HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-6-15, Page 5• • ilillaisenneemer T VIP THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JUNE 15, 1888 .....•.aM.ela QQtwsialttn. Jane IL. 1IM. mut . wl�b.s► • +M Wheat.' ed wltlttori p• tis e • ; erh"ue"r.' .. . ... _ i s Is l!ows ......... . fyu�se,,r�, ts>Jss4/ i soto. sees . M itr' .►+ 1 sift cwt- t I ►tial • M o a r •de .f .................. st• •r• ✓ • a •a r fr lasj::ks4 1 Ms '.. • it i i; 11 • Ii ;rear ................... w M: ;ee faalsf, III tart............ M • " • a f tort • M • es�od iM •a HMss/ a 1 a sees ' •re nowa" • a t •r• • C&E.IIJXG SAZE_ SAUNDERS ha%e ire:h1e1 to gear out their entre stock of NeT IONS ! JEWELLERY ! FANCY GOODS ! PLATED WARE !, AXb Witt t.1Yg Special Bargains ! 1■ these lines until all la sold. Call and see no u Tie Cleat Rinker tie 3n. IIPOBTIU? TO FIRMB88. De sot .sod your mowing Sold without use of our mbar/team. THE MOWER'S FRIEND, in this tool butt. With it you can repair dam- aged seetbns sad abarpea the knice with re. toorlog 1t from UM machine. It will slave yes many hour* hard} work at the grindstone. besides .unable time. 1n tact, it r worth its weight in gold to every owner of • mooer or reaper. 1f not for salts .n your town. send Wrests. and we wilt sand ou one by mau.postane paid. Attests weld. CLEMENT & CO., S•- w Welke/pee-vt. last. Toronto. machine Into the Eery Newer Via S. S. "OREGON." 5 RETIRING FR011Mi BUSINESS. ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAR STOCK oJr CgOICE STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS JT V W LOW P EtIOIDB_ In amenra•ans of Kr. H. W. Brethour retiring fruit the Dry Goods Department ..1 the bu.inese t.n the 10th t i Aug tat, we have doodad to Wirer the entire stuck ,t $100.000 at very low prima, au -- to secure • very large redaction of it before that date. The high claw character of the goods is veil .c.,wa Tbia gives • grand opportunity fur securing bargains in BLACK AND COLORED DRESS GOODS. BLACK AND COLORED SILKS AND SATINS. TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS. SNEETINGS AND PILLOW COTTONS. MILLI N ERY. MANTLES, DOLMANS. SILK AND KID (GLOVES. HOSIERY. PARASOLS. There is no fistake About The public verdict is that ALEX. MUNRO has the right Goals, right prices clad in the rigout time. I want fu elul,l,tt.iaa obs tact that I study the re gniretoents Of (ill' 1ll.tasata. and have mule a special effort thin aea,lun to pruCYge everyUnng New, Useful anti Fitshionable that i,. w„rth Wing I make no •peciiilty el low lines of Goods, I aim at keeping lfood artu•I,•., and at prices commensurate with yual lay. If brevity i, the cod of wit, I will not exhaust patience by It artit•ulilriaii particulars, but will merely say that in all delwrtmeatll there will be found a choice assortment it. ALL GOODS NARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. AND STRICTLY ONE PRICE. SSW Draper and Haberdasher. All new choice Roods, and marked at very low prices. 5 PER CENT. OFF In addition to the very low prices which the geode are ,narked at, wit will allow ou all cash purchases of discount of tore (b) per neat. f!'2 00 a H. W. BRETHOUR & CO. 214; 331M.N'TFOR7Z_ «-GREAT CASH SALE BRANTFORD. APRIL, 1hS8. DEAR SIR, — I take this medium for announcing that on the 10th of August, it. is my intention to retire from the Dry (roods Department of the busi- ness so long carried on by me under the name and tirtu of H. W. BRETHOUR t CO. Having had now a long and very close application to business of over Thirty Years, I feel entitled to at least partial rest and release frout the cares of a large business. In making this announcement, I extend to the thousands FII tomer$ and correupondente sincere thanks for their liberal patronage, and the universal confidence bestowed on me. While retiring from the Dry Geode Department -Ii -•will, however; continue the Clothing and Carpet establishment on a larger scale than heretofore, and more directl fr under my own supervision. Special attention will Le paid to the Ordered Clothing Depart- ment ; also to the Carpet and House Furnishing, so as to make thein complete in every particular. Soliciting a continuance of your patronage. I am, yours respectfully, H. W. BRETHOUR THE ,rTANDARD.BRED TROTTING STA WON. TWENTY FIVE'� rijIci CHEF', Toilet Spring Goodsl -CHEdT VARIETY- -AND AT— will be at Whitely's Hotel,Gode- PRICES TO SUIT ILL ! I rich, from Tuesday noon, until , Thursday morning of every I —AT THE— week during the season. Setts ' Fnr particular. are Route Hill.. Pedigree. Tern,, ac.. FAR.R da SMITH SLIt NEW PATTERNS. NEW SHAPES_ Prices to Suit verybody. ('ALL AND SEE THEM AT QHAB_ A- NAIRN'S. ooderieb. April !. inn. !1>f GODERICH BOILER WORD & Slack aaatacturen of all kinds of STATIONERY, NAME, YMMNT ARO TURMAN BOILERS. SALT PANS, SMO STACKS and all kind. of Shoot Iron work. MILAN AND WAY= PIPS rrTT1,G1 coastaatly oa head. On bead. ready for delivery : 1 11• ■.I . New *eel Rollet. 1 • MO. Mw aN1er. A * IMa 241-hsii Yhrahilt ONtit Rokller. Separator, to all n geed weekly* . Will is sold cacao. Mau orders will resolve prompt attdtlw. Noris t epi. S. T. a. 11M1ew. P.O. BOX 3411 Oedettet May stat. PATENTS MUM TUN lint AMI WJLW. ousts* line _.1 'fib; Op.r..a.t, 5.t t s. ..iimoi , D..C. • TORONTO '''"e�eo"e".'CASH STORE ANCHOR LINE I Atleatie Express Service. StremblreITY L.01' ROME -frees Kew York p ; P. ODEA WIMW1�T J I t, Aug. E Sept A aOcctt tip. Larva lad oi�e.e.�el•... sir1- MANAGER. &LAN DOW .SV5tL Iteemsn every Retarder flees New York w SLAMOW and LST. Oahu Papaw 1s Glasgow. 1.iv- erpeot ter InVeat, dao and ass �. dt seaward' or a �q� °o• egewAioa at 'h Deel ellant for Circular letters d Creak ur rano. for Hseta its if g�er ew York. or N WM ARCH. I)IC[SON . Oederich. NOTICE_ IN OItDat TO nett! ReOR FOR NEW GOODS wRICR Aug ea81VIHW, I WILL roe TM —NEXT THIRTY DAYS— WRLL— (ROCKERY ALT COST_ Al! New Deedgne and Pat- terns ---Come and See. M.rayo a trod Mack of GROCERIES AND. PROVISIONS se mad e1 lowest phrase 1t.a—Rea R1lreedaFt (tumid Towrtess. K MOO Per ... G.H.OLD GET ISN PMNTINS 0 SIGNAL • f NASAL CREAM -TOP.— COLD IN THE HEAD, 1 C. Ft1i Rff ?RZC>C, — 25 CP11. J. WILSON Prescription Drug Store. PAINTING ANI) DECORATING. ELLIOTT & PRETTY • FOR THIRTY DAYS. Ten per cent. allowed on all purchases over one dollar. 3. C. DETLOR & CO. i REMOVED! 'Rees Prlce& Son THE PRINCIPAL CC0 ozC LA— re, ran have removed to the mammoth store formerly occupied by Wm. Kay, next to Bank of Commerce, where they will be happy to meet their old customers, and as many new ones. COLD MEDICATED. iisst, O,-r:t[ ;13 Yot,es.wr., Toaoerro N. WASHINGTON, M.D. L.G.P.i.O., Emiaeat Throat W Lang Surgeon. INS- REES PRICE & SON. WILL V!SIT GODERICH, ALBION HOTEL, JUNE 14TH, 1888, until 1 o'clock p.m.. And Oso. • Month Thereafter. POMMIES Tes.Tao.—estarrh er the Read and Throat.Catarrhal Deateses,Cbroa*c Bron- chitis., Amba sad Consumption. Also Lon of Voice. Sore Throat. Enlarged Towns, Poly - pea of the Now snored. COME EARLY. CONSULTAT1ON FREE CATARRH THROAT CURED. These are • few of the many who have been permanently cured by Dr. N. Itaehlegtea'. :Net M. S. lean. Ridgenorth. Ont.. catarrh. head and threat Mn Jen. Kyrie. Kimball., Ont.. retnovit,g growths trout nose. Mr Stevenson Radler tousdryl. Petrol**, Oat. catarrh. Misr 3I. Cornish. Walleceburg, (vett., asthma and consumption. Mrs McLandiesa. lot*. Ont.. catarrh of the throat. Mrs J. Lanning and eon. Kingston. catarrh and catarrhal deafness. Mrs Ralph Chamber. Aylmer. Oat. catarrh throat. Mn Jas. Emberson. Napanee.Ont..bronchitis. long standing. John A. Little. Ihi.dalk, Ont.. catarrh. Jelin E. Kersey. B�rfoes P.O., Ont.. catarrh. A. D. Utiles ya. W*Uaceitown. Oat.. catarrh hoed and throat. Robt Menr'ees,R'ar.ham. Ont. )urs t'. Scott 9tlrlisg. Ont.. catarrh. throat. lone striding. Edith tierce, Stoat ray, Ont, enlarged toa- sib. R. IAwlsa�. Petrolta. Ont.. catarrh. Mrs John Tait. Vyner. Mt. catarrh bead and throat. R. Noble, Jeweller and watrl.aker. Petrone, catarrh throat H. McColl, P. M.. Strwthroy. Oat., brooch* twa.smptkm. W. H. Storey. Zsq.. of Storey t! Sea. A Glove M•noheturers. roved of catarrh. Write sad ask blot for pavtionler.. !1111 SEEDS. THE LATEST AND BEST 052' THS B�d80N_ 9 s 0 • O W 3 ri a s 0 2 a a 0 e 0 0 Red Clever AWke. Mammoth. Peas ine, Incense sad White Desch. Timothy Seed*. Orchard Grose. Rine Oras. Red T. Italian Ryr, 511Yt and Ho•-ti•�, Pereseial Rye. Wks _and R y Ilion •a Seed Oats, White sad Resea p.r ▪ It•N Peas. nal Seri. ip 2.111 -Jori Cake and Cattle Peed, Norm, of all Ueda. Meng sa-M. ssss . Rad. latarmed- Ca.sg,e�l1r�aairoo°' t ops wiidee.. io,••gi asiwist. Al - late tiabtaga Mai 22111=by tl► Nr sews or sed Pease& saates Road d a1111k M 0.04ia�h•s W asedo I HAY% THE MOIST IID B ST 8T001 MILD IBD 6ABDB8 8BND8 ueg ts..tSa4 has . S. OLOA 31, flit. The Se•ttia.es ERVELOPES PIKES NE*$INNLE AT SIGNALOlt e .AI,EX_ MORTON, GOIDERIOH, MANUFACTURER OF FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGES. WORKS, • - Opposite Maims Hotel, Ooderioi; • .11 _ ".