HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-6-8, Page 22
ouLryfeet 1X1\
tar rra[rmi r.0 Cas.t.ss. meld nut bad eap pfeemble remota fur
It was • few suttee b.leee the die- 11oiMlal"tae' serer h had thwtht
nor lhour when Wr Cuthbert Meese s 1,0 11 t, it al gr, hash to the mime
the room drawing rm at Brantford, amid the thing , hs eget fro without Alter.
who'. party bad already assembled. Wawa he th. bI$ hit • matinee 0(
Keeryae'waked et him with • feahog those few Weeks after their marriage, he
of intense -thy ell kaiser Chet be had 1011 it au hey'Oed his etr.oirb ; better
just mole book from ludia, and wine at
bast (mimed why he bad gum there.
Thome few were a little aurptisd that ha
Dame to Brsotwoud, and watched his
meeting with Mrs Moor. rather serious
ly. Thew was nothing to gratify the
feeling. Mrs Moore hotted very beauti-
ful ; she agate won her pansy-oulored
velvet robe which became her w well ;
then was a slight flush en bee cheeks,
called up perhaps by the anticipation u(
rueetiug with her old lover. and bey eyes
looked deeper mud softer tbau usual
Sir Cuthbert was as we know, • striking
looking man, Mascot iso-Eugtlish dark ie
oomph/Mon, a derknem which had been
Increased by his sojourn in India, His
manners were grans sod dlgaibed, also,
perhaps a little furelgn Few F.nelisb-
remain at hems mad poems his work
alone. 1t teas tree that Alio* had ceas-
ed t , suttee!] him with displays of
jeale.utr, bed he felt that they were
tborvuehly nesssted for one another,
and he readt'se to keep Str Cutbi•ert
with them Mlwg ea he mould.
Tbr n he lb..ght of Mr Lon/worthy's
n ote, and *Owing it foam his pocket-
book he tied i< sgaa. He could nut
get rid of ag that there was some
thing in it whisk be could nut under-
stand H• had sore than once thought
of its eimeseelra with pleasure. mad
hoped ha slight some flaw meet biro
attain ; belt *til todaybe had never
suppead that be owed im acquaintance
to 'cribber bet shame. Now be began
to think otherwise. Little things which
mea would in the preeenw of w me" had bola wed at the time came
people and with the meue.ry of the pant I tuck to hie memert and seemed to point
vividly before theta, have raised the 15 "wadi* balew the surface. Why
hand of their hostess to their lips with b Soil reran mess t Oamottheir a lv
the chivalrous grace lints which Sir es the timed rand the alleged reason for
Cuthbert performed that little eery- his tisk. It ed Om very . plausible, bet
oniony, Beyond that then was nothing his Percival been b seemed ask plan hew et
so sea the eyes rooted on Mrs Moores
beautiful face with undisguised solemn- had tents that be was the man he
Lim. but his cuoaphtwta, if he paid molds' 1 "1. erre fact of their hap -
any, were murmured in tuo low • voice Flame be meet sear Br•stword went for
fur anyone but herself to hear After .ethamR- Tien then was his well-
the first greeting he hardly „uremia egos to mete into the house, and as owl
Ms hostess, but talked a great deal -to ; thine after smother flashed into his
Percival, of whom he had formerly mind, hitabeeSp. of surprise .1 the feet
known very little. The twu men seem• that tae yoewe • roan as hu host should
ed to get on. already be he possession of his second
The days paned -end -the rieitere at lyfe ilaell>( he had bonged a dower,
Brentwood began to dispense our after sot fees Alma, but himself. Though
another they went, until at last buns before they parted at the station he had
were left este t bur Cuthbert, end he replid with perfect courtesy to Perot -
stayed on, showing neither desire nor in- rake bus that they sight meet •gain,
tuition to lease. leu one who had seen h• asked him to his owe bones.
the way in which Alice speeded tae Now gawk this Dote prooisiog • meet -
parting guest would have had any sat- ••K at BeaotOood. ns though: it all
pion that when the hot was g vile ►he "'R, 11,147 to the dark• until such an
would turn rimed to air Cuthbert sod rxtrseld*aary idea struck him that he
say- rtoNe� short in his walk and said
"Now we can hetero.
t think of copy:�p„1LlM going mad. 1 must be gulag
They were:a great deal together. Pte- mad.,,
eivl was just then very busy, sod he Bet the idea would not tears him, and
left Ls safe and his guest very mach it Lar, fowling that it was impossible to
w►ese espressios was est said t•mturo,
.id wbo tied • etetdy tedspsedat way
of heeling themselves. A. 1. strolled
dew • the Iii irom the st•tios h met •
roan who was dilemma Ieom than be
haat already sesta, these► awe less sour
sod duo; h•ktsg• This ems wee sol
bresehaik, tiding ehwty aloslp with
ragbag int head. tied ate dark sad bettor
an siprumsiee ea bila lees that Perri vel
wondered iegebeeteditr Of the whole
.Misr bad rah hitcher with • blight ;
sox be 1M1 labs peeled whom he
thought of Mr 1rsgworthy sad bis
cwlrley high -heed tts•mser. Perhaps,
h. thuagbt, there were two Miller's
Oates, mad he bad .mare to the wooer
use ; so w hes the saw on horseback
reached him he stopped to asa-
••Is the edergyw,an of this place called
There was no change in the expresmiun
of the ether eau's face as he replied -
"He is."
"Can you direct no to the Rectory 1"
The horseman turned slightly in his
saddle, sod poiuted with hie whip to
where Dear the eburch • stook of tall
twisted chimneys were visible.
"That house with the chimneys u the
Rectory ; yew e•arant sistake it."
Percival thanked bis, mud was guise
no his way when the other, mored ap-
parently by sudden impulse, said-
•• May I ask your name I"
"Certainly ; my name u Moore.'.
The roan on hore.kback made a mo-
tion to itemised, and Percival with a
good at.ernoon, which was not relented,
walked on. Had he turned he would
hate seen hie informant rein in his horse
and look after him, while the cloud on
his brow grew darker, and he muttered
half audibly -
"So that is bee husband, and he has
Dome at last."
On the evening of the day after which
Mr Longworthy had written to Percival
he and his wife sod Helen mat together
in the Rectory drawing -room. He had
just come in and was enjoying • rest and
chat bete. tea H. sat in his favorite
arm-.balr, lad gazed benignantly upon
t . tat w.Oeu, who were both work-
ing. Helga was busy +ith • sock which
she was Melting to help Mn Longwor-
thy, and her small white heads, upon
which flashed • golden wedding ring and
one or two other, mored with alssrt
incredible rapidity. Mr Loa/worthy
watched her fur • little time in silence ;
then .is said.
"I never saw any one work so fast.
How do you du it 1"
"These must be finished soon ; they
are for present."
"At present !" he echoed. Do jou
make presents j"
' Heaven forbid ! I consider presents
giving a senseless and insultine custom."
" Dear me : she said. " Why 1"
" 1Vhc would care • fig for a present
front a person for whore he cared noth-
ing 1 And a present from one he lo.es
to their own devices. Even with Alias wit elven till the pert day for the mys- is almost a sign that his affectiou u wan-
war•irug ringing in his ears he co.!d two tarifa be cleared up, he came to a mod-
yourself ; you dua't Wm to tidelt the.
•eyt►ias you du is eaggeeted by some
use .lea.
' 1. ti►et • gnat fault r' .he asked,
L.a.1iswt sp .t ►us.
• Nut • beds.& „It
p.rbaps, bat a
ehs,sm. stia, when will same you ense
u.beppiame, and by which you ■111 pain
imilliziaHes shill ttatbisg 1 I do out wast
W [aim Mythiae.
" I know ; yon may want to keep your
character bso to speak. Yoe
►an 1to1 • yielding ; you tem
req stiff-o[eked."
" 1 hate yealdieg to lora., but 1 donut
mind beiag psesead.d."
" les, in that you are unlike 11.
majority of your sea. Worsen seoenlly
lake to b. carried away by • sup.riur
mind I have frciwsotly moms across
came of women telltale is lure with mem
merely because of their strength. Ie is
• ouriou. thing, • very serious this[•
Yee are different. I saw it from the
hist. If • mea wanted to conquer you
he would haws to area himself with the
must perfect deference. A rough word
or an usgraeiotm earne.e• would revolt
you at .New. I. it nut w f '
.• Yee," she replied, thinking of Ih.
Mr. Lougwortby went ou composed-
" And that is why you and Huhn'
newer got on. The root of the evil was
• radical want of sympathy -nut one of
chose ountrae * which can be cost and
smoothed away, but one which is always
e rowieg. It is • thousand pities that be
did not underMtaod that."
Mr. Lngwurthr was speaking{ more to
himself than to Helen. As often !op-
posed, what he said led to • train of
meditations and reflections too ouufused
and disconnected to be spoken aloud.
Suddenly be turned to Helen, marine--
•' Remember that through all that has
passed I felt sun of you ; never doubted
you would act iu this way in the rood. 1
should have beso disappointed if pot
bad not dour so. I may tell you since
you have."
" But, I have tint," she said, with •
restless movement. " It has been done
for me. You have every right and reas-
on to feel c:ieappointed. I am disap-
pointed in myself."
"nth: bet you must not be, that is
' I feel that 1 have failed in allowing
circumstances to do for me what i had
into the strength to do for myself. 1
h d hlweakness.-
conjure up any feeling 01 distruat or ea- '• des resolution, and going into the house
easiness. He had perfect c.•nhience le 1 besought his wife. When he had found
Alice, and It did nit uc.ur t m to ; bar llesaid-
sw-ect lair Cotl.bert. "Will you order me some early lunch,
Neither had Le any 1:7"i:id ice: set- ! Alias. I am going away, but 1 expect I
ptotur. Though these tee waled and } bock tonight
talked lad read together, naive had any I are you going '
we d.whisb 1 ercval alga out have (ret- I “To NW's'. Gate."
beard, bean uttered by either. The '•Miller's Gate, where is Miller's
chimes shish had taken place in Are;• (late f I have heard the name eoroe-
euntioued. Her manner was married icy where, bat I don': kuow where.•'
' a ,utetuess and indiLeretice whose seem- "loo you remember a clergyman whom
pd almost usoatunl. She eau perfect- j brought in to lunch one day ; ammo
ly calm. almost sund.tel. 1'er_iral .a:i Age we carne home 1"
over and over ague .xprased cosceru "Ah yes, I remember now ; he was
for her health, and asked if she would the rector of Miter s Gate. Are you go-
blet, to go away, Let he always received nig to see lieu
the gime answer ; she was fwrfect y well "Perhaps he has same reason for
lad glad to be at peace awl free hum wishing to conte here."
lie vinic and exertion of entcaa:tl:ng a "What reason could he have' He is
hums full et Yiattors.
It wee em a chill damp n•orDiry '!.at
Alter, Percival acd sir Cuthbert est
over the breakfast table. The letter.
bag had been opened and its co.ttt'its
sorted and giren to their different own -
era. Each of the party had may !et -
ten : I'ereir•I'e, which related ratify to
business, were the soonest despatched.
Then was nothing either surprsnj or
attractive in any of them exempt • - and
that was the mberteet of them ... It
ram as follows -
"Deer )(r Moor,- I shook arid i(
yoi would app,,ibt a day at y,.a earliest
cusvenieoce upon which 1 zoht call
upon yea. I Kaes ojmetnniat n of the
utmost impudence and letnr.t to
make. --Believe me, yours tn.y,
"Rt•r6RT LONGS i:il1' "
Percival meditated on eta n ate ha
silence. His wife and guest sere dill
reading their letters. and is tdd,tios 1.
that, Aliso took so little interne to_ hie
private oaseerns that he anent meo-
tiond them to her. As he ea . t • pa-
tient wiry he took a 5155:1 !lige knife
between his fin;,ers and helm*+ it care-
fully, while waitirg until 1..ce .boeld
your out the coffee. Sittiae ;I
„sits to
his wife his eyes fell upt-u cis face and
rested there. How else w.. rlaotted !
The node haag'.ty me nth 'id a down-
ward droop, and too 'cps were slightly
e irepreased. She was p*terlkan before,
and as she 5udden'y realized that her
companions were salting hit:;j it should
1.. her pleasure 1.. 1•); ;.!Y .vied waste,
she raised her h., id wit; a word Of
apr,t.ury, and her eyes met ;,ee of her
husband heed upon ter tet! Rhe col-
oured • lretle and aveitrd iter head, but
not before he bad seed" tut het eye*
were changed too. They Pere not e.d,
rather thoughtful and *eery, tat the
..1d ha..ghty flash was gone H. had no
use to think of it. jest the $ r Cuth-
bert folded up the least t his letters
hied returned it t.• it. ..,bp• with
his usual deliheration. C.meerw•tios
began, and his epportunit• was for that
time lot.
Later in the morning h.rhought of it
again Alta could not M happy, and
he wither feared that he hew mat -
ng is •ttuitios lately There gem
Wale when be felt Hew, . lase stere
k.wly than at others : awn bK abeewee
and the reerllestiw of Ir causal Itis
.beelete suffering, and nth a title had
<mat now arrived. He net .ot happy
any arses than Aimee I:rcry day he
foetid it mom difficult t p1s kis pert.
WI be feared that his adltt was
visible. The der bed twilit a dog ;
formerly that all W sea. too .bort.
now amen day hail to • lived thrwueh
again. H. had berm ihu.k of [sing
away (or • length of 1' n, bet thea k be
tweed the plan deer ,n ►ls mewl ha
•• How 1"
" It seems to say, 'See, hen is • re-
minder and proof of my lova' Why a
reminder I I hare Dever forgotten it.
Why • proof 1 I never doubted it.
"Still," said Helen, who was not at
all convinced, " it is nine to give pres-
ents sometimes, when one has been away,
jest to show our friend. that ws though t
of them.
" No it isn't," he contradicted. "True
Ines needs nu reminder of such a sort.
But if presents must be, let them be of
an essentially slight and perishable
nature, for every present carries a sting
011 it.
Yutir sentiments are most original ;
pray may I ask if you ever gate Mrs.
L•ugworthy any presents 1"
He began to laugh as he said-
" Mattel, Helen wants to know if I
It is the es) slaw I hafe, •yd I her
it i • miry 'eau coot."
"I are eaeedisl[Iy glad to see yes."
replied the (thrgyw tembally.
imam m► is visa .Katy h amides%
lhet I •ppuioled home rather than
mF eers at tats d meeting, bet I
da tate thtab makes say real differ -
area pwtltaps ttvea it is better."
. sericei
eery geed. t
Ret the heeler of me. Frankly. 1 could
mea irw•glse what yogi had to tell me."
"N. ; I do net tea hues Sus meld
hews any idea, and 1 hope you will nut
be amputated. It is • .fury eke& 1
thought weight interest you -e very
anews story, indeed, about • use
l.d7 at pretest mteyiug with my wife sod
me '
Percival leaked surprised and • good
deal Perplexed. He was thinking of
what Mr Lwgw.,rt►y had a51d its hie
nota -that the oommunieatios was to
be of lapuetasee es well as . 1 lousiest.
"Caw I heap yus a her In any way I.
he *shed rather slowly.
"1 think you will be able to help w
both ; we have been very undecided. 1f
you wallet down 1 sill tell yon all shout
Percival sewed himself Mr Lnnx-
worthv took the chair in which, at
ifehias request, he had sat the day be
fore, and put,uag mus knee neer the
other, he bean his story
"Do you happen to remember • rail-
way •ocideut which took place almost a
year ago 1 The train was crowing •
river, the bridge fell in. ane—"
"I hese good resew' to remember it r'
said Percival, the (rove coming into hi.
forehead which always appeared there
when any mention was wade or be
thanght of that tune. "My wife. my
first wife was in that train, he couclud-
.d amention.
"I am sorry I have touched upon so
painful a subject ; it was n,COsa*t'y tut
the rest of what I had to say.
•'It is rather 1 who should apologies,"
said his visitor. "1 ought to have more
control over myself. But had you ever
seen ay wife, or known what she was to
me, you would uoderstand that her bees
u • wooed which will never be healed."
"That via., If I remember rightly, the
portrait of your first wife which hong in
your study. She had the most charm-
ing jaaa_j Ks! i�lC..�'hush- , I /•s eau•
demised eat Me loss of • women
that fees would be irreparable."
"Du not speak of it," mid Pereival,
risnig restlessly iron hu seat and speak
im in • voice of ',mthly r'eMNpi
passion and emotion.
mon than • year alto, and
a u
our Lbotl� tS
self more than human strength. W. all four month. sauce 1 warned
Want of Sleep
Is modem Mouses& sneusUy to 1k.
lamas wino , wed the dooms my Mar
tremble is •lertsd[� en the tautens..
The emit remedMse while ela.y may
give 1•mpermry relief, are Okay se de
more kers than wed. What Y heeded
is ea Alterative and Ij sud•perder.
Ape" S rams aAlL is hamteperaby
the best. h ooen.m these dieleibeeoee
in the circulate* which saw deeptesa-
Rees, gives mermaid vitality, ad re-
stares the sitcom system w a healthful
Bee. T. G. A. Coif, agent of the Maw.
Hoses Ilistuaary Society, writes dem
leis stomach was out of order. Lu sleep
very often disturbed. awl surae Im-
purity of the blood mautfest , but that
• perfect cure was obtained by the use
of Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Frederick W. Pratt. 01 Waehiegton
street, Boston, writes: •' My daughter
was prostrated with aervoue debility.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla restored bet to
William F. Bowker, Erie, Pa , wee
cured of servouswees tali iMS aasa1U
by taking Ayer's Sareepar9b •bine
two mouths, during wbteb time Lis
su:gbt .ucreased over twenty pounds.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
rUVA&ZD as
Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mase.
Sstl 6y all Druggists. Prior al, ua *.t:l+, t]•
.r E W
�. PiPXI Ot
had • keens .nnlmaat or nest roods for
aloe/Wm »SieMe.tand, Wein
tett• FsIIC3H Dv1'YLO:.
hate • own ooptea a urea nesse g
You are wrong," he said energetic-
nergetic ''It 6 COCOI.
ally. " You want to arrogate tc
have need of help from without. We odd way of showing my grief, you will BR6AGIAaT.
cannot suffice to ounelvin." say -there are times when I Cannot Ry • tloreragh kno+ledeeef tae eatasel
" We ought to.' realize it or take it in. I try not t0 l�wa whic4 goreru tl.. user+ 4051 of dileeetiow
He was silent for a moment, tend then think of her. I dare not think of her. 1 and a•unete . and bt i. ,:artful apN4attw .f
1 am goring to have that portrait remove that rine ptup.-rt, star wr:.t :et ted l�ew Ifr
ed," he concluded, half wonderi• as he ieI..aisa n . irl t., orrek;a,t table with •
R delaatelr MPnrrd tw•r.•razr which dry see
spoke what there was in Mr Longworthy q ea uoruJ heavy .iw...•n 144.4*. It is bed
which induced him to epee: se nun- tie )s1;rroW hue• rf taw 1 article .f
diet that • tnaudu•oon 0,14,:y.
ay 1110 Ir.•dwa:ty
,edjy, built up until strong en,nigh to resist every
ell"The present Mrs Moore is a great t•nderuy esrto n.rtdf.ringa•e aroutietoddrrdu.re•edy of .10I
rswtwdiwto •1
contrast to that portrait." tact wbervver there to a weak polar. We
"Yet they erre sisters-balf-sisters tu.r roc pe .55) s Istel ahan be keeping
ourVl'N will t..ntdrd w11L purr Mtoed •.d a
are lacking in A woman with a char- that is Ab," with a *utilise nervous nlwaevtr wu:imhed :rave."- 'sire! tlerna
" You will learn to think differently
as you grow older. Dunt you see that
that is one of the rbjects of marriage 1
We will not take help from others, and
yet we cannot do without it, 93 we link
tar life with dist of some Doe from
whom we will accept what we ourselves
atter tike yours would make an awful ountraction of the eye -brows. "I beg of G.:du
number a1 mistakes if she were unmet- you not to mention Helen. It is more blade simply soh brat;ng water or mi.k.
Cold sol in `la ;cera bed gr ..r•e.:•t,clled than
ried, or marred to the wrong man." .'anOuf painful to me than I can say. 1 JAMItM�YfNt Ca, alumaet{rrhu C•rm
Tbcn turning to his wife he went on- forget her, and in my present circum- lets. Loadou. ealdand. Mier- •
M bel! et I feel &isnot as if It weirs wrong
When are we going to bas. tea, . and.
Helen has made ins talk till I taw parch- to think of her. Ile sI good as to go on
ed with thirst." with your story, which 1 fear I Inter- 1
"No very oitScult matter," said his rupted very uncrrernoniousy.-
wite, serenely. (to ars toxT,vt'[D.)
"How you talk. You calumniate ma
You blacken my character and steal away
my good reputation as calmly an if you
were speaking of bad weather. Sorely it
is my profession to talk ! Whet else am
I to do 1 I am paid for it, and when •
Qadeaals N/maltsta.
Milk heated to much •bete 100 de-
grees Fahrenheit loses h.r • time a de-
gree of its sweetness and densiov. No
who, fatigued by over exertion of body
man takes money to do anything it be- or mind, has ever experienced the To -
eel aoosg man ; I may just as well comes a serious maniere; and unless he is riving ir.dueuce of a tumbler of this
spare him the journey. ever flare you any preeouts." a monster he does what is is pied to do beverage. Motet! as hot as it cen be
"Perhaps he has a houseful of child- " More than I ever knew what to do with all his Wight. If I don't talk, I sipped, will willingly forego a resort to
res, or an invalid wife who does out with," said his wife, who had not heard !may be deuonnced by three sggrevod it because of its being rendered arm-
oire for strangers. ' the foregoing conversation. " He has I parishioners, who will come all the way what less acceptable to the palate. The
"I du not think be locked like • man not ceased yet ; he never goes away I from Dewhurst no purpose to catch me promptness with which its cordial itaflu-
teith a family, and in any case his c
luj. without bringing me something home." tripping, and we shall be turned out of encs is felt is indeed murprisiug. Some
It tams.
Coll Is MC
Basel ian•ges
CAST TO USE. into the throat
and egeemlve expectoration caused by Ca
tarrh. Sold by Druggists. or sent pee -paid m
receipt of price, dee- andel. Address
FULFORO A Ow.. DrwclrvUle. Oat.
dreswoD grown Id be w up." •• How tun I to know when to believe • house and home, and branded as State rortlml of 1t seems to be digested and -
"1a abort," mid Alice with a half you ? asked Helen reproachfully. pensioners. Du not say * word against - appropriated almost immediately, and SHINGLES I
smile, "you are determined to go, and "If Mabel betrays me in this way she , talking. ' many who now fancy that they teed al- AJ
nothing will atop yon." is in honor around to say what kind of '•You give me nu opp,rtunity, hut cobolic stimulants when exhausted by
presents they were I here wines Fanny to say tea is rattily.- fatigue will 6nrl in:this simple draught
"I believe 1 am." he replied compote -
• .1 feel as if I could not wait until " Flowers and fruit, .aid Mrs. Long- : "Riney knows that it is danger:Iua to an equivalent that esti be abund.ntly
tomorrowworthy, sill unconscious. •• They suit- 1 keep me waiting. Now, Helen, let me I satistyiug and far more enduring in Its
"Who would have given you credit - ed me, but when we were enraged i had show you the way into the dining -room." I effects.
h o thtu
for so muc y u ,
said rather slowly. and then after • , because I had nothing of gond solid value is not quite tardy. I came to say that a worked w. inn who fancies she amid
use "How du you flet to Millers' to show. Duyou remember, Rupert, gentleman wishes to see you."
nut keep up without her beer ; she mis-
1 ea,rerneas " mos' to hear • good deal of adverse criticism "If you please, sir," said Fanny, "tea "There is many an ignorant, over -
ate ; is it far from hen (" when you had been 1e Palmbn, ; you "Where a he 1
"I hare no very clear ides,- I mud were away for some moetba, and came "In the study, air"
look up the trains. I fancy you go by home unexpectedly. You called at our "L that his card 1 Let me see it 1'
Dewhurst. house in the evening, and we happened He took the bit of pasteboard, and
"A little later he came to her again to hare some people there. They were after glancing at it handed it in silence
with Bradshaw iu his band lad mid -- dreedful!y shocked when they found you t. • Helen. The Bard bore the name "Mr
Percival Moore."
"Yoe do m b Dewharet ; there is a
tr�ln at 17.13. by
"I de not tee how you can get back
"If I find 1 cannot 1 will wire."
"Very well ; I hope you will not be
diasppointed in what you hear."
"Von are laughing at me, he said, in-
delging in a smile at his own impetuos-
ity. "I cannot give stay reason far it,
bad brought me nothing but a few pho-
totmphs lord • Minch of deed lowers
which ynu had feathered near Damascus."
Mr. Longworthy rose and crossed the
room to ret a book. Coming hock to his
seat, he paused at his wife's chair, and,
bending over, touched her forehead with
his lips, saying-
" 1 -nu had a mieersble lover, whom no
one understood but yourself, and you
takes its momentary exhilaration for
strength, and applies the_ whip inetead
of nourishment to her poor exhausted
frame. Any honest, intelligent physi-
cian will tell her tliat there is more real
stretigth and nourishment in a slice of
breed than in a quart of beer ; but if elm
larag 'timat•nts it would be a very me-
CHAP1'sR XXX. lees pieoe of information. It is claimed
1 that rime of the lady clerks in our owe
sxcatmr. city, and those, too, who are employed
"I am coming." said Mr Langworthy in respectable business houses, are in
to the maid. Then, when she had left
the room, he turned to Helen, sayhte-
"This a anomer than we expected, i
is not r
Lot l do teal existed. bore with hu queer way like an She was twisting the bit of pasteboard
"If you want to catch your train you angel.- between her fingers, and her color went
"I met Holme this morning,' he went and came as .he mid -
stoat go. Goodbye..
"Goodbye." on, after having idly turned over the "He should not have Dome ; you said
He bent down to kw her, add she pages of his book. " He tells me he has you would go to him."
raised her fad to him. He touched her quote decided to leave the place." "It is iinpoesible that be can have any
Meek with hie hes, then shook hands "Why must he go r' said Helen, idea of what I want to tell him. Hie
with Sir Cuthbert, saying --coming may be mere accident ; he may
"i leave Mrs Moore in your care,
II(aitlead," and was gwa.
He rather wanted to be alone, so for
that remota did not choose • smoking
carriage He had his wish, the com-
partment into which he gut was empty,
lad remained so alt the way to Dew
horst. He seated himself by the win- 1
don and hooked .rat. Though he had so
very elear ehengbts to occupy him, be
barely n'tie.d the objects past which
the train rushed swiftly. the small way-
side Mations through which it dashed speed, without .leekening or the cnt-
tinge and tunnels winch for a cos
swallowed it sp. He hardly heard the
shriek with whish the trent entered •ai
het thea, or felt the ..•.deal, pleasant
maim motion iodated by the speed
with white it tore along.
Ise des time he readied Miller's Gate,
sad looked around him eurioesly as he
left the little station. There was still
daylight left to aplainly, sad eves at
first sight it struck him as a tate, bleak,
eapuoduetive spot, sebjeet to high winds
a•! imi.eesant rasa, and eajeytag ._dWthi
susekiwa The climate teemed ish*
in the fames o1 the people be net, pphi
" He is that kind of a man. I do not
suppose anything of the loud ever hap-
pened to him before, and he will sever
get over it."
• i wish he would come heroes usual,"
she said with • quirk, rather impatient
sigh. "He need not ase me, and why
should you be deprived of the soeie'y of
the ono man in this pled bee ewe—"
" H. will never enter the how again
while you are in it," he said, as she
peeved ; " and if it Mortes to Haat. why
should 1 ha deprived d your society
bemuse --
"I• wonder how longoro will be spared
to we yet," said his wife looking across
the room to where her young trend
For same time, 1 airway, if you will
keep me. i have so doubt it will take •
little tome to settle thiags. The only
thin` I do eot itte, she wit en present-
ly," le that I haws tea myself be eon cinema
from uukside in it www. 1 *boald have
en� te f grown op to it myself.
l favi tv if i W time Versed by outside
shoed mdvawm. "
" Yes vire too indepemlent and t. -o
soleal YON wast en owe everything le
have been in the neighborhood."
"He should not have some," she re
ported in a void of distress"
"1 meat go to him, new," said the
rector "I will tell hits whet we agreed,
aid in the way we *greed. After that I
shall send him hare toyou ;so do not go
away. I premise to be not longer than I
She red wahine ; she did not eves
able to speak. Eche rewsised seated us
e000►, trembling slightly, cud with eta
hand clenehed in her lap. She was look-
ing into the fire, bet as Mr Langworthy
mea having the room ahe said to • goisk,
low veiee-
"T•II bum ae quickly as you eau, Mr
Lowgsuthy. H. will view guess, and
them he will Its impatiest."
Mr Lrstwnrthy fined Pensive) lean
use against the mantle , and looking
dews at the ire. Hakes w gyve and
4ewwl, .t
and looked tap whirs the
"I hope I es Det intruding," he said,
se they shook bawd. It wee hardly
rigid to edictal here whew you mid le
year stets that yew wasted to me ma.
1 telt sae meld let tacit
the habit of ordering ale or beer at the
restaurants. They probably claim tb•t
they are 'tired,' end no nue who secs
their faithful devotion to customers all
day will doubt their meant Ins. But
they should nut mistake beer fur a
W.saing or stim•Iae tor strength. A
careful exasisati•s of statuette will
prove that sem and women who do not
drink can seders more hardship, and do
more work, and live louver than their
mghbors But -
A rale .ustLneig .. •Pt ▪ IL • . w
b of the spefsteane e�afe•
and worms is weaderfully like him in
this rvwpest,te
"Furth .mere. when • woman wants
anythiag,fee e a California trip to, • glass
tat toddy, yes nay rent assured that her
health well deemed it, and it sometimes
demands It se hied and r, long that her
friends me edea to yield in tune to save
their owe lives. A tirooltna woman rota
a pain et aa *she on • short notice, sod
whoa rte hes a cold or • headache, the
whiskey W to serer and the drag storm
in beg egighborhood do a thriving busi-
tam. 11lies alk disorder her stomach
she d.petmi a dose of whisky to
ontoIs awing
beer sed welds,Sl boas do a enopa
slave Meioses - M ia.l lt..ord.
titre Deaf pea.
Atter eight yeses sefirieg frees Dest'
n ese, in bed that I was astable t0 alma
to t J besi+u, I wee awed by the use
of McRytrcd'a Te11nw Oil. With esti-
teat I stake this knows for the Whet
of ahem dieted. Harty Kissedo, To
routed Ole. 4
A lame o:mnta of drat -dew (greyish lea!
Cedar Shingles. este chi, teem. a.: se ba•d
at nor m.il, al re•a,oabte t'•ttw.
C..11 and examine heroic pun Lasing C:1111,where.
BuchananiLa'son : Robinson
Leer Complaint,
1, spepsla.
Llio eefea
R,rk Hearts,tr
idwrt Tronl''s.
ckla lnse•ar..
sad an
menritlee of if e
Mood ham esti
ver (ru.rearis
manure Westb-
ound Year-
13r Vegetable.
Highly :ro•omusted, pleasant, elle, ical, mate
J 1. HD) : t i „) AUND.
Take ae Ntrrgold terry where. Frier,
7* sears per heel M.
DR_ 1-1O3DDER'8
it.tkl .vary whom. Pries. ?% ens awl lb et
par butue. P,opnetor, led mantas. -tilers,
THE Ugh" Ch.
Drs Oct
l/. 3. flR*TJ W
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