HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-7-6, Page 3a, THE GOLDEN CALF. ' r- �t LE530N fair THMIO QUARTfl11. eNTtfA- N ATIONAL t1fJ11I$ JULY IL T1s Teat Of ire taw le to De reeked re Ra. assts. lanae-eietd.s Tess. t Jet. v, St--Ceeemeetterr by Bea a 1L 1s.een. pommies or • Si etre ra riehilembia. yule hear "And Mose turned awl went dews from Wee must" la our laM lemon w maw Moss going up into the mount; after the nevelattow of God w Aaron tend his eons and the seventy elders. Moses toot Jureuy and bidding Aaron and the ear ere to tarry UD they shoal,' come again, they went up Into the mous ted m cloud ora) it Atter aft days lied relied unto Moses from the midst of the cloud and Mama went into the , ides of the clod and yeas there forty days Just where be left J.nbua. end what Joshua did thew forty days, we are not wet But we are told that after God had given Moses the Iuacruotioae concerting the Warned. and prtee!bood wind are recorded to chapters xxv-xu1, H. tilee gave atm two taws of testimony, tables vt stone, written with Ui. haler of l)od txuL 1th, and said to him to go down from the mount. for t ,a people bad made • molten calf .aid were worabtptrg it The Lord aim said to Yana that He would coruame the people to His wrath and maks d leases m geese nation. but to answer to the hal raer *too of Mores on behalf of the people He am- ortised to .par. them "Tb. Wort of Gaal --the Writing of Coes" " W rtttaat wish the linger of tate' Ms. mut 1D, L>etit is too. The eevuod mat out tables which Maes reustv.'d In pew of thane to pat In the ark were also written by God, but the tabs Moes hewed, au) took with him op to I himself with his own prickles. the mount J)e,u. x, 1-511. Th. righteousness elects Re.eerse.flaL• .t forth b w nenthetie commandments is that A = whwb the 'WI"'d hod regions of thaw her Ju Biro.* of Toronto, states that naw would draw near to Him sad alio? His I his little baby whim three months old raver, mrd ileo b shown forth W mall) • 1 ea, s, baa with summer complaint that type and symbol N'hert we t•.memher tee I uud r donors' treatment her life was pWad by the Joao o the mount, and that ',whomever shall offend in one point hi guilty of all' Wears 11, 101. we may well *s,•i5ant, "allot, then, can b. evade But blamed he Ood for Moses the intermitter wios•esd the people from the wrath of lied; and what stall we say of the ropb.t like unto Moses, who not only in Ilu but in Hu !� tnnttue- de fu ertu • righteousness, seek 31114 bmith lig Mise hu: death setas • Misdeed far car mss' Vas ; I thtok t! a set much sharper than now ries from ode deed beoowns "the end of her other. the law for .very ora that bebeveth" tldoas to meso. tees sense *ens. I)i.peusiS is d.w.of'Iel. Disordered loom is utia.re. Iadigeetios is s fee to sand nature, The human digestive apparatus it ore of lbs int at complicated said wonierfel thanes in existence. It is early put out of erase. Glossy foul!, t••egh food, sloppy food, bad cookery, si.ntal wort), IMO bours, irrewaler habit•, and many other things which ought art tv b., ha veined* the Ao,eriosn rattle a nation of dysp.pttes. 'tut Goeea. Almost Flower lois done II e.,udetial work iureforming this sad bustuees and making the American wool. so healthy that they cat. enjoy hair m eels and h happy. happiness without Remember : health. But Green's August Flower brine health and happiness to the dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for a Ilx,ttle. Dersttty•bte num Bawl) This is a world of compenution. The II ,luuutcr the dud* the heavier the cane. Trutn should be the first sn mesa►vO r i child and the lout ssp od- nem menewse. Mr Joseph Clarke writes- -''All lad wiutcr I was so bed with Iultatmmatuty I(h.o.natum that I was not .:petted to Hee. I used no ,other medicine b•:t Bur - 1 duck Blood Bitters and can now get &wain sgaiu feeling better than I was behove I was taken sick, and 1 owe it all Blood Bitter..' Ilea. THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY. JULY 6, 1888. ON LIM T/II OLfL I • Oath Iniespeseseew et she thiamin Walks The .dMr woo mesh hern,rsad roma* ha • small bey. W WOMB la owe at the laws bare overs It was bard he w hither the boy'.rompanioa we M maw or elder Naar. but pramenstbly w farmer. At any rase the haile fellow neo In good oo�•ny, sad the lady, whoever she was, area .ppar'euy passu with ear charge. 'fie •.aviestlon ~shoats both. and after they had been talkie, • little oats the lady said t. ales: "1 am sorry you lent that boot d papa's. TOe know be b very c.r.tul d lie booth, sed that ear came boss is week • dreadful ooadition Yon taosld never triad w4as u mot your owe." "I know." said the little fallow. "bet what la the er„rld are you going to do when you have got to do u you would he dome by ft -- Baum Timm lWd4ti Ravtvt.g Mope. Indulgent Paeewt-- fiddle, l have gee a Id ef planting to do fled wart le behind We spring, and it you could Ret excused hews school We week 1 should like your heap drop- Mug rop _Wap, paps, 1 am behind now with Ray mama, said 1 bats to study real hard b keep up, and I tact stay out no way, as 1 ems Indnl;;ent Parent --Wel, Eddie, it wasn't exactly pleating. The fact is Rusk is going on • trip fishing for • weak and bas invited you to go, but It you are bebind In studies as you ray, 1 agree with you it would he bad e leave school Eekbe-Oh, shoot the school; I alai so vary tar behind but what I ala catch up in a few d,sye--Lewletso Ma) Journal to Burdock Without visiblef the of toortIslands i►ir.,t Kaauta, -he iesttediolt on his dignity. An irritable than u like s hedgehog rolled up the wrong way, tormenting de.y stgniIc'°c' of each n,MMe Dor as ex- 1 despaireda of. Four doses of Dr F. •wler s Lord J l Me earnest ou ,, Wild Strawberry cured her. 1<ateaet f2 She is now fat and hearty. Since Jay Gould hs. started to visit E.typLit ie said the Khedive has demigod the guards ar,.und the pyre F. heti,/ -What besatiful teeth x. e. and became Be ever harts tomb - - Mekew Mush. :nterc mio . He la able to save to tete ut moos (margin "evermore') them that coos "After suffering with Dyspepsia, num Uod by Him +Heb. rel, 251. Kidney Disease, loss of appetite and pain Ina "Yoe+ alt rhe isobar rest d his hands to the bead until discouraged, 1 heard 4.4 mad brake them beme.te ria truss;." Tim I Burdoe!t Hived Bitten, took two bottles Ie doss In rimbol wall We ilm°pas 4 d 641."u1 na. and happy l• say feel u well ss erneaid wen doing Merrell); •m yet they wend Ne w Albin55 Y..141 S. �� ng the brakes I Mea Rufus E Merry, I�erfaexl7 happy r'wN1e* ria. Kathy. We etata•mwt Weida Treat tribe, arida .e farmer' the ae.eity of atteading to the ce pross of coaxes and curia, their hal Mn s ea. W. Mee wro so much hay se Majored if mot quaked by late ths.1 net •, �s5 ere aro dtspoied to call the stta•iius sb this imp liana of timely e la this important Mauch of fares iadt.str7. It any fernier who has th pees ia e prairie• Ul cutting hay late wiU only make a trial ..t a intuited port on of hay that is eat early in comparison est with twhack is We cut, and mark the diaereses in its effect upon enimale and their desire for it. wiil newer practice late mittenswan. braes should not be allowed to thane to wooly fiber for the pampas/sof food for snimals, std 101 that 006•41 its casting abases be accomplished laths arriving at that prrwd, or when it se just Doming into blossom. It had better be cut Wens that ties than to wait until It is lata. Aaslyse and actual feeding show that 7eang gram is much more nutritious said desirsnle thin that which is hardenedby age, AMA 'COUNTY CUItRENCY. Red. H LOW of ow atm doss blind the eyes and stop the ears, and harden the bear+ We 1 ..She.. still ao;ori---- is lore. see on every skis of a today the taws of Cod I "And be 1' int. hods perfectly . love. cuotina*By broke'. and yet the people seem i bum- happy.and "became sentence Isle*, as becomes a SID gun with • 1100,- aan evil work is not executed speedily.: 000 wife. ,.. tb.r.ecre rte hears of ti. soon 01 ansa Y "Tom have you heard the news tall,) els la them m do evil" OccL ""'., No, what u it 1 "the schcemister is 11.) But "Our God shall come. and shall notdead "Buoy' Now I ...0 weir i i iui.er keep robots. • Are stall devour beton Rim, 1 uts.. and it shall be very tempestuous round *bait 1 J3im. Now eonstdsr this ye that forget God hest Re tear you is ideas and these be none to deliver.' kPa L a, 211 20. •Tb. Bait whirls they had made." - In versa ID it is wntt n: "'they mods the relf whiek Aaron made," and in Dealt ix, !1, ]loam says: "1 toot your ria, the can wbicb N. bad made' Maass burnt it, ground it to t.swder, strained at upon tbe water and made t..e children of lame drtak It Thy eat _ __--___-- t .• fruitot tair own way.' (pray. i. au Nothing is more annoying to • young tt'• would auppo.o tint atones Jadgmsat elan who hu • batch of keys at o':e end and plague fez 2"44 which tsmsglaa than 1 of his watch chain than to be asked whist became of this tin, their demeadanta to all bate it is. generations would shudder at the tame mem two of a golden calf. and yet we find the ten Wein Tweedintim for 150 years worshiping the golden calves which were made and est up by Jere- s'I wu nearly dead with Cholera Mer - baste at Bethel and as Dna (1 Kings :it, 28- hes, one bottle of Extract of Wild 814; but it resulted in the derermessoa of the Strawberry cared me. and at another I'll"( Jeroboam mod la • oaptletty for the time I was so bad with Sommer Co m - b' trims, from which they bars D01 yet re- plaint that I thought I would newer go'. onna • t'. Throw la moo ae sus then over it, when two Meth* cured me. that min will in dam tuns be touted out and punished. and "whatauever a roan .tenth that scull las also reap-" Glum. rsz£l, 23; Oma vi, 7) The take cot Tire Is far all who are nos written in the Book of lite tRev. az. 171, and even the larks at believers are to be tried by Bea, width, ft they seders, than he rewarded; but H they cannot endure the are --- _ - they shell be burned up, and the person A re+sesWee rare. saved yet so u by Ant Q Our. W. 11-13.) Few men have accomplished the same Tim only tklog to do, end to do a.iokIy it amount . ref work and good itt this world not already done, Is 10 stoand amen the Ale u the e.)ebntei Dr Chas. Over talo slre.dy fallen. loon is Chen. who be' 500,000 of his works hare been sold in ram. tin tar a. tI1 Cor. v, 21, and ss let !!fJes Canada alone. We want every person 11w. fa m that fit +tar •o tie work•. toe troubled with L:• be Complaint, Dy - anand re to rewarded. whatever He dose .131 rata y ewdtira do are pepsic, Headache, Kidney or Ctiny d Troubles, to bur a bottle :_t Dr Chase. Liver Core, it will cure you. 1tLeditne and Raced,• Book 11. st ;a by all An Armee by cesepamedis. Harry Is men chow favored children who are permitted to wit at table with their pa- rents, and, being of an tovesigating tors et wind. he ba• to tante everything that tames os or add wailing to the customary gnashing of nth. lits tut exploring expedition was into the mysteries of the .alt cellar. Haying put a spoonful of dt upas his tongue in die - - -_ -_ 811.000 of his fathers warning his exprednta ( gtaneerena reuuteef-M. of disappoiutmmt were more than ordinarily Counterfeitsare alwaysdattger.,as, rou "Weil, vocifeil, Harry " asked his father when tie more so that they always closely tet• uproar had eubaided, "how dos it laser Tarr Till aalt;IN AL IN Arermu.'crie .ton il "k. sugar don't," was the medal no. SAME The remarkable success schierett .pane.-llarper's Young People. by Nasal Balm as a positive erre for Catarrh and Cold in the Head bas it • meedtag of DasMew- diked unprincipled parties to insilate it. "It can't he possible Bobby' said his The public are tautiot.ed sot tolis dr-- mother. r-mother. "that you have been wicked enough Deiced by mistress imitating Nasal Balm to est that whole rb•bard pie in the 0ceete in name and appesrauce, bearing each Yss, ma; the doctor told fee, Ton now, names u Nasal Cream, Nasal Balsam. lima my w7•tm• "'led rbubsrh, an' 1 Ulm:'" 1 al Bal and do not lou 1128. I1d better get a good does of it down me ton 1 got any woe's." -\e" York S.zn. A Dtatrteeing M*raae. "I wish to give me testimocy in favor of Burdock Blood Bitter*. I had been troubled with Er)siplesa and was induced to try chis valuable mediuee. I have used three bottles and am now well as ever. Mn L Flinch, Cesar Creek, Ont 2 Pwtacrling• and labmnriugs that lbsebaORee. •• Be sever Waded Made No "hardly enter" about it. He had an attack of what people tell "billow• neer,"std tr• smile was tmpnestbls. 1'et a map may "smile and smile, and be a ',there still, still he was no villain, tut &- plain, blunt, honest man, that needed a remedy such u Dr Piwue's "b'tcssant Purgative Pellets," whisk sever tail too cure btliouanees and diseased or torpid trim, dyspepsia sad eb.eel% ctutup•- tisu. Of druggists. Wage teem all ever ■eree 4 e•eMx. eased Hameed awe t'eadte.ed nth end reline Tee rico .1 sat {.reel Imes ear I-acka5yrs. The lire and )[orris epees fact -y sold thou May wake ut cheese at R' per pound restudy. The factory is .1., toR wail. On Wednesday of last week Ju llo- Doswell and Thos. Ferguson, Grey. lett for the west. The former goes to DeModa and the letter to Manitoba. Another old pioneer has gone to lila minuet place in the pen* of Mr Free, of the 14th oono.eacm of Hay. The re- mains were interred of the Lutheran cemetery last Saturday. "0, my friends, fliers are some spectacles that • person never bozos," said a lecturer, after a graphic ducrip- tum of a terrible accident that he had witnessed. "I'd like to know where their sell 'em," remarked an old lady in the audience why is always atialaphg her glasses. tia S. S "Off TWENTY � 25- "collet Setts It ie said that there is a man Irvin: (n the southern part of )lorris towoat ip who has had his coffin already prepsr,-d whenever death 'nay come. Nutbtug like taking tins. by the forelock. About ,'0 car loads rf splendid bunt Ing stone has been placed at Based. station by M Shine, of tire, It is said that Brussels stone is *moil 1 to none b,r buildiog purposes, and a held 10 great demand. John Watt, a former resident of Hul- lett, but now len extensive farmer near Huron, Teenla county, Dakota, is sow visiting in Huron. He has b. en in poor heath for about a year, but 'eels mach better since coming to Canada. Charles Douglas, of Florida. a covin of the Meoir. Sproat, of Tuc'.enmith, u at present visiting friends in the Inc( laity of (...forth, and is the Runt of Mr George Spioat, He came to Canada to escape the heat of aha south, and he says the weather hen eveu during the past few dmye is comfortable in comport sou with what it ass in 11 -oda when he left. On Thursday night of last week the __-IN- rail way station at Ktseardine was broken tato, the safe blows open and y, wt ich LIBEAT y �11 taken. The eompaoy • money, which' i�11J1 tjll was is a small leather ting in t44. front of e the safe, wee blown out, wits -pert of the safe, papers and tickets, 01 the floor of the other and was over -rooked by the i ---AND AT- hurglars, and was found next ut ,ening. eft. Ase for w m The bear captained • ut PRICES TO SUIT lI1L take imitation sadealers tut) urge upon I "'°� For sale by all druggists ore trent 1 life Reading and wile lett on )lo•nday NEW PATTERNS. NEW SHAPES. P1t1C88 to Suit EvFrybuit. CHAS_ A_ NAIRN'S, pederick..Apr11 n. Spring Goods Reeeeneet. Frank, a Boston Sunday school boy d year., in reply w his aootber s* Pie serpriee when the found him pomading • mod turtle with a stone. said: "Why. 1 wee omit -paid on receipt of price ry addressing Fulford.&.C3 , Ont. First Thief -Hello, Bill larin'' Second Thief -No; d 1 morning for the far-famed Manitoba. MQc an i Brookville, tf still bare- r we forted the poor little trying W stack the .bell S0 ...cathing raft; than that. First Thief Wrap could get tui" a •Wt _-Eh ? What yer don' nowt Sensed Iraseb•t1 is Dartteww 't Thief -ruuniu' • railroad restaurant. Mrs E. 4akett. Peel. Ont. When t- he Chicago girh hong op their stockings for Christman they were the ensy of the world, but they bankraped Saute Clans. 111 -el Aaron Mas to excuse htmeetf and place the guilt of this sin upon the people, somewhat lake Admin. who said, 'the woman whom thee genet to be with me, she gave druggists. >ee of Ur Mee and 1 did oil' (viten. lit, 12.) - - _ 1 .1 M wIs. willing perta.r In tads siq and achy does Mn Tangle teeemb'e some his eaw5a5 wane in vafa "TM Lord wu railroads t Because het topgue g•o•s so eery .agcy with Arius to have dertroyed fast. - -C o t hat's nil k. It's beers she bus; and 1 prayed for Aaros .lao tura lama lark. '•tetmival facilities." time" Mewl ix, 20.) H. reeds the heart we the guilt of Aaron Id this metas, and only by the hare.. los et Mom woo be saved from wrath It we could sea our guilt become d the sin which we allow by net re- sits♦ Them A theatre. That is to say, your long.. Also a)1 baking It, as wall as theses w. wiser) cam- your breathIna machinery. cry wu mit. we would b tarrib1y afraid, and world deaf el machinery it is. Not only the more fully animism Bon by whose tater krt., .tr parries, bot the thousands of etrse° Ise an apexed. Here are • tow facie ito I le tubs and eavitise leading iron macerating de which will surety help es if we receive them: "To tris that knoweth to do good and doeth ft not. to bans It Is da' Ilea iv, 173 "Whomever b tad et Leith is sloe" atom circ, alit If 7e Moe respect to persona ye easmle ante ilea If, s.) »AL aangisasses Iselin." Q Joan v, 11.y "The traeagreu a tit the kw le slat.' a 11.4 Jobe tl.) "The tbmg ottl at foolishness Is ei Mk " !ha peopb were naked" TIL V.. Walesa Ione. it wee ween Admen and IM Web loom from Oce that they lose *dr giftless eleWag eft mem (Pa eh, t>t Atm 1, !f), assd themes siediesq naked. tie "WM Yew the Lamle .mar flees= o J Levi mond eb teb eiatly eel WO est the indite chum tell Woos sada 11e eow11 whole nation naw p%/1t! w Wb. e for metals. but their embed spas Oa whole slab tiptb«d caret ea earth pro- tegees to be "as the Web Ms` btwN sides. Pap. .fly. Yom a• that .aa Ibr eoem.eeueim eureka was to beaded Sir , yaw Write bMa loth 'Met- h"I is ►e today b order tm slay all "wenblp.r' et the t 4 toga VOW tt)shght.r-Dn. 4514*1 acidulent,' who .ehld tad earth with a igaomw.'t do seep** ; w less • gever- alur oseishei , ad who, thrall be the vett pe_Mes. mob* et the .fsfaf )low rely eft us earn Yeleba%et fin ) li.w►atr ' I gave Zits sir brrtgM[tis, Dark IW w. a Waterbed weeeb .tai CbritAas .fds)I 1 aid +deeti .hey taAlb,.a iii. 1'�'t seal d t Oat trim are Ani fe sad told yea No error be lite softy• De agree tai Ile mei* than ggy e' *led R .p ewe mnft•intt r Boy --yes. hila, end hot by *gni. week Ire sir NereMet-Whet west made yew Ise. fit ver b. "tir1114 ?mit ".141.711_,L,_ :t1N tea iron fust any - wiading it them. • When them are clogged and chocked with matter which ought net to be there. your Imp cannot half dothere otdoo rk Asti what they they e M well. Call it .old, truth, croup. pneumonia, estarrh, consumption or any of the family of throat and nolo and head sad Ion, ohstroctiotes, all are had. All giblet to be got rid of. There is jun oar are way to get rid of them. fleet le take Roaches'. Berman Syrup. «Melt wry &wrist will sell you at .3 creta a lisNb. Eves if etevythM else has (sited yen. you may depend upon this Catcher of Local Ntns--fay Blare. ye' Mr. &miff! won't yo' oblige m by iba plugging up Mt bole in de tack stop wit one ob your testi--Judge. an.ldeb.'ry Rau Wad. Answer. It was children's day yesterday. and the flanday schools were oat in full force. Dr. lissom told children's ironer -bow httie boys sed girls ars not all Jesuit iambs 01 awe' sot "How mold they be lambs." be asked, "for lambs grow tip to be wbatr "&peep." answered a dome childish voices. "It you an not lambs, titan what are yowl' Inquired the doctor. gids," piped out a young Huckleberry Finn. "Right, my boy," said the preacher, where• upon, seeing that the answer was taken good nabwedly. all the good people mad the little children laogbed.'-Chieno Tribune. Hay fever is a type of catarrh having peculiar symptoms. It is attended by an ,uflamed condition of the lining mem- branes of the nostril., tear -ducts and throat, affecting the lungs. An acrid raucous is,eei'.tr.l .4 he discharge isaco:m- psnied with a burning sensation. Thetas' are severe spasms of sneezing, frequent A tread Tale. In the ude4 prwdscel d the Somewhere a ghostly. merlons dow roused. "Who and what are your was asked. "I am ,' mid the specter, in a hollow..spatthral voice, "the ghat of Dull Thud. I owed to exist when electricity became the universal mode at meat pnnldhment and the gallows became obsolete. Lave me to poses to wander un- known, together with ray e.,prps:don spirit, the ,boot of Sickening 'thud."-Ptttabt rg Meths attacks of headache, watery and inflam- ed eyes. Ely's Cream Bairn is • reme- dy that nn be depended upon. Mote. el arida gist* ; by axed. regirtered, 60cta. Ely Brothers , Druggists, Oleg". New York. ly rYtte,ham, Mn R. has been very poorly lately a.... -AT THE - They to be hoped the trip may restore her. vied byHenrye- i - Tb+) were accompanied 1 Hardy, one well-known round here. His ,ental face and hdany laugh will be much armed, and it will be some time before ,CASH STORE we Ret a Blueva!e "h..y" w stand ►ahihd the oat, But our km is Manitoba's gait. Alexander Stewart, lot 13, oon. 16, Grey, has in his pweession a dozen flint arrow heads of various shapes and sizes, found en a portion of his farm, ad iotning a trek-, while plowing. John Stewart and 1.s Shaw have oleo some of them old relics of the red wren. It ie thought that this place must have been a camp I 4161• gro,rd years ago. There is any quantr- TORONTO P. ODEA ty of Ant to be found m the same lo- I -•- - crafty k bltD D Wdron'l nal taxes imide a� OZEditir nag redden runaway fora at theusers, 0 on Tuesday, and hurl twelve bens of eggs off the waguo on chief Cad weather. Tba latest 'needing the errtrtnar cold on the Yokes Y tiro A miner state that an, oral Vines daring the lees wines he went oat and knocked the frame stooks from the limbs of the trees that hung over Ms cabin. for her, u -the smoke ascending from the chim- ney all collected and free. there, that i5 weight would tweak the limbs or and tzar in the cabin root.--Jtmese Free Prem "[few old are you. Mary r toted bile Pettyplece a dounterts. The wagon pole Blank of her housemaid. "well room, nate atoll broken. E .ch box contained I'm just 26, but when I of my monej .boat 120 dcun. About one half were BI I' in the Mak i t .l.' the mea I was a Reset tether. The damaged boxas and the deal older, sus I d get more introit on b.oksd Kea were rejected and the it. drifter, ):: T. Richardson, continued his SAIINDE• jams) next day, strongly prsjudiced • mew • Wade Caught t old. bo A slim young man in the height of fashion was violently sneering in • street car, when a companion remarked, "Aw, Chawlea, deah boy, how d'ye catch that dwe•dful cold." "Air, desk fellate, loft my ane in the lower hall tother day, end in sucking the ivory handle, so dwe•dful cold, it chilled me almost to death." If Charles had used Dr. Her- vey'. Red Pine Gum his oald would not trouble him eery much. For sale at J n (soeascription drug store. tf rya ams Demme err tiles. it OM 1. said that cpawed of banana kincon- . mere whsissse than these pounds of asmem meat And yea mwin build a man lip, while a mes 11 piece beneath will bring s 1tMsS emu dura.-Yonbe s aan. mw Be *wrese•a. etsr 'y tyre • rr MMateas a sem r heist d the b5%abeW 1 L este sem eng Orel flet lam MI tea deNI Straw *anew Mat sore rare)►-agerer elate. Tramp e;-- Mtide eto ag har)-Ea wA st 1aa-•7etlaa iteastyl s I r p Physician (to patient; --Your ase is a very serious one. sir, and I thine a stn• sultstion had better be held. Patient ,too tick to care for anything; -Very well, doctor; have u many accomplices as you like. Conductor -Samba, pull your head in out of that wisdnw mighty quick. Sam - bo -wha-wha-whet's am-bo-nabs-wha-what's de mattah, ash 1 Conductor -Yon will be knocking down a bridge presently, sod aha company will held me responsible. lluiou Laud AenC • - NEW LIST OF LOTS FOR SALE. CALL AID SBB T spied coutitmed runaway roes fur ego wags I)uriuon, the thunder storm on Thain day *harpoon of last week the lightening struck • stable on the farm of Mr Robt. Thompson on the 2nd eonoseeion of Hay, antenna the timbers, tearing up the foundation and utherwiee injnring the build*, to a considerable extent. For- tunately so animals were injerd and no further dssat'e was done. On Fnday morning two'2 year old steer. belonging fro 11Ir Cooper Forest, of the i th conas- lion, sear here, were struck by light - nit►, and ieed. Thwene found ly' in thestsotly lanekillnot fu frieym th farm blais in the morning. The Wiegh.tn Times says :-The Mill• ars Aasosiagan of Huron, Perth,Brucs, Grey diad .ii,ngtos..t is nR•ta on Mo01.gWLat, the attendanceViibehing small oris* to a change of date as well es its otnmiRSim conflict with one or two martin.' ewlsede. Mr Moyer, of Lista- eel, ably N554d. Tis first .00j 44/0055/4 wsa ehu of railway rates,eot tt being eooteaded that the trade wee hsndioappsd ti the facilities given for ■riodihw is irrlsie It wu admitted to las neither Meet +ser pnctial to attempt the Jinn of rtes. It was suggested by B Hutton that at (stare meetings dillositin in the running of mills be hrna� spend diem+.d. The goosticm of tam mi1Hy of fl.,nr to las given for 1arietrl,ird. cif .44101 w..51M ventilated. 14'w...)nested that when so desired a farab.r'a *beat he purchased and flour so: d bis■ s w►e.lwle rates. The nett+ meati ie t, be held tw Har- rtatoe some best •teWt. --•-rise►••--- -- ar.ds�1► Tri. "I Imre used i)h.ji.der's Extract of Wild Str wb.Try sad bend 11 5 sure +tun fir rammer es'g�.n4 I w•• eery sick and it curd e.tirsly." Alex• ander W Grant, irMk, tint. 4 Lots 413neer Light flour «In he sold at Rreat enrsaiw. We bane a valuable let st the Harbor for Mae ata very low swore. Nine Thermion 1)o11an to loan at fire and a barter east. sect. NASAL CREAM - MTh - COLD IN THE HEAD, CO TORSO ! tray. 78 erre_ t. WILSON Prescription Drug Store. sure WRul ULM aim Relief .t owe. 4 e COLD tit H1 A OIttaT aT. Sore h.. decided to edea: oat their eaten erect at NOTIONS ! JEWELLERY ! FANCY GOODS ! PLATED WARE! AND fl-tt.L Special Bargains ! la t hair lases asafl all ie old. as at ('all sad me The Chain MN Oda the Su. GODBRICH BOILER WORTS Chustal & Black, %Isnadastr.ers of a:1 kind. rf STATIOI*1l1, NNW 4rggN1 ASS TYf1ff1AN BOILERS. SALT PANS SMOKE STACKS end all hinds of *stet iron work. *TEam ANIS waTstt new rtrrrises cowetenlly as hand. Os hand. reedy fee delivery - t e mil'. new .eller. r. kmplite bl-'mei Threshing Out R Bmflar. ii*lm. nepmrater, tree a❑ to teed . orklmg ceder. tit'sold cheap. Semi orders will receive pswe vet Whistles. Arra. a •1101h• S. T. m. 45.ties. P.O. BOX ISI r.der'rh Mos Ist44. ism Hay Feuer. Not ',y or Poseter. /tem fajwri• Droop and '#'s' .Me iMac* pgty.la w ssrlA tate sm- ks/esi.•rottoA sesta smmr5 • mot 'day 'memwle!. St 7 ENVELOFEB /TIKES REASONABLE AT SIGNAL_ 4 ,r