The Huron Signal, 1888-6-8, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1888. CAIRO. Interesting Lotter from the Land of th r Pharoo!eS. Doan%Wee 1 Ibe (Ny--The t ltaeet--Toe Bet Raseeete *mon •asps. btlrwe Jsaestee wen- - TM Twee be ef ere. 1eessls.e.. ak to.r.� grseaee of Tits til:oil tL Shepherd's hotel, .its i .d sea the hewer' of eh• city of Caro, is • ,:oubl.uK. roomy, old building, ettetettr y ori mooted around the high vtra'wah es- Leeey h, a prove of dumkeys all ataud- tug tall- sat t rearvb Us. ,ceps, • it their motley crowd o1 dove,* tit pert only a*sill rev aeaie .one to •.upl..t them. Beery donkey rejoices in • u. re . r ie.. manorial nears. You bray tot a couple of !roues have the saquuue pleuutu of •triJlmg (horse Wsshn.gtou, btune.all. Jwks.o, Abe Lincoln, LhLeaseps, ►lo- h'.r:rbt Alt, Cerheld, Gladstone, Dosrvrh, Napoleon, Jay Gould or coy other .'man of mirk,.' stud he elated the ,soh the streets •i • gall, by to. Arab lace. with long altars tu. ise.ntly •pply- u.g theee gentle prnuadrrs to the becks sat thew 11:uatn•.ue mauled aniw.rls. Oil it guy be Miry Auth r...it, Lily Lauttry, 44 seen Victorti, L nitres.; Eutgeuru or the Suiten are highly rr'o.LWen led as bouts of burth•s wd teal .'..:ta. ll sae an amusing sight to see us mat n:oruing scurrylug ir.r., u< t the nawa'rw erorwre AAu IIA'.AAr., each on a miserable rat of a donkey te- q raring two boys to hr..) .t rnuuw_, our let. now end onto hueo!•.nt o no's( the rostgli peronistas' or our hoed• *inkling •sae-Low-ere:.ed p%.•wte- ar -t.e---tile la streaks of fuel alleyways rood reeves Bat It is the Lrup.r thine to do it. 1'cr.., mud everyone who hes visitor the old city and bee not het • sail on the Ntle and • ride on a doohsy bas root telly done l,;,yp'. Here to this fa.r ua Or.e tt.' cur, so olden wuntwue'1 In the Ambito Nights, oar hate nearly fire hiudred th.owu,l people, •flout vue-tct.ttr 01 whoa' ate Europeans. VII MODERN PMT M Tar •iRT is eery Treseh, --'1'x)0 .Eouw are high sad 'showy and s.nsewntt Permian io architecture ; the coy ab un to in cafes. where iu the ought music wd darrcwg resounds tell moraine. Tire dais of the Letter c:a.. E p ptIan O. of the latae Partaiau style raearpt the Lead gear. • ouud sugar loaf shaped article of a dark red color called a feu ; the prlsctp. hominess place are French , end nevi ter Arabic, resat!' is more widely spoken Chau any o'her ta'ugue to this poly Cori city. Whit., waud.rilig alma in Cum streets the traveller Lu natty golden gliwpw into the mysteries of urtrntel life : of .a'..a tradesmen going to or re. taming (turn their work , • gorgeous t.orbened fat and fuming old Arab, dram - ed in supero silks wad goidau corded rumens ; • Turkish lady &sonde het donkey with • puffed out caromn shaped dress of bulky bia.:knees, clove!? veiled, but her largo track eyes shining forth in liquid lustre ; the waterman with a donky-.k to flung over hu ahowlder, treat -pedlars ealryintg tLeir grapes. figs. watermelons., lune* ; ur the Ewer seller h a roses, each one surpassing the other t to the poetical tiewnpuon • f his goods ; 0 t1.a watermelon is "the consoler of the ern :.arraseed." dowers are "odor. .f 1'.r.edtee,' or the rose is • thorn, (goes tie nosh of tum prophet it hire.ured, t meanies amply, fresh r,.w, foe the as- 3 aro:atr s of matte, nemme sheds • silvery a skews over the articles for sal.: the probability of wing some rine shake hands over your head as you pees by in tie narrow streets. The hundreds of d d.okeys paring and repairing you with rl.eir many colored sad eethr.,idere.1 saddles : the nemerru• 2,.1d11411ithi I open sts:ls wait rich wares displayed for sale ow either Bide of you. and the ad- eaLtageou• di.piay c f ch. stuck. in trade of tbe bt'gg.n--• withered arm. sight less eyes. leglee., armless, noelless, or I t deformed is body, which to them in a b'essi•4 bestowed by Nature err chance, for they need newer do further work— *it thee* eights and picturesque Oriental wonders creat• • froth serene" at every milt. Toe prisrp•} 'hoe of historic note in the etty ffikilime• Io s.d.r•taad. In the lratl•my h•11 I sweated moonily fuer mum - the' coons ut h are i. • coonsOuchOucht state of ptswvati .est fled which 1 ave depicted in flaming melons the hlenewlyp•ie b/stery of the occupants Here are aims collections sat cern, •beat, bread, ravens, rep and nee •beach were fogad iu the memuay rwrr• sad won d.wbtleas planed there o. solely the buster of the Ira vet -stator -4 pilgrim* on their way to the the bnahirr world. TIE OLP AO, that wee Sio often 'pourer ea the UD• sec;. satinu farmers en C,.,r.ta a few years eel/ a'r•,ut the wuoderful k:,yptian wheat that was (ueod lei the t..isba grub the usumiws Md had rested then foe tbousauds of years •Rating the hand of modern burbandry to brio.; it forth and e uw it do fertile ars , elicit it would ger- minate erminate and beteg forth a tho,.aud fold, prow of to be without tomatoes 0; the vet -tows kinds of ermine f.,uud in the us'Inurny craws so lug deprived of heist and air, expert Mee is sh..e that rod u.tu hat ever t.wu male to sprout. Modern Egyptian wheat can he punches e1 In quantities of trues tee to tea thouesud (.ushels at •hoi.t 80 mints • bushel, and its •but cue 1,0 pay two dollars a pound for it, as 1 have ki nen lei Were anetaite e L *mg the mammy ball we r.seh the jewel lull where a• sett: a utacnr6eeut collection of gold bracelets, chains, ehara.s, small atm, daggers, brow plates, err rings bead dress**, eo den 'sondes. cuusidsred as a tomato! et future Is(e,st.d`Iecerally Nutted ,,.side the tuuwmted Indy, well formed tit ire. rrpreseuting kings and queaus. and modela of beats and bares manned by rowers aa,l helmsman n' gold. But leaving the city, along •n excellent road, we find ourselves, atter au hour's drive, est site of THE alt.yfllcT CIT:' Or HELIOPOUs, known in Scripture as the City of On. It is supposed that Moen here mottled the wisdom of the E,yptaans, and in later times Plato and Solon teceiveJ a gnrt of their education, and hen tt was that Joseph was given Asenstb, the r eie•t'e daughter,n • wife Gen. zh,43). If such thinru ever beppened un this dreary looking spot nothing now remains to show that it ever bosote 1 of a angle Dwelling. A thousand acres of plats looking trrotmd, wretch at wheat er barley, a clump of trees, au abundance of wild gerautuuu, a luiurtant growth of weeds and nettles, a mound showing small ftagmentl of broken pottery, a shattered and pattered eph:nx, knocked out of all recognition as a masterpiece of Man's handiernft—as tt, doubtless, at ors time was—and one solitary, grand, t"wenng, obelisk are all that can be aseta of the once famous seat • ( learnittgg, dm "City of the Sem." We tied our lunge to • tree under the shade of the obelisk, known as PH 4,1041i.• S'Bt.P!. 1, Swot wandered shout the plain in fittest of wi'nething that might strengthen cur belief that here at one time was the great stat of learnlog, the only place in the ties known world for the study of phil- osophy and astronomy, but the only evi- dences of its existyuce were the few pieces of colored glass and pottery wan, the size of a penny, and the rine treat landmark seen from all pares of the plain, the tapering obelisk, composed of one solid magi of granite. This to idec- i€ed by its hieroglyphics with Osorchnn. ne of the thirteen Pharnabs mentioned In •crioten, and it is shown that Oa•rchom corresponds with the %arab of I1 Chmn., 'Or. making the atonement o doe from about 1000 B. C., or nearly ,100 years old. The feces of the obelisk re ti feet at the base and gradually taper to a point at a height of 114 feet. Each face is covered from the top to hottom wttb hieroglyphic'', and has been emphered to mean about the some •s Meet of 001 modern 45onomeots, " A loving friend. a husband true, rte , oto." On our return we visited the identical sp't .-HERE TIER ROLL' rare1Ll' aamrID n their flight from Palmate* mown into Egypt. There is the self -soma syesmnre roe ; of curse It is • little gnarled and aged sad Mot so grt.n rad ;leasing to the eye ae a bright -leafed budding blooming Toone ten year•old, but we mast remember it has stood then for at Mast 1889 years and of tw.ssity • few years longer in border to give rest sad shade to the weary -worn fugitives. It is carefully fenced in, and two men always stand guard over it for tier the irreverent American tourists with their rival vandalistic propensities would whittle it up and carry it away piece- meal. Not even eery we •H,.e.J to pluck a leaf from its over-haugeng boughs, the guardians i.f. rming us we might have moms of the tattoo leaves a w• had some hackah•she to part with. The ignorant Copts fully believe in the airsc.losa staying powers of that tree, but oely through their traditions is this father of perennials knnwn so the Holy Tree. Nearer. us oar retort to the city, we pato uff the men mad to the old mew Or T1s uhal &LOOKS, moony* dilapidated piles of brick and mortar ; at was tune, doubtless, msNet- pteem 111 archttestural beauty. The twit point ni miters* to os was the Nil., which, at this moot 0f the year. June, is at uta lower level- We engaged a beat just 'opposite the Weed .f 11.d• where the celebrated Nilometr for measuring the height of the river is luasted,and meat • part of the aIteeboos os the dirty, doggish Waling% The width here is about a quarter of a mile, but at high water the banks are o,sr• sowed. sod the width at stteh rail•* -- varies from three to fuer miles. Jest opposite to Boolak is the spot where Plsreah's da•gbter foiled Koine, wad if soy ow doubts the Arab tradition of thio brine tie earned nisei he tray sae foe kir.. W the bullrunles is villa the beald oars bead, whisk •held be set - distant *woggle for any ore sk.pti•.Ily The Nile to rise is J ..d .eath•ee intollyealehm,. 16. daily eine Wag tiallskiet7 reseeded end ogled is the .treele rat Oahe by remoter etisiale, to midi of whom a spade' Ate_ trio* is allotted. The Melte* rise es- „wad raerddd is •b'.M thirty feet at Osis. D. 1. M.v. Tal CITADEL t uJt nearly $00 yuan azn from woo* broomht from the eater c.etng of ane of the pyramids. The rated,. a in itself • strait town and is oveesb.dowed by one of the largest and latest mosques in Egypt. It was built by Mohamaed Ali about the bemtoais; of this cautery, and i• named after hies. Frees the elevation on which the citadel and mnsalee stand • o tagniticent view is obtained of the Nile valt.y, the city and surrounding roan - try. Thit city looks • pertain wilderness of fiat roofs, palm trees, miseries, mov- ing donkey. and cs.l•, and sway to the west the gtisteing mods of the Lybien Desert stretch w far as the eye scald reach. Close to the citadel is what is claimed to be Joseph'. W.Ii, hewn ist the rock to • depth of 300 feet, and ea a level with the waters of the Nile It wsa, doubtless, heave out by the •ae.eet LLyptsaas, bet then is eo proof that Joseph bad anything to do with its origin. The city It.. some tin pelmets, all of modern date, built by the later rehire ..f Egypt far their relatives and favorites. Itoe of the prio.ipai alteratives to the traveller u TAP. sonWE If Vain a Irian is to be fumed the largest, most vsiva►* ad meet ia.troetive 'tenseness of Egyptian atgsitlw in the world. Colossal ghb.l..lien., obelisks, sacred buds, jacket% ibis -heeded men, rash heeded sties raid a assumed end e.. octet. sad statuette. .mhlem.tie d sanest Sientiandieissities, are all worthy Of notice for the 1...... of vertt..- shlp, the value of the material d whisk they are composed se well u their paw liar symbolical mesni.1. i *camel a dog eomp.sd entirely of agate. • raw of I • estisa li.r red jasper. d flak geese, frogs sod unmakeys of (•Vie Inawli. AY Urea eraMtsegsts tl ier lderegtyphio .r*► ar the means eye ; teimeglee, .ymbileei of *quality : nem, el . ernhos• ; erase - SAM. et the pilaw 411 the Messed ; Anse. N 11 01t7 ; • bsseb, of the *sorrel► tiioe,p.eNe .trMlit,_and *thee �, sed I other .step eymbtt that would telt* • "Whst'a thea waster r"Railroad •t rap, sir." Neese memo lit .g.."Yeo: sir ; steal[ee hew w./eted t9► gees, — Brookiya dg*. }tousetolb stints. Apple muse it much improved by Mir additive of • tabl..p'o nful of butter, and requires Ins sugar. A uJetioi cf pe.trlaah in water thrown upon the Moo will ealwguta► It Iww.- diat.ly. Tl.. heat way when but greane has been spilled on • door is to dash cold water over it, 40 u to harden et quick- ly and prevent it striking out the boards. Poe eleenieg bow use a thin paste of plate powder, two tablespoonfuls of vin- e gar, four tablespoonfuls of •loubul. Hub with • ponce of damsel ; polish with ctlamoir. Cuse lemon juice and salt to remove iron rust. To preserve the ehisticit, of Indian robber, wash it five or six times • year with alightly alkaline water. Corks limy be made air and watts tight by keeping thew for Eve minuter ender melted paraffins ; they must be kept down with a wire screen. In mixing mustard for table use never add vinegar, which destroys its life and flavor. Buil water for molstebing and let the water thou become blood Wattle. A good handful of rock salt added to the lath m the next beet thing after an "ocean dip,” and a gargle ..f a week solution is a good and ever -reedy remedy fur a sore thrust. reelect Weald b. Can only he attained by carefully attend- ing to the laws et oaten ss expressed in the system. To do the suoce efully re- quires the use of Burdock Blood Bitters uucasiobally, to secure the regulating end strengthening resect sal thin splendid .medicine. 2 In nervous prnetration, rest and sleep are the first iudtspen.able a nditions. -t change is always in order to make them partible. The diet most he gen- erous, the fool well masticated mid este° slowly. There are malty indications of arenas, but I)r Lows Worm Syrup meets them in every case successfully. 1m To take rust out of steel rub the steel with sweat oil ' i. s day or tern AS "nth finely powderer ewlackid Mete en - til the rust all disappears, then oil again, roll in woollen and put in • dry pian, especially if it be table cutlery. issued rawer, Burdock Blood Bitten Quite, in one onmbination remarkable power• as • tonic, blood -purifying, system -regulating sod clearing medicine. It has no rgnal icons power or caring all Dia•sw .of the Stomach, Liver, Ktduays, Bowels and Blood 2 When a hinge creaks pot a littlfr graphite of a oft lead pencil on the place of friction. Enric:i the Blood by t' -e nee 411 Mil- burn*" Beef, Iron and Wine, which sup- plies the necessary blood building ma - twist, lm In a severe sprain of the ankle im- . ltese the joint as soon as possible in • pail of bot water. and keep it then for fifteen nr twenty minutes. After re- moving it keep it it bandaged with hot Moths wrung out of water, or rum and water. Mew is warts. The mode of operating of Butdock Blood Bitters is that it works at one and the some time opoe the Stomach, Liver, Bowels and Blood. to cleanse, regulate and strengthen. Hence its almost uni- rer.sl value in chronic complaiota. 2 One of the cheapest and beat modes of destroying insects in pot plants is to In- vert the pot and dip the plants for s few seeonds in water warmed to 130". A German paper, referring to this plan, safe that the steles will stand 133' with- out injury. We vocally hest the water pretty well, and pour in cool until 130° is reached. in icier. ase te the r.l.l. Dyspenata is dreadfnt. wandered liver is misery. Indigestion is • foe to good nature. The human digestive apparatus is one of the most complicated and wonderful things in existence. It 1s easily put out of order. Greasy food, tough fond, sloppy fool, had onnkery, mental worry, tato hams, irregular habits, and many other thine* which ought not to be, have made the American people • nation of dyspeptics. Bot Green's August Fl vu er has done • wonderful work in reforming this sod beanees and making the Arne:iout people so healthy that they can .ajoy sir in eels and be happy. Remember :—No happiness without health. But Green's Attempt Flower brings health and happiness to the dyspeptic. Ask irony druggist for a bottle. Seventy -lee orate. lowly eve aadbem Mpe ntstoomis. Then are d omaind. who believe it is healthy to ries early In the mnrnigg ; whereas it is a hymtemie crime for • an to ret do bef,.ie be wants to. The de - air. to shop lots in the arreieg is one of .rtsri s most emphatic iwttusationa that more time is needed for repair. For • man to go to work is the moraine is a sleepy semi -aerator cooditi0• is simply err:deal seicid.. There is an- other pprlsr deletion that • uses should stop eating while he is yet hungry. He might me well Sep breathing, before hie locant* are 111wd. lileinger is the barome- ter that tells the .tate of the stnmaeh. A mea is waver beegry Eileen he might to eat. There is soother d.Iuruio. that . laht air is unhealthy --es if any ere wend get &nye/ lag bot eight air at eight. There is really so air or unhealthy as 4Cy air beetled up and kept rani eight There w bees we stay daaaayssed fete Mean. 'es air like hsekletmeries by hewi.to mews seed . The eneighisi a is wily recd•red un• sightly by Pimple•. Livor 8pet• aid Yollowwses These It i• well bides are erased from a la•etle.Ilver and bad Mood. Dr Chases Liver Ogre t.t(i.0 the Mood and whole *shah flee R: tape eonh for tenet emirs. Mete •.d ▪ i•+.ia+a all yea in gtewetI, gem - reales. Sold ail iret�giee, ON Farm arab Ibarden, tarts. /e /eetetyr Oee of the most *weaseled helps in farming or, in fact, an any b.Msrss lean evict knowledge, as bear ea eau be oh tamed, ..1 the business rs led wet ie. Gee's owe 45141.1, before operatiwrs actu- ally commence with the hank. And. therefore. a partied of out • owe segued work and of h.s luso, as worked out day by day, if honestly wt down every night, bwoomea of great value to himself, and, .c the year. g., by, of more and more humanities. It i. • chart of his We, of Ma farm and e f his financial ?tendon!, o entail out by his own hand. Some years ago each • journal in • neighbor- ing county, kept oy a p•iu•t•klttg seal roturste fernirn, settled • very mew tarn law earl, and thus saved Ilnndr'wdr of dollars acyl moat auaiety orf naiad. Keep • journal, therefore, I urge epos every farmer. It will only moires five miuutwr' same every eight. and as the season will °p'n bus -the first of ibis coming month —la the time to begun. First give a history of tbe weather— clear, c!uudy, hot or coli- then write down .hat work you do yourself, sod then what your hands do. if you make • sale put it down ; d you pay auythin* nut. that ; it ycu sow • crop or want, set down. Take au account of the differ- ent trier as they leaf out and Noma, note when Inc different variety of birds put in an app.arrue•. It will be inter issuing to you in a short time and ter, u seful. Such • journal have I kept fur souls twei,ty odd years and my parents before we, coed 1 prise it highly. By keeping such an account, and hy- ing your fields all numbered, in • few years you eau tell how many days it will require to prepare each field for • amp, Sent 1Hramb The Former'. I rich (mem, ono the followrg d,fforeut elfey balky horses, whet, are fur trial . First, 1•st the Durr mat the sock, examine hos cutfslly, int see side, then the '-the, . if yes rasa get him • handful of Irmo, pea it to kiln, .nal *peat enawraosety N bora. Time jrrop tutu the wagon ,tele the weed amid he will geti-ea o. obey- 8ecuOd, take the horse out , ! thea elatta, sea turning kis around to a Wrote email he u giddy, will generally start hast. Third, smother way to cure a wiry horse es, Place your ha•d lief his sues sed shut .d his wind uhtil he masts to go. Fourth, then, azure, tale a couple of turns of stout lotus around the fun 1 just below the knee, t.tht esosgh ter the horse to feel it ; us to a bow knot. After going a short distance you ean gel out and remove the sir:ig, to provost injury to the tendons. F.tth. again, you semi try tbe to.b.,ue • Tate the tail of the horse between the hod lege. mind tie it by a cord to the a.dd:r girt. Sisth, the last remedy that I know, is as fol- lows : Tie a stem; se,und the hal'••'• e rr, close to head Tt,., sill divert hie attention and start hoc Occasional U ..ee of a geed cathartic like Burauck Pills an some ry to keep the blood pure and the holy healthy. 145 *1.1stksed., In the heart of the rd6te • teas is • dude it he wean a Ise pateerme3 goat and shoes blackened terse • day. A mole way back iu the u:tenor, he is • Jude if he wean any cut' wb.tevee on week days in the seamier, .r hue hie shoe blacked oftener than semi-annual- ly. I suppose 0111. might tet .• a• far into the "interior of tune other coo - and the yield ,approximately deprodialt t, if -not ,,f -the min that fie .malt 1 upon the season) from each Edd. Your farm work will be lifted shove mere drudgery into the realms of active thought, •sad it becomes brain work, and brain work pays. For instance, turning to my journal for last year I find 1 planted corn the 3rd, 4th and beth of May ; ground mellow' •tui Is pea order. ilittlie 7th, being showery, wt out cabbies and tomato plants. each with a ball ..f earth attach- ed On the 121b of the same month, aerated pees and potatoes, and eo On thmoghuet the year. And 'as you work you can note any little experiment as to sold, as to the character of certain manure*, the value of lime, either on sol, or ou plowed land, etc., etc. The village of Haria,, in Sema, i)re A farm antes is alao valuable, mstiraq been destroyed by Era. Eon.handrrd a trifling sum as compared to as tlsefu.- I families are hcmelesa nem. It also tends to make ..ns parti• cular, accurate, and thoughtful. If a' —`— pig or calf is t.. be sold you can know lel a sack agent in • few minutes what uI s weight may Mr Goode, dnru' t, li not a book be, cid by reeding the market reports agent, but has the agency in Goderieh you can re ti uout Its value in • few for Johnston's Tonle Bitten. which his moment. Yom will thus sere, maybe, can heartily rec.mn' ed for any com- as much as what otherwise would coal !plaint to which • tong medicine soap you several days work to obtain. 1 plicable, This valuable medicine Las 1 Keep a journal. Be sceurate to note ; been with most astonishingly good re - down what transpires. Be honest with I sults in eases of general debility, weak - yourself and your (arm, and at the end ! neat, irregularities peculiar hi females, of each month sum op the work dome, I retreat. paleness. impoverishment of the and at the end of the year add the en- ! blood, stomach mid liter troubles, lees tiro months together, grouping the j of appetite, and for that general worn several items together. w that at a; out feeling that r.early every one is glance, one an know what has been i troubled with at s me part .of the year. deme—what profit, and if a failure, how I Don't forget the r.arue Jo.httston.'s Tonic cen it may be uveroiam.—Baltiwnre Amer- I Mitten 50c. and $l mer b.,ttle at Goodie drug store. Albius til es. (;oderich, Bold agent. a be considered the most thozra0t octet of a dude if he were antthwg at all. So of petunia! habit. There are all steges of the appellation, from nettimg a man down as • dude because he has • daily ltril,h, to the attitude of the chimney eeee*, reported lately in the p•pnrt who proudly statsd his determination to w his face once • week, whether it n et or non --Admit.: Monthly. Do not take genies for malarial dis- orders. Kyei s Ag. t sr. c..ntains none, nor any other injury, -us ingredient. This preparation. If taken 'grotty in wooed- auce with directtoi s,nwarrauted to cure all malarias diseases. The bat mole** tat the et mash Whe- al* lewwdwleer� the beet rare hat bldltrra.aar. nick ►eltd•sho, isdiles*twa, and all tio.. whim Moo • disordered liver, are withoution Johasue • Tonic Lire, PoJo II= t suit. eater coattail said. yet e0wliv. 96 ot.. per bottle sole by Goode, druggist, Atb.un Moak, God, tick, sell mom 1.1 The Sines and the Great Wearers are generally aussiddred the brat etsmahepa to arum the Atlantic. Aeoordlug to a correspond's' of the New York Tease, the honor really belongs to the Sewer - nab, which left Savannah. lie., M ly 211, 1Bly, r L;v.rpud .lune 211. Her commander, Q.pi. Menet ((v.-.. f New L oisdon, Ct., also c'nrwa•Ced the tom steamship un the Heim n, the Delaware, the Chs.speak., and from Chartesuu w tia.•unalt. The Savannah's 1'.g Is pre- served t• the Smiths' t ion lnm'ute. •• tae %ever more Geese w 5•. "hardly ...re" aa.ut it. He had •u attack of shat pe. pie cel "netiow- oe•s,"and 1' ensile 04. t bg,•wabl. Yet a man may ''*,rile and smile. and rte a villain stilt, atm I he wee no villain, hut a plain, blunt, bonrst wwan, that r...jrd • reme,}ysurh ■e Dr Par -e.• ''Pleasant Purgstiyr P.aet,,' sbi i, never fail to Cors bei ,.u.uew and-ti..eased or torpid icer, desp.o.ia aid chr"ridc eonstlp•- tom in druconta. lese0 Nes. is made by the proprietors of Hagyard's Yellow (Id, who have lung offered to re- pended for that remedy if it fails to give satisfsciion on fair trial for Rheu- matism, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and all painful complaints for which it is reonm- clouded. Blbrle ab.eedesen..s. If on wishes a single shrub to orna- ment a front yard or court, the most de- sirable is • hybrid rhododendron. A good plant of this will cwt more at the nursery than a cart lead of lilacs and snowball.—and is worth it. Fur such • u se as the above, when it is to he seen every day and aereral times a day, it should be worth looking at. Thea rho- dodendrons are evergreen, hardy, fine ie form, and will succeed in any locality when there is not Time in the soil. If there is • limestone soil. dig out a large place, and fill it with good pasture soil. Those who have written about the cul- ture of the rhododendron hate made it appear that such a preparation of Moil was needed as to discnunge ell bet the wealthy, while in fact then are etrll- ent sorts that will flourish in any good pasture or garden soil. If any one wishes to grow the finest and most coat- ly he meet hove a gardener t• grow them. But our gucd enough for brain• cry mortals, that will he a mass of ver- dure all the year, and during! some weeks in early summer, • glory of bloom quite good .mmeh i for meet of as. Go to an intelligent cad truthful osreeryrsen, leave the soleetion to him. if hoe boy half • dozen or a sing* plant. If the plants have been well grown, She roots will be a compact ball of meth, and may be taken up anti moved, eves if the buds are far ad.aneed. The official statement shows that there are 5691.949,536 is gold,,tiver, United States notes and other futds in the United States treasury, teew a Bede reside (.14. A slim young mart in the height of Ifashion was violently ar:eeting in a street ear, when a companion remarked, "Aw, Cheeks, deah boy, Low dye cat4h teat e weadtul tx,id "Aw. deah fellab, left my cane in the lower hall tether day, and in tucking the ivory handle, so dweadful add, it chiliad we almcet to death." If Charles had used Dr. Har- vey's Red Pine Gum hu a ,id would not trouble him eery much. For tai. at J Ve ilsoe's prescription drug store- tf M Ernest Ronan, the a'rthor of the "History of the I•r.e! tc," has bion ap- pointed • grand off ti ifttlie Legion of Hueur. Be ea ee• MateerrNs- Connterfeita are always dengeroes, more ss that they always closely rut - TATE TOE 0RI01AAL ,!t APTEASalrCI APD pieIt. The rsrwrrkable soften achieved hy Nasal Balm ea a poodles rare for Oaterh and Oold in the Heed lee ir- ducted unprincipled parties to imitate it. The public are ea•tio•ed not to be de - solved by ne5re.ss imitating Naval Balm in name and . appeen•oe, bearing such ranges es Nasal Orem, Nasal Balsam, eta Ask her Natal Helm and do wet take imitating' dealers may woe upon jnre. For sale by slI dt.ggi t* or neer poet -paid en ree.tpt of pries (Me and S1' by addressing Folioed &Co., Brockville, Ont. t f "Scrap er Soh, air 1' asked the waiter "Neither," replied the g...t. "That was • e. ut*elsl q•eetion, waea't it r sad the guest's friend. Low's Sidebar Soap is an elegant kr- let *Meta. acid dooms. and sod poriies the skim meet .YT.at.ally. lm Genres, sad Areteeli• are n5s�Mi- iiem with rush neper for the •dgtli. of «e.tm•'w rret.ene re rola* Wiese *moot► A WeNerrel colas The tartest Grein, and ore ti.at p'ay • controlling pert on the health '-f the body is the liver. If torpid nr irscKir. the whole system becomes &teemed. Dr. Chase's Liver Cure is made specially for Liver and Kidney disease'. and u guaranteed to cure. Recipe hook t ani medicine 111. SoltbyiIFd-r`aiQut4. At Brunswick, Mo.. Wm. Miller, a respectable citizen, saw his wife mad John Morgan sitting together t:i the depot. Miller had rearm t ' seepect ht* wife of intimacy with Morro. and drawing a revolver he beta* to lire and killed them both, Millet 'unread' red. Hay fever u a type • ! ca'arr' 'army peculiar symptoms. I' is attend. d by ace inflamed 'oedema of the rib;nr mem hrainrs of the t.•rtrila, tear -darts and thr met, affrctur4 the lungs. Au acrid mucous m. secr.un.-1,' 1*. diechatoeissecom- Ponied with a burning emulation There are severe sperms "f .',erring, fre.lnrnt attacks of headache, watery and intlane- •d eyes. Ely • Oven' 8.1m is a ron.- dy that eau be depended upon 51.tr- at drergist.: hy mad, reei.t+mol. fillets. E,y Brothers , Drug/Lists. Owen. New 1y York. war -a �TARAH CREAM 6�6M (lim, &t .f el num .ad COLD its 2 ozr Hay Fever. N.l Liywv(, tow a Polder, peat injwrio Drew end Iljrina rev Oder* Paine's elery pound URE5 Neva .as Prestrat:ea, Nervosa H.adecbe. Neu••tgt.a, Nervous Wcaineas, Stowsacb sad Lover D. se nas. RE r. reetlsm, Dyspepsia, cad all adactecus of ilea Wdasys. WEAK NERVES ratrw'e Cstrar roomette mette Is s Nerve Teaks which never 1.1. communing Celery end Coca. those so..warn.t .t.....la.,•a n speed- ily curs alt nervous dasmlc.. RHEUMATISM eaters Cater Cowporten purism fir blood it dries out rhe lactic sad, which causes Rheumatism, and remorse the blood - malaise organs 10 • timidly mention. 11e true remedy fbt litirsa Ea. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Parses Csu*r rostrums quickly seesses the liver and kidneys to p.eeset Wank curative power oo45i1*at Wankwith 5. n erve tonics. taakns 4* the hest remedy for all kidney oonogwa:ats. DYSPEPSIA P AnK• cruise CO*recvn erragth•ae the esaach, and quiets the nerves of the we► oro organs. Tilos is why It cues eves the s )roil eoic. of Dyspepate. CONSTIPATION PArwE . C*tray Co hoer to is not a Cathy tic. it Y a restive. pone oiler and natured sensate the Soweto icaulartty rarely 01 - lows saute. secosameoded be professional Lad tu'sbies. sass. Send for boot Mee ri.e. •old by Draggle& WELLS, RiClIAROSON & CO, Prop's Montreal, P. Q. IREADMAKER'S YEAST. tsar 141 n,.1e rail 1144 Yea.' took to I tr.t IPr1:.A at vnta,in S:u"y1 LI :217. • 41...•r ,•t ae lactic. M-. t, wry the: .t wrpsrasr any yea,* -ver lived by therm. It makes the Iigbtest, whiles, se ...lee broad, r,rl°, buss aid buckwheat pancakes. nak-r. en swell...very town 1. .da are sentIt PRICE FIVE CENTS. 1 /IV VENT I .P g tee uM the word dueling the last half •eatery. Iles 'east arrows the wonders of lunettes pro- fs e method and system a( wont thalami be perrorsied all over the country without separating the workers from their bootee. Pity liberal : ray one can du the ; either se:. Tentage. old ; se speotal • itJ uired. Capital nm needed : you are .tarruei�p free Cut : h uurinate/1k est le gr and wow send you frac. awetatgg of guest valve and 11W penance to you. that vinare yea is bust mew, which win hying Yes U a" aemr/ right awes, thea anythiu else is the werY. Grand Ducat free. Address Taos O. Co., Augusta. Melee. Ric 11A.Y BLOOD SYRUP CB UPON trounce, Li r.Kidneys and HE BLOOD Agin Will. I'5iIi mew •y•rri■ 1. M f.mslaleti irk aratasrbe. riga. inanity. May Apple Bless p %ever weaken., eseatreactrua sad us wlweratea the system. Per sale by Jamss McK 17 drawee. Du tsonon. rotce acts and p. DEEP0e, %Pnn'1"n rai.t to thou wand• of form., but are oar p•aeed by the .marvel. of Invention. new wheats. in semi of emeriti*, alert that rya be hese while living at hems awaid at pM� woad their adenine t. HALL tor t (n I'eftWt )1•IM, aid revel s• free. full intersiethe hew other sex. or ell owes. ran earn from MI se tit:' dag •v tar. warted add fee- milliards iglu} wherever near they ye::..111 fare *civic arm- yea In s slat* earr this work_ All *comet. Ctili Cry for cker's s Com. Ibe• Baby Iwo dale we pre bee Crams whit vie was • 010(4 As mei air Canter* women' beers lam. she eke( Cateseta. Wet• the hili Ch04ett� able awl Orem c..•af.. QTYtt.wvded thea. ere ; thsy wgn nmol~ iii4 ls'h1111-L s./ nMao d wmiearewe Nwa bA.ln rmh ems, au. rt�M'odta•retaa�•.A w tta ttIr anima, pt.taw 41111 t wan A Me each sow sad •s e•�1 rib uyai week RLr ttvir far-, VP wr •-•tom si --nee 1.rlr. t -..:.a �r,Ow,p.m. , 1 • t 4- •