HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-6-8, Page 5wrAirmiamprime • • ................ $ • toss sees seas :::: set • stn.... Iii AIA aagash d r dos:: • 12 S • • '•ll• 01$ aborts.• •tton...... ..... 1N r • 11 a re;« u w 141 •stele.•..t.......... •et• sort • ss et Q_a.:sad. ie al , • » fil CLAIMING SAUNOEN have decided to dear out their entire stock of NOTIONS! JEWELLERY ! • FANCY 000DS ! PLATED WARE 1 AND WILL alve Special Bargains ! in these :ince instil all le sold. Call and see tr at TSE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JUNE 8, 1888- RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAR STOCK OP CgOICE STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS JT VERT LOW P RZCEA- In oonowl01ecS of Mr. H. W. lirothonr retiring trout the Dry Good. Dapartmoat of the bowies, on the 10'l, .t Aug- ust, w• lutes decided to offer the satire stuck A 1100.u00 at tory low prises, s., as io secure a ,try tares reduction of it before that dab. The hick clew character of the goods is sell [u..sn. This sive a grand opportunity tar securing bargains iu BLACK AND COLORED DRESS GOODK BLACK AND COLORED SILKS AND SATINS. TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, Ste. TABLE AND PIANO COVERS. SU E ETI NGS £ND PILLOW COTTONS. MILLINERY. MANTLES, DOLMANS. SILK AND KU) °Lu1'ES. HOSIERY. PARASOLS. All new choice goods, and marked at very low prices, 5 PEtt CENT. OFF r to .dditioo to the very low prices which the goods are marked at, we *111 allow on discount of tire (b) per cent. .Wg H. W. BRETHOUR &CO.1CASHSALE asxr..xaxa^o=a_ There is no Mistake About it. The public e'rdid is that ALEX MUNRO has the rill t Cools. right prices and in the right time. I want to emphasis, the fad that I study the re- quirements of city aatosners, and have matte a special effort this ttea,iun to lure everything New, Useful and Fashionable th,1 worth having. I make Ili) si„•cialty of low lines of Goods, I aim at keeping goo,i art:. les, and at pricey commensurate with quality. If brevity the soil of wit, 1 will nut exhaust patience by Ike, Liltl:iaiag particulars, but will merely say that in all I.arttsttaS there will be found a choice a-yortment. ALL GOODS (NARKED !A PLAIN FIGURES. AND STRICTLY ONE PRICE. ALEX- �IL-Cr NRO, lOfA- Diaper and Haberdasher. -GREAT 2146 Tie Cieagest H. Ujer into 3s, IYPORTIIT TO FARUBSI Ile not semi your mowing ae$chl.e into the field without one of our wry rower 1harisener, THE MOWER'S FRIEND, in the tool hint. Wick it you can repair Cam. aged.ism, 1t ttoo the mans and •harpen ehiae. :a.te with re - It will save you many hours hard work at :toe r. -Iodine's., besides valuable time. la tact it is worth Im willed Is fold to every owner of a .tower or reaper. If not Gtr sale e to your town. send M meta. and we wilt seed 'on one by matl.po.rago paid. Aroma wanted CLEMENT & CO., s=- Its N'elliattaa-•t. Fast. Toronto V!a S. S. "OREGON.” TWENTY FIVE 2 5 Toilet Setts BRANTFORD. APRIL, 1888. DEAR SIR,— I take this medium for announcing that on the 10th of August. it is my intention to retire from the Dry Goods Department of the busi- ness so long carried on by me under the name and firm of H. W. BRETHOUR & CO. Having had now a lung and very close application to business of over Thirty Years,' feel entitled to at least partial rest and release from tie cares at a large business. In making this announcement, I extend to the thousands of cus- tomers and correspondents sincere thanks for their liberal patronage, and the universal confidence bestowed on ma While retiring from the Dry Goods Department I will, however, continue the Clothing and Carpet establishment on a larger scale than heretofore, and more directly under my own supervision. Special attention will be paid to the l)rtlered Clothing Depart- ment ; also to the Carpet and House Furnishing, so as to snake thew complete in every particular. Soliciting a continuance of your patronage, I aln, yours respectfully, H. W. BREtHOITR. THE STANDARB STANDARD-BREDTROTTING STALLION. IIODERICH CHIEF tike fastest stallion in the four counties, I will be at Whitely's Hotel,Gode- rich, from Tuesday noon, until !Thursday morning of every week during the season. For particulars see Route Bills, Pedigree., !Icons. l.'-. FARR & SMITH, !s2 -4t Proprfetees. Ooderich. NEW PATTERNS. ANCHOR LINE NEW SHAPES Prices to Spit Rrerybody ' ALL AND SEE THE'.! AT CHAS_ A_ NAIRN'S. Ooderic►, .4pr1211, jell. 2 JS. GODERICH BOILII !OILS Chrystal & Black Masnfactorero of all kinds of 'TITIS1E111. HAAME. UPRIUNT ANN TUBULAR BOILERS. SALT PANS, SMOKE STACKS and &Il kinds of Sheet Iron work. STEAM ARS WSW! net FITTINGS e•sstantly o. hood. Oa band. ready for dcMisery • 1 ..o r.F. New Meet Seller. 1 a Mer. sew Seller. A Goelplsta 214-4841 1'4rabiORtlt I:mler. Engine$s srator. Ike. alt n go working order. Will be sol�d d ebeap. '4511 or'd.n will ninnies pomp( sttosttsa- w.rfts t .q. el. T. S. asa*I.a. Aeries May I NMI P.O. BOX 381 PATENTS CAVEATS. TRAM EMIRS AM OR/IMMT1 %tante& and •itee leteDMi lea M t1�'"�p b sera semwe ear ■■g�f�j�p�■ U aoats (n` J!DRImo Ulm reteL OR DRAW «j O rd. r4f l�1.1ain SS rotor, estis •the Ser. lense Fur elreelar. ■del.■. Own sham or to amwal dNayearI■ year . well y t stew oppons room osoR waabttg•0a. D. G Atlantic Express ltlsrrice. LXQ>l1TOOL via onawrowar. Snmshi•*ROMS Kewaft Ywa»NttsD•. Jiae1l, July Anent Saloon Pomgy. $10 SIM asosed.ehini, GLASGOW sQ Steamers every ratsrttay front New fork to and LOXDONDsas:. •spool t• •7l tlaktmese..M..ttehllstkM Travellers' Cinderr imam to /r.`�.awte �Bra�t [sp..or •aTor HMl•'!a"' at HkOl'HXK New T lls5-•m ARC. RICKBO7, iiiearrtsk, NOTICE_ IN ORD*1 yt, Vass WON roe NEW GOODS sr111e'■ Aaa Aailv1'cu, 1 WIIL IrOR Thos -NEXT THIRTY DAYS- ROCKER 1/ JT CO6T- AU New Deeigns and Pat- terns---Oome and See. Always • fresh stark of GROCERIES PROVISION$ a hand .t lowest pr,eni H.R. Oast a.elf Ceased Taunters. 10wpar m G.ELS:)LD GET 7011N MINTING AT SIGNAL - "-srerar"e'°e"i - - - AMa+ewrC:10•00st0s. THE P Spring 0_ Goodslei_ COLD MEDICATED. GREAP VARIETY I HEAD OFFIC[ L'lS yoN.:a-ST.. TORONTO —AND AT— N. WASHINGTON, N.D. L.C.P.S.O., Eminent Throat and Long 8urseon, WILL V!SIT GODERICN, ALBION PRICES TO SUIT ALL I HOTEL, JUNE 14TH, 1858, —AT THE_ TORONTO - CASH STORE. P. ODEA 1.111 1 o'clock p.m.. And Once a Mosul Thereafter. nurasas TRswria- Catarrh of the need and Throat•Catarrhal Drwtoew,Chrunic Bron- chitis. Asthma and Consumption. Also Lo.. of Voice. Sore Throat, Enlarged Tonsils, Poly - rumor the Neer removed. COME EARLY. (CONSULTATION FREE CATARRH THROAT CUBED. Those area few of tine many who have bees tte■tly cured by Dr. N. wsshingtoo's Clad M. d. Dean. Rid>trnorth. Ont.. catarrh. head sad throat. Mn Joe. Eyrie. Kimball,, Ont.. removing growths n Mr Stevenson tthane,, fonndryt. I'etrolia. Oat., catarrh. Miss M. (',,rnish. Wanaceburg. Ont,. mama and consumption. MrsMcLandrres. lona. tent.. catarrh of the throat. Mrs J. Leaning and .on, Kingston. catarrh sad catarrhal deafness. 2151 -Mrs Halve Chamber. Aylmer. Ont.. catarrh MANAGER. therm. Mrs Jas. Embenton. Napanee.Ont«broochit:s- lots( standing. NASAL CREAM FOR - COLD IN THE HEAD, CaFG Jj �� j scut. ?RICE, - 25 CMS - J. WILSON Prescription Drug Store. PAINTING ANI, DECORATING. ELLIOTT & 1RE7Y the PaG,tersaat..e, Isesesussrs f• A. risorii bare �Desnn the grin cam and are saw' prepared ta 1111 all orders hp•�Papwr Mg Painting. Kaktsusldiss a.d awsr.icoronasIM- oa stb.omtyzhnM.d a '4rearm' t st b•• SLLIOTT t PILIR T. SALES MSN waltLaAIM III arms,. y tia� m••1•�Melat ENVELOPES»m. M�.ehl seri weasaa.lnap, •► marsh a. v.PRICES REASONABLE AT SSW John A. Little. Daadalk, Ont.. catarrh. John X. Kersey. Bageeues P.O.. Oat« catarrh. had form. ! A. D. U rIio's son. Walla,•etown. Oat., catarrh head and throat. Robe. Menx'ae..Wareham. Out. Mrs F. Scott. Stirlinit. Ont.. catarrh. throat, lona standing. Edith Pierce, 6trathrul. Ons„ enlarged ton - t Mitt :V. Lindsay. I'ptrolln Ont.. catarrh. Mrs John Tait, V) nor. Oat.. catarrh head and throat. it Noble. jeweller and watchmaker. I'etrolia• catarrh throat. H. McColl. P. M.. Str.rhroy, Ont.. broncho oonsumprton. W. H. Storey, Esq.. of Storey & Son. Acton. f%ove Maoofeettuero. tared at auarrh. urns sed ask him hw p•Rlcalars. Ilx 1 _- SEEDS. THE LATEST AND BEST OB' 71,181 BE &90 . Red Clover Millie. Mammoth. Peoria*. L.cerae and White Dutch. Tian.hy Sea. Orchard ss Inseams*. Red Top. Italian Rye, ][limos and Ilnnprian. Perennial it;.. white and Mark Tarso. west O i.. White and Mae barley sod Field Pass. MxOI Cake sad foto abrM• Ialumsi- Onassetil1 s-LrWktltlM eta .MWR S1.MK A4 pots1/. Im�rs Orolem Bed or all Madby the oquss�els or asd tato. sad aIlsod 04 lllkiinds f darts lbasT 1oe •add Seed., I HAVE. THE MOIST IND B ST STOCK 0P' FIELD ARD GARDE! SEEDS the sret•.n. Call sod •14.mtao my pent making int erher calla f am loud to sac lariat y yo1. IIIA- �w �� seems. FCR THIRTY DAYS. Ten per cent. allowed on all purchases over one dollar. J. C. DETLOR & CO. REMOV!D! Rees Price & Son have removed to the mammoth store formerly occupied by Wm. Kay, next to Bank of Commerce, where they will be happy to meet their old customers, and as many new ones. 101: - REES PRICE & SbN. e /rl'*II on or wroo or {rrticnbn !u 2 0 ALEX_ MORTON, G-ODERICH, MANUFACTURER OF FIRST -LASS CARRIAGES. WORE. Ott , Opposite Colborne $o.,,, ciFo�dlrlott 5.