HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-7-6, Page 8!!•7. e *6 t • SHE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1888. Arff - CU R. RENCY.L warned Pottott ow. The teams sot etiologist imatisue. Hackle, Wint J A cow ensign& ANTZD IIIMED:ATELY. - A W kiproale. re. -4 A vele 441701111**** Itsittelan dallar less Piet Mimed waive kat Domestics lilanteste. • ••• ounissettid ad Memo 0 T .,ansommatressnr...ziouna BrYdrw• *Silleht t.,111 sse Isst wow: W thmersi Ilerveat, moo is Maw goat the gosseo,,,sot coimuienag KAT. Vtu1uiie Inoue. gees wave, anti Scissoring* fro= Aua.r.'4' ere ZI44111141" toms of local A MAMA rat aim Hems times,. t elle/ r:srey,n(eamiel * avia4esidermed rift sad sat boos i; to '.1) y siva es sae swim . .vaus wa,, outer •• 111 comisert.- nos • itt ramose, 1 jed rLiasic at is betfIrOu Maim einem rhe mow bam'ailt aa•....- aspiriug young lra° ef ZellaCteven , A Dasher. vistorims, re- -7• *dew The B. w. F. has purchased fro. Hans sixty acres, next to 110 *still* beide and is erect* a 4,17e there.,n. . rs James Hi• on, of Nebropta, rratting with M krthur flaegosm rev. lir Hingst is now a X D. the west and ta dui VI let ; A aye' ye*, old hild of 0,, M. *grans, Niraqieue. fel era an uosi..tr few dors ag. breaking lig '4W and la violas out several troth. Dr Mischa upon t.is return from Seems presented the iter Father Shea nest r of S. James cl.Jrch. Sowo 0 '• with se elezant ivory ease, inlaid Ire!, • gold, which ha purchased whie u Germany. Mr .1,4. Wetern...f Chink tthe, M.. ..! is in Cnnton on • rhOtt groat t, his parents. He states that crops are fu1.1) - OS far advanced here as they are in the Waenstin( , w1.01ncthariiso. usualIr a month thearlier Ja.nes Ireland, ..f IL.rris *lila, at a hare reran..., at Junes Spears. fell rttr tie f oindie ion. a &insane a.t some ter lse!• ,..n a ode .4 stAles. lighting un Li arm end shoulder. brealieg the see end petting i. nut ef ieint. and was ela,. eut rarest the heed. but not serious'y Mr W B Dickson and Miss Kate Cor- mack left Brussels last Moodyin...ruing for Detroit, where they will vise. Mr Dickson expects te e...ir, thee, t-sar.! the rad of the week. when hea::.1 Mrs Dick- son will proceed to Helena, Montana. They wilv. Ise aws• t_r teree Of fear mc nth', in CI eroleiellity. Mrs Duncan McLauchlin, jr., se.1 MIAS Kate McLauchlin. Grey started for Cypress River. Mu, . last reesday. 1/...e- ald Mehauclen sereepanied them -to Toronto. En Sand Sleinmon and daughter sad Mae Miaie McDonald -"lettere also passengers .is OA earas tmiu. Ile.ir 44404.0 wi4 td•c_ insiag_______ 4 ii, Wednesday c f ;..st reek Nty Mathers, watchmaker wie. F. Met. elf, Myth met with a severe aoeilett. by the explosion of a eoseuend he aline in his 'for:. He was t.adly abnet the face. sad Lis eyes were ref eusty Effected, but we are gist' 141 soen be 41unse-the wers? f r mishoi, e emirsts this week is the estrum. es- t„,,sAth. which salmis place bore during sie0.. Further particulars will semi our nest A coulee. ut farmer,• have commenced karog vorratioo Willtbrif so far favor- able - We Oa sorry hi Mate that lir James wife So tray 111 We sincere- . if hope the wall amiss geetorsr. FROM TOE CAPITAL. 0411. ••••••• •mommo Lat.e.it Politioal and General News from Ottawa. • Fro:. oar Regular ttorromoneent. terrawe, July 3. au important judgment was that 1.- I4I by Chief Justice Sir Witliam Ritchie, of the Supreme Cunrt, the other 'ray in the Ayer case. Ayer & Co of flotton had brought the materials into emada for the msnufacture ef their patted medicines fax years prat and re - mostly the Cessna' seized several thous- and dollen worth of goods. and besides demanding $148,000 fax unpaid duties 1, for several- years hack, imposed a pen. a1*y of (reale the ridge of the goods Mead and monfiseated the goods. The Okra, Jetties in delivering judement ' said theft was a base conspiracy between (YHara sod Brosseau, two Montreal officials to go shares in the penelty,*part of which the Government gives to the uflicier who diecovers frauds. He said the Ayers were honest importers, who tried to find out what their obligations were, and if the wording of the law was obscure or in doubt. the itnporter should always he give a the bereft of the doubt. Thi customs have always acted the other way. The chit justioe ordered the re- storation cif the gooda to the compsay whose ociansal,now says they will sue the 43,Jvernment for damages. steogroe AND fTv L 3LLEv.. The Palmier preerarad the prizee at closet* exercises of the Royal Mai - oiliest, at Kingstera, M which th, PkJ.1,, of Quebec, me also pegs graduating with the h. eollege is situated On Tuesday Tit,. t)ve tress- ' ueer, /trusse,s. and sister Miss Ann Kel/y started fro a pleasure trip to the 't Fraerakl Isle. They were to nil. per State Line frost Nor rook an Mt:. thy of this we... Ire wish ger Vr--elu-'- • • VW:i /BAP ireyg • m. NaTison, 04 M.S..: • et tactearailied thorn en Iaesda *Irk hit ,41g0&T5tF't1. 1'.1 tta Wines.east •• Ian rano. Mr .‘', :he test set 71:11 - %itched I, we 1 • dri - ot M r • n ; they .1 • sot eto7e, the 'Wale. = -arta em 'vat .at traich 1.1$4tl snail the heat moftrog, •Aft+ broths.Ir,4ihi.$ d ter all old; f121wbk paid for Ar her rar k! • t time an forte cr...-rincipled oho twee ty-t -.Ines of glass in t irintiowe !oldjarrai cooper alt Mon. &lid not heat rationed withtemeuro damp thus inflicted, they, sorne tree else. brim into the dorsi,. the other day. rat findiog a beree'..f tar flliraietrefiresithe d ri v- • . almost ruissing t!. maple of 'wen in Goderielt would 100 Inn for "Sac .1,Nidual... liugh ' Mustard. • f Gladstone, ha. was in Seoferth .n Tuesday. • ..tard hes teen a ree.ient a Mani- c r ntteen yean, eel,. now ose id regresarve peep/mita fernier* of..at Porvince. Mr II Ireland, p4'Om been manager of Canadian 111,41 ,,f ',mime roe fur stveral years, has * prometed t•1 the p eitioe of insj4c- b Be wee an obligate end competent 1514*411 atoi a g..., odium. He FO• bon., to Tor 4.:o th:s weak, and that sisall hereafter ho headquarters. taranrapseri will be terr.• Lary mauager. "taller penniment ap Intesent to that the so, wouidtve hailed with satisfaction taetrons tilt balk here. et accident revived on the farm rwnett, Bari,. I road, Startler. he 51(ndee last. They were * wig; on the farm and 'hosier Arlen 30 feet, Mr .ow ItrowneVe. roalle hief. ..ithe veU Ti.- hooknt had d I up nearly t th. lop. when it NI. and t • t he bottom stencil sr,/ Brenett bad, ialetitur 6 ell ugly gash. it: Gwen, of Clinton. Irs• telegraphed ('r. and om his eeriest) "ht.! *11ii,his pewee .•et without eucceee, as the 'ming mar, died several hews rater the aecstient. hymn koncossion of the ',rain. About 4 yews ago a brother '1 this Town,: man waalcilloil by the limb Isis tree failure art him% - ratite& • es, A MeMiatr, ofliciated in Knight* ebarek 1,i. • n ;am Sabbath eveninc eloy'r• *att a eery attaildanoe. rad 9116thkeurso ••4 (theistian rade was ,1 24C141. 1""I kV.) Trirae preterit lettered elth feet altration. We Irene'. • ;9 paldar. ROT 1) Atiomem. wid r * at the reedit time 1104 f,..,,nebbst h. •••.• • . eptewtood home on •hsia Saturday W informed that the '•r..1 received the greatest praise f .e10841 best in era; W5144 1r' 60400 that Roy .1a sr•se os Irons hie recent ' vi.•=sit;. 1,eraivior and 7n• 4/*atop. seerolint Les' • y fettle of the 1 the ermine h. Dowsi.n y fehit,e ar.d ef Iu this ger t., estetwate th • ja Iftadian". "n ealekr0E•6 1103 • '" eismilehlt ,e• eacelalete''41 ! botereen Fort Henry • barracks where "A" ist- , and which is the site )dTa Proni.nac, In 1673, Gown roggestge with • flotilla of 12o stEase by 400 Frenchmen and hew Verner.) itt. Iroquois on the ilearec landed at the mouth of the river and enacted Fort ?roe it will be seam that Kingston oll city, and that the surroundings of tfei Military College are historic. i CONDITION Or TRE INDI Rev Father Genclrea. bursar Oterea ' college, has left for the Northwest .nd British Colombia, cononlissiorad h. •'.e ' Dotninien Government to iseptir, .nto the condition of the Caths 1. to tkroughout these vast lap. The Mr Heat Le the propriety of erecting a sow Cheeetet Dentistry: 4 for the Home of Commute b) hoodd"I eitionmes eastward to to• P•1"411 central block. It ortmle to comb/wed NI El0HULOON, L.D.S. by a solonade, sad with th. Priv Gam - oil block by the same meat., he ids. LS to 110,41 the preseet Member te the Railway annalittes, eke). at erniout barn wtd` Lhe Preloot Hulse ut Parlianiest - • I0 pied sad tsisdal Usti .0e01•01. The present somesitree ,...w huw•fir could be sailanted by ineludied OH adjoining Miss sad :his tieing wo I Wray, the sevitheinsei will hesitate before efteroltos on • n ew dumber, emosoMB when the pre - Walla dwag the as. Westm.. rains. wraty L WOOLVERTON, L. D. 8. I . Orate - ocist Valises Hall North at- dolericb. Changes moderate. An work war- ranted. um or vows:sett Air gaits kW lige extraction of teeth, HMV most chamber is ataoh tine one. A new A - She People's tolumn. T OTIC E. 01•01.••••• department musk maws, vTo His Worslartlise MaYor. the Monleipal dollars hav• sies„,d, „„„„ spest, no. wGruia.1::d otajerelitt oa - u aye north tospecittillf re- noaring completion. capers. =tor. Major Cilesieftl at: idleton left to day Cm • tour of inapect,. n east- reopondent of the Kreuter. A :a:1 weetth.; 44 lir Brotashill, 1.,,e of the Montreal „sp„ttsIty Guzeffe will, it is succeed the late sen. JOHN fta-.11fr.1.1.. Ur Young as s speouteudent of station- ery. Toe Misietse lustiest will leave for Nova Bootie. stout July 15th. The Neu* e.c.-tion re heed for July 17th. guested to soma the neat otex•tios to be held on the an of July. o 3.11 Ott, don will be road. appealing :o the honour - at& 44117 .1 the Connell and tag respectful welfare ot the ratopay on. rielat.t • 10 lao • sad iticreget %alma from "" J " ear M A. P. Holmes of Selene, has been appointed to c,41ittaad the new Customs vessel the Crum' r. Cumberland election ..n the 13th finds Mr Dietie C aft:restive aud Mr Casey rruhibiooist in the field. It is under- stood that 01: Liberals will pot no candi. date &twat.. but support Mr Cisey. Mr Tupper o delaying his departure tor Ottawa un!.. after this election. A EI7CSSFUL CAREER. • Short u,.*.o af • eimeri.biee Ytoeoriat Im411•01oN. The 11 ir,,n and Bruce Loan Company is bow earring upou the fourth year of its existent*, and its general success since de incorporation has been such as to Immo: us perfect safety to all with stir - piss moneys win hare no ready facili- ties 1 :investitig their means otherwise, and we) require Heir interest promptly at maw periods. To all sect. the fot• .losiscehort recital of Lusa Companies sag doing business in Ontario, may Free interesting :-- Len Cowponies hare now been in existence for 35 years, and their useful - new and success proven beyond all ques- t., There his been no failure of any Loan Outplay f9rrned under the General Loan Company Act There are now 66 Ilan companies in Ontario harm* It assiocribed capital of ri,178..,4,7, of which 4130,175,470, is paid up. l The total amonnt of the subscribed capital of the Ranks of Ontario is 817,- - 756,20#.1. being leas that) onevierter of that of the loan companies. The paid up elpital of the Ontario hanks is $17,580,- 1 II • C7im5. benii:s14 alttlyaleco-hia: thf& °I I 1;;" I NOTICE. a -Take setiee that the part;orst..p L:theftd existing arteries, Prot W. Foote and 5 . W. Andrews. sa lemmas et grase onera House. Lloderich. Lis this dity been diweivel by Into UAL 00asenl. Godirrirh Jutie 1155. D HetilLLICI'DDY. 1. W. AN DIZEW %Vitae**. '.V. E. 1,011T. it bet weeu %a ellinerton St. •nd b miles solo h fruit Clodertch, on the hayfield road. • lad).» satchel eontaining children's white clothing collars, blue cloth can with long tassel, sod one gold brooch. three garnet millia•st centre. Pin broken ott size ar• broach. •siout two Inches is diameter, bright gold chased. English oranufacture. The Ender will be re- warded by leavise it at rug rioN•L °Sloe. LL STEINBACH. Zurich, Oni. 37- 143OR SALE - A FIRST CLASS 1: windmill and pumping arrangement try complete. in working order. cast be seen on ibis premises of the own.',, will be 801.1 reasonable. HOR.55' Y. HORTON. 3.5 - OST. -ON MOND tY JUNE 4TH plTMANS SHORTHAY.D BOOKS. -A lholted nomber of "Thschers" aid "Manuals- can beyebta•ned at Lad ratcs at THAI dION•L office. FIRE.' FIRE I FIRE I am now ofrenuo littlest . HARD COAL :n the market, f present del., cr; for -AT- $6 FMR TON Place yaw:: orders at once and e money. WILLIAM LEE lleneral Dealer and Forwarder. taria hare on deposit en call or short anillic troll Oft Pitiol. notice, $15.640,100; on debentures in ontano. $6,254.938; on debentures in England. $41.525,294. Tztal, $63,420,- 332. The Basks of Ontario have de- posits on call, 818,812,897. Deposits on notice. 422,736,174. T.4.1. • 071: Showing Loma Cmapmaies over 'Government have reseir DOC ',mg Imports as to the Iodises. ,71 wakr WE nava trootelgpee Yesterday the Domini* of celebrated its 21st birthda i':ained its majority. I propose n,e from official data annul totted' sub- stantial progress we ha have increased in po 400,000 in 1867 to 4, *mate trade of Ca B131.027,:i32; now it Here are ten Of our p Wood and manufee "rains 416,000,000, a cheese 47,000,000, aid hide, 42,223,9 onal 91,523,000, $1.0:7,401. Io 000,0ui4. noes in there wins $4r!. have increased f to $107.154,414t were 9638 pool 7534. Th. num then was 18.100. 000, and 18 against 63,000. 2.522 miles of 12,292. The t only increased 317,092. The risen from G'2 tom, all soft *see policiee now it is 863. moressed fr, 506,168 111193,046.015 toms and frost 411. 000 in 1 from $67,r though the imports t lefiA to are rema some of Whin of 'die an rural trade h and th rapidl teleg nittes 500 There phon A 1 Tb.rri int are 30. 410 form 3,• The ag- 1867 was 15.000.000. exports :• - 921.050 010, 410.461,000, 45.810, furs 41.825,000. ,084 000, antd were 412- 11,1, to 1887 Ronk deposits .104 in 1868 In 1868 there now !here are f Meters roomed v it is 90,656,- raltallepere SO Then we had 7. t.ow we have 1011 shipping 12.982,823 to 14,- enton of wed ham os to 2,387,875 I., 1169 lire inaneted 4188.000.000. . Life insurance .680,000 to 4191,- 1.1 increased from 3.111".4126. The cos- ta,. have increased in 1407 to 428,678,. 41? esparto increased to $89.515.000, al - ed this in 1873, Oar 1 from 473.469,644 i. '!,2911 in 11487. There evidence, of growth in ., eitiee,thouvh the pop:s- cale, Khoo 311 Belle &thanes.. and of some • ti declined. Our cheese ., to an enormous extent, • export trade 11 incrrasing I/168 there weft 690.440 eragee sonveyed over 8.807 and now there .rat • neer 47,306 voile, 01 wire. en thee/end sets of ia Canada. • this 1s a great sad clarioes ;emoted by Ave millions of people seven emits of who !ems Cheatham • ot or fas nerat"talit tisirday desert the decal year of Miss sled aerostata will now be The Goveresnent daring the months has been paying the ,11 loans. The interest paid Last $0,_1•00,13010 and this gear it will The funded debt payable is .1 lam Tear Wee $171.eno.hoo and =As $10.000,000. The Meister of ms is having' setae treable la plena. iggik that portion el 1 he imsty oe t .•••• Batiks, 421.068,251. The /lures and Bruce Iotas and In- vestment Company receives depesits from trustees. perents or children in sums of frost one dollar to three thou- sand dollars, and allows compound in- terest added every six months, at rates as armed upon. The highest current rates are allowed on deposits, according 10 the amount and time left. For further particular call at the Company's Office, corner of Courthouse Square anti North $t, flodeneh. HOILAr11 IlinnTolir, Manager. Ouderich. 24th Feb. 18743. tf 01110. Edward -la (lwlerich. on Tetei.day. July tart. Ruby Jane, only daughter of Mr .1 H. Edward. aged 1 year, 10 nloatlal and la days. tioderleb UP rtes. Ocogities. Jetty 3. 1•01 Wheat, (Fall oldie, bush %%‘;',heatt. liris..11.tiemwger", Whi at; 1 1prl tigt Si bush . Whiat. tgootiet 0 bush Flour. 141111)9 cwt. Flour. (in toil wt . epee:ally adapted for alarne. roofs ling awl airrivoltural onolein to o' all kln-1•. mega:Ging by analytic ty2 Lron. ft is Da Woot. wafer proof. itafeelloa. ererlara ec000micat and possewes twice the and wreogth of any wher *sloe as Ike market. / Fax farther Danko:arc limey to SCOBIE ci CAMPBELL, IJO X ria.geftenik Ost. • CHANGE OF BUSINESS NEW SPRING 000D8. NNW FRENCH WORSTEDS. N EW SCOTCH TWEEDS. NEW ENGLISH TWEEDS. (EW CANADIAN TWEEDS. TAKE A LOOK AT THEM. 3. lisoCormac.1 4400* - SPECIAL DRIVES. DRESS MUSLINS AT 6 CENTS WORTH 10 0111291'.... INDIGO PRINTS AT 10 CENTS WORTIA CJCZYWIS. BARGAINS IN EVERY LINE As our Katire Stock la3 beta rclocc.! in Prices. 3. C. DETLOR I AM OFFERING. stile rieriCEkit M I LLIN ERY ---.' Greatly Reduced Prices, mm±:6iiir'""e"bsat MISS caaR.A.x.A.ivi, SO The dessne. bledee:ch. -•••••1, Legal Sales. 1 tORTGAGE 8.414 OF A VALE. • *tie farm in the Tosnaship of Ashfield. in the Comity Herm. Coder and by e tr- ot, of a power of mgr. rontaimed la a certain Hens:awe from Joon Jerboa. to 11,» vender bearing dote the twenty-second day at °ate - tier 1'... aefault ha. ing born made is m- iner% thereof there wtll be put tiptoe sate by noble: auction. •' 55.o'ciock ant. by Jobe Knsx. Auctioneer. at De Longs hotel. Port Albert on Sotto- ay. 7t1. day id' J uly lank that floe fares lot. being the Wog hallor lot 0,, in the fah concession. in the Weston. Di vialaa el the said Toone:yip of A:shill-yid. contaialag cue hundred ei-ret. This farm i• latiady 55 markets owe gocet road. and the hunt 4nt- r-lk-nt and all under c tattoo oe own= Ina beet barn *Imam new. 2 sever •t.r;n. dere to borntwo orrharoci. Tema- Tt:e tarui will be sold subject to true Seth core of $1.500 and en este terms. For !Nrther particulars sad calosmat01 !SIP apply o El 'WA PIC N. LEM7111. J0113 KNOX. of DwelHouses ofrhett.er wood ur iron. Ven4or Sol A wite•••• 32- i [MON SA LE OF V A Lti A Bur • toren property. I oder and b slit,. el • power of wit coatained In a vertain Mei- 004 'datelibetenth oNoverbey. . vaew.lI;ruep.tkr t55e ▪ there willbeaniby Pubic Anetion. acielay. the 17th day of July. IOW at 11 o'clock noon. at Martua'a Hotel. lu tbe town of Rodcrich. in the county nI Hitron. by John K ot. Auctioneer. ti,. 1011011111f1/ toiaable Prone.", namely - loot running newbris eight bunilred and setelteen and eight bow dred and forty. in the town of Goderwh, in the ?o.tr.ty of Huron, There in elowsteg on the wt.! lawt • fairly gond ow-ancl-shalf toorev rough...wet house. 11,011 a brick krehen Alta, 'hid. The house CM, la: b • we ..C11 ,Noron• ar43 a pantry. Thee. to • dret-41a40 eviler and • good welL Th. -re are &leo two :rano- wattles on the proper?. The property la moil Meet and Cambria Rood. TERMS. Ten ore cent..? the time of sale. and the &peed. and is situate. on tilse corner of Nelson .. 0 1 h•. norehowil the Livery 4-4sble. ontfit 1 ,*;,„ mid good .414 of Sir Job,. Knox. a ol .1.1,..v1 to add larn,1 - to 114»'brow. mot 4". rio we "0 on9/ to ynake the goblet in:erior to nose in 414 10 0, 2 20 ooanty. and mood* the t'ateonaP• b% OM 3 Li •2 35 unstomrr. *04 YA limited numberof‘horwe Will he Warded Flour. istrong halters. 2 p214 reaannable rare*. none. ISvateat I per. cart • fll 01 0 on GRAND TRUNK 111AILWA Y. Oats,* bath ........ 30 • d 311d • peso,. bush 0 !A pl 0 pit:trail...y.11. boar ... .. ..... to. 7080 mat 00 74.35 vss. 111:ffier0 !rib, • '10°11.'•41* 05r, whit. Mixed e to one iniag h. Icor farther Vert tea ON rristera. ger to the A..- / 1 ed J II • 1411DWARD N. LEWIS BARRISTER, Soilettor In Snoreme Vourr. Preirtor in Manatitne d'aart. 0.110t next door to Martin's Hotel. tiodeeich. Money to loan. it QIAGER & HARTT, BARRISTERS, kJ 4ke- Goderich and Clintot. Osidesich ace opposite Martin's Motet 110-12 C. HAYS. SOLICITOR, • &c. led. (ewe. career Or Notre sad Wain street 0o.lerieh. over telegraph olio& Pn irate nods to lead at 6 per cent_ 111 CIARROW PP.OrDFOOT, BA R RISTRI11 Attorney:a Sobel/ars. ole Onisrleh 3. Crarrew. W. Proadtam. 17S OAMERON, 11 )LT & CAMERON, V Barrister& Solicitors in Chancery. &e.. 17....derick. 11 C. Cameron, 44.C.; P. Holt. M. 0. Cameme, C C. Roes. Sal - Loans ant. 3nsurance. tao00.000 Ti Lt1AN. APPLY TO W CAMERON HOLT &CA.111111tON, Hera rich. 3,1 swoon' of Private Funds for it yetemest ONLY TO LEND. -A LA RG E leave ea..:4 ratele.• Mortgaee. Apply .1.itn)r R RADcLIFFE, GENERAL INSUP.ANCL, REAL ES7'ATE s:rn MONET LOANING AENT. °way PV -.t -.'t,,,, (Vinpow fee &epee tread AI Money to Lead oa straight loans. o the lowest reit. of intermit gong, in aa y way to seat tl.. oorrower. afrorrttic - Second door from Square. ! West St roe'. teederieb. 33(3 a aaly to e HOLT itt t•Asritit-I$E00,000 PRIVATE FUNDS , To len4 en farm and town proprty, sit low eist interee• Mort:owe* tiorclgool, rio cow miannts chwie ' aware tor th- Trim and Leah ameass, nt alle10111. OA &amide Landed Crel; a mop" ny. th• Lectinn Lniat csio.ear ereiseae• Inerec • VSA arid per 1.4141. It -Rrrowerceart obtain snotty in 4a3.*2 tole wobtfaiwor" Uffa- DA1 DION es_BwrIctli.r.ter. 6044.flaii - - cower. tat I 1). one. t A MEttON. HOLT & 45.11 Ifesidast's solicitors. JOI1N KNOX. A to•loneer. 57-0. - - 2' Erauelling 6uibe. Thseical "r Pr ee. Me a caill Train 4arri ve and depart fitslecicb as 101- "ern. R. AV. /C TtOss LICENTIATE OF J. A. REID, 1.010t• : owe &nye; College of ilifsicians. F.J.aborgh. antiavila 011117e on South si de of IfsmIlion-st. 1014kno 'cremate it.. npp. (Oihoriie Hote. Mail and 'Express Mail %nes. fresh naaftiked 414155 5I:rtes:ti ten. Rran • tem Chopped Stott • • her_. " Wood ..... • •• Rides ........••••••••.....•••• Iirevoett mow, v 0 ,... • 1.. „.77. PA I NTING •..... 11 Or 12 00 ; Mai: and It:press - ......... •••• • e• • •• • • .1.1P.m 7.51*.'.. 00S' 00 0 " 0 ta on 0 Iti Ora Mail ... 0 00 " 0 On AND Mixed . .... ....... .116p on. 3 fai " 3 30 n as •• . vs 6.. " 6 DO DECORATING. - or t r- -1..........- 4 1110 " 1 30 Sale oo tet. _____ ammimmodisamme 1 CURETY prout.i..i,nterv,eand .1:7,1%ra. ,tporrie. !nen FITS 1 neuestato• nem Sent by mall * promPtlY sounded to at . etog. Painting. Kalconiinlug and ormersiti.• I moting. are now prehami to fill all orders' In Paper- illetereleft at the shop on Eine-Von-St_ 041111 1.1.1..toTT & PRETTY. ti. .51 thee b ..nretrk.,..eett Wean. nice A ItAjeC.IL cm: 71T11, EPILEPSY or FALLING slinaramo stenetZieerieemada am &WM Hwilt•Itt N.M11411T. 43das Trak .ear• t °ems yes II14 ROM II T..p ILI Oat. ••••••.- ANCHOR LINE Atlantii Espies* Sercire. LIVERPOOL via Q1711ENSTOWN. Steato•hiptITY OF ROME -from New York Ersownw cr Je1Y 11. Amt. X. 44.1St. a. OM 3 Lamest avid Now pagarnier steamer aSest. Cabin SOO $6111, and Som. seersetectoes. 510. L4041I•11 erasBCE Steamers wery natorilso from Veer York te GLASGOW sal LOWDOVERELLY. (AM Pa*'. 10 Ola.trow. Londowlerry 11.ir- orp.00 What and Si epeond aiktiattateerutg. anemarseto„:teww. or grear4..letther peeeeZee Trerellerle (treader 10110,11 of credit. sled -a- ....e. .0.- .-1........=11 Drafts tor aa,y Amonnta hisned m hewing et), TORN KNOX GENERAL ADD- mot rates. For Honk, n1 Tours. Tieket• 61 eil TIONSER sad Wee Ilaleator, Ooderto& farther Informstion apply to HEN DERIION ARCTIIERP.15•w York ter (NA. MISWIllir bad riensedonible smeemenes le 4Meharee with t ugh satiefaetioN all corn 41464rn ARCH. DICRHOR. diellerit. 141. secnonstert tmee. he la In • poldtion 111=i . se sag t t7,6117:377'11"g mosori . .. earetsor atteeded ea JOHN ENVL01:411113 • ‘1101 Asetherese. Mr 34115 sic ciao L1 M' . 1,1•Jiss..1 vetaxgotir•iit altAt . . RICK HOUSE d LOT FOR Win ere RT. PATRICK STRICET. Main bofidir.o. 51•0 : Veer addition. 12•1111. Mate building eontains II rooms, rear addi- tion. kitchen. pantry, waab moot and 10.1p Monis opacities There la 1 of i,, wee of la T:11:71a14 1'1*. *Ii.'"'"" alien all mie by tbe le of Jnly. 1 do not seed to barge • home, se y am open foe offers, tor this same poaaranion coolit be al eon any time after the lc of July. Application to the nrsdereignod. DANIEL CS /15.111016. Uri& F A KM FOR SALE. -THAT HIGH- S. D. Colborne, rontsloing 100 litres. which are eleared. sod the rest good Molter. It le 114.13atihrl on the twarel road. met the hick schoolhouse is es the owner cif Ube IM. tTlet NO or OKORIRE 1WA Oade- ly desirable farm Mown as let M. Dit MeLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR GLOS. Coroaer &c. Ottoe anal resides Dram *tram. stcosid door wean Virteri Hemet /1RM. SHANNON & SR tNNON. nernetaue ennteues Ammeters. to, Mike •t Dr. Satanist" • maiden.* near the pee uoderieb 0. C. ell•taoa, J. It. SHAN- Mat. 1731 Ualuator, &c. A. HUMBER, MACHMILT. VALUATOR. at; X.NT J6. Estlasates Made and Contrasts Taken for Reuse Ilesting by the Hot Wieser flystem. Hot Water mot Miran. Uttle Giant sad other Wooer • keels. Agrioudtoral im- p/sweats, moi biactOstery. PLA NS ASD SPECIFICATIONS. n AL t ATION8 ULADK. IASI STKLICT. - . GOAM(11 Vets 3. Ilia er portico art &d terms .14 rxx to CHAS. _ risk. &ME rpwo FIRST -CLAW FARMR FOR .1ems one ta the tewaablp el Ashaeld, aoseenhtnic.nisetairuniaoreleioi. icasstre.o.se Finorgescparilt;,adanws.- glly to Casserwa. Halt & Cameron, 0o4e. FOR SALL Met - - West half of lot fa Antler atomwith small Welt ,P.MLIbe• Vittroll. RI 111.1)1 LAME IN. M. 144. 143 Elgin Street. Pt. An&rows Ware. tat. *Miner of linroo s.d nritannia Head. lemon. Ij Nary how om Kau, Street, lot Several lots In mow. Pares,. opposite sew pew Iiirenals. Is _ Nos 21, St M. R. 0_11, M. it Ita At All the trammel Low RAT& ArTOT 55 DavlogR rORMATOW. • lissmsonsoists. --Atmr CIODIERSOM MCHANICS' my- TC1,16 LIBRARY AldDirtrADINe rtoott. ear. at Lam street aol Square leW Imre. Ones hem Ito t om.. sad Mani 10 105111. ABOUT 2000 VOL 8 IN LIBRARY. Leo* Doje, Preeldv wad likevirateel Papers, theeriines, .4' 1' , op" Pik NIP:31HIL1291111P TICKET. °NIA VAIL granting free nee of Library sail Resells, R.. Atooliceties ter metwomprehhi reestved hr Librarian !:. rems. • S. MAU:01100N 011110. IITTlS.sttari Roderieb. Mere\ ISA. 811. GOOD WORK IS ONE AT SIGNAL ee '