of which will r: - advised fur general milking, as they are rause. But Brit more the troop liable to become irritants themselves. shaded quarters, where they Tubes gond enough fur temporary use can cool as possible A ehirken • br made from gnllia or wheat straw by . 1511 times a minute and it sh•ptttg the entering suds carefully and /�� _ pipes. Sometimes heat is • riblb,ting the fin ser of elle straw ,elite oRiaz i:ewaraM t ere them y to chickens than cold. smooth before it is ttaed who mart tats sad •hero act : y wilt find h Slinkipg Tube. Milking tubes are made and we for sale by large dealers in dairy suppllea, but are n ,t in general nse. When a cow's udder AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE ANO RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. Termentaeinn of Now ]fade flay. There are several farts• long familiar to parties' men. which show clearly that the promise more than from I hn pomp what how dry It lug, and not Is not fit 1. tag termini court' mens that will not not take Atm trees thew Thugs Told by Farmer. homes and tamdtcs. 11.44 p.pata eel•kargeeed A farmer with ennalderable experience. acre for every Iw4us•rton, Dertroe. Noisy Imre who has Mimed clover two ears. saysif nude and are now ms,,. srrrrwi hundred of haymaks is something dors', a month. It is rway for u ane to ng g It should he left to wilt on the ground for maks Aland upwards per rtay, who an, willlpg • mere drying not of moisture two ho':rs after r::tting. and each day's to work. tither set• seug es' .t ; filling of the alt be allowed to heat be. not wse•trd : we start y,,,: `veryrh fore the fresh clover is added. and the eletyacis1aM11ty rvgaued: w. reader, ems Ao 1t r wNlon.. u e to *idea. not t he center. kept thoroughly tear fn'I fsvttrulars. whirl- w• marl hut, *4 tramped. the clover will roma out moist dr'e►1l1nRaefXCo.,hmsape.1lafaa >t and green. and the cattle will relish it as grass New liay will -slyest" In the m„w or .talk. no matter appeared to lea at time of .tor. a few Itnrwonen claim that it w horses until after this 'weat- The set • e voted to ort b t of he re able features of American agriculture Ike Wm Twat I••• Pale. nine', 1870 The inmates in the hradth The feely� Rb tiYtsal fair of tee of the crop of 1� over that of 1'eS7 Now T..rk A gsststy will weer amount. to 6 par *not . or nearly one and tatlon has timritughly rru is thoroughly as enmmer pasters. Mr F D. Cnrtis le .e 4.411 l as raying Agrlewttural Note. that the best pork ever mei M the farm ly enlarge©:mit of the area de. was made by fooling sienna ear s as been oar t moire twice ed s• da five bun BA awsdee, boiled, and mixed with a hall bushel of rye. gronnd astir*. Ursa weeks beton tilling time the rye was la to �e pucka at each tne.l.POWDE R N. A Goff. horticulturist of the Neat York experiment ea station, found as the No - anis of• long aeries of tests that t1 .1• 1 4 duetiveneas et say .teat. of potM aaa b. naategWly loereaeed by the sostiaaed ttelattftla for Beed of tinter. Ira.11055at DE�i �: R� ter. •flet is tow .ell's hills f..rm., h,+' cgs' prod pwassd hf the prrv1. :hi.' s ""1-1 Ino a� 1'.111. Augur daserlbes the �y draw- ' A ho a �a .l ,i of t'r.Ab1, berry ae always goad in VIII"' not lar Fame. an d/one re Heer cin � or-lelaatly peidect ie to lit aloe- anA .e /ee fall PUNN'S KING y at Elgslra Sept. 1?'.* Th. pwwfs 1M . quarhv minions of nrrea and brings the t. pew pa* toad eta be eblSWli by V- total arta up to more titan "1,000,000 sores. tlkrattan to the asenterf set A�1. 7b• q� t being n•tmerie ally an even * pedal gffnaa jou =ado la addition to the Id be a favorable, u•a.nn four ��aa•, apples. sod the returns of the season show giii" news ovrs f years of ass. The anew generally a gn°d prn epect in .very lin >a boo the (xydadd, one Iowa Urea= sad a las for the an. year -, portant fruit met"' tweilser medal M Mg beat Clydesdale Wei The pressings list of th, international halite elate le oar of Clio Woo fah% to b e hold at Ronald Rept. 4-14. is • def the ajdsMds dm est, tb• rash pet•mlins being t 00B. c W. 1•htneon, of labile, I. tint tI t�MInM�*t +t�.�..+. .� • th.I•aaw ss .1 shkor auris M w ties for serhst. bet fee tun , tee M bean age•• era n fa. 0. L. VI A•T aM ,peon• wherever trh•.,y��' �V�O� TO. mot at Ten are started hue � e is iiiat +M f os ." ' /� L[ ar. asolock do, •ors. Wawa*. auat_e. Id 11 s''1 (. a a,• mock, �Rsi+ef &anew lea tea. O { EVERY STYLE YT ._I R CE !• IN NEN:s, Bilis lC UP Ladies' Fine Goods ie Bolton Rota. Balmoral.- ('uazrwM. e)ct..rti Ties. 1rfl.-en d't7.•rent vying of Kid f:ipper- etrWar. up 10 aft, P.ie* 7r.tt!lice, Felt. P1o.h. newt,. t'r::rrlia, e•.rpe,. wigwams 'end t9+rmsn Ahf•per. in p » -..ion. OVERSHOES AND RUBBERS :)l eyry .4 .rr.t.•• m t'rri, .,, . .a ,4.a' a,t•I tnwru•ya makr•t. 1 1•,x14 riw coil ter a..e host of Y.►-aiEI.e to urs ,.rt ..1 my .tont especially ',Mahn- for term, .n.-!: Long Botts in Calf, Kip and Cowhide, FELT BOOTS AND MOCCASINS. 1 has e a ,:ut of Fra Monts, us' own 10a1 ., ncka, wieder.' to he the 'test ►'e:• !' nada la t'anu•1:.. Pnnunt and awn -rut neentien apt en to ORDERED WORK AND REPAIRING. a riles -t deur •hree fact,. is mod 1- 1 Lave br far •he ler_ •.• stock of Boole and --so.s is tele'. • •llry err of the very 1 * peiali•r p•..,•yrgh)r. tx•:ug nrtd.• 43 the best etaau;a, Myers in Capt e1•; Awl 1 *II *ell at pr,. -es a. to ..r Lower It as *Lyons. .tare. r olicitin4 a eon, trouser. of ; our vrtuwt ,,,atom- w litre-mhy se. oiled ate during !et ewe four.esa years. 1 trnum, you w 4ahfu1!'. E. DOWNING, Mock. ('ea. Fast set. and P,rrare. PURE PARISGREEN, HELLEBORE, . INSECT PCS w DLR AT RHYNA'$ T�-2E =R'LTGGXST_ HAVI't BE - m7 shop in the hum style, put (a Tore sew aartxettbis{n. tw"of tient •iie.eie bred Rochester TwineCha•r' end hired a }ooraeyman ltarber, we ler In a position to dollen,' IN a r k (Lao hereto- fore. Lady's t C' Itiper'- Halreutting made • •penalty on s11 days except ate:say. Itasors and deisort ground. OIZITI 11 N ewe dorms eget of P.O.. (loi•rieb NEW ANNOUNCEMENT ! Tje phew hem anew clrameacitted. while h nLtngbantathe l prbi.c for their liberal patronage estowe4 to '� 10 artnw•tece that he has put sown 6i* SOC S OTTO Jt ei IF I , EEjj. an wWhet partiurhr;y to call monition to his SPLENDID LINES OF TEAS from 10 cts to 76 cts per Ib, Maple Syrup, finest case Prunes pure Spices, Lawry celebrated Bacon, cooked Corn Beef, Cut Myrtle, Cavendish and Club Tobaccos, bast American fns cut chewing Tobacco, fresh salt and canned Fish, best quality. 12 Bars of Soap for 25c. 3 Scrubbing Brushes for 25c. lemons, Omer vs. lilted Candy. .k Ne. 1 Charente 11kePt ere _ eMr-. (leneral Groceries Crockery, Glassware. Floor, Feed rrltigheat rater paid few tamers' erectness JOHN ROBERTSON a1'