The Huron Signal, 1888-6-29, Page 7THh IIUILON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JUNF t9. 1898 Cam ha Them sever .mood ib. Anatol of We sea tory, a record of *hose pt urinating r es e..erved, are the fvlluwu,r ; - Bsawl MI D.aald, s Seotdmae, slab - ruined "114g taws," was 6 feet 10 intra in ►eight. Was (tui u .o to Posta of Wain 3:.d 1809. Alma Gordon. Zsaoa, Tag., Master, T feet Died412117. Aide liana Saar, of Noes 8eutia, 7 feet IA Pierre, el Stale.rd, in Deoeurk, was 7 feet 1 web. Hoary Masker, 7 feet 3 ioch.s, .s4 ,swot symunatricl. Burs at Cuek$eld, is 8.ssoa, to 1724. (3si..Oail7 sailed Use "British Omit" Was exhibited is Landes in 1751. Edward Baelurd, 7 feet 4 Inaba» Died 1768. Buried .0 St Uuwtau's chutokyard, Lueidoei. Louis From, Frenchman, 7 fat 4 in- cJt.a His len band a preserved iu tbe rssseem ut the College of Surname, Los- ers. Martin 8.lenerun, a llesisan, 7 feel 4 inches. Pores, an Indian king, who fought against Alraender. user tee River Hy - deeper, B.C. 327, was 7i feet high, with sar.sgth in peoportioa. Heisrieb (Nen, born In Norway, 7 ft. 6 inches : weight 300 pounds. Tdwsrd Melon, 7 feet 3 inobea. Burn at Port Leioest_r, Ireland, 1(i8b, cad died 1084, being only 19 years of age, James McDonald. 7 feet 6 inches. Dees at S.aertou, England, in 1820, sad die. called the "Norfolk giant " Died 1862 Francis Sheridan, an Irishman, 7 feet 8 inches, weight 22 .awes x,368 pound.), girth of cam 68 Inches, di.d 1870. Bradley, 7 feet 8 ioohee at death. Born at Market Wheaton, i,u Yorkshire, Zealand. His right head is prsrerved in the ..tramui of the college of Surg.oee. 1798.1890. Joseph Brice, 7 feet 8'ocher. At the ago of 26 leave be was eabibited to Leaden. 1898-6. His hand could span 14 inches, Run at Ramonchamp, fes We Mage.. Francs, 1840. Woo wow theft !iii A felt. Cornelius Magrath. 7 feet 8 inches. He was an orphan and reared bJ Bishop Berkeley, England. Died at the .tale of 20 years 1740.1700. John Baby, of Darfield, 7 feet 8 in. Hie brother was .bout the ewe heigot. Joachim Eleomer.e, Spanish giant, 7 feet ten inches. Exhibited in Lindon. Maximilian Christopher Miller. 8 feet Ida bead measured 12 'Laches, and his forefinger was 9 inches lung Called the "Seats giant" Died in London 1874- 1734. Chang Woo (loo, of Tycho., Chinese giant, 8 feet 2 Inches. Exhibited io London 181:5 IgG and again in 1880. J. H. Reietart, of Friedberg, Sweden feet inches. His father and mother ere giants. Charles O'Brien, nr Rrrwe, Irish giant. feet 4 laches. Hca skeleton it pr.serv- ie the mama of the College id Ster- na 176I-1783. Patrick, his broth - was 8 feet 7 whim. Lambkin, Russian runt. 8 feet dr.m-msjor of the Iwperal 1'S1• ?Asaroxa. Jack mem ala is deemed. Med I. the .alar et *be paasiog mato most. Bleak he.bw*Maare as p•pear as ewer. Red bsi4asea hmadkerchwefs have ra- se Sr prim Both high sod low dress collars are feshieesbly w. ru. The red beedu.sa Loom is spreading all ever the mantel. Sleeves are wore fregueotly puffed ahoy* tiara below. Orgy bias at.d red is the 1•d.iuuable .smbiestiou iei dry jest uow. Red, white cad blas is the favorite miter wwloiuti.tm fur Leo tenuia esus. Old-laabiooed *wigged a.ushu, wit Aster aid cod in rfwa and asiirg are again in vogue. Black horse -*air bonnets ossbreiderird is gold are amuo' hate impacted Parisian e ovehtrs. The Karry or Itisi peasant cloak, iu light weight flannel serge, is au eicelleut steamer wrap. A000rdebn pleated blouses sad *hien to !Ohs wool taboos are buts, very is.pu lar fur amuse/ wear. The Respire scarf is Worth's latest easy in the directi.w of the revival of Directory and First Empire styles. Gowns of Turkey red cotton, trimmed with Salle gray eery laces, make pretty - meaty" astte11 bur morniug wear. Smocked or tucked biomes ut halt swab of Chios silk sod ut weak fabric are popular and pretty for hums wear. The knitted Tam 0' Shutter cep iu rad, white or blas., or the three colon .embi.ed, a the mag correct acid becom- ing wear for the head at sea. The latest bride robe is made with a low neck, but it is worn over • lugb gimipe ur inside kerobief of tee cut work ew- brvidery. The prettiest bandannas are of blood - red China silk. dotted with white, io square blocks that rue diagonally scar the square. Jersey blouse waists in black, white and all colon are just the thin` tar yacht - .wick wear, as they ow b. VIM with any kited of • skirt one .Moses. The latest mantles sent over from Paris are r .t:od tapes of black net cues- pletely covered with rallies of black lace. Three wide noes ou many narrow may be used for the same. For a lung sea voyage • staple of Jcr- sey blouse waist* made ribs style with a deep collar and • breast pocket are jest the meet convenient of garments, far they cat be worn with all skirts. The promised return of favor to white neck huger* u p etponed. The elabo- rately pleated collar bands of colored tulle, silk, ribbon, and eternise, with beaded edge remains the popular neck - scar of the woman of fashion when she drama her uack high. When the neck is nut encircled with a high standing collar and pleated headed band. it is uncovered. and around the V seeped opening is placed a fall of rieb cleated lace. The pleating is frequently ooatinued in • diaguoal latae does tbe trout of the corsage to the waist. 1 Olenv ie sleeves is • feature in sum - r trucks fur hath bill sad little ploys'. as. IKaximtmw, 8 feet 6 itches. The Emperor, 2225-238. A human skeleton 8 feet 6 inches t ed to the museum, Trinity Cul- , Dablin. Captain Bates of Kentoaky, 7 feet Ali ease. Exhibited in London, 1671. Harold Hardrad*, Norwogiao giant, espy 8 feet (3i1ey, • Swede, 8 feet Exhibited as a show early io the Ninte.ntb Century. William Evans, 8 feet at death. Por- ter to Charles 1. Died 1632. Charlemagne, nearly 8 feat He could squeeze together three have shoes at once it his hands. J Toiler, of Nova Scotia, 8 feet. Not 1819. Can et the lase. Never put anything into the ear foe the relief of toothache. Never wear ootton in the ears if they are discharging pos. Never attempt to apply • poultice to the inside of the e.NI of the ear. Never drop anything into the ear un - lees it has been previously warmed. Never use anything but a syringe and warm water fur cleaning the ears from pea. Never strike or box a child's ears ; this has been known to rapture the drum and Deese Wearable deafness. Never wet the hair if yo3'have any tendoioy to detainees ; weer an ailed silk cap sown bathing and refrain from driving. Never scratch the ear with anything! bot the finger if they are itching. Dot not nee the bead of pin, hairpins, pencil tips or snytbieg of that eters. Never let the feet become cold and deep, or sit with We beck toward the window, as these thieve tend to aggra- vate any existing htuda.ss of hearing. Neva pat milk, fat or anyoily yob a atriinto the ear for tete rge( of pain, for they soon bestome rancid and teed to incite the inflaeste•tioo. Simple warm water will mower the purpose better these alibied' else. Never be alarmed if a Lowing insect enters the ear. Po.ri.g warm water Ta - to the earl will dos.. it, whoa it will 'amorally some to tie Dodoes sad eau easily be removed by the lagers A few peas of smoke blown into the esr will stupefy the itwet. Never meddle with the ear if • Porgies body, cosh as a bead, bottom of seed ea- ten it ; leave it absolutely aloes, bat have a pbysielea Masud to it Men damage has been dose by .sjmdieiems at- tempts at the estreetiss of a forage body them amid ever seas from 1M per mace is the ear. This is the time sottoe the iepx- paeissas4 mem tattles is tie .1.ra oi a gamer, sad bee We bow jeep ap ad bit hies**. the nose sed kayak him over- board. 'etre Beammaral •eat. He 1. not of brilliant qualities, but he is a man of solid ons., who an only be appreciated at his true worth when you have known him some time. He does not junto at you with demoostr•tiosa of love, nor does be swear you an eternal frieudship • but if you know how to win his eat et> you may rely upon him thoroughly. H. is e man who pays prompt Garb. bot will have the value of kis looney. If ever you travel with a Sootchmsn from Edinburgh to London, you rmay observe that he dose not take his eyes off the cuustry the trio goes through. He looks out of the window all the time, so as not to mise • penny - earth of the money he has paid for his place. Remark to him. as you yawn and stretch .ourself, that it's a lung, tiring, tiresome journey, end he will probably exclaim, "Long, indeed, Ione! I shottld tbiok en, air ; and so it ought to be fix L"d 17. 64.?" I koow of a Soot, who, rather ciao pay the toll of a bridge in Australia, takeout! hie Gnat, which be rolls and straps on his buck, in order to swim across the stream. He is not a miser. On the contrary, his generosity is well known in his owe oeigaboorbood. He is simply an eceenteie Boot, who does not see why he should pay for crossing r river that he elan cross for nothing. •et.er' Warts Lives. Richard Mansfield was • reporter. Hies Ada ltehan taught the yang idea. Maurice Bsrryeore was a London law - l. Taxa Kendall, like Maadeld, was a re- porter Otis Skinoerwas packer in a dry -goods store. James Lewis --imagine it ! -was a book-keeper. ()mond Tarte found employ in a chemist's shop. W J Moreau yeah and years wield pmp•rs. John A Ma key, the comedian was Dace a cash boy. Henry E Dixey seed to be a Bos- tonian dry -goods clerk, Kyrie Bellew was • sailor ; likewise. Joseph Wheelock. !lies Mead Omega was ksows is GOaaeotioa wits a sewing-a•ebi.s eon - P1107. Denman Thompson was • farmer. Two of the *stars la " The Old Home- stead" he took directly from • farm. A Psa.sssle Lw. Few moo have s.sowspli.Acd the same amount of work sod Rand in this worse as the .el brmt.d Dr Chess. Over 880,808 of his leeks hove Wm a44 le oe.ai aloes. We west every pones Noebtd with Lint Oompleiet, ita.Deadeche. Kids,/ or U esi, to bar • bottle of Dr Chasm Urea ll sure Medicias sedRamapo k iBosk S Bold by all _inns eLery ompouna For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. U0 SS Nene.• P.s.treelee,INrvena Need. wate,Rearalgia. NerveswWeekaew, etweach ase Liver Dt..aaee, sed all adectiess el the Ytde.ere. A NIIRVZ TONIC. ease w. soaves. erueaaq O.wm- •y: ler tee 1 � yaws 1 was • waterer tree mamas M �i s 11e011dy a.ilOman tawl the Wwwwww 'r e. the .S . ~ea ase. A w • wiaaMM Doxy. Lees may K awe fat say ass wags le me ter aria." AN ALTSRATIVT. Mosso Assort, Ir mms•a, vt.,syes ee/faa1 t egne !•rms'e Omar casoSoems sexed mmol "haat tont tit ammell i~.01.ab�ryae.l ys�� boo b..4 N heel- The erap0ee n ..010 W... awl tam Ave k ,s4 par ,tet bathe awry w� A LAXATIVE. a. Q Das. wens mem..ttreess freemen svr*.. saw - hem and lseh 1 Ma sw�a.d~t.r� ba sesta sea a 0e1110a sat siise eie. Now leas ray�y � . 00101110, 1. A DIURETIC. t•.ad 0_ moor!, 111001 CIT. IONS. Min: ea/ N hos dMed eswim lAt w. a ..�SesMs� e SS iam er4 a: hack Om ver saber e.1 haw wee labia .asdwdset tatlawaWs taw low received trews reamswbtrfnenoel las. ehmadl .let temrhaW bull. Mad far enealee ties el.ee. sear ae muse s. WELLS. RICHAROSON &CO.. Proprietors Montreal, P. Q. filittmaa C. P_ It. BOOM TOWK PROPERTIES FOR SALE. 8100 AND UPWARDS 1 have • large .ember of Ileums and Lots sad Vaunt Lads in eke mast desirable porta of 11,. Town --►cab SALE t76ar. \ow ill the Oft. to sawre property before the Ries Resat. The C. 1'. R. ie amine sure. and in a *beet time pnoea woo been advanced beyond the reach of marry. Call and see facet and trier before purchas- ing etas where. R. RADCLIFFE, ileal Rotate and General Insurance Agent, Otter West -St., third doer from Square, 1'. 1'. R Ticket wad Telegraph °see. 114t. _> siaeas sae vet taste )Rs ease t Letter m�m� k tea trtttedMaw than they �aetatslWa�aise ter very mem tbe datall and ase � es amebas ebas prawn i''`�S'`a°"' GET TOUR PRINTING AT SIGEL Ther. are many indications of woe tees, tact Dr Loa's Worse Syrup mento theta to every case s treses ally. Ita Mat eaesal.ar. Rue so tisk is bgtog ..theist., bit try the gat Kideq sad Liver retela- tw, lade bo Dr Chas., author ut Chase's rsseipwo� Try Obese'. Lever Cuts for all swats .4 the Lover, Kido.ys, titum_cb •ad Buwiila. Bold by James Whet.., drtaggat. SALES MEN W0011... Pirwsaaetat p•50l.aa srar.wt.i4 YbttaiAswt ,..* draw t AeI taaa ear West 'Iris iwa is few M•en advartags is 1arW�sewsw- Addtam es seer. asci. We eyes NROw11TUlts/, N.Y. GEO. Nuseaavrsx, N 1ta10t>l EVZRY on. should call un hr, helm. purchasing FU RYITURS elsewhere, SPRIN MRS. Ms latest NvvetWs et tb MILLINERY ELD'S. be to..4 en toe Nessa tide et tie /taste. MOUNTS, SI -I ES, RIBBONS, GAUZES, and everything to be fora.! . CRAPE AN W bees added. vial sod a ted. Dye Works.TorouW. llKttq sne+Mse MIlierry .ea01Lkm•es. A mew I as ..1 NUN'S IT I1TG the stock a.d get triose. Agent Mr parflee's t . , XEJt - SIT.3E1e1.n. BARRY sella chap Sur sat he will sot be vailleeold. 1-OTZCE. OWE and all aan woe muurl,f beylag (rum GEO. BARRY, 111 Otta10 TO WAS 180M Tait NEW GOODS wetl;0 Arta •a0IVINO, 1 Will FOR Tilt -NEXT THIRTY DAYS- ('ROCKERY .&T COST_ All New Designs and Pat- terns ---Coyne and See. Always a fresh stock of GROCERIES AND; BARRY -k-•9-3y or C ti )ERTLKfl and Pieter* Framing. ALL kis& of FURNITURE,ept oa hand. Call and se. big Stock of ROCKING Chairs, Tables, I't;,,r Setts, Matt.oases, Ikdst.ad., Lacy Chain, !e. REMEMBER that 0101. BAki;y keeps the best Stock of FURNITURE in town. YOU should call and get his PkICES before buying elsewhere. GEC. Hamilton -tat , Godelich. CHICAGO HOUSE I have just returtied from the cities, and am nom receiving the latest lines'in SPRING MILLINERY. My dressmaking department is also in full work- ing order. PROVISIOS1 I A call is respectfully solicited. o. Sand .t lowest prion. N.B.--Beet fBrwnd.lot ',United Totistgoo. $ MOW nor ern. G.H.OLD PATENTS MATS. TSI10E ■AUS M0 COIR81SITS Obtained, sed all business la the U.S. Palos{ Osie attended to at 11ODRRATr FRa6. Oar alike is wpsei to tate U. 8. Patella Ot- tan▪ isad we oat ebtva Psteats to leas OaksOaksli than these remote rem W4 RHINO 8.sd MODRL OR DRAWINO. We ad - rims as to pate.tabillte trey of sad we make 1O CHARGE UNLESS WE OB- TAiN PiTLVT. We rder, hemi to the Poetmaaer,the Supt de O M .dsr Dtv,. end to tectal. of tie U. cutest Olfee. YorlcIres*sr, advice. testes sa4 r tsamer. to .ental clients in your WOO Mate or County. write to c A. stew a Oe.. -. -- OtNasite Patent Olive. Waskiagtoa. D. -�) w%4J r i CA i EV `Nr‘esTtiV\‘t"‘ cCti‘tk1-4Mty‘%a% with ae:A‘V.Vsj,rob. No time wafted dipping Into an lok bottle. O 8 2 g ti a 7 O U 0 2 ci MORTON, C 013MRICH; MANUFACTURER OF FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGES. WORKS, sa.ef Opposite Colborne Hotel, lioderiob. IL'vea Man in Bndner should Set OM.. Btatton.wv, Printed. A. J. WILKINSON. NEW GOODS, FRESH GOODS, CHEAP GOODS, LT NIXON STVRDTS People's Grocery. TFROM 15c. UP. No old Stock to work off, but all Fresh and New at Prices to suit. /11111'stgOe.t Casa Pelee far .atter aaa rjs.. Remember *bit Stand On t; • r _.re, Mit to Bi10 01101 Restaurant. Pals FLOUR! FLOUR! The new full Roller Jii'i- at Port Albert using the LATEST & BEST MACHINERY will be running about the at+til .'i February. Farmers ;, cor dially invite.! to.. _•ice thein a trial. CHOPPING DONE EVERY DA -.1t'. JAMES VILITAITY, Proprietor. urs DQUGS, PERFIIIREY AND FANCY GOODS Just Rwaived }t the Medical Rall by R. JORDAN. and will be sold at Prlocajtorsuit Mart Times. lash and see them before maktag year purchases F. JORDAN, Medical Hn11, Goderich. i O.A.RT, o TH_ ANKS TH]a1 illt]d O8' eYATrES t .e .0 CON' having been dissolved by inntual comsat, I beg leave to thank the allgborwera of the late firm for past favor* at their kande, and In intimate that the business will hereafter h. carried on by me at the old eland. i intend to carry FULL sinewrias OF SARDWARE and in every Rine in which I deal 1 will wake it my aim to have a full aasoltgent, New good.; eonatantly arriving, and good* not in sleek ordered at short notice. The rnMie's obedient servant. JAMES MATES, seewmw«. 1' ase it AMMO% woos :. %VISE tit •