HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-6-29, Page 3• THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1888. •, THE PYRAMIDS. Another Letter Frotu the Lela ad Of the Phoroohn Mei Stromlo -4 Tomtits or farts Th. Assent of tris.... -ansae f.$I s $meets• -wet a.■ .• *bomber some ..tie of ••was•. e:reat..t Vealy•• 1.mas 0.:: o••u J: re.tr4iell:. '•1 aslud.: 1tm.: To wLouu arta. this high. yajatic •itt% here mouldering Is decay t Us.a.rored net. out slol::er aped his wee. With t;e.aet.a,a pi,.MII wlu.:owlag the .t.7 i mw ryr;i.i.. Malt. (-Dm stone to t•ose • Dread Pewee.- lento'. tail oi whwe vast da*Ige alw cheokrl ray to -Pier sneer: in.ulleu tune : •N -;,.toe out., It Gua. i dart n,.' u,w 'in. Mtn ." Many acid atrtnge have bison t • e speoul•tioas attd loaves propeuuded as to the use ot these ...otiose. works of man, the pynuttds. Grutanea, tefrplet, ob servatunes, stau.ian! o f newt'', and measures, and mush. have .11 had that strong advoo.ttee, and at •sue kill* w much wag Mold .Litt rawest un the Pyre - moue nod their orient that the French. English and liermen scholar. weto for . few yea's. iterutg from Pyramid -mania, with the result that It ww pretty gener- ally cu::cludsd th.it there u.autmotb piles wens simply intended for tombs. Euly .corning found w to. our way to the Te3xx met at VTAAI:IJ.+, situated sine ,vile. from Caiho nit the west aids of the `fie. ant lust on tits bordets of the great Behar t it.o t. The red is tires class. waodiue u1 and out thmtyh the narrow street. of old Cairo, aid •ruut.d ...Iden' barrtcle, public gardens, the !•;hedtvr's palsew, unw by • asagnitcent nee bnd,e, tib* ho teres,. mounted by ra•nptnt it -ns, we cross the dirty muddy Nile, and away.behind • 403.011 to the rent, and to the east we peic gW r of .panktnrey., that sed Egypt see Cairn with its minarets. glittering and the Egyptians fifty Per cent ut Der dodges, squares, narrow weeding street- tswtty gala" for who should he the e lse to sessepsey us. we Karted hsse- eawsrds. Ls.Maethe Seeds et sheet the middle of the worth side we pedtd ly .,ode our way to the worth eget Guts t dead thee begs s that h.4, olds, ►god diode t2aamee .BoAn . Arab MOMMOMweb polliwog, sad un• "toweling e. belied, slowly olio each .1 us over the great Moira a.1 Kew. only shoes Ate etre erwateaed M £Lents CLIX.1'iu or genal/ aloft .:art hope to escape the w ere mesad it*rvoes prostration that at• toedo this giddy climb. When about halt w- v up, we roofed Ili 4 tuolte about eight feet &Vlore, where. i,i the long past some power had dislodged 001 of the gent blocks sod it had careered with a fearful turor to the ground bonsai b Gradually we turned our faces outward true' the rocks to look down the path we had ,.c,uded, hilt it was found sd sizable to ••Ieok aloft' and Keep our face h.•vesward. After half an bout's t..0 the top is reached. Front the 1rouud it looked as it the apex would not p.rna:t three men t.. stai.d together, but the w hole party. guides included, had plenty of room. 1t is 30 feet square, and • few a,nvenient used boulders, toured and rets",th, are just .bat the putting climb- er required fur seats. t ,w ..t our p.rsy had • severe time coming up, and was about to retort". but a Io ig rest with heed buried out nt sight of everything. renewed hie °ounge, and he flnsllj reached the top, but tiered not approach the edge until se all returned Weather. ♦ is at. 7troogi n.law is obtained from this trine eters- non, the highest of man's ingenuity. 11Itrao.bourg cathedral is ',ohm 20 feet St. Peter's in Rome, within 30 feet, at d at. Paul'., Loudon within 80 feet of tl height. The p..'ple below look rat larger than toddling babes, and sway in the distance north and south the Nile doss majestically with its hundreds of camels ; the rvfiesbing valley clad in tbv brightest ut green, neatreating'Orono!) with the shining yellow sands ot the estimation, et dy idnn. a .teal turn piked r,iil, well shaded with **twilit and pea trees on .ober side. T'sis ew- henkmeat mad was built by the Khedive m 18418, add the Priers and Princess of Wales were the first to pass over it to the Pyramids. A thousand k:t7Ptian wldiesa on their way to some southern Dart of their country. attended toy about half as many comp follower., women and children. dogs sad donkeys, the whole • thnugh they are void of architectural molly crowd ..f halt -starred, heli -clad beauty and built us the simplest lines, in mire ham/pity, were obliged to re way to feet the very shape that a lisping child nor landau and prancing steed.. Our wruld start to build with his wooden carried?* sttd pair for the day Cog us the blocks, still the fact that they stood the modest sum of sitteen francs, or about erasions and convulsions of five thou - SO'. and anyone *spending thisamount on mod yaars, and wudern man with all ♦ feetAlO'f►•Ll TUR0LT I his accumulated wealth of knowledge could not erecta similar tit this benighted land. seems to have rte of Kx actio the privilege of riding down all before them. It is well that Egyptian coach- should inspire the tourist with a deep men remain in their own laud. for should reverence (nr these mo•iuments of they ever try to drive through the' tor".1f is estin noed that 100,000 marebisg ranks in a civilised a Pantry ' men were employed for about fifty years they would stand a good chance of beiuq 1 • the ereetiun of Cheops. sad mIl that run through on the spot. .\ tittle mon than es hour's dove brought us to 'those glorious works of line iotelli goal," sod u 1 stand gazing upwards at the Tartest of the three great Pyra- mids, • strange mister* of admiration, • wonder, speculation sod dissppotntmest comes over me. The calm of the desert, the deep bine of the sky. the unaccount- able .'-tree of Mt, irises all add to the ad- mire -1 •n end magnitude, while the en- I f„rtuoately more than from orae arm as flumes of gt+lite towering Into 1 stone terrace to another, we reached the the say likes monster atone tremaen or hot mads +data On the way down e and oweraltadowiny citadel, and over all a bright blue canopy of delieete sky. times tlt1 m a picture that wtU ewer be effaced from the memory of the behold tr. Some who visit the pyramids often assume • swaggering lippent style of e xprwiug their opinion, and speak of these old montmeuts of t.*u'i might as ugly piles of .tone wearing a few a --es of • howling wilderness of sand. But Mw tis gooier. INN hienoghihtes thea veld help N tstl.tvel the mystery ut its origin. lurnfessor Paoli Smyth sees i• time rd greaits boa a standard of aeon sad ...tab', fur all ages It it 7 t feet long, 3 feet broad. and the e. psi. about 3 feet. It hes nu ltd. but 1 notio.d ♦ s 11ta/7111.1 UOtrsivaR. e it had its the drys of its neefnlness for looa1uy ►tmot. When complete the greens lid alai in two gru..ves like the lid of s woolen match b -.x. But its the lower eurf.o. of each groove to • hole .bout 211 tme►es deep mud the some diameter ; the ltd had two cylinders of the sett•* size loosely placed w morn. - ponding holes on the .oder surto.' of the oaassiVe ltd which wee placed au the gnoutea and showed along b. its proper place shoe these two col/oder kola dropped tutu the holes thus effectoally lucking the bee that no Doe, not even the rimier, could ever get into it without dean,' mg the lid. Clue corner of this old but imas beeo.brtken ud and *triad away by ruthless tratell•rs,aid fro doubt tt the pyramids had been rioted by tourists since they were built in tits ..at. yearly proportion as the last twenty years shows then would not 11e one atuae upon the another, Everyone make, it • point to carry of ..1111 emL.it or'ests'a uaOATWAT FOLLY, Erin the writer, who beg a just epprecia two and revenue” cur all things made sacred Cy age, could not resist the tempt- ation o1 chipping Of a corner ut one of the high !.lucks of the (treat Pyramid, and carrying it away with hitt. The fact that there still remains 83 millions of cubic tett fur future travelli rs to woodtr et, srpothered the small vomer wtthiu, and I have the satisfaction of showing ib.a relic 10 my lees -travelled ftiands to- day. Thu said relit, I may odd, is very stammer to any piece of acute I might peck up, and my friends generally receive the awry of its being a part of the Great Pyramid with • anis of salt, wit las only been a means of raisin` in the mends of my incredulous trteuds doubts as to guy ren sty. D. E. M. C, Where raises l'*.te. A well known artist gave me some cu- rious information the other day reRard- ixi( the aromas from which the colon A..teem. Trial UANDIE MH MEIN. Un rose Loose saves wee meioses S Robe ..n.11. To sell a man charming. in face. or lovely, or b..isi f 1, or prey, is to mom- 'mise—almost to Moult One—entire Mr. Frank Lela. A mats can o..ly he called handsome, end very, very ie. awn min be abed that. A handsee'e men must be manly in tiger., °Davey the idea of strength tad guargo coder the cant r.poeeful eateru.[. U. must have ibe shapely baud*. feet sod all that tell of good blood and cal- trvat.J progruitoi• ; he must hat• kis bead well shaped, well met and well me- rriest. Coloring dues not much matter, tau that titoru be no red upon the cheeks, and hot too much in Lha Zips, .uJ per- haps the meso, tints lend themselves nitwit satisfactorily tc wenly beauty, but, above all, the handsome man must never be stout. Tb. berry throat which over- t.,.. the shirt dollar newt r carried with it an air 1.1 redeemer t, whatever it may do of atrougth. A basade man runs the risk cf weakness and insipidity, •ud a Week bearded man is handsome, ono though be be a trifle melodramatic, but Mull gulden -haired •ud black -hatred men have beau very attractive the •urld over. of course, below this grand climacteric Us the thoroughly haidwme man there are ranks after ranks of good looking. at- tractive, pleamnt•facitd men—some upon Whom cue loves to look and find sweet content in contemplating faces and corms far from faultless, and yet quite satisfactory. And here we come upon ooe of the most stenos and ilu est cruel conditions of our beine. A man may er may not he handsome, he may or may not have physical ettrsctivenees what- ever, hot nobody likes him the less for the deficiency, he never tinds it • barren in his career, • source of failure in his life ; women low him and men approve of him just as readily as if he is hoed- own ; in fact the woman or women wt s low hem sot him down as hehdoome in serene defiance of the rules of beauty or :he opinion of the world. one bods in a paint hue aro derived. Frances it , ofEmasdale, Mus Every quarter of the globe is ransacked kuka, writesI was troubled with vomiting for two yeses and I have vom for the material—animal, vegetable and ited as often as else times it day tln. millers,: —employed in tat it manufac yuttle of Burdock Blood B'ttnt comp'ett- tare. !7 cured me.' From the cochinoal insects are obtain ed the gorgeous carmine, as well as the crimson, scarlet cartuluu and purple lakes. Sepia is the inky fluid diechareed by the cattle bah to render the water opaque fur its oubualtuettt when shacked. Indian yellow is from the camel. Ivory black and bone black are evade out of ivory chip•. The exquisite Prussian brae is rot by fuming horses' hoots and other refers animal matter with impart potassium o•rbnwte. It was discovered by an ac- cident. time the living Ch•:ps was acting se 1 In the vegetable kingdoms are includ- owrrher in the building of his own tomb I ed the lakes, derive from roots, barks Zech year he saw that two courses of ; and Gums. stone work were carried from bottom to i Blue black is from the charcoal of the top, w that when he had reached hie vine stalk. hundredth year and passed away, hiedI Lampblack is soot from certain resin - tomb was ready to be sealed god cased i oto substances' ever with polished granite bearing in hieroglyphics the history of his reign. 1 From the madder plant, which grows After • great deal of slipping and sliding, I in Hindustan, is manufactured Turkey red. Gamboge come from the yellow sap of • tree, which the natives of glum gust stairway, SI( me with wonder sod height thought struck us of giving the catch is cocoanut shells. speculation - and withil I se' disap- pair of unmentionables we than wore to I gave sinus is the natural earth fnm pointed u. the size sed appearance• the guide when the hotel was reached, the neighborhood of Sienna, Italy. Raw umber is an earth from 1 mbria, and is also burned. Overdrawn downtowns lead us to men-' but when we repined the emend the tally pi^ture ortersgeeested sites, and idea was dissipated nn closer .limina• the cats we generally see do not show the ton, for it wet found they would not r,egh broken uneven outlines as they .Pro effeoteally °weer he' nakedness than •ctaally are. the ragged pair he had on. .t mag who Tis wag♦r n'R♦ytu would sat up besinees at the bottom of ! ('hoops would do a thriving trade in is 480 feet high, and its base covers an pante. But now for the interior, for e11 area of 13 scree it is bods of blocks of u1 pyramids have granite, some meaeaneg 30 feet lung sed +[PC U'ts R1L (-RAMI[/01 f, feet square, connected together by a kind of concrete of a reddish Dolor. A and the great pyramid has five. A prineipal question is how these hocks I streams story is told et the dieso very of were earned up to each a height It is them chambers. Abet a tho.esnd proved almost beyond • doubt that them yern ego as Arab Khalif, who believed pyramid adders were parsed of wase 1 that great treeswree were stared bees, mechanical powers unknown to oar 1 ordered hie enirteeim to open the pyo• modern eajineen, for in mosey of the 1 said. The psassgeway le '23 feet tram bloat small square holes can hes mien by the metre of the north side and the which a hold was ad* on the immense l Khalif's workmen began at the ..etre so Emus. bat what the t •'rr teas that 1 that they had quarried their way for 100 raised thee' 400 feet no one can tell. ( feet thruughi soled masonry before a tau_ The method was .opposed to have bees I Om stone disclosed the vicinity ot the o follows A small miscall of sans* red peassgr. But all they foa.d whet mos been k to with sed gdyear (h r .s11y yr they reached the eat Chamber was $ atter year as the t. eon& lived and 1 •cage chest without • lid. To satisfy ruled _he otr tier of steads were odd"I the di.cu.test of his people •t lateiae which reased the greet pyramid acidity and 'Proh ' id to iM Hess Leak, he heti e present enormeas ewe, when the then : quantity of veld planed secretly is the ruler, Cheops, had Meanest his hum- chamber, which we' subsequeny The m- dredth year and thea he died. covered and satisfied the people. pyramid widest'', had been previwesly es - toted and rill.d,but no ons knows who. nor by whom. Throegh this forced peonage we slowly peeked out *tope, so Arab leading us by we hand, seri soother following up io the rear. Down we go with but • glimmer of light from the There are altaw•ther twogty-three pyra- mids of various sae along the Nilo valie/. Thom of Gewalt an cher larx*et. and when r fetesos is made to these se - slot moeemq.te tlt.e. throe are Roaorel- Iy understood. They aro named Cheeps, Cephreees and 5. ..rims., atter three w:,sora'. rt.ake. A Sew York millionaire wl.n outs a n umber of tenement houses, and who u rather a severe land) .ri, is looi•ing for • • new Valet. He has just discharged the one he had because he tlrauk tow. much waw the night of a party. an I became ia,padent to his emploi er, The discharged va- let was an Italiao,by the name of 31a- loni. "3Llnni," said the millionaire, as he *.arched all his pockets a few days ego. "did you find a fifty -dollar bit in any ot my pockets when you were brushing this suit yesterday !" "No, sor, its that same 1 did not " "Very scrooge ! Wunder what I did with k." "1f I may make an bouid. I'd stureest that untybe in wan of yer Yts of absent moinded 'enormity, we pre it to wire poor widdy woman to help her pay her not in wan o' yer houses M•lo.ni Know driving an ash cart. To them vegetable olewt.Ot may pro- bably be added ink, which is said to be trade from burnt camphor. The Chi- nese, who aloe produce it, will eat re- veal the secret of tts anespoeitioa. llaetio—the hoe of the varnish en called --is from the guns of the mastic tree, indigenous to the Grecian erchi- Distress the soot of wood ashes. Ot real uknm•rioe bet hale is found in the market. It it obtained from the precious lapis-lazelt and commands a fabulous pries. Chinese white is sine, scarlet is iodine of 'mercury sod cinnabar. or native Ter - million, is from quicksilver ore. powertel kiss' of Eire B. C.. at.- W maty. sad the maggoty is hoar" who lured in marrow three feet opening ;atm sidism. Mg these graa giant gleesome •tt five thoaesid years old. Cheops, the larger* is 4110 feet in Height, envering shoat 13 acres ; Copbreees is 430 fest kith. cov- ering 111 ores ; sad *ye.rines 206 feet igb, cuverus 3 acres. Having viewed the roegh eutliw of these three somotaia• of stone, situated all within $c1111111111111111anus's o .qusarter of • mile of ase another we de -1 the Isrge1 .p•rtmeet en thes pyramid, drolly, the 4th about 1 or fest duan this iodise of ghost 27 degrees, sed oar doe►I.d op poster* Noe got us Ia a heavy perep'retwn• Bat now the another' deers ; it is sot lownwarde but op, at the saw • eagle, her • daimon of *twat 300 feet when we reach the tertnioed ea making 101 AM'IWrT OF C.WI'g. Abeet ere is every ten who visit this world's weepier makes the ineset, se a ease1ts44 at all hoards to stead cls the apes. Abets' Drente Arabs by this time had •.s'ee'ded us, ..seams M .Ki from general the holden a d.warp bolas sad mobs is the planets, for no homes habitant+ nowise at hand. tad them fellows. tie TaFI, live by eisetetipg tnviN*s le the meson end egpteeitit the tseseier. 110 *be ra el$e red ow the 'tweed oleo .itgtm"t1/ tete tseidN eased. straws ellf, the Oath chin u1 the bated Ipir Ire sf three natty mew for of ' stat tarty of three, add ear • Rae lift anew the FARM AND 0 A sow should tot be all dove bot ou* toter helot, years old. Sheep grant esum to the theswtur. *tomtit art be ammo They will m..; °o clover. A moria. nm nosed .•n *beep will double the yield the Yet afoot slim., tbu. by .elf the ant aaasuu. The lima hist in marl.si the highest prices. Fit chits keg then as sour. aa pusetbts most be kept in good cued,:4.4 With the present took.. and d.euud, pigs should be p ward as rapidly es possible. psi cu1111 the la.gest possible the seawu is favourable. With common stock the at. -,At pos- sessing the Largest amount 01 i:ybey will usually ark the offspring. a um_ take is made with the hr.: . -1ipf the effects will show for some time g, Farmers who have nut bowies. sheep cosy bud this a good omit to Try a few at brat, and gave Miro geed can, and iocrees, the flock as log w that g, od retures cats be made. • YID S. S._"OREUOI" TWENTY FIVE 25 ollet Setts NEW PATTERNS. NEW SHAPES Prices to Suit everybody. Young pits ought to be well nattered *honoree we haw a heavy ran, TMg Ltd easily drowmed, and haru 'magas rains, such as we often have at tele .ss - son of the year, will [truss tuts G:ch (or them. Mulching continuously is a dowse' practice, se it draws the hoots t.. sag the surface, w they lose their h 1.1 es the wit. Mulching curtsnts s: time rat fruittug is to be commended This fruit does best in partial shade. If the pigs are to have the run. - the orchard or a good pasture whets the habit of noting is objects gnat.., the safest plan is to nue them earl If they are turned out on the range ,r god pasture, keep the rings out, ar-d le: then root 1 honestly think, says T D h: j ish. that a healthy and able-bodied t •sd of industrious habits will get away Marti and digest his own weight of inset^s in twenty four hours. If you 7..0 ._. be of an insecticide! turn of mind, turn out by daylight and watch the toed* settee breakfast. It is entertaining If is a poor policy to ecoaom:it o0 egg -plants. They ars not satisfied no- lem the sail is made as rich as possible, ted act ezp•irt gsrdner, who inranably grasps the tirst prizes for his fruit erery year, moo he forms a shallow teaile .roud each plant to receive a week', Lao o f liquid manure. The breeding sow may be allowed to have pigs when she is a year old. If she is thrifty and vigorous, she will produce you0g at sight or nine months old, bit a year old is young enough. If allowed to breed younger, sows are apt to Ret stunt- ed, and wiU never recover from it. The pits will also he dwarfed its sire and -.1 inferior quality. One ot the most serious hindrances to onion growing is the onion maggot, the laver of a small fly resembling the house Ay, hut smaller. No positive remedy is known. bat it is a common belief amen: gardeners that when the maggot be onuses troublesome it is a good plan t.) change the land, which otherwise would not be done, for. unlike cahbare sed many other crop+, onions thrive well year after year on the same land. . Send SSW is made by the proprietors of Hag7ard's Yellow Oil, who. have long offend to re- peoded tor that remedy if it fails to give satisfaction on fair trial for Rheu- matism, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and all painful c,mplainui fur which it is recom- mended. mese S. When even nook and corner seems full, consider the walls. A geoid many things may be hung on a strip of wood running across your bedroom or kitch- en wall, covered from dust by a calico curtain. Envelope bags straightened by ropes or lath strips, may hang anywhere to held aprons, collars, hats,newspapere. everything. Packing boles may be placed one above another and shelved and eoatsined, nr small ones may be padded lits ottomans and use for seats sad asses to hold ted linen nr under- clothing. A few yards of bright chintz adorn* a room wonderfnlly in the way of curtains, chair .evers and scrap begs• as ferMW roe to tet roue. Dyspepsia is dreedfuL Disordered liver is misery. Iadtgeoioa is a foo to Rood nature. The bonsan digestive apparatus is one of the mast eomplieeted and wonderfel things in existence. It is easily pat out of order. Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food, bed cookery. meatal worry, rate boots, inet0iar habits, and any other thieve which ought sot to be, have mads the Americo people a nation of dyspeptics But Green's August Flower has done a wonderful work is ..forming this sad boom and making the American people an healthy that they can enjoy heir meals sad be happy. Remember :—No happinees without health. Bet Green'. Aegost Flower to the top .1 the rail, 5041 lhe0 get a brigs health and hoppinese to the paves of matting as long. but as wide es dyspeptic. Alk your droplet foe a liked and of whatever color you prefer, bottle. tfevesey-he orate e.wly although the white is best en ammo of 11- t'ALI. .AND SEE TUZ]t AT CHAS_ A_ NAIRWS:U Goderich. April 21 195. Spring Goods —1N— .GREAT VARIETY- -SMD �I— ratcBs TO NIT ALL i —AT TIM— TORONTO CASH STORE. It is always bad policy to crop bearing 'orchards. and one reason for this is that -t generally prevents their pasturing by pigs, which are the beet scavengers fur destroying wormy fruit, with its con- tents. The apples in our markets world be fairer if pigs had the range of apple orchards, and the pigs themselves world be more healthful food. 1f not rigid, , Dip dill give an orchard all the plough ins it needs, with no danger or injury t., tree roots. Each owner of a garden may have she sedan raspberries. Cuthbert for red, and Greg for black, will, in 'poet sec tions give entire satisfaction. The de mriptioos of new varieties read well, and the illustrations are captivating, but the !attest yield after all is .from such as the above. Dig the soil thoroughly. manors freely, and do not crowd the plants. Set the reds very shallow, and the blacks deep. Partial .had* is no detriment, and dight mulching in hot weather bene- ficial. Cut away the old canes as soon AND tiriLL Welt as the crop is gathered. A horizontal cheap trellis is better titan tying closely • Hay fever is a type of e•tarrh having peculiar symptoms. It is attended by an tolam•d condition of the lining neon - buses of the nostrils, tear -duets and tercet, affecting the lents. Au acrid moons tesecreted,ths discharteieacoom- penied with a burning sensation. Then are severe spasms of sneezing, frequent attacks of headache, watery and inflam- ed .yes. Ely's Crum Balm is a reme- dy that can be depended upon. Beets. at drmggists ; by mail, registered, OOcte. Ely Brothers , Druggists, Owen. Now York. ly eveo.d. U.ee.*.. They are eseally made for the ends of vepadas, rarely for the front. Measure the Mortis from the joist ander the roof The mom is 34 feet long, 17 feet bred and 20 feet higb, and is • plate square polished email. •.impartment with ooth- ilii to furnish rat heartily iia soonest aroma het ttt�e seamiest solitary aKeleealil i tit discovered .go. After • great del rrnot0premleimg—we did not feel like three enieg hen we prevailed ee the grades to light up the room with SOW* mne agsium wire instead of the sweetest t grew easel les M tb•y�n- .egtdde,sllos we Nos lad • bereft Wit, OMti eel? nude the 011101ties mase febg.eewly doodle* whew bright edd..15.Mea 4:•t eV 919 Mei who belle this .*..alae torah, bet it ,.....d..w. I sot fsdjstg Paint a bold desytn u P. ODEA nal- MANAGER. CAS %' ANG S.ASrE• SAUNDERS g : SON have decided te clear out their entire stock *f NOTIONS ! JEWELLERY ! FANCY GOODS ! PLATED WARE ! to single stakes. p a1 Ba,rgasins "Thy have • larger mit in my dip tit triet," says • well known druggist, "than , any ether pill on the market, and gi"lit phalli lraosgtll all i. sold. Call and see the beet satisfaction for sick headache, m au biloineemees, indigeatio1, eta, and when 1 eoobi.edrrtth Johnston's Tonic Bitten. 1�0 Jek.MO.ma Tonic Liver Pills will per- ' Tim amps Ulcer the SU. fees what no other medicine has done before for suffering humanity." Pills _—.T__. 2 3 comb per enol.- Bitten 50 conte Rua Egli TOM •mtri 1111 per bottle. Sold by Goode, I �iNt ifHNluls-a[ ual{a[a.Zz Demist, Alban block, Goderich, sole On the subject of multiplyine teats - cel 1 Chirtal8& Black bras, a oorrestn.ndent of i'ups.4ar r:•Iniew- subalitacturpre of all kinds of my writes : When them new brae ear- 1TITINEII, MAMME, YMM11T *110 TYflflig sties corne out, for which we pay from 30 amts to $1 per posed. it is an object to nuke the most .•f therm. T. do this, treat then the same as we do sweet po- 54101111. BOILERS. BALT PANEL, 8MOKL STACKS Woe, taking vl' the uproots when six I aril bled* sf Sheet iron wort. joshes high. The fleet Early Woe p,-; sewn *5 waTsa trios T1THOY* Woes I wee got were saves medium eentaaUy es hood. sized tubers, from which I took the oe need, many fer.etiv,ry' swots, thew eat them up sed planted 1 M ■,r. Sow Moot ails. each piece that head an eye in it. The 1 e my. *wee Eisele,. eve the „hat is In a „,w nn the iaeide emelt was just three bta-els .f splendid; A gaes.1e•. tio 'i'" Natste...4i.play. itsbeddiee..*prig sew ring. na the upper end, ran a rod I pot•lode, In taking of the sproot• be The largest .Nawbernes are food ie titmie% them, and .crew two sockets eve the illustrated estalegoo. the iciest for the rod to rest in. Have a A beekwhest ebbe and a hone rets de- soot at sash lower corner. sad nee in the ponds largely epee the haler. esstr. with which to make it fast to the venni* tail. sad by Lha simple wstri- The baseball player tem at slide more vase. Tone eau swore a shady spot tee $steely for the besets piste thee !hessian b•+y jest cwt of Moet s.lIiite.a. fee the star best -hold in the bluebell fiat A.d,oh how seal the letter is whoa he disposes • store of tin soiled over M e. the lased*. ! ♦ dwfwg Roast for the Meg frete i a .lever egw.wletietr of es .. re• Feast.. It d i ireee l ft to iso .Mad red mien i• tire loft to i.silsll Mew .I a real fire. flee .sdiroes serve ao otoa sea slosh rests epee the the ono* day, and it would& t take MOM thaw too minetes to lift it dews' sod tell op whet a shower threatened. The beet r.gul t rs to the .t arab sed bweta. *lb hest *ere for hulas. use, wild• shins.*, iwdteletine. and ail affen Oslo oldie halt s 410,d•red Sver. en wltleestvlsnpbS Josasen•a Toile Uwot PYt1i. ren.11 is tits, sugar coated. milt. Zfya.tt i.thw ISO per bottle oh by bends, drusei.s, Albion Meek, God, t rlek, sole wet. (.1 -WO T�ilgli t sare1.l oft to disturb the potato's germ. Mew a lasestAmMet woo. A dim roma ass ie Mee Watt of he W4 Gua..(II t �se 1,hw ewe, wheel . otim "Ave, stoma Cheek, dash clapCobow i �M Nat do•dlet W M." '•Aw, af.tit M111, IMI sty carte M Om Ironer her tl O r dsy,1 sad ie gtMiei the tvey 15..41.. M 1 dwaeiMM it eM8i.d me almost 1.I asset.' If had trawl De. lbw f oily 7R.a Pim Oyu hit said world set I canalis Mfr se..eiry�.tarts. Tar ads est i i W ffb.a'. }twerfgMoa dreg .fem if E (1[...f..el D..en ▪ o▪ f a geed ietbsMie I Ube Beranek Piot ate satmssbey 1i• kap the blood pars sad the bndyhealthy. Ie' P ICE$ IEASONAIL E AT SIGNAL. aider. lArr te bared ehai Lyall .gess. V W serene "reaps esesetM. Rerwt s clew. • t'. w. sews*. P.O. BOX 881 swoons' Nay 1teL.um. M -4 • t we