HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-6-1, Page 4•
444'.s sees,
Vuron f ign j
u r a1.tsmgo
AT Tia pram:
It 4 • wide-awake local so4sveil.d
e mewl mews mad the w e:
tat kaowtedge.
l .£Tp or etwer=Irree r
three leooeikw If the al a NICat twit
la advuoe, mbsrfpUo• wilt be a{
Ps rate of $2.0•• year.
ADS UTfal%G RATES i --
lienal and ether casual ad.ertlaem•.ta, tic,
fiat Ilse for first tu.ertiou. and 1 coots per Mae
Ter each subsequent lueenloa M.ss.eed ip
a .sotsreil scale.
.soul notices In nenpariel type 5c Dar Mee.
Local amuse In ordinary reeding type le pe
Bealoess cards of six lies sod ander 1111 per
Advertisements of Leat, round. Strayed
tearless Vacant. Situation 'Wanted *s4
lieeloess Chances Wanted two eitwedieg 1
Moss ouopartel 61 per ise.tln.
Mouse on Sale and Farms on 8sle. not o
oso.ed • hoes, 41 for first mouth. bre per sal -
sonnet month. Larger advt. in proportion.
Any special notice. the object of which 1• to
e the pecuniary benefit of any 1M►.
ual or . ompany. to be considered u •d
wertisement and charged accordiorly-
These terms will is ..11 cases be strictly ad-
hered to
Special rates for larger advertisements, or
atveniermenta for extended perode made
known at the omce of publication.
It fully equipped Jobbing Olio, la carried
w la oo.neotion with unordinary aewaimpor
hwdoem. where first-class work 1* turned out
at reasonable rates. rA-erythtng In the privat-
ise lime can be done OD the yress u
Lihtmineted poster o a wising cord.
All communtcat:one must be addressed to
D. leGJLuA4lt T,
/Editor of Tilt SIONAL
Goderich Ont.
The time has arrived when definite
action should be taken by the town of
Osderich io carting its indigence in favor
of • particular route of railway between
this point and Guelph. In • previous
lase we pointed out the line which, of
the three proposed, would be most con-
dosies to the interests of Goderich, and
we dc not intend to go into • recapitu-
lation ..f the benefits which we thew
shn.ed would resat from the adoption
of the route by Itlyt:i, I:ruasels and
Suf$ce it that the article has done
what we intended it should do, viz,
e.ade the question of route • lire topic
for diacusaion, not only in Goderich
bat in the neighboring towns and vil-
lages. As usual, Clinton tales umbrage
because Goderich Stows no sign of row -
tug in the same boat with the self
styled "hob" on the railway gneshco,
and the 'arc F. -a of that town, under
lneptratton doubtless from the alleged
railway promoters, threaten dire things
against the rouoty town, if the advocacy
of the northern rotate be nut abandoned
n1 once and forever.
THE SIOWLL is alleged to have degen-
oersted, and is a no-tec unt organ be-
lieves it fails to sen that Goderieh would
be benefitted by lending its influence to
.obtain another railway route fur Cliu-
tou ; and Goderieh and it. inhabitants
are t3 have "Ichsbod" written upon ,
Ahem, and Bayfield into be ,trade to bloc
nom forth as the great lake emporium, if
Way wig Wows Ms view la►•Mtaet, Sew A1sw41aswtsasa Tbb Wean.
No; oyfe.N "4111 sot hook foe help O. P. R ll... -IL RedeHtw.
hes. Chews r i4 reamer buddies, but e.rvmt W am•d-Ma 4. Y. Penes&
he the out drat hhlw, M w hikel that 1)r7 (loads J. A. Raid Ren.
y nohow Malo-a...ww s
Notice to CIw4i% -Mn a ItiYask.
Celestas' Isosceles -It. RadeMel.
Pick House and lair for tiers--D*.yl Ger-
House for Sale by Aoutiea Jetta Kae:. Ano -
the proposed R s«aMek seri Guderi.h
mad will pant throat* that 'Utas*.
1. the ift•••t •Oiytioe we are eel
. dialed by .pl•M$ . motives, and have
W o desire too Wadi ear Clinton outttem-
peesry, or rvp17 . kind to the aboard
tltateenenu waste ify it ea the railway
gsstion. AU W$ Waal is to ssdesvur,
so fares ie w to advocate the rail
way pullet that wW beet *observe the
Iaterssta ail (j.deelsh. We have Do
quarrel Witt Ow• *sig►hats. Leat them
work a sonieth to them best, but let
se be all, eat t0 de the salsa W e to
toad to lout &Ref the welfare of Gode
' tab, a11d f..r test sees Nisbet One
is our keret*.
Tat Sosot oL le ler 9edetich first, last
and all the weft •
R's Hort our sok masfactureu will
he well npres$Mei at the great Szposi
don at Ci•oiuwW. the salt can bat
the world
A JiL.ty welt stress the line eats
eats, Snag disposed of four felines
during the gist mesas. That accounts
for the lair ice thalatter.
THE 111 uI ism. bes arrived, and
what s the natter with the post Otos
excavation i The work was to be begin
when the front eased of the grosnd.
Go,giu• ., Wap understand, will b. well
',presented at the railway meeting't:, be
held to Brussels this (7ridsyl afternoon.
Let every .nen pet his shoulder to the
It it eartataly reported at Ottawa that
the ir.udorees Demises, will enter the
Cabinet as Meager 0f the Interior by
the haciendas while the others are seek-
ing the frost entrance.
101-N. Mr. Tepper bas been appoint-
ed Minnow of Marine sad Fisheries for
the Dominion. The queliio•tinn for the
o6ee which tint him is frost of all other
competitors esseist.d is the fact that
" h, was the eon of his pa."
Golds tat Is DOW attracting much
attention. It is the beat in the world
for cheeps, end it it uneurp•.sed in the
nuking of prime better. It is time we
had • boom is our salt trade. Let oar
makers help Teat Sweat to bring our
saline product into greater prominent's.
Sit Jane seed to boast of his ability
as a cabinet maker. To judge by a*.s
of his INnt swork one would IMw
that h. also intends to run es
undertaker's line in connection with hie
otter Liminess, ao as to be in a position
to supply oodles to kis moribund admin-
ietr.tion is the *ear tater..
We understand it ie the intention of
the waterworks oosaittee to "shoot"
the hole at the harbor well by mune of
• n.tro-glyesrine explosion, in the hope
of (bt►ising • greater head of water.
If the wises proves to be • failure, it
will lead to an effort on the part of elee-
hors to "shoot" the members of the com-
mittee et the next municipal blection.
Ammeters of the southern route of the
Guelph .Junetit n d Goderich reilwa
they will nut allow tbemselree to vee aro of opinion that the line will to built
through Clinton spectacles. ( via St. Jacobs to Seaforth, and that run-
. or scolding cuutemporary is terribly i sing powers will be obtained by the C.
belated and very igswrant on the earl - P. B. ewer the G. T. R. to Goderioh.
may question, tar it would not make sock Why dose the C. P. R. not save the ex -
absurd statements and give vent to tnek I penes of Milling • asw line at all, and
wily threats. By this time it osgbt,get remiss powers over the C. P. R.
to know that Goderich is the objective from MWelpb I
point of the propoead lite from G.siplh, } _____ _ _
and all its dog -in -the meager efforts em- Ilmw the ppxjt and the people tr ;Gilt
rich apt fret itsrd haat the awoet aeriou•ty dl.
mot affect the ultimate results. It obodd k,.uasel ar,.6 oeest the C. P. R. omclale is
also know that the line beet suited to 8eay
4iolerich would not be one runnieg
parallel with en ezietrng railway •i -i
wide, which could Dot bet be the eery Net we hswlts•t heard d anything ice
mere the line ow Clinton adopted. At p .5.i_f M wet • .rorissosical ache...
prosect we have all the ennmection with from
Clinton that we require, end tour as ~ ~e MDros ' and er don't
and intimation is t., have denim comae.!+hal~~ Ern has. Under what
nicattoo with the northern part „f the 1 charter will ahs .unlined debet" 'Pr." spr
county for a,mmeroial and ether tour- it.lfl
posse, without having to pay toll by f Wa we *ypd to enflames that Hon.
eteniag through Clinton, a hu hereto- Ch s. Dreey. Commissioner of Agricul-
ture base the ease, owing to the lack of tars for Ontario, in response to an inn -
tram 000nection to the county o. wu at
that point.
Clinton at the present time peseasee
railway advantages superior to many
other parte of the Bounty, and it would he
absurd for Goderiek, Rlyth and Brussels
to stared still and allow dill farther d
wastages t, go that way, to their detri-
ment. Clinton is not the county of
Moron, and it is tow that ambitious but
selfish town was made aware of the fact,
Then' are hills Wyeed Pentland. Teals•iltmrM the He signetAN friths horsed Forth. 'pm. -The great teed of Ontario in
To th. threat (hat the mighty servo lbw Myo wham al1 the ancient fent.
.d the elbows railway agitators will be sslm be M watisbiaagg baler. the axe, ie
directed to the breaking dn.. of t;od. ss..s mean. of rep y in ren• termer pa►
lltNe. This astyteb.hodes a{ ig
ase planting is lionised to Sass of toast,
for osly them give in
aw4 ilpriaj some treiett bserier
dogma the nilgai I woeld lib to re-
mind the rustlese of year jeerrl fall
the Seel week le Jose is the best time
for pleating s'mewrssea. ad that if
g w6gd m with des ears, they will
hs a11n=7 M Soewiek Yours .te
R. M. Palters.
Te eslo, May 24
one tier Sues In orth• Ctlmon. Stanley,
Godetdeh tp,Bnytono
ld i Have they t
besrlpre •grimmest between the
oohed k the C. P. R.. not to Inter
preiptpagdositpotrite d each Maar 7ellseme How
tetka from the directorate of the society,
hue signified he intention cal •ppain, the
Great Northweetere Fair at G.derich on
Wednesday, Get. 3rd. This will be the
Gist visit of the hos. gentleman to this
____o and ea he ie • poetical agricul-
tatM we hers every reason to believe he
will be heartily wJMomed M hid fellow
•ens lime se neat svevgweeaa,
r.eh and the building op of Rayfield, ens
here only to say, that (7ed•rich dose lope
saf•gr.nee Reyteld in railway again at
iiia joinder*. 1f nor neighbor oo the
lake to the Booth of us mu possibly pot
in * lies of railway we have no obits
Mee to it, twee by way of CliMo., bet
we fear that if it waits fee the host.,
ears by that rest* its ye•ageet baby d
"A rubra e•tey pt. telhe notes,
A a' /oak Ar'U peenf tt."
rut good photos, Joe cabinets, and first
class chromes and s11 palatines. U.o Stewart
says be will take so ..trend puce.
A 0000 PasatuT. The most ueetal gift
you ,•an make 1s to gl,e a Wlrtinn. Ar
pit to U. Mdi,Ilieuddy. agent Uuderlcb.
Master Iossoeay remarks that for beet
sales .n new grooertee, provieluua, fruits lc.
Yoe Mislaid call sad see MecU/Wvray.
((lwbb'. bock.
Piss TAILORING. -B. MacCovmae kap the
Anon assorts teat eat pods for what and snm-
mor sues. Order hem Wm sad you will tis
pleased with at and prim..
Nsw Novara. -A tit et the latent sloven by
the beat Authors. Also a somber of the beat
lacrosse sticks from ale beat makers received
and for sale cheap at Butler's.
Thr Caledoalsa names will bob up serenely
is Wderick a aha tad of July. dad 11 you
watt anything in the drew Ilse, true • sum -
tore sett to. Ltlmarooch. go ie r. it A IMd-
hem. the tailors, and get it.
Ln-tlru. TEA -Henry Y'ILvd the railway
Clog, is agitating for • sew ex trio to the
South Pula Teo expedition w iU nut be pro.
poly gated oat unless4) is a aleck of
ii}Ior Ta such u pee yoga sells.
Call on Goode, the druggist, Albion block.
for everything to tet lfae of dram patent
medicines. cbasicas dad tolls articles
W. C. Goode. Druggist, Albion
Tea Womsx". ('Harem'. Tisieenaxta
thrum will meet ve.afarl for tae trs•racttoe
or bedew. every T afternoon at tis
.'cock. is North -01 Meths chunk. avert
women interacted 1. the wort is cordially
invited to sttead
custom OCT. -Not out of town- but
Saunders • Sen have decided to clear out
their entire stock of y's.cy Goods, Jewellery,
Plated Wan eel Notions. Orem baremiaa
may be leaked ter, as they Wish to clear them
out before mskleg anticipated changes in
their business. Dat fad to call at the
Cheapest Reuss wider the Sun.
prtorilvaoseo Srrroaos.-Ts the minds of
b edeetlesi to genchans ua. Or tversal he day.
And to the naiads of mmy who are sot
ppract t0 poln ions tbheetaquuaan y mIcia ow a eug7vlae
otolm speras,. . Wbeo 0.east et universal
.uthwas ooac a R. It Ballow• t photograpte
er cell lesk oo.flde.Uy fora an•slmoua vote
from W kis customers.
Mn Soott Siddons while in tcwn was
the eue.t of Mr M. Hutchison.
Mr Geo Old has purchased the Mont-
gomery property os. West street.
Constable Yule has boon off duty the
pat few days oe account of dlness.
Regular monthly meeting of the public
school bawl next Monday evening.
Mr Stanley Hays, barrister of Bros -
seta, was visiting in town this week.
Mr J. S. McDougall, division oourt
clerk, was visiting In the Queen city.
Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, of Clinton,
spent a few days last week with Mr. S.
Dr and Mrs I're left for • six months'
sojourn in Great Britain, on Thursday
A Summers. - Rees Price has re -
Vi Non with a handsome awning.
Box WANTED. --.1 sharp, active, intel-
ligent boy to wanted at once to learn the
printing buuneat. Apply at Tag
Miss Edith Horton, organist of the
Presbyterian church, Leeburn, wad the
guest of the Misses Hillier, of Kingston -
St. last week
the old-time verandah in front of
The local company of the 33rd Bat-
talion is preparing for the coming camp-
ing out at Landon, under the command
of Capt Crockett.
Mr. Hooter. of the firm of Hunter
Bros., Kincardine, paid us a friendly
visit on Saturday last. He came down
on the tug " Spray."
Last week Mr, Sandford Stokes
caught an eleven and one half pound
pickerel, the lantern seen in this section
fur • number of years.
Warton Echo :-Mr Jas. Clarke is
again among us after a luog winter spent
in Ooderich. Ha many friends here
were glad to see him.
Dr McDonagh will be in Goderieh for
consultation on Saturday, the ltd of
lune, and afterwards on the first
Saturday of every month.
Mr Oen Rice, Chemical Salt Works,
left for Chicago last week on • health
improving trip. Mr Jas Addison accom-
panied Mr Rice to Chicago.
Tae effuses' Coserrri.. -A repre-
sentation from the citizens' committee
will be present at the Brussels conven-
tion which will be held this (Friday)
Mr. Stirling, who lives 4eww .ear the
river bank, recently came Mess • hen's
n est which contained 98 eggs. He ap-
propriated the egg to lieu of payment
for storage.
1'. B VanEvery k Co. are going
heavily into the fish trade, and dorsad
the past Demon have had a large number
of fiat care made by Buchan & Rnbio-
eon of this town.
Dr. M. Nicholson, the Rest street
dentist, makes the preservation of the
natural teeth a specialty. Os adminte
Seed from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for the pain-
less attraction of teeth.
Rsanvsn -Bible depository is now
foamed at W. L. Wolverton's dentist
See upstairs, opener North -8t. and
square. M. McGillivray, grocer, having
resigned the depositaryship,
Mr. R f William*, of the Rash of
Comuaaes, who was ie Tommie lest
weak, reformed the game of leas*** be-
entweet the Torontca and Shamroehs, es
May 24e11, in • highly sK.ient tenser
Y. W. C. T. 1 -.-The Toueg Woman&
Cbrintiae i'eespersnee fetes will hold •
spacial testing on Mocday, June 4th,
in the library n/ Kenn chards at 7 30
•'.loch. All the members am reviewed
10 be present.
Sew Tamar. -A morel theory le
greedy adun.sed, end aaessetlk iaekeed
epee re peliss Medea It is dist the
matron isthmuses dr..bssss es it dogs
the tide. Tbq esy k bee bees r meth.
ed for yams that drw.heaa.ss prevails te
5 gnaws, meet from dee but quarter to
the fell d the nest then at other time
is other welds while the modes isg*ttis
fall the tipple.s bra taste bur .'.pis. _
a :aY i'r 1inkiklol;7,ffi flkill',:eadl.41,11it_'..1
Paoutarrrox Lamm' -The rangier
mestiag et Ciodertok 1'nditbittw Leasee
wiU be held ie the 4mplInoss hall ue
Tuesday neat, Jets tith, at 8 o'duok.
611 in sympathy with the immanent are
ourdi•lly invited.
The Heree Serums dub will play the
Dauntless club, of Olintoa, us the
lacrosse grounds on Thursday, June 7th,
ball to be faced fur at 2.30. This will
be the first champioa•bip game of the
swoon, and good play is expected,
Lau Bao.se,-We regret to learn
that lgr. Jupk leant, ail the >titeardits
!.-rams, stet wwill s bristta Int; while w
tiro way to Tessweter o. Suodsy last.
The hones took fright, sad in attempt-
ing to jump from the rig he met with the
Tb. wife of Mr Adam Thomson died
in O►aaeu on the 21st inst. The re-
mains were brought to Goderich and is -
toned in the Maitland cemetery, the
fuuer•l taking place from the resides*
of Mr Robert Thomson last Friday
Tbe Rev J 8 Lagear, of Ethel, form-
erly of Clinton, bee tow help is his pas-
toral douse ia the shape of a hounding
boy, which was berm iu Goderich os. Moo -
day. He was it town on Wednesday,
and had • foes as broad as • barn dour.
-New ata
Mtt.rria Arroner'i nee --Lieut. Cut
Colsmau of the 33rd
Brussels an official visit u uDSat urda .
Mr. Sinclair is to be relieved from com-
mand of the oompaoy, and Mr. Stanley
Hays, formerly of Goderioh, u appoiot-
ed captsio, and Dr. McNaughton hot
Good manilla, 80c. per M ; white
bo..-, $1.00 per M ; batter do., 0L25
sod $1.30 per m„ up a high •e $1.80
for the best btuiness envelopes ever
imported into Goderich. Largest stock
it town. Only • small advance for
gritting. All other lines furl at Toe
Laing Fz:un. --A sturgeon was aught
near the M.itland bridge on the 24th of
May which weighed 74 Ibn The lucky
fishermen were Patrick Dean and Jams
Webb. Another weighing 44 Ib. was
caught on Monday loot, by Rubt. EUia
The big fish have not tU lett the vicinity..
of Ooderich.
Hs Ksgw Wgtr waft Wapreo.-Aa
exeksoge tells of • subscriber to • paper
who dud and lett fourteen years sub-
scription unpaid. The editor appeared
at the grave when the lid was being
screwed down fur the last time, and pet
a linen duster, • thermometer, a ,alta
leaf fan and a receipt for making arti-
ficial ice in the wain.
A Levet Hrio.-R.r. Mr Learoy, in
the Bodge street church, Belleville,
after reading some half doses notice
Sunday last, said : "Brethren, I think
have read announcements enough.
shall be glad when they shall send •a
nouncements like them to the new
papers instead of the pulpit to waste
time. That's what the papers are for."
BASE, or Horx.-Knox church Bead
of Hope has closed its meetings for the
summer months. The children are
requested to cultivate house and garden
dowers, and the Baud will re -open with
dower show and. concert. All bringing
dowers will receive a prise. President
Allan has also offered a free space at the
show for the Gowan to ba on exhibition
by the children.
Ladies' awl Men's Paraishing Goode,
Goods shown with plessure-
ciederioa, May llat, JUL
heat price for Butter and Ems.
Hat./ nag Eicunmoss --June 5th
dad 19th from Ooderich to pinta in
Iowa, Minnesota, Dakota, Kass,
Nebrak•, Texas and Arkan.e., all rail
via Chtcx.ge. Round trip first class
tickets at half fan will be sold good for
30 days. nut is a rare opportunity fur
farmers and others to visit the Western
States grid Dakota territory at a .mall
soet. Tickets and •11 information can be
had from H. Armstrong, Greed Trunk
town ticket agent ; agent for Allan and
Cunard outdo atema re ; sect fur G. N.
W. Telegraph Cu., poet office blush,
West .trot, Ooderich.
LA.'Roesg.-The Huron lacrosse club
of this tows went to Luckoow on the
24th to pley an exhibition game with the
Sepoye of that village. In the morning
a game had been played botwee° the
Otter, of Kincardine, and the Semi's,
and the latter club did not ache fur a
trial of conclusions with the Huron&
Finally • picked team was chosen from
the two Braes clubs to play with the
Horse, dad the gems wen pet an. It
resulted in four straights fur the Herons
-- time, 1st game, two mi.ates ; 2nd,
three minutes : 3rd, one-half a minute ;
4th, fuer minutes The Hurons are
playing a strong game this year, and are
starting out in good form for the
CaLsnopalr Wore. -The Goderich
Caledonian Games wilt be held on the
Rod of July this year, according to cus-
tom, sad promise to surpass all previous
exhibitions. A number of the lading
.e athletes, pipers and daucers of Ammo.
1 have already ..ttg m,tied their intention of
I wining to Htkr h's county town ors July
- ' 2nd, and the arrangements by the tx,m-
s mutes of management ars in • far mon
progressive state thou un any previous
year. Mr J. D. Stewart, who so ably
managed the games on previous owe-
s alone, has kindly c..nented to again take
hold of the helm, an i e lido u5 succor -
fully through. Thea large hilts and pre.
gram. 0ontatni.g the list of prizes and
other attractions mit appear within lbw
next week or ten days
" His Leer Lsuw."-About the 5th of
June a musical and btemry entertain
meat will be given in the town hall
under the auspices of the Brussels
cricket club. At the suasion ef th
first part of the program the drama "Hi
last legs will be presented Mr
Andrews, of Goderich, will take the lead
ing pert, being supported by local talent
A full home is looked for,
Tun Corson. RAuwAY Cot'Wtrrgs.-
A meeting of the council railway cote
mitts was held in the clerk's office
Tuesday evening, Mr. M. G. Cameron
in the choir, Dr. Holmes and Mr. D,
McGillicuddy were present in the inter -
eat of the citizens' railway committee.
After some discussion upon the question
of sending delegates to the Brussels con-
vention, it was decided to have a meet-
ing of the council on Thursday eveniug,
at which to determine the question.
Carrs Satr!asltret. --Mr Wm. Mc-
Lean, Goderieh, has been shipping cattle
very largely lately. Thursday he shipped
40 head and Monday 36 head from Clin-
ton station. A steer mimed by Mr Fisher
weighed 1,780 lbs. A 2,:500 Ib. grade
bull, bcoght from Registrar Dickson, Mr
McLean affirms to be the best beef ani-
mal ever shipped from Western Ontario.
Toe others were • very fur all around lot
and came from the farms of Putbby,
Sandy Moateieb, Lor, Sheppard end
The Li towel Rfsr.derrf says :-The
official bolted of the North street Metho-
dist church, Ooderich, have attended an
invitation to Rev Geo Richardson of this
town to become their pastor. As Rev
Mr Richardson has nearly completed ba
third year is Listowel, it is most proba-
ble that his sphere of labor will be
changed at the neat eonfereee.. He will
loses behind him • fitting memori'l of a
. loss worker i• the very imposing
' tremors which has bes erected by the
Methodist body of this town during his
A Mr•u-a. Di -its. nog. -The friends
of Miss Jessie Macks.zie, of Stratford,
who successfully taught in St, David's
ward public school. Gudencb, sours years
- ago, will be pleased t, learn that she has
succeeded in passing the recent musical
examination at Tnnuty College, Toronto.
e Th ,.
This examination ,s . ue of three to be
• passed before thz degree of Musical
Bachelor is won. Miss Mackenzie ranks
fah for the pr .wince and is the 6not
- h
. Stratfurdite who, has taken this •:.antis-
ation. The tastes) examinations are
_ held yearly, simu:tanenuely io L.odon,
Eogland, and Trinity College, Toronto.
The Canadian papers, are sent to Eng -
tend for examulation, so that the degree
of MIuaicoe! Bachelor which is granted the
candidate who tales tet three examines -
tions successfully is virtually au English
degree. Fp to date some half dues
persons have secured the degree, the
o.ly winner of it io Canada this year
being a Toronto lady, Kra Bigelow.
Mt., ti.-'.tr SIDDOps.-Last Monday
evening Mn. Scott Siddons read to •
large audience in the Grand Opera
House. She is a beautiful intellectua
looking woman possessed of great dra
uratic power, u well se personal n.agne
tam. Her first piece, " Mach Ad
About Nothing, was admirably reel
dared, the part of Beatrice particular!
so. A Seuah.r Entangled " was alio
well given, the imperfect English of tit
Iwia.Ootgt es being extremely amus
PORTAL RATS C.1xos. -The Post-
n meter-(enol of the limited States
hes metered into ariaagemente with the
Pselmaster-G.meral of Canada establish-
ing a uniform rate of poetise of 1 met
per .uses of all meteh•mdise, including
.Tait, weds, cuttings, bulbs, scions and
ireful, and 1 eget pen 1 omnia ea prun-
ed mutter in the mails ezehamged ha.
erase the two snvatriea This
arrange -
meat west fete effect os. May 1, smile it
M *•id, removes the ob)'eetietie to the
reesmt postal eo.eention with arch
which wont ieto effect a Marsh 1.
GOIMIL c -a Catrcir CLt'a.-T1..041._
rieb tsieket ala► held a are tier on Tett
Gay 'mein at Mr. Malaseess.'s .ties,
Willa the following oaken were sleeted :
S. Ndeorneem, Boa. Presides. ; Dv.
Holmes, Hoa. Vier President' Gua
Drsmtmd, Preeident ; D, M.bosald,
Vke►Preident ; O. H. risky, Ssem-
tmry-Tpe.mtrer ; M•segtmg Commht•s
Dr. Roes, Jim tlasehea, J. Ray ; ass.
mumu. -J. T. Gamow, Q. C., lien.
A. M . Roes, Robert Porter, M. P , ]r,
C. Cawleros, Q. C., R. 8 Chilton, 11.
M. • Martyr
fir, Sheriff Gibbose,
H .
tion before the o.aweatins for austere,
which prayed that steps be taken at the
loaf Sop westing ef the Bounty council
to initiate the work in connection with
the erection of a c „n„y hoses of refugo,
for thes aged and infirm. The subject
Was thoroughly ducoaned, and the ge..
seal impression of the gotberiot was that
the petitions should be freely aroulated
and largely signed.
Orr TO Til Nuarltwatrr. ---The Ott.
was Jueroma publi.bs. the following
.boot the doings of our townsman, Mr
A. McD. Allan : -Mr A. Men, Allan,
president of the Ontari, Fruit Gnuwer'•
Association, ie in the city, .enure fur
Manitoba, the North-West Territories
and British Ctlumbia. The object of
his visit west Is to make obs•rvtio.s
sod to judge and resort os its capabili
ties. Mr Allan is an experienced horti •
ralturriet and acted se fruit a,mmiesioner
at the Colonial exhibition in London.
Mr Alla* says from what he bas brand
he has great faith is the capabilities of
our North West as a fruit growing_....
country sod thinks that good ought
outs of migrating the wild fruits of till
pairies with our tame verities in East
ern Canada. He will stay over at
Winnipeg and .11 the wormiest plass
in the Territories to gather data and
wiled specimens of shrubbery, the
forest and dors iedise.o.e to the
country, paying particular attention to
the water courses. From thecae he will
proceed to British Columbia and may
probably visit California and make own.
Come, Mr Allan expects to he away
ur Ir. months. Mr Ailsa is not
o e a Government minion, bot is going
personally es one interested io the fruit
industry of the Dominion for, if possible,
more enlarged Information. He has
hopes that his mission will be able t..
supply information that will be valuable
to all fruit growers, bcth in Ontario as
well as in the Territories. Mr Allan
will study the soil, the climate and all
that prtaias to the capabslit.es of the
Ilioirtio West and British Columbia.
Bass Bou. -The Goderioh bass ball
slob played its first game this •ase ou
with the Winghaen club o. Thursday,
May 24th. Owing to the catcher, Per.
Malcomsom, not beteg able to go with
the club at the last minute, Tom Chilton
had to become receiver for Dud. Holmes
pitching. 'f his chauge of position was
looked upon as being likely to weaken
the work of the club, but the new catcher
exceeded the expectations of hie friends,
and dud good work during the entire
game. In the second, third and fourth
innings the t.•,dmch boys got badly rat
tied, but plucked up during the last five
innings and payed good ball, although
they could not overtake the lead they
had allowed their opponents to get eat
the start The feature of the game was
the home run made by pitcher Holmes
in the eighty inning when the bases were
fulL Following is the score
Gateau. x.
R. Whitely. r 1 .... ................- ..._ 4
IL Holmes, c f .
Sheehan. l f 1
Cooke. led b 1
Elwood, f*d b.... I
Watson. • e 2
whilst.% as b...... 1
C►Utoa 0.
D. Holisp ,.. n di
Total ,gl
o (err. r f win o,- •• 4
Mtlawthllo. r 1 4
y Moagre?5, tad h ...
Paol. yd b ....i
• ybwn. let ► ..,,»..............'...
coney. c ............ .
uecMel • t. 111
hog. 'a. Sleep walking some in Mac
beth bur tare bistrionk
GweR a ekapor fres. David Copper
eld was charmingly read. as was aim a
ebapt.r from " Helen'e Babies.- " The
Lady Clare, ' a touching and testing little
love tale, was recited with feeling.
" Sent Back by the Angel.," • pathetic
story, was in dialect, and the reader did
not appear at her hest. She also gave
"The Creeds •,1 the Bell." (by request)
which was much enjoyed. A humorous
pence ed " Love in a Balocn " was
mitabl,entitlgivers. It Wasa good program -
Mn. Scott liiddoe's elocutionary gifta
and highly coltiested voice, together with
her grace .,f person add manner could
hardly fail to interest any sodium*.
Tgv 'a,.a, a Communion. -A .Wm-
ber of repr.eeetative tempsreeee werk-
ars gat bored la the Iueten room of,
k•tt abort' M I,..1 Metbodiet ahemh
Chino , oro Tuesday, tedi•sese future
teti.w The rseounte for the1>,eott Act
Aanei•tioa ware •edited amd fe.ad
attlisfactore. A my remarkable thing
a connection with the aosnelation was
the Net that there wee • surpass of
•boot 0200 ie as treas.. The seof
100 wu voted to Mr Renee Foster as
• slight remoullke til his serves. ea
secretary. 450 wee give. to Rev John
Gray for hi. emotes* d.eiug the lase
*Mpaign. spit rpt peed to the treasurer,
Mr J. C. SbwurA, her ode mire el the
Mases• A yokels of 4M was . lnwd
the .illy* of Ifrat r, Ming to law 0s-
penses raeagrsd 1. a rasa.t .ett ra
Th. wSema 1•It 11 the Neott floAct
aft in ias*s'-tie. WSW forded, bet
sees i• than line wee deferred meal
after the sasetin r of the Tempaa.as
(7e.ri.m0lh. se M..tN.l, in July taeat.
Mn if d Godarid4 deet
a aha i 0, T. U., how s lea- I
4. a
Telel - .i
Score by Maine : ••
wGoldn'Iccb ogha7 1. 1• i
Umptm-A. Murdock.
;,. • >t41/that. 31i
Joseph Alton is under the parental
roof at presses.
John Mullin hes goes sailing for a
chain. T. Bright, who lived on 10th
eon., Ashfield, left last Tuesday for
Liverpool taking ticket by the Anse
Lisa She intends speeding tbs
rsmai.dar of her life is England
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Kity, of Sum-
merbill, visited old friends is tilts neigh-
borhood lee wet O. M. is reeking
at Olammimiiill, rearming, running
the poet tote mil dad keslf
Joust' Ileckatl is learning the bakery
Weiaess in Dungeness.
Tile flood Template intend WNW
their bre open lodge is a week or awe.
•e. meet. lyra w. TeeslMeN.
Toothaebe, the moot sssmne and ode
of the mnst painful affectiome, is instant -
1y) eorod by the enollatiom M Poises'•
Ferviliaa Pol•on's NervIlita Pol-
see's Ner,iline is a sembi•etiem of pow-
e r fel a*odyeee, sad 11 strikes at ages to
the autres, .outing them sed ./br4htg
in one minute total relief from peen.
Mothers, try it for year el ildre.'s telt!"
acne 1'terviliwe te sell in 10 amd ilk
sent bottles by drusgisle.
iisdemen Waste
tiooasaoa. hLy L, tees.
vee 5 M
0,f 10
• or
r ke
IPi . . . .. .. .. .» eta
Wit, hw.l .. N e tl
Shert t..1M ................ II e It
trilailles. 41,14 ''.
Hidse. •
1e•srmolwerw, tl cwt .......
1.1- aM
n" deo
Rrawox !Sohn -Mr Jams Tea), of
the 4th con. has sold hie tine Young
stallion ., Wonderful Lad" to Dr W. F.
Clark V. 8 , of South Band, ludi.w,
fur the round sum .f 4250. He was
sued by the celebrated imported (,lydes-
dale.radion Collin (No MAI) page (512)
vol. 5th. Clydesdale Stud Book .,f Soot -
land. Wonderful Lod is registered i.
the Dominion Draft Stud Boot .,f in addition
da Hu dam a ale., restatered in the discount of five
some book, he is sloe year and nine
ioontb. o1J
sock w - •
eaitb 14`:
Ills. Ile
took first prise at the Great 'North Weat-
r ern Sahibitiun in (loderich last fall, in
a lent. clam of competitors, and was
proeousoed by experts to be the final
specimen of hone dash at the exhibition.
His pedigree a seemed to none in Car.
The court of revision fur the town-
ship of Colbor . mut im ale township
hall, Carlow, no Saturday. May Stith.
The members having tinned the .y;11 re-
quired, the following appeals agsinil the
assessment were laid before the court :
'%'m Allin, for over aasoument as com-
pared with other fare lands in the town-
ship, and after some oowaiderau-m, A
Molloy moved, sec. by N. .i.,hns, that
his saessnent by reduced 42 per acre.
Chas McHardy appealed on the saute
grounds. The booed adjourned for an
hour for dinner. t)e resuming business
Mr Mctluty. nee Talon up sod dealt 1
with for a lewd* of time. J. Taylor
moved, monocled by A Malloy, that the
acid aasean,ent be red•leed 43 per acre.
Carried. Thom Morrish ala., appeale.i as
the former persons, and after examining ,
►a aaesam.nt, A Molloy moved, sec. I
by N Johns, that hie assessment be re -
dosed 01 per sea Carried. John
l;orton'e appeal on the sense grounds as !
the above was dealt "nth. J Taylor
moved, sec. by A Young, that the said
assessment be reduced 02 per acre.
Carried. Edward Shaw as appealed i
um the same grounds, but no action was
taken. James Tobin appealed oft the
same grounds as the former, a04 after
examining and compering his assess- 1
ment, J Taylor moved, sec. by A
Young, that said appeal be reduced 11
per acre. Carried. John Clutton also
appealed on the mum ,rounds, but no
action was taken. Wm Clutton also, ap
pealed no the amu grounds, and after
carefully comparing his appeal, J Te7-
L..eov., ase. by A Yoeng, taut hi. u-
ssameotdthe redend 41 per acre.
Carried. Riles Horton also appealed,
but no noting was taken. John Keane
also appealed on the same grounds as
the rat, and os a motion mad. by N
lobos, est by A Yost, that Mr
Attrill's tasemmstt be reduced 037 per
acro Carried.
The court thee formed a ooutlet! for
the despatch of regular business. The
in the chair and members all pre
sent. Th. minutes of last meeting read,
and after making alteration, was ap-
proved. The following accounts mete
passed : R Kerr, repairing rood, 04 ;
.1 MoLarty, repairing road o0 4th un. , ,
41.75. Owen Jones was granted the re-
quest of doing hie roadwork fur the
corner lot, "urs division line and 9th
con.... on the division lite betwe.e mid
corner sod Carlow. A Molloy moved, j
vee. by J. Taylor, that Bylaw Nu. 36 ter
1875. referring to statute labor be re-
pealed, sod that the following be sub-
stituted therefor, that say person not
otherwise ...eased be liable to 2 days
work. If sase.s4 at 0800 or ender
41600, be liable to 3 daps work ; 41800
or under 49400, be liable to 4 days
work ; 42400 or ander 03400, liable to
5 days work ; 4311)0 or seder 04400,
liable to 6 days work ; 44lOO or soder
46400, liable to 7 days work ; and ler
every additional 41000 or f retioa ther -
ofJ one day siert Gerrie'. The soar
oil then *disowned to met apes os
Saturday, July 7th, e 2 cant..
J. H. Rimiest,
.- O1.rk.
In ev is.q.sn.0
wet, we I
H. 1
resew asanir/mu
COCxo1L Msrrtoa. Council met at
Fishya school boom, on Monday Had
28th, all rae.Mrs preset except H.
Oirvin, mingles ut previous meeting
reed and signed. A petition was re
anima by the ooaseil, asking that the
road between lots 11 and 12, Lake
Range, he improved. Decided that ae-
tios he talon in the matter. The clerk
was instructed to write J. Bradley, any
R. McCall, to have their fences removed
off road allowance by Oct 1st next,
las Robinson to have water enures open-
ed throes\ hie property, J. Stevom*o.,
pathesast.r, to have Cath St. ,, sed
from Russell St south two chains.
Amounts paid : Kinlop Agricultural
Society 495 ; T. Green, 49 for ender -
drain ; J O'Connor, repairing *avert L
R, 44.50 ; D Mathison, repriring culvert
tit Kiatail, 41 ; A Moggmb, repairing
L R, $2; R Casson, repairing euiv.rt
oe boandry, 4450 ; W Sbaekl.toe,
undordratt., 44.00 ; H Joheetot, r. -
pairing eldest, 41.00 ; K Heater, re-
pairing eolvsrt, 46.50: A Sproul. book
sae, 418 • J Bryan, printing, 017,75
The eeueeil then eat as s Court of Re
"'Minn. After .aesiderieg the roll, J.
McKoasis moved, ape. by H. Chambers,
that the se mesmwt troll be meept ed as
revised this 28th day el May 1888
Rummell meet MOD July14111.
i.Ams, Clerk.
.tr sin treses. !owes
.4 tate p Mal ..o ter
rMvevetee UMW for
seam rwteas
r. be lastest stall
will beat Wh
rich, from Tt
Thursday m
week during
For particular
Terms, Sc..
Staamahlp 1'ITY (
Wsosut.ar, Juno
i largest and ane
Salem Passage, s
Stamen every In
Cub( M
TM of Med
Deans Mr slat Anti
rent ram& errMfellaB
111414. ARC
fx 0RDLI 1
Watch egg 51.3
All Ntuw D
tern ---C
ti PR
ea 1.ad
B.et IBr.ai
Beam per em.
jaMi FI