HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-6-1, Page 5I THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JUNE 1, MS 44' 5 Gediseld• issea444 Boommus, 1day • isa. • oafii Voss\ ...„ , si se • Wheat. 111111•114. baik. 6: :3 WIS0.1,•••11110 husk ...... now% law liver. indeed) ow% . . • neer. estreog hidings. 9 aat......; new. ipaessii per. owe ......... lairker Potato**.. V hush ........... . sera fresh streeesse:t... ............ .....,... arse 0 schoeverif ... 15•0"•t ", ono ••....... ...... • " • o• too - • sr •• .11 170 .. .. ........... 070 8 011111101116. 81IALL1011 &LI) -Mr Janes Tebb, of the 411i eon. has sold his hoe youvve stabiosi"Wooderful Ind- to Hr W. F. Clark V. 8, of South Rood, ludisos, for the round sum of $250. He was mood b tho oelebratad imported Clydes- dale Willem Collin (N.. ?OM ;mar, (512) vol. 5iti. Clydesdale Stud Book of Scot- land. Wonderful Led is registered in the Dominion Draft litud BooL of Celia - le. His dam is also registered in the room book, he is ous year and nine inonthe old and weigh* 14;:i lbs. Ile took first prim at the Great, North W. ern Ezhibition in (loderich last fall, in • Isere class of competit.irs, and was prowounoed by exports to co the finest specimen of horse desh at the eabilation. Ho pedigree o second to none in Cana- da. Ths °mart of revision fur the tioon- ship of Colborne moot the township hall, Carlow, nn Saturday. Ilay 26th. The members hawing tign.d the oath re- quired, the following appeals airainil the aimusseseet were laid before the court : Allin, for over assessment ati com- pared with other farm lands in the io•n- ship, and after some omisideratim. A Molloy mooed. *sc. by N. .1,..hos, that his smeaminent be reduced $2 per acre. Chas KcHardy appoolod on the muss ground*. The bo -rd adjourned 1.4 an hour for dinner. O. 101141411110ff Iota Mr Mellardy's wainTiatiii up ariaTos with for • toilet% of time. J. Taylor mooed, menadal by A Molloy, that the said assessment be rod000d $3 per acne. Cursed. Thos Morris!' also appealed as the former penome, and after examining his assommoni. A 1111.1197 moved, sec by N Johna, that his assessment be re dosed per sere. Carried. Jobs the shave was dealt -with. J Taylor Horton's appeal on the same grounds as moved, sec. by A Young, that the email assessment be reduced 12 per sera Carried. Kdoard Shaw alm sposoisi on the same groende, but uo action wee takon. J•cnive Tobin apptaled no the i same ground. ate the former, sod examining and compering his assess. I ment, J Taylor moved, sec by A Young. that said appeal be reduced $1 per acre. Carried. John Clutton ales appealed on the mime rrimnds, but .e action was taken. Wee Chitton also sp pealed .io the same grounds. and after carefully rompezing his appeal, J Tay- lor moved, see. be A Young, that hisam essament be reduced $1 per *Mb. Carried. Kllso Horton also appestat, but no notice was taken. John Keane alma appealed on the mune mr.mods as the rest, and on a motion made by N Johns, sec. by A Togas, that Mr Attrill's aasessmait be reduced $37 per acre. Carried. The court then formed a monied for the despatch of regular business. The • in the chair and members all poi sent. The minutes of last !nesting read, and after making alteration, was lap - proved. The following acoounts wine passed R Kerr, re/pairing road, $4 .1 McLarty, repairing road on 4th cuu., $1.75. Owes Jones was granted the re -1 ,loost ot doing hie roadwork fur the corner lot, "un dirisio• lin. aod flth con.," ma the division line betweee said corner and Carlow. A Molloy moved, sat by J. Taylor, that Bylaw No. 36 for 1875, referring to statuto labor be re- pooled, and that the following be sub- stituted thersfor, that spy person not otherwise amassed be liable to 2 days work. If assessed at $800 or ander $1600, be liable, to 3 days work; $1600 or under $2400, be liable to 4 days work ; $2400 or under $3400, liable to 5 days work ; MOD or ender $4400, liable to 6 days wort; $4400 er wader *MOO, liable to 7 days work; and for every additional $1000 or hmetiat the/o- af one day later& Osistad. The °met- ed then adjosraed to meet again oe Hato/day, July 7th, at 2 &sleek. J. H. Rimming, Clark. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAR STOCK OE CHOICE STAPLE & FANCY HY GOODS .AT`711CIEVY 1-.0W P StICHIS- In cooseqamacie of Mr. H. W. Brothour retiring from the Dry Goods Department of the buiiness un the 10th of A %m- ust, we love decided to offer the entire musk, ,f $100.000 at ••ry low pries., so ea to icare • ..ry taries r.duesmo of it before that date. The high CLOY character of the moods is SiVil About). This gives • grand opportunity for securing bargaium in BLACK AND COLORED DRE -SS GOODS. BI ACK AND COLORED SILKS AND SATINS. TiftiLE LINENS, NAPKINS, Sit% TABLE ANI) PIANO COVERS. SHEETINGS AND PILLOW COTTONS MILLINERY. MANTLES, DOLMANS. SILK ANI) KID GLOVES. HOSIERY. PA RA SOLS. All new choice moods, and maimed at very low prices. 6 PE.1-2. CEN'T. OFF In addition to the very low prices which the goods are marked at, me a111 allow diot-twat of live (5) per cent. • on all c.oh pun:awes of $2 00 H. W. BRETHOUR & CO. 2146 3MR.ZIA.1•1"1""rORI").. • ---- BRANTFORD. APRIL, MS. DEAR SIR, - 1 take this medium for announcing that on the 10th of August, it is my intention to retire from the Dry Goods Department of the busi- ness so long carried un by me under the name and firm of H. W. BRETROUR & CO. Having had now a long and very close application to business of over Thirty Years, I feel entitled to at least partial rest and release from the caress of a large business. In making this announcement, I extend to tht.• thousands of ells - towers and correspondents sincere thanks for their liberal patronage.. siiTtrie univensfeosifidenee bestowed en me. While retiring from the Dry Goods Department I will, however, continue the Clothing and Carpet establishment on a larger scale than heretofore, and more directly under my own supervision. Special attention will be paid to the Ordered Clothing Depart- ment ; also to the Carpet and House Furnishing, so as to make theta complete in every particular. Soliciting a continuance of your patronage, 1 am, yours respectfullv. H. W. BREtHOI-R. There is no Itristake About it. The public verdict is that ALEX. MIJNRO has the rigl t right prices and in the right time. I sant, to emphasize the fact that 1 study the re- quirementa of my custoniers, and have nsade a !special effort thiseason tA) procure everything New, Useful and Faushionsl,le that in worth having. I !mike no specialty of low lines of Goods, I aim at keeping g,,od articles, and at prices commensurate with quality. If brevity is the soul of wit, I will not exhaust patielTe hy particularising particulars, but will merely bey that i all departments there will be found a choice ansortiselit. ALL GOODS NARKED 11 PUIN FIGURES. AND STRICTLY ONE PRICE _ALE ILETTIVRO, 264 Draper and Haberdasher. -GREAT CASH SALE FOR THIRTY DAYS. Ten per cent. allowed on all purchases over one dollar. Tin STANDARD -BRED TROTTING STALLION. snall413. Corwin. Magma. Council met at Fialays school house, on Monday Mad 28th, all eseembors proemial except H. Wynn, minutes ot previous !mistime read and signed. A petition was re• caved by the council, asking that the road between Iota 11 and 12, Lake Range, be improved. Decided that re- tiree be taken in the nastier. The clerk was instructed to write J. Bradley. any R. McColl, to have their Noose removed off road &Bowsaws by Oct 1st. belt, Jos Robinson to have water °nurse °pos- ed through his property, J. Swooshes's, pailantastor, to have Cath St. tiptoed from Ronson St. south two chains. Accounts paid: Kinlop Agricultural Siveisity *96; Grose, $2 for ander- drain ; J O'Oosanor, repairing evilvort L R, *260; D Mathison, ropnring culvert at Kint.�I, *3; A Moggsoh, repairing L R, $2; Ft Commove*, repairing advert oe boundry, $4.50 ; W Shackleton, underdrains. $4 SO ; H Johestoe, re- pairing etilvert, $1 de ; 01 Hunter, re- pairing culvert, $4.50; A Sproul, book owe, $16 ; J Bryan, printing, 1117,76. The masonl then .at as a Court of Ro- vision. Attar oimoivairiog the roll, J. iteKsoaio mooed, me. by H. Chambers, that Ow .-.me t roll be seeeptsd voyaged this 1405 lay of May 1414 Comma ma* Nisi July 1405. W. Leal, curb, ENVELOPES. eitZr (4"IgZeoirelit 5eitoriA4.41 14104. =1,2.stdiverowertinerallun sst Prim* - GODERICH CU, ithe tamest stallion .1, the four coantleat will beat Whitely's Hotel,Gode- ricii, from Tuesday noon, until Thursday morning of every week during the season. For particulars Se* Itoute Halm Pedigree, Terms. gc.. FARR & SMITH, &Mt Proprietors. Goderich. Spring aware, THE PRINCIPAL • ' rIrt -4 CC 3fin Goods .! •WAs 7-1 -GREAT VARIETY -AND AT - PRICES TO SUIT ALL -AT THE - TORONTO CASH STORE • ANCHOR LINE A Gentle Zip,... Service. LIVIP.POOL via QUZZINSTOWN. itteionahip-cITY OF ROISIrtreni New York WILIPSIMPAIT. Jame l& July 11, •ag- & sept. 5. Largro aad "ha* paseasstor shaanter a/leat. Saloom Passaga, IMO te aossag.essos, egg GLAIIIIIIIII/ 11_u. Ilisamars win finieree9 vast New York to manor ant L03113:00311DIEnr. Calks =ter& Priarmi=r1welie et reared rases Tracellewe' Creels, Listen • Credit.. amid Drafts fer Gal, Alf=^41 *wan ear rest rater 1Wit Tlesk eta at further 0 DIM608 990utititteirigtaer If er eicias Arm. DICIDRYN. 0e4orich. 18 oitnitit 741 MAKS I0011ft NEW GOODS WRICI Alt AlUtIvISO, 1 witti. Fol Till -NEXT THIRTY DAYS - CROCKERY cmporr. All New Designs and Pist.. terns---Oome and See. Always • fresh awl of GROCERIES 580. 1 pp0oVISION8 ea read st walla enema Pik- Beet fassiletelleginied Teeliftess, emata per east. 03-.11..pLD GET YOUR PRINTING IT SIGNAL • IF emf T - - • 'air • lb.. •,• -•••••• COLD MEDICATED. 1:1:•1) OFFAL 21!. T4ROXTO J. C. DETLOR & CO. REMOVED ! Rees Price & Son have removed to the mammoth store formerly occupied by Wm. Kay, next to Bank of Commerce, where they will be happy to meet their old customers, and as many new ones. N. WASHINGTON. N.D. L.G.P.S.O., Eminent Throat and J.ng Surgeon. WILL VISIT GODERICH. ALBION 1 until 1 o'clock p.m.. 9 0 IWI Ad Once a Month Thereafter. 1 1/1111LASSA TRILATKL). -Catarrh 91 the Head aad Throat.Catarrhal Deatness.ebronic Bron- chitis, Amhara and Cormunipion. Also Imes of Voice, Sore Throat, Kalamai Tonm:s. Poly • Ipus of the NOM: remored. COME KART.Y. CONSULTATION FREE CATARRH THROAT CURED. These are a few of 119 many who have teem ertt.....anently cured by Dr. N. Me ashIngton . It . iltall. Rhilgen;hc rtihial.nt.. catarrh. head an mrs Jos. Eyrie. Kimball., Ont., removing growths from nose. Mr Stevenson (boiler foundry., PetroBa. Ont.. catarrh. i 11..• M. Cornish. Wallseetturie. Ont., asthma p. 0)DEA; lin Mclondreri. litiga, (t.mt., caturh of the and comsumptios. t Mrs./. Lanning and son, Kingston, catarrh and catarrhal deafness. Mrs Ralph chamber. Aylmer. Out., catarrh 2151 -oat. MANAGER. throat. Yrs JIM 8mhervon. Napanee.thst-brouchitie, - -- long aar.ding. NASAL CREAM John A. Latle. 'Dundalk. On. catarrh. John E. Kerrey. Rageroe• P.O.. Oat.. catarrh, bad form. A. D. UrIln's son. Wallacelown. Mt., catarrh head and throat. Rad. Meal ees.Warebatm Ont. -FOR- Mrs Ir. Scott. Stirling. Ont.. catarrh, throat, long standing. Keith Pierce. Strathroy. Oat., enlarged ton- sils. COLD IN THE HEAD 311 •st Es. PRICE, - 25 CS. J. WILSON Prescription Drug Store. SEEDS. 7e . Lindsay. Petrone, Ont.. catarrh. Mn. John Talc. Visor. Oat_ oatarrh hoed and throat. R. Noble, jeweller and watchmaker. Petrone, catarrh throat, ff. McCall, P. M., Ittrathroy. Ont., broncho cannot pt los. W. H. Storey. Pry.. of Storey .1`• Pos. A Moe, 1119ce Manufacturers. cured of catarrh. Write and ask him for part waters. Valt PAINTING AND DECORATING. ELLIOTT & PIFTY &Pearl Dom Damoutors, OrneeSIOSS*10 R. lime. the win nenagnigarjr. 11 all seders is rZawVahit lag, leWag sad Gsaaral De- osestIsigin. an Ordbrolt at the eligmlittyff.1=21.. • gest rseasioraorseas. "MUM?* POUITTY. THE LATEST AND BEST OF 'TEEM 40A.80 Red Clover, Aleike. Mammoth. Peelle& Lennie and White Dutch. Timothy Seeds, Orchard onus. Mr Grass, Red Top. Italian Rye. 01111m and H Perennial Rye. White and IllaerTrire.ar perd oar.. White and Black Harley and Plaid Peas. Flax Seed. Linseed Meal. Oil (1.0. 504 tattle Peet, Tursip tared of ell 11.4e. late an Manaktaammouth, Low Red. Istermodb Cerro's- Large Alt hit.- Relates. Scarlet Al. triaghem. Loss Orange, me. (althage Mead of all klads b the coma. or peroad. Onion 8.14 01 *11 khrds--Dateh Salm. Top, and Potato. and all masa srOarilles Peas ai Seed.. 1 111 &VIC TUE LARGEST AND B ST STOOL OF ?ILD 11D (URDU SIXDS =ramCall 504 *mamma my= say eater calla 1 am SALESMEN 8. SLOANE, WARM. Pormaasest *614 11""&" &Nib liter=i; eo--ommeaueso, Iteerratedidosea imatesi, seseared +StaEnvstopEs 6011SIV=1,111MIS*71100-0•111,4 Sproisi Adams at Mae& (RAW pagwri " MR.OMVIRCITALItTia. x. PRICEVIIIASOMILE IT SIGNAL ANL REES PRICE & SON. .,3. Ili il , to sqg 0 . Ili" ...-% -Asa . . yiti • ....ii. ...00.. 9 5 :11 .; 1.. : Ifill 111--&-qi e 0 Bo 6 :12-- • i 1 1Pi il IIP 1.1 0 g )1 .5,011 1 !`1111 . k.sc" 1.-9= 1-- 2:41 I ..,2:, e1.441 = co • :-,-.-11 1.&81W oto2 ft. 2.31 ac' M 4134i. IAA 51 es 5 0 14 0 0. 0. 0 14a 8 ,31 11. 1d • 0 3 1 0 3 0 t., (.9 0 2 ci 0P/110N, saciDETR,I01-1, MANUFACTURER OF FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGES. WORKS, Med 1. 0.1108h* Oolborno 110$61, God•ri011 1 -