HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-6-1, Page 71111 aro dm • • w • THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDA1, JUNE I. 188p • Ow 1111i -400- 7 DAWN OF MEnioDism. 1 FLOODS ON THE MISSIMIPPI. Wh he 1 mievous eshatestiva •hish to plisveleiii at is to be _no tie _omen t_ Mille a nod ereasseeisais. - -__-- I iCliACILIL OF Tms CHURCH ili THE vb. coma assume all classes 1 Hurry auel worry UNITED STATER ......_ -____ . Who •Vireneingi Mese- rit • gybes 11•111.041C1141, Its_e's menet leer ihee--114. Illetsegots Caerva. rtitirmalsealt- Coollorease ot 11Ta-Nrstiop D. •4••••• Theo twenty fifth quadrennial coater - ones of the Methodist Episcopal cburch, now lat sessisou lir the Metrupulltan opera hoessia. Nile York city. very naturally recalls many renduteeencee of tild Method- ists $ed maim Imitated facts te the history of the desustitiatiou. oe T)i„. 1,Led. ▪ else mouth of the navautiah, ie the ••Plynsouth Rock' of American Method- ism. the big hat etoue %loch Johu and amines Wesley firm ern hen In this cone try when they (sum. over to peach to the Indians and to ogiethorpe •coloinsui. but the Lit, Road chapel tu Loudon is cialmed to be the tru• craille of Method ism since it wee then Jobe and Charles von timer Ere* great stiocesees. and there both their hashes were mai. wows thee mother= waa buried scrum the street in mount old Buidoll Fields But the Peewit hall of Allierleell Meth.glir.ill Ilse queer old St. i.seisegeh. on the teat aide of Fourth menet esteem' Leos sod VI.. Philadelphia. for wa• there the first distirictively Methodist ounteranos eras emir beld in America. and the pastor of that cougregatiou was the 'minder of the sow world renowned blethodietIx umersi. • • • k art thveictom eggeeight MICUCIL °gristly. and .me really Totted States church. the Methodists usually date hum the weed Asbury esinfieherice of rah at Illf hie& the polity of the denoentruithe •sa assunliated to that of a free mai indetem fleet mould*. but terms years before. it. July / .111 a canifersuce of ten Methodist ministers war, bold 1. this Philadelphia church. Them was no Coiled States, of course. and there were no united «death,. but this little con rename lepresestied New Jersey. Pennsylvauht Diierare. Mary land and part of New York So tit. theriegsh was the first Methodist chereh lo Plailadelosta. and as It is still standing. It is the Methodist church in the United Suites. but it was built m thetas • Osman Reformed church The mem- bers wanted Eugliab preachlng. but tut fortuuately the first Enghsli address they heard in the church wee tie address of a sheriff who took charge of the buildin; toe debt contracted in the csaistructun. said put the trustees in jail • • They remained there many months, tch: then Jussph Pitmen, sad Richard Board man secured their release by guaranteeing the debt, and took the church as seeurity, and to November, 11116. Joseph Pilmoot preached the dna Methodist sermon there. la Il there urea a grand centennial eels - bestial, of the event. at which Bishop Sleepier' took s. prominent part tied hired:toasts wine prawn from amity parts of the world. For some years after the revoluticia nearly all the Methodist preach ing eras by -*circuits.- the rahristers seldom reensinbig Mary than • motth or e ta weeks as sue charge Baltimore be- came • emit Methodist center long before New York did. and still remains • Method let stroughoiel During the revolutIonary war the British used ilt. Gourge's as • cavalry headquarters. filling it with rs • wagems tied horses: but as it had mo Boor. sad aerie bat the roughest board WRY tbelati Rat injure it much. Dor bag that t the than worshiped in the old Baptist c urch on Lagrazge street Oe oath aide of the pulpit there may bow be seen in the church marbte tablets bearing the Ilelne• of the nearly 200 Itinerant ministers who were *tat iened here during the 100 years from I'M to ISIS Pour of the number became Inshore -Francis Asbury. of goodly fame. Richard Whateriat.„ Robert R. Roberta and Levi Scott. the latter. next to Asbury, Lwow this most famous or early Methodist bishops. Thoy Wore nee% 014:ori.....0••••r• are every where, void as the mewl an Tie central tweet ue,„, cleared and ever-grownig army ut treaty, restless, ditchai to such an extent that a ling dee nervote, unlisppy Wings • tie oh, • 1 .r. Ili Lliu kilneinsirpi la an unusual event. but went to thernualvos tool all elm are snits. at kutervais varying fr,nu S.* to fifteen thew Whet is to b. dose 1 The pile years. all the affluent stmassa seam to posed remedies are all but eire..1..m. pour in their vernal Boo& at once. sod Thieve is sot • Tisch bat hos • lip•UlliC each such 9UI4 thus housed 1111 rePorbol a his own and i. sure that were hi. higher than Lay before it. and such • vice followed out, shd hie bottles J sew mov eorking havoc on all the . d he Id ha ineencise ruu , t nor sou • t lowlands letnierielli the greet Aver ITIJI‘sod neer anew would be so Keokuk Placritimaine Above the for ' • _ seer ttee bottuw hu,d,.. ere ineettaidara. kurewo. Yerhaps w, bet • great deal ble. and below the letter the river's hero: I o"l hoo el/ Perhalhi wit. The adv*,, w aned, „irk.. three fort per y-r.a. tb• h ,..ver, is good to tale regular leimete- sanserOus bayous and ••paeses soou re ly muscular= exercise. 11 people have *1 .1 time to tale the mammary holiday lease the *tiepins to the golf. At high valor about a.000.000 gallons for this purpuee, they .odd out do per second parte a line stretched etrarglit 6.1tre than have au uominouel day in serves the stream bleu, baton Rouge. bu" I bed. Theis •lito have tried this plat. mit far below there the eastern bluff en aphik highly of it. thie of the herded tir011 dieel/Pestre. " iottlY "NM". run%sighed 1804011ti ea goateed •lio has for from the river 10tLe sirtunp. and thus . na•ssy wears oundected • large wholesele seek the hark route to the gulf Another hostuesa retail:. excellent tsetse' at an important factor is that the streams flow- • blir into the iinsaiaeippi gather their ere. *demigod age, sod she and thole who tors from twetity suttee and territories. hour are Wily couviimed that this has and that thus some are at flood. while beet, brought soniud by her making it a *times are almost dry so the farther regular practice fur • long tigue /east tf. down errearn one goes hie more equal hi op rid him lull eLule day iu bed. bath the vow., tu differeut anuotla• Thu* at me :1 the bei gives the uerrous rystion Chirp the greet deer La Mho& ill the time to recover itself between the good meson. at a level forty feet higher !•hocks. le the souie way the re.t a thch than its lowest. but at Memphis a thirty mime take for as hour after 'unction a fORI vari"=" rare. at virk "burg ..f the vresteet benefit to the San). die. i- ts much loos, and thus on down to New. es y Orleans. where e. rise of fire feet la dime t tree, when it dom happec. bcwerer. iatratagem, but never by strength of will. that the Ohio and Miasouri pour in their at the .are time with the Red. the , the Yazoo. etc.. then the lower t e Ilan te ihs. a eetpt tura loose h,,,,,, iji image A et:auger ht Dublin heal ochnsion to Lows sea plows a use channel. apparessitly lake • ear to the railway station, • Lich I at random. through it bread delta. or was ou the other side cf the tow. His sweeps over all breves, submerges the car marl wasdtiv..ag a huree which had eager and IoWer cotton ',glut'. arid from a dread of the bridges, tool woad nee. Port Hudson to the gulf Present, the cruse one directly. All of a sudden tem " of a vest muddy_ sea. man pulled up within • :ow yards of the CC Wahl of the bliteleelPP1 Daly fol. bridge trot he bad to cruasaud getting low the general course of the stream. and off the car. began to tun his" hone as one goes to the southward they. ref Tom round. "IA hat are you about ; ' mid farther away from the stream. MI the traveller. ' 1 *001. to go to the "bottom lands- are from thirt to sixty 1 ewes wide. and h01°, Hata, Rouge. as oulway station. '•Alt, no fear, yer aforesaid. the whole eau? try is •=bottoui." miner ; 'thee fear, yer shiner sit still, Above St Louie theme wide lowlands ars IImre; but the noted ••Anierican bottom - to severid miles wide opposite Hannibal. Mo.. and extends the length of two or tlwee counties on rho Illmois aide. This r (...i. .....i.kikig --- wo WM". 241411 lis did, ind backed her Mhhisiltio • lew t of the blwat fertile landLa he world. has yards t the other •ide of the bridge, -e- wheu he agate turned her ruuud, and they proceeded in safety. "111 eager° 1 14 hirer lives cut hiss over the to alto. I • at all," said Paddy, "if 1 hadu't louud thh...PFI-4,1 1 ' i'd _o that out : auw ° d sum uow, as yer ane _ ....i sees, she Kite flUI! 6 lit utl• -V . ...=.-- ....:..... - :;• Of .., • A. ....11 • • To Save Life Ittequently requires prompt mum. Aa bour's delay wattles for the desese asity he amended with Ma DAMI cosisequemealh eopecudly in cases of Croup. Pneasessita, lied other throat sad lass trouble"' Hence, so family should he without a brittle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoreiv which has proved itself, in thousaads of cariesthe beet Emergency Medicias river auto reed. It gives pular' Pinot and prepares the way foe • thorough este, which is certain to be effected by its continued use. 8. H. Lamer, M. D. Mt. Vernon, Oa_ says: •• 1 have found Ayer's Chatty Pectoral a perfect cure for Croup in IN mos- 1 have kerma the worst ca••• relieved in a very short time by its um: and 1 Sid f D. all families to um 11 1*. sud- den eniergeh les, fur coughs, croup, gc." J. Eideen. M. D.. Middletows. Teoo•• **Ye "1 lui‘e used Ayer's Cherry Pei:oral with the best effect in my practie. This wonderful prepera- Oyu once saved way life. I had a c0 - stent cough. eight *Weals, wall itreldlY reduced 10 flesh, and given up 7' my physician. Otte bide and a half of the Pectoral cured n.e." I cannot say teens& in praise of Ayer's Cherry Pei=toral." writes R. Brandon. of Palestine, Teem, " believ- ing se I do amt, but for its use, 1 should leng leCe have died. ' Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, . Dr. J. C. Ayer di Co., Lowell, Mali. Ii4ttyliDii.. ?r*IE, six WILMA& ibHIOAGO HOUSE I have j.fst returned from the cities and am now feceiving Mc latest lint's in SPRING MILLINERY. My dressmaking d3partment is also in fall work- .th • ing order. A respectfully solicited. A. J. WILKINSON. OA, MISS GRAHAM Hoe now opened ott her latest •to k of SPIZING- M 1 LLIN ERY sad =in. • ihre oven batter sal.e ties ever Lend u e%erj eeprinsuent, Feathers, Tips and Mounts. Ribbons, Fancy Trmmings, aid all the Let' -'3: 'Wee 1110...apit5 an 1 makes. Reter.raber Mad Oa the Scuare. sato deer Avimmia &cos.& 1144 BAKING SPRING MILLINERY Vimgo wEiss COOK'S i hes Row re,eced • full stock of of spriLg tulImer). unsi:ng of the vie &ober Sore it s only the mare harhiu. bet ruand that am. 111 tont that troth face Ile bridge, au' its her nosed an MCI. her tonic, an shed think ihe's guilt the other way. This • • • Medal nmesesee. There are a number f things that the most fashiosable avid wett bred people now eat at the dinuer table with their lineele. and Cheats) Herald enumerates thew as follows: Olives, to which a fork should never SION WATIOI AT HANIBAL. MO applied. Asperairtis, whether hut of chid, when long been protected by the ••9y which is mow broken, and much of the 'erred whle, as it sheuld be. ice teed a„ litundatet Ever dere t.ba Lotto's, which should be dipped in earliest ilettletrient tibia region has been the dressing, or in a little salt. a standing theme for joke and sarcasm • Celery, which may properly he placed by tbe dwellers in the highlands. and the oe the tablecloth beside the plot. fearful prevalence there of flutes Strawberries, when served with the awl bilious vieterie dieseeee general_ yi atoms on, as they shell, are in the lidded much giving Illinois the bad e,,et *lucent bowies. name for health It once had By clearing Bread, toast aud all tarts and small out the timber and draining the worst „haa ar!". tile inhabitat. have Irresttiritt in/. Fruit of all kinds, except melons and Jouhtedly pry oed the air: hut this overflow un - es which are eaten with a spoon. rtrtaill°11°1Pedlty As by ek water wid.ujweadidaub. PirrvCheese, which is al in mt invariably rides • perfect jungle of "bull weedseaten with the fieburs by the moat Dem. and rauk will cover all the waste chilli' neili• placesand when that gnoirtki begins to Evett the leg or other small piece of up in Atigum tbe malaria will be "we a bud is takeu in tho fingers at fashion- thck you can chair it up mid Wt it out" *Me diuners. mid at mist of the lunch - a, the Datives say The enamors trill sties ;mine leek aruili pecan if chiclan need a1 the help the charitable ars likely to bestow. COWOREY AND WAKEFIELD. ammeated ear Pr---- sod Plow Peed - dont by Ur tatind labor Pony. Mr Robert H. Cowdrey. the madame for president by the United Labor party, wee born in Lafayette. In,t . Oct 1. 1862. After nether s gond high school sducation be went • to Chicago. Immo hately after the great Ere of lie was graduated it the Mumecsw• • dad college thase. was for seven mars editor of Phernmehrt and Chemist and ler t•en = mils been 1 in Mi ne ea a &Or Eiet. About • year se be became .Pe - of the CM' sosttas covrnairT. Cnnderising taorranoUc WW1 formerly a Republican, but left the party in 1878. He ts married sod les a family. Mr Cowdrey in comparatively new In dm bead of labile petit ire. Lest Septem- ber be 'caned the Land and Labor club No. 1, of Chicao. and this was him first step In this dime - tin. He bosuns Interested, and wee soon made presideat 01 the Auk lly. Oolr- =bre ben et- as ••• els* der. rather Newt gentbmna* wftlh a ual aewsessaa_. and a very pleas- ant address." ma a. T. wallows:a. Kr. W. T Wakefield. et Council Grove. the ermines as the ticket as vine presi- dent with Mr. Cowboy. • rigleOltliAL ?1.IT The early Methodists in Plilladed• phla mere aim approved of by 'ease misty They 'hilioutad- sad said -aes' to plague where the prayer book was sUreett "they got the power" sod did many other thiage whielb the someerva. ties fifty did nut .distr. The established chart* (Episcopal) denounced them es hrantera," the Baptiste barely tolerated them. sod the quiet Quakers lonhad on them with undisguised honor Whits me tirpeople merely disapof proved them. l;htbearted and eless made them food foe mirth. eod many an old tommal Ilettamphiet thioinisa with plias on tbe hodisea Tb• contrast with the body mew tn sterdest at laww reek. aa ok jiki a profound teepee* to the whole world. le kedged weederfail. Sang gleam ilegalarago fielisisl doOMI W ibm =1.1111writ =6%. rese* tbefr ..i 51b. sad umediar Leed, slab a asilibe ted eel tbe het of Ida shafted had bese prepeeed so Wes ciao tiles be bed desissesu all alma aadarrierndiasbesiareirrobaLved etutsorewory uste-t Opernsiona A roost ertrellitilwart eald dewing .rel. sal operation MillfeeelluiY boa Performed by Dvs. Glowers sod Must esiLum&m. • '.an wbo bad memo% Wig dar severalyews WM Mal.11bOd to bare a „alma sett Tlat vises sad =el &he gims at Die 'earth awl assa vertbra, want renowri. bed the tumor wee no' fogad gletti the thiet vertebra had bass el traded- The ts. iiter wee abated oat awl treated IMOy with oath* anessea. Llittasesed. the wowed %We& sad ittlem and soothe of the b04yad kr, abeam* astirO17 At Mit rale It way he pettaNtall fkm a mos to bleb 0055 brain put In white taw aad ass Seta were out. - fah& 0.106•11. w ithout usiug a fele. Tbe Temporary Tema of ritildreo. Dr Seourd strait that the temporary teeth • of 'hung ahildren need tile greatest care, as much so, if not more, than the permanent teeth, as the future yrc wth and beauty rd the permanent teeth depend largely upon the condition of these temporary teeth. No matter bow young s child th whenet er it has twenty teeth in the mouth it should bate its teeth examined by a competent donna, for then is the dehieve inomeot to remedy any defects S A LAD DRRetiON0.- Boit two exam with • tabletop enful of Letter, onehalf tea- spoon of mustard : put in a warm bowl w ith pepper and salt and stir till it !riots aresiny. Lama •vo Pz414 STsw.-Cat the breast of lamb in pieces and place it in • stew pen, with water enough to cover it. Stew for twenty minutes and take uff the scums add • quart of shelled or canned peas trait a tablespoonful of salt and let stew rorb8Ir ibbdL Ma • quarter hf a oand of butter and • tablespornful cif flour and stir into the stew ; let simmer fire minutes, season and mite with dauphins. OttsPt.It Pt' 1=1 -IX::. -Pt in the bot- tom a • pudding dish four oranges, P ealed and sliced : sweeten and pour over *syrup matIm cf une pint hf milk, two tablespoon. of corn -starch wet with a little mild milk and yolks of two eggs, beaten with one-half (ip of sugar. boil- ed One minute ; make s nothergue vi whites of two eggs and three tablespoons (1 powdered sus; brown slightly in the oven WILL CURE OR RELIEVE DILICWINECA DIZZINESS, DYS:F:4, ['POPSY, notasTrol4 FLUrTER!NO JAUNCICE. OF THE HEART, CRYMPELA" ACIDITY OF SALT ItHEM rHE 8TOXACH, NE0111114 Dili KM' 11•::40.401E, OF THE SKIN, 41Vortiered LIVR. .411:antETS, ST And every spothes of cremes orialecs= BOWELS OR 81000. T. gusuctit & Ce,. GODERICH BOILER YIORIS Chryt& Blac, ST INTC77-.4= beep made Ir icettirw i1 new goolx wekly, Lod all °Hers iet at the store w:11 prinit ett noon, CLALTLIZi OP TPIA.2•72C13, I shay bet- to model- my bast *lairs to tin= tames ortsoderaile and rimetry Teethe patronage whub thr have favored me with stern 1 collailitni.od busiorm last fall. MISS CA.MEP2.01\T, :114 2ni Hematite!' street. near the equare. NEW GOODS, FRESH GOODS CHEAP GOODS, NIXON ST17111Di3 People's Grocery. F'FOM 15c. No old Stock to work off, but all Fresh and New at Prices to suit. ATM Isbest Cade /WV for esoter see Figs. 1:esnerubtr It..= Stand On the Seuare. next to Binghams itestatunat. fthi he e fur: ti. -4 of •!I km& uf _ BOILERS. FLOUR 1 FLOUR ! STATMILERi. AURAE, 1,11thibliT HD MIAMI SALT PANS, SMOKE STACKS and of :41,W, Iron work. STEAM A.0.111 warm rare IFITf MCI ooastatily on had. On hand. ready for delivery: t 0 m.r.,a.pw 'Wog Roller. I ..re.r. tom Sone,. A Cetarlete 2d-haod Tbrestoing Outit &if er. goatee. eeparator. Sch. an in good working coder. Will he mid cheap. Mail orders will receire prompt ',newton. Works t *pp. . T. 0. feratioa. PO. BOX 361 Geidertea May Nlth. 1. 17-.=ICAN'S P OT7DER S. ars pleasant it ILO. COESAID their 0011 N --.710.4,e• it a Burr, yea efTrefeal 400tieoer of event la (.-.-1.1pre or •fitialto ATENTS C.MIEATS. TIME EASES AIM COF1111161113 Obtaised. and all bushiest' is the U.S. Patent Ogee weeded to at MOD ER A TR E IC KS. Our Mace is opposite the P. Patent Of= lies, lead we cac obese ['stouts la 14155 time them thaw remote from WASS !NO rox. Bead MODEL OR PRA IFS' I NO. We ad •Ise as toroentsallity_ free of chaste; and we asatop CNA RG UNLESS W OS - P ICNT. We refer, *ere. t be Postenaster,t he Rept. 0 Money Order Inv.. and to °Metals of the U. S. Patent. Office For circulat d•ice. terms and references to actual clients hs your *Wu State Of County, write to If Omierite Paulo Ogee. Washington. 11'0. SPRINC MILLINERY MRS. SALK ELD'S. The totem Novelties of the maim ma be foiled ea toe North able of the Square. MOUNTS, SHAPES, RIBBONS, GAUZES .ad overrtuttag t• tread tw a grathese aillllsery estaldiskelast. A DOW this of Cria...A..IPM AWE* NT.T1•7-78 VIL.ThTG Ms keen added, call and emoter the stark mod get pricer. Arno for Parltars Steam rigirrroa.tatosts 115I_ A • F: Mtn In Btrilltel11111 Should set Office Stationsvw Printed. The new 1'1,21 Roller Mills at Port Albert using the LATEST & BEST MACHINERY will be running al,nt the 28th of February. Fanners]: cor dially invited to give them a trial. C1-101711"11\10- 7:301•TF: M-N,TIR. 'Er DAY.. :JAMES DIAHAFFY, Proprietor. • h asytin ahl 1. -rt•= gasivgin ' 1.- ...Ili .413morr widget', DRUGS, PERFUERY AND FANCY GOODS Jule Received et the Medical 11.111 V P. JORDA. and win Hard T,„,„,a et! eon 5. them before making roar Pere -eel." be.sola at Pricesitojsult P. JORDAN, Medical Hall, Godrich. GA1=t1i- 1\TIS having been dissolved by mutual consent. I beg leave to 'thank the customers of the late firm for past favors at their hands, awl to intitnalb that the burliness will hereafter be ritrried on by me at the old stand. I intend to carry PULL. SILELVE13 OF HARDWARN and in eyery line in which I deal I will make it ray aim to have a full assortment New good* constant: y arriving. aad good* not in stock onlered at short notice. The public's obedient servsult, _ Y JAMZEI Tps!„ • rl • 4Z •- -rt;;;- ' 'W* • ••••-•• •••••••• •-••••- - • •••.•-• ".• - • ..•••=x-••-••117---. • ..- -'- _5o. 110...111.111.• AIL l•-•.......••=•--.....4/•-•••4rilillWIN•.-....--•••■1111▪ 11111119••••---_