HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-6-8, Page 4n►
�c uron fignal
w re:auwco
•T r'aS OYral'm :
1t tea wlamiweke 10es1 assr*paPer. devout
o eeaaty nem and the dlsssmlmiss," et sew
rut keowleders
RATS. Or N Mnurried n
tate tear ; T1!. ar Utz eesths ; Sr. fee
Wee Mthe. !Me . ..bscd 10. is am paid
1. advisees, eabeetiOtlea w11 be tAanric
the Mee et Kee • year.
1�a1 qr�d �ti� .seas! adve tis mete Oc.
r•r r 4 stmt lamiU.& sad 1 sew pit Yes
mr sws6„, la.srttua. Measured by
lwael settee* la aeapartel type se per Yaw
mLewd memo laerdtaary roadies type lc pe
la.slsese cards et de liar* sad sailer de per
Racal. e0 Vneae .•t8iteaticia Wanted ��
lembasss Cloacae Waldeck not sze..4ing e
Maes aseparlel el per me010.
Ileum es Yale sad rani" ea Bale. set to
mewed • bass, gl for Ant moat!., deo per sets.
emosat meatk. larger advt. la properties.
Any special Notice, the oldest of white to to
promote the peca.tary beseet et any bodI-
vidul r company. to be considered as ad
vertlaesee°t and charred accurdtnerly•
These terms will in 41 ass be strictly ad-
hered to.
biracial ra'eafor larger advertisement,. et
advertisements for extended period.. made
knows at the oelce d publleauen-
A folly mapped Jebbleg Once is carried
oa la WWI the ordinary newepapr
itesbe*s, s��erv,• s m work Is tamed est
at etlO Oen. zea 1�thlag Is ewdrise
peder ee s visiting card.
•smtaaMMlene must be addressed to
R. >•etlLlaoe RRti.
Editor of Tan 8t0\AL
Qederich Oat.
is p.lo She time of writing notoe
tary argument has been advanced by
say one in town against the northern
route -the lioe by Listowel, Brussels
and Blyth -of the proposed Guelph
Junction and Goderich Railway.
In precious issues Tug SIGNAL point-
ed out some of the advantages that
would accrue to all parties -to Guelpb,1
to the C. I'. R , to the i terveniug
points, and to Gcdericb-were the line
mentioned adopted. To none of the
contemning made in behalf of the north- t
ern line hu a solitary objection bees
raised, zed yet we hate men in curlews
so blinded by the spirit of non -progres-
siveness that they are tisane every of-!
fort, legitimate and otherwise, to bark
the schema
It is time Goderich took action on
this question. It is said that Guelph is
at present undecided se to future action ,
in regard to the proposed exteoaim, and
is luukr°g iota the feasibility of build- y
ing the road to Goderich, as they did A
the 1u..p to Campbelhille, and then las-'
ing it to the C. P. II, for • term of years '
for a percentage of the groes earnings. -r
If such be the ase no tinge should be di
i nsiiii
TVS eternal Stigma id tbiop wen no.
es.tly iUustreded M L..kaow. A km
week. lash Mr 11. a. Quartos mewed
a vides its tree the Loma Guverwmeat
1* tk..bape of M eppeintmeat w tbe
peonies of 1J.MF to Rha Previaeisl
Te esarer. t ha eeeni.K of the 24th
of May, the i`•MOO deb of the tSepy
Preseutej ' with f silver
asp bolder. DO yen w .Abe con -
. r ,. •rpried It.'
Far ,be Leet
suipin.i,. are yaw tea..
Gut 1' ��' BY,ek'
70047000 wake tepee
useful 8th
ply w D. M.�`�aw,�. a Wtrt iris
fico t3rewart ague Godrfeh. Pea Alt
Dour] council Is take la the whole
He atlkrn hl. ria awtmadd Dry
ldaaesr loser,,.,, fllsearke that tee beat
vale b .r w).wvym,s�
You shouldr leads tc
CrsM1 block.a*e Illivrey.
t1 tY�o
r a '�8 yaa()Meaac bas the
mar Neta �yearmeleenett•u
plaased est► mhos. ue you wall be
Naw NovtA let d the latest novel► by
tae beat A u •number of the moved
latros*0 N i
sad for sale at best makmm, rewired
tewt nese to nt oat= kav ,curved that it
ecoat. ouh=W1$bOUt • hobs o
c A. Paid hsm+y 1 V tie mod at
lWmest catering
Call on t:e�a w sureIL Albion b
tenet s.
t article
Albin pBlock. ,cloys.
various preparation.
Wades of the <''ledo-
mel the Mat important
as la of a good
sate Rh, pM%
The propeller Bo•.nig., .l the Beatty
line, arrived is pet es Me f$th alt.
with Miers thaimmed baek.M of wheat fur
the bat mill. The Sueemega left fur
baron on Wedsesdgy evanisg, MAW( a
yenta, et salt shipped by W. Camp-
We understaad that the lames of that
pintail of the dock where the baht from
the river is to be made, hes reserved it
e nmities to deer it at ens. This be-
tokens as earl aomm.s.emeat of the
harbor contract, asd is a bad thing sur
the town.
Mayer Seager sod deputy novo
Cameros, of Godeneh, Wt fur Goelpb
1'heraday murutnq to bare as interview
e ith the directors of the Guelph Juno-
tio. A Goderich R ft. Cu, is referwaoe
to the proposed reuse by watch the Its
w ill come thither.
1n the afternoon God rich meinpleyed
*brim of the Luckoows, three of Kincar-
dine, and ail of a make-up, beating tbem
every game ttey played. The Hurons
are n splendid team, made up of gusd
players. end thorough gentlemen in every
way.- Ktucardtne Review.
Goon PMrt.ouor.T.-The men who
ooedema their (also citizen for ewers
abroad to purchase their dry goods and
grocens seem entirely oblivious to the
fast that they are oummiu.g the same
Anew when ordering their commercial
printing from enure distant city.
Good manilla, 80c. per M ; white
° F business, $1.00 per M ; Letter do., $1.25
•arab- sod $1.30 per es., up w legit as $1 SO
for the best b**inees envelopes ever
It"' imported into Goderich. largest stock
Wow town. Only • small advance for
printing. All other lines fell at THs
Down WITH rug VERANDA.. --Mr
E.tickoapp while in town last week sold
awnings to Megan Jordan and Horton
for their stores from North to Colborne
anima, and the old verandahs will Dome
down next week to make way for them.
Keep it up (mansion until all the old
woodsheds go.
('N1v&i ai ry E=AlL-We aro pleased
to leers that our townsman, Mr John D.
Swaneoo, was successful in taking bosun
in classics. Mr E. S. Hogarth, • kroner
Goderich high school student, also pass-
ed in moderns, and D. M. Bushman,
another former resident of Oeiericks
ins successful an melaphsa
CIzg r.: ' R a t Lw A T MEETING . -.t meet-
ing of the citizens' railway committee
was held in the Clerks' Mhos on Monday
evening. Dr Holmes in the chair. After
• leogth disouesiuss, it was resulted that
on action be taken in the atter of the
aslectiun of route, until the return of the
town moundrepreeeotatives from the
Guelph meeting, which wasthen pend-
Diemen. wrra Come- In the Su-
perior Court at Toronto the appeal came
of The Vegeta vs, Roe, of Wingh•m, came
up for bearing last week. It was object
by appellant that Police Magistrate
Welling* had no power to take an mtor-
mation in Clinton fur a violation of the
Soott Act in Wiagbam, although the case I
F. was heard in W Ingham. The appeal was
dumitmtd with costs.
he A veer Goo* Seep On roes SAY -
s- I The Kincardine &neer eorresp.odent
gaga : Lucknow Sepoys play Winwham un
it et etch
ftieelal are
W. C. Goode,
Li Qt Try.
in cooarcilos
elan day in
feature .i
stock of Lbw
Tee s'oagwtR (%waters*+
TsaPERANCeCzwNwillassetrtethe 1�
osfebiktewoeo owl°aerawo°
ryw�____-;k is cordiallyavtted oat
Saunders_ (15..m10N .searing oat their wall
Wet. wi.dew cif, picture mouldlug. and
Pae.l' G Ydd
Thew :lave. ere vine tm in
sad Wenn keeping a urwt-c1Ye
prepared fo r ea•unuh7, ave are
g.Iitug, ed.rats asp llaiyl .beatlag 17
amp ly".g •ittaryimethods only
8se. house under the
ter cited tkro h
wr,Iefe og this
tatr, trail
f• a lade
•aid hair. lectur-
1Oaa� �• and 1 and plekiag
Hed.dr.'t samp1e `hots fallible* over hero.
would tsar* R K Ballo we
wouldkji a m him is a hurry, sad put
Madam ease so tl'e corner of
Mos the Snare.
Lawn tennis will soon be the go.
Mrs 3Ikieris is visiting friends in Tor -
emit week.▪ mill commenced ruaoing
*mid Mrs Best, ct Sesfurth, were
in town last Friday.
Ili E. L Dickson, barrister of tying -
hes, was m lose last week.
Jk James P• Laity, of Chicago, spent
aim days in town last week.
jaiLBr Heating. of Winnipeg was in town
eask on a visit to his stater, Mrs
Iter. Mr Anderson will officiate at t
maims service, at Knox church on Su
day amt.
Next Teeday is the regular meati
wht cf Maitland lodge No, i3, . A S
od A.M.
Mrs H. Tyler, of Buffalo, is risiti
a friends, Mrs Geo. Stewart and M
let. Reid.
ng the 8th. We hope Mr Reid, the umpire
who was here on the 24th, will to made
the league umpire. He is good and fair,
ng , and a gentleman withal. On the first
pal when Kincardine took it some little
1.$1 kicking was made, but I thought Mr
Reid was good enough.
° 'TEST Kxow H t a. - The Brussels Poet
Gaye :-Dr Holmea and A. M. Kay of
(iludench, were here last week for • day
w or two. The Dr. is redhot on the C. P.
�Ir R. extension and booms the northern
• route. One of the Clinton papers speaks
a- of "the meddling of Dr. Holmes" on
h , railway matters. Why, blew your
heart my dear friend, the Dr. is worth
; any three of your best citizen's on rai-
n way business.
BRAVCRT Rew*RnxD-We learn by
telegraph from Ottawa that our gallant
is townsmen, Captain James A. Greco is
about to receive • tangible recognition of
his bravery in taking off the crew of the
wrecked American vessel Norris, in the ti
middle of a gale, last 0,tober, the C.S. T
Government having forwarded to the (L
1 Dominion Government a handsome gold D
watch and chain for presentation to him.
at It could not ne given to a bracer sailor
or • better man. .
d A PLAIN HITT -Sey, friend, if you H
e owe anything for this paper, remit it at �
once, for these mamma, we dish up all
lust in making a concerted effort all alone
the line toJurce the hand of the charter -
holders, and if such an attempt be ade,
it is, beyond all plenum, the duty of ' Sa
Goderich to throw to weight with the
route along which it can get the strong.ty
est and most hearty co-;,perati ,n and
becommercial return. It
And that u by Listowel, lrrusae;s and
lilyt h.
Ty. 33rd Battaliop will aro into camp
otratfurd this yew tuaead of L*odo
JI r and Mrs G. H. t 514 spent a fe
TS id fit; inm
gha, last week, wish
cod !lin W. T. Yates.
I;er, Mr Walwin, of Goderich, uc:
wad the pulpit of the lilethodiat chumforth, laets8unday.
Mrs Dr Cowan, of Exeter, is in t..w
r mama of her mother, Mrs Gavi
ruthen, Huron road.
A. Marton, of the Dominion Carriage
-�.rka, is clearing off the balance of h
at•-ck of top baggies at reduced prices.
Ceiowl.E1, Orr.-('orrespmdence from
nommen, Auburn and Porter's Hi
iced too late fur insertion this week
Remember the sale of the Goudal
iperty on South-st., by John Knox
ctiomiesr, on Saturday, June IGth,
o clock noon.
Misses Aikenhead and Selbws an
Sallow., of Goderich, spent • coupl
days of last week at James McDouglee
may township.
"ve* ye hear the singer.- The err
Caledonian games at liod:rich on Dtm-
inion Day give evert indication of being; pr
the "braweet o' thea a'." a.
llrsold friend, MrZ1ds. Gilroy, we;, llr
known to many of our readers, is apr.ket f
et u • candidate in the Conservative it 4;
tenet iu Winnipeg. He is a deter•
fellow, and if elected would make s lel
representative smooth bore politician.
"Rtes up Sir Thomas (;alt," is the inti-
mation that Mr Justice (:alt,& brother. f hie
oar former towssmao,MIr John Galt, to in -
been added to the ranks of CanadiL
knigi ss. The venerable Prof. Dance; sun
Wilson also woo his sputa at the tea oat
laurelsw - The nest ellipse of the
=sea will omits on the at Je
rims, .n.4 will be .*more intonation than
Ohs eve ea Jen. //4. The diameter of
the .yeti'e shadow milt be Wtmk lancer
at the tense in propylaea to the diameter
of the scow darkening its earf.ee snore
deny totality. It will take ptaee about
msidaiekt when the mesa will be higher
is the heaves visage will he ve in this
n eighbor.
H. ti Nosus•nosa -At the semi
numbly meeting of the High Sheol
LoonySosiety last Friday evening the
folloag nomuo
toeuas were made tthe
nest ter:-President,Mssr
es. Mrse
and Erwin ; vise president, deems.
Koetcbel and Tido ; 2Nd vice-president,
Mies Manus Pas ; secretary. Miss
Stirling ; treasurer, Mr Salon and Flo.
Bell ; oosillers, Mimeo A. Johnston,
N. Straits*, and N. 8treeg. The fol-
lowing Keenan was tbe. presented :-
Musical seleetiosa, Nim McCabe ; read-
iagl Mr Bailie ; reeding, Miss Dienes ,
ado, Mies Straiton ; questivo drawer,
Mr H. L Bung, B.A ; criticism, Mr
Tam Tows OocaeIL.--A regular meet-
ing u1 the tows crewels was held ou
Mende, evening Inst week. The princi-
pal balsams o.taide of routine, wee the
question of having the council represent-
ed at the Brussel meeting. A repose
esesdation from 115 special oummittee
that the council be retina sated, but that
repreeenlatioa du cot join with the dele-
gates from other municipalities in ad -
voting the northern route, waaadopted
Whoa it came to Waning the delegates
no member of the council would accept
the pueitn of delegate with his bends
tied and hu mouth stopped, and no re-
preesotative attended the meeting on be-
half of the council.
Tits CALSDON1A1r (1•su..-The Cale-
donian Society met ie. the tueo hall un
Monday to arrange for the celebrat
of Dominion Day. The election of offi-
o•rs for the current year resulted u fol-
lows : - Chief, M. C. Cameron ; 1st
Chief, D. C. Strsoban ; 2nd Chief, A.
Dickson ; 3rd Chid, M G Cameron; .4th
Chief, D. McDssald ; Secretary, S.
Maloomeen ; Temenrer, W. Proudfuot.
The treasurer's report, showiug a
balance on host_' of $79, wes read and
adopted. Mr M. Hutchison, the Chief
fur the past year, occupied the chant and
Mr R. S. Willi&.. acted as secretary.
The newly elected Chief baring taken
the chair, Mr D. C. Strachan moved,
seconded by A. Dickson, • vote of thanks
to the retiring officers. At an adjourn-
ed meeting of the society held oo Tues-
day evening the following committees
wore appointed : Management - D.
McGillicuddy, W. L Horton and the
Chief ; Finance- -M. dutchman, D. C.
Strachan, D. MoDo old and treas.
Arrangements were made for obtaini
the requind railway accommodation
the day, a°1 the committees we
e tructed to proceed with their wort
ng Pretllury Draft ea
er Matll.t tesemess
fur tee.- Tree new reeslde.t a.d s....* ry.
�raroars, June ;.-The annual meet-
ing of the conference began in tin tows
sen today. The Stationing committee
00 commenced its murk here on Monday
au eveang last, and promoted the follow•
g- ing as the preliminary draft of stations :
tiuelph District- Guelph Norfolk et.),
me N. R. Willougby, B.A.; Guelph iDublin
Bar BALL -The game betty
Goderich and Hoagall on Tuesday. Jo
5th on the old lacrosse emends, was
interesting one, until the sight innin
Up to that time the score stood 9 to
with the chances in favor of the ho
team,but in the ninth inning the Hens
team took a slugging freak which had
the effect of rattling the Goderich boys
and 6 runs were made. When the
Goderich team went to bat,they pounded
air for a goose egg, and gut it, thus
giviog their opponents the big lead.
One of the features of the game was the
pitching of Dud Holmes, who struck oat
ton men. The Goderieh club did weak
batting to McDonald'. pitcbinc, not •
two bagger being made off of him. Mr
Evans, of Hemell umpired in a satis-
factory manner. •
Rona.McGU, e. s. 2
McDoaatd. psis
c, t
ad. t ... . 0
Lf M
Ladies' and Ken's Goods.
Goods shown with pleasure. Highest price for Butter Lnd Eggs.
011401M14 May lilac IRM&
from..om* tea, without ooswgis.g to
Yoe soros expreeswn of the esteem sad
nigh reward which we eot.rtais weirdo
you. Whilst extremely sorry .bat you
are aDonn to depart frum amount us, yet
we sincerely trust, that the tem of true
friendship sad brotherly regard that
have endeared you to .11 may long eon -
twin, and that in .tie future it may al-
ways be • pleasure for you to dwell upon
the memoriseof your sojourn hero. A.
a member of oar Court you have, by
your uniform courtesy, urbanity and
diligent attention to the interests of the
greatlyCoen, gatsy assisted in increasing its
efficiency sad success. As a citizen and
Clergyman you have won the respect and
cove of all, and we an safely sure you,
that you lime. behind all friends--
NUMMI.none. To yourself and your
touch esteemed wife -to whom also we
are under deep obligations, we tender
you a heartfelt and sincere farewell. Asscanta token of our feelings please scot this
Forester'. pin, as a small souveott of
your connection with our Court. Is
ooncluaiwe trust that in your now
new sphere of •ctiuo, success and happi-
ness may follow you and yours, a
.then yiii 1 ii finieke?- '-yoST,ur wo-'illi
Angel of Time may dip his peh in the
sunbeam, and write in lettere cf gold-
•' Well done, good and faithful servant"
Signed on behalf of the Court. W. D
' . Total...0
Sh.ehan. 1. f
H. Holmes. c. f 1
1 urd ck r. L ... 1
. flalooms•S, i4•5...... .......... 1
Chilton, s. s
L WwflWms.1�m. 1
. Hdmss fy C.
Total 9
Wei -kb 3 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 li-
vered 2 1 I 0 4 1 0 1 6-1
DEATH or Ma Jaen. FaHET.-Th
Toronto GOON' lies the following abou
the death of a gentieman who was well
and favorably known to many of our
readers :--At eight o'clock on Saturday
evening Mr Jas. Fahey, a well-known
juontaliat,and las a member of
the World editorial staff, died unex-
pectedly at hie residence, 172 Leger
street, ..f congestion of the lunge. Mr
Fahey complained of feeling unwell last
Thursday and was confined to the house
the following day and Saturday, but
none of his.trieuds had any 'dm that his
illness was M serious ea it wee. His
wife died •bout three year• ago. He
leaves wren orphan children, totally un-
provided for, the eldest of whore is only
sixteen. Mr Fahey was s brilliant mad
forcible writer andprrmas.ed a wide
knowledge of sfeira. He was horn at
Smithfield, in the county of Wentworth,
and was in his therteight year .t the
Lime of his death. The last twelve or
fifteen years be baa been actively engag-
ed in journalism, having been eoe°eeled
with The Toronto Moil, Toronto Ne•ma,
Hamilton Rpecfntor, Winnipeg limas,
Stratford Herald and Guelph Hemld,
besides being a contributor to offend
Provincial papers. He toles no ss a
Conservative .adidate fear a seat is the
(nano Legislature, once in the meaty
of Grey and again 1. the enemyof
Perth, bat wee defeated ns h
oemmese. Mr Fahey was • wane heart
ed man, tasking msoy friends sad very
enemies, sad kis death is a painful
k to numbers who were ueaware
he was ill. He was a member o1
Ramis (lathol•
PETE AND BILL Nino -The beat 5:
gars in town, also pure penis green
*boys and inset powder at Wilson'
resteriftioo drug store.
Rev'Xr Dyke, of Henfryn, was i
own dariirg the weak, accompanied by
the news, and we need the money. You
owe it, then pay it. 1f you don't want
, the piper, pay up and stop it. If you
a take it Fay for it. We want you to. aka
it, and if ebbe* min this, then. P•3 Mar
n I or you sre ouly a clog in tie wheel We
eoaaut afford, and do not want, to far-
. nigh you with our journal unless you pay
for it. Now tam let us hear from you
with • remittance of what you owe o*.
THE NosTHEsr Rorra- Chairman
Holmes of the citizens' railway commit-
tee. Goderich, and Mr D. McGillicuddy
represented onr town at the meeting of
delegates held at Beneath on Friday
Wt. The chair was occupied by Mr J.
C. Hay, of Latewel, and addressee were
given by Messrs D D. Campbell and Stott
of Listowel, P. Kelly, Blyth. A. Ritz of
Elmira, J R. Grant, Brussels and the
IGodeneh delegates. it was decided to
form a delegation from al! point' between
tsoderich and Guelph, sod present the
merits of the north ern route to the direc-
tors of the G. J. A ti. RR. at the earliest
possible date.
Grrt.rn Coertaxwex. - - The Guelph
enafennoe opeeed at Sedorth on Thurs-
day. The fclbwing is the ptrtgrss
furnished for the remainder of the meet-
ing. Friday, 8 p m., reception of °midi -
dates, to be addressed by Rev J Me
Allister, J. W. Holmes and A. Carmen,
D. D., Geeeral Haperioteedest ; Satur-
day, 3 p in . Tbeolegisal Unites Looters,
Sew John Hontt, M.A., auhjeet, "Soper -
wife. and was the guest of his fattier
Mw, Mr Stephen Ball. •
Dr McDonagh will be in Goderich for
solation on Saturday, the 2nd of
e, and afterwards ou the fist
arday of every month.
Dr. M. Nicholson, the `test street
tit, makes the preservation of the
• natural teeth a specialty. Gas adminis-
tered from 9..s.. to 4 p.m. for the pain-
,. lees extraction of teeth.
r W. W. Buchanan, editor of the
rel Templar, loaded Tet SIosAL on
ay afternoon, and Milted neer
hominess and other matters. He
bean all through the mill.
The Mission Bend of Koos church
Mire a literary and musical enter -
snout is the leetare room this,Friday
evening se 7.30 o'clock. All are invited.
sllwee eolleetion will be taken up.
r n
Tar most brilliant paragrapher :!g
ever wrote for the Canadian pries cr.y
ed death's poral 1n Toronto on o.tun,i,
last in the personof "Jim Fahey, a M
he was familiarly known. An e!, -,oro ,Tutsi
orator, a forestal debater, a ors, -,t 1 paper
poet, and a brilliant journalist, his hot has
went out under eircemstances m,..t.,d'
and surroundings m yet inharmonoe will
Tess SIGNAL was for nearly twenty year,, tato
aloes a osogesintanoe of the decay
W. we Woad
his frailties we admireds
his genius.
gs I steal_
hes m goo. froamongst as while yet „a 1GM
he sunny side of forty y.ate, and tele ease
who is years pest took pleasure u Ie with
racy and poorest writings will now NAA
their in vain for scintilatiena. Frey
boyhood he had been &flieted wird a
"noes lung trouble which colmitts
is oawmptioo. A couple of yean ta°
bis wife died, sod his death leaves sot,
flatbeds= sod motherless ehildren, the
eldest only sixteen years of ago. A
talon is Isola( Mad. in Toronto to hies
fend for the wad of the orphans.
W knew him wap and while
PMpINISMOS LtaGct. The regular
eg e 0oder ch League will he
he heseperesee hall on 1 ne•dey
dos; next. Every one in sympathy
Itis Movement i invited to atten
Riviag bb experience in the
Arwly ha Redwood the Mbar
The Lard had blessed him
thug had bad four wives,
ed Ilii Lord W blessed with t wenty
�� as I, marl home janitor, ie
woes eg from a badly sprained ank'e
0. resound the hMlery while wrestling
with a r,Asetcry ere on Tes.4*y. iie
hopes to be is good sesehiy order by
the Twelfth el July.
st , J E Howell, ILA.; Guelph (Paisley
street), A R dastard; Ponsonby, Taw
Grundy ; Zion, Ju Reeky ; Fervor,
A Chown, B. D.; Marseille. T C 8esder
sou ; Belw:tenth ood, Geo ith ;
Fraucis Swann ; Rockwood, Jae Walk
Acton, J Livingston ; Gergetoown,
Davy end J Churchill ; Erin, Joseph
Galt District -Galt, A Cunningham
Berlin, J W German ; Waterloo,Gap
Salton ; Prsaton, W 11 Hoicks ; Hes
ler, R C Henderson ; Neseataweya, W
Birks sH Crowlie tAberfoyle); El
ra, Jebel:ga Wa; New Hamblen, J
Brandon ; Linwood, Thou J Smith ,
Hawkgavige, H C Newcombe.
Stratford District - Stratford (Qea-
tnl,, W S Griffin, D D., and W E Tre-
leaven ; Stratfeid , Waterloo street), W
Smyth ; Mitchell ,Trafalgar street', C E
Safford ; Moncton, J R Isaac ; Staffs.,
Thibedesu ; Tera, J EaterWaith ; Ark -
weight, 11 Sherlock zed V Mather. ;
Edea Urenwo, T It Fydell ; Paisley, E
Rupert, ILA ; Port Elgin, Joins Ken-
ner ; SAugeeu, W Stymies.
Owen Sound Matelot -Ozee Sound,
J W Holmes ; Itreekholme, E Teekey ;
Chat*werth, R Hall ; Allenford, John
Ball ; Woodford, H J Fair ; Kemble, D
Sharp ; Hepworth, J J Noble ; Weirton,
G Sonde ; Culpoy'e Bay, J H Watts
Lire'. Head, A J Parham,; Dyer's Bay,yuo
one to be sent ; Tob.tnsea, to be
sent ; Cape Crocker, A >1elNek, "^tit
Markdale District- k (jo,,
Buggio F1aberle., .W Bbillsn,
B.A. ; Do°dalk. W Ko. ; Melasethon,
R C Horton ; Eugenia, J S Corcoran ;
Preomville, W Ottawell ; Holland
tre, G Hartley ; Walter'. Falls, J W
8.cderstw (A E Thornley) ; Euphresia,
R Hoskin.
Rev Gen Ricbrieleee wee eieele4 Pte.
trident of the eosfeIM01,- ad kin J 0
thermoses, 8eeretary.
A Few yamso be !remembered.
lat. Dr Washington is !keenly Throat
and Lung Surgeon in the Dominion de -
ting hie whole time to diseases of the
"Al, Pa.ees.".
tad. He bee devoted seven years to
his specialty.
3rd, He makes monthly vest..
4th He consults, examines, treats all
bile. personally and is solely reapon.
bth. He represent. hie own business.
(nth. He denounces doing business by
7th. Resides in Toronto.
&h. He gives testimonials of the most
reliable and prominent character of re
admits of Ontario of the moat wonderful
cores ever recorded, with whom a Imre
n. of of the citizeGoderich and
vicinity are acytrsinted.
990t. He gives the tame in full and
P. O. address, `not tie mere i°itiale
which aright refer to any Tom, Dick or
Harry,) a.*mitesd *mites any person interest-
' ed to write for particulars.
10th. His nest visit to Goderich will
R be June 14th till noon, at the Albion
lith.:This is the Meat Reason to treat
Fcatarrh which lead. to consumption, and
all diseases of the head, throat and
- Hangs.
m 12th. Dr Washington graduated in
tai- 1872 in Toronto with honors, in 1880
W visited New York and Bonne, takiaf
e special Puluelynic course on diseases of
Um Throat and Lungs. Remember the
date of present visit. "Consultation
Win Baueb ; Fullerton, Jas Crewel
Embru, J 8 Cook ; Hannay, Wtta W
St Marys District -St Marys, T
Campbell ; Grauton, C Hamilton ; La
an, S Seliery ; Ansa Craig, J Hoag
Kirktoo, Ju Charlton ; Woodham, D
Moir ; Nwouri, J W Pring ; Kenton,
J husband ; Thamesfurd, A R Birks.
1 A sheet Watery era Flserleletag eisasrtai
*1- l■wtuese.
M The Heron and Bruce Loan Company
is now entering upon the fourth year of
• ita existence, and its general success since
h ; 1ts incorporation has been such ea to
A warrant its perfect safety to .11 with sur
R plus stoney who have no ready facile
Godeneh District--Godeneh (North
r street), G Kieharda..n ; (Victoria street),
A Potter ; Clinton Rattenbary street),
• Jos Gateway ; Clinton, (Ontario street),
( J.» Vdge ; Seaforth, one to be sent (0 R
Turk); Hnloweville, J 8 Fisher ; Bey -
field, H E Hull ; Varna, Jno Hart ;
Heosall, N 8 Burwaah ; Henesl) North,
E A Fear and H 1' ,.Wins ; Doogannon,
W F Campbell : X,te; R Irotas ; Bea.
miller, des Kestle.
eaters! R.ligios and Modern Thought ; ' that
$ p.m , eonssentios serve's, eednnted
by Sem Geo Ri'hard.on ; Monday, 8
p a., Missionary anniversary, Revs T.
IL Campbell, (drains Yosbiymau, amid
Jahn Georg', 8.q; Tuesday, fl . m. ;
Sabbath school annlvevsary, Rove J. W.
German, F. Z. Newest, and R. Norther-
eott, iF'q. ; Wednesday, A p.m., Temper -
mese sotisg, Revs J's Hanley, J. W.
Gilpin sad Thee Hilliard, Seq.
AP*ag.. AND PaasNT•11o0.-Before
leaving Whiteshareh, Mr Anderson,
whom we have now is oar midst as e -
tur of Kau: church, woe them ad-
dd• ssed and presented by the Foresters
there : We, the members of (..etert
Whitechurch, Canadian Order of
Foresters, mono. .pow you to deport
Kincardine Dutrrct--Kiso•rdine, Jas
Hannon ; Tiverton. Wm M Bielby ;
Brvie, T Amy, E A Headenoe ; Both •
el, J Webster ; 11iply, J A Gifford, M.
A.; Lucknow, J Greene ; Ashfield, W
A Strongman, M. A.; Whirechoreh, R
Carson ; Salem, 0 11 Oebblediok, B.A.
Wil ham District-Wiwgh•m, John
Soots. M.A.; Teeswatee, W W Sparliag ;
Wroxeter, Alf S Smith ; Brumaire M
Swarm ; Walton, W Tenons ; Loads*.
bort). D. Rogers ; Birth, A W Yong* ;
Auburn, Thus. (lee • Sulgrave, H God-
frey ; Bioavale, 8 A Mew.
Listowel District--Liatowel, W Car-
gos ; Milverton, 8 C Almonds ; Trow•
bridge, C V Like ; Gerrie, W A Alen ;
Furdwielt, A M McCepo.gh ; Walser,
J W Gilpin ; Atwood, Jae Fermieren ;
Beotry, J H Dyke ; Ethel, T. Le -
Palmerston Diarist -Palmerston, Ju
I1eAllister ; Drayton, 0 H Ocrnieb, 1.
L.D ; Arthur, 3 W Robinsnn ; Alma,
W W Lech and R H Barna Peel,
James Harris , Moorefield, J Hanby
Ian ; Marton, T J Snowdon • Maitland,
J R Gibson Teriottdsle, t� Shannon.
Moot Forest EMeteiet-Moans Forest
R 11 Wadds!, H. D.: darning, John
Mills ; Durham, 8 L Helton ; Ilol-
em8 H Edwards ; Clifford, I: Walk
se ;is, lea Eden, A (cagier ; Kenilworth,
F M Bmiti , Oneida Valley, F J Aebine;
Verne, 8 L Poetised ; Cedarville,
Job. Peppier, B. A.
Walkerton Disldet--Walkerton, F E
Noma! ; Mildewy H Bawl, ; Hoover,
J C Iltevesees;�ssmied. J "'Nati
Cheeky, 11 p� i Debietes, A
ties fur investing their meant otherwise,
and who require their interest promptly
at regular periods. To all such the fol-
lowing short recital of Loan Companies
now doing basins* in Ontario, may
prove interesting :-
Lean Companies have now bees in
existence for 35 years, and their redid -
nese and success proven beyuad all gesta-
Ce Las baps as tailor* d Lean
Pr Loaa sepear g wieder the
Than aro Mw 63 loan companies in
Ontario having a subscribed spial of
171.178,607, of which $30,173,470, is
paid up.
Tho total amount of the subscribed
eapital of the Banks of Ontario is 1117,-
76t3,300, *.ung leas than one-quarter of
that of th loan companies. The paid °p
the Ontario Banks is $17,380,-
87b. being about one-half that of loan
companies. The Ion companies of On-
tario haws on deposit on call cr short
notice, $13,6.40,100; oo debentures in
Ontario, $6,27.4.938; oo debentures in
Zeeland, $41,525,294. Total, $63,420,-
332. The Banka of Ontario have de-
posits on call, 119,812,897, Denman on
notice, 122.:36,174. Total, 42,362,-
071. Showing Loan Companies over
Hanka, $21,068,4161.
The Huron and Brut* Loan and In-
vestment Company rewires deposits
from trustees, parents or children in
soots of from one dollar to three thou-
sand dollars, and allows compound in-
terest added every sir months, at rates
se agreed epos. The highest current
rates are allowed no deposits, according
to the amomet and time left. For
further particulars cell at the Company's
office, on. -..r of Cn.rtbease Square and
North Si., Goderiob.
Floe A Holm*
Goderieh, 24th Fele 1011$. ' Ma ringer.
14 °awl* Wdn15s • would i.emt
as air -brake ria' nail Mop a groom •
bill la holt its kwgH, he resold ears the
giskitede el tboumsde d esiimaebh
peoples --Peek.