HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-6-8, Page 66
Coysarwr+mnrt Thio feat... the Riad* of
Ametteena to Tures Toward ¶Id. tre•.rl-
fol %pa au tea Nor ata -Moor !memo'.
I.. Ube BPO.. IItarrated.
N0TIIER tear
has Tolled 'mond.
and West Polut U
about to Rend out
a new crop of
embryo Le•nwt.
There aro• t!it`
11•ual e:.amitta-
tkats, the art il-
!cry , infantry and
cavalry drills.
bridge l.uiidiry[,
eigu•ttng. • x e r -
c i n e s theoretic.
with a slight
sprinkling of the practical thruwr,.ta, by
hb h soldiers are made. (Fume a year
wines halt a hundred of these young ern
a' turned loose. somk to Co at once into
civil fife. some to upend • few years is
.loopy forts and garrisons, and the
make a break for activity, while others,
atter passing a lifetime La the military
setvhee. at 14 are retired with the rank ..f
atajor or lieutenant colonel. If they air
vela fortunate they may reach to the cow -
awed of a regiment. a position attained
in war time by utnny a youngster of 23 or
24 years of age.
Much interest.ttac:r.e to West Point
beyond that felt in the Military academy
kvery s hoolb.,yy lingers over the story of
Arno:d and Andre, 'lirrttarus" and -Sohn
Ander on." and the three Ct:ntiaeutals
who raptured Andre, and their noble self
siaerifice in not wailing their enuntry for
the yellow metal. !'.•rhapt not oue iu
twenty who have Head the story of Ar-
nold's treason, of the rapture and exa•nt-
tion of an accomplished young British
talker, really uri.0 i -stand* the atrateEie
iniportan••e of \% •et Point to both the
British and t: Americans du.-ing tu:
revolutionary war. '
At the time rf thta strziegle the Gott.
sag's Atria, as it was the eWM, Rte fair
main fiery of enmmnnicatioa Making the
southern, the middle and New England
the r Wart Pout wet dine
NIP ligOn w the sort 0 sad the ls-
seTimm war iJwsys a,
kept there -at Istat fee
That time• -7r Washington was fee
• At tie, time of IM
of Prance. an order
the day In h•aue
new auppatlng the
Ria against the ung.
wee elected err "Lite
Elam uudverytpn who're Grant.
rib.•tr...ors. a. IfaaiaaatduIbr'• have
inure par"AIM. AMA wilt alaan.ket. Waeit-
Ineton o•d se 1 dance with Mrs Orn -
sterility t. eve
birth of t!tA
wadi Peeped
tet the all
states in t
Au ee er„r
• •
The a.
eyol :ed
tiller' u'
er gluons,
w.•r• sit
tion lu
was sot born. it was
tis revolution the sr
into a regtnwet as:I
lie a eurps. and Thr bee.:
atW.•t Point. t *dots
te each Ne}r for iu4nte
tkste were three• profeeeors
bet thea, wero fmach
. ; ,. tome
whheu' Ce•-• to u is
pal. to the Crr.tt.- ud
371111110Ms doubted whothee the
gee-` ' tatialiedIos.atituLionel au:boric•'
to a-' '611S alt asadeay, aid the embryo
cartel • of lashes rams eery Year bring
molted tett stere
thou1-e. cruor boot a rx•.dn„.
�Mtg tie Heat stow year., u•
its h. *t.l7 tyw were bus 1,•cv iota!!
protiter to lee rocked" After that
the '' "dM" took a start, and wider the
Mali ,-erased a its first supetint. t al nt,
(bl1' r. berms at once an ea,'tjlent
lust; • n Little le lett of the buildings
in wli emisb, who were there be-
lww•tla Mid 18 O. slept and att. and
rest' .1. Hearth arrarka and Korth
a'' -'rhe and miss hall have pot w d away,
and 1 that stead have risen blti!.tin ee of
a r" roe Illidlathreser ar: l more dur
ahi blab hicel i:l.•trn:nents.
re!, ' of West Point's grist.
Kr't•'"tayaSew collected in these build
Ito .without more than nue menet
to"1 bm bees erected to stint to her
feet• A snifter's life is matin tip of t.nr
reorient bloke,; by Intervals of
intense His peace is more pester
ful, Ids la mere active thin that
.d otbsr RM. It is thous brief p,•riude of
WW1 the eyes of all have been
t :H
the saes of West Point. that
have 1stLy lifted them to tower over
by Ober metF.riols- and Tor
whet. Meet of the regular ,_Winters
who fa the Mexican war wereom
} '•iawl held low rank. It wr,.s only
e heftthe civil war cams on that Hames. trio o had berm entered on thi
MP or wear
Lyres au old drs
colonies. forminlr. with
and Champlain and the St.
*Taoist entitinunua waterway
lakes. Froja the first both
ated the' pHtaoee of till; lin
munleation. The British wet-t-
ere•hones of getting possession of i::
Laving it they could Pee only p vent
communication along its metre h:• t
ships. patrolling the ricer. coif! i even eh
off communication between New Lagia:,
and the west and south. In short. they
rnnld cut the colonies in t wo in the ridd:r,
and their suhjertion .otild Toe iuoyits9'••.
It became at one, an object with the
Ame teens to binrkwie the riser to the
enemy's ships_ F treinrer ale tiers rr vert d
that for this pill -wee the hieldstu • sbcit
Nest Point fr:rni,be { adru.i I .- gr
She hills on either -i•1.• err very :::,;i. the
river much narrrewor than at any ether
point, and taking a sudden bored heroes
Constitution Island and We*, P•.int This
would st
a ship.andwas thus ezt,-
rem' tarot,
abh• to the eolnnists" plan for eletreti„n,
which was by means of & boats and a
charm etreteh,d acne.; the river f•'r in
t online ranch of the headway eta ship
brnugbt to bear oa the obstruct would
le• lust.
The first place. however. feel/a4'7 the
Americans wags at Fort Montgrst••rc. sev-
. rill miles below; but one tune•• -g the
British walked up to the fort tam tad'
Putpe lying in the river below •.;•pow-
cred the garrison and deetmr-i works
that had coat the Americium I `x1,000.
After this disaster Waahine ttraed
f,rward the work at West 1 r• ]pet
Constitution had been built n:. • omens -
tion island opposite, and For" .t-ndd-
afterward Fort Clinton -was h:Ut Ma
West Point. Higher up bry..rd 'lie
other works were constructed. the pl
c{pal of which was Fort Pntr.m. A oll0n
two laid and • boom placed Pie below it.
Northers of the boom have been preserved
seri a portion of the (-hain, a -•t ,f width
1s here given, is now plr•ercei as. s roue
at West Point. The links ar.rsse 114
pounds each in weight. and
the else of the worden shlpe,.fthat
would donbtless have iorned an
owe" • tee..
PVhc' tiw.l-zoo
Ar. Tone.. as
• the beer:
s apFT.
of cow -
,z e
deny books as ixoys suddenly shone
t with dazzling brilliancy tool pats '
. -ectly tato history. It in this that baa
_ . yea Wet Point. though but a youth in
to many American univeni-
:nn. a is history an mull larger, or
i' least filled with figures rag meal more
ri1Mn/t, than ler rival institutions of
:eetltatni. • •
Om Mew years during the month of
Ju*. iMbrm has been a gathering of
tmgen; at Rest Point. It b'gan by a
Zirse the relatives of the cadets
passing through their graduat-
ing,esMeas. Then K'eat Point barame
a eaelelerresort. rand foor thirty years her
kaee.been filled with young girls
r aalnmas who attend them to
altWadies for women under 20. Those
who sesattractnd by the Military academy
West Point hotel. built very
where stood Fort Cliatea.
t piazza the young girl dreams
away the slimmer afternoons with some
youngster who, with a alt;ngied bead and
a wasp waist• has been given ashort leave
of absents for the purpose. There they
listen to audh sounds a, finnt over the
plain -the handling of muskets. the roll-
ing over the ground of artillery. or the
trampp of horses in drill. the 'online of
merit! mush. They may 4mnnni of the
old chain and boom of Fort t'ouatitntioa.
the sited wb$eb is in view directly semens
Pm. river. and fancy they eau see the
tegligne !oohing 4)ontinentad sentinel
gaglieg bark and forth; of Fort Putnam tip
the hill. with its magazines once full
perk and powder, now a riles.
pone PCTS/Jt.
AU these t.hinge they may dream of;
bat they don't. Mot trial in a hundred is
tblebtag about Fret (i0satitutlou or Port
Matas, or Washington or Koecineko.
wbo hmgineernd it all. er •'1 the chain or
the boom. or Benedict Armed. What they
do dreams of no one knows. belt a shrewd
guns would be very likely td\strike a pic-
ture of army lite in wdMis
ei'd s In snore
fort; not a ort about which thane are hall
breeds and Indians. oowboys end rut -
throats. but a fort weene all this guns
shine and martial music always nneds as
deMghtfully as the strains namlag fro* the
West Point band across the "plain.' a
fort around which there are beautiful
walks like .'eirtatloa." where they wet
stroll and pink wild dowers. Aare they
fanny a life with all the pleasure* of pians
and as the fascinating aresesortes of war.
But at Isat the aee.00 is ever; the rade*
goes back to barracks or alone to his poet
on the frontier And the ighp.I1 Alas. It
la a practical age. Moat Mem site gore
bask to her home. marries s briber er pork
packer. and settles In a ''sten. front,"
ihetlgtt .omrtltnos els realises en ougb of
to ge with tb.cache to his fort
Ms N Weise Omega
Mast •uda d•Colds, moieties Cor elm
..d an
rweeee of ilea Ureal. Eeep Has-
jard'• Protocol DPP* It trail for 11 eh
prwvaleilt ,t„wbl.. et W joie, •1:d
at F;•nn;
It al the beaship ,d.
A tt)Astirtr of the Ka.ehtie• Co/e-
mitter td the Irish Kneen!n! Lomita is
eta e* weertboa besalted for .lees 12 at
(tlrerh.nd, Uhw. The ubyeet 1. ea-
doul•tedly is reward w the wiser aeeree
ail) 1,• So 'a. •e ee the 1'••; • e rest Pty'.
as en te•eraetu.id-
IFnn't .lbw a cob, in + he hr to aloe -
ty •11141•11141surely run lute Collet *Igen
too can be cured for 1'3r. by esinz 1)r.
Chas s Catarrh Cure. A few applica-
tions eon iaeirteet catarrh ; 1 to Y buses
cures .grtEtuary catarrh ; S to i twat*.twat*.is
guaranteed to CCTV chronic cetera. Try
it. Only 2:ec and sere care. Sell by
all artixgute. 1y
A Mtwara -Of ono dose •'1's arta
Int'" to ar:y ••rte s.ndiug the beat four lirl-
rhj•I's on YVASSItZ1.' the retry vbibk
t:!e tr•'w • for the Teeth id Pet:,Pet:,Ask
y sur ,Iruytest or address
*are ewnrkaale "Yeti.
.ii at :est, what the true 1o•:blic
ham been IncitingIncitingfor these meet. years
old Ilist is a medicine which aithoavh
but lately int..uce& has made for
itself a et -puristic..... rescued to none, the
.aadieiue to .1 Meson's Touir Reiter
',hie!' 10 roejnuctton with Johnin,,'..
1.1.1111 -1.1.1111 -Lover Pills has perferneed armor
ncurve moat wonderful cu. impure n
r 110
too tem , risked 1,1..4 toincomes pmribe..
and enriched. Hilinnune.s, 111111(tMtina.
sic i. I.eadache, liver comp:amt. Unmoor.
weakness, rte , non disappear whetk
by these etce.itt tonic meth.
closet For Sal. by tis .�, 4111e -tie'. A:-
bikerblerc r. Ooderich, s Ile agent. Id
Donee (who catches his pastor not I
fishing; : '-Coxed moraine. I) Knot r.Ai • ,
inn rtsayiult theuluby Slimmer :
'' Yraichthyobgy."
To Cao s[edteol erelsemaiNi. use W whew
111 mayallM11101.
Pbnpphattne. or Nerve jfoo*,`a Phos-
phate F.emoot based upon 6uietttific
Fate, 'formulated by Ptofese;r. „Lu•tiu,
M. I). of Beton, M.as., euros Pe.+lm•'n-
ary -Cuu.,wapttotl, Nick tl. etti =.
Don't Wait
saw year bade Loomis dry. this. •a+
gray before giving the arssatlua aeett.tt
lu• moseys Me beauty so! tttabty.
Keep ell your I sbta►H a bottle of
Ayer'b HMI, Vs.- ib. only dressing
you reviles ler she h dr --end see a Ilttb,
dally, tis inseams the miming color sad
priimat bald *
Thema latnday, Sharma Grove, Ky ,
writes :"Ipr,.s,ty�Yl mouths agu ay hair
contaminatecontaminacontaminate.e� out, aid in • new
weeds my MIA was shoes bald. I
tried atm" remedies, but tb.y did no
good. 1 easily bought a bottle of Ayer's
Hair Vigor, sad, after u.lag ody • part
of the coaterie. my head was covered
witb a heavy growth of hair. 1 recom-
mend year prsparwtfoa as the best hair-
airrestorer to the world.'•
'• My hair war faded and dry," writes
Mabel C. Hardy. of Delavn, III ' but
after ring • bottle of Ayer'. Ilan Vigor
it became black sad glossy."
Ayer's Hair Vigor,
Sell by Druggists and Perfumers.
Pimples and Blotches,
do diaigaeteg to the fele. forehead. and
seek, any be entirely removed by the
am of Amts Meoosseulie. the best and
.alai Alsssativs and=hod-Purifier ever
Dr. J. C. alp. i ea.. Loweg. Maar,
Sold by D•tegps: lit : els Moho for ea•
tine reef of well entities* ...low dry
will keep $ eg•w five ..r .ts eo ,iih• `A.
•4.15'; •hr w1i1 ►eeleiee. ren •tri awe.
•Moet lbeee. Wars • 1 ieI torr for hri •ow•
turf aulrtr.to.' Orth -thorn ..11 the l•,tllaY
•y.teeti writ-alppart bee all the )rot►
?ous Attacks, V ertig•. and Net.•taltia
and all wasting diseases of the turner
system. Phosphatine is not a Medicine.
but a Nutriment, because it ce ntaiaa no
Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates
Nascetics, and no 8timnlants, but aintp!
ly the Phosphatic and (artric Elements
found in our daily footl. A single 'tettie
u sttlflciont to conelnt-r. All Dru egiats
sell rt. $1.09 par bottle. Lowe', &
Co., sole agents for the Duatiton,
55 Front Street East Toronto
Mti e•esalno4
Rail \Ito ries to Isiying snr 1k 11: • Mos I
The Old Fr. st: -t >1.,t and `41e'• Ilam rr Aert.xkl3.11i11 to th,• frees w�.Met the loam
fifteen voere'' tapet:enee la r► H Int Muw'ere M/ rrep•n. t aro sir a
Hey*, hal ale••! Matrd ,u Ina I1tu-ts Sari 11.4,-,. k 10 My
Mw 1•vpartant ttrmM IMat 1,,.tr Wei :�'
.ufa1 eRena e..,nwhe•t io.IMad , n .(feat•
•Mort ' W kW than tor any other txaw,ray.
Orden. lop sem 1, u:e at r• a!m•.. tail be 11:se-. oe t p m. from liar at -tante nt,ry. This is the
rum' ttaM,nnnl ,e.1 ' '0 1r a •.i.. • • , ate fila the law\ ..rept use.
that b the•' .- ....Cot. •l, i..11lr wlw.*t ex •lussvuly of sterl.and'stbere-
• stir mw•htu.•. *:e ,.i -._.s.! ,.r 1.•weµ•V. tun .MiN1.
`r ., .estersa..• I•, . •v.,- tenet .., e.• bthP.M.,. a• tsesseflls_5* este.
I. 1,i,,, sole • ' r• r. U.aot sees. L a •�.e r l all ehgtyrt �MmtM�
h ar..e,. was :'.: iter tr.s: war•.415. the 'WOO esei.r .tnd11(6e IM kr'remt • Wel
.: r 'stained. r. r r, \' rel to Ir.% r I I•.?ir order• at my oboe.
,o,e. r.ortarluu• two, 1. tsc•of 6,11) .•r at la Stab 'tiV.a.
try merest dulelty and Liter r •rulw-
tjads by L'r. Meer, *whet •4
Cbsai a Try CLeer s LT• r
Cure br'.11 rd tine 1: t'e►.
urve, v�•tnoebri.d L3nw.lh. :ford by ami
I'!;•• dierr.sat.g palettes. oto viten oh-
liOr red nr ygatiryhtsi nf' 'roe'^.. w •:••••1• .t Yrear u.ew.urr tet a :•,ex of the rear
Corpuscles ii the M•..r: Te teme•lw
this require* a reedicine which pe educes
these ueceee.ry fifth, '.i..w• n.•.tltutl'ta,
mud the ors.: yet discover -1 is Johnsen a
Tonic Litters Price :•:' sets. sn.l $1
per hcttlellr*[euJ. s .1r .s .toner, Aibie.a
bb rk. Griderelt. &de a 2••nt. ! bi
I'ra,ek.t }Isrl.^ •r Fre re •' •e' ler and fleeciest f:eparer of all theft ee Machdus
Pry .tte14 sea �*•• uoitl :wn•.t. • r A.' *lee.. I•r. rtr1nl.tt s .11 kV beat bindinN•ir made are
kegs a,w La,..l, ai:d :.tr Woo,+ n';'I•• • my .,eaatlil .aur ar s.rppl'wt. IMre Y•er ord•!n-
1110- N nuts-% Sao. It -at . Yetietsh•
- Ep=QVJ►ItTIVItw 7'071
ret.r:s is tats Deasiebs u•tu rii g
.t' 11.1IIBN'E STOCK fly
Ladies' Fine Goods
1• Dema NaeM. Balr...�tl. t'.tns•.sa. Orford Ties, therm d.ttr-rot styles of Kid :'::1per-
*yen . up h_,to. ant nr..eion Mke. Yds, flush. ►t,.:'t Pninella. Carpet.
t{,�eon ni e timens..o tillpt.:ra is ;,corse. .
1(Ifaver, deaer:P"'n ,Tewin ••f t•:.nad,an and Americanut.k••s. i %wild alto call the ane,,:.,,,,
Sr YAR Wla1y to oat part ra my se -ark r.I..•r:5:13 ."it elle cur then', such as
THE KEY TO KALLong Bo0t3 in Calf, Sip and Cowhide,
Weeks all the clo c+zt.t,lacesof the
Bowan. n. /Malaya anel'Ltvhq oarrye
ingoff gradually w:thou w.+aheneig the
system. all the imply :dna rend foul
humors of the secrottoaa, st tbo same
titan Lc lreoting Aeidit.7 of the
M3boamaodl; coring BiLo=enree, Dys-
jp1eQpp/si., reedseheri Diarisaa.
Heart izni, C3natipc' Dryness
of the !Morns Drop. -u,
Visdoa. has -dice. fit &beam.
Erysipelbm. Scroful't .Fi tering of
the Hurt. I errouatea , Lott Oto.
era De:![lity; ail therm auel many
otahee+ry nailer Complains vie ii to the
T. IIiJlis: a Ce.. Iher-$taa. ?sten►
G- O. it 4:e. 3 r sells cheap for cash : er will not be und;rse.:•1.
EVERY one slt.ttid mitt on him before percha,ut, FS'ItN;Ti-Ea: ,I.eshere.
ONE and a:: can wore mr.ey by buyioe from GIl;1;: I:Altl:i.
BARRYmakes a leaecislty of i.-NDi.RTA NTNG and ?'icture Framing.
ALL kinds of FtItSITCP.E kept on hat. d. Cal: and see his Mots tet
ROCKING Clears, Tables, Parlor Setts, Jlettreeaa, Bedsteads, Easy Chairs. elle:
lEMEMBILR that CEO. BARRY keeps the best Stock of FCRNI K'RBin toms
� c 11 iiLouid csli and get his PRICKS-befote buying elsewhere.
I have a bar of P. -1t Itn,•t.. my own make. a.•ke,wimiged to be the Beet rat Boot eaade .n
t'..,ada. I'rurnpt and .:useful attention levee to
irPlww h ••tr'hr•.• 14•t• la wttn.t - 1 1.1. r trs far the is irswt stock of 11...,e and e:in►s .a
1tow* 'flap-are•dthe very t s. taa►tty leo orate. being mode by the beet massladurera .0
C... ; And 1 will cell at praise se Is. re bower . oats ....Jong. else.
lm ller • l reina n. mph ',,V"Vver 41,081'
Yew d custom. er Idbera0y ac..erded game during the pd
GEC_ �dcR'Y�
Hamilton -St . Godetfeh.
Cribb's 1LY.*k. Cur. Haase. and +t•:are.
i wan• eel all to road sod profit ther.lq Nae the holidays ..d Sections aro Mee.
we came down to bttaia.aa. 1 am sabring re the palette tie lespeat stalk ilia
J1 ti
Tie [flow al ti. 11111al.ur1.
Tbo Hlnttnnm are not without taste in
their dwellingit. They build the Matt
very light and airy. ewith some orns-
msatstkon, and thin part le for the hue
band: the wife has her apartment^ In the
rear of the bosun. and the windows slew
may Ades placed high op near the cueing.
just like many of the little veatllators we
ere 1a this 0oeatry. Thor* tits wife hos
to nmeala la i sssatl-dsrkaess. Rums may
speak d the soder/ Inintents made
Is the hohsMa. the inUn of gee and
water. but these improvements are only
a same of more trouble for tbl.a/otaen
pe1ew Jlorsstly the wife amid go
5o 51..Aweil is Law water end haves, for a
balf hear. a little goe•ip with:lase Mende.
bat she le deprived of all this now: also
whsa wash/ • light she maid go to
for • rat tib. Pa Imo IOW
floilimple Pak ;pow of kintornis
le not allowed
• hook tor paper or
hat bee baa -
well what
�� tiM1
Tbe stork inane' s.d will he weld out tri retake room for swift tttoed..
1 take this opn•rtonity of thanking the public in both Sewn and wareee.41•5 sirtm-
iry for paw aero, and solicit • cosll•nattos
Oodertch. Jae. t. ISM
The llama Worelrss w I ke stems ma Aunt en two North lila er the Somata
sod .,tents.» be Tort is a ewt•dams reph'asre estabeehaoat. A waw 11...1
ho. Ouse 041.4. ('alt .el ea•mis the Meet ad stet Masa Agfa ism i..*.. Stam
De.w«h..Tersaew >i e isware-r-
T � 3=R'7-70r0-2ST_
Ht'-I'_C 0 R E-
lay atop ha the late*
»tyle. pat In Tibeee
sew al.raerfhairs.
two of thea the Delo.
bested Roche.:er
T$lila1 (' h a i t s. and
hired a :samovars
Barber. we are in •
prltlon 1. do BeeVr
1. e r b thea hereto-
Lady's t Children
Harmonies made a
oporialty o• all dart
Paorpt urda1
Razors and &lasers
77cr1vr_ KN'2C+�2'T
1011 West serest. two doors salt of P.O.. e•d.dcb
npN.•e Aire mase cesamsdeg eesama.�I geeb M far
ieto teat Masa I/ut laws b
prio e• to
These obatt!Beri.•.41teti
do.19i:0O ,iefot .c - • •ttao
Man in Dusinams Should gat
Mica Stationary Pitted.
1Ai13!2 TA 3111AM021.3n i.
eat Worry Prows,
ea wlahes particularly to can attention to his
from 10 cts to 76 cts per Ib, Maple Syrup, finest case Prunes,
pure Spices, Lawry celebrated Bacon, cooked Corn Beef,
Cut Myrtle, Cavendish and Club Tobaccos, best
American Ane cut chewing Tobacco, fresh
salt and canned Fish, best quality.
12 Bars of Soap for 25c. 3 Scrubbing Brushes for 25c.
1•1•Nos. Or'ssSK Mimed Candy. A dna 1 Cbee 5.te Diem me. . rte.. Oeteerai
:rias, Crocory ,1assuro. Floor, Foet
AVOO>111111111071 TO O. t.. WIllf•xOt7[.
Bbalre'. Bloolt, the equal., Ood•rieh.
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