HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-7-6, Page 7e.Y r. it 4G.e.. it eti.... FARM, FIELD AND GARDEN. OPPORTUNE INFORMATION ANO AD- VICE ON EVERY DAV AFFAIRI. leaerwese taWea I. Celery Csl$ .--lams the Crep M Fertilised ter beat 'Scant•► `oiure•tis. That C•menead Wed Pries. M I. etert..m The cultivation of celery has largely in creamed of late years. out only sarong margsrd.mws wbo grow this delicious ve tONlee for male• but wasp farmers and amateurs now grow It for home .vwuap tion Wltk this !.creased cultivation have cones lase/roved eset ads of culture and • more cesdtlss of the plank kaowledge of the use Rader the Im • system'of •-flat culture." disdains The New York World, old method trenching is last dmppesrfns, and with It goes math of the Labor and expel** that attended the grow- ing of • celery crop in pat years. It has been learned with experlen-e that climatic lnfluenee and suU exert great in. tunas, on the celery plant The manual situation for celery seems to be moist, tool half shady position, and if neer a body of water so meth the better, as the vapors that arise therefrom impart to the atmosphere the required dampness. A rich mucky or loam soil produces best re- unite. In the country round about Bala - ammo. Mich.. famous fur its celery, the growers apply stable manure in preference to other sorts, often plowing under a dressing of one to two ttu;hee every year. Stable manure is also much outplayed by t1'• W the in ew Jersey growers who supply New York market with celery. The transplanting is usually done ground that hasi seen highlyured tate b rte f e spring for early cab w being disposed of by the 1st J]r trams PPlanting of celery from shoat t mid rib of July on to the middle of August amo.g the market gardettees. The for els early swop may. however. be plan Mas ted ba the latter pate ut Jaw. Rreoud yoagbt to be plowed and harm sba.e g\ sad rows marked out for huge varieties. say flue feet apart; for d wart three fest. and for that portion of t crop which is Is be stored fn trestles 'slut*, use the esteems are nerrowed about a foot __ Pnants to the l the plants ought to cut off raillbees the sb•.,.ti which gnaw out of the bsart, and the resin root may be shortened a trifle. The holes may be made with a dibble, and about six inches apart in the rows. Take tl:e plant in the left hand and plate straight up in the bole. then firm the soil compactly] against the roots, so that the plant win be well Hied in Wet weather L desirable at pleat - ng time. dad. when practicable, a rain should be taken advantage of by the planter. The summer cultivation ronabt• in teeping down the weeds and loodeting andlevellag the soil around the Market gardeners as a rule confine themselves to grow one or two varies ties knows to be good and of a ammeter suited to the mar for which the celery is designed- Crawford Half Dwarf' is • variety of snperiorquality • ggrroowTr for the New fork market. "Boston ]Parket' is a celery that keeps wandering winter and is popular in the neighbor hood of Boston. ••flandrittgham White Dwtsrf" it most dwarf of all. very solid cid very white. "Golden Dwarf es at tractive in appearance, is solid. keeps well and consequently is • very pop- ular variety. •'White Plume." a comparatively new sort. is one of Cm earliest of all the varieties, and Is quite decorative in appearance. A peculiarity of this variety is that natur- ally its stalk and portions of its inner 5esres and heart are white, so that by closing the stalks, either by tying them up with matting or by simply drawing the soil up against the plant and pre,.aing ft t r with the hands, and again drawing up the soil with the hoe or plow so as to keep the soll that has been squeezed against the celery in its place. the work of blanching IIS. complete_ As • winter celery it is not advised. . for it does not keep well, but it is highly esteemed among the early varieties fur the excel- leuoe of its quality and its fine appearance. THE !{I;ItON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JULY 6. 1888 ClUERIEg IN REE CULTURIL I Odeity i.. elevesa a a feature in OWN. _ mfr husk• foe bulk Lsg Sud sibs pia" S. rte muses Aphorism sieves These Views s°4.°11°'.011,. - a. Pou.d.tbem. Queries propounded to weU known bee sstlturfete tertagbo.t the reentry and admired by this In • resent lasts or Ti. Amertsan Ree Journal wen as fol. lows: •1. WW fouedatlue sae or two , years old be drawu out by the bees .s qukkly and s•Wlecturfly as aswly made NpridattunT 2. U not. is there any pro ease by which It can be renewed so s to make its es newly made founds. flue/ i WW It pay W s• old toneda ,;our U. L Tinker replied to Ne. 1: -That depeade much spm bow It W been kept. if +!lowed to trams. It beoiesse hard. cad b waSed out by the bet:! .lowly. But if kept in a wars room it remains soft and pllabh and t doubt if lujttres it. u it is put in a tight btu with papers between the Dyers." Mrs. L. ilsr•eieon answered: 1. Yd. If your foundatlen is all right in 11w first plats_ l Yea 1 have trued fouudatbn two years old, and auuld see no difference. between it and that freshly trade. G. W. Domani, saki: ••1. If It hes been kept closely pecked in a box it le as good as any: bet if it has teen exposed to tis air it becomes dry and hard. 2 If the foundation has become dry and hard It an be meowed by uniting 1t in warm water. swset.•,nod with honey. & It pays ma" C. II. Dibbern answered as follows: •'1. There is but time difference It It esu be dipped in warm water to freshen it. bat (do not thick it is necessary. as the bees dasteriug ea it will resider it pli- able. A Ys. James Haddon replied: ••i. There is g.0 enough for all the gaestiaaa" in little if y duress•. This is answer hcik a tes.•- Tb. wed Js for M. Mektu odd: "1. I hate observed littlevery til elite7 @oft, either b dipping heated in of by exposing water or it to • temperature of 100 dogs. or mote, It will be ea gu(rd as sew.` The sod $eeed Tbadeaeud said: "1. Yes. If it baa test pripielv kept in a box it wW be jump es goefflie that just mads £ owns hard.It It h . been ezpsetj to the air and be- gigippp�iaf_ It 1 hoe water or Aela will rotten It. a tit." I.woeleLl_ In the pralefy Tare. Persona who have not had much experi- ence with raising chickens are liable to use disinfectants too heavily, and so kW vets innocently many Mede. Rural New Yorker calls attention to the harm often dons by memorial ointment. MMI of eaess- fres, turpentine. kerosene, etc. These are •11 good in proper proportion and when used with gust care: the mercurial oint- ment may be used much weakened with lard. on their beds, and old of sassafras is still better: but half a teaspoonful is enough to a gill of sweet oil This will be very effective without danger, if very lightly applied under the wings of the mother hew or even if a little 1. sprinkled around the nest or coop. Turpentkue Is a daagemus thing in tho hands u: a novice. or rather In a chicken's throat. Carbdb acid is another deadly thing in cerebro use. yet 1t is one of the most useful, tf carefully used. Y.I.. .1 the 'hotting Hwee. • The greet foundation upon whchtbe value of the trotting horse nista. mays se high authority as Wallace, is superiority in the practical and business uses of the horse. ensu people to any other type of wore b his Reotrotting horse breeder who is er.tion wW aim at pro. during a horse with the breeding and other essentials of both a -king of the turf and a lord of the road." It is Well to have two strings to a bow. It the horse fails of honorou the turf, be should 1e bred uo that he will Mill Dying a good paying price for the road or park. 'Thera is n•, need of aacel ing *Ingle iota of the idea of speed to accomplish this. be- cause there are now stallions and mares to breed from that are great on the turf, gnat 1 blood. and great in form The Wheat bI.rvesr. The eooditioa of the growing wheat crop in the different states bee from time to time been reported, and may be stun - =anted by saying that the crop of winter wheat wtIl be reduced in quantity, what- ever the quality may be. The harvest mill now be a subject of absorbing interest wherever it is in progress or yet to come. Quality sad condition will now depend chiefly m the state of the weather. Not.- witbatanding the spring was a backward nae, and generally unfavorable, the hope may be Indulged in that the few weeks of harvest will be propitious and that the trop will be saved in good condition. B the use of the improved agricultural Implements now so universal! employed the harvesting can be done in the shortest poodbl. time. so that In a season of catc - lug rates a dry day or two .t about the t time may be counted on when the w t of a farm can be put in shock and secured against ordinary Different opinions prevail as to the proper time for cutting wheat. Some fa- vor cutting when kit passing from the may to the dough state as a preventive e(aln•t rust. When rust is not threat- ened the proper time would ween is he a pit between the early dough state sad the fen ripener and beton any loss will ease@ from shelling of the grain 1n hoed - The @heaves should be carefully 0aesit- ed sad the cap *beeves so laid on se Ur ash, the shook Impervious to rain_ Ostaeleaalle theusual Welshed tinea the Ia- ▪ powfe� ptnetles to the win - shi▪ sh* !rasa th@ $side termstates the to �i@.vyss de deb or 01.eds. Of the tee flew the rens& p ifershlele one. m reset b by for to Nada unthreaded aMss the wheat b to saaeMaaale Use It le divalent tit@, the elm& be bunt up In seek a form r will Mat vetted the grain tad 'bow tees ethe wieder. Oafy. aan egpiebaesd lead ahead M vell ea the Mesh. as vitt* sv the aware, bi aadbi st.e building a Protegee,res roma litenmeed, el Imhof* lade that prem willed to trees ball irises at the rate of ons pound to 1110 gdfsas of eraser will siesta mid parley sway ineell meg la - w111 tall trees {b e\@ old saes woos ddaP hers• obi& maid niabr7tth. .41140 fres ritelsdsg to the trim by bands ot toned gaps wrapped around the kashad seem aims of the Inedlre parr the _ 611.141 5...aeer Tial•►{at. Mdehing is a goodwhen done. There are, however, serious %Sons to the common prsetioe of apps.,., mulch heavily all at once to fruit tree& e better plan is to begin early in the spring and ee ancoesoive moderate appli. Th cations. if ft late in the summer and ap- plied heavily at one operation, malebing of little use. Fruit trees the= aper to respond mod favorably to then They send lees from blighare posehm plums. t dthen uaua- wulched VAeaa. Clare eff Item camas. Tito renewal of their Dosts is a great tax npct the vitality of nest cattle and bores. It takes • good deal of Bob food to give material for the renewal of so strongly nitrogenous' • growth as hair. horns and hoofs. Few things pay better than time giren to cording out the loose hair and cleansing the skin with brush as well ascard. A Ward About Tandem Attention Is called to the feet that turnips may be sown on ground occupied by the earlier crops. Sow, whenlo- . le, just previous to • rain. This sec- ond crop will prove a valuable one. for It will afford • large amount of good feed just when root.. are most needed. >Mw tai Therm Ata vessef the Nova Scotia Fruit Growers' aa,ecisation a member retorted hal complete ted. with success, the avpikedes of salt water to the bark of woo teens ger destroying the bark lone , (Os opadet silt Is ot and t dissolved in two gal - We .pplied with • stir pant Irak lids, an extensive erower of peaches la Osnneetieat, name. L the best ped for Wig the Moa.tala Rae., ripenlhg the bet et Awed, followed by the Medium Ave sad tie Morris w•h MOW Market be weeld pleat Stump, Old - adzes and Mowstalw Boss; for Banning, the gawk, wide\ b not • gond table fralt. but bawdily ever fail. Country er0 g.1 .* •peaks fevenbl lleoff the a 10 t1.. beet \.dgsa.tmsidk d . end boors 01 asci, •\say mho& mow, p verly l@e1.dgrow egierplfreely reed sed �eaalRy Oast thee M bas proem M be the MN >bc aa4Oage, aim Mr. Hdwa., of hisses. deed* pie dile the ever pa ell eel mosmeireiriPerthe beet rayA*gee *M tuba to imerapple twit past haw b to dwaeb the rade of the Wide. tree with ha wear. Pruti....r E. l dad tela It The Reed Now Tahoe sled be da wade. after a oisive an kieretheirlie and i_ e _ dear dlRares vertst > ire, l Pena pima mania del` tate rider fine's elery impound SALESMEN Tb•rrw are uyl.y ,dtoatlWts ta of ter re, tett Dr Ty SAM.' Worm Syrup meets them is every Mr successfully. 1g.. • _ n - neer" .eeetUate. 1Sr. f1. rggb w buying medicine, but try the creel hlduey and Liver regula- r, made Its Lr (twee, author "(Chase', btelt Tr, Cl...se'Laver Core Por a'I . mosses •of the Liter. Kidneys, St.,u.a.:h and 13 '4 v!.. Sold by James Wile:+f, drupgt•t For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. UR** N.evoue hosaatioa Nervow Head. eche, Neu rslg.a, Nervous W eat nom, assnacb and Liam, D.ss.ses, and all aeactloaa et the Kidney*. A NERVE TONIC. 6eeasa W. Dou oa:Mumma Ca.r.,as.- Pa ten.ass 1 we.. moues-�.r bw, ase.a.m As ►oto sad 1y teems tied and um • hear seer at the vslsa�ts .acedy tact Pours (•.jeer Cai aur es card err e V . ralestds mom. hie Lt asy ora reit. to sit tot adults near AN ALTERATIVE. Ato.a. Aeso= wnnsos. h.,sersr I bonen Paters Daae Co:pee.. tst.1 a Me . My tro.N. ssstwd 1. base maned humor t hews ( sed a u es.5I wsreomma with . ham w 1.: .vs a Ib pw. at Ostler er' °""eels err we. - A LAXATIVZ. A. C e.an, Wens Bevis Jrac rtow. Tr says ler tate yeses pest t bine bras a,rreat mama fromone averawb.a.trued tb sc.w▪ n,wamemsdum I rya as tmuayy M me NW alisl we. now 1 ma e WON,.Mkram try A DIURETIC. 0.e' .moor,, Oboes (SWT. loaf. eye. W .eu brews. �ratna+ ester,/ (.race. ..le sad lea keek mea sohma.dtd aI 10 . srsMilnertamo •�say 1l..iW of meeatemade haw bum reate trams wan. sob taw wad the m.aalr ebb temarm.ple b •mat. bead for elrealsr- P .el.0e. pdtib WELLS, RICHARONIIatII, P,.vrL &_ Montreal, P. Q. �. P. It. BOOD.r2 TOWN PROPERTIES FOR SALE. 1100 AND UPWARDS 1 1p.v. a large number of Honore sad Lots and Vacant I.arvls in ins ewe. desirable parts of the Town --men *A1.1: Clet:aar, New 1. the tore ao serine property before rite mot In •Riblet tine pr: w. P. ill ba advanced bewared the reach .4 nnsov. Penal. and tee List and Prises before purchas- ing ekewhere. R. RADCLiFFE, Real rester• and General Insurance Arent. Om. -e Nese.-t., slurs door from `quare, 1'. P. R. Melon and Telegraph Office. bis. tf. flte.ehace Has set their Afll Head.. Letter jirea tc.. ta. priced at this ode. tar very ppipe more than the. peters rt,*'y iry r-. ,h pap.,- and :r seine to vert,x their can and see m:note ecdyses prices. GET YOUR PRINTING AT SIGNAL la imago, P.rmaaenl sowti..a [laraaN te with 0ALAnit *lip Lessees*. ram Amy determined twee e.n, sw-.:ord with re. 'Needle'. a dv tate ro t*gtaatea Steen tlts.tomp1.I . Itaiefflrea� tt fast sepias speolaI. Addnwat attw. 'Nairn this paperl KNOWN B1WTIIF:RN. Nt'..t.YLsaI. 11 K.., areiTen. N. Y SPRING ILLIN MRS. SA..KELD'Se Tte latest " . epees d tt.e ease. os. b• o• Ise Nsrth sty 1 the lestreit MOUNTS, SHAPES, iBBONS, GAUZES sad everything to be (*wad i. a dhiciYe Oaiserl estabiis►eten1 A new 1tye* CRAPE AND NiJ1V'3 'v -Firm IN has Dbeenyeade.kird a. ..II .t,d examine the Meek .Ptd get prices, .asst ter ParkerAbs s ent Tur..1•tu. tom!! j �Rsi. a X.SJQLD. 'I Ej Ci• B 1RRY'seas cheap for malt . ►r•i;l not be sodded - JE"ERY one should a:: 041111iim before pure/Maine FURNITURE elate hare. NOTIC r+ _ 0 IN pavan TO MAILS tOola roe NEW GOODS WHICH Ata Aaalt'1P0, 1 'Alit 1011 nig -NEXT THIRTY DAYS ROCKERY t &T COe'r. All New Designs and Pat- terns ---Colne and See. A:tray. a fresh stock of NE and all can save No.rey by buyia g Isom UEO. BLRItT, BARRY" ma1t'a a nxetalty of UNDIItTAKING and Picture Teaming. ALL kinds of FURN i 1 i YE kept un hand. Call and see his Stock of ROCKING Chairs, Tables, Parl,,r Setts, Mattresses, Bedsteads, Easy Chairs, Re. REMEMBER that GEO. HARRY keeps the best Stuck of FURNITURE ia town. You should call and get lli. PRICES before buying eleswbore $AIRY, Hamilton -St., (ioderich. CHICAC}O HOUSE / have just returned from the cities, and am now receiving the latest lines in SPRING MILLINERY. illy dressmaking department is also in full work - Aim: PROVISIONS fug order. or. Land at lowest prices. N.H.--Rest ?Brands 'of .Ceased Tomatoes. : cents per can. G.H.OL}D' 1141 PATENTS CAVEATS. T330( RAMS Alla COPTNICNTS Obtained. and all business in the U.S. Patent °ek-e atIceued toMODERATE1MODERATEFLAGS. Our the . Of- doe,and wwecarp.Male Patentsaoa�kin time than those reggae from N'A SNLVOTO v Send VOPRL OR DR.1 WIXO. We ad- vise as to patentability free of charms and wemake !1f)etAJWs CXLESS w.WOB- T1IX PATENT. We refer. here. to the Post toaster ,the o Money Order Div„ and to officiate of tit term. an�dtreferen, s to actual clFar ients In your ou a State Or County, write to • 114 ti ati i • ro or s LmJ � G se •� I .10 • 1. 04 i i ts C A. @iew dl re., O000slt. Paseo Office. Washington. D. C. A call is res pec fu/ly solicited. A. J . WJLKINSON. NEW GOOD FRES NIZON STURDY' GOODS, HEAP GOODS, eople's Grocery. TFROM 15o. No old Stock to work off, but all Fres at Prices to snit. alRlabest e'...h Pelee for setter ase rias. t:etaesber the Stand -On the square. next he itlttgham't Ftra.a..raat and New FLOUR! FLOUR! Pi- new full Roller Mills at Port Albert using the ro LATEST & BEST MACHIN E • Y o will be running about the 28th of February. 0 dially invited to give them a trial, harm cox -MOPPING. . DONE EVER'- ID ICI -1 � J 1 Y 1 6I M, ASEHAFFY, Propria o o 2--( 0 EVERY PEN GUARANTEED. AztEx_ MORTON, 4ODICRIOH; • MANUFACTURER OF FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGES. WORL8, ruler • Opposite Oolborne Hotel, Goderioh. =very Nam in Business should got Li. 0111•• Sta ff • DBD S, FEBHEBy ARD FINGY G00113 Jew' fteem vat at Use Ifeffisei Nerd Timm 0,, ir. JORDAN, sad will h. 'OM at Pr1oser,e self ea ,awe before ..ailsa your paetl.is. �. Alt,*dima1 Hall, CiodiFiche C -A_ - •� TI3.ANgS m14 air ACSpa uteri! conrlent. I beg leave to "1"a-el.TMS having been diasol thank the customers bands, and to intim carried on me at PULL and in every line in w have a full assortment goods not in stock The public's obedi of J dries for pest favor* qt their business wig hereafter be I intend to ratty OF BARDW.LR$ 1 will lrlake it my arm to constantly arriving, and notice. er s v Ke