HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-7-27, Page 5• • 1 PP • 10 gear • • ••••• -• • d -r - •••- --•••• -- r* . • THE HURON SIGNAL, leRIDAY, JULY 27. 188,8- PM TIM MI SIM TNE Ion MIS NMI IAIM Cua.L.i.. r•T FRASER & PORTER'S AMID TIMM& MBOW YOt. HOW DUBIN Kase 111 DONA:. De sm dotal. hat ore with tho mem! sad wow AN OIL CHROMO, WORTH S4 00 FOR $1 00 • 3 00 75c. • is •• 2 00 " 50c. 00 ' 25e. ▪ se Ake Mad tegrevings at same calmed Wives. Lovely Ptoterra sellable fer framing. worth PAM fur led• mid M- . MP -WE WILL SELL AT THESE PRICES FOR UNE MONTH ONLY -11rA Vaasa. Caps sad emcee& Fruid Piste* arid Porridge Bete at Was time wholesale prices. Phetegraph Albania Pima. Purses Gad Loam' estoliMs. at prima so low you will be agreeably empress& Larvae Waggles. Crania, Wog Toes and Yore at coot pries. W MEAN STB,AIGHTFORWARD BUSINESS. A large stock of Music Books and Sheet Music, vocal and instru- mental, at Half Price. Jest to Wad • triagailmat liar of NEW WALL PAPERS Latest toeurataa Dealeas wad Coios e we*, Ihoi a., Hord, ra. &*. BLANK BOOKS, MEMO. BOOKS AND POCKET BOOKS, Buetesee Netepaper end Eavekmea, also new lines in Lads.. Notepaper and Envelopes. Attests for tbe Ameeteals Frau Froweviag /tawdry mid Ussaid. Mosey saved by rang it ag no eager is more.. FaRa.A.SP-a-TRi CSC POPVIMPL, Casual Telerate's Ifasimates Mail Oar. Northm. aad thinan, Gatierick. 21113 -ft Wm. Mott visited busauserhill one day last week. Idaster Dick Dawns, of Cliotoa, visit- sci his uncle here last week. Jack Raveling left towh last Tuesday. Some are mourning his toes. AIL Morton psid • flying risk to the town of Chalon one day this week. Robert Gott visited thy Queen City on business oos day last week. Miss ll:air, telegraph operator. turned from Goderich, whrre she DIA • very ei.it with Inettels. Last Sabbeth morning Rev. Joh, lasat's addressed the Elstibitth children to a very interesting manlier. Robert Whtte, Our young harness maker, is speoding hie 11-Aidaye around Dungstin.in. Bob will very likety iTat mashed on sonie Dunitanuou's lovely daugbten. Mr 'les. Young, builder sod contract- or. bas had to lacier's' hie stall of men, tierit.g to the pressure of work spou him Mr Young and hie staff are mak- ing a big improvement io the east end of otir t•en in Down's block. in ()vie - hauling the old store sod bailding a Dew dwelling home for Ile proprietor. For excellent work Jim apses to the front ev ery tone,and don't you forget it. Jas. rray, one of our old Anharn boys, has taken up hie lot in St Hideo's. Mr Murray. hes been employed in Mr Voungbluts shoe store for quite a num- ber of years. He is a bee workman, sad a good fellow. We understand hie Weeds to run • shoe store of I'm own at 111. Illeloe's. We wish him every Rac- ism is 110 maw boom, and might say that tie people of St. Helen's have got a geed citizen in the person of Mr J Mom. . . TWENTY FIVE 2 5 - Toilet Setts " GON SALES MEN Huron Land Agedy. NEW PATTERNS. NEW SHAPES. Prices to Salt Everyboriy. CALL AND ewe THEM AT CH.A.8_ IP • S TRW. Perameent poet' rgsaarartiommt v04'16.110111 Ali, voirammat r•aa Ass tioelecustiwri loan ea. emceed with es. Peculiar iml ventage to beirilaiera Stock regapiese tacludiag maim faid *angel ileschal. ties. think f ree. Adercissat eats. Claim title paper) BROTHERS. Eutillehice 10f. ritiaTela N. Y. ANCHOR LINE Eapreee er r Lrl'ELTCOL via QVKINETOVr. striiabatircrrir or Hoek. true. Nevi York WICONItatilt, Aug. e. IS• ^5, Orl• Uct• 31. 1-118.11* arid Sawa paserame a:tinier afloat. Cabin •J5 sad littia Set ottel-clialm. VW. a 1104641111 Eft I lit R. Steamers ery Patiarmay from New Tork OLLF.AIOIT aati IfINDONDEUIT. Cabin Pamoge to lAmdmiterry. Lir• erpooi or likelhast.1150 and WO. second-elese.$11. Weertur. out Ward or pi eprie . either service M. deb ea exenrCen, idiots al reduced rates Tra.ellera' Circular 1.etiers wi Credit, sad Drafts for oo Anioulas leetiod at lowest cur rest rater. For Hooks of Tears. Ticket* or further ialoneation imply to HENDERSON I DRATHEItS, Nee Vora or 7.14541. ARCH. DICKSON Ooderteh. NEW LIST OF LOTS FOR SALE. CILL IND SIB TRU. Lot•10 near Light House will im sold at great eargain. We have • valuable lot at the Harbor for mire at • very low figure. Nine Trammed Dollars to loss et In sad *half per mat. Mtf. N 333 N27. SPRING GOODS ! DAILY •RRIVINU. NAIRN'S 14 PriX"tt • • Magoelic Irmi Ore Paifit ^medially adapted for Batas. Ilrtdoun, vowel of Datalliat Homes whether Wail ita Irmo aed torn.ultitral implismosse el all Slade. COLOR 1 RIO BROIIIII 00•00.0•11 bY aapelyms gl,," Jam. in Ike economical. and puomases twice tfiriVi proof. water prod. oatediag. ea aad mreogth of any Giber oxide in the market. Yoe further particulare apply to. SCOBIE & CAMPBELL, r Box Ll•degitelb Ogee GODERICH BOILIR TOM Chriztal 86 Blisckg STATIONr1114,411A6mMtur. VP114111Nall kTInAd1180°ITUMILMI and all impurities or the Hlood from what• yr (Attlee aria. BOILERS. SALT PANS, SMOKE STACKS Female Wee*. i•••• lad mid all kinds of Sheet Inso work. •1 lesommilty. ,wurcly Veaectable. STEAM •elle ATM MPS /TIMINGS comment ly om humid. -- Oa head, ready for delivery : Mt IL?. are Meet Illeiler. Tonspiete. I 22 liettemd Need Seiler. Gaol assesatrated. pleasant, .ct late ANS= SIDEt DR. HODDER'S COMPOUND. Tighe we taker. 'told Every se bere. Freer. Fri -1M TAL.11.40Et, n "'" Per b.riir. has • large Amon me nt of best goods for Also a 11 'cr. Lean* amid eallee Mesetill Godertch. tp HWY. !IV- I 131:f.- D3DJEFt' seder. •••••••.atintraimisoAlMr°11O • CZE.11t1Xe GENTLEMEN'S SUITS aina eiery Godierieh leaelkees Oonatagess. Jai; It IMP Wheat. Fall aldl 1, boat . sa is • so so Wheat. 47.2inew • tiO Wheat. tred whiter,. beak .... 1 1110 • e Se whoa, Marian) busk . fle 0 Ili Wheat. igootiel beala ile * 0 Flom. 'faille cwt. 141 0 2 IS Flour. imixed itt IS • 2 M Flour. 'ores. bakers. • met.- g LS • 2 IS /lour. pateott pee. ova. le • 2 ID Oats. I bush ....• .• • le 0 511 • Barley. V bash II IS Hay. • tips • • hi Potatoes. ll Puttee ar ....... . • licseteembeillfealil EMI 2 • 14 • le Ile Rom III too MO 11 IS (Topped Stet. IP r0. 00 f4 menials. II OWL ...... " al wood s - M muoromins ....•• ••••.•••..•rr iv •••••• .....••o H ides I evemed Hews • evet SO OD Maid, et the old and reinable staud. near the Hank of Montreal. COUGH AND LUNG CURE hood. lei Good Temehlea. order' will receive prompt aittaatillii. Solit et ert where. Pete*. 24 eta •1341 50 et mi.*. s *pp. y. a. agagsaa. por bottle. Proprietors and reastufacturers, P.O. BOX 381 THE CN1ON AINDICINE CO.. 2121- Toronto Ont. Galena' Mu 11M. 1 I AM OFFERING 73.1:7041 ompound SAUNDERS Spring s-cr-M R, the balance of my Heck Of 801sT .44 ot the Solna" At__,__. - Diseases R homestima. Dyspepsia , Stomach sad Lome Lave do.ded !o leer out that entire stoek of UTIONS r Goode NI 1 LLINERY 0 oRS Nervous Prastrattea, Plervata• -Thesidat be. N auT slips, Mayotte WEAK NERVES 7•11111Cm.rar Costroesu a Norm Tusk which never falls. Costainieg Celery and Coca thane 110aelehl ellmtalemes, it speed. lly cures all servos tbsordesa. RHEUMATISM Palfirr 0011POCIID partere bloat 11 drives mg Um Meta acid. w caws Rheumatiumi. owl tenons the Waking organs to a latialthy anadklon. The tree remedy kr libenoatlest JEWELLERY ! FANCY GOODS ! PLATED WARE ! KIDNEY COMPLAINTS ANI.P WILL tAtt •trit'S CIALSST Coatroom quickly 110101111 Tata curative power oseatitmed with its SpeCla▪ a BargallIS nerve metes, maim It the bee mnedy tbe liver tor all kidney compirism DYSPEPSIA TAME'S Cilaav ColiffarirD strearthens the stomach. and oak's tbe nerves of the diger tive rigata. This is oby it CUOMO Cilia the ioa worst cases of Dymond's. TS?, Ct2vst Haase Umkr tie Su. CONSTIPATION Panel Cmaav Comeinte hest a Cashes. tk. It is a lamer,. Mvtag *soy and natural salon to the bowels. Illsguiarity siorly 11::=Zied by peakodocal eed toes lead kw boll& Price SUM. Sok by Drugggla WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prop% Montreal. P Q. M these 1.oes no.) a.1 is sold. Call and see us at TENTS CAVEATS. TRACE MAIMS AG COMMINTS Obtained. sod MI bummer in the U.S. Palest Mice attended to at MODERATE FEES. Oar dam is summits the C. Patent Of. I Sea and we me Oman Patems is tres line thee tame restore (rem PIA Nil IMO ro.v. Pend MODEL OR DR.! WINO. We ad- vise as to patentability_ tree et charge : and oe make NO C H AIME UNI. INS E OB- TAIN P4 TK.VT. We mire, here,to Die Postnuurcer.the bum. o Money Order Div.. •nd to oilictals of !be P. Pateel Odlees. For ear. pillar, 'advice. tense and reference* to actual chest. is your own Mate Of COuntr. Write te C A. *NOW Tel- Opossits Passau 0Moe. Wasli'nstan D.C. Metatarsi Yee Mang 11111mitee. July 23 There were about 675 heads of I:lowli- er.' cattle, 600 sheep and Iambs, 100 calves and 50 fat hags offered at the East Rod Abattoir today. Although there was a good demand, yet prime id cattle were lower all round, and a large num- ber were taken from the market unsold. Cattle shippers bought a few good thrif- ty steers at shoot 44e per lb., but very fee hoteliers' cattle were sold at rare than 4e do., and sot very many adiPbr 30 pee lb. Common dry sows sold at shout ST6 each, or 34 per lb., and lean beasta down to below 20 per lb., while it is probable that acme of the worst will not being much over 2c per lb Sheep and Iambs were in rood demand, &hip- pos taking the larger sheep at about 4e per lb., and the battlers payine from t3 to $4 7b for the others. Mr June. Robb sold two extraordinary fine wethara to Pries for Airport to Britain. These wethere were brod by Mr James C-owati. of Chatatagoey. and weighed over 500 lb*, Nearly PO wall paid for these two Gee sheep. Lambs sold M front $3 to $3 50 each, with a few very Poe ones at $4 seek. There are no changes to note in the hog market, fed hogs milling at about 6111 per lb.. and hogs iost from the Dere st 6fe per lb. PAINTING AZAD DECORATING. ELLIOTT & PRETTY -GREATNVARIETY- PRICES TO SUIT 1 -AT THE - TORONTO CASH STORE. T I ECM Cash Store P. ODEA • you tan buy 2151 - Flint Glass Fruit Jars at ILe following prices : 1 .102. Old Measure, g1.20 1 doz. fits.. Imperial Measure. 1.25 1 doz. pt.,. Imperial Measure, 1.20 I have a ow/ iarge itoliortmen, of Family Groceries. • 1 aim sellang cheap. SHINGLES ! TRY OUR TEAS FROM ENTS P. SHINGLES! SHINGLES! • large empathy of firm-elaes Georgistahroi 0s4ar Ablaglea. extra thickness, are WI where. 5,W) and e%lialitie before purchasing G. H.0L at our mill. at reasonable rates. BuchanaulLawsonillobinon; The sq"re. God„,. °mew' 1126 - and you'll my ft better thee yon can bey hi/double the money from peddlers. A CALL SOLICITED. the listelme sol Deetwetera. Meesenssre al M. Clear* lame begun 4 be vel goo ewer eeseeired to MI all se5=111tilts art him, Pallating. Kaasometaing aad General esratitig Orders left at the oboe as Etemap-ipt. or not le vna ind pi ouitoly sulaudeel tr pr salsa ILLLACITT & MM. 01CURE FITS! tilwitiviimsr, WITS, spumpsysi !ALUM 11110M01. a som Ira nuiaorrs.....T.....(bi FIRE! FIRE ! FIRE ! 1 am now offaring the beet HARD COAL is the market, for present delivery fee cosh . AT se PER, TON' Rem Tour orders at min aed save mosey. WILLIAM LEE General Dealer and Terwarder. Ie. MANAGER NASAL CILEA.M - FOR -- COLD IN THE HEAD, Get Your Printing earwig: at The Signal. • II"It - crres. W ORII 00 PRICES CONSISTENT Samples & Prices U• WILSON on Application. Prescription Drug Store, •• CL. ateC ›f' La - THE PRINCIPAL COLD MEDICATED. RIAD Orttli-lt, !LS YomOtoT.. TOSOWro WASHINCTON, M.D. L.G.P.S.O., Eminent Throat sod Lung Surgeon. MILL VISIT GODERICH, ALBION HOTEL, JULY 18TH, 1888, uatil 113 o'clock pen . And Once • Mouth Thereafter. DISL•Saa TIRS•TED. Catarrh of the Read rid Throat.Catarrlud Deafneas,Chroalc Bron- chitis, Asthma and Consumption. Akio Loss of Voice, Sore Throat. Enlarged Tonsils., Poly- ot' the Nose removed. COME EARLY. CONSULTATION TRICE CATARRH THROAT CCRICD. Them are • few of the many who have bees ,ernaaneetly oared by l)r,. N. W eithingtou's Method : M. 8. Dean. Itidgenorlh. Ont.. catarrh. head and t hroat. Mrs lea Eyrie. Out- remorlste growths from aose. Mr Stevenson Moiler foundry). Potrolla Ont.. catarrh. Misr M. Cornish. Vi'ailamberk Oat.. satitsaa sad coaaaaaptifia. Mrs McLandrer-4, Iona. Oat.. catarrh Of the throat. Mr* J. Leonia. and ann• Klitisfon. mho* sad catarrhal deafness. Mee Ralph Chamber. Aylmer. Ont., catarrh t met. Mrs Jae. I.:whereon. Napenee.Ost-hesselltla. bag standing. Jobn A. Little. Dundalk. Out- catarrh. Jobe K. I:Army. Regerore P.O.. Oat.. catarrh. bed form. A. D. Uritas POn. WallecetoW11, OM.. catarrh head and throat. Robt. Memnisee.Warebam. Oat. Mrs 1. aeon, Sortie,. ont.. oatarrb. threat. iong standing. gdith Pierer, litrathrey. Oat.. ealeuged Me- sita W. Lindsay. Petrone. Out.. catarrh. Mrs John Tait, V yam Out.. catarrh head wad throat. R. Noble, jeweller. •ed watchmaker. Patron& ottani' throat. H. McColl. P. M.. Rtrethroa Oat- breech° nossomptioa. W. H. Storey. Esq.. of Worey At SOD. Aetell. Wove Maautecturees. oared of catarrh. WHte mid ask him for earth -niers. 11311 _ _ _ _ _ WORTINT TO F11110118. Greatly Itel.ruced. Prices, .. 8,,,many •rtieles of which will be at and DOW CO /T. MISS C+R.A.I-I.A.M, The Square, Goderieb. SPECIAL DRIVES. DRESS 3ECTSLINS .A.T 5 CENTS WORTIEL 10 CICIN.Vrill. INDIGO PRINTS .A.T 10 MINTS OIR.T13 121 CDIC1s7 T141 - BARGAINS IN EVERY LINE J. CA. "re "Dilre Sick Th" mocedR08 PrieeL& COt REMOVED ! Rees Price 84 Son have removed to the mammoth store formerly occupied by Wm. Kay, next Ito BanIc of .Comwerce, where they will be happy' to meet their old customers, and as many new ones. Ds set mad year mamma amiebliae late the Sabi without mos el onr itssoiry Newer Illiserrodor. THE MOWER'S FRIEND, As the test him With It you ean repair dm - UP& swolkas sad Aaron the with ro Movies it hem the insehlae. 1141 agre yes law home heal emit at the getedeteme. besides velealits this. In kat. h worth iss wetght la gull le every raw et a meow er reaper. If est fer sale hi year town. mod le ernes. and we will seed pin sin bp inegApeataga paid. airsaa. wawa& livery ULIIIMENT & 00. a IS Weessireset. ant %Waal% him REES PRICE & SON. MM. There Ls ao Mistake About it The public verdict is that ALEX. MUNRO has the right Goods, right prices and in the right. time. I want to emphasize the fact that I study the re- quirements of my cuatomers, and have made a special effort this seaw,n to procure everything New, Useful and Fashionable that is worth having. I make no specialty of low lines of floods, T aim at keeping good articles, and at prices commensurate with quality If brevity is the soul of wit, I will not exhaust patience by particularizing particulars, but will merely . say that in all department/. there will be found a chokia assortment. ALL GOODS NARKED IN PUIIN FIGURES. AND STRICTLY ONE PRICE: MEEETNRO, 9064 - Draper and Haberdasher. `.7 4.^^ ." - • tvlitelelo- a - Man in Business should set Stationssir Printed. ^ • ' .. etrinms- __ d.4 • •*"....• • a • - 0 r F sii;deusiiiiksiiiisille NJ "e••• =‘-