HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-7-13, Page 1VORTY01R$T Tlf.4111, 1
WIlW.6 WCYli1Rigut j
0040A IH
jILLY 'DUY. remissly.
flirtA VS.AitIX ALVAXC'i
That Are Happening
Around L'a
.few e/d.1 tears ae t beryls
Me mimeo to wassrrms .a
r Au bad Tlaser la Turns
Ilwee mrwiaat.rrrrn.
-i 1idn't notice the commanding
dies/ i past county muter J•.huetun at
as glade if the i ►range Lodge lot it. He might never had *soothe Square . t sliver u Cuatuuudant art the Hopei The e•.rrrnmeat are now doing all
0m4 $e -at amongst the followers of I which drew him from his 'seclusion. I the Nord Artillery in 18156, andof money.
kisi,wu to C•i.adtaun Girt w hu capacity Lord noseberry has written an Ottawa
•pl.t William in this nineteenth eentary ( 0oe war when, on Sunday In the sum- a. captain when be assisting iu quell;nq gentleivan that he cauout coat Caned*
of I must ocean i felt uneasy lest I Baer aim• seven "ere ago, the psopls 0l I the brat of 11te1'n rebeaiuoe cu the North- thn year.
q had befallen the young moa the town gut sea in the morning and 'vet ie 1870. He was the hero of the Hun Jotin Curti an has one fishing
sy of au accident, or an incident, found the area's Awards decorated with 1 "bleweeid fence' inc,deot which Rout -
to Sharl,o:lake. g g
hint. In prevwus years M •description of • Sisal aggregation " tort mvntiuo`auv.mber whis b iith the ranke was oe-
fI The Central Exhibition int/nava this
ovoid last
ways be found helping Brother town councillors and other • cumin.'" Major Getters', and was appointed Sec- autumn pn.misn to be succr..fully rnsuz• that measured 3 feet 8 inches ser 'Monday , what hrmir.g to this summer.
to lead iso the procession, but individuals, which wag drawn Do true to rotary w the Fishery Commission at i °rated. The main building iu Lana- of last Werk. The Leeburn c•ngregsti,.si toot the
he was Represented by a life that it would have attracted any one W.,bir own. He was given C. M. G. down+ Yak ie t.. bus replaced •nit im• One day last week a little son -of Mr I lead of Knox church of G.derieb, and
specs, a blank, a hiatus, a vs- who had not taken up permanent Suitt- in 187.. The Major (hnersl, who is a i procemcnte nada The prize lot will b+ William Picard, Sesforth, fell while the union of Gudench t•.wnehip,io toeing
wD-no•law to Sir Charles Tupper, u ob- I good.and the 1 •w Goteruur Geuaral wiU climbing into the loft of the stable, and the new Fsat'r the fiat wedding sine*
$ w... art, so to speak, or in other hoar in a graveyard ; acid the other ogee- jested t, by husdyuar el official. here ••pen the fair. broke hu arm at toe wrist. I he undertook his duties hero, atter six
. bodily absence. To relieve my mon was when he suffered w seveniY on the groomed that only a member vii The reeve and clerk of Brussels sign- weeks connection. Which is going to
I at once set in motion a series of with a toothache that be wee attracted the Royal Engineers a qual'fied for the i SERMON TO ORANGEMEN. ed the debentures for • huh loan art have the second, the town change or
, and yoe ant tell how rej,iceol to the dentist's by another drawing pre. P°•t^ t i
learn that he had not left chi• l e/s< However, we were all glad to flea Idititia, but Sir •Aeolphs bimeelf ,.tsatCd 1 gel. J. A..a•1ereen.
than ever Were, that bis punching,
weight was 190 in the shale, and that ;
worldly care sat wily on his broad
shoulders. When he lived in town he
had au id.. that th•.proper place fur a
an to be found was at home, and 111
pursuance of his theory cm that liue he
I The Dominion Artillery Amneisti.,n�COUNTY CUPRENCY 1
11 h Nods h t d
i vel o:,t are u a t u year o sen a
I team to England but have leveed British ! ---- Last week Mies Annie Agnew and
twain to come 10 Quelee is Sept sod I Martha JIur.I.w•. u( 1'.nuuwi,t, ria ed
•Peng and f3eiaeorinQe front 'our burg aid were the guest's ..t Kien
Latest Political and General t•are sainted that • Scotch team stilt be i B
News from Otti.wa. I over. Exchanges. i Edith Horton.
t debt C d at I �
---- , The ems. politic e t ofansa e -- The first rotates, for 114814 hare been
Tflrseen *rasa Tacsrt The Glengarry end of the fiscal year, ending 30 June.. Item. trees •tt e.er mares geese,, 4 wiled gathered, and eaten as early as the tint
scleAles arena .are, •start• ma11• ie >E2$1 3_'1,000 au increase over 18ti7 of fU:.tied and 4esdrw.ed rob are 11.1 July. by H Huot"n, who keds ahead
made it a point to keep on. th. Square I war_Iasr.ere •b.wt costser sac. *.,134 OW. react Tuve rs•b•r arc ---
cod other public promenades. T•• inch um lave.a o.t tst..e•a trona ear £arba.ae.- l'ga■ox.t(.—Mies .1. M. Linfield,
V p I Sir John llscdoorld is said in Mon-
an extent did be carry out this idea that, treat to have Instituted proce•dtn1a i
teacher, a hump for her school holidays
Prom our ttesu►ar Cortespoadeat. against Nath•in Michaele for using Ise John Guvenluck, Mcl+illo• shippedlfi I to opened Shea. with her p.remb h.re-
1 am iutormed, at we time he was Dot throw♦ July 10 i adv ti in a certain te.baeco p' She teaches near %.oro h.
h S. for over five years C ed Empire tar the . Church s nese
h h T 1► K J h d disposition
of all utb.Kin sloe hue this lar.
name a er • g horse. ow the uta mea
awn on t • lucre a 1Corthwwt. omit r.bh•th school .t
although he lived within a baseball hit of
Major General Cameron whu as This u so unlike a . it John's e u the Prwbiteriau church wall Lc hold in
F,eeu toted to succeed cid llaj x General that It may well be diabrheved. Mr. Jul. McAlpine lett h Ingham, on the rtrernosn t••r a atm., with • view of
ilvuday morning w resit the ticeues of continuing D... Revd. J. A. Anderson
his childhood among the heather of Auld , 11 h D.\. at '; p m. • n sued•,
Emig, bud keowicg that he wan still a I atom had It put been for two event* MilitaryCollege entered the service of their nen prtuttng sod wilt ease a mitt
*n preach
Scotia. I the Bible clam at 2 :1i); Sabbath bchowl
Mr lkbt Winters, Mckilit.p, bought - 2 p.m.
forty -fire head of cattle I from liar Tel. A,.,t,e Aarii,.. Leat week baying
Hays, fur which he paid au stereo of wen started on the '2nd i n Pe•riUeld
$57 per head. Farm. when i•ur Dunlop cousins had tett
Juba Stuart. lot 13, con 15, GM, I woke up to see the ruing sus in the
beds the list in tall ties. He had some i morning. Leeburn means to show them
I was further said that the sy- jj;, poll, to run twenty )ran, and des- the (Dion 1
iutseat was t.•r ed on the Minister ..f ►resrrea is Serer: cswevr n.- awrsrr atI patched them to Toronto lot Tuesday. During last week while a hoilding was
Any dog running at tante in Wing- hemi crewed too rollers, use of the work -
ham, without being properly muzzled, I men got owe of his hands aught fast
during the months of July and August between twc planks. Fortunately • fel-
is liable to be shot by the town con- I low workman near by had a handspike
stable. ( which be used with muscular power in
Mr John Hannah has sold the balance prying the weight off his friend's hand
of the June make of butter at the and so saved it from • jam.
L,ndeshero and Seefortb creameries fur AN 01.13 FACE.—Geo. Ferrby. • for -
19c to Mr Charles Lowrie. of Seafurtb, mer resident, now the foreman of
far 1S mots per pound. The butter goes Goode lime works, Benmiller, was
to the old country. our berg the other day with a big co
Frank LeBoo started to wart for J D .Ignmeut of lime for Mr Strachan's store
..liar. George still handles the liner
1Ronald ins Chatham on the 4th of July, with the energy rel yath, after an ex -
steady25 purrs ago this seedy, perience of 410 year•, which coasts him
Rather o swpull.n Frank is • Weedy, one of the veteran whips of Ontario.
in employe workman, hence the contuse- The bridge over the brook near the
Ontario -
in employment.
Mrs McKayand her son Andrew, who temperance hall has been nfioored with
elm plank by the township fathers. sad
went to toosses •few months ago, have the hole at which one of the notables of -
ret .qre withBher, Thr country did Dunlop nearly met an accident, has been
get sates her, and she *acted to tilled op with earth. S0 now a horse
get hack to Canada. Geo. McKay acrd ata with hainanity, either driving ur
C. W. Jackson are both at work in Kos- waking. can cross It in daylight or dark,
cess without • sudden halt.
A hot contest in the weettkpmeot
croquet was played the ether .•ening
by $ Dunlop knight, suppor:ad by a
Leeburn maiden, and saw them victors
by only two hoops ahead of the opposing
tide, led by the Dunlop scribe ably aided
b a fur ma;den of the circular town.
the living and place of hope, but him so hale and hearty, and we hope this unequivocally
F• Il .win is • synopsis
t • me. Tns na:e:y - of the swoons
merely gone out a bit into the daring the summer months hell drop of the poet is about $4,001/. ! r K
mp and gee the old place occasionally,
preached to the t)rsugemen of Gderieh
ry to vee the neighbors. O! worse,1
THIRTEEN �aw71 VACANT. Inst Sunday by Bev. J. A. Anderson, of
sot further than an old-time •trip- and get s'qu'inted with some of the
besutis of our town, which, or account The ooswatiiig of Mr Henderson, C :n• FiI"Aechurch ^t°� ye eat er drink. or
sabbath day's jucirney, but as he of hie quiet habits, he had ne opportu- sanative M. P. for Hapten. makes thio- ! whttesoecer. re de, do cit t+ the glory of l;od
in good company, I made up my shy of doing during his nearly 30 years' teen sea vacant in Parlismeat, wren _1 �br. toil.
the boy wined coma to no harm residence in our midst. And of all his in the Senate and sic in the Coium .ns. 1 These are words that do not fall very
a Bort 01 Sandal. ieoit, end when utd friends none will be more glad to see The following Senators who did ha.e 1 acceptably on the ears of many. They
P him than AJ•z. not been replaced : — Plumb. R ,'.- ' aro not 10 keeping with the spirit of the
you that the party consisted of land Fortin and Ferrier • Ono fulluwing I times A. • rule men would much pre -
Honor Judge Doyle, his brother
ligh1111111. were appointed i;ocernors'—Nele,•n ant for to listen to sumethrnc that steaks of
E. Campion 'the talented disciple — Schultz, an
lackatone on Colborne -•t. and Fred. Mr Jno. Andrews has pat a splendid ! *eat seats created by the a:t of 1687 t of trod. The •e!ttshuees et wan conuan-
foundation under one of his bares. still unfilled. cloy astern itself in whatever sphere of
Jubsstoa, with the redoubtable In the Commons Cardwell, Cumber• 1 life heir placed. line man seeks his owe
Yemen an busily engaged with their
I that the
for Jahn, 01 had better hay. It will be rather light in some land, Colchester, Nic,let, Proveucher glory. In every word he utters, in every
se that the sty wag of a eslect type laces, although there are a few pretty and Halton. The Carr.berland election tnnvement of his body, he seeks the
fair t'oeg occurs on the 13th and N icolet on the 1 glorification of his own person. The
r Sunday travelling. They went l fields. 17th. The polling in :hese two consti- ( orator tlorities the occasion of his
ogabridre, and altlnoogh a trifle late Roe Mr Strongman, preached a ecru tusnoea at the last general election weal oranon : the poet glorfies his poem,;
✓ masa, were sotbcientiy early to meet interesting and instructive discourse to I as (allows :—Cumberland Sir Charles the historian his history , the Moldier,
t other talented sou of Erin, Mr Pat j' (trangemew ie Zion church, last (Tupper Conservative, :,768, Hon W 3 his hattle; the party man glorifies his
1' ale explain- J T Balmer, •the tv,ctaty, ata organ• t'
dthere is sone or. the Northermic-Ira,• the glory thermic -Ira, than the glory
ally, of Blyth, with whom they hiber•
ted to great shape fur a portion of the
y 16e ranee of the Sunday taear
Kingsbridge I am not at liberty to
vulge at present, but in the sweet
Sabbath- The rev tiro sen "► 120 'Liberal) and party • iso to •
Wale geiseFtifss of the Order vary fully. Pitres,( glorify
Prohibitionist, 200. Nicolvt :--A Gan- and some ministers seek to lorit their sae at their trades.
get, independent Conservative, 1,937 ; I sermons. All, thus depart (rum the 15Ir Wm. M. Gray, S.afortb, has dis-
Beltliltf" M. Malhio: Liberd 779. I apostolic injunction, to"1)o all to the posed of a quarter section of his land in
Tari are busy rotting their hay, There are now three Ontario vacancies 1 glory if Gd.- Paul here gives us the Southern Manitoba for 84 `2:, per acre
Legislature, the lsture, haat Elgin, Frontecae I grand Fundamental principle of practical
Haley* land is looking cp there, and if
and North Laroak. Frontenac is hope- guiliuesa—an aim at the glory of God. there is as good • crop as there was last
lwly Conservative, and the Liberal The rev gentleman then stated that be year. there will Ise a boom in farting
t in the other two ridings wet had already given the people W know lands this fall. Mr. Gray intends visit -
whish le sot a very heavy crop this year.
y and -bye, I will refer to the matterL. O. L. No. 499 will take part in the
in. I merely give this information eelebestion at Dungannon on 12th.
•oor to relieve any anxiety that might John Loughed has given up the gro-
lin,,er in the miad of any of the t trange eery in connection with his hotel. and
ren as to why lit Johnston didn't will devote his whole time to the liquor
march to Knox chareh to lively music os
Mr . W. Stringer ref Luckoow and his
Slap y
about 90. All three r••cancies were :his views on preachir.,y un the iog the Prairie Proton to September. f $ Clacton as umpire gave natiefactroa.
caused by death. I Sabbath to societies on the occasion of P, Bah .idea adjourned to the how* ..d
i their anniversary service, and he felt lifr Irvine Jubnwton of Winthrop, was eve o • pleasant ed to 4t•h pleasure in
trrosra'T stIi•TIOtt AerIAt- Iew»that the eoeirty that met with them l taken suddenly ill on Saturday in Sea .ujoym. ple.a*l chat
The English mail brines the detailed for worship today would not feel that I forth, with • pain in his head, and had
• they had been deprived of any of their I to remain at the Queen's hotel. It
Jost dues, if he would speak rather of ' the first sickness he has had Linos/0U
the glory of Gad, than of their glory, or ame hi the county, over thirty yeses
of the order to which they belonged- ago.Mr, Barnet Bolton Mr Johnston s
He then proceeded to apply his telt toneighbor. was struck down on Monday
a few phases of human life, which he! with apoplexy. Both are men well ad -
classified under two heads the secular I +erred in years, and their families have
and the religious. Under the first, we the sympathy of the neighborhood in
are taugla to glorify God in our act ioes— their &Insetinm, mi they have been both
e `aatsoever ye do, do all to the glory 1 pioneers in the settlement.
of God." And in order that our aetiooa I Mr Nathaniel Johnston died at the ro-
be to the glory of God, they must be solemn of his son James, on the seened
lawful. The sum of our action. I itoaesssion, Tuckenmith, on Friday last,
should be cumprebead•d in this, "Thou : having reached the good age of 77 years.
O mit love the Lord thy God with all thy Mr Johnston has been an invalid for a
heart ; and thy neighbor as thyself." great many yeah, having been bland and
"Love is the tu!Ctli 15 of the law." It suffering from other physical ailments,
should prompt us iu the performance of I helpless. He was, however, a patisot
everything. Some actions, though w+ver. He ase nos of the pioneer
stet 1 lawful sanctioned by the law
Sunday lest. The Kiogabridee service tial while returning from church on report of the important constitutional
vac more interesting to Fred, and the Sunday evening, had the misfortune to I points raised Wont the Privy Council in
only thing that detracted from tbe be capsized into the ditch when trying' the Glengarry electi•.o ase. The Su -
felicity of the owcaaion was the un•cuid- tO We' anolher ria. The boggy was pr•me Court he» basin¢ it age
smashed ap a little, the girl's dress badly jtd¢ment nnaeating lir Pur v,ll wig:
able absence of Cite Murray McGregor, torn. but o0 one woe hurt. We gu.es •ptoeated to England, where Sir Herace
who wuold undoubtedly have been one Mr Stringer hasn't driven many horses. Davey and Mr Mileometer Q. C. Mr
of the party had he been in tomo. To _ Purcell's opponent at the polls) urged
pacify the brethern for having given WDM- that owing to the diversity of opinion
among the Supreme Court loo':es—they
them the go•by o0 Sotadday, I understated At a farewell picnic to the Rev Thos.
Fred is going to "make Rome bowl- at I Gee previous to hie demonists to hi. new
Kincardine on the 12th (which he will circuit, the following address, access -
no doubt have done before the reader. of Ponied by • well filled Furse was presset-
Tna SIGNAL es. this). But I wonder) T the Ree
how will any old friend, W itltam Mc-
Cabecak MrJohnston's t back
were divided three to two—and because
the people of Canada would like the sixot
months limit partition authoritatively
acttled,it was desirable to hare the Privy
Council law lords review the Ottawa
decision. Mr Maeintyre, of Ottawa, in
Dote Bro,—We are met to day to pay , behalf -f Mr Puroell,held that the whole
a to Rota to you and to your estimable wife our' tenor of the controverted elections Act
on his colors on the occasion ? They last tribute o1 respect. We feel that you I was to take away the right of appeal to
were entertained at dinner b1—wdl, have been the means in God's hand of the Privy C .until and make the finding
being a blessing to many of us, and that of the Supreme Court ••t Canada foal of the land, are far from being lawful in
asboklid,, but I'll let you: know all about God has owned and Messed your labors, and conclusive. One .tf •hs judges of the Scriptural tint tern. LI
the whole atter in due time. las we have seen in the revival at the tea Judicial Committee asked Sir Horace . they do not t from love to Geed,
—Most of you have heard of condos -I Westfield appointment. During the , Davey if they should reverse the decision and lore to ma if they du not teed to
tor Das Holmes. and all the old beads Peet emir you have had your trhM, of the Supreme conn of Canada and. the the elevation of the human feud'', to hart. with haying, weather helot; rap Winter
troubles and deultiee to endure, yet the matter being a political one, the Bones the expansion of the higher faculties d
know kiwi.Hi w a railroad man from itiLord hes been your helper and we pray of Commons should declare that the man, and to the refinement of his Datum t Sea oft Seat Expositor has been appotated 5.11 wA 'Teals*
t cornier i nb
; tepidly and We,.
ct y ,
nn -
Mr Eugene Cox,foruierly of thn village
and now of St Thomas, is visiting rel-
atives and trieods hare.
Mr Wm McKay, teacher of No 1, Us-
borne, and family are visiting his parents,
»leaves and friends.
Mr Chas Nevin, teacher, is visiting
relatives, friends and acquaintances now
that the bolioays have commenced.
On Tuesday evening last we were fav-
ored with a good shower of rain wbtch
was meet needed as the crops were
suffering from leek of it.
*It u a pleasure to state that Mrs Mc-
Kay, wife of 1)r McKay, of this village
is gradually recovering from her pre-
treated mines*.
settlers of the township, and, at one Potato Stage still held the away. aped .l
time, an energetic and useful citizen, wensdetermtoed to stay in this c.•sr.,r,.
hu thorough honest] atollgoodness of Farmers hen are rushing through
fie wss highly respected by hold, They are mere "met". this "se" tans
w.ighbo,n, and was greatly esteemed for tormetly, M least in this Iocahty
Wybesk, and we one of the chaps that i that those afflictions that you have had Quiets to Council had Ho 1
held the baby at the christening of the I to pass through will drive yne to the the matter how were they to "nixes
Buffalo •R Lake Huron R. R., in '38. I bleeding side of our dear Redeemer, 1 their jedamest 1 It would hes seams,
where the ehild of God always feels safe, thing, he said, if they were to make an
At that time the jumping off plats from where he can receive such joy and con- order and thew be unable to enforce it.
the train was located at the Huron Road 'elation that no one else can give Now Sir Horace Davey asgrested that the
crossing but on the 3rd of July, '59, the you are about to loses fes to labor in Privy Council would render a deci.iom
h roti the swatter back to the
they are not lawful in the •tnet eeamm yrs .
the term, and we cannot hope to glorify License Inspector tor South Heron, es- some fields will be better than expected, ,
Clod thereby. 2) At lawful uses. der the Crooks Act. Mr Hallways* bet oil the whole aid cot be an averse*
"1'o every thing there is a sauna, filled this poetics from the tion the crop
end a time to every purpose under ICowka Act came into for.. mail it was Rev DG Cameron arrived Fans freer
the heaven. Actions in themaelvee, suspended and snpereedsd by the Scott the Assembly meeting on Friday of het
though quite lawful, are frequently the Aet The bat evidence of his ribei.l week, and resumed ureic* on last We'
means art causing th performing them, fidelity in the past, as well as the beet beth as heretofore. in his dinners be
goarnntee that cat/ b• given of his future Rare an account of the besiness translate
Good act an be foetid in the fact that ed dunog the season of the Assembly eh
during the many years h. held this deli- Halifax, by which, taking all in all. the
ate and not very agreeable °flies, not church is prosperieg in iia. wort. *Mak'
sally, nemerically and financially.
The entrance exateins'i••n •nl cFrida
bald hen last week cl,»ed f
evening. bantams candidate. +tote,
of whom eight were from U. 5 S . No A
A.b6eld, and Nest Wawam+l'. MrOsn
B Woods, teacher :.gree boo a N. 9,
A.b6e1d, Mr W Johnston. _
:ace from `I° 13. A.hbld,E .i MckR .
t.aeher ; rate. 1rom Sep•
Augustine, W. Waw.o.ek. Mos Duffy
teacher ; and nee from No 1ti. Ashteid
Daring the examination tie candidates
..ndssted themselves in so rsedhat
swteer. _
Os the net day of the el0/.:01:01:
'ha �tadi-
.Bm .wry t o .tate t hat t w o
dab. became itt. the wether beletg
tensa. Clara Whyard, desoleref e
J. Whysrd, pmt ite am apf'.ew on
FrM.y as . that, het was "WirsI M leas
i• th* hreso°w sn .cc'w' o1 ilius...,
bet bring tti•iioa. to writ' es all sats
*Weems, retermed in the .1tigaeon and
*cess as Iewg ss boa
e^wld pew it
bar, ffb• dewene. great es+dR for p.•
..ve.mwes,. ltd ws►d Cls'•• .f A.h 6.M,
bowsaw ill preens* es the tiiwwsf erotism
ate tM last pavef• aced e.e ebligtd se
I..'.. We h•.p• thst ed e►e wrote witl
trains were run to the present station, •Hotter 6. id•and we pea] that the pow end then re
when beeitieer has bean does at the old wee* of the Master may go with you and I Supreme Court, and n reply to Mr to commit , in, becat?� the nnlawt..
that your life may be stent for Christ + Macintyre, contended that wherever a 1 times at which they done. F•,r ie -
stand ever sine,. Some of the old beads and to do His blessed will, and that yon 1 British court was erected then •h.nld ! stance, work un the Lord's Day, in a
appeal Queen is ietrea when oar -
will remember the big e:cnniow to will be so filled with the spirit of (Snit he the right of • 1 t° the rieduto egoism, oftenedbeccomes an exit I nee single compliant was ever *cede
Buffalo on the 4th of July, '59. At that that you will endear ynsrsetf to the Pse' !Council.
An inordinate desire for wnrldh glory is 1 against him to his superiors. We hes,
time the present onenty-attorney was Pte 10 whom MI are seat. Dar bre- j saw noncream aeltway. Ma,wx,.tent with an earnest desire ler therefore, proven himself a tarth/wi,
head -beetles for the B. & L. H. R.R, cher cads no M • takes d our respect
rose , it is new nettled that the prnjeeted God and for Christ. "Let emir model's I eonecientiows, •sed elReient officer, sed
for eeo wu stow pre* et t, yon this small I railway from Vandreuil ie Quebec, near
and N want reminiscences of the trip owe of m .ed to and pray that tion be known onto rat men A Itti a p.rfnry adapted for the duties M ere
you Pse °seT• Pe I prceeott county, t•o Plantsgmnet in Prea d:ligeut ra bosin.sa may, at this 'I iii perform. and his appointment gives
take a quiet afternoon and sit coder the your life may be spared for many Tear* • awl along the south shore r f the aim., ire esrona the Lard, thoughest ' ate moat ample eatisfaetion to all pertiM
shade of a soft -maple on theorisers sed to core are that your labors a7 be Ottawa river through Rosssll and C.rIe• . ] t feel • con.tant glow of relittietea i c noerned We otodatstand that there
A Athat God h t his for the pad'
Wh Sind ]use d But 1 m dthat Da, ttrill own and blew. tantA you end win n. cervi hot been o°r 'fled
What 1 wanted to es, was that Date war ivied. of labor. W. sr• rw.pr•etfslt, sans T P mind, may he sorely enthroned in hit tion. and several o.( them •xo.11ewt men,
M FP h
yours in the Lord. Member, of the
Auburn Circuit.
J 11 MtiCuwmw, Ch. Steward,
Iiswasn Rowena!".
&tsar Secorr
ma nu
Browned wit soete'sa. na cute to the Capital, is to be built and et
affection. (;..d though not a ••r. t were many other applicants
to V ankleek Hill and the Quebec tour- heart. iw addition to glorifying God is !but Mr Bishop, ., consideredtat
eeameo' has granted .id is the p utton our actions we mint glorify Him lei in .dditirn to his •speriesee Mr Dalian -
is that Province and the contractors are nor enioym•nt*—"Whether ye eat ne'trite had e.periow obligee to all others.
pp Mag ready to tender. drink • • • io all t•' the glory of God." • beset'.. Its lost the position, ewe tht
We must hombly acknowledge not un- any (salt of his, bat at obonnet 0f
A mra:eT n► tltTtstnK. I worthiness.'retefefly adore His bounty, Act he was .dminieterieg homiest hese
/Ir ime ns Teeel- M.P. may be called I and faithfully employ our strength in Desponded and the control of the lig•er
to tM aerate. I Hie .•"vice, rising front the gratification ; Crede pavingthe lime for tlime being. leen
TA•r. wege 21,000 militiamen drilled I of earthly pleasures to the coaaderatios the Prov,neiel to the Dominion etm.b.rl-
this year.of heave.) enjoyments In the religious Mss
idea, and seeriedisgly he ese.dd
Dore, Peameatee Omani Origin re- I aVhere of life ere most glorify God by :—him Governmentvs
to the Government and bis so-
deed on the l.ywd lwas succeeded. 01) I4elieeine its His Son : By tempt- :—rues
was sets& epee. We ftlsi
mie of dm
The Supreme Coert will in October i 1,01.14.or°• Krp.ni nes ; bye deebrist �or lil azewa with Is tyislgg that
haps the election ,appeals d Halditeaad °nr die: like: for cin. and •
oar desire to 1'. :swim obit at i he sated fairly and
sed Joliette.
Holmes ran the train that day to BeAn-
end hat been mumbles tickets won
t eueeely oe the road emir sloes. He
sow runs from Stretford to Buffalo, and
those who are segmented with him say
that he is familiar with *eery ti. on the saa*es►e•ee. w.
It is a fact that Nervilin* marmot be
rnet.. 1 as hit talking to oomoeilhr surpassed by say enmhinatioe for the
Radelilfe the ether day no West -street, relief of pain. Th. rea•nrt is a Rood nee.
and i mucic amities that rsilsoeding meet I Norville. ew
tettains the beat, most power -
be an rhilarstiag houses*. For h.! fel .rad the latest discovered t'emedie..
looked fceungsr and be11p le.lttwg throe
he did edasade aim. I yteeatioeed the
het to eve ei tate nesgh tsra who had
known aim sieve kis advent to Goderioh,
.rase 19 ,tars age, sad I was Wormed
that the veteran dtioduelt oe tweeted that
Ise wes phyeieslly to hotter conditloe
it w • magi• pain erre. Rheumatism.
sail wok, frames, imeralg1.,enlie, to fest
all pais, lnt)ental, etterael, sad local, ars
•obdwed is a 1.w minutes. Go .t once
is se draw acre nand cel a trial bottle.
It wall rely most mei 10 wets, and Toe
nate eta small root teat sate great pain
cora, Polsnn'a Nervilime. Largs
only 2b cents.
freed froom it. 3 °heyin, Hem in all I p psrly. sod setM mama tbM assured w
iir Charlotte will not Nemo bis Mari- things, whish will el (lane* the reality ref lipoid ••ige.e. We may *lee say !stet foe
tows or days et. fain to His seri- I twenty -dee yews lir fiaMast,ts* bet
Lend Stan b** .,nn.. ted •n twavome demes ; he tlortfying Aim• 'hr.' we w heti, iw,th as rvganle pw.ept and Pt"-
snt Ismpsrawee waw total
time some y owe faith 4) Submitting D 1 yM
the rifle unmeant *'sive pile •e wall as when we ree!!y* hies, • eo,neist
patron 1
and contributes the usual prize of 5300. gas's.! .: His cwo hews. ehstaiaw.