HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-7-27, Page 3THE HURON SINAL, FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1888. 3
r'« dee Jeeaw'..N.Sewm�, '
1 n's{t Y wurh •:kay. te.laq tau.. no .us •
I re ogre a evMle •1.1...:i plusetu• •p this
fatter a•
Ai .ithls $ nee• • pwtain' eau' *Abe. aw tugs
&l°nitary .rvepli
1 ovula., J Y w u d Myrysr ur n
t 1 out lei deader ulnae' te myself sea 1
Theegret fuel iii Nair '. 1, r Ileal Leib hie
11 Ill klro''..•'ihw 0a1..r). •a' m.d
y . 11
wick. when 1 limes.
It's Ifi eW,o.'✓4c. uw,'.. a kc-tia' an' • woe.
;ryli ruse w.
1v(».a•ahl.in' tkle Dere %bleu fes thirty
).era u." more.
Aa' este led ito. .ohak.s. ap eat+' emit ha' dot
1'r I. Men A t • 4.4110.3114* coos, net a penny
elm I wee,
Helga, Lind u cl?,win' est 1 dune was the
Mad that d du t shim.
My mind goes earls to Ileneer. whim 1 fetched
her :arm a be14.-
No ap,il. Ohio's' was sae •t.u. au' she numbs'
las ntl Wkly
Like stir tlaought she had a right to, u.' t,uld
tan& tee without Icer
Yin the k...• 1 ...+err hinted at fur m..r.'n t;,lr
ly )..r.
'there we, .n. -esu'. tvLeu', bath, there was
usual' a,.' t..e ,e&.
From tote afu:r the e:m r - 'MI he slumbered
1n the carat.
An' wheal Ile oat et u. was .:onto. au' lain.
'rut:u.i .:..Even,
Haa.ur mu re. nu :atfu' w::h her needle an'
her sh(ar.,
E t w..eu tae 1)'e war.btiire from that faith,
NI. patient avert.
1 1 ad to ane the sous,. 1 bade'! doom my I
And 1 couldn't help • Weide.' w.stehlu' out
that weary I.fr.
That tl.ere'■ other ways a'kI En;l..aove*. • pis
!taur.•.ds;ekeu relljtes.bot i kt:cw Jest wl•1t
a"e &.rant.
As 1 whtap,ro•t• Any M m+et me when my al
tidy 1.te ,s spent
"1 u. tired. Julia, w Cori, but Es alba done
te) bent.
A•. t ma) feel more hke altar wheni'r hada
..cull anal-
Amy UemUi s. * T World.
tn.arn.s d sloe radt..
"A wet valeta 1e • fatal fault, from the
bygones ataadpsrinL ' Duple dawtpaw•
aloes, even without any etandine water,
memos rwotat44sw mad mould sa Ilia Moms
above, and this is • fruitful sears. ..f
reaper to the iobabataut• Dana: eet-
lan under sleeping r oma are espeak.Ly
benalwl ; producing rlwwuats.m,
and lung troubles. Whet, to Manion...
is added smother and etagneut water,
the lability to deems ant. death a in-
creased in proportion.
The wrest averse u( dagger in .cellar is
IIIto,. Many peewee who are ue•t rod
cleats above around allow their collars to
betw,ue tilled with decoying fruit and
vest.tablen, putrid meat, and all manner
of uucleauume, without • thought of the
a.a..lutely peisobous edema of lb,e mus
of ti1th, &ousted as it u, where its elitism
mat p erruente the house from bottom l..
top, s1 all boare of the day and aught.
L,eing u.n.tantly t., this atmosphere
they become habitwted to its peculiar
ufur, which they often fail to motor, or
so 'which they attach no importance.
iia injurious effects are pr .uuc.d at
Hight, when up air is in cttculauun W
dilute ur may off the poir•uoue emana-
tions. and oleo when the system M off
gwrJ, ata powers of r..atance are least
and it absorbs unresutiug y the uotwus
Products of decompositiuo. In this way
ars ..ften produced diphtheria, ly.ent.ry-,
malarial and typhoid fevers.
Reotutly • young girl in a fancily un- ,
der my care antlered from an unusually
severe at' ck of i.termittett fever. As
the hause was attested oo Leith ground
Seas tttimmee toe tatelato•-
Heart these* is the best hold of
ism —a ally tad (revel of lung stand
tog sad suaatant earl ce. h 'nab
hien to play his little ambit's** Mute
his (retorts of dtlatt•a for looms u
bit fe•lu.* and s eersuge, while
lewdly hwtlea around L., the fund t
he might t,, peov,de I.,th ter hir.a•lf •
them. Thor, are d.u,n,.a themes ..1 t
bean, of crura, but r,,;y (title living
-rk or sattwttuw iu t1:e hist$ Woes n
eudteat• teat 11.er. is 81. 0•411•010 dutu
Irina, say tame thou • headache u,J
este du.•a.e of the braes. The heart u
effected like every .other organ of the
human body, and menu:. atay vn4selus
of the laws of memo ts1 rating or d5tnk-
tug or other excess. 1Vbat.ver the
cause .nay he, when at .s removed this
heart eitales itself out ...d goes on sant
its proper business as it nothn g had
happet.•d. The pn•i,.,rtiou of person&
who have heart d.eeaa- to the hath to
tone who Kaye it in the wind is err„
on. t , 1ft0. This %ec.uhig for the as
tenishing fact that s.. many people w
aro supidiseasesee 1.. have hest' diseases Ii
s,. Tong that they become • bur.t••n up.
friendstheir friens from old age —New Yor
('.,r. I ache -firm, •ent,
lacy Measles bogie with the penises of
- bad sold ; hoarseness, • week, ....wives
los and weak oyes. Ou the fusrtb day
tow rush apposes ue the forehead,
pun over the taco, sod sewed* W the bud
ht. It u re
• darker d them the rashb mau
hat let fever, mid feels slightly rimed to Ili
rid touch. When the rash brut cow
conies o
he o L.uks like des boos •rr.ii * d to bet
wombs ., half 011 the akin.
se The areal dames, m of taking odd
to which limy brtug on 10damatation of th
I. lung., loud of injury to the eyes ore
wee. orr exposure w tous(Tult • Relit.
'1'o. moundmoundshooed be kept In bed ie
a well-reutatatet room at a temperature
of about sistyeigbt degrees. Tile •at.-
doe must be lowered a t.., inches, at
the top, if puesiblr, the opening biter
amend with • stmt, ul damsel to peewee(
a tir.uvht. A. fresh air ie iudn.peua
Ole. of this maim the room too cold, a
hr• must tee lighted to counteract at.
it ! •e. sane sponge bath $huold be given
each day, fsed.d blankets being placed
L„ ever and under the patient in bud, the
v• baud holding the ap.,ng. bring passed
o under the upper blanket while bathing
e to &told . w
xpure. The window should
tau shut durlug the L.14. if the rash
causes mumu irritation it may be rubbedso
with couhue, ur sweet nil.
The eyes, should be carefully shaded
c (runs the light; and he reeding *unmated
t until lhry are strung again. Serious in
dawIWtien and permanent weakness of
t I the eyes mat fellow, if these precaution.
are nut taken. It Is 'Alen vary hard to
keep a child amused and happy under
them restncuous. Thu m nue of the
dilikell,es that a good an wet over-
come, and she must remember that the
ehild'a comfort durum site may depend
upon the care it receives at this anew.
1'o avoid told, all clothing should be
wrnnrl as.d aired before tong used. A
enre jack.t wore over the eight dress
is .trent protection.
If delirium crates tin, and the rash
Budd'*sly dwpresrs, the sufferer should
be Put into a warm bath c,.ttainiog four
talompu„ufule of mu&art to each pail
of water, taken ..ut after a few minutes,
quickly dried with warm towels, loud
wrapped in blankets until the doctor
coulee. 11 the child has a quick pulse
and mews very sleepy, the breathing
should be car.ful:y watched to detect
any syn:pecans of troub:e with the cheat.
Merit should be the thief article of diet.
It :nay' be used in gruel, custard, and
blanc nank-e, and varied with beef tea,
chicken broth, enuttuu broth, toast, and
any h.;ht fn. d.
_ -
Se rueeswed,
Many of the wont attacks of cholera
teethe", tram:,-, dysentery and coli
come suJ.11only nn the night and the mw
pertly and pt,,u.pt rurans must tau used
against thea. Lir Feeler's Extract u
1"I14 jtnwherry to t60 temot:y. Keep
t at baud for -
Ial to, cure or reline. 2
and there were w, other cases of malar
disease in the immediate vicinity, I w
ata loos to account f.,r its causation nn
til 1 had etainiued the cellar ---who n t
eminent water, retorts wood, deeuu,pe
ing meat sad vegetaLles wltic't met n:
o1 every side at once futui.l.ed the de
sired information.
An epic:mina of typhoid fever in N.
Hampshire a few years a.o urigivated
he house of • butcher who was in t
habit of packing down lulus own etl
all those pieces of meat which pens
unsaleable, until several barrels over
tilled with them, all in advanced stages
of deoompoeitiun. After (site death had
.ken place to the house an investigate,.
as made ; the cellar was examined and
he tiothy meat removed,'looking such a
'cheering stench as to be altuost unl.ear
bleb the waremeo who tr_rri.d tt a ilL.
h• .f e• was not yet rsseoved, how
ver, nor was the penalty fully paid iso
it Atwater member of disethe ase had
(ellen a victim to the diseas
The family of • wealthy farmer were
alien soddenly ill with typhoid dysen-
tery one autumn and two of its tnetut.ere
ere loomed help before the family were
surly aroused W a souse of ti,etr danger.
esu physicians were called and con -
dent that the disease must bate • locanumborigin, proceeded—after numb oblectioa
un the part ;f the mistress of the house
—to investigate the cellar. dere is a
report ed what they f.•uod : "In rt.
tint place there were an abundance ni
cebt we leave* and stumps to • sem
demoted i-pe-
trtd state, and there were deed woe -
toes, turnip., beets sed apples. Them
were in various parts of the cellar ret..
nate of the eider ard cider vinegar and
eider lees—the latter in • mon offensive
girt• It nater fails
loose W/R'. rrellaas.
!s If your wife a si
arus,ve, do not ignore
o the fact. It
• 1
roe Jesting with her
poo • anoint au which there ie danger
f s'uundu,;; Ler freiant.. Remember
-tenet she tre.uures e. ery w. rd you utter.
1)u not steak of a.me virtues tm anutber
u.an. e W to remn.d your own of a fault.
1)r out reproach your wife with personal
defect*, (..r if .he tits.euubihty 7011 iu•
Alaa wouuJ di@icult t , heal. De not
test your Wife with inattention lit cent -
pane ; tt touches ter pride, and she will
of respect you more or ewe you better
ur it. D,, 1.01 up:weld veer wile in the
'essence of s thiol person ; the arose
your disregard for her feeling' will
resent her acknowledjtn4 lour fault.
not entertaitoyeer r7e by praisiee
he teauty and xc•-•,rplishmvuts of
•her 0 omen. If you would hale a
leaseut !ane and a cheerful wife,
Wel your evenings; under your cwt:
w•f. Du net ie teen and sil,nt in
Der own house. stud rewtarkab'u f..r
'cmbiirty el.ewhere. Take your suu
,tato bunts with you•
*need Mew reverter. 1
114WW1. of
. W 411014. haustud nd sum a
mer drd.ke is the toe* shoe the wont a
orbmoi b,.wel coin- 1'
pla."tl foveae. As a sit etruard, Dr •
l ;era Extract of Wild Strawberry t
1)i .!l be kept at hand. F. r 30 years
it roe been the most reliable r.nedy. 2
Warm weenier dhetwas.
U,arttura man toe caused by distur-
Wilco of tee digestive origami. by expo- T
sura to beat .•r cold, by fatigue, fright ti
or anxiety. It is • symptom rather
Mei, a disease is heel!, and •neo the
copse Is trio.%ed it generally ceases. In
summer and early stun it is uftee
utq•..oned t by eatme improper fund,
. , ss. .tale fruit, or tau longe • guas-
of 4.grtahlel.
f the sufferer can be kept in bed for
a y and persuaded to fast, taktn, only
c+i anted mill, a cure ea usually coat-
tail' ar•J cowtplete. When this to is -
Nimble a thin eastern bandage should
'nd.tion. Finally there were remnants
barrel. of beef and pork in a bad .tate,
ay nothing of other casual filth—the
hole censtitutiue such a stases se I had
er before perceived ins cellar...
h. cellar was purified but pot .n sea-
son to prevent the death rut the two who,
were tint attacked, and one ether, •
very young child The others lingered
for variable lengths of time but finally
.eared. The "ounce of preemie)."
ich avoids these evils, consists in
ping the cellar dry, well steed and
tyworn, and the diet restricted to bud' not
ed race acid milk. If the diaeam still
imam this tree:meot • physician
Id be remelted.
is one :.f the tenet c ,tsmon atfectiun. O01
damn during the hot weather and
err toed is of the greatest important's.
1 milk diluted us lim.water and
. cold, nil. ted white of eine shaken
.luta, race -alter, rive jelly led (or • neo
mon than • year 1.1d, very finely .b
pad raw beef. are •.I well-suited to kip,
t las relmring at. dna
serf tee er any meat broth should not ;
eel. Frost with seeds. hie nap- cow
ee, w hicl• onetime the mucous mem- sh
e of the inteetines are particularly ba
be avoided. Chaise, of air is the w
benefit t.. young children, end
.bu•ld he taken that the air they us
the and the water they drink a pure. cu
rticular attention should be rod in '
caof • baby suffering from thio «,M
•plala.t that at does not become chafed. yes
ry thin starch should be seed instead
plain water an bathing it,land if the tits
n is roughened it should be dusted Th
th 17coputiiu.0 p.wder
Fret, the cellar should at whatever
t be thoroughly drained so that there
all be not only no Handing water in it .
t no appreciable dampness upon the
Secondly, ormet.nt vigilance most he
! to prevent the entrance into or +e-
in the cellar of decaying ao
1 or vegetable substances. It a not
eh to close it out one, or twice a
r-- it should be kept clean.
Thirdly, the fetter should be well ven-
ted, especially in the warm sess.n,
• free ctre.lstion of air in the cellar
Natl..ral Pella ere surer cleated, wird
but thonourh, and are the best Sumach
and Liter Pills to e._ lea
• ttea.utet ivy '
S one tiree ago, a Camtwides 44.who was as remarkable ter her ditfn.tied
beariee •s fur her personal beauty and
gra:.,entered a crowded h.,ree-car where
there were a number of Harvard under-
eraduate,, all ,.f whom arae to offer her
a seat. the accepted ..rue with thanks
Presently the car stopped, when a poorwoman with a baby In her arms entered
It. Not a seat was offered her. Thes
lady waited • few nt.ente and then
lifetime that her young admirer. took no
notice el the women, see roe and asked
the woman to take Iwo seat. At once a
dozen y0004 men rpnn; op and tender-
ed their seats to her, but she persoted
in standing, and had full opportunity of
I notictnq the co,ntwion of the you.g
eollegi•ns It was a ,,stet but effective
rebuke. A statement of the affair w as
lent t over the coilege, and no underage-
te,uld be found to schenthat he
I wan in • horse -car tLat evening. r
I Malarial Fever and Chi'Is are best r
broken up and prevented by using Mil- I
burns Aromatic VJinm. Witte. lin
Net a particle of eatosel, nor any
other deleterious automate.. eiders 11110
the composition of Ayer's Pills. On the
contrite!. this met:icone is eaasielly eon'.
pounded (rani the curative properties of
Tie teat, Venae raw- Asiommisainthettles ratawaynw
I wooed gat seerur • motd street ire • Hunkers ..on who reeeatly see
• eery madly day to shake with tweed from 'Pews tells some aw.aimeg
the pets.e eh, elands at the heed of that stones of railway service in the Lamm
paragraph, teal .boa 1 had shakes Star State. One toad ru„w.s( .wt is
bosses 1 *humid perhaps humbly beg bin Hetes possessed .u. loc u..taee wad
1.4 hit autograph or • kook of his • eagle tram. «.1 ears. To. inure week(
flair. And wherefore ! Becomes, to be go to Humours ante d.y, a,.J o..66,1 gat
• "stingy 7044544 swh 1.0.1)1 in popular to tLe other end of the low Om utak
portanoe a young men who hes the day. The train ww.d run , tf tbu truck
mural courage to spend hie money in has useeettmWy, end thou the po essmee.
own way. It means that because he hap- would Wiud with the nwr•et plaetet for
perm to an • crowd of adJk•p.t..d green- • hew days whalas the ears were lifted
horns who aro throwing away their beck on the rule. The *sodomise con -
earnings in a manner that does not bring aid.red it a matter of only ordinary
a return to them or nay one 010• he re- p•liteues. a. *too the train when a lett
fusee to "chip ia." It awes that he desired to gather a few wild it •w-rs ccs
doesn't have a monthly whiskey, livery, the way. One day a lady neat weird her
theatre, florist or cunfectiooery bill in to stop at a' .all station all eight. where
excess of his monthly earnings. It she had wen. Induces wham..he .,shed
nista that he doesn't rob hie employers, to visit. The conductor Lehi her that
or, it be is • bank ouhter, his balk, to the train would want Mug enough to let
minister to his tlbeu pleasures. It moans her go and dine with ben fiend., cot ss.
Met ho tailor bill is paid promptly, ditto at was already 1.ur hour* behind time
It,. board hill ; that if be has • mother or .he would have to take the oche: pate
sister not tau well off he can and does stingers to dine with her in order to
sd'.,rd them an ,cc,me,nsl generous gift. keep thecae from .caking a.u,plstut w
MAIMS atilt while every designing girl the superintendent .4 the root. This
of his •nlaiotauce ia not a recipient at preposition esu 1rp.oted by the 1.,.1r,
his hands of Coolly flowers and confer- ale. rude uu to 11 .usios nursing her
tioo.ery, the girl he likes best has plenty wrath.
of to'.h and both are paid f.... This
term of reproach means also that while A born ..r cut will heel qusck!y and
his generous colleague is talking slush eave lee scar if Vidurie Carbolic .it,.
*beet the extravagance of girls and the is applied at moos 1m
nupoesiluhty of supporting such ern- _
truer', that be, our "stingy young matte' Meru.* Thom. 5e nail.
has • nit', little bank account ; has been It is •tratige that some farmers will
stemmed by hie sweetheart, and Meiling not sell produce when a fair price is
her more comforts that the sptendthrift, offered. ( toe hes 1,500ilia of old wool
in big pr..digal selfi.hoe.., thine. ally. on hand fur which he was off.,red thin:y-
body but himself entitled to. fire cents Isar year and it will not britt(
twenty -flee now. As part compensation
• wad L..a. ft r his loss he labors uuder the delusion,
L.ee of appetite and the attendant with many others, that wool grows if
low spirits, dullness and debility, are of packed in a dark place. It is unnecs-
rery fr.goent occurrence, Reltulat. the /try to ay that he is a "moue' farmer.
bowels sad tinpr.re circulation and Two other farmers have each over 100
digestion by using Burdock Blued Bit- bushel. of potatoes for which they could
teas whenever these symptoms are pees- have taken seventy-five ant., and the
set. 2 price is only twenty -live oe0ta, and in
very small iota at that. Some are gir-
ine potatoes away to neighbors to get
rid .1 them. Surplus p..tatoes should
he sold before or during meethime. Tisa
time to sell produce is when ready for
the market if a fair price an be obtain-
ed. There i1 more in the aggregate lest
by holding than by prompt este.
Thate are many indications of wank,
but Dr Low's Worm Syrup meek $14IA
in every *tae sucoea.lully. 1aa
Tse Werk tlem.ry
The conversation had turned on the
hu.b.nd's ahort.c,minza.
"You have a bel memory, Maria —an
atrocious memory'," said the husband,
"A bad rp!mgry, John," replied tit
New Ilse Lgyptas. ted Waller.
I need state only three fatta to show
the rapidity of evaporati•,n in Upuer
Egypt_ Water too warm to drink is put
oto • porous jar and placed in the wind,
hough in the sun ; in a half hour it is
as cool and as good as spring water. At
tight, exposed to • breeze, even when
he breeze is rather wast, beton mere
ug it becomes aimoet ice cold. The
night of my arrival here I took a poor-
ly bath on a balcony. The wind was
balmy, but fresh. The rapid evapora-
ion w, chilled me that I could not stay
out long enough for my bath. At the
,rot of the attract we took a swim in
he Nile. We wore our underclothes
or bathing suits. We hung them up
before our state -rooms to dry. In too
Purely regrtab'e sub.taoces. Try it. l "
Mabel .f I some. a
C est
t:autes they were d;; cnouge to r. wife, "how Ceti Yee lay .d 7 Yue _now I
worn. We mare r1i heard of the univeF never forget anything, and you know
•1 habit of all African. to anoint thorn- every word I have said of you is true.
las with oil, and travel!ers'peak of et There MU 't & woman alive with a more
accurate memory than mine."
•'That a the trouble with it, Maria," re-
plied John, as he lammed his hat down
corer his eyes, and started duwo town
through the pelting rain ; you remember
millions and wilhrgm of things you ought
to -forget Darn such a .n.mory. "
_mme man •rent to hares constitutional
inablltty to tell the simple truth. They
may not mean to Ile, or tell an untruth,
but they are arelesa—artless to hear-
ing, careless in undtnta,ding, careless
in repeating what i. said to then. These
esti!-me.oi.g but reckless people du
more mischief than those who intention-
ally foment strife I•y deliterate false-
hood. There is no 6rehrand like your
weil•meanirg busybdy, who is continu-
ally in search of acaudal, and by sheer
habit misquotes everybody's statements
This careleasnem te a sin of no steal!
magnitude. A man's duty to God and
his fellows require him to be careful; for
what else were brain. and common sense
given him t Of course that other, the
melt/remit eautdal-mongers, who take's
6rndieh pleasure in promoting strafe,
who deliberately garble men's words
and twist their sentitnente, is in the
minority, and people have a very decided
pinion reeardng them. Most men mta-
epresewt because they don't teem to ,et"
hink that care in speaking the truth is a
pre-eminent duty.
Dyswtery m a much more serious hwag
sem than diarrbo .. The mucus
mentor, or lining of the Lower part of pan
I` large intestine, ta inflamed and el-
ated, and the circular c,at eneenng
also involved. Th. Muer part of the
abdomen ie very sore and tender to the
touch and there ie great pain. The
mileages are streaked with blood and
doctor must prescribe the medicines
pr. per fur the disease. While he acus -
mg the sick person should b. kept 111
bed with • flaxseed poultice, mad. .iib
the water in which poppies have been
steeped, bid over the bowels. Whoa
there is vositilig and great thirst .mull
pieces of ice easy be Eisen. 1h• diet
may 1e much the WWII as for
diarrl set.
Mow • 5.4, e'aUebe (.ad.
A slim young man in the height of j
faehinn was violently sneezing in • street
cu, whew a companion rernarked, "A w,
('hawles, dash boy, how d'ye catch that
• necessary to prevent stagnation and
air ard preserve health as is the
per Ventilation of the room above.
(Create, beniAts may be derived hem
the vacation season if, at the same time,
the hlood is being cleansed and vitalized
by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. An
Meream of appetite, vignr,and buoyancy
of spirits attend the use of thio medicine.
The Sea as a Nearer.
By n.rans of a high box attached ...
the wall of • hoose, the outside of the
hoz hems made of slate er corrugated
iron, to absorb the heat, and so connect -
.4 with openings in the wall u to act as
a des, the heat of the awn can be alkd
to to sestet in varmint • nom. •
heater 42 (set long and 6 inches wide was
formerly attached to the Athenteua in
Boston, the work done by it being eeti-
nested to be equal to that ohtain•1 from
the consumption rut fifty pounds of coal
in a day. —( h. D0moer•t.
Teasalseala Turkey.
T • preserve tomatoes for winter ate
the Turks,muh theta throuzh co :enders
and then throw alt in, which cause* the
pulp to settle, and they are put in hags
and the water it left t., drain away. The
pulp a then dried in the shade spread
os dat surfaces, and when dry it is cut
in small cases and laid irefully in jar
which are covered. This pulp retain
the taste and gaalitiea of the togneo he
ter then canning dcea. -lilies Harper t
Kansa ('.ty Times.
moose -
eerya nasty baba. It is. however, ose-
eery in verb hot and very dry climates
t:o prevent the cracking of the skin- An
Ii;ugllsh othcer told me that during the
hot wind. on the Upper Nile his hands
and face chipped worse than they ever
did in a cold climate—chapped even to
bleeding badly. I hare Lund fresh,
white butter quite as pleasant on my
hands as on my toms. The boys have
felt no inconvenience from the wind..
My hands are verysensitive to the
effect of • dry dusty atmospphere. At
Asecuan we were in the sun duri,t4 two
days. We dad net use our umbrellas,
our pith hats betty quite comfortable,
and yet we were just on the edge of the ---- _
p /e
st.l.r about tare Make.
— -- "Out o' my hired mos ha* got a ootit
• W..derfwl oeaa► he wants a fiddle," said an aericultsriet
The lar,ts.t organ, and one that plays to the dealer, "What might that second-
& cootrelling part on the health of the hand one iu the winder be truth.body is the liver. If torpid or inactive "That'. a Stradivariw ; it's worth
e whole system becomes diseased. : % . •
r. Chase's Liver Cure is made specially MI speak to the hired man:shout it,"
or Liver and Kidney diseases, and is shouted the aviculturist v be laded
fm►rauteed to caro. Recipe honk and out of the place ; "hs may not like that
ediciue $1. Soldby all drugcats. crake. '
55.1 apeeelete-
Run no risk in buying medicine, but
try the crest Kidney and Liver regula-
tor, Meade by Dr Chase, author of Chase's
receipts. Try Chase's Liver Core for
all durmast of the Liver, Kidneys,
Stomach and Bowels. Sold by James
Wilson, druggist.
The effects of this careless miarepre•
smiting of others are seen everywhere.
Ita effect upon the individual is to con-
firm him in • habit of loose, distorted,
and exal;gerated statement, until tailing
the truth becomes a moral imposibtlity.
No other thing causes so many long-
standing friendships to be broken, so
many diesentinns in Churches, an tench
W aaltag *asp.
,ruler Alert IN Seise. There is great waste in amp through
Year after year a California dairyman leaving the cake in the tub or pail, la-
ps "the best and richest butter— stead of laying it aside after making a
t in May, June and July"—by a strong lather- I wouldlike to ate
plo process which he describes in statue raised to honor L doesestic wise
e Shasta Courier : or thoughtful .nniteb to lay soap beck in
'Thoroughly wash before it is taken its place, instead of lesviag it to softer.
of the churn. Salt to suit the tams in the water. Besides deserving it, the
half ■n cunce to the pound is about would be an esaspl• to others. It
ht. Do up in neat, round rolls of there be such en 'me I have never seen
, or three pounds each, just .hat you her. Aod a oaks of sup softened by being
to pot down ; corer each roll with soaked is good for little afterward. it
lean muslin cloth, laree enough to go wastes away as a dollar does when chang-
ed it twice or more, that tt will be .d into pennies.
plately enveloped, and sink it in • Sosp a also wasted on paint- A little
mug brine, he strong as the beat alt ammonia in the element water, or whit
make it. Stone vessels are the best. ing en a damp cloth will clean inert moth
ben the rens are in they may by kept easier, and lesve r..i yellow stain to tell
we by means of cleon, flat stones. of its abuse.
en the Teasel is fall enough and the
ter completely covered with the brine, �
mon salt and leisure the strength of l'esd,d.
the brine Keep it in cellar or spring- Tramp_ sugar nor milk to m -
house, and see if it is not worth in win -
eerie coda., mum. Sugar is teed for t*, kaa-
ter or spring 100 per cent more than any and milk gives m• dyspepsia.
winter -made butter.
" dy 1oat ars very careful of poste
He emphseise..hat he deems indu- health.
passable requisites : that the butter be Tramp—it's necessary mom. If I
gond to begin with, have all the butter- didn't keep my health, 1 couldn't travel
worked out. and be wrappedas a sick man.—Til Bits.
uilp�i in-
to the brine the same day 11 is ta;;en from Judge Miller gays shade is necessary
the churn. for the currant. A good crop cannot he
.necessfally grown on .n open apace,
unless the groom! is deeply .irked lard
then mulched. Judie Muller alto gays
the goneeberry smuts 1„ t1u beat in por-
tal shads aloe.
A Renter—Of one dozen "TEaaalo
try" to any ens sending the beet fo.tr lis -
rhyme on • •aaaoasav ' the rsssarkahle
little gem for the Teeth acrd Vett.. Aid/
y .ar drumgset or address
bitterness in c mmunities, and so mach '
s, 1 evil everywhere. It is an abuse that out
■ calla fur the rebuke of every honorable —
Hav fever u • type of catarrh basin
peru;ur symptoms. it is attended bye
indented condition of the lining .nem
braes of the n.etril., tear -ducts en
throat, affecting the Lin_s. An acri
mucous usecreted,the diechargeisaco.m
ponied with a hernia; ,en..tion. There
are severe spleens of ,nersio,, (regnen
attacks of headache, watery and inflam
ed eyes. Ely s Cream balm is a reme
d7 that can be depended upon. Nieto
at druggists ; Ly marl. recirtered, 60ct.,
Ely Brothers , Dtur. its, °wort. Now
Tort. 17
- man. rig
n It is netting to be the fashion ens to two
condone iii. uity of .6 sorts under the hs
plea of "mercy " The old -tires sins a e
g have taken to themselves new names, ro
n more congenial and less apbelling, and mm
- we bear now et"s•aknesa," 'infinite ies," stn
d ". failing.," inrtead of Scripture defini- wil
d essW
tions,"theft." "adultery
," drunkenh
and "lying." 1'hit morhid sentimesta-
lity begins to prevade the Church, one
t what may be called the cloak of merry
- 1s in danger sometimes of hiding • real
Do not neglect peer strawberry beds
after picking Clean out the weeds and
mulch them. A gond working, followed
by a renereus supply o.f manure. then •
erred c.ting of straw, .pplied within the
1 next thirty day.. will were a good crop
f hereto. nett year. Next year's here
we are formed ton year.
ae .. Tearin l:e.thNhea.
ll.,n't .11•,. • No e d to slow-
ly and surely run into Catarrh, when
you can be And for 'Ohs. by wing IR.
Cheer's Catarrh Care. A few applies-
tions can incipient ritsnh ; 1 to 2 totes
cores ordinary catarrh ; _' to i belies is
guaranteed to con chr,rnc catarrh. Try
it. Only 21'.c and sure curs. lank by
all drtlgei.ta ly
I Whenever Dr. Dunbar. a noted frait-
I grower of Maine, •*teen signs of black
keine on Itis plant trees. he at ono.. ap-
plies manure l.henllV. H. does not re-
miremend the mentos as seer*. hut says
tires the tree emblem it to
on.u.,J the carafes, and tends to
to antra. tart Ile the Mat.
dwsadfol told." "Aw, dash fellah, LR
my cane in the lower hall toth•r da -- r
and in sucking the ivory handle, so
dweadful cold, it chilled me allstot to
death." if Charles had .sed Dr. Har-
vey's Red Pine (tum his veld would not 1
trouble him very mesh. For .ale at J
prworitrtron drag store. t(
Dy■penet• i. dreadful D,sordeted
liver is misery. Indigestion is a fee to
11°,41 nature.
The human digestive apparatus is one
of the must complio.t.d sod w.miderful
things in existence. It is wily put out
of order.
Greasy hood, tough food, sloppy foxed,
bed cookery, oatmeal worry, law hoar.,
irregular habits• sed many other things
which ought not to be, have Made the
A merle** people • nation of d
But Omen's August Flower tN den*
a wonderful work iu refereeing thts sad
busmen and making the Anserissn
peewee so health tthey n enjoy
heir meals and healthy a
Remember :—No. hap pinrw without
Peptone(' Ramo —Two tableepotmfnle
1 butter, four tableepounfula of granu-
lated sager, one teaapooful of dour,
cream them in • tin sup, poor iotas it j
aI.wlp one taaoupful of boiling water,
stirring vigorously, add half • teacupful
sof waled peach vinegar, Ib. juice of
half • lemon and the grated pppl, odd
It'll ., and a pinch of salt ; boil all up
bye her, and serge very hot.
_ - _ - I health. Rut Cr...'a Angoat blower t
1 bytes weak
toy Burdock Blond Bitters is often •
mom by m• sufferer upon whom
other treatment ham failed. diene(, f
emelt' have °flee been obtained by
*se se
of this grand restorative d
rifting tonic ceder these trireme-
brings health sad hsppiwess to the
dyspeptic. Ask your dreg,at for •
bottle. Rere•ty-tine teat& lowly
Cruel. James_ And het wetted yne
do,f1soM•1, if 1 were to glue you a p00•
yHolh *needn't do very inch,
onele, w
heck the draw.
A fere
Amend melt heti* of Dv Cheee',
Liver Cure ie a mdir&1 ,nide and reerip
hook containing' earful in ...matron, over
21)0 rareipr., ami proauoneed by dc.ct re
and drt.egisa r worth fen times the
rat of the medicine Medicine and
hank L. Solt h7 all dr i Iota.
Ladle. Owl .
The complexion is only rendered an -
Rightly by Pimples, Lirer Spots and
Yelle.wnees. These it is well known are
caused from an inactive Liver and had
blond. Ili Chase's Liver Cure pttnflse
the b! sod and whole system. Be. Re-
cipe it esk for toilet recipes, hints and
sug.eatiuns on how to preserve the cos-
pttsiun. Sold by all druggist.
Warr. t. Leek ter esteems..
If It were necessary for American wn-
men t.. i .,k to f.,re.ten en fur Ihesr (soh- Tat
ions they nsiO.t much better go • little ere
farther south, acnes the Pyrenees. The be
wem.n of Spain have • world wide repo- His
Cation for the writes and loveliness of the
their dress We '
attempted to copy them f Artists leve dela
to paint their graceful inantillu and pros
flowing veils of lace—they teaks such than
beautiful picture., anti yet we tenors
them. and cling to weedy Paris W. see the
this same flowing drapery which the taste
Spann& women 1..•e, in oh* or.atum.a of
.ret oetre•aes, They make • Wady of 1 repo
artheie egret*, and Wer. wild with ad-
miration corer the results Why should F.
N.. Ibises it Ta.tr r
Harry is one of these favored child-
ren who are permitted to sit at a table
with their parents. and. brine of an in-
testine turn of mind, he has to taste
rything that comm on ur add wailing
the customary gnashing of teeth.
last exploring expedition was into
mysteries of the salt cellar. Haring
• spp.rmful of salt upon hos tongue in
nee of his•r's warning, hos ex -
ions of disei'inteseut were moos
ordinarily vociferous
Wall, Harry," ..ked hie father when
uproar had subsided, "how does it
Lute ,oyer dos, t," was the tearful
• Prsaable a./•r,
w men have accomplished the mime
• y le It we have never pat
, w• consider much dr....., made more also,
plainly. of course, tied of seder ei.lora,' *1 t
•,nt of place in the hnnee or the street f 300,
( only homes* eosstnls has hlinJed .,.r I Cw.•da
{•lea. Let em eke off the veil for a frost
memo, end calmly compare the stiff,
centnrtml, itnmrmleet figures of the faah I row
ion plate with the gracefel, dewing i Iivw
' drapery that coeld se wily be .abaci.and
toted, I drag
ant of work and good in this world
he celebrated Dr Chase. Orel
000 of his works hate been sold in
aloft*. We went every per00n
bled with Liver Orwaplai$t, fly.
Headache, Kidney •,r Veiny
b1e., to bur a bottle of l)r Chases
Cure, it .ill cure you. Medic's*
Reerife Bonk 111. field by all
Tee will. •••e
a.d .III aura
Py ruing
A partaees es .prima Owe each nostril amp se
agremble. Prism el neat. at 7)14013.5111;
sant. registered. tr ,vet. 11x7 tttt'►1,
gist+,=dretewictt,t.,`ten Kerlin