HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-6-15, Page 4•
A , ►►r strain „Hilltb .pl..;tta themala
Vnrcu igna1 f they Ye sloesoy urer-
1.1111111116.11, we lite an early arrange
we be Coma to W that semitones
fur the dra.oement 01 railway interab
" be foamed from the strongest eh-
ta•aw d ear progressive bustusus men,
1t r • wid...wake local newspaper, o be HIS souacilkurs or thus outside el
• osunty newts sad the dleaemlas , mad that the work of further
tel knowledge.
ve' nLbi the sstsrprw be entrusted to
SATO Of Ill nee I?T1e1 t the basis .f that burly. nay b!
ate • you : tea roe lis 1w,oa%Aw; as SUS a coarse Cln we hope to
twee montka If the subscription le 118001,1118r:
pts age so mime.
.a advases, satrcrlpties will be c at
the sate of Um • year. -
1 •
♦ST1iST1•t1e: SATtm a Lisa e,anuor, of Preston, the new
Torii sae other usual advortisemeetw tk ! G s[fl ° duly Note
per gine for first Insertion. sad 1 new per lir ' tall and will seem hu salary donor the
fair rlltaestases insertion. Measured Di last few weeks by fishing for trout on
Lose mottos. la nesgat :el type Sc per brit. the Caseysdis. The country ie ala.
irebeast sodas I n ordinary reading type MMI
Basilan arch of e.: ones and •sderrpr Iaw pebN& meeting on Mon.ay even -
ire•' lig mottled the feet that Gderich facun
Atvonise scan of coat. Foundi
Vacant, t►last, on w
rs i'huces Wanted, note t
teaparial $1 psi math.
Seem en bele and Farms on Sale. M
eeetmesa lmonth.p for
L Larger tut, uh. Sae per
rsdvtt to pre/oRW►
.psclal notion Ik. oblect of which MOD AI.a*ADT the number of applications
tithe pecuniary benefit of any f
•e fs'Om des, pipers and dancers give
or .rOrol.aaj to De coasldered u pipe
eat aid ehareed accordiarly• ',idoses that the Caledonian gamer to be
Thanterms will .ti Ali cases be strictly al -
hared to.
selcu l rates for larger advertisement's. pf
advertisements fur este•ded period: •M
Inane at the office of publication.
the route by Liatuwel, Brussels and
r. Aad what will the -1-e.,- Era
r Now. poo, thing 1
h eld in Goderich on Monday, July 'god,
will tar oetetrip all precious records.
The pries list le the largest and best ever
sd. Mad the .con.pstiliuo will be
JO N SIR a DEPARTMENT. oo'resposdingly keen. "She WWI corn-
♦ telly mutinied Jobbald (letoe u carried toe is the mune@ • to take herself,
an ►n oonaectios with the ordinary newspaper
►.isms,, w bert first-class none 1. turned oat sitar.."
int line reasonable
be dose sista Everythila ng
hrei print-
ing poster to a vitiation card.
All commar.tcat:ons man tie addressed to
O. See:1LLMTNw,
Isiltorof Tna SIGNAL
Goderich 0.t.
Now that it has been decided by a
public meeting that so far es the inter
ests of Goderich are concerned, the:uute
els Listowsl, !Brussels anti Blyth a pre-
ferable to all others, we hope to se the
opposition to that line, which has
heretofore waisted in certain carters,
discontinued st once and forever.
No town can ever progress w lag u
than all' elements of o0ntetia.s m Its
midst, and the wonder has been that
O.d.riob hes managed to maintain the
taessute of prosperity that has been its
portion in past years, when i; is consa-
sled that, to a greater or less extmt, the
eptrit of contention on pabl.c tatters
hs ruled so atroogly.
The time has come for every resident
to bery petty differences u to details,
end for all to loin heartily in the promo-
tion of a scheme which sill *endue. to
enhanced prosperity on the part of the
town. The hour for child a play on the
Railway question has gone, and it u
necessary that sober, earnest work be
done by the men who have undertaken
to labor for the promotion of tate pro-
posed railway scheme.
Tu this sed, perhaps the first step
should be to do away with the riialry
that has hitherto existed between the
railway committee of the town citmciland
the citizens' railway committee. There
is fie room for two railway committees
in • town of this six*, or, m fact, io any
other. What u wanted b a !Moe of —
Tits New Era weeps and will not be
toetforted became Godeiich dos not
)aim it in its new railway project, but
E.voe. the northern route. It grows
iadiaramt and waxes worthy, and makes
•sssissethreats It won't have anything
to sly to Ooderich in the matter of
railways hereafter, but will divert future
schemes M Bayfield, Port Blake and
other laky posts Smtbere
e,v M.at.d -Mw
Airy Us a Free Market and It
Will Boom Ono. Mor.
Alltliaory-Maks ream
ter Water • b ' W
Raeraime• A asst.s s tart.
A Ceanpa.t.as of the Trail 1a sante
sad t'wss --oar IMO Trade le a'eataeed
WS IZWr.esaea Tb. Teresina
"Saar'- N eaaa-Ma Seq.
Toa way these sporting men Freston'
their yestbfdaess is something wonder -
fel Away back in 18' 2 the writer had
the privilege of meeting W. G. Grave,
the renowned cricketer, who was them
about thirty-five yeses of age ; today
we observe by the daily press that Mr
C!eaes is saly in his fortieth year. Over
twenty years cf age, we saw a big,
e quaresboetdered cotton -headed. young
fellow .lased Anson playing third•baae
for Copt. Addlj • Forest City club of
Reeklamd, III., which starred through
Camada at that time. In Tuesday's
e portiag pews we tied that Captain
Ammo, of the Chicago team, u in lois
thirty-sixth year and began playing ball
when he w nineteen. A few years
ago in L..ksew, we asked old lin W.
J obastos, the lace well-known profte-
Monal athlete, whet was his age. He
was getting 10 be s bald as a billiard
Ilea, and a belie stiff in the joints, but
he seesil.d sweetly, and said, "You can
put me down for twenty -aa, anyhow."
A. C. Raid, the swordsman, who is like-
ly to tern up at the Gdench Caledo-
nia& gases, oil Dominion Day, is Dearly
seventy. if he ie a day. bet if any sf the
gentle motors of Tan SIGNAL see him
when is town,they will mistake bin for
a frolicsome youth of twenty -live, with
his raven hair, his drooping moustache,
sod hia chirpy manner. Tess ever
thus. If you ars limb-rsome and frisky,
boo can trot with the colts
the committees, taking in the [asst at -
tins and bat posted member. d both,
and thus forming • progressive herd,
that will work harmoniously for the
beneEt of the town as a whole.
Some then may be who will o,pn s
thr view of the case, but we know of no
argument that an be advanced by them
against it. In uo town or city of
our knowledge has the reties,
work been taken up and carried not
pole!, by the council, and it is a last
that those trade centra that entrusted
their rsilwsy policy to the care cf $ e.,.1.
mines composed of energetic baurees
sen, and without regard to m.rnit7pal
gushtioatiuo, have been and .reete
successful is the promotion of their
schemes. This has been exemplified ill
the caee d Toronto, Hamilton, London,
Woodstock, Brantford, tt Thome,.
(;aelph. St Catherine., Kingston, ad
over, other place of note in t tntario, sot
forgetting such places neater boas •e.
Listowel, Wingham, 4linton, i'rusetis
and Iayth. In these cities, town. and
,1M .s a was not hell that n, slam
could be • progressive citizen and a good
worker in the railway interest without
int holding • eat at the municipal
Ad as the ease has hese elsewhere,
so must it be in Ooderieh, if we hope to
attain the fullest measure .,( eucoaaa
The moat progr'slire men do not always
sit at the eoencil board, and the ironies -
ego that tits f fteen men who hold pleas
frees aro the only ones comb's o.( work.
Sy is the beet Interest of the town
the .atter of railways is fallacious M.
deed. The troabte with the toenail
members le that they have at the pre.
soot time too meth busbies °n .
aei mesa in the majority of eases sirs'
the time sad attention to railway meg-
gore that the gasoline requires The
Mew mimeos of the waterworks *hems
lies fell demosshafed that poist, meg
in fail to are why the commit, te s body, 1, wee K, fel tha swath of May.
Wm. M the F•Wwer.
To the HI Isr et the Huron ipal.
Dasa da,—As it happens that I em
see of the slow tongued pc rtion of he -
amity, you will easily perceive that I
wo.ld have had so possible chases of
saeeeasidly rebutting the charge d
"falsehood" oto emphatically braugi t
against me Iron the platform on Motsday
n ight by oar irrepressible town clerk, in
that I had skated in my letter of last
week tbat be was nae of the parties et
OM Mateo peeked meeting to draft
r.se ethSS, &e. I must new therefore
bag of yoe apace for the following *s-
treet from the Near t re'n report of that
r•e.tiwg, whereon it says :--"The cons-
ommes appointed to draft resolutions to
be eabMatied to this meeting. and coo-
eidias of Georwe Jackson, Egmondville;
$, tJpeeswell ted R. Rumford, Tucker -
width ; Mayyoorr Beattie, Dr Coleman and
11f, Y. Mclean, 8safortb, Wm H.rbi-
ss Oesketb township ; Mayor Seeger
mod Wm Campbell, Goderich t Mayor
Ifflifgebemil. H. Masaiatg and D. A.
frorreelse. L1i.ton, beg hen to sport
ser fJ em" Aod towards the sod of
the second meolstieo are thew weeds
"the of the C. P. IL westward
{cent (iaalpb to some am Lake
MONO, Is t meaty d urea-" Now,
air, whoa does Mr Campbell Med the
e'Iritsbood" be se peblisly shagged me
with we M night 1 he knew at the
tyese—b I behave—that slab w the
Newt lrw's report, bet earns rwpreaensi-
bd segl1Msd his dety to hie constituents
ke set smpWieslly denying the lint' s
Miles- is 1a first moue thereafter.
Yeses testy,
Tame AP Krus.
Werlaemilleh 13th Jane, 1888. 1
Ferman i• this vieinity ars busily
filleted doing their statute labor.
Yr Sm. Rosier has left for lndepta.
chew% Masrseri to see above his brother's
eilb $s, the IgM Dr Bunter.
Mr Brows Mosher, hes boon laid up
with serious Mures for mese time, bet ie
sew sdb to reser hie duties.
The robot raise here made quite •
shasge in the appsannee of the sprig
The average oftentimes d R. 8 No.
Three weeks ago we called attention to
the extent of our trade in tits saline pro -
desk mud the excellent character of
Comedian salt in both cheese sad better
making, as attested by the blithest en -
thorny. We then claimed that all that
wee aecoeaty fur the full der.lopeueet
of the sit hennas of this district w
free trade in that artwle with the United
Reciprocity with the United States,
we repeat, is • oeossaity of the hour.
If it be eareseisted reciprocity, we are
ready fcr it, for it will be of uodu.bted
bemedt to this sectio. of Ontario. And
if it be more limited, and takes the shape
of reciprocity in natural products only,
we will still welcome it, for • half loaf ie
better then to bread.
Standing on the brow of the hill over-
looking 'our half-desrted harbor, and
calling to mind the rah of business
which prevailed on the waters at our
feet under the old Racierucity Treaty,
we can plainly see where oar natural
market lies.
W. are working and shouting fur
more railway accommodation, and will 1
do so until the rails of the new bus are
laid, but reciprocity will do for us as
much or more than will a new, com-
peting railway. Indeed, with redpeoci-
ty,a new railway would be hastened alone
by the management as rapidly a the
town could endorse it. "Where the
caress is, there will the eagles be gath-
ered together."
To show that the salt business of On-
tario his not increased As it should have
dope, and how it would have boomed
soder free trade relations with the Unit-
es States, the following simple state-
ment i• submitted fur the consideration
of the thoughtful reader.
The salt industry of Misbi,an had its
beginning in 1860, in which year the
product was only 4,000 barrels In
1570 it was 621,352 barrels, in 1880 it
was 2,683,b88 barrels, and is 1886 it was
3,677 237 barrels per annum. The first
silt well in Ontario was put down is
1866, and in 1880 the first year for
which • tensa was taken of the quanti-
ty manufactured;, the prodact was 472,-
000 barrels. In 1886, it appears by a
report of the Geological Survey, the
product was only 4:0000 barrels.
We would like some of our ratric•
tionist friends to tell us why the wells
of Michigan have increased their pro-
duct by nearly a mitlicn barrels annually
since 1880. while Ontario has in the
BMW period lessened her output I Aod
all this in the face of the fact that we
have facilities for shipping equal, it not
superior to Michigan. Int every lover
of business progress. Grit and Tory,
work heartily fur reciprocity with the
neighboring country- our natural mar-
We will elms this article with the
folluwirg timely quotation from the
Toronto "Mail' on the question :
"Hu salt industry in Huron, Bruce
and Lampton. now un its last legs, can
be revived by the removal of the cutom
houses, and in no other way. it is no
doubt that if the Dominion Government
were to tax the English salt imported for
am in Quebec and the Maritime Provin-
ces, and which also finds its way as far
west as Toronto, the Ontario salt mea
would make money. But it is equally
certain that the fishermen of Eastern
Canada would los by the protection
thus afforded the home article ; arid,
oonsidering that they are compelled to
es11 their fish, first paying the duty,
in New England and to buy their
manufactured gods at high tariff prices
in Meson's!, the disadvantages ender
which the labour are already grave
enough. The opening of the American
market to Ontario salt would enable oar
people to increase their output enormous-
! for • relatively trifling addition Co
their running expenses, Last year On-
tario exported only $`.t,000 worth, all
told. Free trade would throw open the
Western and North-Western stases te
the Canadian maker ; it is admitted by
such good judges as the Chimer) ..at
and pork packers that Canada salt is
unsurpaa.ed in quality. It is said by
Profiteer R.nberteon, of the Outario
Agnoultural College, to be better for
'bolas making porpoise than English
alt : and the Ontario Creameries Asw-
ciatioe pronounces it better for butter-
makiog as well. Cbieagn, Milwaukee
and St. Paul &Ione would probably take
200,000 harrels a year if the American
duty were removed. At parent the
total nuttiest in Hoorn, Bruce and lamb-
kin is •bout 4150,000 barrels a year
The Goderich Statist of lb. 2.3th trot.,
aye 210 psrssm are employed in the in-
dustry, of whisk Goderich, fieeforth and
Kincardine ars the chief sesta The
Sweat adds that "the prospect of reci-
procity with tha United States is hailed
with joy by the sola men." It is •loos
en.sessary to ad that reciprocity is
teff, Oros and other products woad like.
wise benefit our lags manse, which,
kris** being at liberty to ply betimes
Amoebas ports, meld readily Ned Cs -
tidies aireoes. Q.a.diew alt dad not est
$ large erne wider the ftsesprncity
Taste of 2564-0e1 Ater the reason that
salt was Sot worked is the S•egees treat
areal Opens Hese.— a r,a else iiia
etr els
Twsaty-eight We loads, or 2140 bar I
role of alt were shipped free the ..It I
blest, Wisghem, in May op to the lith.
"1 same* we. fellow note1.
/a' faith he Pent ft.'
The mwtk Jane • s rood t• me
rerddeaoer► Geo.
. ewut makes • of that work.
Qom) Piaa0RT.- Tee most useful gah
yo pie sake lis ytgrss Wirt Peu. A►
O T lo Q )ra6t t Ocidescl..
Asa.thev lot of select ism coffees. corned
beet ceased geode neo.. to hand. tt
Mnatatkr sad ems. M. ,foon.,ray .
11e. TAIteSlsn.–tL Mse(•oruac kits the
last mseetmeat of soside for aeries sad ....Mi-
aowsulfa m Order trawl biro and you w •=• be
etpad with et sad price.
The bike dilater season 1s a: tend 'f the
Oder weather wilt Daly keep dormant. but 50
far as weariest apparel is conoeraed )eu can
S ot everything you want at F. it A. hod -
lr Qvo. TRA. -This is the time of the year
far heavy dull huadacbee, sod 1• 501We Le-
agues' the only relief has been diad as, be a
wood cop of li-QOor Tea. ties. Rhynes u the
!00.1 •goat
(bit es Oeede, the druaglet. Albion block.
for eioryt►1.t to the line of dregsiest
r.djtctas., olemW
Mal sod toillret reticles
manna meatu.
W. C. O DrnIllth . Albion Rime. 13:10811
Ton Woeaw'• OVRIWIT 44 Tswrr*A'rt
URI.rr wW meet regularly for the transact.eu
a bWses every Tuesday aftrrsmw at 2.30
o'clock, la Northst Metho list church. Evers
womb interested in the work is cordially
invited to attend
Saunders & !den are oftltring tempus is
fancy goods. wall -paper, window .itaoiee and
picture moulding. to clear out. MIS is no 0141
stock. but new ted heel! goods Thay :stead
to devote their time to the other branika of
their business sad are prepared to give epec:-
aostions for plumbi•g and heating on hurt
methods The cheeptst house under the sun.
Considerable djSsrencr of opis.ou e1INs
with regard to the Sed llattalios canape, u
Stratford thisear lensed of London. come
favor one Loreand others the otter. out
when It comes down to real solid facts and
the question is asked say of the "horrid softer
boys where they could show to the best ad-
vantage they'll all tell you that tallow's
0aets.ruph studio is the spot to appear is
entree dye ..d in the Q ueen'e .:niform.
The Big )dill has commenced running
fifteen hours • day.
The volunteers will go in:o amp at
Stratford on Tussday next.
A. S.u.ders is in Hamilton, attetdiag
the High Court oL Foresters new M ses-
ension there. tt '
Mr. Shields and her eon, of Amoerw►,
were the guests of Js. Btecsenniige
during the past week.
Eureka Council, No. 1(.3, R. T. of T..
will meet in the Temperance Ball,
Goderich, next Tuesday evening.
Thos. Straiton son of A. Stratton, (;.
T. R. agent here, who hs been to
Osbaws for sums past, was hums last
Dr McDonagh will be in Goderich fur
consultation can Saturday. the 2nd of
June, and afterwards on the first
Setwrday of every month.
nolo; —Engineer C11 prnan has
been engaged to superintend the work
in connection with the waterworks
scheme at • salary of $750.
NORTH sr. METH0ItsTCW: r.re.—Rev,
G. R. Turk will occupy the pulpit of
North -at Methdut Church un Sato:iay
neat, morning and evening.
Rev. Mr. Andersen will preach the
manual sermon to Court Goder;ch No.
32, Canadian order of Foresters, in
Knox church. on Sunday, July lst.
C. A. Y'anatter, jeweler, A Stratford.
paid • flying riot to 001 town oa his
wheel Monday last He left Tuesday
morniog •-oi Bayfield cn the return tr:p.
Dr. M. Nicholson, the Kest street
dentist, makes the preservation of the
natural teeth • specialty. Gas adminis-
tered from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for the paw-
' on of troth
Y. P. 8. C. E.- - The meeting of yt.urte
people in the lecture neon of North -.t.
Methodist church this Friday eientne.
promises to be of unusual interest. All
are welcome. 8 o'clock.
he Towle.—Mears R.,bt Holmes, of
the Neer Era,- Clinton, and M. Y.
Mclean, of the Espus.b,r, Seeforth,were
in town last Friday. The _V,:,• Er.t an
has Bayfield mapped out as the termi-
nus for his proposed line of railway.
Clinton's well known artist, Miss C.
Mountcastle is the guest a Mrs Hayes.
Miss Mountcastle has also distinguished
herself in the world of letters, being the
authoress of • bock of peens entitled
"The Mission of Love, also "1 he My-
stery" a novel.
TOUR or Iotto-ms — Engineer
Chipman and Councillor Humber left
for Xenia. Ohio, to inspect the work•
ins of • Maxwell engine in euonection
with tits waterworks scheme. The put -
chaos is subject to the fax orable report
of the inspectors.
RRieonpu To `TF_AtF01.1,.—'Wee re-
gret to learn that Col. McKnight, of the
28th Batt., has decided to remove hie
family to Westford. His many friends
in town will regret bus departure and
that of he estimable family. He pur-
poses removing about the 19th inst.
Good manilla, NO:. per M; white
buainer. 51.00 per M; better do. , 51.23
and 11 :t0 per M., up as high as 51.80
for the beet basin.es envelope ever im-
ported into Goderich. Largest stook in
town. Only a small advanee for print-
ing. 111 tither lin04 full at Tix SIGNAL.
Mr. J. T. Gamow, Q. C., accompanied
by Mrs furrow and his two eons, Ed.
and Charlie, left Gedenob this (Friday
morning for New York, to take passage
for Britain on the White Star liner
Republic. it is needless to say that
their many friends wish them a pleasant
voyage, • happy time and a safe return.
Citi are BITAR. The ladies aid
satiety of Victoria Kt. Methodist church
will hold • bazar on Th orsday Jews 2lst
is the raeant store North St , raesotly
oseepi.d as • groary by Mr McGillivray,
w hen • number of beentifel, ornamental
and useful animas will be on ale.
Refreshments will be oared daring the
Ass Twee Tames Farr Tie Dan I
—The following is as asst onpy of a
message found in • bottle, which wee
asked up on the W share by Stephen
Martin, 4 King bnidgs, on leer Kuadey
*vetoing : "Loom, sheet 16 miles fres
Goderi•i, the sebees.. 11116, of Beg
City. If this be tomad, tet oar (rivets
know that we w all les.
Men —. Wrote by (`.sibs MOO "
it was segued by • same that was Mee
Me, but wbieb• le be MsDs,
e -Dose or ll. snaki. ea
Ladies' and Aden's Furnishing Gods.
Goods shown with p:eaaure. Highest price for Butter and Egger
d. A. REID & BRO.
p.dericb. Mai th*. 1101.
livres atva Bri/ROz.00re'rn.—Th.
Young Peoples Soo:Iety of Nurtb-SI.
Methodist church which meets at 8
dock Friday evenings, gives tonight cul
ymnulogy and hymao signets, Essays
will be road by members mom woe cf
the noted composers of hymns and their
productions 3ulos by Mia Nellie \11-
11554.014, o1 Toronto, Miss Ida Wilkiawa
and Mr E. C. Reicher. All welcome,
1res admrmun.
Sat*u Btrt•s Rau Lour —Mr Stein-
bach, of Zuricb, while im Ooderioh last
week, and wheat driving boss., lost •
small black beg. He seat an advertise-
ment 10 Tan SIGNAL, giving particulars
ref the loss, but in some way the adver-
tisement was mislaid. The tinder a the
bag will be suitably rewarded by leaving
it at this o&ce.
DiisGATa m Gum-Pa—At • meeting
of the citizens' committee held on Satur-
day evening, Mr Jospb Williams was ,
selected to attend the delegation tui
Guelph from the pointe sloe, the line.
The result of his gleaniop will be found
in the report of his speech at the Mon-
'evening tseettng, published els.-
Wises in this:oson
Tour —On Monday night last week,
• number of tools were stokes from Mc-
Kenzie s planing factory, Clinton, and
offered for ale ale in Holes.ville the
islet day. The thieves were employees
discharged from the circus while it was
here. A couple of persons were arrest-
ed in Owlet—fah, on suspicion of baiug
the guilty odes, brought to Clinton by
Constable Paisley. and committed for
trial by Police Magistrate N :litems un
Thursday of last week.
Coirvirreo —011 Wednesday after
mown, hast week Geo Andrews, a0 em-
ployee of W. F. Kelly, Brussels was ar-
rested by Constable Scott for the thieving
of scrap iron from P. Seat's blacksmith
shop,•nd selling it to H. Horns and Wm.
Arnott, dealers la scrap iron, from Lon-
don. The evidence wsot to show that
Andrew. went after dark with • horse
end cart and took the iron, shied Scutt
indentifisd as his The planer was
committed to stand bis trial and Con -
Istabil McComb took his to Goderich un
1 Ext•t-astn:to—To Brantford Jun* 20,
Grand Firemen's Demonstration, t,(%)
Eretnen expected, games, fancy drill,
fireworks, 40 Ticks good to go 1'.ttk,
and 20th and return 21st, fan only
51 90. June 19th last half fate excursion
of the season, to the Western and
Northwestern States, first clan tickets,
good fur 30 days, via Chicago routs.
Best time of the season to see the great
West at small cost. Tickets and full
I particulars can be had from H. Arm-
strong, Ticket Agent. Agent of Allan
and Cunard Ocean steamers, G. N W.
Telegraph Aim, Wet -St. Goderich.
Too Lamer!.—Clinton tr Era .-
Dr Williams, police magistrate, may not
be aware of the fact, but fact it is never-
theless, that hi. judgements, especially
in cases of drunkenn..s or assault, have
given a good deal of dissatisfaction
among people who look open thew de-
cisions as being altogether too lenient,
sod calculated rather to encourage hut -
lemma than otherwise. 'I he safety and
interests of • community are always
grar than ideals 0f .n individual, and
it is jos poaibls to show mercy where it
is ondedaervsd ; anyhow, we know a
good many people who would like to see
wrong -doers mors rigorously dealt with.
Hosea AND Ru: STOLEN.—Saturday
last a long-legged, dark -visaged, black -
moustached fellow, hailing ftom Clinton,
and giving his name as Scott, hired •
horse and rig at Reids livery stahle, and
went for • drive. Since that time neith-
er Scutt nor the horse and rig have been
seen, and on Tuesday it dawned upon
Mr. Reid that a horse thief had been go-
ing tbroogh him. He at once put him-
tits0fseltissfgwetoinnogv, atomrihoomps.aurenpoiiavots,
ebon tieba
reeswleitthhadu0pthr toethbteaheioenngtho
Mr. Raid had just purchased
it. livery business from Mr. Knox, and
his los under the circumstances is a
heavy owe.
A Rucrssertt BTroan. -D. M. Ru-
chan•s, of Exeter, and recently • stu-
dent of the Goderich high school, has
Md the third year examination of
a University, taking Ant clan
benors in civil polity, and 2d class in
atrial philosophy, and standing sound
highest in the class in civil polity. This
gloss show. ereditabls work deu
*till taon prais.woeihy in Mrnt Bocitba
w. sem eow•idering that during the
etessios b. bas taken almrst • doubt*
seem ; for, he oddities to his university
watt, h. Moi a fwM pewr of thgy in
K>.ox Oollsgs, with lite exasptioneoloo! on*
'shiest, takiag the wxasptioealiy high
shad of an average of 115 4 at his Koos
esen iawtiam
A TuaT n a 04111414016 —Manager
Clerk& of the Sam FSmpektse Minstrels.
sailed is to ser ea ys.Mar'L1- Me sirs
he is well seatkr1ed with the result of hie
tour east Ev.rywhar• W ampany
Mahon well received y pitta. wad pub-
1le, sad the taasagasiel peeheb bele has
hwessed 11w eireswreMww me+dingly.
with pMs.sAridd
ILp spM Ifs(aawgTTewk meat
MoRhp),wsdwe wbw...pipeitsemaria, eosw ,rod ee aims a amine(
pony play a limited e•faa.meet throes!
Canada prorating 41 their fretum to their
western bus.. 11* merit of the com-
osny, combined with Mr Devi.' know
ledge of Csr,adtan territory, tuust make
tins engagement profitable to all ouooeru•
ed. --N. Y Mirror. They will appear
in she (:rand Opera Houle un Saturday,
June 16th.
ERTtersluble.T.—Kaux Church Mis-
sion Band entertainment was held un
Friday evening in the lecture room of
the church, Rev. J A. Aodersuu pro.
sided. The room was well filled with
young and old. who were1y eater -
twined by cs. ombof the and,
others who rsodered an attractive musi-
cal and literary prugram. The reading
and recitations were very appeupriate to
the oorwai00, and the singlet of the
Band was good and reflected credit on
their teacher Mr Cook, the organist of
ebe church. Miss Blair and Mier R.
Wilsos, who hale had the Bead under
their :harge for some time, and ender
whose management the satertatnmene
was held, are to be eootratu.ated on the
emcees of their untiring effects. A
collection amuuntiog to 57 was taken
up at the clu.s.
CALEDONIAN GAMES —The prise list in
eonDectioo with the Caledonian games
to be bed in God.rieb on July 2.d has
bees printed and makes a big hole in
51000. Already cetmmeaicatioes hove
been received from many tooted athletes,
pipers and dancers, and the isdiestios
are for great piece of platform work and
a big athletic field. The games this
year will be held uo the new Northwest-
ern Exhibition grounds, fitted op for the
occasion under the supervision of Mr
W. L. Horton. A special feature this
year will be free sesta, and the seating
accommodation wit be disposed of un
the principle t f first wa first served.
The railway arrangements to all pointe
are of the beat. and the concert is the
evening promises to he tbo best yet
held under the auspices of the society.
Get your Kilmarnock and tartan and
feather ready for the ooesaioo.
G•DRRk'a TO 11.11 FRoIrT.—The Bon-
ds J'„st says : Last Tuesday evening
the cricket club entertainment was held
in the town ball as annouooed. At Is
o'clock, the president of the deb, E. E.
Wade, made a tee preliminary remarks
after which the program, as outlined in
/tat issue, was closely adhered to, Jaa
bill, who was detained owing t„
illness of his father, being the only
performer wanting. The instrumental
sad vocal selectious were tendered in ex•
! tallent style and encore. were the rule
instead of the exception. At the con-
clusion of the IK part of the program
the comedy 'Hie Last Lego' was Promoted
and was carried through quite suoo.aful-
ly. Mr Andrews, of Goderioh, took the
leading part and was well supported by
the home talent There were a number
of good bits andthe characters est forth
were well personated, some of them ex-
tra well. The entertainment cooeieded
with the pantomime "The babes in the
wood' in which twc "deer little baby"
(elephants, appeared and after weeping
wanly. died under the evergreen tree
land were covered over with laves by
"Robin hedbresete," The drop certain
did out work well,.o one of the "babes'
had • speedy resurrection to pall down
the "blind. The proceeds of the even-
ing amounted to about 540.
A Gomm', 11 EreTaae.txet(RxT Roarer
or IRartt Troll. —At the corner of Hasid -
ton street and "the Sgttap." over the
extensive stores of Mr C1w, .'tlsirn, are
the reception rooms sed studio of use of
Canada s foremost artists A half hour
in the forger will make the visitor ac-
quainted with the oelehrittes of the town
and neighborhood, for in every variety of
style may be seen admirable Ilkeneasa of
perto all,
whhilensthend places picturnieuesl e froep the
windows, now that summer has asserted
her sway is not to be surpassed in
any town on either side of the Atlantic.
Bet though the proprietor. Mr Georg°
Stewart, is naturally gratified with the
successful resulta of his past labors, as
shown on the wall and tables of his re-
ception rooms, he is not at all unwilling
to conduct the caller to his spacious
studio and show the mesas by which so
desirable an end ha bees attained.
Here, among other things, he is com-
mendably proud of • splendid lens lately
imported trona Germany, which does
unequalled work, especialiy with groups
By its aid, forty-three members of our
County Coonan, beside three other large
groom were exoellewtly portrayed laid
week, and tele speaks a ises, for the
ptaeity of the instratoeetel, and the
large dimen.s of the stadia, Atten-
tion is silo iirected to a very resent
an'pnrtetiein le the shape of saese pew!
do eted .soge.pi ds .elands, whisk
..e b• arra in Manor
so that the y a•. ways,
her drawingiudames.-fen is
room, the s sess seas is
ha otiee, Joliet cls her babeot awl Ilse
In,. sick swain "over fibs pslaa *111"
see. eta A P gkede sea . hiNb-
fa1 life -sins pnraals ` W ails,
will sonnies* the meet fie sonnies*Olt
w •J bet
5. artist i• the
Stewart is sot h 1r see
sad tido y
served thescaliest tliiMeel tsfti/ bee
hINerl..t'-iLj sr