HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-7-13, Page 7Vann • THE HURON SI' % '1,, FRIDAY, JULY 13. 1888• • CeleIda% 110.ele Ota e melpapme Yore meet, trey .eaddrI aid te mad 1s wows � V orgiesthem to seed la than they ds. One of the neireps- mo Mw$, however, hes • oorretgosd, A WA/AN SEEKER We Orme.oded, twwwwr, lime Cw..eettwt• Moe Owed Sweep ear MIR. At • emr•dm tar wed rul110 d etatlai we so1�lE Mmrtira =b got laoo ownnMles s seas who we• telt tae teiiewing sliest hi rallgZ•etlalt as the dtP•t w•pr,E for tY e dog ed the telsPhowe whet the .d. tum. It was the oorreepayr oat 1 taw °a• r try • kw dols ago," he esid afar talkies air thine, 'Kar What the - earl[! tag health, bat 1 .m sites beak to OatarsN s. • est • brain." the nest ,l. so., Jo -ire la dead Ouod-by.• "Domes the chow agree with jaw wt: Who was Janet Won dld Its asked W. r He. tet hi m elf. Good -by. • on. bald on. Whet d6: Ce kill binw hie wife and thrum children. -Diro:t Thee Prem. K1}tamsehpa. )err . 1I. -I wooer wby thaws people oppo, "Yea, 1 think tbs etlmate would agree with Ise all right, but the mph, (lon't 1 weed tp here a few silica A I sod of altba had Nom • ammer near there .a His Nose (1s u e'i reach,eastw remeasmdad the pladamply west there for my health. hi- tending to board daring he fall end return holm before weld wa•ther`. As 1 gee aR the train when it arrived I tattled gtdbs crowd of mai an tae platform, •Y waarug big flat hats and spurs aid making wary bow /egged. I started down the dope toward the hoed when .a• d them approached me c°s fide utiafy sod rail: 'Be you solum' to open • book. parta•r/ 'A wirier I asked 'A bank.' he tail 'Way, so,' mid I, 'whet made yo. think 1 was going to asago in the tanking buninemr 'Oh. I %haagks you looked a Bill. [kat way: be replied. 'Ye R the brys lowed you hd your otetftmll amp' the table. is your grip -Tae bones an' keens, ata' chips. enlayout generally.' 'You ere mLiakeo: 1 repttmd, • good deal bewildered, and went as over to the hotel While I was registering the clerk loaned over axed said: ''Ostia' to deal faro, 'Ifq air; 1 Rifled, light bestowing** dawn on am • little ' Kano or haeard, than/ 1r went on. =fo*kkag of the ktmr 1 said warmly. 'dose straight draw poker, I Omer h. etonetaesd. •Nogaoe at .11,' I replied. 'Alat gala' lo 1.7 to work the boys as too thimble rig, I hope, he aid anxiously. 'They dropped • alar stara over awn •o mtu•hf r,U oa tact lost week and they are a little er S -1 'appose they are trying to sad onsnbout it' 'Ifo, air; 1 have ue gambling out why you stare over three -Lite. erto app•a at all,' I acid. 'I simply came out -_- bare for ill health.' and I went and yet dos The Lal. Who Cts* by the door. "If D-addrr $oerake. 8h•Ub ek ar' In de -11" heat loaded at too Pr.tt7 herd. and kith die eswelm' b wed plum •rp 4 wry.• after a while tae Q,wd 1 had seen at the air earl Bmiber Gardner as the meeYxeg wee tat.' wmf m °tire bigots to drop b aid allad to sever atter the rules laid down by whew to the clerk and talk low masa Oosk'ng. the melee• coal look at ma Pretty goo o one Somers had jtast,tiled biraeelt down 1• of them, who were each a big hat that it the o: S'iast corner to ['tag to Pickles and* mada elm troop ubnide s.d, reuse over and about esu dee "t the carbaacie am hie meek, •$M. '[+auger, my some to Pet. Dolls - mai ltr.:i>r owly rein,,, kd to tb. iteu m, they.call me Webfoot, but my right name 1. I1rtrti.ler Sbellbark," said aka peeddeat, Pet•1)byla' •I am Pleased a Inset You. lir. "i r paned to uben'rn a pis gesug Amu. ' nage I mid, shakoes hot* wait blm. He Aye ee %oar pan se semis de bis weed• la stared • bit:esad 'Mho mid: '1 reckon you a. P. R. a00M de Eggb;a, ',noun,*1 war im de nor rod later call ms Webrott--I4a more auto it I a a. /SALES MENOdally in.h.,.. ,. fester, is w- Th"re are .0r isiiestiese of wor, er /reeks for nth big and lutbpee het Dr Low's. orfs Syrup meete tieriu every twee wmceelly. 1tu • Run •o risk to buying medicinalbut ry rite Khat Kidney •aJ Liver regula- torwale ht Dr Cho.,, author ofTry Chew's Ltv,r Cute fur tiers.,•. 'd the Liver, KoJoeys, tun,ch al Bowels. Sld by Jmes MEN � Ines e�rY p�und a Nervous Pro.te•tle•. Nene• fracne, N.eralgta, Mc, ••u Wu►.a.., wtee.sh .ad I_.ve Duma.... it 1 e n tmed.e, D'r&peon .td all a/..t•,ae of the H.d.,y WEAK NERVES Pauls Muir chart`s r • Netto Tonle whit* sever tail. • '.*lobi. Celery ..d coat them . ! ' ..1* Tsr•II.I Tsili.Ma reAiiy a� �f ♦ Pt>reae gait A. • drmwlme. ems mu succeed with la • Nattier advantage to bgla•en. Stuck r atm$ste tm:lading many taM-aeUing spsaW- •. Lias. Omit flee. a. Adds...mat once. IN... this paper* BkOWN HItuTNERIS. Nt o,*styxx. 10- kewcmners. N. Y. on, ere . gimbals/is, 5114 It r,,ee.. , N- o T r My rine. all .magi. :. . „+.t.,Q ` - ie RHEUMATISM Para'' C*1.0. r ' ' aroma puttee the blood. It & ilei tn.• .e teeth seId. which IMsr R*eumatl'm,..r .1 rtst.xes the ttL•,d- raking organ. ' , • ' e°nditlau. The trite remedy KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Pug's Cal sav Comma' g.kkly nwu.-ee the liver and kidmere a perfect health. 'lir tsastive power *maimed with de serve tonics, maker 1t the last rwwt.4y ter ell khdmey colophons, DYSPEPSIA ratter/ C1Laar c•.nntor•trn rr,n.tbens the reemstb. and quiets the newer of the died live organ.. This n why H cures even the wont name: Dp.p.pea CONSTIPATION /Ware C111e0 Co*Porut r not a Cather. the. ht r a lalsUve, giving easy and natural action to the Week. Regularity surety lol- h..s w ewe. beeoeuesoned by oreleedesel.tod heels.*w area. lend br host, Pr1e et.ee. &Jit by Drooped WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prop'. Montreal, P. Q. d "mete" grneery S$.tarday welt when am one of the city aldermen/wad eb•erm.n of TOWN PROPERTIES FOR SALE. Ina twal' mato d. treat pen •mal e.ld ycs v council eommlYse sem m wanted halt a peek[ mcatsntrr two pounds �walttee directed me to at • q . --- o ..ecbariae adid, and a parl.0 of the .Try: ti'er' "old,' I replbd • We wanted SIO0 AND UPWARDS extrac t of earn Attar tiree hours' eggerm' tap oak you' -and he bared hie I to re • !argr n be of H yes meant lasers, • whrpew- whit want !w PAs to r he m•,.• d brunt to de concludes slat °Tito• to vett, I the "`n s Houses and Lots ever an' co'n starch" heave the You had is 10f the hewn -W IILE CU&*r. abler• pans states for/ '1 didn't 6005 if N.w r the time co .erw yam mad" I to ls nn tae *set 1s. 0s. a etresie before '•1"m ar' la de daily habit d ts10' deb came .set bre for my Jtbea 1 mood; .t sad in ...*ort Pmt t e will avei dK sure. ,wits as perepiealir,' 'Gahm& sl sae ♦ health.' webfootdrs- beyand the reach en w!ll have advanced ef7 bard ad aLin d to r5 I t aU mad see Lint ttttd Prices Teeter* purchas ' iOQ•PafR' arts yvrr aotr' treat., when 1 bard .Dena arsehind nae ay !bog •la•wtere. °.. 0k." i. • lard whisper: 'Aak-hie-how-fur- i Y RADCLIFFE L • a soap bone to plata looked eA r • mutat., mad sato 'I tah0 u ' 0111.* tt'ewt -t thin' d da.e.L1 see t t.' �r 84 P. '.H'm.' Te.? Toe t+ ekhet want Into a h••d�'•-tbo--ab.riff-be•-waor Webfoot I ileal gelate and Gummi botcher ..' sok for • you/ Y'u t: feel compelled w , then w•b't ase °herd" 'No,' I resUxei I R. Ticket and Telegraph t St-tt tittt 'Sub 1>o s steno vmax, I reckon"Zatt►>. rah." A lot d others were standing demids and f ►1wt gray and depressed, sad pliable/ Tse. MAI. trud4 r Shellberk, gal , up their leveler'''. 'nth thsirpeeast h•sdkur" 11eee6a•t. eta t'pele /tp Head.. i..ttey sorry 7*r fined to die club We ar s plain, chiral Nada !e , kc. prretiatod M thle o&loe for .wry aapretenshu people. When we want to my .-Oost man woe talking vary lend all the inter. itOM tt el tto advents* y fur the we Teti stagers we data' spend three hours time •batt tits Icder aft to tea busmen. fn. in for the ward ttaroucb, r tcvten a ^- to[ make the mad see "Lead acd get pafeea. you cant take comfort with such people tbedates bring .haat PL-yed mat latter. ; GET TOUR PRINTING AT SIGNAL T,Ra belong to some Shakespeare club, wear, ward Warned that tum wee tits postal. wb,a „hap waam „him of pi ,28 art•backer And about this time the mayor of the tows br „imam you mad: ilk) •Drm Pretio nn• began to nalk bop and down the griddle Pm &feared corral ter the e.eapad etttala•b from IS hi:Ultt To M.►1 2404I11 FOR NEW GOODS %Vint H *11 ak11v11p1, 1 W111 rVR TH1 -NEXT THIRTY DAYS- CROCKERY AYS- (;ROCKERY ALT COST_ All New Designs and Pat- terns ---Come and See. Always • fresh pork of GROCERIES also' PROVISIONS on land at lowest prices. N 1*.- Snit 'Brands 'of Canned Tomatoes, 10 tents wet caL. GH.OLD 2U1 PATENTS CAVEATS. TRADE LIARS M6 COPYRIGHTS Ohtaiaed, and .1; business In the C.B. Patent (Mier attended to at Ji0DIC,RATE FEES. Oer opposite the and we ear obtain P1.t.la Motmne that those remote from W.4SH/MI TON. fiend XOf .1 J UR h/Li WINO. We ad- vise as to patentability free of charge • and we snake N(►l'H-4RGk UNLICSS WE o14- TAIN PATFNT. We refer, here to the Po•tmtaster,the Supt 0'. B�y1•yt re derb 7 . anm d to oetate of the Office. For circular• advice. terms and references to actual clients in your own State or County. smash, r' A. s*•w- t hike Patent °MRee. Wasbington, D. C. Opposite eine.' Dui w of the eD bark!" 7"" wish to resign, Brt:d.lsr Shell- street with . ahotgan «, his ehoeldr, all the time looking oft across the prairie, I hard "No. ab I wish •w stay tight yore." him explaining to the 1 sprat Plain LaglkhP ' there might be more of 'em coomprobatenJ and that Chet CIO l:e 'owed to give it to 'em 'fare they Rot into '• 3'i' 1,K en de big wo.•rls its tied up'G a biz town and got a footbold like this rooster lied a°' sunk in de riberr' dors o "Tee. rah" "Tian another man made me roll up my "Vat's carts, but well gra you a trial tura tratteorw t° 'bow that 1 didn't have a striped snt.::th. It you cum out a primentia dorm Ph' a m.eisnasetlt 115 watt oma and tad •cult,., .11 tight, bet 1t you sums pilaus i the mayor that I probably had time to =teat. non msett.a, and oblige tee to osao ' *hemi° thea The mayor maid ler twtioa4 'nem foot i p trfa, we shall certainly qui tacit my hair bad grown out .am. too conseat:t. You Liu now sot down" "1 went now thinking ed Oesmectdcat mol. 1eotber Rbellbrk returned to his Dormer of the time. And all the whits those fellows and at down wits a jar which summed were diem ing the probable amount of the thirteen yards of piaster, and when Pickles itward for my capture. And smother began &meth asked Lim to boo mum poantit, be to speculate e• to wbe;her I had the money I grew boo faint that he lied to brace his back to had stolen about my panda a In my mchsl he tall -Detroit Prete Idem "And all the time the county sheriff was Miss op end down the sidewalk', with lite tmpartamt berm on the run, shouting: 'All n mbem d vigilance cotamnittee meet at Saved* harp Is thirty minutest Busies of _ilipeni.. with 8011111 man from Connecticut? "1 gave the subject • good deal at amilld wlwdy and concluded that Coansetlast was a pretty good place atter a11. I couldn't sats wby I should have ever thought m7 bs51 tree poor tire. "Tb' *tenser dropped la and looked tae nun sed 1 beard him promise • doom div. Ina• met tow that each was on the tae mest About this time mer dal Mod Webtett wlmatlsnn the stint, dries Otis rap WOWcad of nein en WM Ides, 41 111 Imbed Is ban1i1 mM I wswrie The new rime ern umbo refused to drab nisinis Ike sr "is the boy the Ae1dS Iteeadaer. all him by he fast mass Hs aY i 1'ce, bels in the bead." who was too proud to shake bads di "Whet b the Webfoot, teem ilmen ham the seeeMf "Stealing aseembers.In the veld r bad ged to hang. Then he threw the rope "Dos the men w him P I ewer bee limb of • tree la treed d the door so "Re dna •Ili I tttsld teak off across tb prbtrb through the '.But wry doss ha chuckle sad grin imbed ":bit wr1R was ! seam sed enjoy the e boy ontr ....tmefg that the "of Hi• Iiwi lois the men umbo Mope the *`menta* wean *met in fps store es the ooeu.rr� Detroit Pm* Poem I gat • gimes eft bops ]est tbs. Owlets I mw the city maniac eambeg, growls( Ca1d s•etA West. , bit der. I to Yawl( � ne I rel b looked sail tk. .aI e A Ton roost basil -tiers reekwwd 1t was belt for w dell saNQMMe f1 - -Yea steam.b take their own eosin•, and he waved his Lo yew keep it on icier heed .o a to Include every te•Ihrea$ to "0b. les, ma'am." sight 'ne proPr11 f at w betel aims to "g'h'w yam ms•�wnd s wen ken . h two n ted • bin tar p� ter better pay benne add r get. Y7' hast+, end ash* I boar pry beOer, ilea et .weal nor h.Ist+n. tree be b the.,s. ; MEd 1 hard the Gaudy Outgo illi! y1oli1 tam tb am. was °P. "1 inn rimed tet the beck door for feu Cor t aeetico1 found that 4 Olth wee eantbee deret Idepp ill.eabritt a the aryr w d reeve t aaslag Wks, i isle gid viewed ,with a•adsd a aaswiw d dimedn, b0* mirrorI haybis • Utile miret ,he trs•1.m • WM I sem seeded ane more "Wi Shay pot • bottoms_ ate* Thee% more heel* in Cmweileed of the hats' t lolo�g gleam et the then 1 ever gave k t•1edi• tor. Q14. ,t "So the m.m who buys it maw ,•a why *fed H. d come Cerra Prod New York stirs Os hies," replied the •ner._,114 IoW Of Pt'aaeeetat Tearer/. Customer a` reteemell -W WM kid yeIlleb lave yes 'maestri : say H' e5rytkiag. "'a gee' "Wa4 artwg aN *ere did miler, t1a��et•w ea*tt. �1 -�� a.' cab sae• ttaee.• We invite each of our northern c ontemp., saris es are distended with the mends tar of their girls to cutmr out to Satsr.� where the rases okur sweethearts' ere perennial b warrantailei wash end paradoxical as 1It • may while their tints `tint be extracted, albeit 'bey so nsebeer rusts over him whose lips come ri contact with them es though they were a whole sudsier retabow twining about hint 0Od making • May pole of hie spinel minim -a rainbow, In suoth, one end of which genii to the gardens tet Hesperides and crates in a jug of sugar hoose 30011111MIL gO, vide Courier -Journal. 644 where Come rirst Anxious P1s.ir•-4s. -- of sap sow, and matt to venni gIvo you • lade Dend advise •e met esomq. Ton - Satter et gni-lied 'aper la bet to dense me b <e/xk!- erP.1s Hear. "The tee. Midi' tatese_ti+ tar no by 1 old alt in ___ Turf+ me • Thine st tragi dam. 4 ' ks- et • Deena s dleresrf chap P� W. in puff Team, •e • ere4lsa aha ••t • ki, Dvery Min is Bnadn�r should get ass. her. ens hrma.& sr wt/•nasll��a air •a:. ire «nsionnr -- -,lei J�ef i� letK*MMn >';,A' 1 la VC 0..0.4 see ssS azia _ s i- E a. z t .i 2Zwi L$ ac -i`-=�.f 21.•s� _0 ?t . rt-: d 11 E v • te W .a tinC at e i 40• •d r d el V G d i Pi >a . EVERY PEN GUARANTEED. . Er c e j r z f a t. a :Ss..-°_ ° ce E - _- s 2: Y g e° ; rl: g i sae ea° ° s ar ` ■ `ati S t4 1 _£c sS e'1l y t F• 4 t; booif -• r •-.- _ ss.. a `ci "bit" c c- co° ` III i It ; IE -is t a aE�ci 8er; 1+ tJ: aea! c.a.i. :ririli<T '111 I 1°1 -e •'I ro 0 1 Ilk s r e 000 3 <=m y, e es ����I � al �3 �a s $ P `e so c tr Us •-•5 Zr -Efts 1£� y ? f 1 - : r d eta Y 1%.5.) E ;;,a a as $. ;iii;: Z <tt s I` all V td B a b 0 0 ei a 43 O tri U Ch The new full Iietllt•r Mills at Port Albert using the 1v E w SPRING MILLIMERY MRS. SALKELD'S. The latest Novelties of the seers eats M trued sea tee Nott! Ode .f *be ligware. MOUNTS, SHAPES, RIBBONS, GAUZES, and everything to be tomtit le • first -clam silUi•ery retablle*se..t. A now lies of 01 .l1PE AND VrtiN's V�7=LZ1�7'a. has been_gd41e01. t .11 and *'swim: the stock and get price.. Age•t.a, Parker, Stem • warts. ?onside. RISA -Ain MRht3_ a9.41.LZC10i . GEO.B4RRY e.il. cheap for s.•6 ; he will sot be eadarpld. GE EVICRY one ah, u:J call ani him before purchasing FURNITURE elsewhere. ONE a*uu.Ila)ll can save metal by boyti g froth GEO. BARRY. BAR,It y makes • specialty of UNDERTAKiNG and Picture Framing. ALL kinds Lt FURNITURE kept on hand. ('all end see his Stock of i?OCKINI; Chas,., Tabk,, Parlor Setts, Mattresses, Ledaeaks, Easy Chair•, 1o. REMEMCEit that GEO. BARRY keeps the bat Stuck of FURS num in town `SOC should call and Rot his PRICES before bryirg elsewhere. Hamilton -St, . OoderialL CHICAGO HOUSE I have just returned from the cities. and am now receiving the latest lines in SPRING MILL/NERr. My dressmaking department is also in full work- ing order. A cdt is respire -011y solicited A. J. WILKINSON. NEW GOODS, FRESH GOODS, CHEAP GOODS, JLT NI$ON STURDY'S People's Grocery4 FROM 15o. LTD. No old Stock to work off, but all Fresh and New 13'.lgseCosh Prete tar oma Dee Prices to 81111. m rtemember the stand On the &Square, next to Bingham'. Restaurant. 1124 FLOUR! FLOUR! o g LATEST & BEST MACHINERY CHINERY D o will be running about the 28th of February-. Farmers cor Udially invited to give thea trial. J °� i 1 r -a DNVR'- 3D41:`;3D41:`;2".;ta C30PP OE EEg- JAMES MAHAFFY, Proprietor. C 2130 6 LEX_ MORTON G-0DERIC1, MANUFACTURER OF FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGES. • e.". T; .• •.rte r.. �1- - - ,.yam., .. WORKS, lift • • • errt^r ' DOUG'S, PEllFll1EBY AND FANCY GOODS Jur' Received at the Medics* Ralf ay I. JORDAN. sod will he sold at I'rioeelto'selt Hard Timm Call sod see them before m&klta ;our pato•.•• Opposite Colbou s Hotel. Goderioh. mgr his Milos Stationery Printed. T F. JOADAN, Medical Ma Godericha • CARD - T L 3sr s T83/1 7'IIIIt 07' YATES eA.C1 SON having been di,nolved by mutual content, I heli leave to thank the customers of the late firm for pant favorn at their hands, and to intimate that the hnitineivi will hereafter be carried on by me at the old stand. I intend to carry FULL SICISIminia OF HARDWARE and in every line in which i deal I will make it my aim to have a full amort*aent New Spode conntsntly arriving, aid goods not in atoek ordered at Short notice_ The public'" obedient aervaat, JAMES YATES, a.....r. Tarte a Aortia. d Y • R .• F •