HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-6-29, Page 5v IMP THE HURON BI9NAL, FRIDAY, J1 NE 29. 1888- DQ�iIN TO THE CASA BASIS 1.5 '!H$ OLJ)EST STOIE nit T8$ COUNTT OF EURO! HAS JUST PASSED THROUGH THE CUSTOM HOUSE A LARGE AND VARIED ASSf►RTMENT , F� French Wool C1inieres, Merinoz, De1es, Jeey, Nuns' Clolh and Mnslin, IN A VARIETY OF COLORS, AND AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE OFFERED IN GODERICH ter Ooze's BLUE PilINTS PION 7C. ?Est 79. tri SfL2X.v , y I ssoST maer, READY - MADE CLOTHING. Those who want a first-class Canadian- Tweed, well -made suit, will save at least 20 p.c. by buying from me. "X"1110.4316s .1111Liv3Cl► 40€.31P1703Mimm In Teas, Coffees, &c., we now, as we always have done, take the lead. In Blacks w,3 have Olong, Pouchong, Bohea and Congo. We have the finest Kasone Congo imported. Coffees and Spices also warranted. IN TOBACCO WE KEEP ALL THE CHOICEST BRANDS. Hardware, Glass, Paints, Oils, White Lead, Etc. I import myown Glass, and am enabled to p give satisfaction to Builders and others at a very low ut'e. In Builders' Hardware f keep a full supply. -n-heady Mixed Paints I keepnone but the best, and guar- antee them. We keep Johnston's Pure Decoration White, and other good brands. A. FULL SUPPLY OF BARB WIRE. STOVES, AGRICULTURAL TOOLS, ETC We are agents for the Perfection Cook Stove, the cheapest and best in the market. a hand. Sheathing pMachine HayForks, Spades, &c., always ood supply on "Paer, gOil,Steam Packing, Packing, Leather Belting, &c. In fact we keep everythinghand frc on a steam engine to a pin. Paris Green, London Purple, Rodgers' Machine Oil,Binding Twine. C• -e CRABB,Square, Goderich. CC 0 etC 0 THE PRINCIPAL '1N3W1V3111 COLD MEDICATED. Hasp Orrice. 214 Yoseeerr.. Toaorrro. R. WASHINGTON, M.D. L.1.P.i.O., &mines: Throat and Lues Surreal. WILL VISIT GOOERICH, 116101 NOTEL, JULY IETII, 1888, wall 111 o'clock p.m.. Asd Oso* a Meath Tbersaftsr. r+T.&utn Twrsn. -Catarrh of the Bead and Thro.t.Catarrhal Inate..,Chra0M area- cbltU aath...4 C..s* ptt.e. Le. d leaks. Sore Throat. Refereed T Pele- trot (dike Ne.. removed. C�, OM ATARRH THItOAnTIR OpNN i). = Tbssa.w a trw of the nae wbo bare Mas .tr.a w c.er tar m. A. w a.bt.a a.•. E. a. Lea.. Mideeliertb. Oat.. catarrh, bead Mre Jae. $rls Ont.. reeorlas Mr lesveaasa fbdtoror�Pstaoll . Oat.. M1. M. Cer.I . Wk �O.R. asthma btnllcl�adre Cis catarrh of tae Mn J. I.aa*II see. [I.OMos. catarrh Mn Rah* (:b.raIm Oat.. catarrh Ilet Mn aMN J.a. ees Jt.pt/ease.O.Lbronchlkl.. John A. Lima► c.terrb. Jobs IL. K.asQ. P.0.. Oat.. catarrh. MidA. D. UtUa a se.. Wow. Oat, a/Wrb had sail tateat. Mrs P !� . e O. �eat.rrb. throat. siat lat[. eolith Pierces eta.dOsR. enlarred *0.- W.1Jaran,kPa .O t. e.*.,► 1Mn Jai. veer. Ost., catarrh Asad ass R. Noble. ,Dweller sad w.Mhw.ker. Patulin. °staH. WOW. P. 11 R Weal Oat., brewed* W. H.at.,�s)�� eftrane r & Ilse. Adan. LLora 1laaebtetstara a ,d a1 /suis. IZ sed eek Alm ter e.rdo..r.. flu/ IIPOBTAITT TO FIRM 4.111 .ess�d ... s1/w..r Nskt.e ht. 1b awl of 6a.eP 11b... THE MOWER'S FRIEND, in tM hme. jea ram M.4 dam iblf k t ....Mklea tnlra saris w 1, eve sw meas swim Mrd work at tact. .weans. la nee pre tis a ever"; Agee& OLIIII tIIN'T a 00. sr N Weat.gt.eat. east. Tweets. INV RETIRING FROM BIISINESS. 1 ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAR STOCK oP CgOICE STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS LT VERT LqW PsRIOftoft_ L roe squ.ne. of Kr. H. W. &othour retiring front the Dry Goods Department of the business on the 10th of est, we have decided to der the entire /tee If t $100.000 at very low prices, so as to secure a very lam reduction of it before that date. The high clams character of the goods ie well &poen. This girlie a grand opportunity for aecnrisg bargains in BLACK AND COLORED DRESS GOODS. BLACK AND COLORED SILKS AND SATINS. TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, kc. TABLE AND PIANO COVERS. - SHEETINGS AND PILLOW COTTONS. MILLINERY. MANTLES, DOLMANS. SILK AND KID GLOVES. HOSIERY. PARASOLS. Aug - All sew choice goods, and narked at very low pries... 5 PER CENT. OFF 1n addition to the very low prices which the geode ars marked at, we will allow on all cash discount of five (5) if perm of WOO . H. W. BRETHOUR & CO. Dealt S1R,— I take this medium for announcing that on the 10th of August, it is my intention to retire from the Dry Goode Department of the busi- ness so long carried on by me ander the name and firm of II. W. Basreova 1t Co. Having had now a long and very close application to business of over Thirty Years, I feel entitled to at leant partial rest and release front the cares of a large business. In making this announcement, I extend to the thousands of cus- tomers and correspondent' shwas thanks for their liberal patronage, and the universal maddest* bsubowed on me. carfEWhile ntse lbas� the Dry Goads Department I will, however, Clothing mtCarpet establishment on a larger scale than heretofore, and visor. directly under my own supervision. Special ottentkon will be b the Ordered Clothing Depart- ment ; also to the Carpet and Hones Furnishing, so as to make them e replete in every partkeuler. Soliciting a continuance of your pa am, patronage, H. respectfullyBRETNOUR BRANTFORD. APRIL, 1888. a REMOVED ! Rees Price & Son have removed to the mammoth store formerly occupied by Wm. Kay, next to Bank of Commerce, where they will be happy to meet their old customers, and as many new ones. REES PRICE & SON. There is no Mistake About it. The public verdict is that ALEX. MUNRO has the right Goals, right prices and in the right time. I want to emphasize the fact that I study the re- quirements of my eustorners, and have made a special effort this season to procure everything New, Useful and Fashionable that is worth having. I make no specialty of low lines of Goods, I aim at keeping ?ood articles, and at prices eommeneurate with quality. If brevity is the soul of wit, I will not exhaust patience by particularising particulars, but will merely say that in all departments there will be found a choice awortntent ILL 00000 MUD 11 HAIR FIGURES. A00 STRICTLY ORE PRICE. aper and Haberdasher. ihreary data !a Busilszoss sherd get Ms QNo. StaUOna m Printed. 1 1 .4 - ' . et ` — ---- - - 1