The Huron Signal, 1888-7-13, Page 66 GOD'S GREfl' PROMISE LESSON Ilk THIRD QUARTER, INTER.- RATIONAL NTI. .RATIONAL SERIES. JULY 10. I. Test .f fibs Lemma 1. t. tea F.e.4 le ra. Beall:. in fa-g.td.a Teat, masa saute ea--lea1Met.ry by lies. 11. H. !•seem•. fhsa.•..1 1A ` Lance Helper Quart•rty, by It�r.l Ptilleastplos. Fah Yours le now for the sixth time In the enemas with (hod. After the Lerma bad slain about three Lamed bemuse of the OnY�sg the golden calf Yowl mid I Yee ( sinned • great on; sad now I j l Will p auto the Lott Per- �ke an atvltrrteeet for your Mn.' cg; rnII, gyri How glorious to ase Jesus Christ, the prophet like unto Mow. sese dttig up to Oud having mad* II eennJolla�1 foe tis• slams of the whole world R. a au/Iciest atonement (or .11, hat alicdent cnU for those who tru!v ramie* Ht*. In cors, u It 1. wrinten, "7b. Lord spike into Moses rhos to llamas • mai sps•1- etb tulle his t>rhtad,"tot that Meter saw (hod, for "to man bath been God at any tune` Nobn t, 181, and verse 99 of our lemon today, 'There shall no man M los and lir.,* but rthe intercourse Atom of Atom with God was as a hie tend- &nee Jesus has died and riam spike, and is at the ruttier's right hand for us who believe In Hem. our :nter- coarse with Gold through Christ ought bt su rel !• to us O with TEN FASHION& THE HURiT SIGNAL, rRID 1Y. JULY 13 188. tiYsaws may he draped alike es hisN wee, er Wag ou olio side Mad shiest w the other. Mack sod yellow, black sod /Auk Wad Wife and reel are favorite outs eseabiatmo tioss w wtlti•ery. Baits"( light green ribbon are eau - limes ouwbineet with white •reenlist Lowen w lieu of WOWS. Hilts to wear with drswy biomes ere of silk belt ribbon, moth beetles ,f Rhine, st glee and other brdluuts. Wort• feathers, either al me or cow- huied •nh ribbon, are by far the most defiant inwu„uge lot Leghorn hats. White like and Ouelder roes, with ivy and maJen Aur fern, are the fashian- atile artificial dowers of the summer • email. The directt.ire •tyles bare .it. •tau to woruinyg dresses, which eve summer are composed of n_h, 1 uiatrrlsl. Dressy costumes of silk are often with peaked out edges, and a plait compuosed of awllive in layers tum the commie Some of the daintiest summer nets are wade of rows of straw 'worth. divided by puthngs of black, w kite, oceans or pial.-ooltured gauze. Dress sleeves of 1 riidrd costumes are owetimee oueered with au all -err thew poor them trot tete a bags. Take the joie, ekes wee est et emu .n4 gree epee the reepherries. Based sh. ,.rd put It late soother beg. Let both haw, emir •'gbt. Ie L. 'morning measure the 1 a tee, puttees esrraat sad raspberry toeatit.r, and weigh a posed 01 sags: to iamb peat of juice. Boil the juice well b.eure put- ting the sugar to ; u wet boil twenty stisute. at Last. Add the sugar and let bail trio ty mio,tea henget ; skim earefnlly ; it the juiee dues int 1.. k clear the white of an ewe uny be added Crab-apples make a very firm and palatable jell), The 6.bereab crab- apples ate easily ubesind and are tine io flavor, but, if o,. elan stet thine, the wild crab-apples kik' sour, (rain 'limp that grow on the th,rny trees is tie 0out.trt) lire the greatest satisfaction. They bare a epesy Savor eel • pleat asst acid which are particularly deli, htj'ul to „d •d invalid.. The juice t t the erah-sp?'e, . 1 u for; ,tither kind, may be nerd for jelly with lea giv that of other fruits, such as peach. rasp bury cr cherry, and .e:1 give Morose* I withota injure the deco. The pro- s.d,m"' I pportion may be Ief: tv the taco of the pletu. hence �• jelly is ,sites nettle hoe the parings and odd piece• of fru• left .,(ort buts- profaning, but it is not well to leo, r tie. seeds in, es the tend to make the je!ly stickyarid ropy. (ir.ep„r jelly ah.wt•f M made hef..re the uvulae tern. A g, ted old cook b....k saj1:-'•Iia ntakiuy jelly, do but little at a tiro• to keep it of a the heist color and crisp and tial. alright, bow few seem aw ktaow Him the, inaecs•t.'�y; even His own re- a deemed styes topwinte coed in decking than mortal bodsincere like�th end byes. becoming intimate wallt 12. "Bring up this people.' When God meat Mame unto Pharaoh, and Morias said, I 'Who am 1 that 1 should go unto Pharaoh. and that 1 should brlag forty the children of t inset out of Egyi>sp God sold unto heat, d 'Certainly 1 will be with thee' 'F.L til, se WOO; bot beams' of their on God had now ,aid that He could not go up in the midst of Pe them, lest Hecoueu,n. them tv 9i, and it le for this moon that Moors now pleads for a guide b and* deliverer. Ile pleads what Gal hes said: p "1 know thee be name, and thou bast also ti tern which matches the braiding on :ire and various pars of the ,oriel Large dowers are • crospicuous ire of many summer becomes. Of Ones the crowns are nearly onnoealed owe petal' of puppies, asters, row, A new trimming for mourning oases is lace worked tic tulle with ►l jet beads. The latter are also u a fringe, finishing these trimn,i Meetly. Many of the summer hats have trots lined in the inside with puff* :aired net, soft silk- or lace, and so Ines a small bow or .pray is added j in hoot. A novelty in millinery omelets of hats of crepe, which is tightly stretched over a foundation. and hailer,/ much the appearance of felt, without its objection- able weight A new and engine! cumater dews material iia lay Mort .f tine rode, which appeals in all tbe fashi,onahle shade., n 1 is figured in large tartan checks in liarwuoiz.og colours. Amor.g the fashionable novelties f trimming inactive are yokes. epaulet and large motifs tf heal embroidery a p•as.mentene,and paasectetiterte friar and embroidered lace. e, fair weather improves the crier sue nes darur of jelly.'' nu- It is well to beve a variety --n. t to, by much of one kind --of both Jellies and I presentee, fur the palet_ soon teres of even :. plesasnt rl+tor, and • house- et"- hoopoe'. a .. mi lues way preemie a picture fine, to del gt.t the eye by w ca-ef•tl and ar- sed I timid arraogewrida of the various colors nes and shades. Jellies sh uld stand tepee a day or two the after beint; put into glee's, that ohs 1 or tut isture may evaporate, but they :h mile me be pr,•tected fr...n duet. If ,Airs, let eat them stated in th• sun's rays. It. a alt or two cut papers to ht the glasses ; dip these in Dr.0:dye alcohol or white of egg. and prom there ci'I.ly on top of the jelly. A very old-fashioned method is to pour welted tattier or clean mutton fat on top, and let harden. All jellies and Troller vet . the uId be. au. euxexed«oboe- if mould appears it can easily he removed without wanting the fruit. Fin•by put on the glasses the c •rers made 'fur that purpose. or ct,ret with paper,paatinir the edges down. found grace in my sight.• This is sats plead_ tag, and aur, of snores. In Lin UR, 41 (.urgtnal readinri, we are called "tbe Lord's remembrances," nod aro urged W plead His pr'osalaa; and again, en Iia. iliif, 18, H. saytu Put me in remembrance; hens plied tsgeeber.' The promises of God are bank closets which we ars to indorse and prmfat ter werment, sure That they will he honored. for 'wall the promises of God in Jesus Chriee are yea, and in thin Amen, unto the glory of God by nae III Cor. 1, 91).) • 1.9. 'Sbow me now thy wry, that I may know thee." It mems strange to hear new with whom God spoke face to face, praying to know Hlm; it seems strange to herr Paul praying "that 1 may know Him (Phil in, lOt; but there is more in "knowing God" than appears at first eight, and it is only tbae wbo know Him beat, its we tbittt,wbofeel in their !sere that they knowatilm so little. Jam saidt "This is life eternal, to know the., the only true Gat, and Jaw Chnst whom thou bast seat." (Jobe xvii, S. ) Not to know about Him, but to know Hirt pomposity, intimately, es our own God and Father. and Jesus as our own Haricot and Brother. 14 'Ply presence aball go with thee, ante I will give thee rest" "The angel of His premium saved them: In His lora and in His pity He redeemed them" (Iia 1_- iii, 9.) I an: fully persuaded that if the prom w contained 1n our Golden Text fir today was mor. ully understood and [Berets would be fined appreciated. ppower to ares Christ and would prove true fellow laborers with God ills preesnce means [Wi- nos 01 joy and perfect peace and rest %Irby, then, neve we not this power and joy and •stA Simply became lsreei'. da 1. our on; "'serf tempted God, trey arako agatnat Cod, they believed not in God, and trusted not to His salvation." IPO lzzviii, It, 19 M mad thy' people_* Twice in this T. woes we bare this exprtmion showing bow eu Moes identified himself with the nation. Tha hitt bon of God identified Himself with us by be- coming a man, partaker of flesh and blood, i abo and in all points tempted tike as we are, call- of t ing its His brethren 1Heb. il, 10-19). 17. "Thou haat found grace 1n my sight, vt tea i a Free tilts. tad ( Aroused each bottle ..f Dr Chase's ea ' Liver Cure is a medical guide and receip The most dressy hats and bonnets have strings of narrow ribbon coming from the beck and tied loosely under the Ain, or a scarf of tulle cr lace is looped carelessly shoot the peck. Jet waists, with yoke, belt and elbeew r, "Ma," said Bertha. °sh,uld I say sleeves, may be procured ready for woe Thew are of cream -whit• sprigged tele tal net, or of the black French net which imitates Chantilly. Dainty summer toilets are made cf ecruguipgre in inch blocks, alternately thick and thin, made up over pale bl silk, and trimmed with pale blue ribbo overlaid with gold "attache braid. wk containing useful inforn;atiun, over 200 recriges, and pronounced by doctors sod druggists as worth ten times the con of the netlicit.e. Medicine and book $1. Sold by all druggist& 'root me %heel* any n- 'pants or 'tr.w.en' +' 'Trimmers, my dear,', said :he :pother "Well than" said Butte "I think Bridget had batter give Fido Motee water; he trowsen awfully.'' Sof the newest sleeves have a fu gash or plaited stripe of suite trat parent material, and ribbon let in at t shoulder, and ending at the elbow wrist in loops or bows of the ribbon. ue - o, ms w W. smart Don't allow a colo in the head to aloes- il ly and surely run into Catarrh. when f• I you can be cured for Yam. by memo Dr. In Chases Catarrh Cure. A few applicat- or tines cure incipient catarrh : 1 to ': bozo cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 to ; b._..w is gspranteed to cors chronic catarrl. Try 7 it. Only 25c and sure care. O. Li by r' all druggists i y The ft Hawing advertisement appeered g in an English religious ?spar : "% anted, before Advent, onmarri,d privet earn- st evangelical High Churchman , for small country church, the congregaties of which is largely composed of men. The six peens Choral services open sir preaching. Cricket, football and workingmen's clubs. No moustached or t lawn tennis playing pleat need apply." d Destroy the worms or they may desire the children. Freeman's Worm Puede dest.uy and expel s'1 kinds of worms. lm ht aleer•@ are gradually Nein pwrseded by gathering ones. The er, however, are often very graceful haps and are oftentimes ornamented ere the elbow to match the draperies Le e skirt or bodice.. 1 and 1 ksow'bee by name." This Is the fifth 1 time .n this Imo• for the dr.$ pan of this l M sentence, and the ,scat time for theism ! hes part '!shat is, In Script's*, terms m in- was diem* Sebe,• what Ills Pinion 11. and ! and Usti implies conduct, or what the person ,les does. The name of the Lord in =TIT, it 6, 7, confirms • this view; also Gen. xxxIi, the 27, „s, whom Jacob teupplanterl becomes brae �a prince of God), and many other I mange- might be referred to a• "Grecians to whom I will he gracious.' "1I, dosth wording to Ills will in the army of heaven. Yd among the Inhabitants of the "'""r" earth; earth; and nese can stay His hand, or my unto Hem, What .tont Mout* (Dan. iv. 86.) It h not for the clay to find fault with tet - (:oxo, re10r but ob, bow we should rejnla that ( E t: not wining that any should perish Jog( ell Pet iii. A, and hes maid: ••Item that ,,, e•nbth ant. Ye 1 well in no wise test oat:" rant Nuhn vi, 82., "Whosoever will, lot him take the the water of lib freely." tlter. axil, 17.) 1 know of noting to prevent any one rvicely- i hut their own tmw'tl ll s'g grace now and . am? Coln 90. "Thea meet not semis Y face; for there cot -k shall no mitt e', I e a:d Uve;" "Dwelling the M light unapproachable, whom no man hath So'm .,.a or cat ase.' tl Tlni vt. i6, fl V.) lush 'Biased are the purrs In heart, tor they shall , the s ass God." 'They saw God and dad eat mid has drink." Matt. e, 9: Et xxly, 11) Trier, sus are ems "waren contradictions In the book, anti' hitt no real ones; sort. things bard to be un- '.erdriorl, whisk many wrest to their own and drstr*etion. 'leer* M milk for babes and I meas for those of tall Inge, sad abundance of firm light for all Now we wee In • mirror, cf darkly; but thea face to face; now I know te* In part; bat then said I know fully, even r I "ak r also I leave bees known fully.' Let us yield it 111 ow bodice a thin;, (1' Cor. Mil, 12, R. V.) I '1'h .•erifloe, sot ecsforr,el to this world, ova- I ler n rated talo Chem ■,"1 Ru service, having '••'d cream bands and n page heart and nn eye to I pfoe Ills glary to everything; thee shall onr whole large bodies be hU of light kid goon shall we see fruit Jena 1L "lion alma stand upon tho rock." (R. point C.1 "BO oat my lass R'4 the rock and e@- tabta.bed my going.." ti .1, 31 "The Lord little 1. my roil!' (Pa grill, 1`2o "That rock was what Christ" A 17r. x, s 11 we are de's of 11 lei the wird w, are bulldb- on ttso rock, but 11 Co we aro o•4 bearers we tee building on Mrs to uta weed and divan sorely permit allot vii, 91- Appl 2tt. Ne esnn ,t help aloes oat of the noise that ':nem nor wen fare are firmly planted on tip jelly rot*. .d U Ibo ma's ► 4111 00 our hulk w�R "1+fJb nay ene cleft ftd 1the :rarer: Ilk a rte.* Werth Renewsberlag. r Jas Lennie, of Toronto, states the little baby when throe months of so bad with summer complaint that er doctors' treatment her life was paired of. Four (Josue( Dr Fowler's nice f Wild Strawberry cured her. is t,.,w fat and hearty. 2 JELLIES OF JULY y anger.sl.•e for the tndaste/aas meacekreper. 1 Housekeeping. arty in July the gond housekeeper ns to think of her jelly and jam. It great mistake to put off making cur - jelly till the end of the @fasten, fair beet jelly is made of currants net perfectly ripe. Those used for pre.ervea fhnnld be fully ripe. To keep • light r in jelly careuhculd be taken not to the sugar long, as this will darken fruit and cause it to "candy... e persons are very successful is iter currant jelly by merely heating agar in the oven,aod, after the juice boiled twenty minutes, adding the r and heavier it over the fire only the sugar u thoroughly dissolved. makes the jelly of a beautiful color delicate flavor, bet a not usually so u that made by the enmmnn method hotting twenty minutes before, and after, the sugar is added. Do we nip" your sugar. A pound to a pint e only safe rule. e beet jal!y-bag is made of new el. Take a square of flannel and it to make a double three oorna*d ; sew up one side ; this leaves • opening by which to pat in the tied the jnioe will all run to the , the weight of the fruit preening ,t Doo not .queen• the bag. Very juice can be gained in that way,and is will he of an inferior tltl•lity. 11 net pay for the labor. emit and apple jellies are easiest Ile, as they are Bored to he firm, e ioeo will help to bard.. jape.i ioeline to be thin. Meeh of the iia the market is made frost apple with flavoring of verlow kine to fy the labels attached. It would M well if nothing more harmful were ever used. A deliatnns raspberry jolly may be meds by ming one quirt of carnets to a ee 4 el rarpberren. Piek over the fruit, ag the esrranta ue the dem, bot *4 ode all leaves. Math the see- med Nt.tbeo over the fire to meld, "hang Is felted Its Ila marname gded cleat*IselaM M I sues v C its gas the teak t; we mum eame tee 'ebony opens tieo merits of the w ta ea ere Tem re sasag e inlet ogee .tire 'tee (lino irnitn, {stsi- with ail @��pAritaW b radmis in hat learl a ' 1.1 s Preswv.,t le deem (%MIL• oak psis lr.r' irmarkable Stell. Fonid at test, what the true politic has been looking for these many years iand that is a medicine which although but lately introduced, has made for itself a reputation second to none, the medicine is Jr hr.nn's Tonic Bitters which in con)'enottoa with Johnson's Tonic Liver P,;ls has perforated some must wooderfcl cures impure or im- poverished blood soon becomes purified and enriched. Blllioosne•a, indig,,t,nn, sick headache, liver complaint, languor, weakness, etc , noon disappear when treated by these excellent Node medi- cines For Sale by t)ood, drtt_iixt, Al- biou blu:k, G.xlench, sole agent. id T. On llledleal Tr:mensea, an. alt wane • Is essay roman. Phonnhatine, ..r Nerve I'non, a Vans- phate f:'Iement based upon "eientitic Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin. D. of Boston, blase, coos Pulmon- ary -crry Cnnsumption, Sick Headache, Ner- SHINGLES 1 votes Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia • "Did n't Knew 't was The $AR RIS STEEL BINDER. , Loaded" Way rte her • Al.: -' hey'• excuse , bat what eaa be sant far the parent whe epos hes child tanguioling daily and faila to r iagn/as tier want of • toulc mad blo0larieer• 1.rmerly, a coarse M bitten, or salplost And melaenas, war lb. rub 1. w.II gul:octillelllags ; bat soar all letellig at bo,.sards he* Ayre SareaparUla. wt.. b tel at once pleasant to the tart., and t:.•• titan .parching sad elective blood 'salt, leeeverdisawrered. Nathan 8. Cbtelrttd, 99 L Canton et.. Roston, writes : ' M yter, now 11 years old. was la p-rfenet 1spahb eutil a fyear eget when she �+�• w eompla: u sir atigue, headache. MMY dissiur..a. 1 ron- nated tem take e soon Organs to Indignation, and I...4 eluded that all her n1 la impure blood. :t:, t Ayer'ar.e�uper:lL, l' nretored h., t,;. , ,, i u healthy action. au.! des ` • teems L. - Imbed het forme: 1 la 1 dad A yover Bir parilla • cine.: 'table romans feu the lassitude and bay incident to spring time." d. l'aatright. Sro• Asti Power e.,., Brooklyn, N. Y . a,. • "As a Spring Medicine. 1 end a -i ., Odio1 sutatttattte for the old-time con. pomade in Ayer's tiara +sP•r11Ia, with a fro, dos of Ayers Pills. Atter their use I feel fresher sad stronger to go tk'uugt h. summer " Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ragrasxi, sir Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.. Lowell, Mass. Pace 91; sea beat.., t:o. tceon $ys bent& Haring bad about Cheer ar' ecpsstlee•r in re lilies et, mere .awl reefer& there are s few inissirtain Aeons •bat 1her«d„nor,sejapt reg,icathalsolllwr►iaaM.1N J r.whacktoal; mend1,s enp. moria r ••t •.r eel ,►Eget: t t 1. ews.n rip he turai.l.td .... shorter twine. tet. Ise am ad▪ Ler nrnuosay, )nerve ten 0.1'0.1.• :n +. ri., rat: taw t111...:'.. 3 t, t... from ret. WI eet tela -r. This is i! esu, Pusan tan' sill( t.. t.,• ran.ln•twt . u'I,•it tt•e ••,.•)' berry -i tin. •. I 'I"ntacbi:.... though tight, iaenrw^n.•' r 1401 • rn..r wz••lua,ely of meet. sot '..titer tore better able as mined weekome w. -e' Iter • .t-. i. ea) et zee .then.1. 1amaWat erreSl r '•e.rad�eww et sr .iro!Msty- hop. at, rrAiwi', hes' a+.- F's'nen "-anti •I,. tong P....•4s1'.' the a•,+1 said! 191.15.4. t:,• inns: terabi.-. tie. ni.,• e.ue..v retMkr.d, are vale! ',.t -.r.-• tie. i, •ant, :-. at ea! .i -u P 1 hero t:.r Loos: flat : ag . sure re, a..rleeM or Iasi aero, r. /ire.retdau. Prtettcal Ma'bin!.t, ♦,glee Pnt•. «r ,.n+ .ieoere! Mindoro' K el kinds ef Machin' err• snek as Ainnails-Threat}f t tines 4 .. 'rpt: e..•f the i.ee( t1n.:.ra-twin' made are tete eel hand, aa: furs+., ce,ufrwY any ya_0r.r..i can he *noodled: lire. yon:. -I.r. r nnYa-C.,ta, t. -N_ 1udrnrh. ACTS UGH - 2z Z' .DQt Ait"rli. I23 VOrt reaa��oo BOtTS AMD SHOES. cc Kt :):7104....9i.Weiel.l. R t. r i nes, tease r@a.d.vara_Ttte Oi4 Established floN ai,d ),beet ]fa f u: (:*..risksetti ,e •►e freed wit hee': or tear Ler steal iy, rte -L. 1n ,h. Ih,ntidua, csmipeleinu 1pplePoro4 EVERY STYLE QUALI"Y, �e PRICE. sou ueter ww,e.-..., a..sth • rtker.s and Ia• t t ti-oraw the system. EDOWNING, For salJames e by Jaes Nielsy :rl i.t, Dap i'r'a'l31Ii:taclid>): Ladies' Fine (IPA fl:i t L-CUMiO1.Tl01Bt Goods 7 In Outten nooklial,xotjr• raaTrse. Osten; Tire. 4ft..,, dita.rrnt Mens a KM deter- - up 'u anv pr,..•'..'i Pk.. 1,-;u f'Itr.►, 11- - Pronei,a. (Arp.t, w•ea• I/aw. lad lrtrat. a-..n-rs In pro: .soon. EPPSS CO 1. BsteARre)rr. y a thereect kaw•,deIfw;e o' laws which govern tbe operations ag and nutrition, amd by • earofel al' t�ei1R.f the nae prupertt•s of well-seiretee air F.pps has p,os.ded our breakfast taIWOOi a sau,at.ly ltavured beverage wbi-h es many beery doctors' bilk. !/Is ht ib. )udicioee use o' suck diet that • eoeatttatjon nay be befit up anal strong enough to re tendency to disease. Hundred...1 sswubMlffee maladies are dastingaround us mads Mst tack wherever there Uta stook- poise. We may e-oeave many a fatal rt'ntt r kes/iag unreel car 'aro fprtinal witb pair ado 4,04 a properly nourished ft�e."--CY.z! >rrsjw (lu:dee Matto with hotline water or asillt. Hold oalg ,,masked t, gr en. labrllalthus: JAIL An al•PS n Cu.. Howa.opath.c l:bese- ista. L,tr,don• pisekkosd. tlX- WITHIN$. CtfaNS1N8, MEAIJ*G. CATARRH, Coad le iiead, NAY FRYER. s»rg Orepetnp from Nasal patasges EASY TO USE. Into tet- i' ram 'sad commove expectoratioon ousel 1 y Ca - parrot. Bold by D.tggie',.a. or sett reel .-1 on tteeebt of Woe. dec. sad 9t At -dregs PUL1110191• & Oo., Oreseltvlll., Oct DR. FOWLERS No•EXT:Of • -WILD. TR)kWBERRY CURES HOLrERA holera Morbus Lr 1 C'a� RAMPS IARRH( A YSENTERY A110 ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE. BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR. CHILDREN OR ADULTS. and all wasting diseases of the bunion system. Phosphene* ia not • Merlecine. but • Netriment, hareem* it &treeless no Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates Narcotiks, and no Stimulants, but sinipp ly the Phosphatic and (}artric Elements found in our daily food. A single hottpe u suftleiont to convene*. All Drnggisrs 0e11 It. $1.0) par bottle. Lowey et Co., sole agents for the Dominion, 56 Front Street Heist Toronto IREADMAKER'S YEAST. 1Mrf�AP ease et this Yewtlawwei ii ts �u nom oases.. over mar= hese weer..n rep k any yawl Illitse..ry trees V as, RICHLY R.m04sd 're1 Newt who read Mb sn4 then act : any will grad hsaeraMs mow ,feet tet, wet tis' en take them from flub. helms esti Am Wee The preen are num end we for oven ave iptptin esti •t, tttew~�t�1~I pewees. Many turto V. er .ea se�ap/�maptl set ;Arnim yyie. ircoryrj,r crow. E�f rp�lr� lea eoadir IMO h hhio mel s ag inirlrldr=40 es as owe dram Srnisswgs•a4, Nail tree. l el a a Ati . -s SHINGLES ! SHINGLES! A I*rge gnaw i'y n• cr., ,'. q (1.nr11laa eity Cedar Ahiagine eines '0;. �.nsa. are on F.Imii at nor mill. a1 reason .,;.• rn•es. ('a11 and examine lwfote purchasing else- where. Buchanan,Lauson7 Robinson rex DUNN'S BAKING POWDERTHEK OVERSBOES AND °RUBBERS Ot every .ir•w-ri j ti es Owe* n1 caeadl.n and American an taakel. i wouldt l' m :len • , of F.1ltMEIW w toot mot of Buy ata. ♦ rabor.°.:: mashie for jt.r ,oci an Long Boots in Calf, L•ip and Ca'rhide, FELT BOOTS AND MOCCASINS. 1 have a it•e.t F.•It bow. 'sir own make, ack.m.cc;., -.t n ., I. . , r Meet nide in 1•111011(L3. 1170011.4 alrt tare gal alleW,uu ..,.:. • ORDERED WORK AND REPr•....,.•,r, t{please bear three facts In ssia(AyA : - 1 have 1,. fter. hareem lave: .0 toots sad :shoe. n tows, : l'bey are a: the veil' heap anglify pre. -one, ... tieing mad.- by t l.c l.•.t •r.evfacturer.... Canada :.lad 1 will .ell of prtcea.. tow we hewer than ee.. pro- rep .-*di'itttag a cautious -ice at yew. called ce■lo0s, au Lhera:;y a -...rd. -d me !unit the prat focsteru years. ! rennin. ;ours tattfifuur. E. DOWI� ING, (Mann', Bleck, for. Ras' it sed flamer,. PURE PARIS REEK, HELLEBORE, INSECT PCSI D,. R RHYNAS' (2'3z 17RVGGIS H&Vilgo RE• FURNiPHOw err 044;1 11111, at«. srylr. yet ti, neer New ttlarber Choir% two ort hen, the ..l. tested l:o••hester f- item,, halm and hinds journeyman earlier. we are in . aition to do Mp•r irk thea ber.:o. fore Lady's R Children' - tialrnode ep►ele t mon 51 ydays ermease*.'.4 aelwo n WSJ_ ICINTIG-1-1414, >1N Kest Street. two doors east of Y.O.. oderich NEW ANNOUNCEMENT 111. bow ,tette nt bile thanking Y annki gew W a public. for their liberal patroller. b►etowee ptlfoss Alga •aqu•mrc that 1a has tut dews kis a • ROM Berraw Piers" an unbar partteattry to wall attention to his SPLENDID LINES OF TEAS from 10 cts to T6 cts per Ib, Maple Syrup, finest case Prunes pslre Spices, Lawry celebrated Bacon, cooked Corn Beef, Cut Myrtle, Cavendish and Club Tobaccos, best American fine cut chewing Tobacco, fresh salt and canned Fish, best quality. 12 Bars of Soap for 25c. 3 Scrubbing Brushes for 25c; 1•rmone, Orwrg•s. Mixed Candy. A N. I Mandate Drepe std, eta. t'I.weray • ervwtsvr1 vvanva) 1 eases' �Wenders .1 ers oldieia tete Emotion prise paid tee farmeu f preen*.. M.el br the a il.11 their a•ev-g,,c JOHN ROBERTSON dear wMM ilrins el \lime,brigsddrrssto Hattkv A Co., atm.. ash .,gager. fere, (s!I la ether sea. of all age. ems earn trete tgl re vr My sad s Capital set � eVO QlYftldR TO 0. L_ ]i•ZIQTOS/Hr cre wane,Afree S.ws. base non neer tae la a .MSI, tY Blake's Mock, the Square, Ood.tieh. rets wrk. All evened. Iftiderlie. Mareb M, N. tat n� -.OE Na