HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-7-27, Page 1• YORTY-IrlittrY WHOLS NCanitit OEV0TEO1O couN Y NEWS VISOSISWWWWASSIL GODERICK ONT., FRIDAY. JULY 27, 18$$ GE NW CANADIANSALT. , mit, separated front one another by thin - _ thoetims of over 120 see. AD Attractive Display at the drill bonag made at Goderish. in 1876, l Oinninhati NowpOtntoOn. to a depth of 1.17 feet, shttow:dotttel es • I totem* .1 ate beds -- ,028 — - feet, and Ib e sixth at 1.386 feet -with 40 aggregate thickness .,f 126 feet. Teo of enAench and Kincardine, on men, off lid excellent hipping 11 Layers of roclo and name ao azgregate & spiesdld idgertleemese 11, flee 1 aunt/ or liefeall leeway ticker. Wever•er. lake 14 1 t lilies by eater. sod W•es see ILZWASAIL - alegable ttt we convenient railway accorainiehe tion." Several of oar salt manufacturers, we namplite L FROM THE CAPITAL. Letelet Political and OMMIrei News !noun Ottnarei. Few Illelaterg at tbe aunel Tb- oemitnew nate ftellIss logger le 1•111••• The ILle•11.•• bream ibe I apita Ircoat our 14,.%Vit., July 24 The descriptive catalogue of the min- EVi I ening and ille,:kelizie 1;,,•e:1 eral exhit it of the province of ontano regret hi say, are not represent a 1 j„, , have for weeks b•.$: I ha onty .51inisten; at the Centennial Exposition of the Cincinnati. M1 were invited- even . Vail and Central States is before strongly pressed -to exhibit. The On• ' at the Capital. They are tooth steady ;is. It is a model of typography, and tern, Governuteet assent 11 MI "intlhileteDr Dept. re. 11 YorsJ"u4stdicertir„k14:4,n1;411..etib. mates • handsome book of lit pages. Itlof the matter, and there is little ell;USO i lien% hut the. Bet!, )1 4 :cuotefr aas 769 and lir Power is at theYheed ii more than a catalogue . it is a hand• for neigh...A. Thom of our mattufectu• Ito the Fopeition have a double witisfac- l tsterstouteniegatraKototetftrooniusttitistomPtinhatiiteanteoiaroy hook on matters connected with mining' rers who Imre sent their manufactories; seems he was not empowered tc tt AC tn. mining p Tn. introduction calls attention to the time They hare done • patno c . wict named R.A"rtl. Si""9rd' wa.d th we will have no naims of the province u a producer of I sod they lave also done a "Piss one from ; dying and recommesoding his release. tinl pends °aim " , duced by the 31innesoolis Star, and we • d mut They are His ether bees that ins ,on may be al- Further news. Than is an einem:it ot now place it before or readers by re- The Postmaster amoral at Witaltieg-1 A too has decided to moiled* dunning post Minda from the mule Will Canada f olio, s uit Dunne last Session Sir Charles Tupper expremed the hope it at the Mille land bill, which reduces importations by $40.- 000,000. would pass, and on Saturday it did pass the Amerman Congress by 162 to 149. It admits Canadian lumber, salt sod ems other of our staple eiperta free a duty providing almliah the port duty on logs. If the Senate pease' the Bill it will be • great boom to Canada. The Government ie to be asked to organize an excursion to the Northwest of English and German newspaper men to pronnoe immigration. The alleged newspaper WWI would not object. General Nliddleton has been recalled from the east to advise the Minister of Militia, who by the way tit also on duty watching the Skeane Inden troubles on behalf of the Cabinet. Clod the trued I. the disturbed district STRONG TEXT. iNTELLIGEN Skell•LICIJUDY. Istommipea. I SLIP A YEA!' IN ADVANne. . - is not here as the wen) paid bishop of a church which, in its prase corelrion, is wetly opposed to everything which Christ taught, bot among the po; r, h lie dec'ared that the itoei.e • ;•u Preached from It. be preached •1144.1of 1h* la were •••• 111 And the Remarkable Sermon tir ona h, h hire we boo -kept hack by fraud. . Teo lung have I ism t amilers- am tame rplarep•liaa glebe, Post egli lila ble es.cial facts of our soiminned l 'holstein mem. Wellimull.114.41 ewes And 1 CIS' ilizAt t..o. TM/ loom hare I ete den to rimer ASA leak Wilaggeigene Mit& you egamoli thine* ted cried peace when Me casae trample. there wae no peace. I love known by _____ repute that then. was wool among oar people, starvation in our mitisteed pre - In the latter end of December, is;, . 'outwit upon our etreet•. But hitherto great excitement was caused by ,k.....hi. I have token th.oe AA soinethten for but which were teeny dos to the whereto, fl•itl had relinqutahed his high ottoie and announcement that it. Bishop of Lop- which :-,.. and 1 were not res?onsibto, wickedness of nature. had taken his "amid en the line of the But I have learned that our pleasures comatoo brotherhood ef nom. tan Christ- and our want -mesa have been built upon etas day he preached a 'semen in whack 'd foundation and having learned the -as you may oleo learn if h. Gr'ee ble reae"ea actin. Th. you will- I hare resolved that trent this sermon was published in London Christmas day nay new life shall beans. rice at the time, was afterwards repro- Today I lay down my rones, give ftp my is tope c, y p ;ram. fruit, live stock and general farm • • cotton • produce, and also shows that as a mange I d adver- lowed to die at home but m yet no ate factoring coontry the Dominion more particularly our own province is full of promise. The fact is cited that at lbs Philadelphia commend 170 prism wage awarded Canadian manufactures* and machinery, leant's, hundreds of prizes tor live stock and hum and dairy pro - gettinz the beneet e p tisement at the thronged capital vif Ohio, ik'd. Yo Wein taited. _ and they are also beinz extensively ad- ; srr•nwoneitt,!ie,,tiPireennUt kg" 7.'hiren' !ant" v.rtWiside travels' toeb. doonealtbtanthatava.111:*bniatPha.:1: (4.1113.;:r:b6•Deh..P.):,.::147:st45i1C:rileetrigi:•41111411:11einFi•tdisa.ire.crrial‘ithat".. • wiritorever-sem Mc Unwell let mot up by Mr Blue. reciprocity in salt (as there short y wt. be those who have sheen samples at the Expiration will be able to Id 4:rder. ducts. "Ontario. ;1 from a region now closed to them, and , that ger thettan hen -turned east, and to, An interesting chapter on drew' uncertainty in the meantime about the upshot. I quest ow- bowl for your miseries that shall come Imo& laze -Go to now. ye rich men. weep sad THE EDITOR'S TABLE. I yon. Beheld. he hire dee lahmere twisavr reaped dougg your nelds. ithivit mot yea kept back by fraud. crieth. sad the cries of them which hag., reaped are entered foto the Word elr ewe *was 111'w ronnieallens ears ot the Lord of tiabaoth. lobate ed to . Ilhive Coma se Oland. n the earth and been wanton ye leg laid down the law to Mr Robertson uf VAIE nS• RAFT saunas' naciaztolz. The contents of the August number are unsurpaseed by those of any previous day is *et for the launch ef his great . issue. In redid and light reading , in ntineral Resources'. follows, the molten. where up to the present time they were timber ship at tosier.s N. S. for New poetry and pone ; in letter•press and cal formation is briefly but clearly almost memoir.. York tie the Atentic ocean. The brat , illustrationts. the beet is provided. One sketched, and valuable statelier., are i big ratt breke up at sea and had to b• !of E A. Abbey's charming illustration, given as to the value of the mineral pr - duct abaudoned tn the extreme danger of for "'The Leather Bottle" serves se a *ease ell ler Anus iNtle.te• M oitreel. July 23. -Very oeneral re- navigati. n. Ins mom • frontispiece full of delicacy, feeling, and ex no of minerals. The former a , de, often it 'moons known that Mr ; tante .11,1440 maces of timber avemging of Le, fcadio Hearn • description of hid ed for humanity. Although it is read musetimes in the 0 would simply be • laborer whose su • gret was mussel in commercial circles te-1 more . nepenthes ene. The ship con. life. The initial indicter is a ountinuatton duct of our mime and the worth of the , la m alma and my *itemise, I also give up my amt 'tithe use of Lords I give up my pleasures et anciety and the world, and at lot I take my place as a man among men. It is, 1 know, • bold step I hare taken, but I hare fully counted the coat. Re- solved no longer to lire on the labor of others, I shall probably have to join the great army of the unemployed. To - have nouneted jour Leans as in • day M , slaughter. YeTievenimetemeett and titled- thel roar z Mull attempt tiotprmoch my Jam. and he doth not resist you,-JAILLS V: 1. tiret sermon to them in Trafalgar square, 11. 5. 6. frotu the amine text that 1 have used here have just read you, and from which 1 today, and it is likely that I shall peas tomorrow night in a police cell. But Fellow Citizens -The text whicb I shall preach the last sermon as bishop there I shall be no worse off than Jesus that I shall mu: deliver from this pulpit, Christ would he if 'hie attempted to toter is one which is probeiny as unfamiliar fo this abbey (Westminster) now, for He to you comfortable, welloo-dn people as would be arrested and locked up as • it is familiar to all these *bootee* it was raigun„un without „none itt„iin of "n„ originally penned, lees toned and %utter- sistance. To you and to your class He rdinary course of our stance you have kept by fraud. To the 100 000 'The "Midsummer Trip to the ‘1, est Indies, church service, yet. judging by your abolition of that fraud, and of the cc' y conduct your ears have been deaf to its and degradation which result from it, I terrible denunciations. Fr on the days shall henceforth devote my Ide. It will when I was au humble curate moll now be no easy task. not neat so easy as being 1 have had a Lanza and vaned experience a bishop of Lindoo, hut the reward of a sermons, bo' 1 have never yet heard a good conscience and of a noble work well done, is hotter far than • palam ad tee of cathedrals, churrinee, preachers and discourse based on these words, and 1 ' thousand 148,400; a year. bishops or priests that they have ever I In this. plass . shall probably never cannut learn from any of niy brother 1 t used them, or heard thern s.. used. i *Pink Mein. But when freedom shall i hare opened out her arms and gathered • I "I'd" 8PPelketd tu b. in gd imaith* genet or giving It luor to ludiane was • • and fully illustrated -soir.e of the draw. " i tice and truth shall have taken tbe place , that Toe are acting ynursel% es why, In this part is given • definition of : slept well during the nieht. Abent live and now 'U e drenken Indian in Nip's. 1 littat°' deeactirt. ieb7hth° raPii.dttlTh witItuubiichh enough to offend your delicate suacep.i- of the mei, the noblye aspirations of the "mining lands,- and applicants for le o'clock this morning he stroke aed Tie bilities by quoting the sayings f "- un° "1 i future, shall send ringing through them ters patents, etc., are instructen how to marked to his wife .that he led had 0 leg district hu feelly murdered another. ' n III ICLIVTIONg. I gives the reason therefoin The' Hon telt. 10 ------- 1' the Atmericetterencdal.li.• farmer, and. the common people -words written sigh- ' lefty aisles that living Christmas mu- ; moat refreshing nights sleep. He fell teen centuries ago- which might have , lime which till then can never have its pro -cod. The act resPechng 833,,in'er asleep again, and in a sheet tints Mrs The c otter in Colchester N. S , will i steac's pepularity seems well earned, for done very well then, but which cannot , full ilguificknue-- f.,:l .A,A, and then comes • list of the i Novi., on prcoseding to awaken him, come to a hese August 25, when Mr l the record Ames that for producing milk will oppose Sir , she mount be beaten by any cow in the possibly be applied to Too and your clus ': "Peace on Earth and Goxi Will nit: erste, and their locations. A immoral found to her horror that he was dead. Illierison, Liberal. today; you who ceme here. clad in per- ' nyuw •• . He leash , A.donamtasooAsrchintbsid. Conservative, for the world. Three illoetrattons give an ex- el and tin rneo who live in kint's - • ,dex ends the book. The whole re- . Deceased wee 53 leers of art• place of Hon A. W. Me- cellent idea of the appearence of • hese h . e lanen, - - i oases, , who fare deltcately every day, Jil riAti. recta much credit upon the able and born in Min'ilaultl: educate -'I in the I ii. ' t; School. and submquentiy joined he Wan epp;;inted Lieut. Governor. Si, cattle. WIDE SWANS. I slid who consider that you have; Ille Appreciating "liar ilfirr:r1;:si accurate author, Mr A Ble , Depot Y brothers, Senator Alexander and Win I Adams is a Totems 1.1 seventy -live and if Henry Bacon hits reprodeceo in black- you have dropped a ec,n into the i itilblled evc:i moral obligation when , Te the Editor of the Sinai. )1inister of Agriculture of Ontario. milling business. , elected will be the oldest member of the T House of Commons. It is a curious fact • end -white his famous intin "Th limn thtilfie• in the Piacad at " for (44°6° "b"at !John Ogilvie, of the greet no ing rut •.ne-third of the mineral product ot the ' t igilvis Bros, tied second brother of , wh,,le Dominion Altesalt protects betng • "a I . had died tuddielly this morning at his residence in this city. valued at 8166,0141 per annum. The detmeed nentlemains death was ter- atter, the tug neners to receive no corn- . e e ec L. The catalogue proper is then given, rible in its soddenness. He had net pensatIon if 11.er loose the raft. There amount of fiction in the number -viz from which we learn that 413 different been in very good health for sons. tone. ars to, he etternon aro•iis at Jozzins to- the continuation of Mr Beck's "In Far exhihite have been made at Ciocinuati and dialog last winter made • tour of day aud the wine seeks Methodists there Lochabar ; ' of "Annie Kilburn," Mr W. n h n t'alifornis, New Mexico. and will hod a tos mooting where the hungry ' D. Howell's chutney serial ; an ardeat . . ' love story called "Pride and Pride," by .36 feet in ear . tatUs doodah Marne boor. Cu have agreed t.. The visit to Maitineine will revive me - insure it, previdre it is towed by the B. merles of the beentiful Empress Joeeph. W. Merle the roost powerful steam tug ne. Ten splennid illustrations add to 1 There is a just by 4 Intern. in the line of minerals, etc., British C,,lembia, which scented to do multitude may omprising over two thousand specimens. turn e• goigil. Let week he was at emote . T1 INSI‘V••• I statment of EL Rider Haggard's "Mai- , Mrs Jane G. Austin and the Mel to the weight a which is &boot the °thee as usual, and Saturday and yes- et is WI time that the law against want Revenge." This tut is splendidiy I can see by your uneasy demeanor ' all men into her wide embrace, when jus - ten MM. The appendix is not the least Yalu. - He °Pent - Y . oteforted in the ueorgenized districts f soir- this Christmas day, when, in accordance vf oppression and fraud, some rnan of the ble portion of this interesting tote book. At an early hour he retired, and wit while irttaa' rim over and killed, on Moletetn•Fnesien Cettle," by S. smooth things 10 you, I should be mad ea, and ins ired b the heat traditions people shall stand in the temple of the ly. and mooted to be mil the beet , ah,wt tire ag, an radian near matta. inge,t.aking tip • full page. The article with custom, I should ba preaching Suede eventng with his fame In the catalogue, under the headiag senator Ogilvie retired fnam business; inAdains was the Boston Sohnolboys and General Gaze." your carriage to be driven to your thanks of the salt manufacturers for Pa A• • eollection but, before you step into SIR. -Von certainly !nerve the • some years ago, and the Erin c(.r.sisted ; that le 147. °Len Sit Salt, we observe the following ex- now owned by Columbia College : the luxurious home. It is bemuse I believe publishing the letter of Mr Robertson, habits :- was particularly well koown through - ..f William and John Ogilvie. Deceits- • Conservative eudidate Colchester kis W McLeolan Cabin drawing sccompanies Edward Everett that not only James. but Jesus Christ I have had 3,000 copies struck off, and "The Story of Boston himself, if He could stand in my place , being on a busmen trip, am distributing Geroge McEwen, Mensall.-Sernple a out Ontario. having spent a great part of, who has Liberal oppoeett was AJ. Job jest left Sir doof n s for It. nale.1 _ * Common, and appears in the August today, would hurl these words at you them in each town I Twit. My custom - fins wilt, from Hensel', Heron county has time in that Province. When he en- I Sir Adams wss twice des; Wide Awaken An Ocean Tramp; by with • force and a passion of which we, i erg seem very glad te get them. and one Se le of tared the business the firm's only mill l county and wet appotnte Clow MiAltoba. Colchester WAS lisygood 0,-• so pital • domain- in this ninteenth century. have but little , and all unite in their praise of such re- ' testmOfly ha f hod by a tea cf the last days of the American conception. Not as a bebop, bet as • e merchant service that it has been well man, I repeat them to you, lenity hoping ' gentleman of Mr Robertson's reputation. denominated the modern "Ter. Voter net they may touch your hearts, but I am worry to say that in spite of the before the Mast.- It is hreen1 and tnore as a justification fur my new and law pulsed this last session, mete strong with the flavor of the sem May strange r.isition. salt makers are atill belling lieht Kendall, the author of the charming For years I have been one of you. My weight gale I ham mot scrupled home has not been where Christ's home wherever I found it, to have it was, with the masses, bat with the weighed, and pointed out to the dealer Owes. I Wive abundance of this his liability, I do not think many will world's goods. have lived with the order much more of it. 1 find on ea- falitionable and the wealthy, and 1 have quiry that whatever hardships the milt been a dignitary of a church which makers, have to suffer from competition is the church of the rich, and not th• front among themselves, end front foreign church of the poor. Without • protest sources, they add to thnse hard - 1 have mixed in socrety with men and women whom Christ would have de- nounced as bitterly aa he denounced the Scribes and Pharisees. In the House of Lords, I have silently sat side by side w ith whoremongers and adulterers, and se silently have I welcomed as my per- sonal friends, highborn women--eeme of whom I see before ins today -with whom e n decent working man would snow his wife or daughters to associate. I have seen among you, spreading like a °ankle. the lost cif the flesh sod the pride of life, and instead of reproviag you, as Christ would have done, I have not dared 1.. denounce your indi- vidual sins. And .11 this time them has beau going on around me, in this hese eity and throughout the land, the surg- ing, tonne/ life of humanity, the sorrow, the suffering, the poverty, the disuse, the .in and shame which realised but 1. coarse ash, from Menotti, Huron eoutity was the small "Memos, which um , George c . oomph Willem', Goderich. -Samples ow pert a the lot occupied bi the ' Liberal un te 1874. since when it has of tine and coarse salt, from Port Franke, "Royal" mill on Canal street 11111“. 1 bees Coreereative by large majorities. county of lembton. Their holiness kept growing, and deringt, It is likely that Kr G. E. Rtchard, The Elarton Salt Works Co -Semple the following years the Goderich and 1 who represented Metrantic county for ef ordinary fine salt, from Warwick, seeforth mills in Ontario, besides l some years, sad who was afterwards a .441° 10 %%'llewinws hare been added to i Stied:oven sheriff, will be the Liberal • fon the Provevicher seat va- The Elarton Salt Works Co -naming the °Gleams" and "Royal" of this city. ;cannovel, That Frrir, Mali, contributes a Lambent county. ef ordmsey coarse salt, from Warwick, A number et elevators have Lei been I Wed by Lime Governor Royal. parable, to the "The Temple of Music- ; lombton county. constructed along the railway lino. D. ' AR BLAKES !MALTA. Katharine Macquoid and Dr Garnett of The Marton daft Works Co -Sample , ceased had charge of the work of con - An Ottawa gentleman who has pet the British Museum bent stories in the h t f" T•14e4 retorted from London tells me he saw Immo number. Mies Kotodell is said to • and 4ISTU%5 county, a• pumped without being allowed he had spent almost half hie 14405 super- : Mt Wane there, and that his 15.01114of brim', from Warwick, biathlon,' ruction. to settle or aerate. It gees the followin* intending bedding in Ontario and the! too not pit been restorml, though to readings when takett. June 13. HMS ; Northwest. He ewes a widow and wino geom. it was improved. lumen- wilemeter, IOW: temperature, 54.12* sereo children, four sons and three ; cia, that malady which has robbed so Mrs Janet Graham, Hemilton. Sam. daughters. The eldest son, Aletander, ; Timmy brain trotters of rest. takes away ple of rock salt, a mire from diamond ' has beim associated with his tattler to , nit tioep and we all know how terrible drill Wring at Onderich, Huron county the bossiness for some tame. lit is to be deprived of sleep He will Ora,. Young and Sparline, Seaforth. The news a the death of Mr (Wyk' eot return to Toronto till September -Sample of fine salt, from Ineeforth and w1,2 received with deepest regret in I prohibit, sod even may remain abroad Blyth, Heron county. ' Godench, not only by the employees of (tray, Young and Sperling. Seeforth. the lutil' 01th whti'n h'i u"* "Hari° , rionoos. dre Blake is in Toronto. in the bops a effectually caring his in- -Samples of commend,. front Seaforte favorite, but also by the many friends. ..ATITAL OOSATT. Gray, Young and Sparlino, tereforth anionast our reesdents. On Monday Mri The arrangement by which Senator and Meth, Heron county. mei acquaintances of the deceased -BemPlee of dairy mit, Seeforth and and Mrs Hatchison (eater a Mr OP,' l)kaollid Wag to baa°a'a CaltaCtlr at . lei t att•ad the Victone II C... Mr Baker raised to the tweet in be a literary protege of Andrew Lang. Miss Risley Seward, in her journey &rotted the world with Governor Se. ward. made anmeintanee with some of the most splendid elephents of Alia, and ob. tells enme good stories of them in the August Wide Aweke, under the title, "The Stephen's of an Indian Prince." ArIll•NRICIR *viatica. The August number of Scribner's Magazin* is • fiction number, eorileis- inor eontributions from Robert Leis Stevenson, Henry James. Sarah Om* Jewett, Omani Thsnet, F. J. Stomas, and Maria Bleint-a very notable array °envies snd Hutchison, Codeine+. - funeral, which nook place at Mintreel Siete. eh • , of story writers. There are, in adelt- Blyth, Heron county. me) and Mr Sample cf °outmost coarse salt, from on Wednesday. The Harbor Mill "shut tion, two richly illuetrated articles of ni, piece • the C 'mamas, is declared iederioh, Huron °panty. deem" on the da of the funeral, and •1 , of Translating Bureau ie to no attached iunusual importance. The Railway Se- re@ has been r which eceived with the F. C. Rage's, Brunette -Sample of table mit, from Bresssis, Heron 000nty. F. C. Rogers, Breseels.-Sionple of dairy salt, front Breasels, Heron minty. Dr T. T. Celemen, Seriforth.-Foer samples ofassIt, from Seaforth, Horne c000nty. J. Kidd, Goderioh. Se samples of table salt, from Goderich Moron county. Oray, Toone and Sperling, Winches'. Two samples of salt, free Wino/ham, Hursu meaty. Siete, Salt Co., KIOSK. -Two wim- ples of salt. frogs Exeter, Heron eounty, matte from brine that gave 100 by .01.- -.4.' Then follows this description of the mit mita "lbe salt diarist a On- tario aseephos an area et .but 1,1011/ swears miles, extending over porticoes et the emeties 01 Rupee and Lionbtos, and almost the whole of Home. The cuter 14.41* cf the d t may be indicated hy a tine drawn the town of Kis - mediae, roe lake Heron. throesWieg. beim, Briassla, Dahlia, Parkhill and Bath well, to Coertright, nsth. St. Clair river. Near the lake mast there eat ato foam than sia samsetre b54s cf the bas fiying at Lif mut from the top , of the elevator testified that • heavy hes , had been sustained by the firm and seel ployeeenie the death of Mr John Ogilvie. whom energy sod ability had contnbut- ed so largely to the success of the great indium interest Leers Teach. nonrittec v. STAATroi::, The return match betimes theme clubs Wes played at (letdown& es Frtday hist,' again resetting in favor of the home' slab. I;Orsti•IVIIT'• / 4.04". Wit000 and Smith (Smatterer hot 0-3 weeniest approval of the primeval public to the 3Ir Chapeau's department. Repeal Scott Act pentanes ars being as web as a maned mon of all grades - „upend in Ozford snd Carleton, Oen is enntineed in this issue with an mete j(IPSand luminous account of the (moieties .ereparations are tieing mane is inure for th. first ,ezhibitios of the Cen- oda 'i;eausi Association. Mr Comer M. P. P. of Port Arthur nut hip .1.000 mit agitiost tie Customs. eppliestion will be made at the neat moos Parliaateen for a charter to bend s railway from Victoria B. C. to N44trithe Ng...ovelatricot. ia Stool Go'y are apply_ jag for authority to increase these capital' A below, of "The Order of Conadian nook from &100.000 to $1,0eonme. and present wonderful perfection 0 "A inericen Lommotives and Cars.” dimly, as something altogether apart The author. M. N. F einey, Secretary of ; from my own existence, but for whieh, 1 th• Master Car Builders' Aesneiatien, is *least see clearly, yoos and I have been, one a the meat widely -known railroad ell to the present tins*, mostly to Manse. men in the United States. has Ws and our clue have kept beck by written from • very full knowledge, and fraud the hire of the laborers who have has seed a crisp and Ioeid style which reaped our fields, we have lived in plea - makes an intricate subject perfectly sure on the earth, and been wanton, we have nourished our own heart* white — clear. we have seamed tne bcdies of those to whom we owe the eery bread we OM end Einem Owe*" No. 109, was simmeed the *Indies we wear, eed tow we see enedminieg sad killiag et our very ptes, tits people whose Mertes/eta my is entering iato the ears of the Lad col flabsotbowitoote faithfel sensate eni pee- ked to be. My fallow enema, I kaow net how it may be with you, bet Inc me *hie esre- leen mile\ life is ended. Utak by Milo I lows sambetood to tit* rant that all ships by their own folly. Could pm but me some salt I hays men in stores, you would not wonder that people ask for English salt English salt, if sloth. mg else, is honest ; sad is what it repre- sents. this dealer in London, showed one 110024 20 bbls. of salt lying an his store, and his remark was "There's 90 bbl. of Canadian ult. I shall halm to give it away before I eau get rid of it If Canadian salt makers wou'd peak clean, dry salt,full weight,and keep doiog it, tbey would at team nave the satisfac- tion of knowing that they had done something to help themselves. Years etc., f nem in enreelation ?hands July 20 with a h met of British partim ebia dui names of the rarely* Atom in Holmes sad Elerrion (flotterielen hen (Ooderiedi / best la Canada is 110057.3pr. in stow on inemsberehip of 25, eePthe folio; ing ars Tb• seloetot ft ya Dr R.oes and Sem Wilearet and McFadden (Stratford'. I 6-s, G - . Loden Mise iele said Mrs F. Soften (Gesderieh) beat Mim Wilmot end Miss Bootheglsoef (Stratford). fi-:h Oredemen's dieenni. Streehan (Oodenieh hest Wetenel (BbesStord), 6 - 6-6, - At t • rot Aatilyt• McFarlane szosaised Ossadias sioned -6 W Perry, . D B found it obsoletely free from heel', L; Mn A D Poetises. V L ; J ?eye', $..'y; .1 Reath, Tress.; James Oreet. P15. Ree.; Mrs J 0 Detlew, R Welsh. 11.: A D Pathan L.; 111 0.,• J C Dealer. Pee.; Dr Wil - name, Mei. Imes. This order has hem ia existent.* sine* Oatober, ISOM, anti sow hoe a sarailietshir si MARA 4,000. &generation, while • enwiple of Anieries• ettreas he examined was friend *dottiest - id milt 1. 04. If nether, the Providence R. I. beak defaulter, 15 501 'mulcted at Maltreat b• m9 be estradtten if poseible, applege. note JOWN RANSFaRD. WbsS It W551 IAIS. Poison's Norville*, the wrest pain core, never fails to 'IVO prompt relief is the followingoomplaints : Sprains, bun- gee, cute, tie douloureat, rheumatism. spinal pees, neerolgia, toothache, lern• bap\ acetic*. Bey today at any dreg gore • 10 sent simeiplie Ipittle end test it in airy of the above emiplaiets. It never fails, for Boman:** is composed of tbe most powerful pain sabdeing remedies is the world. Oet • bottle at any drug store. Yoe will 18. 15.4. happy. Tea aad2S mints a teed*. MeIstash to r•-intesiod aa toolb- ar of the Orinstwook mho& Inc IMO at • sentry of $600. Bo • • good somber .54 18.. dose good wort aims emenew here. Thieves entered the dry email Moe of Styles' & Kent, Wingliste, on Mow - day IMAMS 15.4, sad termed away e my dam have entirely weignieted 547 latereameteat of so•Aa. real int, tn my fellow men, and at last 1 the "Chief '' will auks some arrests b14. hare some W k.ot UM soy r -ver phew fora long. • 1. : • . '1 •