HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-6-15, Page 7PAIL SHERIDAN'S DASH. ! BISHO, OF SENITieliftti °Hitt.
Hie PERSONAL Ap1911Ai1ANCE DURING 111". w dieImss A. t.esara. gra' n.. b11e-
e.l.r.t eM ryr.te
THE EARLY DAYS OF THE WAR. lige William A. Iw,taar.asswvl. wlao4 las been
deet'd h mempal b►ahup of southern
tris vision mwDasa. non sad SeswmLs (4"". wea born tit botttipp.otr�t� C•Vln..
t•.• lettl N. graadlalterHuu.
tau Wim --A cased These --Tisa Tory y i�
m '
swoop 111 Leonar•l. was s ptnomeoeot
l'Jf M:
Ryd sod avow. a. rmo..th as mea-
1•uto else tro.kI.d Ilk• v.,.., have te-
e tcso, • and belle.. of 614'16 vu.Lrutdsry
1 • ....lit p•tt,lu$.
TM daisy bee Roos • of ash .L -
g•. u.. pity -- but i•••••• In. w •,
I., • ,.. h.. 10e . • and ..wri.aa are worn
i et tennis :' on 1,.11 domain.
_ tdeeemen.. .t wttt-Th. .,embus. mewbee Of W during theJKkaos 1 Sew W.1'llls are halts Targe, ant
1.1•0601100 Jackman. and yea Barutr�adslnleta tions. His sjineeste p., t.. th , in sae and appe sr
tacker weals fur "DT r..re bels.. his tea a,.w, it Imams blu.s..w, tw • or t) res
Oa Pb*1 "Nig" "wogs bad Awl telae Iettreeceut from business • banter of gw •, peedaiwvn, or a L.1( bloc u twe-
Ida a
more of the dash, more of the. mem invert, in Beouelya. He is ..uw
ttettamot a geoersi than asap of L. a onus,. d of that city.
who la the end tap oat the great Issiles 1 Rev. W . A. Itteuard
of the war. Fur the Ilia three years oft pip& soedemv.
the struggle he oecsgtsd auburdinat. pod- Andover, Maes..
tons, and his tram: un hvm a captain (st neepess4 aol-
aud quartermaster to o.s of the tLrewAuatuhtlr.
meat Famineleadersas
% leers of the war wN.
Y. .ud tiero
even greater thaiethat of Oen. shoat, tress ' sly Di v 1 u i t y
visional of volunteers to general is chief *Afoot. 111 d d le -
As a dhvlam commands W the resat town. Conn. On
Sheridan was never bearded; bet bemoan • ILe,otnplet;on of
to have attr.ct d the attendee of Oraot. 1 his. cc.Irss of the.
for it was Ursot who called hfm from the 1 olugiral study bs
west to take oomrnand d the cavalry wont s b r .. •d ,
forces of the Army of the Poiomae.
When Sheridan wee ennmaodtng a dl
vision in the Army ed the Cumberland he
was not the stocks gersun be was attar
ward. Ire dies
weighed about 1110
pound; hla figure
wssmall. his farm
rather thin. IL
always had the
seine splendid
black eye. A di-
v i s i o n general,
where there am
and tie
commanding the
army .see him, b
• mens exemative
Aker. Me is but that time invitations Iran Tobds, At.
two swede, abve Louis and Chicago. He was in this time
a ademel and one above • bripaior gen a lecturer and examiner ul prc+muent
roes1. Be may Igbt bra men well. but no rathedrai schools and chaplain of the
�1ar' teething original b �f B , „rya Hotamopath1e hospital and o f
TSL if Oman, when asked by t the ireaty third regiment, N. (3.
LLtseln wham he wanted to command the In Dine h« nx-t ivwl the degree cif bc••heinv
of the Army of the Peeoac. had et divit•ity from tit. Stephen's erdlrge.
tot some one else. Shoidsn would New lost. In 1tit4U Dr. iaweerd founded
1=y have died rwmparesively un sad ineo'curated the Brooklyn Fro, ll-
.1As it was, he came ant the most wary In the ma, year be wee made
striking figure for spirit .sad Quick. Iter!- wisaisnary bishop of Wa•bington teed -
e ms work of the war tory, b..t ise declined the office.
• in Febrnuuarry� le
idol, Dr. mard was
Orn. Horace Porter has given to The called to Waahingten to tribe „large of
Contcry MaRagttte for Novsulibrr. 1r1Q:. a asst of the most Sotuishieg Episcopal
vivid.pietare of Sheridaa as he apptwred noegntgatiuns to tbu capital ty-that of
-at now it the cioatng svgs of thdrones, wee: -Ht. dro s, rbtach. ilr baa been sheer,
before the enemy's eartiworke. neer the eves since that time. and has done much
White Oaks rued in Virginia. The votive -
where he traitgltl
a great deal and
completed hie
grueral rdnca-
esu educated
`b d
at 1 A hal•dtoo.•- dodo. ill scent b odes ie
a d -i o.ysi.1 St k, hsvtuv a *topple 'd
r,. . nine si.a.nsI, upon which are for-
get ms -'tots w lib tsuy dt..ru..d exults*.
Narr,e c..lou•d nbb.oa, with picot
sages, are 'woo Sat, in 1ow., ul on the
pretty ehaNie sad an.uassbw de latae.
Narrow aunt" rihkoa. are used to the
mange to t im Fain eatbtnerr.
1''••, ter et o.meut.tleo of ball gosh**
v .. t leaf, has b- en brought ,out. the
enables well peal..'. d, with lame beads
Ulnae Ir. s the 1"•'nes, and they are used
to ewers drepee:.r.
!Mute o1 the prettiest new boonet• have
ta'4fno,t fille.l in with what used it, le
oallwl a "asp" .41 .u1t hese. artuteed its
sash immature colds ss 4o give the effect
..t marabout :tethers, than which twth-
ing la surae becoming
ttun Oe y(•y yl, turner IV. LEO\A=D.
11171, being then a little less than 23
7�oaaaress' f age. be was orirgned a deacon by
Bishop W il:iams, at Middletown, Conus.
end on lily 21. 18T2, at Stamford. Conn..
the eatne bis urcaiwrt him a priest.
f While a deacon served as aaslataut to
Rev. C. H. 1W1. of Role Trtuity chi:red
I Brnektyn. lbs ehurek which he attended as
Is youth and of which Itis father was war
den. Shortly after his ordslnnecut in !nibs
became rector of the Church of the Re-
deemer in Brooklyn and he continued to
minister te the not/Reed wants of that
congregation for nines years. refusing in
f V'rrfle'
meat was slow and Sheridan got imps- work -"Vis Sorra"-and las written
hest "Slireidet.- says (Oen. Porter. is number of makeelee end new9ixper
"dialing with impatience end consumed articles. in April. 1673. Dr. Leonard
with anxiety. became ss oast}.e as a rear married Mime Harsh Sullivan. of Breoklyi,.
when he tears the lino and is struggling N Y. His election to the bishopric was
to main this start- He made ever! pose:- a eumplete surprise to Dr. Lnor.r.ni 1#
bre appeal for promptness. be dismounted was in doubt about its aoeeptance at tiro,
from his horse. paned spend down. struck ons he ha. practically anoonnoed now that
the clenched bat of see band into the he has mate to a favorable couclu.ton.
,.f the other. and fretted likes caged t or.
"At 4 °elock the formation was com-
pleted and the order for the arsault was
given, and the struggle for Picket's in-
tr ... L .l line began • • • Sheridan
work. He has published a book for
Del. J..hu it Foley. Who it ea a.emitly
uow rushed tato the midst i.f the broken App.tet'd.
lines and ericd out. -Where is my battle Rev. John 8. Foley. D. 11.. the new
Ise' As the sergeant who carried it bishop of the diocese of Detroit, baa for a
rete rap, Sheridan teixed the Menem and Lumber of years been one of the beet
white standard. waved at above his head, known and n.nst sueoe•sf:tl clergymen In
cheered on t he men and made great efforts the Catholic .Lurch. He was born in 1 W42
•n close up the rutile. Bullets were hum- lits family b' .me of the most prominent
ming like • swarm of bore. one pier -ed e1 ilsltimi.m. and hie brother wet the late
ba for err. Thomas Foley. of the diocese of
g wounded Mears It 1 exee.edingly .tune that two
Capt Mc•(.onyrle in the nide. others
bishops the the Bake another killed �P
earn who had carried it. aootbeer woe "
.ung are token front tine same family.
tau or three of the stall olfficers horses. but t Fuld. are rzoeptional
All this time Sheridan was dashing from both in standing and mental capacity
cne point of tbe line to another, waving Father Foley began to study for the
Lie Ila., shaking his fiaw encouraging. priesthood at Mt Mt. Mary's college, Em-
threateningpraying, swearing. the very vdtsb::rg. MI. After rompleting the
incarnation of battle. It tread be a sorry ..emcee tier' he went to Rome. and fin -
soldier who could help following such a bbed at Apt ilinaris college with the de-
leadrr. • •• , gra of D. U. Returning to this country.
''Sheridan rode Lion.:. the famous horns he teak charge of
shat had once earned Lim 'twenty miles the missions -4'L
from Winebeater.' The general spurred Canton, Port De -
him up to the angle. and with a bound he peat. Havre rb
carried his rider over the earthworks and Ilam. aod tin:sth-
lauded him la the midst of a line of prta- est Maryland. and
ooers. who had thrown down their arms •nrreased t be m
and were crouching clam under their , wonderfully by
breastworks. biome of them called out. ' his activity. No
• Wbar do yon want us tor. Than. Sher- was then!Oyes
idan's.rage turned to humor. and be had • , • barge o the
running talk with tie 'Johnnie•' as they rhureh at Elliott
filed past. '(10 right over there.' be cried.; Pity. Md.. whore No.
pointing to the rear; get right along now , I his sueress wan so
drop your guns you'll never need them prenounred that Winn°. POUT.
any more. You71 all be safe over there. be was t r • n r
are there any more of you' We want bored to Baltimore eitr as the assistant
every me of you fellows.'" i of Mgr. McColgan at Ht. Peter's church.
In MIS he was commissioned by Arch-
Theis no aneh Arch-
Them picture as this of any Mabop Spaulding to establish a coogrega-
of the great leaders of that period. Ston- ' time on the western mita/trio of the city.
wall helmet on the battlefield, has been The results of bis work for over twenty
deerrib d as such a man and nndoubbedly . yearn in this f.ekl rem a beanti$nl ehnreh.
Lad a re•markahle power of tnasmittiag one -if the largest remgregsthms of BLltt-
enthuniaam to his troe, ,.. more. and many excellent schools and
No gese.rel roses So renidly ober he ones • church societies. He is prewident e( vari-
gut an opportunity u Phil Sheridan. ieua ergnnizatiens of his church. Ho was
the public serretarT for the last Plenary
••Traaaattaatie.- council. and he mad. ail the arrangements
The venerable and world famed Irish for the elaborate iteremonies in innnectiob
eorrespnodent. Thomas Mooney, more fa- with the rouferr:ng of the biretta upon
ml!larly known to every one in this earn- ' (ardtual Gibbons. He is one of the car -
try interested in the cause of Irish free- ' dinars most intimate friends. and he has
ihom as "Transatlantic," recent) ended !seems' tinier; bern prominently men -
his long life at Dieppe, France. For sev- ' tinned for bishop. Nockrgyman fn Baltf-
ent yeah bet devoted himself heart and .more is better known or more highly ea -
soul to the cause of Ireland, and from I teemed, and his appointment is warmly
Emmet to OCmnnell and O'Connell to Par- cos nmende!
Dell he has toren an active and valuable
leader In Irish affairs. To "Transatlan-
tic" b undoubtedly dee the honor of hag-
ing Inaugurated, during the pae•t
twenty years, the crusade which
tae developed into ruck powerful
t has even
brought over the
greatest of politi-
cal parties a n d
the moat illustri-
ous British states-
man to the de-
mand of Ireland
for national self
government. In
title gmsration.
sad especially
yoanztiteee moanstaDOssr,
has been In Irish jesieealism no correspon-
dence so widely read, no ere so
widely Eurekar sad so popular
as mat of "T/rans�-gathutfe," said has
haw e tet o writer
irrwlan* an lcordially
il beW_by d p
to y that corgi1tty s Mmtl& Net letters
to The Irish eel thbiT�es Dasa
waty rlasssd. sed ere were
g syg o 1Mai f fres
IisIsM.1 �wM *too d a b
reY �s lieon-
e+ s� 1+ bilk
salt t4'. • sod Wittig twit 'fish la
tor W eostlrf dslllt W
11•. late Dr. neaset ie.
Rev. Edwin Thomps n. one of the origi-
nal anti -slavery agitators of New Eng-
land, who died recently at East Walpole.
Maas_ was born at Lynn. Maas.. of
Quaker parents. 1n 11109. Ills sympathies
' were stotund is the anti-alavery rause
when a vee' young man. Being • good
stump ',saber, with a rood fstud of anee-
dote*. be soon became prominent se se
itinerant peacher egaine.t slavery. and
was ebcted .*e st7 of the Anti-8larery
society of Lynn. H. was also a member
of the Ma'aachneetta Anti-Savmry society
He esu advised
by Wendell Phil -
1 i p a t o devote
himself to t b •
nose. While
=lag la New
Bedford the eels -
brat ed ox -dove
Prod Douala.' lis-
tened, and was
hadiwwd by Mr.
Thianp son s elo-
quence to bestir
himself h behalf
of his rear- The
TIM LATS D.. 117011P- most, of M r.
acts. Thnmpenn some
ham a paws sympathy with the slave. Be
spoke without pay and trav,bd at kis own
orf (be
ewvlml111. tlMmd 1h. atilt Mm'
ate, Hide.. sad
le was also fri t ooMoi .la its dw1 Ida
tltislfMl i IesreeWeat la the *tete. east
wed esomeell Qs bet oat? or
.fist - -* i NSW tin
mad lo ooseldaeoll "Mew papa w ldest& 'sus`
A lateeieg edl be h«IJ dtrtrg tet
C]E[ 1 (J .J\_ HOUSE'
..,•h It
is .sported the new pastor
s;ll meet bit (....I,1. iu social esaeuer
for t4: lltat tiros.
Jo.epb Co .k war e- led sway Ott
Mooday Leet, to sus 1.1s brother An-
drew, user tiliutuu, wh , is asnue.ly ill.
'1'bn l.ttt•r was a resideut liar. fur Wm.
A" -
I le
Saar neer. ---
After eight yeses suffering from Death:
..e.., on bad that I was malese lu enema
t, eey lwatarea, 1 was cured hy the use
.4 Hagysed's Yelluw oil. With grati-
tude 1 stake this knew.. for Ilse bsatbt
of others allIeted. Harty Ricardo, To-
mato, Dat.
raper Gloss.
Paper wiodow•glaa is now said to be
&t. assured fast. The wicdow pane is
ode u1 whit* paper, manufactured from
metal ur Iselin, and w,ditied by •hsmisal
settuu. Afterwards the paper is dipped
in a preparation of eampbt.r aha •{pi,brll,
w:itch makes it like parchment. From
this writ it can be winded mud est into
tvesarkatily tough sheets, entirely trans-
pereut, and it esu be dyed with almost
the 'bele of the anuiinne colors, the re
suit being a transparsut sheet, showtng
far more vivid hues than the beat glass
••• pile dress of bleak net hes gold
embvesdory sled spai.gles anenng the
foot, while the lock a of bleak net
etas Rr.du.ted dots in stripes upward
from the font; the half -low, round alert
waist has the wet tapped in trout died
bode - tool a moire sash Is added with
gold bath at the . ud.
1w jewelry tam and fan-'ful designs
are *hue.. for 4msirla1.t. at.d Les pins.
{n..•ng the deist, de. k •e• is a spry ut
!belles, with tie t.uud hese of the Woe -
formed ..t • *mule Inge pearl, ai.d
the Warmest. of large diamonds. It is
morn p.cturinnue Inst less effective made
up with black pearls and hytuenta of the
Sewer composed of tiny ghtterieg ems-
Get time rel.
Dr Fowler's Extracts•d tt'ilrf *raw -
devil te the best, moat prompt sad
..fest euro for Cholera M• -rheas,
tory. Sick Stoma -h, C.ani pi, ie,
Dim -rime sod Cholera Iufautum. th.t
ties yet bees disooveii.l. its popularity
inerwes each yerr. Ad medicate deal-
sta 010.1 It. 2
To marry for emery, beauty, hoes*, or
.rltisientaa is deba.lat. Character is of
f.r wear. .mase-yssnee than any of these;
and a happy marriage depends nisei:
'more nn • rood. lo.int, patient character
'ban all the circumstances et time, place
mono, combined.
A 1et.aMe Dlwvetry.
F. P. Tanner, of Neebnnq, Ont , says
he has not only hound 11- B. B. a sure
curs fur Dyspepsia, but be hag also
found it to be the best medicine fur re-
vulating and invigorating the +yetem
that he has ever been ta`eertine. B. 11 1'.
is the great system regulator 2.
By sit qualities may a fol be known
anger without case; speech withont
poifit; change without motive; enquiry
cohost an object: putting trust in a
stranger, and capacity to discnwioate
between a friend and a foe.
O+series. 1 waste rick a.
Counterfeits are always dangerous,
*.ors so that they always closely Oil -
TATE TIJP: 4.111d1VAL ArreonotCg ASD
NA tl It The remarkable uuoesa .chieved
by Nasal Balm as • moottles cute for
Cattail) stud Cold in the Heed has ir-
Juced unprincipled parties to imitate it.
The public ere csutiuued not to he de-
ceit -ed by n.•.trums iw.aauug Natal Balm
in statue and appearance, hearing such
names as Nasal Crean., Nasal Balsam,
etc. Asa for Nasal Balm and du nut
take imitation dealers may urge upon
you. For sib by all druggists or sent
poet -paid on receipt. •1 price 50cand =1)
by addiemtog Fulford &:C . , Brockville,
Oat. tf
Rev. Mr Brown preached his farewell
sermon to his a,ngreretton last ilahbath
meeting. taking as his text 2 Corin-
thians, 13th chapter, 11th vorse. Lir
Drain has Occupied the pulpit of the
Weezetnr Presbyterian church for up-
wards of twenty -t so years, acd hos from
the beginning of his pastorate Until now
when advancing age compels him to lay
duwu bis duties, Llo red in the Master's
cause, with a zeal, sincerity and earneat-
neas of aim which have made him belov-
ed not only by his own congregation,
but by the entire &immunity. Previous
to his coming to Wroxeter, Mr Brown
was • mirtunary fur • number of years
Trinidad, being obliged
I.laods by ill -health.
Furdwich, will preach
m. derati'r
of the
act as
until a
/ have just returned from the citiesand am now
receiving the tales! lines in SPRING MILLINERY.
My dressmaking department is also in full work-
ing order.
A call is respectfully solicited.
Has u,,,. opened est her lutea stock of
and is prepared to give e.r, better value than er 1•'oret u every department.
Feathers, Tips and Mounts,
Ribbons, Fancy Trimmings
sad all the taunt .tiles of +1.ap.sand makes.
• Remeal& tW • Gead-Oa the .-mare. *sat dour to Arbr.oe .ours. UN
Sew w Keels.
The mode of operating of Burdock
liked (titters is that it works at one and
the emu time upr.o the Stomach, Liver,
Rowels and Blood, to cleanse, regulate
and stiengthen. Heuer urs almost toi-
1 vernal value is thionic complaints. 2
tthaiee .Seer/.
I hate used Dr Fowler's Extract of
wild strawberry and found it the beet
remedy I ever used for Dyspepsia and all
Summer Complaints among children, and
I Clow: no household should he without
it. Mrs A. Baker, Ingoldshy, lint. 2.
Trials are moral ballast that often pre-
vent our capsiz,nv.
A Seedy Seaver...
The ravages of Cholera Infantum, Cho-
lera Merbos, Diarh,es, Dysetety and '
other summer complaints au i ng child- '
ren during the but weather, might be
almost totally prevented by having re- '
course to natures sovereijn remedy for
all bowel c.mpleiut, Dr. Fowler's Ex-
tract of Wtld Strawberry. 2.
Tis best not to dispute whets there is
no probability of coot incing.
•.w a Dade taught ! aid.
A slim young man in the height of
fashion was violently sneering in a street
ear, when a companion remarked, "Aw,
Chawles, dash boy, how d'ye catch that
dweadful sulci" "Aw, dealt fellah, left
my cane in the lower hall tother day,
and in sucking the ivy handle, in
deceitful cold, it chilled me sinner to
death." If Charles had used Dr. Har-
vey's Rod Pine Gum ►s oold would not
trouble hits eery much. For sale at J
ibca's prescription drug store. tf
la Brief, ens t. Ib. Petal.
Despecsia i. dreadful. Disordered
liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe to
good nature.
The human direstive apparatus is one
of the most complloated and wonderful
things in existence. It is easily put out
of order.
Greasy food, tough food. sloppy fond,
bad cookery. mental worry, Iain hours,
,rresular habits, and many other thin.
whteh ,ought not to he, hare made the
American per.ple a nation of dyspeptic.
But Grsen'a August Flower has done
a wonderful work in reforming this tad
burn..e and making the American
people se healthy that they can enjoy
heir in gals and be happy.
Remember :-N,, happiness without
besltlb• B.t Green'. August Flower
brings health and happiness to the
dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for ■
bottle. Seventy -fire dente. .rawly
What maintains one vies would bring
•p two children.
Hay fever is a type of catarrh having
peculiar symptoms. Itis attended by an
mamma condition of the lining mem-
branes of the atsarils, toarduMs std
throat, sadist the largo. Aa serial
mineme ttaaeaeted,ths dinebegsisseenm-
eanied with a burning aswatioa Than
are weer. *passim of .nesting, fnnisioat
atteele of headache. watery sad :.tint
d • ea. Ely's Orssst Balm is a maw
dy that eau be tlspaaid apes. Meta
M drsg,fraa ; by Mail, rsgiatersd, flails
lyBrothers , bra ista, Owego. New ly
There are mal.y indiationa of worms,
but Dr Low's Worm Syrup meets them
in every mos successfully. lm
Mr Thomas McMichael. of Hullett,
lost a very valuable y. ung four-year old
breeding seare in foal to Mr McKeozie's
inopurted hones, lieualwurth, on Mon-
day, 28th of May. The mare was in
good health until about one hour before
she died. This is a heavy loss so Mr
Mc3licbael valued her at S1100. She was
the best one he had, having ti imported
crosses in her. But he has three very
Rue breeding mares left yet, and two
tine y lung stallions. He had one of the
latter weighed. last Saturday, which
tipped the scales at 1130 die., and is
only 12 months rid. This tine cult was
sired by Mr McQueen's imported horse,
Renton Boy The other tieing stallion
was sired by Mr Mason's McCartney,
and promises t.. be • good one.
Enrich I he Blood hy t'. me of Mil
barn's Beef, Iron and Wine, which .op -
plies the necessary blood buildn.g ma -
tonal, 1 m
For The Nervous
The Debilitated
The Aged.
Unita Nervous Prestr elon.Nervow. Nes&
aebe.Nsenlgta. N.ree.. W..4'
'touch .ad LIw.r D1ss..w, mat 3
of ctlsa. st tks KIdasya.
cocas w. Downs. srsidems. Ot rs.rpm:'
Per two roars I wa a tadbsr tam nervous
Weir, sal I Wok a.* W lib. db. weer_ .r Osvolaskts orb Oat icer. Oisuar Oowrese.
.ural a.. a 1. . wdmW Ionise lase now It
sora Led swan. orao ram ter ssvtsa
worm Asaerr. wnmssa 1'r. mars:
t tares. Patera% ebg05 de.wwwwa arms me
sur. *57111.55..sned M Mao aa.rW awmor.
-Were f nod III 1. e~deo
o Is v .emfrla ..fines
liras V r..t•• 1s4 p eY 9 b a.s�w -
.ss Imus 1v. amsded .r ami titer aero.. was.
A. a Craw lemma tugs Pessrrea.ay..�.. sus.,
ham Miss me yeses
..rt ter.. A+.igkisMr 05
es A
e.aeYp »mom �,�slof•eV
tdm mime sm.
o..oa. Amore macs erre. 105. rs.'
sad t W w+rag.rP.r..maw�mn Oar Ossp-
east aro s .mr ra=M sitar gems
ass as
lasabda.t IssIbessher slew tensa nm.tws rota
OM's, 400100a
Par *deuce .til to arae nda
wuel.s.NIC14AR0SON •CO., Prepri.ltus
lloatreal. P. Q.
has now reeelred a 1411 'toot et oa spring mtllincry, cons_ong of tL.-
I .A.TEST INTO' 7=7... TI
Arrangements have been made fir getting is new g. , I. w•e.►;y, and all orders
lit at the store wltl receive prompt aucotwu.
i also beg to :soder w hostsake to the lethal of'0 ,d. -r, -b and v cinity for the
ps:rueage which they My awake
levered utas with armee 1 cumo.eaced business last tail.
rltiOns Hamlhoa street. seat the squaw'.
NIXON STURDY'S People's Grocery.
FROM 150. UP.
No old Stock to work off, but all Fresh and New
at Prices to suit.
ll Ilebest Caste Mee far .wryer an. gees.
Itememaer the :•sand On the Square, next to Binirhatn's Restaurant. DN
The new full Roller Mills at Port Albert using the
will be running about the 28th of February. Fanners cot
/dishy invited to give them a trial.
JAMES MAHAPFY, Proprietor.
Just Received at the Medical Ilan br r JOR1r.t?t, sad sin be sold at i'ricestto'suit
Hard Time& 1'.11 and ..•e them before ntsklan y.mr pwrchaae.
P. JORDAN, Medical Ball, Goderich.
CARD o_E T F f - g
'MEDD FIRM cps.-
Y�21.14=S A.CIT.MSON'
having boo dissolved by mutual consent. I beg leave to
thank the eaelolmern of this late firm for iast [avers at their
hands, sad to intimate that Ow business will hereafter be
carried lila by me at the old stand. I inland to carry
and in every iine in which I .teal I will snake it my aim to
have a fall ssso iosen1 New Owls telkatinitly arriving, anis
goods not in stock ordered at short fie.
The public's obedient servant,
ameeessarpts Vat le a AMHIsab
• r s