HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-7-27, Page 2Vir
IISS JOLIDBRT'J NORM. le sad tstMs pant •indenatt,, lest "Pal
wbU eeiarb isto Mies Jetlibart'a ettpt.
— lye ep into tllfe briUfan,7 .( be«a Mwtrjt vas • tittle pointed lump
the atsirra•• bo near vet features lust and bathesstt ii dreamily in the au.
1ii.. Jullibert was a beadaome wombs.
/ Ta..nt were people whir said she was el&
/,.eking, .ad people who said she wee
pear, and people who said the hada de-
eded will of her own ; but no use who
ideated that she was htandsoma, Atari
they .saerally added with a sod sad a
Iewert.R of the voice . "And ripe'" is a
May which seemed to say that if M..
Jeillibert's leeks were und.umbte, yet
Mill woe eadeaial le were her rioeea
People were quite right— Mies Jolli
beat was ould-lue,king. She was a wo-
man with an athletic, to right figure, a
Imeghtily-nut brunette face, • rather
high Roldan sole avid • rather high odor.
And Mies Jollibsrt had • decided will of
lir own ; her eyes were of the dark,
laity, mysterious type, which areas good
as a cgs -post pouting to it. As for
being para, of course, strictly speaking,
she was passe, Mtn Jollibert was 33, sad
mast women are passe at LI, let alone 33.
Mince matter as one likes, that is the
losj aged the short .f it.
on the ether head, many women of
Mw Jollibert's type are positively hand-
some at 60 than at 33. People say of
thew then—What a grand old woman l
From the extreme dignity of Mw Jolli-
berts mien it seemed as if she had al-
ways ill her mind, as she sailed, with
her bead high, past the simpering school
girls of Maleheeter: "Pour, poor
things 1 at 33 people my of me that I
am handouts, and at 60 they will call
ars a grand old wunaan. What will they
say of yea T'
Fber, is no doubt whatever that Mir
JoDibert was simply admiring the dis-
tant landscape ; but It seemed to the
school -girls that she was repeating this,
and the rsse.ted it by saying that she
was a,Id.looking and passe. Even they.
however, molt fallen to add that Mas
Jullibert was • handsome woman.
Malehester was a busy, p•ipelo*a,
manufacturing town, and Mia Jollibrt's
father --an extremely wealthy petal
manufaetursr—had died mayor of it.
So that it ear, 9iti2!n• incumbent et
Mies Joltibert to inhabit a house in one
of the roost fashionable suburbs, and
that the house, like hermit, should be
handsome and dignified. She kept •
groat many women servants and two in-
door men *eremite, and • large carriage
with a large and very vivid crest, as was
only belting the daughter of so largos
paint manufacturer.
It etas really quite a pretty sight to
see handsome Mia Jollihert, an her
handsome blue silk dress, and seated in
her haadsume blue berouche, mid with
her handsome blue -livered servants and
handsome blue -gray hones, drive forth
ander the shadow uf her azure parasol
upon a smiling summer's day. She
generally looked straight before her, be-
tween the horses heads ; she didn't turn
aside to recognize everybody. She had
a little way Lt drawing herself up and
sighing "Hum," like a genuine tee,
which was et;ough to make the most im-
pertinent heart quail. Nevertheless
when Mia Jolaibert liked she could smile
out t -f her deep brown eye. to this side,
and to that, t...., not • little sweetly. It
was a marvel to all the world why she
persisted in remaining Mia Jullihert
When the weather was rainy the opus*
barouche was rubstituted by • dark red
marriage, with scarlet wheels. 'When it
• towed, again she spun away over the
sparkling surface, her sleigh, • hetenyte-
neues but artistic confusion of sealskin,
made tail and ermine, herself • study in
peacock blue.
When it snowed. It was snowing very
hard one winter's unlit that Mies Julio
hen sat alone hefore her drawing -room
fire. It was • naagniti est tire, and the
drawing room was simply a blaze of seen •t try
magnificence, and Mia Jolhbert was in- u it were, I have been converted. 01 Petersburg,
deed magnificent in diamonds and a rose- crone I sin rery sorry that it should be o the mantelpiece,.agin, and leaning his face to
colored velvet dress—eo bright that it so, Io * ease like this, however, I think oatn kceremon*ate' iuterruptsd her with- ( m
made her perhaps too brilliant complex- that Doe u not perhaps entirely respite
ion look quite pale in comparison . as sible for one's own conversion."
probably she knew. Everything, from I The bishop inspected the side of his
the superb Eastern knicko•cks in the I handsome foot, and, witting himself yet
htwekets to the hot -hoose Howers on the • little more comfortably, nodded with
tables, spoke of wealth. You look at all ,' much benevolence. "Quite so, quite so;
parte of the room, and you said ; 'What very po'aibly not, my dear.''
ex dila Then Miss Mies u t rt 8
tellect f idhis tta. white�pNw "Ah'.. slatted M te-
entad the !limpid beauty .1 his tstwr sb asp dodgier'
� chair bask
dreamy eyes. When the door you only
heist* �- W►►
opame/ du pus sta1F atwwev a►, like that 1 I
se v� straight over at the rune -gees- asked yoa here to help me, hotness you
figure, sad advanced, boldug always eared to help we with thugs ; and
oat his hand mad saying very sweetly : now you .sly answer, ah.'" Thee tern -
I'm sorry Ile tate, 1[i.. Jullibert," Mg sudden!y away, she crowd both
Bee did not speak until she had poet- heads epos the armatlepiees and leaned
ed tea into the two taaeepa, and used ear bead down u them. "Oh, duo t
herself with her own, in the atm -their you see what it ■ I Dont you under-
wheb she had before uocepied, stand 7 What is the are of a carriage,
"•I dare say you were rather surprised and hones, and furniture, mad wealth
when you had my note this afternoon like mite f What u the use of life 1 I
mop r want W du something 1 meat to live."
He alined his lea slowly, loekiag at The bishop roes. He drew one of her
her, and sending again• hands gently from her face and clewed
I was curious to know what amid be 14ia own ureas it "I understand, ' he
the important matter that was troubling said huskily, and lodged straight tutu
Mies Jullibert'. mind ; and ( was elan, the finm
very glad, to think perb.pe I was going The soon rattled against the window
to be o some use to my old foetid, Mus sad the wind howled aruuud the Corner
Jollibsrt. of the tgcarg. He leaned one rlb.w on
Site played with her dimmed rings • the gold-colt.ed plush and reefed his
little nervously, and turning bet head, fair bead un it. He was a very yuan
kinked into the tire. man, 1144., to be a bishop. There was
' An old friend ; yes, so you are. You .eareely a silver thread mioglyd with 114
veva to have been a old trieud.l1 my glistening fusee". Mies Jullibert, too
Itfe. I cannot remember the time when u she stood in the fire -light, looked 114
I did not know you. I know that the perfection of • well-built, handsome
other people all me Coolish and earn bee featured woman. It would have seemed
bind my back, and somehow or ether, I ae if the weight of her hand oppressed
kuuw that you aster do. Would you the bishop, 6,r he breathed very hard
rather that I told you now what is up.HI as he stoud there holding it, Musa Julli-
my mind or would you rather wait a beat's moist eyes stating pensively the
litttle 1" while int.. the distant half glom of the
Stretching op he settled the little tea- ante•chamber.
cup carefully amitotic the Seems china After • long passe some thought ap-
or0 the wentle-pieoe ; and eeuesiag his peered suddenly le strike hit, fur with
lags, folded his white heads oowpoeedly as abrupt movement he drew hie hand
on his apron. "I should wish you t., away, and walked scrums to the other
tell me all about it at once, Marion, aide of he tire, orentatiu,sly put up his
Why delay anything you may have to double eye-glan to exaniue s little Alma
She hesitated an instant longer, the Tadema upon the opposite wall.
lie Duo t confuse poor convictions with
firelight playing round her heavy eye- your inclinations,' he begrme— ,Pour
lashes, "The long and the short of the father had that picture in a much better
thing is this,' she said ; "or rather this light than you have, Marion.) ----As you
is what might be called the short of it,
and the long will come after. I have
mode up my mind to go over to Rome."
The bishop uncrossed his legs with
sadden movement and stared at Miss
Jollibrrt. After an instant's pause he
raised himaelf once more and brought
his teacup carefully drawn from the
m.ntiepieoe again. "My dear," said bs,
"could I trouble you for just a little
more sugar; just the le—east thlug
Thank you, thauk you. Ah e'•
The Ab ! was sur. in the way of a sigh
than an interjection ; and with it he
half cloned one eye and minutely inspect-
ed with the other the morsel cf warrant
bun he wan engaged in eating. Therel
was something in the action which ap-
peared to irratite Miss Jullibert slightly,
fur she pushed herself back from the
tits and asked him very quickly : "Did
your lordship not hear me ?"
He finished the currant bun and fold-
ed his kande composedly again.
"So,' repeated he, "you have quite
made up your miodto go over to Rum. f"
"Quite," said Mim Jolt:bort ; and
after an inseam's puttee, unbroken except
fur the crackling of the Demes, she
added "Quite," again.
"Why T' asked the bishop, quickly.
"On account of my conviction., ' re-
plied Miss Jollibert, still more quickly.
"Ab !" sighed the bishop once more.
His lordship passed his hand slowly .11
over his heavy masses of faxed hut.
Miss Jullibert fastened her large brown
yet open him rather mournfully, and
after a minute began to talk
"t)1 course u has taken me a lung
time to make up my mind about this,
and of course I am very sorry. I have
studied Butler, and Jeremy Taylor, and
Luther's treatises, and Manning, and
Newman. 1 never fought against any-
thing before ; and yet, invite of myself
m7, do something, but dun t let your
iuelinatiun to do something interfere
with your conviction.—(If you were to
1hoyt.0 the string it mighLtt Iter ;—
Why not bosom' a doctor T"
"A doctor ! ' ejaculated she. dazedly.
"I -e.." he continued, working with
the string of the picture in an abstracted
fashion, "Or • lawyer ; there would be
a great path of usefulness open to you.
I have heard of lady eduction—end you
might step into your uncle Matthew's
practice. I dare sew there will be • lady
barristers and lady ministers by-and-by.
Why, my cleat..you might eren become a
bishop !—In Tadema'e pictures detail,
and detail atone--'
"Bishop," interrupted ,Mia JJllibert
in a preternaturally calm tone, my con-
victions interfere in no -way with my
desire to do something. 1Iy c.uvictione
are, of course, the moult of centersion.-.
"Who oonrerted you r inquired he,
still with hie back to her, and pawing
rapidly to another picture. "Was it
the ancient the,.lugian or the prophets ?
Well, Marion, yen have asked my ad-
vice. Shall I tell you. then, what I
thick you ought to do with your life J i
shall stein be growing an old man, and I
ams eery old friend, so I may be privi-
leged to say what 1 cbuoee, I tkink you
ought to marry."
She answered nothing for a moment ;
then, moving slowly beside him, began
to converse about the pictures and their
venous menta and demerits, in an easy, m
conrermttonal manner which waa surpria. s e
ing in itself, considering the suppressed i pu
emotion of her voice hardly • minute sign. sr
The bishop turned quickly round, and, 1
closing his eye -Klass with a sharp stick,
FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1888.
Jol4bart ware u the habit of play el
e.rds together d sa evening—pleyout
cards'—besepee, Or sub • game that
was le my, uf eltarse, sysiv.leet to
K.mbl►ag. ter by the tied of the week it
was widely emeress aV-et_a _t Mal -
theater teat the blsbp Wes eaeeeibered
with heavy ga,ubl'1g debts which were
about ao, be L•tu •lad by Mos Julie
At tee rely height of ell 1141. 1►e bis-
hop's lair bead and e►i.y black suet .p-
peared fur the first time an the blue
ban eche vis -a its to Mir Jullibert, It
was • suuahmy day end the bishop was
aunty* w be laughing. It very often
requiresduly a straw ora pin -point to
tuk p yulanty,I ffereei�11,, ndness ariey
this ems the Mantles laugh mildness the 're-
butted pie -p tat. Neat morning the
heavy eaouds of supplies had roll-
ed away sod the btu sky shone
attain, Neit icurning alt M.lclaeeter
was laughwg and smilu.g with t4e bis-
There war one great mercy, and Ming
Jullibert retaarLed It herself, putts;,
the notion of gambling mad other ndi
cake* debts, aside, ao este amid say she
wee being married fucker money. The
yup s part* broerkam was fully a
match fur Mtn JuUtbert's butted*:
son has high stepping bays would have
kept pace any day with the blue gn
horses. The place stood is an maths
tunable end of the town, it i► true ; b
11 was a grated old brown bsildin,t with
long terraced modems, sloping down the
river ; aged trees sod huge -clusters of
sear:et geranium, tenting them ao sum-
mer into a paranhae.
Sometimes Ilia JuUibert would go o
to drive with the bishop and the bishop
sister, Mia Hamtueraley, • nay, solve
haired lady, and on such ereaiegs th
camas passes -by on tks river wool
catch • t.itmpse of ross-oolored velvet an
a biacc oust nitre, and a glimmer of gra
Latta and silver hair and kaittieg-pins u
there under the p,rtiee, Oa such eve
ptareN a Iaspeeessee.
Many earea matte by H. H. B. hang
hese thew of •hrueio sufferers kerma
thiout net the district through the retry
tact et their b..ieg beim abated fee
years. This eat+rally creates a mow
tmwilp is fares of this valisable
y iean
new Nub her ate
Mr B J0►uston, butcher, feruished
the volunteers during (heir stay in Strat-
ford with 47 head of dressed eatile,
making as aggregate setght of sheet
33,000 pounds. Mr John Gibson, who
had the breed oontraot, delivered 31,980
lbs of the .tat[ of life, whiob it took; a
eartoad of Dour to make. T1s moldier
received • pound and • hal`f. of bread for
every pound of meat. Major Smyth,
supply Whew, eapr.seed himself to
Mede Johnston and Gibs.,n u well
pleased wtih the way the a.rotract were
carried out.
Nene Remarkable Mitt,
Found .t Met, what the trite pablic
hu been looking for those many years
and that is • wddicine which altb,ws,b
but lately iut'uduced, has made for
itself a reputation eeeoud to none, the
medicine is Jchaas•.u'. Tonic Bitten
which in conjure:tem with Johns,u's
Tunic Lifer Pills hes perfcrmed sonar
h- most wonderful curia impure or tro-
ut povensbed blood soon becomes purified
and *satchel. V. llettlinetee, Indigestion,
sick headache, liver complaint, languor,
weakases, eta , eon disappear when
treated hy these excellent tonic molt.
cities. Pur Sala by Good, druggi.t, Al.
bion block, Guderich, sole agent. Id
togs flim Jt'llibert was very happy,
Onoe or twice before the wed tope then
grand entertatnmeuta Other and older
were bishops, grave deans, am1itiow
oanoustand tansy nighty man paled two
.cd two amidst the atheism uf the bird.
and the red sunsets sod the distant
sounds of spies/mug oars on the river.
Min J�Ilibert had great wanted trouble
—doubts as to her convictions and con-
victions and conversations—swept over
her then, end she half regretted her
grand sacri6.os and her quiet ounwept
And when such phreaes a s "The ancient
traditions of the church ;', as "The ligi-
timaoy of the &poetic smacession," tie
upon her unawares round the drooping
laburnum, she was often upon the point
of declaring boldly and outright, that
they had nothing to do with the an -
clout traditions, or the the apstolic suc-
But she mamaged to cruteut
herself with sighing—ham ; and with re-
lieving her mind on the .tatter as soon
as she found herself alone with her owe
bishop. He invariably laughed very
much, and said : "I wish you had told
them your thoughts ;" and then sighed
a lung a -h ; his dreamy blue eyes look-
ing steadfastly up into the bice darken-
ing hesvew. He looted so well like
that, with the rising muuoulight playing
about his pale brow, that pour buwao
Mies Jollibert felt her convictions quay-
ring and warering,in • way which she t
might have laid hold of u a pori
ent an itself against s fallible rule, if
h had only known it- But she simply
t her white hand upou the bishop's
m and whispered:
"of course you know best."
So time psasrd un. Jset as an earl)
®mer was changing into a late summer
rest illness broke out over the coon. t
. It was exactly at this time that the f
hop and Mia. Jollihert dud intended a
be joined ; but they pal off the care •
stood looktne at her. Just as she was flu
beginning to enlarge upon the beauties a g
of • certain hely family she had
he walked straight back . his
Pee re en you looked •t J I! be oohed slightly.
Jol4btirt beraslf an re .ted ; W
Old Palm Peer sad ata Family
The following item will be of interest
to thaw of our readers wbu remember
old "Fahr" Fear t family of four
nervations at the Guelph conference,
held at Serforth, father, son, grandson,
and great grandam. Mauer 8 L W
Fear. 4 years old, grsudson of W Davi-
son, Esq ; Rev E A Fear, 2;, years of age
has heeu in the ministry eleven year.:
Mr lithium Fear, GS yes hes helm a
local preacher for thirty -fire years ; Rev
Samuel Fear, aged 86 years, s Metbodtst
minister for forty-five years. All these
Fears met .t the Conferee°. this year.
there i. the Conference that can beat
this record as to renerstiou..
*seeereae t.ealerfetla,
C> cnterfeita are always dangerutu,
more so that they always dorly nil
TATE Tilt nett}*NAL IN Ai'rliAaaNct ANI)
*Ayr The remarkable success achieved
ivy Taal Balm as a positive cure for
Catarrh and Cold iu the Heed has ir-
duted unprincipled parties to imitate it
The public are cautioned not to be de-
volved by nostrums imitating Natal Balm
in name and appearance, tearing such
names a. Naas/ Ceram, Nasal flotsam.
etc. Asti fir Nutt Balm and do net
take imitation dealers may urge epee
you. For sale by all druegiste or sent
pmt -paid on receipt of price 50cand Ill
by addressing Fulford,dt;C,.., Brockville,
Ont- t1
nett This Dews.
At the recent Session of the Domini,
Parliament an important addition w
made to "The Weights and Measures
Act," which prrvioss that "Every ba
eel cf salt packed in bulk, .old to offs
fur sale, shall ncntain two hundred an
eighty Kends of salt, and every suc
barrel of salt, 'bold or offered for vale
shall hare the correct gram and o
weight thereof marked neo it in a tier
manent manner." It eon provides the
he miner of the packer u t�, be brand
on every barrel of salt, and that "
ay contravention of the foregoing
pro -
herons of the act a penalty of 810 to
be imposed '.
don't 'Wait"
Vaal year hair b•ceaiu dry, tela, tied
grey sire new the es.ntioa needed
to preserve tea busty sad vftaby.
keep o* your Nttn-table a bottle of
Ayres Mak Viper --the only dressing
you require ter the hair—sad tees • little.
dally, to psaserve the natural Dolor and
pretreat ►montage.
Themes Mowll ly, Deem. Grove, Ky.,
writes : "fievetal moetb• aro sy hair
c•.m.geced tallier out, mad la • few
walks say head was almost bald. 1
tried soy remedies, but they did me
good. I dually bought a bottle of Ayr's
Hair Vigor, sad, dug nein *sly • part
of the contests, my head was covered
with a heavy growth of half. 1 recom-
mend your preparation as the best hats,
restorer to the world."
"ley hair was faded and dry," writes
Mabel C. 11Lrdy, of Delano, 111. ; " but
army using a bottle of Ayer's Raiz Vigor
1t became black sad glassy."
Ayer's Hair Vigor,
bold by Druggists and Perfu hers,
Pimples and Blotches,
fie disfiguring to the face, forehead, and
neck, may be entirely removed by the
use of Ayer's 8aceepartIla, the beat .ad
Safest Altefatill clad Blood-Yuriber ever
discovered. - - . - �— a
Dr. J. C. Ayr h Co., Lowed. Maes.
. Reid b Dniggwa; N ; gets bis, for t+s• /.
i.l•• rrrr.,
Th.t i. • mt. ••.r hoots A:eau /�11
y,.r basest bink n.,.chtn: rye i : h w„q-
darhll u...•bly, ry of to \,'t "oly the
logo'. air i,ytaA:l'.. i.• • t ,. th••.•�,'sae of
hrtte tutre. that r•.nie• Icrl:.r� Ir•,tts
When •',.o.e are et'v',• : end ele.c;erid
with matter which •.utght nest a, ',e there,
lour luca�e cuont t hall d„ Cter,, work.
And •b$ —.tbr7 do, tbey u:anut do
well'. _ --- --- ____ Y--
CaII it ontd, ttsnigh, droop, pneutaonia,
catanb, a.n. aiption II` any .4 the
family of throat and pus•• sr.d head and
lea* ,dsernctiears, all are teal Alf
ought to b got rid of. There is just
one user way to get rid id them. that
is take Ittectiee's German Syrup, which
say druggist will soil you at 75 cysts a
bot tie. Even if every thlig Asa has
failed you. yule may depend Kant this
fur Cattalo. wily
If HU. "Welke. tae, Pay aloe au' t'aeweal-
Souae .1 our suhecnber, have paid
their arrears sauce last notice, but thou
aro any numher rn'•re who here not.
The amount due free. tech tot thaw ow -
tug us would take • heavy burden off our
shoulders and make life brighter. tread-
er, if you "ee us, please lay it up, and
It von dont you can afford re smile at
the war we are trying to wait. up -the
ofherfelkw '
Deers eceemlwse.
Run no net in buying medicine but
n try the creat Kidney and Liver reoul.-
I tor, made by Dr, Chase, au•hor „f
as ('hare's rete re's. Try Chase's Lever
Cure for all dt....,s et the Liver, lCd-
r- neya. Sumach and Bowels. S0.d hy all
red druggists
d The dtstrenin_ paleness so often ob-
h served ID young girls and women, a d11e
In • greet measure to. a !sea of the recd
sternum/6e in the Voir'. T,. remedy
this requires a medic:tie which prtslueee
t 1 these necessary little Wool l constituent,
and the I.e.t yet diaalr.red is Johnso's
Tonic hitters. Price ;rel cents, and Ill
per trctNe at Gerdes druc store, Albion
bl..ck, (;oderich. Au:, *,gent- fbj
1 Cil Sir Francis De Winton, president
of the Eau Bey Retie( ermn1oittre, 111110
interview with the King of the Belgians,
recently, expressed the belief that the
white pasha reported to hen arrived at
thafte FJ -Grist is Hoary u Stanley.
n7 for a time, and clasped hands tiger-
rely—since duty forbade them to du
n reality—they set boldly to work.'
all through the long, hot days, and
r7 often far tato the stifling nights,
e blue burouc4e and the purple brou- fo
m r died abut Slalchester•
Sometimes it would happen that the a
he mid, gravely, "I l w
thnoght you wanted me to help you T' I `So
Her eyes lit up, and she answered l we
quickly, with all emotion in her voice i th
again. "Via, and w1eu I ask you to do Rh*
so, when i tell you seriously that I hare i
made up my mind '••
go tato a et
nrsdt t t
expenditure, more emphatically than be and lase the veil, you reply by treating
Pc bet No, the returned, with some ; the whole thing sea juke and ad
I warmth I. •
• of c,nrss you must ma a vee- to
fora And if you were $ sensitive per- I know yourself, bishop, and met ancient - That,. not what I expected from
eon of quick thought, you added to our theologians, and all prophets, foretold
self : "How would a poor mea feel in the foundation of rune
this Croom 1" apostolic church. I dtoti'tme Deot and
Miss J•,Ilibert, at all events, appeared even the Bishop of Milcheue ~ would
to feel very comtertahle. Her diamonds ears to assert that church to be the
flashed in the 13 igght, as she lay hack chunk of England."
in a luxurious a choir, and toyed with Henry Hammersley, Iliahop of Mal -
the folds of h ryes -stored velem, cheater took • long supof
n and turn -
The people of Malchwter mid it was ride ing hu limpid blue eyeround upon Mies
eeloee Miss Jollibeet should drum hr- Jothbert, smiled, "My dear," said he,
mail up ins rose-a,lored virtue and du- gently, "I always feel very diffident
monde when she was alone, for the aim- .bout making any aseertiuos "
pis pea.ure of 'aline the bre-light flash "Well—hot 1 dotal,- pursued she,
ow them. Min Jollibert, however, car- with a slight tremor in her voice. "Jost
ed little what any one said, and at all think what it is for me to he convinced,
•rent. 'he was looking superbly hand- finely convinced in my mind, of there
bane no English church, no English
A dock on the mantlepiece struck the Met, no English order* to be relied
hour of 8; and a minute after, eight toll- eP-ea"
w 1 forth from the neighboring steppe, "O—b '" said be, *141.1 nr 'harp
and wee borne to Mise Julliberto win- round, and snatching another little bot of
doe with • gust of drifting snow, She current bum from the plate. "So I'm
slivered at the sound of the 'now, lege- nota bishop 1" f.
*4 forward and poked the Ors ; then
tented and settled the various pieces of
tea siren* on the low table beside her.
tithe went over them a11. A cream pot,
a siop bowl, a sugar basin and two tea-
cups. She •umiaed the two t•mee
p irtieslarly ; little priestess tnnkets they
we1w. She pet that down, mad examin-
ed ibsr sera bsnntihl hard► ---they were
aeglllitd Win Then she resaov d Um
lit* MmN•selek on the Idols down to the
gees; Nese whiieh abe till into • prekesd
reverie AIN a gttisrter peal 8, *bee *be
bastielf ease more and rant the
As lineae/ after a werv.nt, drooped in
Walt appeared et the door.
"James," asked the, ie a patrulierty
musket seetrake roles, "did you deliver
any este M the Wap f Tee did 1
Ind waited fee as mower t What w
the most resew gives to Foe r
-Hes hltldelip vent his es..oltane s, ff
phase 'iso. sed he went be happy to
at Miss J.ilil.*'s by ire Weems to
Nana." Oohed Mee lathiest.
,ie JeMbeet
sobs limb teemed wei hew e
Me loot tree fro. .stow
le the hot Sem by the
p lett hi Nolo r rrrr
He stood beside her in a moment, his
whole manner changing.
"I serer supposed that it was." he
said. "I never sup ed that it was
what you expected. )!'everthelen, Ills.
non, it is my advice and I repeat it to
you. i think ynu ought to marry.'
She looked at him for a uinnte longer,
her expression varying betwixt sur)Mise
and impatience. "What do you mean ?"
she asked. "I repeat that you are treat-
ing the whole thing ss • joke, and that I
think it very unkind of you to do so.
starry ' that is a proof itself that you are
laughing at me. Marry whom T'
Turning swiftly away he took a rapid
Otero up and down the room ; then halt-
ing beside the tea table, began to lin-
ger nervously with the dainty tea ser.
"TM tete I dont know how to sae it
• ynu," he hesitated almost tearfully.
"No," casing Mit Jollihert, half *niftily "1 know a• well that pm have never, h
and half ie laughter ; "at Meat, 1 don I mu,)4 afrtedaid
anything ; and I haus boon h so 1
think err, 1 am rmuch afraid r,( iltartling you ; i have
mete sit
mmind very
you are. I can't n a" ridiculous. Rot if I might may,
'try sop tom) my s.0 ch phi that is—if ynn wnold .How rev—Ilse
angry with me, bishop. (hint* Don't ~ iso." be added, with a sudden weveme t
of his arm *hien opsit the sour twain.
He stretched his hand nut for • little sent a shower cf mots pattering ever the
poker and gave • sharp tap to a bit of floor, "1 would say 'marry me.' "
anal wbieb neat it Mit/UM 11044117 down
apots the painted til... "i heft Hot the people of have ter, thee d•.
..y aero•' mid he, n•felly, s1 wouldn't ase loalirved it,
u.s a meek t
Ilr Goode, druggist, is not a book
agent, but has the agency in G odench
r Johmeun'. Tonic Bitters, which he
o heartily recommend for any a,m.
at to which a tonic medicine a ap
We. Tbi. valuable medicine ha
been with most astonaahinely good re-
sults in cases of genenil debility, weak-
ness, irregularities peculiar to females,
extreme palettes*, im •
po eeiahment of the
blood, stomach and liver trooblee, lo..
of appetite, and for that general worn
out feeling that nearly every e.ne is
troubled with at some part of the year.
Don't forget the name Johnston's Tonic
Bitten 50c. and 11 per bottle at t;o ode's
drug store, Albion block, 0oderich, vole
wo cr.msad each ether at the tun,
street, at the e,reer of . square,
the bishop would loft his hat, calling nut
I laughingly. "How do you do, Marion I
Ninety degree, in the sbade, to -day..'
And she would nod back, with a anvils ;
'Qtate well, thank you, bishop. I worts
der what it a is the sunshine T'
After the illness was in a great mea-
sure abated ; just .s the hazy airn-ti.lde
were beginning to turn a, gold ; ,lust
then, Mi.. Jollibert awoke one morning
t.. find a great peace to her heart, and
that her convictions had forever fallen
asleep. Strangeiy enough It was the
morning of her wedding day,
At Miss Jollibert'• wedding there was
not one being who bad the heart or the
audacity to say she was anything but a
eery handsome women, and that the bfa-
hnp sod she were a rery lucky pair.
Most of them added particularly the
bishop ; but d some of them did ay in-
stead especially Mies Jd)Itbwt, it was
001 to be suppaied that • slight esu
and , p1
intended upon Men Jullehert in any
s7• The very first flak. p,( anew crime
own that winter fell upon t • lord of Malchester and Mrs Hammer.
pardon d year eland they h
ttur4t Deer to have meddled with the
either of Nes .loI. h.,t nv the bias
gen yea ass just as yon ought never to
have meddled with the theologians
Band me the tuags, Marione"
II`ae did as he asked bar. • rush of
teat, emoting to her dark eyes, "it is
el so ase to talk to me in titer way ; be
UM saying anything. sines I have mode
up my mines Aad besides that," she
soden. atter a s4i[ht patty, with has
deed amzio sly epee the back of the
bisiple lair head, jest than within deo
proem pre:tmity of the meats, "i have
,.p Jrt
7 he
THE. E\p.
"i have awed Dr Fowler', /tetrad e
gid Strawberry ter summer complaint
nd have green it to my friends. I ewes
rives instant Pellet when all other
medius fail. I world not he without
in my bones." Mrs 1' Boil, Weld.
Half of them s.psrl.py of MissJollibert ; mean
and the nther half pxrtieulrl . s t
bishop There were nn definite rumors 1
afloat until nae evening wham the bishop if
...tit sat to dine with a friend,and after to
dinner told a little humorous .tory, 1n ma
his own hemomus way.
Teo day later there were upward of , he
ninety diatinet reports of the story, the of
least wild of which was that the bishop hay
had tried to p.rsw.d. Mies J..tlrbert to I No
mere entente Uwe be t'pe•ssd.
you do not heed the warnings a Ira,
r• and at ince pay attention to the
immune* of your health. How deem
bee a person pat off from day M dey
porches of a inedfeine whin► Y
pea -
rad at the outstare of • disease wand
v remedied it almost immediately.
le if Johnsen'. Tonic Liver Pills d
'•nen when the first nne4M►ese
• its appearances the inn..,. would
• been 'nipped i., the bed." John-
. Tonic Bitters and Liver Polk ars
dodgy the hest tmedieine on the near -
for 'thud Rosie and invitroeetieg
roes. Pills lfie. per bottle. Miters
cera and M per bottle
si b,
Wit, the de�ai., AN A Woes
imprison herself ie a emereet, bat that been
bad replied : "No. she would Gnomic
Peke suds ah► my "Riad Net Ism goiad y bine than that ;" and en, fens i sad
to 4ignw of "Ry buss, sad my a14t *n nese ' hay
.�sd nna•yy hrwitera sad • toiwr, .s N "R►7ttthe they were to v war dm
*.- I
Meaty atter I haw.0sftset•d the A. to ,. * hitch in the ••ruins der;
esessey 1 s4 14 p Mt* seeatrent acid Ulm stately, why in the emu n/ smarter the est
the WWI."
bsahr,p ecoid welt Miss Jr,ltibswt to im 11'r prop,
Mires h.w.1f in . enwvent, a lady of the , 110
Re pet the tame ea etwhy dews arm R.rAW p,r�eees res. Ailed that sop 1 (I
the leader, asci etr,ii.tg two at his heti 186 dlsss•'wed Net Ne bleep sed Miq i
(►1 '
Vent -
Two swindlers, representing them-
selves as pump agents, called at the fano
of Jnr:. McKinnon, on the 8th c,n,
Grey, about two weeks ago and asked
permission to place or • 01 his
his well. He allow pumps
after having tried ted them to do ".suced
him to s pomp they induced
sign, se he thought • printed
form of recommendation as to the menta
of the pimp, but which was in reality as
order fie several pumps which were ship-
ped to him and for which he promised
10 pal 8165. This is one .)f 114e tty0y
instances known to theta/men of Heron
where MOO have been iadeeed to sign
papers, which in tbemaele s oerht to be
enough to invite aoapties sed should
be • warning to all in fetur.. Th. only
wise coarse to moue is to deal with re-
sponsible men well known in the arm.
Destroy the worts or the .say destroy
the Andrea. Freeman's Worth Powders
destroy aged mapse all kinds of worms.
To The *valval Pattease•s, au. an whom
seas eeawa.
Phnephatine, or Nene Poco, • Mos-
ptlate Element b Auntie,
1[, Ii. of Boston, Masa Vis'
.04.CAttm�e * V.,e4egko ePe_
std in nil rill diem... di
QsM- ~tine is Got Me. heir ermine the 1t rue
got a Notritawit, b.mu.. it a ra��� ,5 i-M;°ett" Imml Wetf t°'esry'
Yg.(*blle or Mh'.wl Townes, ••w•M , Pert method mod •r 114, at vewtive e„r
1 40va,g44, all n.reer1. p,• w ease that
ryas,sli°at seri aO tea, bet «m r Ilt,sral " eo c* '4,4416* tutee
oot M fm (hrtrie lllahoet yO11•t « d nen"" � _!wtrt iii; bd�
7 A �W eft •sedan : lm g,,�'4•►aMsi
ie soMaioet fe er►wviwnw A" "vita J 1•• nit. set esettit , t
ref! it. !f f 00solani we•rg
s. tour..
Cold IA Neal,
eu peassees
EASY TO USE Itoo the throat
and examen e:p.etorwtfm named by ea.
tarry'• Peel by Amorist', or sent pre -eats es
reaxdpt re price. tb. mod ft. Address
?UIfVORO II a.. •►wsftwllls. Oat.
To raw er tyltc. wane 75IR i•A'T.
IV, ,.Poll •v,d M mails arr.
M'Mtat' [g,fi to rarh
WIN, n.qf- Of t.,,4
. firmly - r,he w,u 1.. tt..
�Mmatte't taw leemta
( ni the red circle fn,„ the 1
Wet and send it in a kttew'
'father hone.? .�eni,,, .ftp,,
lair trill. Eiteer.5, JO,,,Qtj
cart .ire will .hevre the rift
Any gn•orrr a .aw. keeper
for •h blow.. where rete tita.tee
CIV1CH1L1.,t 04.r70M TO
ClOdrea Cry far Piicher•sCastoria
Visa obi war as we
rood h Ca mere avr
Me beaus thee abe
Was W Chains. she �•�ntt♦ Cholablik
has hut wee4.n Nat
tree. �tg eaara W�
Per hotels. Lowry t . '+ y rete teat elft etsrtlNus ams
Somas 1lwweat@ far ahs noaniatnw I root o.r fksa tt t"b'� Fee tea y
r Orsai q .wrtk ae •lies Y werli
1 Aegis jpsiii4 c, Adams, ?evil! n.