HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-6-29, Page 1•
stadia" '••• X_ •
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J D. lIcetWell1PDY. lloArsaseaaa.
PM • IMAP llt ADVANt &
1E11: in estop at Grimsby (regimental)
Is camp at Nowise In 1871-72.
THE DARK HORSE. j mamas Z IlleDesaid in the Beset* (ad
aerated with home until 1883, wliess hs
in turn iota seeoseded by David Tomb,.
a Democrat.
7414 . He hods a lst clam 111 S. ese-
Sh,rt Eiketrqui of the C11111111111 1111 ..._.......1""' was.....tpointed captain of No 1
,_ IlketCh of tie Republicars'
Command. miwipmor ooro tau in June of toss
Choice for the Presidency.
year, and has acquitted 41144•01t retry
- - I ceeditahly.
Mew the :Kir 41 sesiaamen wee ornasiseet ,
sea A. N. $ow &be Itrol 4 Wawa Cwt. or No 2 Company was at one time • mew -
4 .lea. 4. asircrwor -seem .tie client m Winghiou. At present be PM
ode*, OM rem , sides in Lonvion. He was at one lime
a rapt in the 2lith Middlesex Batt. Ills
is • tine, «earth's talkie and one uf the
the Stratford h:•,r has been giving most suitable officers inthe Katt
a series ut sketches of the different MUT Kromer+
battalions is camp on Mcregson's
heights in that city, and him he f ' c
No t'mmany lean efficent and pope-
iug ouneeriang some of the officers ut the -
u'ar oilirerke has not bad many years'
33rd :
experience as a soldier, but what he has
Huron B Mahon
When the o.ontlus of Duren and had he has toads good use of.
Brum, were separated the existing bawd. (No 4 Co did nut turn out this year.)
gnu of volunteers &leo was divided, and
Colo. Roes (now Han. A. M Russ,
Provincial Treasurer) undertook the or-
ganizitim of • new battalion for Huron,
which became =rd. This was in 1866.
Mr Roam was at this time captain of the
Ooderich &Suede of Artillery which,
under bis active thanagement, had st
teitted • high state of ell mine,. 1141
was promoted to time LieonOoloseley of
this newly formed 33rd Battalion, midget
to work with painstaking earnestness to
make 9 worthy of the nne county of
Huron. For years he continued at its
head, the active, enthusiaattc and popu-
lar offiaer. until two years age. whew
owing to his enemies duties as Pr ivies
mai Treasurer and head of the Dee
trent of Agriculture he resigned Col.
IPiss has since visited the camp every,
year. and when lie dropped in on Friday
to -expectedly, he met with • hearty and
er.•tausiestic reception. The hesd of the
battalion now is
tam 1 T. 1. JLE4 tN,
err nersis
of No 5 Company, wee been at Goderich,
in 14185. He is a barrister. He joined
the Batt in 1881, and wee asserted raker
el No Cu this present camp. He has
only resided 2 months in Brussel' but
has suorieded in bringint out • full com-
pany, withuat the assietanee of lieuten-
('API •0A54
of Noe CreEzetinewas teem in Goderich.
He served with the 7th Fuentes in the
Northwest rebellion, and sporta • medal
for service there. When he took hold
.4 the 'emptily he built it up, and it
now in good order.
gentleman well known in the Huron
District as a citizen of orest enterprize
and public spate Dr Colman of lea.
f irth (that is the name by which he is
best knew& enrolled in the Canadian
militia in 1862, and organized •campany
during the Treat excitement. His first
service was in the Fenian Raid in thee
at Paris. Lu the came at Thnrold, ander
Ct Welreley, his company which was
attached to the S11110041 Batt.. soder Col
Stephens, did yeoman service. Cul
Coleman is now one of the senior Cole.
01 the west. H• still retsina the ballet -
me of the Fenian Raid, and he has the
roster of the Fenian Raid also in hi.
pomession. Col Coleman takes great
interest in hie oleo and is • very popular
ef Ns 7 Onsipasy, win born is imemeit-
shire, rtoothsa. He entered the ser-
vice in 1865 and has served condemns-
ly since that tom. He organized the
7th Company. Ho is • farmer when st
Tb. lifee.ler 4 •war. to Ilse Drool Is lbw
bI 111.11•1 BOW1•1•*4abate ISMS.
drawn! Illarrtmes a Cluserb
Ilikeeree gad • imentestet.
Crincoiso, Jun* 26. -The convention
was called to order yesterday at 10 18
Boutolle of Maine reed despise:hes from
Blaine, dated Kdinberi.ei, earnestly re-
questing ins frieeds to withdraw hie
mine from the Convention. FM, me
temporise's% killed the Blame boom, and
the Convention went un with the
inst. It was not luog before they select-
ed their candidate in tb• person a ex -
Senator Benjamin Harrison of Indiana.
The details of the eight ballot are as
bolo w :-
Merriam§ . $44 Aber ..... • 100
Sherman 118 Fiume.
aroma ns
The announcenient of the auto was fol.
Moved by great cenfusion in this hall, the
delegates risiiig to their feet mid cheer-
iog. and the bands playing.
Foraker ofthin moved to make the
nomination unaniutous. Hoar ascooderi
the motion. The motion curled amid
loud cheering.
01 Geo. Harriet...S. the R•Peblitn•
nominee for the Presidency, a:newspaper
repremetative at the Convention the
other day .rot.:
Ez-Senator Benjamin Hon -item, of In
dense was born in Obi... Here we see
his house in Goderich townahip. Copt a public man who is not only • descon
Macdonald has six sops and every one iu the Presbyterian church. but Sunday
of them served in the Canadian Militia. sehiml teacher besides. lie is by all
Ooe is lit present in camp. odds the most papular Republican in In -
1154.1. RAINY, iiana, and has been the leader of the
there ever since the death of
of Ni 8 Company, Gorr», acting Capt
of Nbora n Oliver P. Morton. Strange as it may
e was iGoderich. He is •
popular young officer. He attended the 'PP' be as nut an eicoptent man, nor
is he what is termed megr
iietic. He to-
sion' names and faces. and is completely
destitute of that quality known as policy.
Not being a temporiser he says yes and
no, and then turns his attention to the
next man who desires to see him. Wben
"51 1•1". 1.tbe 111.y• w" he is anneunood to speak a throng ia
the ceras A malted. present to hear him and greet is the 00-
thusiaam when once he begins. 14. is
eativete. sure of the loyal support of every Re
fisturday. Juno 23rd. Str. United pahlics, the State when ta a can.
Lendon Military school and assumed
command of the company in 1886.
EniPire. frow Sarnia. Pooseltilen and &date for office, and of the independent
freight. voters &leo. The secret of his ,popular -
Saturday, June 23rd -Schr. H. N. ity is that 110 is a neuter of details, not
eooroe veuorgte
. ' Todosaa, from Johnston's harbor with only in politic., but in law and every -
ac• ng senior majar. joined the eateses1126,000 fee1 of lumber for H. Seoord. thing Mee. For many years he has bleb
i.. 1 eel. He formed No 9 ouespboy of Sunday, Jona 24th -Stearnbarge Erin one of the most oonsPiettons wee before
3344 batt and has kept his
vitt first elms order ever gime. He
has not been on "active serviat- hot was
at all times ready to respond to the eall
of deity, as all who knew him well under-
stand. He is engaged in reel estate
and tow Maggie, from Port Arthur. The the bar of Indssoa, en , w e c ten
Erin unloaded 29,000 Mahe% of Maw. I by the way, have been numerous, he i•
robs wheat at the harbor mill. mill in moderate circumstances. His
Tuesday, .1„e 20.-Schr. J. N. Otental grasp is one of the wonders of
Carter, from Theealon, with 240,000 those who know him, and his capacity
• for organisation is his strongest quality.
and stormy loaning when not on diity. lumber or . . .
When he is conducting • case in court
c•rr. M11..40N, er-1 lie displays supreme skill in managing
Wednesday. June 27th. - Bohr, flt
• - • prise, from Port Albert, light : I his c.ase and is remarkably effective in
acting adjutant.jot t • ores in .
Wednesday, June 27th. -H. N. Tod- mime examinations,
le 186614. was out in camp in Thorold
has been in every cansp since in Capt. Lawson, from Johnstoe'si In his political campaigns he displays
and 01".
which the brottalioa tnok pert He was ; Harbor, with 125,000 feet lumbar fur H. the setae genius that distinguishes his
Seemed. $ legal betties, and he is usually successful
DRIP•RTVRER. in all that he undertakes. Blunt as •
Saturday, June 23rd -Ste United , wedge, cold as John Sherman is alleged
Empire, fur Debella passengers, 400 10 he, • Christian gentleman and •
bbls. salt, shipped by Wm. Campbell, 1 scholar, he leads in Indiana, while bright
ear horse's, shipped by Ooveslock, of! orators and hail fellows well met are
ffeaforth, sod general freight. I glad to follow wheneer he goes. Short
Saturday, June 23r4 -H. T. Todman, ' and .1.147,7. with belt hair and a color-
pf Johnston's harbor, light.
1 lima face, he is sot a Madmen. man by
I any means. However' in 141.s cue, as in
TeeedaY• 'le" 2tith•-8telletherige all others, handsomeis as handsome
Erin. for Toledo, light, te Load timber i does. He is 65 years old. He was been
born in the town of Seaf mtbi itt 1449,and
is engaged in fermis; and meresatile
business. Captain Wilson's father was •
major in the old Militia &serve Forms.
He i:enses of good military stock. One
brother hods the brevet rank of major
of the 33rd, and was with Sir Garnet
Wolseley in the Northwest in 1870. An-
other brother is Stair Soritenst of the
=rd. and is now, with the Wimbledon
team for the fourth time. He wee the
the Governor -Chewer, prize in 19112.
come. natnn,
acting junior major, was born in Kil-
• litTrElt tiTtrIC.
At the evening maim Mr Moore of
Tentiesere, who had been placer:. in 1)410•
inatiusi for the VICV.Presidency. with-
drew his name saying he wanted WI
office hut desired to see that political in
cubits rem(ver: from the White House.
IA) have that peat Jumbo, . that clumsy
behemoth ot Bourbon Denaccrecy, who
occupied the place of power at Washing-
ton, abolished from that hivh st•tion.
The Ciinveotion then proceeded to ballot
which resulted in the nomination Levi
P M rIo,. 1 New York by this vote
Morton 391, Phelps 119, Bradley 1(X4.B.
K Bruce 11, W F Thomas 1
The Conventuoi adjourned at 8.52
without date.
MTHE CAP week tn assent
• his
of Marius. The Premier arrived
bffIr oilier as Mii.s.tsr
(number in Toronto, where be wept, the
Latest political and Geeing , %ants my, to, reconcile hie 10110w•t• to
I r,
; Mr Dewdrp) • apponituaint. Accordine
News from ottew&. f to Judge McOuire of the Northwest, Mr
---- Dandne7 ta as •IniosatlY Profor rePr•-
sentative. H. wi , ' lbedi Yeti, k
&best ilse ream Peasetimeas t.nd Nair
Llesiell:imersimr-ehe t •I•la•I •NoTillte 1.151 T. ouVIIIIN.41.
bps*. tentage - Thislieftes• lieu c.,ustitueney in British Colombia
4 efellal_tees.
• dian lawyer, .01 be sworn ea Lest.
Hoe Joseph It-iyel, a French Cans.
Press our Re:ruler oor,resprporAn::r..- j ix. g.
. /ID Dili .1 1)..y. ti• was asenciated
Hon. J.
ain tbeerdriettoo:
The Postmaster -General has hen we- of Line and Need charred with the
ed to reduce the rate of pestsei tesin death uf Thomas Scott. He wrote for
throe to two cents. but has declineil l the pros until 1871. when he went to
hret because the chenge would seiriess- Manitoba, and was styled the leader of
the French of that Previews. He was •
ly impair the postal revenue. trod me-
ondly while there is a ter cent rate in member of the first istatstry in Main -
the United State. we have a loser rate who He was miasmal for Provenolier
(1 lett Ts and orcet post think is in 1879 to the House of COSIIIMOna. had
for ree •
unknown ths U S. Canada wee al- now vacates the seat by seerging an el -
NUL most 58,00a,000 uf three cellt stamp& flee under the Crowe. • is Vies
--- If therefore the two cent rate was sa• Chancellor of the University of Mani -
James Girvin has relate' his bern and opted the revenue would have termed tebe and made his way mainly by the ba-
the masons are putting the stone it.ind- $575,003 provided the lower rate ed Mt !Nene. of Archbishop Tache' whose pro-
ation under it. multiply the number ef letter' shish tege he was. He UM years old.
Nile Iletheiiiits and their friends
made a bee last Wednesuay and Thursday
to erect • drive barn and fences at the
new parsonage. A fine 20x30 barn wea
placed on the grounds before the bee
w as completed. It and the side fence of
woven wire compare well with the par-
sonage buildiee Fur eoerzy, enter-
prise and great liberality. Nil. people
have few peen- . .
Rev Thee Gee, of Ashore. prosched
in the Methodist church, Sunday, 17th.
His serviette were very aeceptahls On
Mimday .veeing lit.h,s tea meeting was
• Tea was served in the Orange
hall ; after which all repaired to the
church whore an excellent program was
given. Revs T Goa and 1 B Wallwin
were expected to speak, but to the dis-
appointment of meny. b9th failed to
keep their engagemect The andieoce
was delighted wall Miss Ida Wilkinson*,
W aging. Her loud. genial "sinner, as
well as bee rare seem posters, ere mak-
ing her a great (*runts at Nile Steven
Botta choir dal us grand service. aod
leivi us under grist obligation. • Hope
Beyond,- brought them a well-deserved
encore. MOM Ada Morris and Mies
Smith gave is enough good recitations
to lesigthen out the program. The sum
netted is about $43.
Thee so can a Nall.
Editor e("'The Huron :gots!:
DIAS SIR -Will you kindly allow MO
space in your paper to say a few words
on, what seems to he a growing nuisance
in this comnsneity, i • that some of the
Ooderich alte es correspondence are carry-
iog their gossip a little too far.
Now, on the cGmosensetnent, let me
state that there are two things in con-
nection with the correspondence refer-
red to, at which I am ery much sur-
prised, and they are lst, That any per-
son, who sets himself up as • respectable
citizen, would stoop to such d tatardly
work as to try to injure the character
and feelings of his fellow citizens to such
an extent. 2nd, that the editor of the
Mar would elle. his paper to be used
for any mesh purperma He must be very
hard up for something to fill up his
paper or else- -weft, 1 will not say "hat
I was ping to, because 1 respect people's
feelings too much Pi say anything out cf
the way
Coque! 81r Long Division and Editor
of the Mar and let us meson together ari
gentlemen and fellow citizens. Now,
"Kr L. D.,- what is your object in •-t-
ing as you have of late, by writing those
items of correspondence 1 Do yea expect
however was the experience f the eArITAL CRAY.
States. Canada should it least tr..** the
There are now five seers vacant in the
limit of weight to au ounce. as 1:.ere 5 Ceinmons :-Cardwell, Nicolet, Priren-
MOTO anoc yance over the unceet ainty
cher, Cumberland and Colchester. They
all returned Conservatives at the general
Mr Haver Reed has been appointed
Indian Commissioner, ,ice Mr Dowd-
Gmeral Middleton will inspect
Royal Military College at Kingston be-
fore it closes on the 28th. Sir John
Macdonald has promised to present the
prizes if possible.
whether year letter is overweiJit than
there is over the cost of stamp. TIM
American limit is one ounce. Tree P.O.
*gfestga is about $2,300,000 • year.
Woo draltdres-ccsatt,z,
The floverner-Genegalobse tiroeibt a,
carriage with him which is a great
curiosity to the natives. The haw., in et
the carriage rests un leather straps Ouch
tore suspended from four high sprii:s at.
teseard to the &Iles. The sem f. r the
coachman in front is up about five :set
but the seat for the footman away up
behind is even higher in the air. The
trappings oi the carriage are gorrieue.
Tbe illiwaire wheels have silver Vaned
cam fur the hubs ar4 the ba-zes are em-
blazoned with the •--Oet of arms f the
ancieut ham of Stasiey.
11111 ounst SRETANT.
The oldest civil servaist in the Deni -
on in Mr W. H. Griffin, the D..
Postmaster l;.neral. who has served
Canada for 5' years and is 74 years uf
age. He began in 1931 as • clerk and
was steadily promoted. His succenor
wi.1 prcbably be Lieut. Cul. White the
present Secretary of the P. 0. Depart-
ment. who is thoroughly up to the work.
Mr W. D Le SU•Or the young r
who is now Sept. of the Savinp Bank
Branch, will likely take Col. White's
"sit": DI,TINOCISHED vozvott.
Prime R•.land Napoleon Bocaporie.
whom grandfather was a brother id the
great Napoleenwas here a few days age
and was entertaioed by Hon. Messrs
Chapleau and Carm.
Tbe Government statistics of Tim rae-
way% of Camels hare been prepared up
to 31st December, 1887. Thirteen new
fur Garden 1.1s04. . on the old home of his mend- to mai
te any friends by it . Is it mprov-
'reesday, June 2eth, Tow-barm father, William Henry Harrison, ninth ing your social standing in the .ammo -
Maggie for Sarnia, with ties.
nity Is it raising the moral standing
of mociety anyl Or is it that the Di-
mon of Jealousy has such a bold on your
leenny. Ireland, in 1834 He emigrat- Toesday. June 28th _sehe. J. N.
ed to Cased& in 1851. In 1884 he set -
Carter light, for Thermion, for lumber.
Cod in Howick. In 1348 he organized
No8 Company, and has in com-
W , '
ednesday, June 27th.-Schr. Enter-
. been
mend ever since. For fourteen years he G.
for Port Albert. with wheat from
has represented the township of Hnwick G. T. R. elevator for Jae. Mahaffy.
as reeve, and served as warden in 1883. Thursday, June 28th. --11. N. Tod
Captain Koine is a ism of wealth and man, for Johnetno's Harbor, light, for
infoence. He coudeets a private bank leaner for H. &mord.
in (;ory., and carries on farming on an OEXREAL Torre.
extensive male Ho has at prison three Thelif.bast were out or prise
mons in the 33rd, one a captain, me • ties os Wednesday afternoria, and look -
sergeant, and one • private. ted well in their Woe suits. They ars
ormentstamerse sacx. getting ready for Dominion 1)57.
This Millset slice woo born a•orN. Dyntent has already put in over
itelfast, Ireland• Ciao out In Cannot 1,160,000 feet of 'ember this season, and
with hie parents who mottled in= exports to handl* between five and six
Prioes Edward Oeemty. million feet more before the memo is
to the think -skip of Gabon's, sear Gode- °Teo Besides the eche J. N. Carter, it
milt in 11113 andtam _ndlitts in is expected to have two more baits pot
1966. ender the tballai•• Halm. 'If into the limber carrying trade shortly.
the Hanel RAM He berm* on the The eetput eo far this mama has bees
frmitier at Semis and Ooderieh ; tam bt about 75 oar -loads, 10,000 feet to the car.
the first amp at Thorold and has been Mr Dy,„„ct.„ yard, h.,. ..a.„ the
io every camp since. He was nude en-
sign is 1818: hest in 1880 ; (pewter -
master in 1883. with the honorary rank
c,f captein. Quartermaster Beck has
teen a member of the C.dborne tnwee
ship enema for years, three whicb
14. 14.. bees reeve.
was bore is Demoshirs. Famistid, onsd
emigrated te this testacy he 1861. Ha
joised the forms in 1662 as a private 1.
the Cledertch He was is
active service with his eompasy HOW
On the 33r4 Batt beim organimil he
was rammed as qsarteresestor sad fie
1881 paymaster. is to made in AS
CAP? 4•110411ETT, dale&
nf NO 1 Company, Goderieb joined the
13th Batt of Hamilton in July DM. A Maine mat
He wee on active service at Prescott he hill, has takes
ISO, after the St Alleles raid. He the Exeter Timm
for s few aseadhs'
one protest with his regiment at the hem rens to
skirmish at Lim* Rellge on 3m.. 2•41, 'lat.-1:11,W Times.
President of the United States. which
was near North Bend on the Ohio River.
His Memnon aad his wife were thawed
at Miami University, Oxford, 0 , from moral nature 'list you are willing to do
which he graduated when he was 18„I his bidding in too respect 1 And you,
where he was married before he was 21. I Mr Editor, what can be your o'aject io
With about $500 in his pocket and • allowing mach trash • plaice in your
family on his hands, he journeyed to the j paper. Do you expect that tt will raise
city of Indianapolis, and • few days after ' your paper in the estimation of intalli-
his arrival there hie her Mhos was open- ' gent and thoughtful readers Du you
ed and he was prepared to do business think it is helping to prepare the mitiels
with neatness and despatch. His hair i of our youth for useful citizenship ? Or
Wag W, whit.' bill inta short, and do you publieh it joie to tickle the homy
kis bead rather lame for his body, but I of • few loom readers who take • aelight
be went to work, and even it he did live in Rock trash
fvr years in three plain rooms, he was I Now it mons to me that anything that
mmeur°1.^d not '1"komod of hie Power- I is written or published should have a
ty OF of the sellevident fact that clients tendency te benefit people in some way.
would he gratefully reesived by him intellecteally or morally, bet I
night or day. Naturally was • Re- fail to see anything in the sail articles to
pablieen, end (mite saturally • politician. ' this. So I think they should not find
When he Mame hotter known he was a place in any paper thet claims to be •
Mooted reporter ad the Supreme Comt of paper. A woad about the parties who
the State, and wee erijnying the benefits are referred to in the article of last week.
eariiete,neenee ce Reg liana, 7E00 volentsers. Commissioned • ne of staling honesty and
of the attics whes Lincoln called for Thor are
sanond lieutenant by Governor Morton,
Mr Jas. Wietrins has fitted up his sail
hst, which will accommodate me or young Harrier's marebed away, hay
n* behind his wits and two small chit -
sixty pereons easily, and parties walling
_lanai an. or ..nop on dem. At the ekes of the war he
`"the as: an ea et my' twee at a retureed bn Indianapolis • brigadier"
7 general, and almost immediately us
modoelle ohm" • re-eleeteci to his old position is the
Tbe Illeadreas gewsserwme c•nvention.
The Dominion Prohibition Convec-
tion, to be held at Montreal SO July
3rd, 4114 and 5th, will bo a gathering et
rismareahle interest. It will be tb•
national Canadian conference of delogst-
ed Prohibitioniss. Th. great ineetiss
M Montreal in 185, oot of which is.
the Dominion Alliance and the Scott
Act, was .imply a mass curvention of
active teroperauce workers. In the mim-
ing simetiog every delegate will represent
• constituency of Prohibitionists &mime
ly waiting the decision their loathes
and the call to arms for further cosilict.
The convention has been called by the
Donanion Alliance, but it will la
tborouirkly independent when it meets,
and will organize and control
Every local Teusperauce organizatin,
every Lodge, Division, Council, Unite,
Club, Church Society, lir any such in
sritution is invited to send a delegate for
each My of its soembership. any num-
ber not being a complete fifty to count
as fifty for the purpose of representation.
Every Provinciai Temperance arganiia
tiOR is invited to send its Executtve
Committee or any equal number of re-
preeentatives. Every Provincial Branch
of the Alliance is to mod ten, acci every
Cennty Alliance or Scett Act Amocistion
ie entitle te five.
lines are in existence, and many id the The principal railwey and steamboat
older lives have aeded to the mileage lines are acting very liberally towards
under traffic. Iron rails are bolos, re- the moventiontion. The Grand Trask
placed by steel. The increase in troth( and Canadian Pacific 'Literer mid
°TOT 1886 is represented by 15000.- Richelieu Steamboat Company will hem
000. Of track laid there are 12,332 flotsam tickets to 1ifontrl, for a single
miles of which 11,691 are in operation. fare, to all persons applyies. Tickets
The earnings were 038,842.011.a woiaine wt11 be issued on this piss frost Bator -
expenses ftr24,683 so that the net day. June 30th, up to Tuesday, Jnly 3d,
earnings were )ver eleven millions. (out and will be good for retina pamage tip
of 10.698638 passengers carried only 10 to Saturday. July itts. The Interco -
went killed and 49 injured. Up to date kohl Railway will sell single fare ticket@
ate Federal Government have aided to Montreal at usual rates mid will Miss
railways to the extent of 8129,000,000.. at Montreal return ticket rase, on pee -
The Ontario Government has given saltation of a certificate signed by the
86,000.000 and Quebec over $7.000,000, secretary cf the cor.vention. It will be
New Brunswick 84,000,000, Nora tare gees that all who attend the convention
tia $1,653,000, Manitoba $1,83.000. Ai& will ls• opon to the public),
The naunieipalitiee rive over /12,000.- erboillime dshreatee or not, May avail
000 Counting other sources, the capital themselves of them reduced fares.
given by the people of Canada to rail- • The vasetings of the convention roper
ways amounts to the enormous sum ot will he held in the Victoria Rifles Ar -
111v,000,000 or $55,447 for every nide mory on Cathcart base On Sunday
Thie record will compare with any other evening. July lat, th ill be halal a
in existence. crest Gitignal Tempera noontime et
mine central pout ; 1_111 Monday, 2nd,
tarrost.'a SON.
thre will be an excursion to Mystic, &ad
On the let July, the twenty-first an•
tor a Prohibition picnic there: Tuesday
niverwary Coofederation, Nene
evening, 3ed a winter Prohibition =WS
Schultz will take (Airs as Lieut Gower-
ncepting will be Milo. All them gather-
DOs of Manitba. io wh affairs he has
all his lifetime been deeply interested. wi'negiLl'retlifots adworthin•dkors o4b7caahaLa.fortantual
He was burn in 11440. at Amhortaborg.
Already there is being mandated
is the eftenty of &sex, and ereduatet1
everywhere • deep interest in due Con-
ies medicine at the KIIIVIratin collar in
1871 when Manitoba woe made a Pr- lattaaddiusdrngibsyndtheYiTneqins peraiwill snobs
party •rid t he pain -
1981. He has been in Parliament mince ':15:4
vino., and is married to a ledy who was
cpiaarnay, "re wiligIrmrake hitory. The fro -
his devoted nurse all though his rerewl
hitistioniste ars in earliest. The polies
illness, an illness so severe as to leave
cethi"ve siker. earelad""ul isitntgentinioutr osfP"datilteeneeel7
hpliimysteal"liyi.heElwr7cighuniltzliwilsaat ohne% °n•c‘r*r"
handeo," man and still of imptween,e and voters. It is being premed into se-
anitspeat able character, and are re- P•
sported citizens in the community in o.41 bards' hipen•Znd.nurridther" tinr:t d;;t:lhrs. 7.1ottbilb• hodasstatatursialpot whias.r beinhitzdo land, 1. ie
whisk they live PT ,I the
Now, "Mr L. D," 1 do not think that c'tcawaiwr.beilmn 'II" 1" Ilia. lasci has been warmly endorsed by difereas
.,,„., .. ,,.. ,.... a-foress. During the last tee .
Lei ef the "Nile Meth* -e ' - - esseioas he lies been the means nt briny. branches of the Christian Church. and it
them) ever mid that anv of these ,__ to 1, , _, , u__,i_meot the inflmes* the vote of an impormet sea
were "unprincipled libertines." 'I; ''" 11^""'"jll "" gm' ' groat% seetina of the alectorate. The
resources of the MicKeesie district.
=slink too much ,mf themselves for Moieties' Meeting will he a isthmian elf
bat 041
'ns yards of li. Smelt owlet the 8emirt. vsa vaararr. ffams esessissitiously and eternaiviodly
sessagentest el Will Rs•Plai.h***deoltrod oupta,4 a.. which had been oe- that. But this must have had its origin
shout 800,000 feet (11 lomber thus Ise -,, a Demosrat while he lose in roar own immature Main. My lis. TA that Mr Weldon, M P., far in meannt W. trent thst In 11. datiimmt_
6ffkfinff Wow plonormrste or the WWII- fiend, if you ever want ta make any Albert . R. is to be taken into the eons wise &mewls wilt p„,,,,,,t, sad tut
06' 116.1". bit an*" "Pica* to In Hem, wee. Tim" and Hendricks samosa in juarnalisei do not 'Mop to Cabinet is pissed Mr Onetigan, is credit- its renalts will be for the welfare of ewe
handl" 700.800 NA t i, Tit' wore makiss Isaias& very Healy wits red arch s low grovelheg talk, but tr7 and ad b••• am • Inn7 lik•if nvaiii• Th.' coonacental:wiaanti•eirtherryadivaar"dmiaiorhtsmariftneeseeity ds
sutti is done at J
- - Bay and m1.41414 Il" and long le••••••ines. Ondinvs °reit. think (A somethsng more ennobling mid chasms Weald giveeitheseProniimespaierbiane one.
, wet to pumehoes.
a"""1"-• the Repablieen nomisse feir Goveom, inspiring and thee ihrelope into inms- mdloallus is
That where t trotting withdrew Irises the tiekise nod the State hood with swim of the principle of • tree 11r Welles E iliTiesperiesmisell lost ta• i• a
Import TOINtailbear.
has bees Central committee put Flarrime on in gestleasse. Do not blame any of thee, torttraldist siteleber of the Moira Th.
" his stead. The Owaseal was in the pine parties for writing this, foe (positively) psych* kap Nre Dwane? of • 14•11•• in NIr A Blue, Deputy Minister of Atri-
a, park. set
iliesereletilliebigaibe assoseat theuattaiesbo. reieed
sailerdid az of Hama boos &bot this halm Ottawa, smarm the repast that he will 04)11515, says if Do unfavorable maditiona
• I h wrPtena it Mesas, I lila herniae Mishear a the Interior, Mr spp4.dng the mat two weeks ail
lir rzlio boom. So WI kis Meads he woold be
deforted,1411 be eft& a vigorous struggle
somethelses. may to meat the fats he
lea probated. Is IMO ke ansemaaed soh.
be have pewee sad goad will in the eine- Natasha, mill leave the hasteasstees
musity. Take *141.gentle hint and krollio awnershilip tee the rsbasnmeartal resi.
Mese ef sfl swell imbeemaing, silly gnosis,Is
, ms ef Nowa Smith oat is July. ,
Hoene. I Hs. 0. II. topper will noel bon Was in it
fear of a faders of mops IU
The ,meet rains was 11.47
there meet have bees mallow
*14. 1.00(17.
!••__ ....• . „de_