The Huron Signal, 1888-6-29, Page 6sissw
limas Baia', -The is *too with
t111oam std if [tread is modest home, is
gluey weds lay taking the brood (rum the
•rya whoa it all but dune Sad team,
lb. 1111stb from the inside with • ftrk Is
teraRnl r piece them cn • bat
tend baking till and crisp thew w the
(*lizCurtsies of scrim, Rood
sia ,,, „7, better still, rugs,
w�1tM1 will ash tune : nest odd .Mira
teethe purist is place t4 a gaudy • asst.
ddtlttou plash nit velvet, • few pret•y
Solar* sad plasty of towels and teat
hese, denote the artistic and nest house
IIWI4 s CAKE. --T1411 an be made by
tablas tour eggs sad arparstiog, them;
add to the yolks one sop •l Powdered
,�g�R, a very little salt, four tablespooa-
fsia,i lister and a Isom t.uiw.ttful ..f
[latter ei•stied extract : best ail to.grteer
1111441 *my iight Have a cup of Sour
g ad, to which yin hare P ut as notch
* doss you can lay ou • three rent piece
and an eves teaspoonful - meant - of
,ream of Tartar. Best the whites ..f the
MIR le a stiff froth, stir them tow 11.e
better after the door. ll.le in a slow
mean. This cake will be found to be
eery nine eut in two when cold. Spread
with crab-apple nafmalaue and cream
over all.
Camay[/ ('.,p IN A POTATO CA's -
Boil dad nosh a:1 good rgrd proat••er,
add one egg, a gill .4 null. salt inn
PROW to taste : then heat the p(.tatons
notal very Tight. Pial and sesta one
pound et boneless salt cod : drain and
unsold seg s. N.:vi press and shred the
Aesb s1i1 it is dry. I'ut one large tabie-
spoonfref butter In a frying pan, add
two tsftiospn..n'ula of flour, mix, anti
add osoopint of null and stir until it
boils stud thickens : add pet.?er to twat.
°ream simian pudding mould, soil lute
the bottom and sides with the potatoes
Add this sod t. the cream sauce and till
in the easter. Cover the top with •
thick layer of the mashed potatoes, and
bake until a nice hr,. wn. Whoa does
torn it out and nerve.
�•er. Nov tosall srMfa,
Cutnterfeits are .heat's dangerous,
Him -Name so tthey .hasty$- a.L .o y m
Tait Tttt t'tpt.INAL IN APPCA P.AN.'E A10
Diann. The remarkable succors achieved
hy Nasal Balm as • positive cure for
'Catarrh and Cold in the brad has ir,
dosed unprincipled parties tv imitate it.
The public are cautioned not to be de-
',sived by nostrums imitating Nasal Mir:
in name and appearance, bearing such
names as Nasal Cream, Nasal Balsam.
etc. Asir for Nasal Balm and du not
take imitation dealers !nay ur,fe upoe
you. }'•,r sale by ■It druggists or sant
poet paid nn receipt of price 50c and Ill
byaddretsin; Fulford &;Cc., Brockville,
Ont. tf
. Thele (:exiles Wr reae.wa.
Barns was • dull b:,y, good at ath:et.c
exercises only.
Poe at West Point was a hush;r„-
stock to his school .nates.
Byron at Harrow was in no way dis-
tinguished above his fellows.
Scutt tells in his "diary.' that for a
tame he was underrated by mast of hi
Napoleon and Wellington in their
gehool days were datingutahed only for
Baizac's family were sarcastically ie-
aigtmat at his presuming to believe he
could write.
Sheridan's mother presented the future
dramatist to • new tutor as as "incor-
rigible dunce."
Bismarck once told a friend : "My
poor old mother never would believe that
there was any good in me,"
Goldsmith, op to the time of publica-
tion of "Th. Tv r4ler,'' was looked upon
as an idiot by almost all who knew him
Afterward he was dubbed an inspired
Montaigne tells us in his •'Etsays
that his efforts to become an author w' -r••
laughed at in his own province.
i T• 4• Il. Ter tnnkleta And tort
knacks .1 •bowl • girl in punAC
stun let the reputation of esti
hoeing reflood toots in the
Enrich Blood by tie use of Mil
ban. s I Iron and Win., which sup-
plies :he blood buddy of ma-
: kris!. l ni
i Bea': and jet shudder cape are
.o be as the fashion this spring as
they et , according to the hullo:it
in (not ktolls quarters.
mad fur ht
Wag fancy i r
Itwid n. al
,a b got trial 1
kindle of sprit
I■ tbe e$ obit new spring bon
ails very tow est tot soy e.lobrity or
ttstriety , have .seeped.
oulder cape and 10'.
. a tee of the mew
sure to be t'ery (rel
as esoss i dr-
ead clot
MMeetinadale prof.
r -bade and ugh r
Tis !term
ler, all u: not
things from
foo- railed
"high clam
tom.. frvsl
Pearl. t•
cutters snit
Off who Ia
DUI *obits .
Is Paris
hall mb..u'
to if.
plums h,ra
look as lite
going „et
I tato'
wild atr.•e
reined( 1 esiell•sed for Dyspepsia and all
Sommer o ant. among chil.lrst'. and
1 think ' ' hold should be without
it Nr A. or, Ingold•by, Out. :'
is something sew u.
ry. Th. fs;t that it
adds to the prtcv.
salvor londl.d paper
I.,r the class , 1 boy -
faith in anytbiug that is
sew price.
ars carrying • silver
'f a tennis hell, whish
holds eu ;ugh. sugat-
and styles in oyster
they come Imes, d•• not
stated, as if they were
ion yet • whole.
1se ,.tore.
Dr Fowler's Batract of
and found at the best
skiable Nsrerery.
r. of Neebint, Or.t., says
he has ly found B. B. B. a sure
cure fie pepsia, hut he has also
felted it is be the best medicine for re-
gulating Sed invigorating the system
Tdivinrilogiswer Seen tekeotnj. -•--H - IS.
is the gsgt system regulator O.
oma Terror of tae .mere.
Into the dry good+ store
st sod d.
Vet a seen :yrs.
Mr Goode, druggist, is not s too AK
agent, but has the agency in Goderch
for Johnsten's Tonic Bitten, which he
can heartily recommend for any c•.m-
plaint to which a tonic medicine is sp
plicable. This valuable medicine las
been with most astonishingly good re-
sults in case of general debility, 'oili-
ness, irregulantles peculiar to females.
extreme paleness, impos•erishtnent of the
blood, stomach and Iver trouble. Ions
of appetite, and for that general w'>rn
out feeling that nearly every one I•
troubled with at eons* part of the year
Don't forget the name Johnston's Tonic
Bitters loos. and $1 per bottle at Goode's
dreg store, Albion block, Godoriok, sole
agent. a
The poet olio* safe at $eeforth took a
tweity fit the other day and the corn
bined strength of the entire staff was in
sufficient to turn the look. Before it
coati be ripened Mr Dickson had get
a man from .:alt and a new door will be
reg aired.
Ladles •a1 .
The eostplesion u only rendered un-
sightly by Pimple., Liver Spots and
Yellowness. These it u well known are
nosed from an inactive Liver and bad
blond. Dr Chase's Liver Cur pFurifiea
the blood and whole system. fl.. Re-
cipe Rook foe toilet recipe, hints and
auegestioorla on how to preserve the con.
plosion. .;old by all draggle!.
The McIntosh property, atmpor.d of
fifty acres os the 2nd ooasrminn of Me -
Kill op. and forming part of Jas Mei..
tosh'e farm, was sold at auction in to
on Romsley lest and was pareheswd
Oen Teesbll far $4,170. The sale wag
re.dseed .sensory in order to ri.w ep
the .Mete d the bite Me. Melnto•h.
e A ._ suet e1�•.
The lamest rime. sed we that p
• weirs !linpart me the health .l use
body 1e the liver. if tog/id a inactive
the whole system loesm- diewest
Dr. r. 1'hw'a Llasg Cure mode spacial
kte livor and YM11ey 111141
guaranteed to sew, book
medieiee $L Geld by a
1V r ep
P:e toe. Rollo sad Yt es mer
A mule the crowd.
to Some rich brocade.
gad afiesodidea.
at silk of every .bade
at velveteens:
Jackets, blue sad red -
ea aloe or ten,
A She toad her head sod said
Morgue.* she'd call gra. n.'
--Texas Siftteaa
titre Tea A ('hexes.
Iles • women.
bete. is halt imine task, $'ad;
most is dross.
Ogsea V ietagis tabu •es the oleo's*
light in two path.
Preach womos of mesas affect tie
study of astrusoay.
Helen Dsuvr•y was one of the beat
dressers ou the stags.
Miss tiles has hies 'serried to Mr
Brittle to Pittsburg
.ratan is the most perfect when on-
o-eye (iladstue..
Luta liners sixteen Fairs of diff,rent
show 1n one of he plays
Emily Faithful i• an enthusiastic bae
se of the 1'nmrce. League.
Lilian Resell is the best dressed wo-
es at. who o stag• la pools opera.
Mrs ?Bary le. Bryan get $5,000 • year
fur literary work at Mealu'a
51 COL Patti-Ntooliet requires forty -
throe trunks to esrry her wardrobe.
{lea TM Was.
Dr Fowlor'a 1Littr•eteuf Wild Straw-
derry is the beet. moat prompt and
safest cure for Cholera Morbus, Dv+ru-
tery. Sisk Stomach. Cramps, Cu io,
Narrh.oa and CholasInfautum. %l st
has yet beau disc,‘ or ad. Its popularity
increases each year. All medicine deal-
ers sell it. 2
Th'tsitb all are fond of these lovely
dowers, it ie not entry one who can raise
German asters properly of late yearn
Th•, aeedtogs should he kept growing
briskly, and prevented fn.ut beeuntiug
tot bound. If 'torted from any cause,
the pestilent little aphides aro aluwst
sure to attack the roots, and bins un
derground. are difficult to dislodge.
Soruikle the flower with fault or Paris
green will renera!ly eradie.te the blister
beetles which prey on too nlussoe•a, but
hand -pickier. though ttfy troublesome,
is, after all, more e4iaaciuua. Some
t..rists Stow their planta in a cold frame,
and start them early to be to advance ot
the above pest.
71 -at is to sty, your lungs. Also sol
your g maobatery. Very woa-
d inert it is Not only the
la bot the thousands of
Intl* and cavities leading from
Whoa these are clogged and chocked
,ithW whish ought not to be there,
y,,ur hop cannot half do there murk.
And what they do, they cannot do
Gait soli, cough, croup. pneumonia,
catarrh, eons.=ption or any of the
family el throat and nose and head and
lung obetruotions, all are bad. All
ought to be got rid of. Taste is just
ono sore way to get rid of them. that
is take 'towhee's German Yyrnp, which
any druggist will sell you at 75 cents a
bottle. Sven if *emitting else has
failed yea. Foe nay depend upon this
for eirh&R. 'owl,
tie ew Year boards
Against sodden Colds. irritating Coughs
and soreness of the Throat. Keep Hag-
yard'a Pectoral Balsam at bend for theta
prevalent troobles of Winter and Sprise.
It is the loot tt ii pia d. ` 3
Toa ler ('.$tare..
The p,stioe of giving tea to children
hoe bees digcnased'and commented upon,
amiss! theism* table may be found the
wots11lase Welts that t is heresy to
tents les roma to grown people, the one
.he allows her children to drink it full
• .,is-i�t�-b dpeted milk. T., be mire, there
re othgr drinks, at the present time, that
Ploy tfte thied�gA1fdwms of them ars quite
�e lot a hall cup of
deed tea., wit& the other half of mill
mins a.dtiak Aiwa all children like.
and whish be injarious, Child
ryg take hilitis way when they would
tato it is any other. C -old water
nuipig will try to persuade the children
that odd water is the poly fit drink for
tion_ tdt had a`do not aid dtges-
.ess4m improver tet as much as
it toes eoifee.
••see Mover aatled Apia t'
2e'rr10rd4 over" about it. Hs had
en gttaek et what people can "bilious-
sgglr"anal to smile was impossible. Vet
tgdm o'ety "smile and smile, and be a
,till be was no villain, hut a
, hottest man, that needed •
nosh as Dr Pierce's '•Pleasant
uloid.," which never toll to
sed diaaamed or torpid
anti chronic
.t1 twee not got anything spinet the
prettellsirm 1 love all the preachers. but
w oo off shim get their courage op and
mks .s • 1pspsoee0o6� for temp.ranoe and
o isi theLsard gots to the little fel-
logs sled wpm pert moral talk that way ;
ran awe • split in the *bereft. And
dip Wale t•Uew says : -'Alt right, 1
.t' Spit io the church 1 Why,
Met s llhnrelt in town but dissra t it, the devil will get
mbey bona. i.eok at some of the
tibial, seals and e11namin, bra•el-
p,d nreisig prosodists f 01, it does
UN to hear • Methodist preaching
mil !Wig ag whew all tine babies
OW the gown pe.ple am
gglgts M h-. And here is the Prehy-
pgogehge i• his pulpit on Monday
itlg shoat the penises,-
•ti, sibs& !hats news
IA persevere . fir the
wafer,' sod half
Onto( Whore Mry esu't get
• dtA ; K tit Ep*sepal*n presage/
atieM tit is egeessa.w, to ms
tg1{•A ey semi trait,
• 0
dolt Mei prom
III. the tee Ms.
- A Free Stat.
Around each bottle of Dr Chase's
Liver Cure is a medical guide and receip
book annulling awful information, over
200 receives, and pronounced by doctors
and drutgista as worth ten time. the
Boost o1 the medicine. Medicine and
bv,k 11 Sold by all druggists.
OS Soso&
sr se
Don't all.,w a cold in the bead to .low-
ly and surely run into Catarrh, whoa
you can be cured fur 25c. by using Dr.
Chase's Catarrh Cure. A kw applioa-
tiolu sore incipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 bones
cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 5 boxes is
guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh. Try
it. Only 25c and sure cure. bold by
all druggists. ly
A Riotous -Of one doses "'Dunes
Re" to any outmoding the best four lin-
rhyme on "T•Agsaa%. ' the remarkable
little gem for the Teeth and Bat:.. Ask
y our drugged or address
It is Absurd
lir people to eapoet • Ars ter Iodises.
ties, mama they rebs them MORI
elms is aawhdwsmt; but If aaytkhg
will sbarpes the appetite aad give tone
to the digestive tee alae, U is Ayer. W.
aysrllla, Tbousssds all over the load
testify to the merit. or tido med*Mse.
)ors. Sarah Burroughs. of Wt Bitihth
street, South Baotou, write.: "My hus-
band lima takes Ayer's Sarsaparilla, for
Dyspepsia and torpid liver, sad bas
been pertly benedtwl."
A Confirmed Dyspeptic.
C. Canterbury, of 141 Presidia st.,
Boatoa, Mass.. writes, that, saluting
for years from Isdigestiom he was at
last induced to try A?er's Sarsaparilla
and, by its use, was entirely cured.
Mrs. Joseph Attbin, of Rigb street,
Holyoke, Mau., suffered for over a year
from dyspepsia, so that she could .tot
eat snbetautial food, became very weak,
and was unable to care lox her family.
Neither the medicines prescribed by
physicians, nor any of the remedies
advertised for the curs sf Dyspepsia,
helped her, until she commenced the
use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. "Thies
bottles o1 this mediciee," cls writes,
• cured me."
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Pats?A.aan ST
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
irks $1; da bottles, at. Worth $3 a bolts.
Dea'. eeveaba.
Run no net in Bayne ntedhtine, but
try the great Kidney Avid Liter re:uls-
tor, made by Dr. Chao-, au' h.•r of
Chase's receilee. Try Chase's I.n'rr
Cure for all di.e...s of the Livor, Kid-
ney., Stomach and Borvla Surd by all
The distressing paleness u. often ob-
served In young girls and women. is ..r
in a great measure to a lace of the red
corpuscles in the bino4. To remedy
is requires a medicine which produces
these necessary little 11..,.i constituents.
awl the best yet d,ecov.rad is Johnson's
Tonic Bitters. Price ;dt coats, and $1
_per *10111. atSlob[. a drug. .tura. Albion
block. (loder::h. 8n:e sheat.
Meer Reagreas/e mow.
Four.d at :set, what the true public
has been looking for these many years
and that is a medicine which althougb
but lately introduced, ham mode for
itself a reparation second to none, the
medicine is Johnson's Tonic Bitten
which in conjugata. with Johnson's
Tonic Liver Pills has performed some
moot wonderful cures impure or im-
poverished !stood soon become purified
and eancbed. Biilioasweaa, initteetieoo
sick headache, liver complaint, languor,
weakness. etc., won disappear when
treated by these excellent tonic medi-
cates. For Sale by Good, druggist, Al-
btos block. Goderich, sole agent. [d
T. the IWIIIst PistfsMea. ass. alt wile*
N ewes..
Phnephatino, or Nerve hoot, a Phos-
phate Klement based upon Scientific
Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin,
M. D. of Boston, Maus., cures Pulmon-
ary Conaumptton, Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
and all trading diseases of the human
system. Phoaphatine is nut a Maclecin*.
but a Nutriment, because it contains no
Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates
Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but gimp'
ly the Phosphatic and Gastric Elements
found in our daily fund. A single bottle
u suffioiont to oonvinoe. All Druggists
sell it. $1.0) per bottle. Lonnie &
Co., sole agents for the Dominion,
56 Front Street East Toronto
u area
Nasal tame••
MA ' TO tf C. ham the threat
sur anomehe egSstss+tles sae* by Co.
lamb. Mid ley Drngghts, s gnat pro.sfd w
reset* of }rise, ttlg. aid $1. Adds
PIPLIowst & 0s.. Illeeelni11111.e deet.
ORATZiVl.--COi towrixo.
lis's coc1Ii
'R • th.,4.b ka.wie'the.ef Ma among
and •
1.sre whet' g.vsrs th. 1e..of 1•n
the a etrit$no. a•' Yt' Iso Coma. is
wtew.rtt•s t khat coals with a
d �1. 1 o.bighwr rd ,lair qtr «l
salt•Ig� aMSw tete. mayab" iew•
ro•a•ore e llsathesatlag .moat te •t
von ,i 5* ?h lsd h .two Por -pare
l'Io_ia i
A :! M POWD S.
Ara plovers% to tote. Contact thd. r owe
I. a $.a:e. retro, &., .t elle crs.l
sumo .e, tar *main C .il.L re or Adana
Stomach. Ll
bet rr Was .,
vignettes the 57stem.
For ale by James McKay drnrT:st. Dua
gammon. Price :4 eta sod AI.
11wt:-g had a151t Afters rears' espertene in meaning sane** at d r -ameba three tee a
few 1e'I•erraol 110Wm that I have dfmrutee.d to regard to the HY11. •tamecondor, w1WL5.557
m,cd pr.. " .te srgern.rll7 overall Wore :
1. Per • • an hes furnished ..n .h.•rtee ent1. a shat by any ether siouneny,
Jrdrr. •oft with ow in M a.tt_ ran b' Abed by x p.m. fleet the auu.ut.cter7. This (slim
user Important print tat be rona.trrt'd du. (tut the *ay l,•rvemt titae
1. (Ise ,n,a .ae,$.4% li1htl,la.'*repos,Iybefit. alma. rarlwlvel7of.r.ri,anti !sthee T
lyre 1st ter Ode l wand *erg load wr.tlwr than any et the «hen-
t, t ten .tat a ttoveyhat Mae, and can always be fogad al sty atop. sttrn.!tog to Aunties".
! trtee... wasttag PIN hof tasehb.e. tit gest e.Mly headier. Trig goof durably. the mootrsI)y reps'r!tt, amp reset *goitre theirorder. at my shop. Ibore the lent.•.c Mock of re -
pat.. ter tarAtis tars Meteor a,7 accent in Pte section.
AND .'.LL .'t-ats
1st. rases*
Liter s'.wplalat
.1r1. Need ache.
•roue y.
Practical M.ehla'n, Engine Ita;Mer oral Uses/rot I:crafter rf ell kinds of Machias
10ur41.....esu.tib. 'threshing Ma .1nm,•. aamplor stele 1.'..' ,Jut* lathe maestros
►opt on has.!. attd tamers lsau,rmg art quant sir can Le ..p„y..i. L. your orders.
.t(.► K stat. • t .., lbveletAli.
May Apple Blood
head and is -
Tlie Out Retabttehed Boot ted Stine Niles of (iMerl. h. gill to the frost with one of tLe Lore..
Rte. k. In the Doeviume. Va.u.p. Anil
ladies' Fine Go�ds
In Hinton Wows. Aelmore's congress. Oxford 'flea lheee different styles of Kid Slipper -
•k, op to oar pr.... Fog Ifir. Felt. Plash. Peep. Pruuel.a, Carpet.
Wllrwam end German shippers in pndusion.
J:.set* dos. r:ptwn .both of Canadian and Amer:.aa sea..'h. 1 .Quid a:w call obe atteatwn
us F.11: to that part of Puy stock especially suitable cue theta. such as
Long Boots in Calf, My and Cowhide,
I hat r a Igoe of Vett Bram. ley own stake, scknowI dggst,l to be the Best Pelt Boot made is
(:+Yds. Proving and ameba/ sheet[,a ghee to
1o' Flea+s hear three facts* mad :-1 hate Ay far the ierwest stork of Roots and Shoes .s
town : !'bey are of the very best quality pew urable beteg evade by the best toaaufacturers'a
Canada : And I will roll u prices as low or lower lona anyone else.
So/truing • eourattasce of your valued eaeteaa a liberally accorded me during the past
fourteen rears. 1 remain, yours faithfully.
Oi abler Stock. (•or. teat-st. end 9ersare.
And evert spartan of sinus, from
dlardrvd LIVER, KIOtetY•. •T
BOW11:.11 oh •1000,
T. LL.BURN & E0.. Prwl=„. ,
m7 shop to tbe laces
sem t•a�e torr s$gs,
tweof these therms
homed Hoch e.t.r
t1s1 CLaIre. sod
trod • Jserseorr as
faseber. sen are is a
ee.ltbn to do
W e r a than hereto-
ledrat Children'
!lalroating mads •
onetaall days;
Re ror•us& am
A large gnantfy bf flows -elan Cleo/Irian Day
Cedar Shingles. extra 1111ok15., are oa head
teaar mW, as reenoeabM ratio.
'Call sae examine berate parelaseeg else.
Bncbanan,Lawson : Bobiison
ttaltAn ..ode of this Yeast
look us Vint Masa at (Mune
Fell ohms or asp.
0,,, mom teary hew ...ease
oral* it . mmriyhlr�eaa�l
by aro.
It mesa as
bhew .siLa [moo .ei
there IDI rhi eery sew. h
ane �.g1r-
RIOSyI.,LY wlrohseil % •M
*wt wi1Y"ahr Nttbm
isms situ tu*I Tits
s- i o o•w , I51 tinge
r~+ MY
• •�seamrpwa Is eimir� fIr
rr ors. g7�'�!f� t
e m •55454: we gaol
MnnY.hMt lig a
fire*Oa.. Pallasd
.iii.. nes.... ..� ..m.... .
!N West Street. t w. doorsea* or P.O.. O5 .rah
The oedieslemod, while tbakI.g rho public for their liberal pstressge bestow*
sena hist Amo* ewmtasastAS huNaeas, bees to entwine* that he has pot dews hie
irlose t.
Iocs OTTOM FIsaMs,
as wallas psrtleelsrly to tall attention to fele
from 10 cts to 76 cts per Ib, Maple Syrup, finest case Prunes
pure Spices, Lawry celebrated Bacon, cooked Corn Beef,
Cut Myrtle, Cavendish and Club Tobaccos, best
American fine cut chewing Tobacco, fresh
salt and canned Fish, best quality.
12 Bars of Soap for 25c. 3 Scrubbing Brushes for 25c.
Iemala. Oreassa Wisse Caedy: A Mel Obsesta - Drops. ate.. eta. Oesersl
Ilroceriesjlroclery, Glassure. Floor, Feet
tT'Rktl me trim. paid for,on' peederr.
•VOO1M/i07t TO O. L. aL'Ztf''!0S![.
H1aki s Block. the !knew., dodsrtoh.
Yesatsh, lbeeI fK MA. •llt