HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-6-8, Page 1•
W• HO .sglltilT NUMelttiUse, }
fL. ]IcOf1.1.1Cl'mT, preli s's.
t 8:.30 ♦ YYAR 1\ ADcA.t'h
IMae four years ere, bemuse the town
council could not be got to mute in the
Thing That Ars Happening I I"it•r, sad thst one of the planks in
the platform was that no councillor or
Around Us. the
hanger-on of the councillor, or soy pre•
I apective council, or prospective bench -
Juan of the council, or any man with an
are io grind at the council, or any one
e metic enemies. Nass be •ealtlai.e
What Nast be Mese es Ube Native■y
seems., -brew the cans...• NOIIwer
wu rased sot of errpe_A ek, else an any way under the influence of
amble; Caused. the Council, should be eligible for mem-
----- , berahip. In these days the prompt
Mayor Seger, and councillors Morton
and Redefine were plain everyday nrdi
nary citizens like ourselves, and dido'
have an alarming quantity of municipal
greatness thrust upon them, and council
for Colborne and Clerk Campbell were
holding up the municipal end of th
stick. But things have changed sinoo
the citizens' railway committee started
awl now what was once • derided and
low-down organization, sneered at by
est'. Campbell, and looked at askance
by the councillors as a questionable in-
stitution and a purposeless interloper, is
now sought is its t..mbership by
all the high and -nighties that me or
hope to be. As I said before, we all
know that Messieurs Radcliffe, :Seeger
and Mutton got on by straight appoint-
ment, but will anyone tell as when Mr
Colborne became a member, or how Mr
Campbell did in ? I have been
told that one evening when Mr Camp-
bell was doing the work of the janitor
1 somob-ody noticed him standing Ione
comely outside the rail, and suggested
'thee he take • seat at the board, but I
' can't vouch for the truth of that yarn
0,s thing is oertain, ht.. there, and he
chews up • no deal of time at ever
meeting in endeavoring to earn his mon
Oct* salary by choking off any work
I tbst is likely to he done of which ap-
the town council "would not tip -
i prove. Now, I'm for rooting out tb
whole gang of councillors on the board
'There isn't any neo for a citizen
way oomittes if the town council tae
to do its duty. It's because the ooaacil
u such • slow coach that the citizens
committee is wanted ; and it Is absurd
that its action on poblie matters should
be nullified owing to the fad that coon
alba who have no right to sit at i
meetings endeavor to whitewash theve
actions of the council. I have rad the
mottos so that my ectogenaria
friend, Mr Thomas Kydd may jump o°
them with both feet at the nest meet
crag, as it would be impossible for me t
work the oracle, owing to there being noon
such name on the citizens' railway es
mattes roll as AJAI.
-Owing to the spring gardeoi.g sea-
son being upon us, and other things too
inn/emus to mention. I have not been
giving the time and attention to public
matters that I should have given, and as
a result, things have got in a tamed, and
have had knots tied in them so far as
the town is concerned. notwithstanding
the praiseworthy efforts of the talented
quill -driver of Tea 811121•L, who preaioes
cn the editorial tripod, to lick things
into shape. There's trouble in the
camp. wolves in the fold, sheep in the
clover, and a "nigger in the Noce," all
all along the crnoession line, up the side
hoe, down the blind lie*, ar000d the
oo.rt house square, and see" to the
math besedary the stetter,
What's tetter,
eh 1 Why, when hare Toe been that
you didn't hear of the railway agitation
which threatened us with three
rival routes, and which baa (ailed to
twtert•lia* because some of our able
councillors don't know what to do or
say on this great public question. They
ere afraid to take • decided stand for
fear that, although they believe it to be
right. it would not wit td fellows un the
struts back who have votes ; but I want
t., tell them hen and now, that ws-and sa
we're numerous too -would rather e •
councillor come out istfootd against
us than sit on the municipal Peace and
count nobefore casting his influence.
broad, 7 he great, enlightened, intent -
rent, educated. observant. progressive,ad
onwd-.ctioopublic don't like cow-
ards as their representatives, and mocb
prefer men with serve, power, vigcr,
gall -if you will hare it so -than lamer -
ebb. mealy -mooted, whimpering, no -
amount, spiritless, fear -to -do -evil, and
never -do -well alleged public servants,
and we've • healthy grist of the name
poailla*imoua rang misrepresenting its
at the soeooil board for the year A- D.
-W. und.rst•ad an effort will be
made at w early day to cell *public
meeting to disease tbe route question in
all is bearings, and I and the neighbors
hope that when the meeting is galled the
opponents of the northern scheme will
eons boldly out of their *hells, and ad-
vance their .rgue.ts satinet the route
in a clear .d logical manner, .rad in the
face of day. So far as our town council
is concerned, every man should at the mooed • date be planed on ooed as to
the matter of roam, and the question -
which is the mem importsot, so far as
Goderieh is committed of all that have
Dome up in many year. -should, if sot
d*6°itely settled beton, be made the
gaietiesq*ties at the menial* polls. I re-
gret to hays to say it, altboegb
it a Mega -
boratrue hill, but some of the
of the present mooed have out-
lived their e01et
There m a1 . s as public me
Thaare those among thewho bar
(sites behind is the meek of program,
• midweek oeek credited with years of ins-
nicipal experiences, have may seeesedsd
in obtaieieg the tedium, frailties sad
w..kwesses that long entries brlags,with
nut the eompe°tmtteatieg bi d windows
seed knowledge he things that pertain to
the welfare of the eomesity. The
public should relegate them to the Jo-
inter, for played out tseniolpal hooks
st the earliest possible ,amen. Tiers
'be others, yeeng .t the businasa musi-
eipal colt*, no to speak -who were tar-
ried is oe the wave of popularity be
.acme. Wog 'rightist a reed, it was
thought that. atter being broken, they
would be able to keep ep with the Aired Program that wee apparently about to
em un
dawn few our town. Bat tite in-
deed of pig Assaf lly to the lead, ease .ons tepees* with os of w old deemssad learned thele pit. wfth the remit
that Mimi! Stf wing- os their mate.,
they tailed Me maces with them. There
Week is se sin es • Rood k ter s spoiled
*elk Trot them bask to the•targe ems
--Bet waile r. ea this wannest I
eslght es well ask a gser toe. Why erre
et ay mashes of the tows
Mee etlnad1
es .embese el the eRirese
mmitt, esti who W the i5pedmes
l. pita/mitthe teen elm& tepee the
bend 1 Piss well -bows est that the
.illl6eIe' *S eemient ee wee sleeted
Latest Political and general
News from Ottawa.
Te Slew .INrr .r Merger Tb► Plebe.
ries Treaty Iaaiir•I1.i The Slew
Sieves, - t'aadarl e-tta.er.. ta-
trrrNleg Sl.l ..
Prow sur owe Correspondent.
Ottawa, June 5. -Mr Charles Tupper,
the senior member for Picton N. S. who
t has been appointed Minister of Maier
as I predicted last week he would be,
u the youngest man who has entered
the cabinet once Confederation. Hs is
in his 33rd year. Sir John Macdonald
• was jam of this aze when he wee swore
id office. Mr Laurier was 33 when M
i'ok °Rice in 1877 under Mr Macken-
' zie. Mr 'Topper has teen ten years at
the bar and was first returned to Parlia-
ment in 1882. !a..-
Mr Tupper was sw.orn in as a Privy
Councillor at Halifax by General Sir
John Ross, oommaoder-in-chief of the
British fvrco* in Canada, Otto is now ad-
ministetint the government of the Do-
minion.. He has just come oat from
England. lien. Ito.. is &i years ofd. and
entered the army in 1846 and diatin•
gunned himself in the Crimea, is India
and in Afghanistan in 1880, when Sir
Frederick Roberts captured Candabar
and for his service* received the thanks
of both Houses of Parliament,
THE r1 tUEaiE* TREAT°".
The ,cotes ritted& being now i, (ores
American fishermen can porches. bait
and supplies and tranship cargo by tak-
ing out a license at 111.:,0 • tun annually.
• The rejection of the Treaty by the
United States Senate is now quite cer-
tain, es it requires two-thirds majority
w ratify it and it can only get at the
best • small majority.
Several farmers around hen are
putting up new pat•tat fences.
In fell foregoer township fathers made
Dunlop their starrier( point last 8ator-
da,to spy out the breaks to the
budges, culverts and holes on the roads
in township.
A new barn was raised Thursday of
last week, en Loreeside farm ; a gond
turnout of willing bands pot the build -
Mg on its been Its owner, D. Lawson,
is doing the framing of tbe timbers.
One of the saws of the Nave works of
the sawmill here lest week twee rather
too ohne le the thee4the right
hand of oar towesusaa. Rielly, while
working is ties mill last week, gassing
hien • trip to tows to get it dressed
by • doctor.
New FAcs.. -Thus Philp, lately out
from Tamer, England, ►aa some
mannerist ea to reside, and is attacked to
the staff of the smithy with • view to
learning the stroke of the anvil. Also
W. R. Vides*, of the circular tows, is
cm the staff of ourarebiteet for • term of
years to learn the arteries of the sae
sed ►taw. Dustup cumene thea
Wake lip $•Ilford, not the busy hem
of your popsiatio° but your sporting
fraternity, particularly those in your
village who are food of the grand game
of geoita, fur • friendly test with ear
architect, who with his staff will be in
the saline berg for a few days doing
mouse work for R. Fritahy, sad we
Mitotic they wool mead say mss who
wishes to meet him without making ar-
rangements for a Mistily pate of quoits
any s .sing of his sojo.re *f ter fix.
FTwratr*e TER EXTtwiZOt, -Last yam
oar g ,fel fti.04, Joseph Monis, put
up k superb board tones with four wires,
partly aloof tho test side of his lana, to
see if{ ie world let old bores* keep the
mow frets drifting there, shish It did
well lest winter, rely use piteb•bie
being sees, and we •ode et•wd nobody
W a bad time eatsisg throegh the
femme drift that used to he there
the adoption of this sow tewith u:
wire*, the great snow et.eetain that
was an assail meet ter everybody Masa
We. sq sever b, saes *leis Ay maid
sad the budder, Mt Monts, of Osco,,
is to be esegeetelated es the werkm°a-
11 . manner ,. whisk he built the home.
AevelLod 1. the Dsm.wntie eaedWN.
Tne department of agriculture has
made regulations governing the landing
of juvenile immigrants in Canada. The
children before being meet from Great
Britain most be furnished with a nsedi
cal certificate that they are free from
disease and recently vaccinated. If
they leach Canada without these room
mandatione they will be sent back
Ninety Scotch Crofters passed Ottawa
last week for the Northwest and 90 mon
will be here in • few days mon. They
get fres land in the Northwest and are
sent oat ender the scheme aided by the
British government.
There are three names promin.n Sly
mentioned for the seat in the Senate
made recast by the death of Hon. Mr
Ferrier, Richard Whit., Hon. Henry
Starnes and Mr Dessuloi*rs, inspected
of penitentiaries. It would be rather
absurd to appoint Starnes who is 72
years of age. If Richard White will
take it be is the most likely man. He
i. 63, managing director of the Mon
creel (,teuffe, brother of the late Hon
Thos. White and prominent in mwnici
pal and business circles.
When the Sarmatian, now bringing
out the Governor General, returns on
the 21st, it will carry the Wimbl.ton
rige taus of 1888 which is now com-
plete and stands as follows Command
ant, Lt. Col Chas. J. Macdonald 66th
Battalion ; Adjutant, Capt Writht
43rd ; Lieut. Smith, St. John Rig. Co.,
Seat & Cam, Halifax Gar. Art.,
Limit Chamberlain 43rd ; Staff Sergi.
Asb°II, Qms.n'a Own ; Lieut Fisk•,
63rd ; Limn Dover, 78th ; Pte Duncan,
Queen's Oen ; Pts. Mitchell 13th;
Liotti. Mitchell 32nd ; Lieut. Grey,
Gov. Gen. foot guards ; Staff Fergf.
Wilson, 33rd ; Sent. Adams, 62nd ;
Sergt. Short, 0. G. F. 0. ; Sergi )larks,
6th Fusiliers ; Gunner Campbell, Hali-
fax Oar. Art. ; Pt.. McAfee let P. W.
Rides ; Capt. MoMicking, 44th ; beret.
Miner 71st ; Pte. Morris, 4.1th ; Gunner
Wilson, Halifax Oar. Art.
Eleven months of the fiscal year hate
sow expired. The receipts of th. D,-
mi°ioa for this period were $31,132,087,
en tosreos• as mewed with the game
period last year of $724,636. T1se ex-
peeditore bee been 122,266,000 or an
.Rego of reve°es of 112.404,610. The
expeesditure generally exam°& the re-
venue a maple of minion •o it will
be sip and tech as to whether both suds
will belonging' the 30th of June the .sed
of the gees! year.
TER 1Rw TIet5OY,
Lead Steal., of Prestos will ea his
arrival Bone riRht on so Ottawa and be
*wore in before the Cabinet and Semmes
Overt is the S.oate .bamber by Chief
Justis* Ret.bin H. to a.soeapesiud by
Lieut. Ste•1ey, lie enc, sad (apt
Begot, extra A. D. 0. U.ot, Mellah.w.
his s..retery, le sow at Mims Hall.
Capt. OeHvi le A. D. C. is debased is
Beeleed by the etpestatIon of se ta-
ilgating mess is whish hie wife Spires
°.enter arises i.
It le Wised by Nem in the mei-
dimes of the 00..5051.6 that ether
asUoet sheep* are te IWletr aims 1.-
It seem sImt is atomiseMr o.y will be ap anal Kitimat
of the f.4.r, e., hem 1 heirs* he wp.
I els hear the feli.wiag prettiness :
Res Yr Howell, Oboists, of the
tier, Hos J. J. C. AMiett, WisIuise.1
Trade ►rd Commerce, Lacoste, Q.C.,
Moutreal, Solicitor General, Hoo J. A.
Cbap'esu, Postmaster General, Hon G.
A. Kirkpatrick, Secretary of State. Mr
Cietigas retiree to an c tie', and the de-
partment of Inland Revenue aud Cas-
ter will be placed in chaste 4,1 two Comp-
trollers who will have rests in Parlia-
ment but .et in the cabinet slid be
subordinate to the U[iniater of Trade.
It is no secret that Mr Chapleau want,
a portfolio with more patronage attached
t,: it as, likefiirJ. len Macdonald, be likes
to reward his friends.
INTERx4T/!14: `a0Ta-4.
Twenty-two fresh vacancies occur in
the Mounted Police this mcnth,
Earnecliffe, Sir John Maodoeald's re-
sidence and office is being remodle 1.
The Newfoundland delegates are not
now expected here tilt -September or
Lieut Col Dejardens, M.PP., for
Lois will, it is raid. replace Col Panet as
Deputy Minister of Militia.
Those civil servants who have not
token the oath r.f at;egiinte will not re-
ceive their June che.i•iea.
Hoe Mr Tupper will seek re-election
in Pi.auu, N. S., biter. coining to Ot-
It is believed Major General Oliver
will be re -,pt otntgd c4Htmasdant of the
Royal Military College for another term.
Mr Donis the unseated M.PP. for
Nic.let will, it is thought. oppose hr
Frechette who stili be the Liberal can-
didate for the Commons.
All assistants on geological Purvey.
must in future be volunteers. Formerly
they were pail and students want out
!or the sake c.1 the experience.
- The hydrnsraphic survey of 'die St
Lemmata, has been resumed. _
XPll6eFerlano,Departmental isslyi4i,
bream6uished his analysis of water is
proemial' nmr:ea of cheese
A Word er two teems New rsbIIcatlsas
Tbes Ove CORN Seams!.
THE uaDaDIA:a rgr0ODIVT M• gsZit:P.,
This number completes the 27th sol•
omeof obs incressinely popular Magazine
The first article is rune by the late Lo -
ebony Trollope. on the Falb of Niagara.
The illustrations are of singular beauty,
showing the Falls both in summer and
its winter. Warring Kennedy. Elmocon-
tnbutee a oopioaaly illustrated article on
Ocean Cranes -the most popular summer
resort on the Atla.tio coast, an institu-
tion which Methodism has laid its strong
hand and consecrated it to the glory of
God. The Editor s sketches of "Oar Own
Country" describe the hutonc Old Fort
a Annapolis, and the picturesque cit of
Si. John. An article which will be
read with especial introit is a memorial
steely of the life of Dr. Nellsa. by Prof.
Reynar with • beautiful personal tribute
by Dr. Douglas. A noble sermon by
Dr. Nelle* is also given. Dr. Carman
contributes an adminb:e paper on "The
Church'* Wurkine Doctrines"; and Mrs.
A. E. Bares story is continued. A fine
announcement a made for the 28th
volume beginning with the July number.
Now is the time to subscribe. Price i2
a year :0 cents per number. Toronto, Wm
We do not heal esteet es teseonsi 4r tae
opinions nue Correspondents.
tor, It this department u,cat ,.
eel ea W public q ueat tons. eat be
057 Re Prexre.. M Vest..
"Nethins extenuate nor ac;4• tot dews In
manna-"--tlhakesoeare -
To the t:ditor of the :awns:.
DEAR Ste. -D,, is..t for on. 5e11,.0t
think that I .tuo.t5 the atom Tines as •
sham, for it is my purpose in what fol-
lows to stick literally to the spirit of the
preeeipt. This course may polity be
unpleasant to some parties, out I.iseere-
ly feel that our eircumstenots at the
present time require some plain speak-
ing, and while 11 adhere ate.-tly to the
truth, I shall hold myself :anatase in
the matter, as 1 think it may u:umatele
be beneficial to the town. F r • long
time sir it has appeared to me, as well
as to others, that such an moonlit of
partyism, insincerity, doubie•iealing and
a •peaces of '•sharp practice" has crept
into the management of our Caisson'
Railroad Committee. es ti, destroy ail
confidence among the meort,ers, moi
render it almost utterly melees b.r tem
purpose for which it was origi.eil!y to.
tended. and I shall now proceed its lay
before your readers a few of my ,eases
fir saying mu. 1 ou are 'wore si Jit
MayorS.sgsr, ou every available Igoe
e ion,
eion, takes the stetemsnt that the com-
mittee has done "gaud work," and the
council have done "grana work" in rail-
road mitten, thus insinuating from the
civic chair to all outsiders that the twc
parties deserve equal credit f.,r what has
been acc,mp luhed within the list four
years ; whilst all he has ever shown that
the council have yet done in the natter
is erase eight or ten letters written to
and received frum sundry parties on the
subject : and to explain the resulted their
several delegations to different elute. The
labored report however. of their last trip
to Ottawa published in the Star really ra-
oda one of the ehearins of the P. re-
sulting in "much cry and little wool. -
Now, coir, I pledge myself to prow* to any
one who will spend • very few minutes
with me, by documentary endears now
in my powesion that Ebenezer Wood-
cock alone did mere by intelligent labor
in four months to secure competitive
railroad accommodation for the commer-
cial interest• of the town, than the tetra
(mail cines by Blyth instead of through
but it would appear that he has
sot the o Image to heel rap hos oo.nvie-
tions even in his ..• n p,prr. D nes it
not appear to you, s:r, to be .rry ex-
traordic.ary that nut one .1 our Crown or
enunty o8i •ial•, except the "...Ito, treasur-
er aeons to take any it.ter.ei whatever in
matters of such vital onp..ri.nce to the
town, as ars the r.ilr.d and water-
works. yet '-ne is unwi'liez t• heli,..
what e:m.ut es-errt".ray Is molly say-
ing that their own breed and putter be-
ing sure they care not • cent whether
our ao.••4 town may sink- ..r swim. There se
ie no doubt, however, that we shall e
them all .oa the ah•.w ground on D,-
mimoploy .y wearing Tam-o•Sh.nter bon-
nets -and perhaps kilts -listening to a
"skirl on the bare pipes," just u if that
were the greatest event oge-
1 the b
When I remembered, sir, the remark
made by Mayor Seltzer in Mr Wood
cock's other some eight months see,
wherein he said that "as the Clinton
people seemed determined' to have the
railroad he thouuht that we most just
let them hate it,' r,r words exactly to
that effect, and taking that in o,nnee-
tion with the position which he and the
town clerk took et the puked meeting
in Clinton, where they took part in
drafting resolutions in which it was left
an open question as to wheto the Lake
terminus is to be ; and further, that ac-
cording te the report of the Listowel
enrreepondent of the 1/.1., of the meet -
ing on the 2.th of April, they voted for
the line from "Guelph to Elmira and
thence to Gederich ria. Listowel. Brus-
sels, B:yth and Manchester," while the
report of this meeting siren in the Vt.tr
says, "it was •treed by the meeting that
Guelph and Godenah could hardly be
expected to commit their respective
municipalities to this northern route. asinst
seamed that urged by S.atorth and Clin-
ton, and rico verse, and the vote was
taken wi•hout inclnding theme dale
A curious discrepancy this, sir,
were the two reports ! 1 weeder
who was the Sep,- . reporter 1 but, be
that as it may I must confess that the
above and other circumstances have coo-
siderably shaken my confidence in cur
lading men. Bat, for argument's sake
sir, take the Star's open as correct.
sad tell us what all thea, expensive dote
poons moan 4 If they are not prepared
to represent the wishes of their aonatite
council have done within the last twenty mt.' what do they go fur, or rather.
yeas ! And, if the people of Goderich why have they not long ago made these -
do not award that gentleman some slight *elves acquainted with what these wishes
acknowledgement of hie coulees to cheer are that could have been done in an
him a little under the afflicted circum- afternoon or evening. Bot no, they, as
stances of his family, they d , eternal sitMsl prefer to learn the matter open
discredit to themselves and raise a bar- sad have the ia. pis of a few more jolli.
vier to prevent any one of energy and Stations at the public expense.' The
abilityever I Lisaowel l3an,►er of 25th Maj, says that
spin volunteering his er .uthe fate of the railway lino projected
vices in their favor- When Kr Jam from Guelph to Goderich largely de-
i the C. F. R. engineer was expect- ' peek on the people of' Guelph. The
0d, an arrangement was made het
the mayor and Mr Woodooek that he' stand taken by them so far is that they
should be introduced to him, as ho would ! do not much aro what route the line
be able to gin information or elpbos- take* to the lake. On the other hand we
railway as night have passed between I oopiea the own resolutions sive, 1n y00r
tine open such points eoncarning th.
lin north are united, Goderich has
fallen into with us.J The isaarr ohm
th*Ganenl Manager and hms.lf
- issue of the 18th as approved of by the
tats of the committee ; but no ens oat- ; meati referred to But, sir, out costes
aide the council was introduced to Mr 1 the Qlugr the same date as the Ramsey., as
Jes,ings, and councillors Bingham and t follows :-,,•Then appears to have bean
Jordan were selected to accompany him
during his stay ; whits Mr Woodcock railway meeting which appeared a the
an error in the report of that aliases
eat P
t in his room in the Heron hotel para last weak• It was there
about midway between the residences of
stated cast the motion to ask the town
souocil to join with Blyth, Brussels and
Listowel in procuring a surrey of the
pr's nOthern mute was carried, bet
exp •nations since made by those who
were at the meeting show that this was
tion cornet, the motion being voted
Soma." Now, sir, what in the world
can the intelligent people of Listowof
sod the other municipalities along the
to Lietowsla metterd dis•enoioline think of the people of Goderich, i•
em.mentary, on my statements, wastt thus alternately playing tut sod loses
wept ep behind me auditor with "the with them in ibis aV-they bele matter
old %nao." And when the Mapco of the railroad 1 Will they believe that
to reply threw • doubt en my veracity r there is a thoroughly n!isblo man
oa Saone points, my back-biting critic i amongst est May they ant possibly
dirppsd his hands is appl•os of what I Coniine the look stillu d them foro u. by
his worship had raid, and jumping on . Clinton, end look around them soma
his feet assured the meeting that though other lake pert and then where ,ball esu
not a councillor now, he knew that they b* ! Butt .r, it is full time the citizens'
had always entertained the most friend I rolrnd eeted e. was di*soioed, for its
I fed' anprecedsatmd number •s a c,mmittN
th tl
use gen omen : and, the mum girea
AT THS HARBOR in my presence was that it was so late --
9 o'clock -that hi. worship could bud ,0
• other than the two above named !
When -at the meeting of 23rd Apnl-
I was expressing my disapprobatioe
of the indignity put upon Doctor
Holmes - • and through him epos
the committee - by the council to
excluding him from the delegation
neves •r Ietetesl 1. tee Boys who Near
tae Creat i.Rtlee.
Satnrday, June 2nd. -H. *i. Tolman,
from Providence Bay with lusher for
Monday, Jnne 4th-- Ariel fete
Bend River, wttl Iambic for -_
Monday, June 4th -Pittston from
Port Frak, with lumber for J w. Wil•
Wdneslay, June Gth. -Steamer
Sovereign, from Sarnia, booed for up
the lakes.
Wednesday, June 4th. -blame berm
y int toward th .invites -mitts,
y nn to either n
Bell• Wilson, fraena iidl. Ohio, i ! !-There hu beam no such dos ttoonthe towtterl 6t ' h d god
with 400 tong coal for the credit t 'self. At all
Saturday, Julie god --Steamer llnettd
Empire, from Sarnia, hound up.
DxrA 5T.
Saturday, June 2nd. -H. N. Toilsome,
for Providence Bay for lumber.
Monday. Jane 4th. -Mary S. Gordon
for Kineardise.
Monday, June 4th. -Ariel, for Parry
Sound, for lumber.
Wednesday, Jan* Gtb. --Steamer
Serereig. for Inks Superior.
Thursday, Jose 7th. --Steens barge
Belle Willes, for Blind Ririe fur lum-
Salerday, Jews 2nd. -Stogies? limited
Empire, from Semis, for Lake Superior
Repairing hos been eo iws*need on the
schooners Ontarin end !Cottage,shish
pkv bees draws up on the hikeis the
The dredge has beim doing rod work
es the bar in frost of the b•rbiur dories
the past ample of weeks
Res.S.a Mss oat bees
Like tight hoots. Betides( removes
eerie with emit eerhi°ty a Putars'e
Piste= Cur° Estrestor. Bowers of
p.smmae.s wbtitutes. Ask few sad get
P.tea.. Painless Coes Extramor at
play of partyism and forwardness --it
I °renis, sir, an long as cone or two of isa
was his est appearance amongst rs-. ung
sh.•owsn of •t anthye of
ammmthou mitnteeti.teis•gs exiinstthe fe.caour ; ye here .r* permitteedohairmanonymous.nandeeesoly t.,
give the li. fn th
t, 1 anbmit sir, that the tail who has tsry n *67 n1 its nweetin.e, in * 1o4.1
b.eo graoi00.17 permitted tw psi the, newspaper, it e*onot inelede in its
eighty-fifth mils -sten. on hie homeward rash, 1- kunst"'
journey, in foss obed't nervi,
j K.rood health, strength and li
with, i think, an unimpaired intellect, Zweite von.
is no tit subject fir the pity of any nee.
and meek leer °o for the meek enm Tae67nits
mi•eratinn of •-••s a dmaxim -There i
1 Serax_1esIra.-W, Mores support.
ed by two siMfel aid., built, ailed end
hammered aN the booed. of • now fsece,
for Oso McIh, dl, besides digging the
holes for the post. I...pir.d for the
lama. fie) toils, in seven days Can any
brotko•r beiljp
was smother heaidset eee.rsed that •.SNI
Is. *♦lett i cannot yet .050.1 for, , e
that Me Mitchell, nee of oar oldest
m.mben, after propasi.t that we eheeld
moil three delegates to Listowel to be
equal with the •oeneil, and after i had
seconded his motion soddenly witb-
of foams beat this re
drew St,aed proposed that we should only cord , fi °o Mus hear hots bis
seal two 4elegasea. sed without a word
o; explanation walked out of the room ! Two Neo Puma. _Rim 3. A. ADd.r-
-it is well know., however, that the son, of Knot tom, Oseh rich, sod the
eposities of the messed te Dionne SWIM hoe's.
as a delegate is *M .t obs
midis meet*, in Nov. he ded.wd his-
edf is favor of the soetbern rests,
whilst the policy of sur town lathers is
always to wait. and as N -mat ±A
mead emit Ices very
p lky that any 1•.s ma be
et- Yet, the Misr seatheee te
them ep is this impel
witlst..dieg that i bo,. repeatedly
hosed it, Minutia, .tete that it week! be
iomessel to hi adosatag• if the reit-
bars oe 8e
i. bis prayer
of the H'
their pester
pesoh these
thisyst. sand
• dump ttsp b
bhp in nor
s.p10 b•5*
eti*s ss W
hall did •
hie Beet seesaw
to a good asked that beeriest
.0 . g
be witli hive as
strength sad will to
glad «` of
together es
Mesh -
It eh. wish of the
V perform
Rev lir Tees -
with this
• •.