HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-6-1, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1888. . and the LATEST FASHIONS, latter 1 . the Prnbtterlsns from 1t1;SBT'fEP►IA S. er toad. it uncomforta a tar them 111 THE 1 stew rationed Fortunately for Ilia New THE RELATION OF THIS DE NOMI- World a0 .>♦s east was 'telae easugh to Virnat to Wear,and How r to Wahl' .entnd the result was, *patty. moenai it Properly. NATION TO THE REPUBLIC. toleestios and the glonome cometheation Wltb perfect freedove Presbyterianism bas wn W eose that greet power wn+ e Ter tracts ver Dr.gs1/th, the Retiring 111.4 Tit centennial assembly brought to. TIN WM.t t:bwrtra•("am abs r'a.fMsa•N orator. sad Dr. Tb0epw.w, the Newly ge they u:any emineut men: ilio Jame. Norte le" T/wfe are 1Med•r• •rd McCue'', *4 Justice Strong. nee. Ir. Old Mr leo Mai e'eat lams 1. „.,,,,:mare Stowed al.rdmr.tor- Ama.yry se ,rase'. McIntosh. es -Governor Never. Of Pem- 11 vee tuner tela,/.. sed /Ie tnequrd ,tell raervesesu s- .ylvaala. Ree John &.,x. the (lserok.s; - Fe - - uuio court u ma et Tete one husdredtk mission of the qts Drake t he t tdr era' assembly tit the Presbyterian church aa.'sngt0' and utberw (f4,- J. T. StultL- ln Ameritw, manna euur • ai Ph l w r . retire' ; moderator. was semen td by Ree. delplila proved to be an ot+t•a.l,nr of even Dr. Clairton L Thowpoou. of keine, t:By. more interest t`aaa was expected, quite lie "t I,y a nearly ul.eimous vote J. H. Rlt►DLIL e rivaling that Materialaawwb!v In the same place in It1:U, which uW much - __ - toward the retainers f tee LOUIS I OF PORTUGAL- the ORTUGAL the New. Tucking is •reel day ouini g more tato Farm anb garden. Wor s of'WtsDom. l ..p wt wily iu+uure the laved neon Live within your twits.• which they are hurdled •.r paetnrw.i. but Tlrink totting Loweesesies7allitiensisluPorrtastthey distribute it .vswly tied preen tt or indidereit tat.themoil.Thenis•moldasialia11.puafJ.dine and that •'the Iw,t of the sheep u geld to the slow 10 spusk. farmer." It n • u• .1 ruse N be dost abut a lent potatoes to two ..as. If tbey tr . ahanderer talk,. Norex arluie,ee in Immoral or periei- tiou. oputioas Avoid as much vet pseNhle either bur- nrwuiq os lertduoq desired early our h..sre ase, thin out the plants to a single nue 10 the hill. This will give venter, larger, and more uni- term pH -atom, hut the yield will not be we large se when two pollute lien left to Manner it s.inetei.ap with everybody, the bull. rugwr. ]Lure dresses of silk smell h.c•ense al teneseoual hooses of a good ettliartic and ev.ryt ulr sit!, :mi.i,seat thick, b y reason ut all pervading like Iforceck Pills aro necessary to keep Truth is the pr.p..oo individua , tacks•the b!o,od pun and the body hraltby- lm but u the [,,sure .,feo• ikirta ean hardly Fre tar much tucked. It is inp••rtent t. note the heifer'$ rerlrrut rc ti t Old �cLtro! and _ whether hurmwutally ur lengthwise, .Teo mirk during the first year. Weigh it, Tiro flat gtrirtsl assembly of the Pt's Kb 1'h)s/ kIn. w7 Bs c:urwoe u.+ lesrh wool• dis,o:aywg such tathwuable tnuh' kir it • rut and test it for crests to air Can only 7 erten church in a news, dursnlidatir. Loewr. Shirting appesu •vein and to ewes how rapidly it esthete ante note its den mgt. the lawn ..f riven,. s .lpwsd in t.li e old side with the new side vena bald Illi• king of Pete mid l)nm fora long *lattice, a rapidly 'minicar arty. keep • retrad ; if it is not up tn'the system- T:i d.: meas secoea•fu!ly re the standard sell her, if •bums tt keep yuirrs the uw .f L'_rd.rOk 1 • d Bitten ' ell n, s• the regulating I e attxine.l b aatotally att.nd- -a year after the erection of the net lei into Nth* emperor of Breed are now added fever. Ishii' lace is axtrrmitly popular a federal Union by ilio adupuon of the to the list of monarch+ hose early death f„y garniture en mitten dues. Borders Constitution With the emperor of tier - And It le artainl • na din u .uy,.ied. ( are however a rages. pn:acemtnt uu:uy, and she kings ..f Bavaria. Holland of any other denomination w and that (,n,{ \Vutteuberg. th" raakes e'-: grail /', •' ants with herder woven in the the farcy suited ckun•h was and is ruleT" who demise mea be expected dux- material, lead u. this style, but inmate- ilfarly suited to Ams'n a, our then • iu tit yen,. Pent Of tin eciperer and none .4 such elm are perpetually re - individual ministers suetw,rt:era t.f the church have at various times held .,titer view" v, yet the _a - ehureh as a church Is m • e atntainni from the Inst that no form of chuich g�ucrvernuseat is of dictate command. •that the brethren g Dom Pedro. Amrterira•.s attend, know • iretiNug it and in as 'baby ways as grist deal: but king Lra!s of TSortueal la rn thought can suggeet- euaratively unknown. se that little Low's Sulphur S-.ap L. an eleeent tee- ktn om is p teially of no indue:xe m t('t perwa let article, and cleanses and and puntits the Neve Worhi. the skin most effectually. lm Yet there was • „ - tin.e wirer It was Bands ul velvet are run upon silk or • power; 1[deed. -v wool ; silk or satin is stitched tit. the linked, �' the great empire latter material ; ribboii velvet in broad f $:;,zit is the or mentum widths, is a re echo, rows of In each cow; .r7 ,rot outgrowth of ane narrow brain a popular variation. The h a 5 e Cluistiun r" x, of Its n,lonles and }, adA{ilszllrtJ of ribbon for each perm's., llbe-ty to adopt it �y Pore Pedro him- :' v become resd,ly epparent ; each week it , that form of e` t .«If a*P-a,ranzr. , ebnrrh p o 1 t t v •.4 o' ..... that h, Le la of ` a mere tritely applied and from the med- whl c h i e beet • rule wide to the very uarrosest is placed tine. T. aYITH. toe •took of the '. -- - � A! waited to t Lei r a rows that are numerous in [aliene t meal house et s e t n niece. situation, and that the preebvtenei farm Per-r.,r.L pr p% t 1* onlybest for lined Itr.taiu tied Amer- [.oris t ot► 1•»rrcroal" \I"nru :••?uleoa A wend body and a a,ntcnted mind i lea because It both nevem and .t.ltivatee Do'ielr.rte ouretliraet tine royal rule to are urcetaary to perfect happiness. If • bemire, Josepb • general ezeeri oof pc•re.na k ',-.nee- the peninsula. tae ppat Las Every rtxnmunt.ant is mule t•. fad that on it. thrx.s n Span. which art gave be or she Ls a ennstltau•at ..f. R.' 1 to tical �e s,ar„e to the revoictioniats lnSpanish extent re. .on make for the akt up .f the Ame •.n.a, and the mother 10130157 woo session. the pre.rbvtary. the synod and the emit an her poneessis but CubAl �eorSaI assembly. Ives the the same time Julia VI of Por- 7t�.•1.-..t n..,_ dee to -lila. to.any sf an. 11,41Whim 1 w 0 '•eonfortn" h 1E70440, ,N: which Lila sou, Pedro 1. became std who M so little understood by the primoregent; but he could not resist you wish to passer these, cleans your blo-d with Ayers Sersspsril:a. It is perfectly safe to tske, mud is a thorough- ly re'iab:e, highly concentrated and poarrful blood renter. -. The hrsiIiing._'?I_the aay comport with above ideas. being set in bands around the I.,wer ed Le ..1 skirts, in side panels present generatiuo that his name is some- the tend niev to independence. and In 1$ffi or on corsages and *tweet always these ready-made braidings or paesementeries when net .•f metal are of black silk or mohair and are in keeping with the pre- -aleat fast, un e f black trimmings on I times use -i as a representative of bigotry. aceepteri the title of emperor of Brasil- In was so liberal that he advocated the reran pt81 he abdicated in favor of his son Doan d Chartes 11, Isis made a 'nil chapta:u Ped,., who was born late in ltr2n and has and offered • biebnpric by that m•.narrh, beef, emperor fifty -sir years, though but be hmutual s•. cid . 1{ie metre, vers a da It* .Dg to .eta yearn toleration bstweeo the Mets He (rt* :v .t Emperor Franz 1. of Austria and a colors. But where the borders is .4 r conceded •that monarchy was the:t the easter of Wale Lotti.". Napuls.a's arcual narrow braid stitched in the goods in beet for England. and an an established wife fancy designs, very handsome contracts prelacy was not in itself • wrong, he unty The Fneltah drore the French oat of of obtained and some of the prettiest clarinet a like toleration fee times wiry portu„•-v, and in ieei11 Jelin VI r'et'urned veneering p:aer dresses are of shite or preferred a presbyterial fora. and that fire, Brazil a5 ing to rule acre ing to the civil polity of a Christian body should a i'b••Lal nmeettution.lie died in 1tl1M. be so fiesibh. that it could grove and de 1 and then the Brazilian regent, who would vela? with the development of the ,tail- I ear, suceee!.ad, agreed to a aeparatlon of It noting Ilahment and nth of the Prwsbyterfan doe()loeia to b. Wean of Portugal- But church In a m may was wags ce,tnet int Iter Lucie seised the government, an • already entarq upon an t ere o colored screeer cashmere with rich bur- den of contrasting braid, Metal braids are a world in them - glow a [nods Mt•+s t rid - A dr ?none titan in she heiel.t of fashion was ViulN.rl7 a.ay..o,l w a ,r relit OM, when • c0upan.••n r+.tar4 ,a 'tAww` Chawles, drab boy, bola s') - walk dwa.dfiel od.t " eavror•eeh f. -ll' h, left my cane is this Inner im11 islier day, wed in aucku.g the 'sere harm e, *m. dweuiJulva.11, at rhill..l Co. •Lo•.t to death." 1t Charles Ise., „eo•.: Ili tlar- vey s lied Pine (erne b,r e d • • .••!i 1.4.1 trouble hie- very much. F. r said at J 11 theories pre.erit tent o.ur. ab..- tf It is Absurd Tor people to expect a cure for Indigo.. tion, unless they refraia from eating what Is unwholesome but if anything will sharpen the appetite and give tone to the digest:tee organs. it b Ayer', Sar- saparilla. Tbousand• an over the land tr,tlfy t., the mer:ts of this me.li••.ne. Mrs. Sarah Burroughs, of 248 Eighth street, Routh Beaton, writes : Illy bus. kir and improve your herd. 1 and tree lliruia 1 tot of this splendid Saw a Works. X • band has taken Ayer's 9aaoaasrilla, for The m•.le of operating f Hurd -- been mtsdicin,. leyapepea and torpid liver, and has Blood Tetters is that it works at one and y,e,mi bees �r••a':• lea n+?:. -.l " *mem, series. awes the name time up,.n the Stomach, Liver, I i wish Adam had tied with all Li• ribs A Confirmed Dyspeptic. 1 d blood, t 1 kue [ego Berets an , 000 , o c ea in iia body--IS,ureretlL and strengthen. Hence its almost one' T.D.a enutrmau. limas wetrnen is a venal value in chronic complaints Ierr. When manure is not available a very lady in night of her fez. -Bet! ma be A handsome women ins jewel ; a good hood fertilizer for as{.araaus y *email u • treasure -Saadi. aid* j. na.1e by m:zing 20 p..unis .•f nitrate .•f ; •.d* with 101) pounds of superphespl rte I \\-hat is a. •men they one of M- ut lime. This ,lusntity will be sufficient I tore's agreeable biundera-Cow`ey. for a quantity u 1 fifty feet ,quare, and is I A (vhi..nable we.., iso is always iu Iwe should he spread over the whole ground with berrlL-itud.• i.,esaald. shwa it is mellow immediately after the Women detest a ..erne.[ tbroneht pro - around is worked. Errtintnt h+.eine ftwsn,nal jeAtrary;= i icierrugo. around the stools or working between , • the rows u needed fur a toll crop. A pssstenate w.ewaes love in a•ways phyoteiana, nor any of the retaedies nrer'tsdusd ty ire flier. --+RM Eltut. advertised for 114. cure of Py"peie.a, Hey fever is a type. f catarrh having _ _ -�--- helped her. until she commenced the peculiar sympleuu. It is attended by at. 4I r Iles t amiss. use of Arer's Sarsaparilla. ••Three inAatned condition of the ►inion mem- threat, atfccIiu4 the lout'. Air scri,i your breathing machinery. 1 erg wort' Ayer's Sarsaparilla, mucous iesecretedehe discharge team. sit- derful machinery it is Not only the ponied with a buri,ing sensation_ There I lar_er air menages, boat the thousands of C. eanrerburr. of 111 Frankton Boston. Mass , writes, that, suffering for years trnrn Indict sti•n, be was at last induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla and. ler its use, was entirely cured. s+I Mrs. Joseph Aubin. of Higk street, Holyoke. Mase.. suffere,l for over a year from .1►yspeptia, so that she could not eat snt.starieel food, became very weak, and was unable to care for her family. Neither the tante-tires prescribed by duct and Th t i t r la0gs Aien all bottles of this medicine," aha writes. - are severe spasms of aliening, frequent little tubes and uritis leading Item Pair►Ran ET (J attacks of headache. watery and infiam- ( thein. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowe9, Maa& ed ayes. Ety's Create Balm u a reme• WW1 then nee elorm& ••d ch• eked Pews et: vet: bottles, $5. Werth go a boohoo ✓ dy that eget Ise dap.wded upon .JOcta with' fleas wh+rk t uchkant to be there, e t dr.. ..-.e - be mail, reKietered, Wets. your Bine amort hsif do there work• noel •yerwMN Ely Brothers , Druggists, Owego. New -And what they d.., they cannot do Ilan Do risk in Impel/ raedieirie, bat York. ly Tae •cerate weitrht of hens' ewe is said to he •bent feu to the p..und, but some weigh cerisiderably more than this. while others weigh less. A tirrn.an author, who series to hove paid some attention to determiuinv the ratio be- tween the size of the chiek and the egg, says that the chick at the moment it is batched weighs about ten -[birds ea ninth as tie ori 'nai egg. Ties would seem to show that it is desirable to select the liens deet eggs in order to pro selra :he wbjcet u one et the 'mast duce strep¢ and hire* chicks. 1 *110 worth that the .stab countries his daughter Yana gro d q d prominent and interesting. but has Leen- with the lith of liberal dear is T eel d h f re ItTn 8o it war followed_ t e result of which though extremely important, mast be + civil r-ament, a14 wo it 1. q':ite • nst :rc! Lues a new enstlt-tti n in leaf, with dismissed with a ns'iag alluaian. colnctdeine that the new government and I yard, as queen. the died In lade, mei the new r'mrii e„,,. eon Pee r° V eneetneed. Ile died of S,etine and gkneham morning dresses o W rrantlation came ...11ow fever in 1tj8I and his brother ire displayed in immense r umbers, the full growth 1'. Louis (Luiz [, snceerded" He was born former with dark surfaces diversified by s .i getter. As srl1 (net. gt, It{1P). and aeeordinp to the phyat- l'gbt celored figures of odd shape or in 11114"4": ••lien 1 fa He baa been a wise and hbral instable plaids and strt Both ere e was •'.war s¢ad1 ki„„. toili0g W establish freedom and ren ssrteable,ainte theywill not need T cr uca ton ttra8 laundering, and are ttiasm 1 niater1Af j et clans cannot lite beyrn3 his 50th irtk• floral patterns, tho latter 'bowing fash- deal of P ort a t' acrd encu 'ng railroads and sd w"th whit. bas Unnm' •Mut , telegraphs: but the people appear to have - 11' church gnu lest slut enterprising character which Hamburt embroidery or Yak late, to eminent, as its i made there so active daring the Fifteenth which velvet on cuff* and about the gradations from and Sixteenth centuries pennies' erre- neck is added, while loupes and ends of . 'IC s e 11" n n i tains 34.300 square miles and abut 4.300,• ribbon may complete the picture. r 1` l •limo g h p r e e . 0apeup le. and in its financial and indus- t J -•w hn•-}- 104 'Tnod i trial aAairs u little mire than a depen- Backache stitches in the aide, it.aa- � t tion ard serenest' sit the bowels, are rip to gs•nere• to- den' -i of Great Britain. /\, !' s.•mi,1T barmen eyml•toms of a disordered stats of the 'zed idmi nab! y digestive ane: assimilative organs, which aft. inert. L.Tt1Ut1l.crN. with the Amir!- A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE can be corrected by the use of Cathartic i ,an airmen of township 0,unt7 state and Pills. nation, n tang units of otos order making Prime* Worr7, the pm.ssdsas of this Leto [[.peen Wilu•s Wada rrInline lass.• Fashionable people . e having' cotton one of the next higher order. with lint ''s parasols made to mate.- and with mulch Lee ice all and 4x:•1 stilt Terrmeat " On tb" William's celebration of Em prime Wiilum's 10th birthday theaged strew shade bat for the country or bon- monareh aanonnoed the hethrotbal of lila net for the city, will he very stylish,even -_- -- ,andson. Henry of Prune*. with Princess for (irony watering places- '•11we Trouble foss be en erred. Irvine of He sot. The date of the wedding ,Chen are many indications of weans, If you du not heed the warnings of na- was vet down for May 24. 1Are3. but Dr Low's Worm Syrup meets them tore and at once pay attention to the It Hen 4 t e Dangers• tesslefMts• Cucnterfeits are shays den_erona• more w that they always closely Cal - TATE THE na101N•L 154 ArrLARANe1 AND Nan E. The remarkable success achieved by Nasal Halm as a positive curs for Catarrh and Cold in the Head has ir- daced unprincipled pietism to imitate it. The public are cant ed not to he de- ceived by nostrums imitating Natal Bala: in name and app.snuoe, bearing sceb amens u Nasal Cream. Nasal Balsam, etc. Asti for Nasal Balm and do not take imitation dealers may urge upon you. I"ur sale by all druggists lir sent post-paid on receipt of price (50c and $1 by addressing Fultord.dc'Ce., Brockville, Out. if "1 hare nothing but my heart to give ynu " said • spinster to a lawyer, who had concluded a suit tea her "Well," said the lawyer, gruffly, "go to my clerk ; he takes the fees-" Even tine schism of Pete cemnhte and far reaching as it was. had some i•urionsly liberal features. It was a dlvi•t.0 on methods anal measures In which each party held to Its respective etaadatds. and never was union more hearty ani complete than when the two bodies erne together. Any maa who will compare the oAglnal Westminster Confession of Faith with the revision adopted by the general assembly of lata will es that the men who � the lead to that assembly were keenly alive to what was going on to America; that they had read the de- i bates of the convent lon of l' pretty closely. and that they seised upon the full .•ung of the new remit - tenon and foresaw its future effects in securing religious liberty. They carefully 1 struck oat every word or sentence wheeb =lgbt be so eonetened as to give the civil I government any power over differences in 1 religious opinion. and atter providing for synods azul aseumblirr under call of church authority- added these words: "It is the duty of civil magistrates to protect WM parson and good name of all their In such au effectual minas, as t t patron be suffered. either upon Pretense of religton or infidelity, to Mier any indig- nity. violaoee, abuse or rotary to any other person whatsoever, and to take order that all reltgtoom sad eeelesisstieal aeembliMI M lesld without 'molestation or dbtrisb- tines." And that is the sound Asterism law today. as ever sines Ilse adoption d the .oastitatio.; but 1t may not be so well known that it was the doetrtns d mea] .sleset Presbyterian,' and bide- t. when the divisions began is Esgtsad Itsdeed, the attention of young Amsrteans should frsquast'y be ealled M the fact that when the Arlt s ttlemeste et New Etgtated sad Virginia was faemeA. there was no torod line d' separation Ia England; sea d anted Oalvinbtie Ass held beth pieces 1a the established church. Prince second sonAlbert of the present Emperroor Fred- in erery tem succeasfally. 1m meek. and was born Aug. 14, lelk . at Pots- White India lawn, mull, batiste or dam" In 15177 he entered the navy as a French ainsook are wads up with finish advt. te.ceirtlg Itis frit practical in- of embroidery, into cool -looking morn - 'traction to menthol :natters on board trig dress, but are not so practical as i mueslis tkZ`li rasncs surrac the frigate Mobs. which was thea ernising in the German ocean and the Etta The in ththe Indian mesa andyear he mule s own year*' cruises (1uuesa sea on the corvette Prime Adalhert, returning to 1090. On the let a October he pinned a successful exatfi- 0.tian on nautical topics at the Navel enedemy of K1el. widish remelted in his he45 nted 1Mntenant et the Navy. 1. 1 111 was made 8.1)1.15 Ibatenemt mad in IOW chief of the feat torpedo divi- sion He is said to ire as ezeelient sailor for ma me yoong- e nim d Princess lretss Lents Mali A ZeMs was barn es the Mb of July.ION. at Darmstadt, sad 15 the Id fent eughtne Lords IV f the e+dgnln( wife Allis. who veno • 1 - - _....e,.. ...1. Ind kis dMrrr++seaase•.�. sit geese Vittoria and elven at Ilis 1 the,Isepre ► t >hss of flet f f� Y� marriagewith Prime finery was Na lave 4 lino[ winter, but she % ; re. , it `t ! whish are st01 %ash in h -.4." wverybody's.emery ssnaed it tie M gest." lgrt • pond anti sew. Qirsvolint wan li gre` Swam ?.sirv'1.� et /\) itwasw waw tsar et Veen. Por was 11 1�*1 M ► loadeakpl M tro Betrll■ t zVSsarcV lies lir herst illi lith beg- on to Afaree deep r Thelor��y at NNMsra^a'se unlit --.- lsMI Aso•' eve le • !r - J r._• -.+r•_ nesse* s>•anowsra taeanwy. It was said of the iate Bono* paklior skas verese Deis seemorryy. set ��O' �could repeat _� _7 Ifa.s beteg TM odss d liaise In the ee'ilghes1 i we t*'m1lter to him se the ',baba dBe 11A' teasy tettEA he lodes the tree hearAmer, the bass). shores velwn seer. and as • pre of the third NIA he eaY Pdy.d the of tae [,nape..[ a wasd.t.s isver Mat* � � L-�"- 1..i ,aT"sx « �c.- - •over. _. those simple costumes of veiling sir al- brtn•s cloth [bat are useful fur all hours of ilio day, for evening likewise, and pretty enough if nose+. op with taste. 1be near Wear. After sight years suffering from Deaf - MM. so bad that I was unable to attend to my business, I was cured by the use of Hagyard'a Yellow Oil, Wath grati- tude I mske Ibis ksown for obs 144,110141 Of others afflicted. Hang I:iardo, To - .to, 1)ot. 4 Moto. Costumes of drapery net or Ise ever silk are in crest demand, a a very large proportion .4 evening dresses will be made of these thin fabrics, which are dr. more favor this wane than on their Gist ibtr.dnction. Charming dupery set.. all silk, are shown for $1 50 • yd sod the liee machine -made laces are not .t all extensive. The latter ire the ripe - sial property of the youthful, because miming only in white and erre, bot all silk black laces are as suitable to matrons ea young prole., and in the inner quail ties more so,aines fabrics worn by yoesg girls ought nM to he wetly sad are quite as unsuitable as high-priced jewel - maintenance of your health. How often we see • person put off from day to day the purchase of • medicine which if pro- cured at the outstart of a disease would have remedied tt slates! immediately Now if Johnston's Tonic Liver Pills had been taken when the first uneasiness made its appearance the illness would bare been "nipped i.t the bund-" John- son's Tonic Bitters and Liver Pills are decidedly the best inetheirle un the mar- ket for general tonic and invigorating properties Pills 25c. per bottle. Bitters 50 cents end $1 per bottle, suld by Goode the druggist, Albion block, sole agent [hj well. Call it cold, eget![. ct.ep, Pneumonia, )_try the great Dnlnry &lel Liver re•eu a• catarih, cer-samyion or any tit the 101. ':A.ie• •,t Dr 11,,.,.••.othertfChase's faintly osa f throat d nose and head and ,•.roes. Try CRase.. L.trr Cure for lung ,hetructlura, all are bad- All alt �t•easea •d the Liter, -.y Ja.s, ought to Lek .t rid 1. There is just ytetn 0, and Bowel.. Suid by Janes "Ili" n, drorzest. one suer wry 1 . rot rid of them. that is take Puncheon German Syrup, which any druggist will sell you at 73 cents a (inkrl',Pl [r-4, UI[FOitT1s bottle. Eisen if ererythng else has Eils,s• fasted you. )••13 mar depend upon thismai for cnttatn. lowly rite doctor --"Well. perhaps, Mr, ialriagton,ou eat let wren tesla" re -"Oh, no, salt ; 'c.pt, tib course. 1 eat dinrah 'tweet breskfas ausupper, S41 W 00. early se med. Growing children should have all the sleep Hist nature demands. To make sore of this Ili E O Cook advises that the bed bene shnnld be nn later the 7 o'clock for children under 10 This habit of early h.dtime will take care of deli, if it he preserved in by patents at Int- Mom. men end women would net only ire maven,.,, but cleverer, if they hal had all this sleep they needed when ry- children. Nothing an be more per - tetanus this to allow children np late at mei • neem Asea' Mr Gonde, dra,gist, is not • hook argent. bat baa the agency in 00derich kr Johnet.+n's Teem Bitten, which he sin heartily recommend for say roes- Phist to which a tos.e medicine a ap- �YoaMe. This valuable 'medicine has ba... with most astonishingly rood re- sales ie eases of general debility, weak- ens, irregularities pewits, to Missies, eitta8e nehmen'. impoeerisbseewt of the blood. stomach and liver troubles, lees 4 appetite. sad ler that general were eat l.uMsa that sandy entry owe is trwiMsd with at moaner of the year. Don't target the name,lohnmton's Toe'e Bitters Ol._ and 111 per bottle *t Goode's dreg stew. Albino Week, Obderish, sole slant a A W 4i Y eves. The breast erase, aa/ nee that plays •,ratiol'sg part se the walth of the hair le the Brae- tf ear*ii es initiate* the whale evetmui baeasa iisseed. Dr abate% tJ, Oere is saga epi "tl let dine and K{dwey Aron..., sad ie -hr-i---- M vas. Resign hook ani asuw0 Mbit be ell •,._peas• watering places They taste then of the Mthly apieed society life, none toe healthy for the strongest. and in the but house lir and stimulative( infl.rencee their natures ire forced M results teat soy husk down their ewe ISOM sad the harts of their perste elm sines elery pound For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. U e aS Nervous Precis' on, Nervosa A0* ac hs. Neu ratios. tier,oa.W mmaad51. stomach and L.rer Diessees, art affscuoas of 1Ls Kidacys. • 1331.E.1t FAdT. elle a .lnnnsth knoweedse of 5fit [[stint t IA We 51,54 S "teen ta,eoporatieasorsweeties and swirl. ion. Rud by s owrfful aylkation ef "he rine 910551ties of well -selector rocas. 11r Epps Ata provided am brae taat table with a delicate:, Catered hrteraer vel•:..may y save es mane heavy doctors bills It is N the )[aims,:[ woe of such articles of Met that • camtitutioa may be gradually built up mail 1troaq enough to roast every, tendency to dieresis.. kr•adreeis of subtle mated leo arc fioai:x.11 aronad se read, to u - tack wherever there is a week r. We may escape easy -a -?nisi _shaft lumpiest osr.rlvss vest, /oetifad Mitt paeq. std • properly nutu,sbcd ratan' -'•Cel sense' oesefte' Made singer wen beiece water or milk. Gold o'er in packers b+ urro:ere. lshr:led thus: JAMt{8 kP'W er (:i., llesusupathn. t•hem- :et'. London, t.erlanit. Ilrf- A NERVE TONIC. •moss w. !1.025*. surwas., t1s•tt.itar•: nor two wan I vow a.afer,rflar sevisee ea bitty. and I Mast cad .a/ the sibee tsar of ON vabrhb remedy that row', asap auve'as egad Linay wde a 'shakes tomer Lear 'y m tivia sus mit. to tor Mot AN ALTERATIVE - Aroma. Amory. wisa.os. Tr • ear.: t beget. Patna. Caw, (:ossoews laved erif Ufa My tronnio soma to no an 1.mrwel Ywrsa. .dura I and it I .ro,wed.t* s ~•• fres •• bud to Ire[' TM erupt•'• is rs.sdl7 Seek= ..d t a gee 'matelot par cat Whir .5057 wq.• A LAXATIVE. a 0. .saw. W.zn 11,51 011011111111. Te-. mfr.• Par tea years Noll Mee awn m .sew teen klesseer sad kr somobrattoa brews mMe with Osstdna L•arav stws ssr wa tmiat����ra sus M r .tied ws New I es air •,de•S ills su. A DIURETIC. iso s Aawrr, neige Mr. town, syn: I wpm twin .slaw Peon'i/ 005250M� and It las dans no war= 1 r Maws and bw w•r Woo_ [ossa lis• tens sem Rssassb at 1N.rss/stn nes are reetlssd from Ness Miss hes sad tea Mod, mfr maanalda kiwi sad tar west Pees N.N• Solei, Itrosina • CO.. Proprietor* -11140$•••4 P. Q. CURES DR HODDERS Ter enn•tt.ist. BURDOCK ,mew:� WOar.. Sick !$ridge[., Pine. Trouhies. Kbet malum, kin I•srweea, and all � uv urit•ea of IAV OlikpAR/74/ 11,.)04 from wiWVercause arising CoMP0l�1�11V. 1. wa.a$. pal Ct••Mrtty -ten Vegeta cilleekle,seesposreted. peon :'. "214C1t al, sale TWO R 173.' Ht') :'t'J C) ri' UND. Yore r artier lad tcerywhere. Pros, IN cease bee sly M. DR_ HODDER'S Via S. S. °ONEGON" TWENTY FIVE •�_ -•� ...z._ • / 5 -- ,r _•r= UVJ o i l et : e-sedesal 7'41.1s ort eiewtesay. An •etbdeity on etiquette insists epos the velum of tact ie society. 1)n not fell to ozonise et ; and it you haven't any tem, ss least you ems think gra sheet other. aid nest shout yourself, and this will go • good wry loosed ie "Tree politeness," mese one esya, "is always sr bust in thinking ..f others it has no time tea chink .1 itself." Don't think jos-bell neglected or be .e1ky ..o a tecolal of it. Think only a -t ple.eing lied try to please ; yon wiH sed by bete. *need M lhfe met 'Wiest ea peer pleasure.. IM sm eioee that shay feint we hemi Adel has We. Trashes, sweepgrew idleness Mei [iliums i.b frees swain ars. l*" Se i.t We l*"!!e s eitig len S NEW PATTERNS. NEW SHAPES COUGH AND LUNG CURL Prices to Suit Everybody. Steel. AND WI, THCM mr CHAS- NAIRN'S. 5.14 everywhere. prior, 2t cts. and 50 et per brtle. l'-enrietc-s and maar's. tuxes -a THE t:SION a1SUICINNTx50.. Ost- ilt1- CHIT Ysdertw► Apr l M is1:. Ina ,OYI niliT$I'nT WSW din C► fog PliciEr s Catena Wises Baby was sick. ws ave kir Catasr* Whim m W ems CUM. ebtervsd Ali Caobwt, Whsa she Mesas Yrs, ahs eking r Catim a a. Whs. air hod(1lildres,.1 aim tiroCas4d C. NASAL BALM AO' 'CT. I, .,"., ..n. 154) 11 •,oats. Iry wife lingered ter flee yea-. •.ik hat distress:et d'o'se, c,•errl.. Ree ewer was One of Pass Mort, known to •![liege Pert*. She tr.e4 an of the ca'arro. Terse diet i ever ate a•lrfoist•'. 4. .' tl"'T were of no ea • t Anal'. erie� t to one. 0.0 'Se egof Naar 11141m.tri of it, awl naw feel. ilk•' • 5ew nose" t feel it me lett 'o of that N*ea' Rale, consist he lino HOMILY tee mini.e.isi foe catarrh trnnb:es. an -t alis pleased t• here e11 *net. %nee 1 k,nw throne?' ib, hr they will receive inerts' eel et sad CrFM- CitA+. 11(5.11 •14 ramie, SHINGLES 1 SHINGLES 1 SHINGLES 1 A terNwq,latity sf Ant -class Geeeeiaw.ty Cellar Shingles• entre ttletsess• . os hood at sur mill. vet retisonoble retell ,'all and edam[ [,.lingo psrlhaaine .*0 when. Buchanan, Lawson? goings" fl]r4 l..ew.us.o,Mlws ,RICES EKE ET Slim