HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-7-6, Page 1asultei u iii �EVOT °.c UN NEWS — • GODERICR. ONT.. FRIDAY, JULY e, D404, M� satliAL �Pt1ELLIGEN cr. ADI AN SALT I •n1 Agzie Rankin portneV•I mittens fineries of grain, 5 not taro tad in teas the�f ll man who mooed- Mt het 1 b is ; 3.1J. F. � snarly *•Ie51e, (4) of needIuto sae JdeFa�dee, 9 feet the h washerwormao in en Irish UM the crystal el s.) o nesting ,8; meat ed in eloori^R t►e fell arta of benign Mt 14 io. high vm -lac G. J. Gibb, cur which she was en(nencored. Takes all to the Lowell illyer,and the 200 yards run H. is • twenty of Ruumng h [ j P (!liooday Inst u Experts Declare It to be the Best Atm el laser, o ,neo time ages naso OS it s aebje ! y teemed in the folio..44 Huron boy. and vi as baro is the towJ• J fret A1cFaddw ► forettO. l inert 4 in : 3d 'n all, the concerttsearly • oua.plrta •uccew i toe Cht/eee Maktrg. p(e ..f salt was p ship of M': thirty }oars ago Morris some t t' y ligandin hygh jinn -ht A. Scott, 3 CHARLES .•rt:ata test : °cad J. T. McFadden, 4 ft 7 in ; hot otter and 56 -lb• • J (:ebb lbo champion a p d l, • ¶TIIE SCO rTISH G AMES I wuaht thrower, was also3 u on the [round. Via -tilting with pole -lit A. leer►. 9 h A long shadow was thrown by his i; ft ,1 in , ' U. J. Gibb, 'J ft 1 in ; 3.1 J. Just before the singing of the last,Aee. s■ wars „as.1 Leas was. when •leas tntenoe resat +.s s_ at Chief Cawuerou stepped fere&td ateros for wetua root. a.Aerl• These were e dried by exposure to t air to make ooh, acid hu done mO '.i t ,acrd popularizing Cs1•dua;an Maines way. Brine, practically pert, paLCcrtt tit this ansa aspirated r*pidly. The rage section, an Riving them a hitt place t tomer a (acct■I Test a lasts w i■. a .ol■.t evaporation c*ueed the feruaaliva ,t manger musical and 't'erpiohoeean tsars.. for aazts•a solea repro T..uw...1 ranch thinner fl.kes of salt crystals titan The Third /Annual Caledonian (lathering in Qodorioh. ■agdare■e t►eetbee- l Lora, amber of Is hors 4N. to Teer• 1 late Pinafores •r Ibasrrs The ander, erwapeek sten -sole Leat till -Tar Greet - W Pari■1 prevailed Ker- ins tie M1 a e■eee•Y■1 b in of well-developed mint' .d. Io Erotic oum ,er d•a shut• address drawing teems! »a'• Declaration -Nr t a■.dl- , and not by r+aettaq. That Mt jugs me: additiee to ha specialties he takes part 100 yaol ries-lit J. Quirk, 291 M ao gate attention to thesuoceasful way in stitch ! u esti waslaiaedb Tarr, ie the harmer throwing and other hoary Fullandya kl J. H . \\ rat Poi. R• dorm t bvai.iss He w one of the yum,geet of 200 rd race 'non-professional -let the roes had beer, managed a the' *terIlse awr r the big athletes, years, been on the turf bI. Folland, 2d S. McFadden, 31 J. 11 day, and patine a high tribute to icer t•,nr. r 6r• yeah, but during that \Yatton. games manager, lit J U Stewart, o f .►.seesatt'•`' y Q tarter mile race -let J. Quirk, 'Jud Bus•eldele, whu since the inoeptton tf , time be has nevelt wan coca with big re- Caledonian D.y in (ttelerich, bad betn! d the grimier. It was velvety 4, putat lens take a back seat. Parkhill u G. J. Gibb, 341 A tioutt. �- ; particular* re atdint a ••cape where • hailsrum• Hurdle - indefatigable in hisettg+rte to make err Toe following W 6 n the ouch, grimier. alt as velvety to The sort '' caro a can make 'es • e the needs of the ease for butter -makes: It was practically pure and elem. It ,lissulced readily. The grates were fairly uniform in size. It had no sharp edged routed crystals that might bate h t H dl race 'hurtles in 200 yards ,l h sty (wet ire t t tett of Fogh•h aua l ansdM k jest t such alt It should be rege I F. x. araats0' 1st A. Scott, 2nd J. Quirk, 341 G. J debted to 'memo Stewart for all he ied wet, resulting in the latter age... coming pat up specially for butter -making. Gibb. dui. and he, as chief. tunY the present When West is Wisconsin last February, JcteaLu• the "cat triudphaac, will be read with Homy weight competition -T. N. thanks of of ieb to at re i 1 Hest' g pe thanks n h tory publicly that imine the pleasure by thou o! our readdress huio s•I tied u"°`i•rttthe iia uchtarttCanadian afacc to Daneey, (:,•dere eota set t■ rM Sven- : is well known to loderich people, he, in ens- Mewled asaes. ) p.rtnenhip with D. M. Sullivan, the jumper, having run the Caledonian 1 games in (.udericb in 1886. R. N. is • �lacfs "Ob. Celontin! I lde K weal. heavy weight from the word "go," and (card : .I. nuke' .a sOa d this hanks it every inch cat hi. 8 feet Un the ((Jhckwo. G.d•rich. )ir Stewsr:, upon whom this atsounr manta in Chem° is known t•. W 0.sin tb1 wide do,neto there beau ¢ (tieing and wupin[-J• H• Bamford. wit!. "ads, commerce sod muntfaeterea ,yaw truer pearl ibao wine, , ground at ldondey he would brio down 1 merit by Chief Cameron fiat come ibtt lel Heen t daT stns tk4 •awsee'rwa the scales st Shout 220 IM, but his flesh Clint.xi : W. T. McNair, Komuka ; D the auddeunesa cat •bolt from • clnud{ess Its letter of Prot Bubertwn a no r • ge*oral thutsamda1 am y. un troly, t ggig ,e i ricotta has her derma was of • solid nature. He measures 44 Me'nnald, t:odet ich. y .poo-•. atstument ; it n the result cat w J, 1A'. It,esartote., toms ailuoally. Tine tgang are cuts•• aunermost sk was enthoeistieall received as tis I'll eek tea see tai• essi i , girths amnad the chest, sod had other ('tpinK and dancing - A. bEc\air, stpped toorwwrd ori the p:atforen. His .rigid scrutiny into the quality of the sal. For weeks past ntaaesinq work had gittha to match. h God h totals Scotch 'f•cu was .0 tuaod with i of the new world in fair competition ! TH1$ TOWN COUNCIL. bewi pvt forward by the eummitteu of o. �. +:les blushes wherever it had not been' with that of the aid. The judges made nmag al of Bknheiw, the •salter, jumper and rt cal4,usrd by the nit Of the sou Burin, t.tlltewtaae/al svaterweeaal•eva/s�,Olt arae* an 1 a an thut lbs third aOes of ed in taking about ion •a u he t`.eir at ori without enjudgeeeino what �1►°e _.. creme end e•,seert under the awpioo d runner. also succeed Hit brand FL t the day, •nJ wan wn expres + would � NO .out of the prise list. He hooks • �,� d u)lrin would rather have led • Highland cbarq a brsnda of saih bad been use (, and the A aJoaci&1 tLuetinq of the council to the /l.ndsttoh Crledunun t+.x lett ` fe rs, a, a is we of the utbvt oo — kyr F Stearin led be h rotyh epees•• 0941 the large I w asti would then than hgvo faced u► se. e i bran s 0 s al t of sU the naei;msu cote ;take acuou io tM metier of waterwur ke dict H vim =aheeed d t waw held ,a s u , t e arc h ;Hugh rtcCre fit rat- rl.ne Purt Credit ; A ; in the presence cat fhb latae and li te, ilea in seeing t rts&.ia a Pru v g y the Western States. 1 lne of the largestt ligrnt audience. : the f+refront iia the onward tuarch of and wast e0000edul pocking sublaa- Mtratforl ; Chief Alex. Stewart, Oea- forth : M. Hutc non, enc rI%o nAe• ntit. eieu moment. n in eaatume---let F. r e 3d L. McLellan. d danee--1st , as Rssl o' Tu car - s , t2 • t o th cut cil chamber 441_ _.._-_r� anmber of •niton w our town u• Dice• petition, but he is Withy and wiry, Phil McLeod. 3i J \til proctatice su toe. • day last clearly demumcrat•d that the Kea there all the same sit nlsu, ha 1 l ]lentos 241 himself, b er and thht ked the Chief i weed in the test pits the rasion Tuesday evening, the mayor to the chair. been • reveler sienna visitor to the L J )(tine Zed hof Ne had done whet he con awned nluable inti My avail i tiederich Caledonian games, and be- d J ti t188. Tux ,low!rPco I Hoven, u the others do, that nowhere to opened !right and clear, and at an early 1 Canada are the sports better conducted hour chief Cameron and the officers of'i than in Huron a oouuty torte. *octet_ were .stir setting thins iia I J. tjctxa, work put forth had not been without ire order t h successful carryinz out f the day's domes. y u c I Aero u, take part in racing. a hi• an a to maw i amateuw -1st M. McDonald, the w..rk be n highways by vehicle bag hustler on the track, • d has the repots- y. beat assistance that could be e A any-thA Canadian salt is superior for c rose town, and from coat hour until ooi o the , tion of being •hie to make the hest start 241C. C. McKenzie. 341 C. D. McKay. there. In than threat cyan that t mainnY use to any brand of Eugluh salt hithwaya leading into town from all I of any man in America. Behind his $test, t Strathspeys Reels-let F. JohnMc- which 1 have yet examined.- , direct„u• coatiooed to wed in their' sed Kay, = games had Mem held in (i raker he .: manses there a •neo uickste lot F. Beaton, , had tern backed up be inch weaken u He nein aids the sat '•tire etstement; h March • r Q °d John NcK.y, 3d Geo. Angus.I Mr Den. blct:tiliculJy, and Mr Wilt that Canadian salt is used in the Ontario surer • atrizu carat 4 ego 0 ter-tea.net, and Lao mates that it Riven sahsiaction in tits 1 -Wiled States. When so hitt as authority as Hever and energetic Peofeesor of Dairying he Ontario Agricultural College, turreted by lead:n¢ makes buyer* a as Messrs • - ai Caswell, •war the pains , ash carer the Eao.tah article, ase for hope for our alt trade. Rtcipro =Sty with the -ui o -cr the the celebrated international sprinter, was y B 8 luck • m the theQuirk tea Ka - t ntu o Pibroch D ala i ' he, 1 ad f 11 h t ) owes The following was submitted by than Phil McLeod, 3d Jae Milne. I for the kind word• uttered in hie be tutee above suspicion. and renders the 'd olid indeed. car : Sailor's hnropipe- st +• half. Gousatcu 3t s I L McLellan. 1 was pleased to know that the conducted Prof. Robertson, tt will be seen, , Beat dressed Highlander at his nen the games at Guderich could be imitated-haais•s his previous declaration as to 1 T., th• CseaitJ of t.. Tern of f:ry[erich expense -1st it Mc George Angsa, 21 Gavin with benefit by any eaGatti. ¢ m Awed- ! Spence, 3.1 Phil McLeod. a Hr was too, h of F uality of Canadian salt cora. The waterworks committee beg lush M h bed been given him pared with English salt for cheese., ICO report that, of h I th ad e n e said. deearrnn¢ t .e otter ,{ in aca,rdanoe with the Pibroch -1st F. Beaton, 23 J. c- ell the credit that n n aniinstructions the council , ey rte• e 33 (,.,,, Antra• by the chief, for iia the carrying ,d siva m%kinr Ly saying . uf '•1 am twnvtnced I triad for leaden for the erection of the psespiot house and engtneer s residence. and herewith submit the tenders received for the same• Your ccmaittee have also *eked for tenders fur the pumping beuse, with..ut engineer's residents, n making 70 ft x 30 ft instead of !t0 ft x :At• Highland dint( ,boys nod” 14 years o1 Horton and N urn, and ntF.ers w one 1 C 1l ) for but ft The Istat mentioned tenders aro alN atrte-1st Frank Wilson, 2d F. Fraser, I names did not come to tongue just at Cie } has f . he submitted. Your committee rived punctually :rd Charles Stewart. the a •inept, and Lune better feta the are of opinion that the engineers resi- st with applause b the large ( with the buys, getting Highland ding r girla ander 14 yesn 511 .pecesaful rarrytng out of big games could the dance an be tdcantagenusly die d 1st Aegis RAnkin, 2c1 Katie Ash, he found anywhere. The chief had danced with, and t view .,(the fact that number o u there aro both counts. 3 . tak-n him by surprise, and he could not at the station t„ webume the vat era. 3d Edith Taylor. it will effect a siring of $1331, your A procession was immediately formed titsaluden. tern wad M■anScotch Reel tfor boys and girls eider find I•s in re to adequately p le of sGoi• committee recommend that the voi- d had up icier St to inspiriting tjl 1u pipers and dancers and High- 114 yon of �e•-1st Frank Wilson, 241, feelings p lel donee We 1 ed by Mr Ferqutar flea hinders in contents F F ser 3d Cuhn \it4 ase. m f �• a� ward oumber k of bone sense a knowl•dota o.( bow to get there inn foot- race that hos thus far knocked out com- petitors who have aourht to down him. He dropped op to Goderich to hare some sou and tyke a piens of prize money, am succeededin streams of sightseers. TUB APR.•IAL TRAIN in charge of conductor McKnight ar- rived at 10 30 and. was to t townsfolk who had gathered rich an mai in n ly, but the people of • of t be di n heti with, and that Ed- wn there ansa • ours nes as in the ps t.eoo t,f strains, pay n SAarm.p s tender for the erection ,•f Loodun,rod olden. At the Court I held place of competitors who have $word Dance -lar Fred Fraser, 241 euw5denIIv roly upon the co-upenhvn of cheese I B IlastyLas - p( the building for the sum of $ction geese silvan the tkrnog es so ledge � held ons , u prize winners aro atter Pheg.,r. a de h 1 being the lowest tender, be accepted. r Frank tYilsaa. I of J. D. ti!ewart. L•.ud app use ; that it was almost impossible for Pied"-; remotions, such M Georgi Angus, ° Sword Dance (for girls under 14 years• Your committee also recommend that trt•w i keep the hour of itt The .con McKenzie. . McKay, of McCrea, C. n- of age, -Katie Ash and ARgts Rankin!,tyro atter'• t beaten sitar. to Oster:, Gordan u lowest I tender for pump - toe point at bor,thts of the lay 'stemma McKenzie, Toronto, J, M•Crae, Ree^' t divided 1st money, 33 Miss Rosa there la ca inr machinery a the sum of $^8pui be to be the h•rbrr, where cosi Jas. Milne, Lundun, Phi tMford, . ' The bazar ruder the amnio.• of SI, , b L ted accepted, this being the lowest tender (�■stay nee, Strapher L. The R.0 , church which was hell in h Tai Lira •g•aT URILI. Wuo d.tock, P• 1 received, and the engineer, 'Mr Chip Crabb • black on Monday lett was largely Sates * =t a effect a revolution in our u' the (lido tic', crew,was Rorie rap with. McLellan, HuthnNtchol,, SMtn.[ord M.1in the Grand Opera House. in the even 1 attended and hiehlr s^cce•slel. In the task humus within three mouths. 1 man) and Mr Humber, the deputation nr. Captain Babb,Kintail, C. D. McDonald' - was one of the must pleasurable and Absence of Rev Father Wetter*, the ars ked if those who favor reciprocity ars sent to examine pumping machinery. )deny of those present had not bad a l AkDoneld. while the number ttyJ, by (hada; reported strongly in fever of the Tf Ashfield tend other, I midi that bar ever been held in rangeniewte were aopenaedbeh if of ham and true to that cause, it will won Gordon tit Maxwell pump, as beluga precious opportunity of viewing • i e- ye (jtld•nch, and redacted credit not ony Father Litz, who desires �a a o and is race of• ter ment and the ensu I la glair and lvr pI that m« f the `bust' on the perfurmtta, bat anon tbu manage- , and grace of movement on the part of t large and composed t who haJ procured the talent and tiie paat4t to return his best thanks to he an accomplish[, Mat• ge winners of Canada. A the mb'io fit the arcerous wpp>rtriven Below lathe letDtsedheisseat' Robert• eutirely suitable fur our requirements and amongst the boot pier !b7 tW the craft, aa well as the still and dexter known Pr' the numbers. The chair was caeca to the en!c-prise en the oxcaai••a. From sono writtes M oar ap•'eIv mow ironed, Sty of the captain Thoand crew were mach notable boon amnattst the pipers anis y Chief Cameron, whu in 610 bring open the to •noon until late in the ••sola; admired. beat eat like a duck w rem/co as axATox, h was a ao d attendance, and it is a i'Ixa S*d.*t: at present of London, the chain- fag address paid • tribute to tioottiaL norma ' the could of help looking at the thmat r 1 ( ens oke p•trwtitally of the Old (natio to kno day been celebrated. n - . win is th,; • 11n- I • m tee ora aitvtses s s h 1 thakinvthatm, modern appliances were fast diminishing t ere that the Bert ant:- To the Miter of Tux 8lsxat. , ane could not help ' the 1880. Ilsupplied C. Ss►nxa, ILyor. Gopxatt-s, Se'd July, 1833. ion i K of Edinonrzh, Sc.,t• and slog , p atar,.f►rnt.n of the Cowiweif I' 1'° player i the Land where had originated the athletic edh J 25th,1E•Fi8 •^ games that ha that greater part of the dance moaic during ft [cal da cots a act cipatinat matter the indica were realized 111 j Guelp , vas I regret to lave to *farm you that � the matter of attradarce ': the re- � In the satntnet of l� I made (car the )1 Gershon). b f e s su d risks run in reaming the perishing from land since P watery graves, frit although pluck and the day,and also officiated at the concert A eurttas } pia f l I D A sc et form■rl ,are required w hotter I to the delight of all who he h the stormy billows, yet by tion of later lifeboats the risk to a well• organised and clear-headed crew is now reduced to a miatntam. Tar rrsees"lee. muscle, as y iS Mr Beaton is not only • player on the pipes. bet is aloe a star' liuved that the concert which would dose on the dancing plat( .r'o. He is intelli- the days doings would be worthy of the gent and well edacnted, and • thorough large and ; ntellieent audience that had of to hear the songs of Scotland s s rt bad been earl,- i»es The tc 119 g r t e contractor car ptpiwg• os rat \\eaten informs are he will he unable to co - afd him ed by t a ape;gators to the comdetttor a till tario • 's As et tette to determine `menoe delivery until the 16th int., as tintfield and dancing platform, and he be • gentleman in everything that t,... ,o oat formed on the Courthouse Square implies. Those who carte in contact' rendered in true Scottish style by the sons shortly after 12 30, and marched to the I with him during the games were much and daughters cf the heather. Hs thea Frounds in the following order. I taken with bis conduct throughout. I called upon the weans' to formally opt" Chief Cameron. Ooderiek.Md Chief Stewart, 1 Attosorr Tn R vtatTn;a the pr cram with • Scotch reel. eat the neaten dance was gone thruuoh by the little - Managers etewarw and ueoilIIcuddy, we notice, Mr Macfarlane, P•,rt Coedit : cease to • n.soner that elicited loud Ap ]'tincts under i'tps >11.1"r L11°rO^' Hugh Nichol. jailer, Btrsttord : Alex • plause from the lar a a(idienco. The Hatisse•e■ t• (notatae. Lads and Tattler in High and comma,. Kc\air, Stretford ; A Stewart, ohs( rat ; pr attt .,t sono t root tont was of a' `� Mary's N tndaur• ' sten who noacteu were !Hears T. Hellen- a�.Teed to the exfenst.xt of time on con- , .t„ OI uedertcb l.'eledon:w' yoctoey. CA'edunian Society, Setforth ; John , superior order. Mr Spence was at home I�2 � Eliza Air•C ,rmi'l,m• y, •rich• t}ne AI. PP., Stratford F.. Caswell, dition that the town assists there in y- "" gases from outside Ibtats. Rauefurd, Clinton; J. NeHwrdy, Luck- pe in the the patriotic nnmben -Scotland;Ica rrsoll tad D. 3i Alepher«,n, Len. - have f competitors at eke urtica ! Will Mc'riwir, K omoku : and P \\'sw'a lie 373 Mary F. Carer. Blyth, g lin for about $has weld) r. lead which now : I Vet,' "Scots Wha Hart y i caster, etch of whom here been naevi- they haw purchased, the town to own Alter numbing around the R tea»,than Irthen, who in their eap&city as judges for Prince Charlie," tad "Jcsies bft47 Mrs M may"; P.ichmnnd, P. Q march was continued down South et, and I •and otherwise did much to c�uttibut• to l G3io'J bliss M-rIon Gea•t. G.oderich. Identsof dairy au. curious the lett. As the pipe -layers have de- afowtg f3ritanais Read, to the grounds, Uream."and time tad agxm wax tercel• 1 1 bels .1Rnee Hsltnrd, Aftid•t ane, Rhe exam;taboo by these experts was posited with the t.,wn treasurer $:.00 preliminaries,' the anxew of the games ed, )(iso Cite aril in riot, bird•liks , g in ctah's. security foot the perf.ormascw where, •fen%ter w angipe ( the Pre d 684'1 AI 1' Chilton Go.derich. Initis and their report was gicrnaca,rdin the program war opened wan a tlooteh exAsr wxu rr , oyrsmtof Whu 11 Boy yly Caller Herrin . and peg Air T k Murray, o number eh the e reel by Highlander in costume. Hurley. th t any lean 1 1-e whatever of the haus full value in than lead for the tin Tile Field •f asalNe• u+T OT PRIZE WINKER. 133 Sister of Sarnia Cnnveut. 217 John Murphy, W allacehurl• 11464 Mrs Jas. Conners, G+,dericl:. i tune of fine cheddar cheese. The cheese !here yesterday ready to go on with their 1186 Ruth .Neal trick, tit. L• oleo j ware toed• un3ar. my personal wprr- I . ;rk, which is pretreated Ly Mr Gear - 6403 Airs J. Nesloxi, Coodench• i vision in the cheese factory near Brum! shorn s default. Mr Garshore has it 12861 W . H. ('Leary, Port Lam Otos• cele, t intario. E: cry care was .ierc,esd I formed w that he will ccmmence deli•- 18ii0i% Xavier L':rchler, I i.nmi er. t,. make the test as t3 the cmmparetire I cry on the 16th inst., and will from that A`J83 E. A. Skimmings, OolericL ea -ccs of the several htanda of alt used, , time be &91e to supply the pipe in 40 5.- 499 R Murphy, Ddblin. I as reliable and d•iotte u passible. I stent ytiatittee te tualeA1 toe pine' • 6735 Chas E Shannon, f:oderich, I A committee of examination eau ap 'layer to complete the wont by the time Oleo •. M. C Cametron, G+derieb• pointed by the atx.xtiti! n. The gentle- I 000tracted fcr. Tris pipe-larer's have amot4 ether tt,ings, the comp*rattte he hu been enable to manufacture the suitability o•i Canadian and English pitis as tion an hs had expected. breads of act f•,r caw in the manufac- The contractors for pipe laying were 'rte trine Lim.notes"Who'll BayMy Roses, Real' an ;, ' Toronto. t several Int of cheese, l of chair contract, and t8. town will - established herself as a favorite with' 6087 Mrs ur ey. ani eon w e _>- Throwinq light hammer 1st D. A. I 1. 1181: (No names sent with duplicates) quantity or bread of salt umd in their poised advance, I would recommend the was one of the finest ever be vgflt on to I Smith, 120 feet 5 inches : 2nd Charles the audience. Miss Rankin, • 1>w►l0 bites crevice Hurley, Halifax. manntaeture. 1 etnne,l to accetfe to these condett.mr. a [round in Canada and, besides hewer, Currie: 3rd R. N. Harrison. thooeh sotferinit from a severe cold,' 6250 ba tiro McLeod, Gnderich. The (o,ltnwi� ;nn'es show their de- iThe pipe layers inf..rm us that the cooi- itghts, had a number of the firstclass' Throwing light hammer ;loot) -1st gave "Katie's Letter," in an ininitahle 6250 J. P. Lu Mc eod,Chicago. c;. ..n+, with which niy judgment plrtioo of the work is not t•. 5- delayed mem of Amueiaa bet of them warn : 1 Thee Rosa, !Ifi h 5 in : 2nd 3. Matheson, I style, and captured the audience by her' 12'l°3 J. H. Mnri<ln, Gordon. b! ( 3 3rd R It McKenzie 85 part in the duet, "The a r,u kit 203 R ideet Gibkone Fnrdvee. tiaaltT r,. r. Mentioned, ft. Raw in which oho was a .ay aria 12&i8 Mrs Ferguson, Goderich. Isxreed. the proposed arr•ngameuts 'bore x'13 t in , h h h 1' ted ' clam Pa1ty�se,! under of merit C. tizA•:er., Mayor. the well known champion hammer Patriot heavy shot -1st Chu. CdrPfe, I by Mr R S. Rsr.ktn. Her rewditt to of _� Mr Albert, (laden. tat 5. Canas�o t•tnt , nearly', --- thrower, who for years baa necepied a j 36 ft 7 in ; 2d R. N. Harriem, 34 ft "Ye Banks and Braes, was Mao fittingly ;ds : a lgiit , in 1 needay w telegram was r,Heired pat in - 341 A. Scott, 31 ft K in. enoox■d by the audience. Mr R S. i 35- Mrs J Du can, Aahn:rn. ` front P1aee a ►easy weight tom rti,ma , 2 11 f t It let D A. Rankin elm took well in his piece,. 452 Mr \\'m. Tighe, C'linto•n. t F. y � t'anrtho by the town clerk which ►caroti Than an 'fie is the deservedly popular chief of Throwing heavy P 1 1x.467 John m. Tight., Heetintts. • 1 -•••• do ' ]'roto �unneement had been estisf.ot• airy Pone*" Woodstock, and in niditit'n t" Smith. Ao (set 1 in :241 ]t• Vii- Harrieott, 1 "The Rattle of Stirling"chand "Lam hm, mil B. A Skimmings, Guderich. f H g a drit-okrw hu•vy-weight. is one ilg ft 3 in ; 3d C. Currie, 88 ft 10 in. in each .,f which he was deservedly t rwna W Derangement meeceu .r ill •i contractor f••r the *stet mains, the whitest men in the bwineaL Aa he ' Patting light stone --let 0 Corrie, I eeendsad. The duet "Huntitttoi *Moire?: by i Lemma, Isaara. CnFrit wteed on the ironed stripped for the ! 30 ft :2nd R. N. Harrison, 46 ft ; 34 i Mies Cole and Mr Somme. was se admit- A lioness mad h took place in Clinton loot t ... 1 anrd Fleet l e„ntnaton for Wrier lite pipes. •u that competition, he presented a fins appear- I A. $onlf, 4,1 ft 8 in. • ably rendered that a recall was nemesia:, Kn , na*rty nn Monthly. July 2d.between the Young - ti t anidean ,-voteI the work would he pr••oeeded with ware of Physie•1 manhnnd, having 6 ft Putting light stone lricall-1st R. R. !and the dramatic power exhibited, as Rfoamnrtk• rat that town. and the Bea- [ . . An. •• 1 orf the 16th Snit b1, Rtmmrr, • f Hee- and 1 in. in height, over 800 ,lb. in weight, 'AteKearis, 42 ft 11 in ; 441 V. VueNnr- well w the blwndint of the voices in the ver'• of (lodench. Then was ' good �ssb , tai a'adllia.... nisch. . I worth, who will superintend the pipe - end s. straight as a pine trine with thews man. 42 ft 8 in ; 3d T. Cerbert, 42 ft 2 ! Gal verge, wee a treat well worthy of the attendance of • fawn, and an interest- me'as f Mlina, arrived in teen nn Wednesday. rtewine. The "Aneehwias waits.- by Ttt1r te.r. p in[ motet', althna¢h the (%gnderich boys i isg teary irk ne- • did np their appenen s nag sorts, .• ,•• n .eivto. ramie between Ale:. f:uunure •• *^' fto n rr. . watt soder of merit 1 ami Hardier & Leathern, of London, cords. Then war no one nn the gron who did not admire the muscle of the hog eland whose red trunks and ineerneey could always be seen where heavy work was being done. Aat'wtx «•o'TT another prominent tigers at &thistle games over the ennttneet, was also net hand, and with his blue Immo Dints weal bleu jock*, cap, (.sed with yellow 1 TMnweM P•wr brawl yet there ae often • eery ether C. Currie, 2d 2d A. 9entt, 31 R N. I by MF Gavin ftpsw on than rt ill. Millers old stand, spa es now our `these. faetortea, Mr V. Beatoxa on the fl•yeo/.t, the :atter being Are sed ie the holiday attire of av1 Allege bocce man Aedaleeite peawwt. Thi" pert of the program. th• Highland ?ling war p•E net try four of the smallest halms in ea tteellwet manner. Ynant Frank Wilson e.tbvsed the aediewee in his exited,00�� of "(Mille Oa1111vr," iietle Addie Aleut b tequeet, eke 'kneel, end danced tries' rammer• an. m. Putt 1 t Chea Currie the Wass* Dora and voids Twylur r' t in foot stnwRht• A noncore of f.r4 haemes of Carm sn I DO[ttCy. 36 -ft 7 to: 2n4 R N. Harrison, 34 h 2 London, (who each appeared in • band- h .•- ql ft R in. deme /Spanish costume) caught the au- Time : est game. 30 min : 2d gamealt wail used for t em with a mix - ie ; A. itontt• min ; 3d Raman 22 mica :4th game, 23 tan of the toot:.t tm,wn English I Miss Ilnee Mien hu returned fmm a Tontine than Cater 1st D. A. fimitb, diesel fmsa the statt.arwd held rho atter- Wanda. The twee was ,riplieated, __end stay rf aurae weeks at Rrocefleld• 3 Il ft 4 in :god C. Came, 2!r it 1 is ; I tine n( all until athem last ration was use-' aro' the e„w,•aittee aw•tt`d first plata so two I Miss McColl, of Ilenall, is enjoying *4 A. Swat. ( antes The grana jir'eoe�e••os and ants ! 11•131:1110r. d the tats to elated with Teafweffhe ester 1^0.1 --eat R McKen• fortuity of action throughout, tLed by theeieters , Canadian salt, and the ether eaea w l a ei',1 in ova section, the guest of her ere ft Kin : ltd R R 1t 5 in�i. 2!t et 31 wee marvellous perfn Ierenwere and at the( 'hhM. Crw•w new eerriee Her Marl a the one••• f'taltad w. Ene1 8 alt. trait, Ain J. Morrie. 1!b V. Ysvhn•isen. 23 it 5 in'. I tame the They War. were vrsrifernsdy !Mil wn 16erimiller nvr J,hathai "1Fn•m Amos teat• Diany others pt's .1 C. C•nia, es (booty Hiuh Caw' - • 66 reel wnight hi/•li est r•ealled. •'7 own ae•ieN•d monism/ resigned..He hoe take.. p•oeectemen of .,i.wely made in than of e•ewrafm[ stable of Hurus, and ons deputy•s►eritf u an a• roe -levet Mot et Winnipeg lighted •p our burg last r/...w-want' we.k, after an .he•nes of five years 1.P. weft tablet Ho is now • resident of Winnipeg Mihai - 1 gds. Whim leaving this county the salt be the i o ilenta hem a barkined hem tan en r'taken. oyster supper and promoted lira with a of •,'altly ••f a stout *alktng staff, to nee 11 n.ce•sarr 'Sever Mittel" •m Ore shoulder" of cwt big Mohan wags puri,. 2, c'esa, , t. -o% a Taney to hie topnot. competitor whoa pieces were to be taken I Hatrier•w, le..f. Oath. 18 ft trent the Fries list Arebi readies up 1 homing *we javen-- Ia ft b in ;1 en 6 ft h in. ie his seeek in and weighs ft} in ; ltd J. W MaFsaden, about 00 Ike. Notwithstanding his I led A. Sena 17 (t 4 in. Nee sod weith*, bo bead on dia.:elty in #Iansine Inn, jump i -laic A ftwwll, 16 ' taking • (tit lead in the vaulting with ft tin . 241 0 J. 0ihh, R ft Ilia 1 34 the pole. s• well as making • fibs figure I J. T. Me Fadden, A ft 4 in. •411 jumping eowpesi*M'a• t end wbw It Running hop Map and •jwm�-eek a. came to the hurdle met he peeved Lobe • J Oibb, 42 feet 54 in : 24 k. (Wet, 40 l.rnn•i;on rail .• in I -�-- seg raw to nnw hewn.( Mr Steri Rnyder, Colborne, fs ander• r hwor psi .•amain' 1 wing suwdieal treertnrent f. -w a sere knew, I We are sang 1 • the reenit of as iaj•ry abet six gars j Ontario Creamery l' WHIM r ��t' Medial! adviee states Mutt he will The essential HIM Medial! able ro Sort chane the *helm MN ttttlprtd for e•" *•e that :t sh+fJ h- •