HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-6-1, Page 2rte'". �.
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„ Me ase
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.,'Ii: 1. ...-" i,.:mil � @�)atf�fllsb'.�'•'+
Belem Iosg sh.'P°N tyiaia. had she not beets brave tttd modest 1 "COM* int° my etmdy with tote Ii•..
"I have en 11411.1
deaI la►•m.► to bear the weary pang her ; We shall sot be Interrupted there."
•'What i• it 1 if egad es de sated.. eteeomturt•oie positive the bratehes Tte7 weal tato the pretty, ammo es-
oIt • let th.tgg.. This ineetht `-Jiwjy;' meet ham gives way, eel raw would telly hole room which was gives ap
••Q yet boom .&M tse.sold mot have hese .attain to rN� tr a her fall
OW row testy ter Rete and tall bat . the still hies," peel him.
�. R the of the Bektpry whet bee happen Very .arefeUy said wtMjeode did the the lire, pulled up a dais to the hearth
d 1 1 aanet hoer be Mink af thaw Ishtar wt shoe* his teak ef rsiessi*g for his component, anti himself .trod
assail. Yee myglmt Wile help tee. 1 Rats, :deaths, epees aril he said- with his heck w the Aimeey piss"
am athink yoe - get tae up from "OIs net hook bole, yes MIN Moore." "Now, tomi
" be ••
hew b yowr..ts :" "1 have assn the water,'. was sl1 her "lug amt dews, tau ; yeti hook so tall
He beeraid some gosh idea as.a.,, ad eb did net Hoek at hies as and p1 'astir staudiuii thee. No, awl
wo.ld meter to het, sod be had mot the she spoke. rosily either ; event la yogi Ioag bhok
Mem Inteatioa of leaving her ; so sass 1t was a INV sad daag.r..s teak kr oust •hush you weer uut sat doors you
• e spoke be laughed bstterly sad mirth- oes usn, but to time he reached the mover loot priestly."
t...ly, laying- moor wgaio with U14.. fits ►is an".
"Surely That u a pity. Oeght cut
"Al splendid idea truly ! I oaa..dor- Tb.. ah. Brat ,puke - every Inn to look his profession 1'
stand your wsatisg to he rid oe ms, bet "Put me down." ••Perhaps you do, t,r you always kook
1 ars sot mous to leave you fess. Mose He bid her on the heather and knelt so human. I suppose that is why sue
to lighten the anxiety of all the Long- by her, chafing her hands. He was very have plot .'u w well with the people her&
worthy, in creation. What it they are ascii alarmed by the look ou bar ism No dour' • priest ought to be an
•aiiuus i Int them be SAL.,llm. It tike lay perteutty still, with wide open ..seottally humin man, but lie very sol
will du them no harm. They brie noth- eyes looking up into the clear blot sky ; doe is
bog to reproach themselves with." for tt was se exgaisdte munalug, and the "Are you sore of that 1"
What sa the um of talking in that only reminder of the Lot right's fust was -No ; .i asset. I .puke withoat thu.k-
wsy t came the answer in a faint, weak • light silvery mist which hang over the ing. Before 1 oo 1 small ask 70e 10 glue
voice. "You cavi do me nu good by hills. sae a receipt fur out doing, sod saying,
staying hen, and yoe can by seine. Presently she sat op and pressed her and thingsott the brat thing tbst comes
The Inger ►o• wait before going for it hands note et twice to her Dead ; then into Ley head ; it bas been my mutor-
the lunger I shall have too lie ben." she mid- tune and the origin sat my misfortunes
Intl not tears mus, hummer you "Let sae have your flask again." all my lite "
e rgo. Some one may pees by." He gave it to her to siisn.e, rs9teiHe .t once noticed the latter part of
' Is there a Cued past hen, or any woaderag what she was going to do what she sed, bet he oily replied-
bous in the neighburbod ?' with O. With• trembling band she "It you are troubled with the though
Ne," sou hu unwilling answer. poured some brandy late the cup, cud that you make mistakes bah to moon
"Then how could anyone poo ? 1 after looking at it with an expressos of suit judgment, remember that it is be
know you will feel better if yo• have distaste upon her taco, she drank it cause you are full of life, and it is better
something to do, and it would relieve straight off.to all cases to he Sive than dead. 1 ou
me imt.oRely." The Very spirit barna her mooch and know the Naylor(that a live mouseis
"I will not leave mos." he repeated throat, but 11 bad the desired effect ; in worth more than • dead lion. W. are
doggedly ; "you might die well. I was a few momenta she roes to her feet and disiucltued to accept its truth moil we
away.'looked around her. r.memoer that what makes it true a that
"hy mon than when you an ben? "What are you looking for 1•' be ask- to every living thing, however small sod
And you could do outhiug for me if I .d, speaking for the first time. in.sguiticaot, by which, with s humor -
did. Besides, 1 am not 'oleic to du any •lay umbrella," Je replied. "I had uus smile, "I have no intention mf m-
eat got it in my hands/hen I fell." dicatiog you, there are infinite poesibili-
"Why do you want it 1 it is mut going ties, and that more may be dons with
to ria You had better let me take and hoped from the smallest Irving pos-
you home at once." sititty than greatest dead tact to the
"I shall walk better with it to help world. Then is • lung sermon for you,
me," she said. and as serus.os are very dreary things, 1
"Walk r b. repeated ; "you don't will tell you at the end that you are
,oppose that after what mus have tone very hopefel, and possess bound'sss pow
through I see going to let yet walk four sibtlittea.
oaiss f I .1.011 *aril pos." She smiled_ as by ',attend said-
-armswin ietTaiw to wGTi "SUN** geed smoke you Riva m --
„ lsbttnirt lot into 1.... f st- -"H sed Toes-adv*ee-ir etwsy■ good gosgme
good enough M look for my umbrella." I have sometimes shut usy eyes -to it at
He woo found it --the light was glint- the time -you always wind op with a
ion un the silver handle ; and hawing compliment. I should hardly have
given it to her, they set off on teak thought you approval of cumplunents.'
walk. Hs serer in his life forgot that ''A c,mpltm..t in the true sus is
walk. They were two boars in walking the truth put in its most attractive form
the four mils, and during those two because it is a metake to Irnagin' that
hours scarcely • word was exchanged truth pommies iuberent ugliuela ; it u
between them- They walked in perfect often exce.disgly beautiful- Oomph -
said, silence until doctor, sande longer to meets which go beyond the truth are
"Mrs Myra 1' bear the slow, halting Face, and sermon- eon' Battery, sod all es:tery is wtum-
"Yge." lid alarmed by the ezpre riou Helen's
"I feared you had fainted again." face had taken, again begged her to al -
.Wo ; I wish 1 koew what time 1 !L ow im • er in is arena er
"I am sorry I canr.ot tell you, bat I reply was the same as before --
lave no more matches
"You will not wash me."
"You will not Ro !" How easy for • strong man like him -
"No," he repeated, obstinately.
"Thee you are • weird,' said Helen,
almost sharply.
Even in the darkness he telt his face
baro and tingle as if someone had given
him a blow on he cheek, end he mai
"tW'hat do you mean 1''
"You were a coward to •peek the
words which led to my fall, and after
having pretended you were vuing mad
his heed mid tried to picture to hissed', became you could not help me, when I
the whole ezteet of the moons he polus out a way y refine to take it. I
knew them, and to gain in that easy I believe you dare not go for fear of meet,
some ides of where they were. Uo ing with a similar accident elsewhere ;
what part of the bills was there • place you are a miserable coward."
" Du nut feel dt.treesed ; it was my where yam might fall some distance sad "That," he said drearily, "is your last
own fault fur being will never
to some. which had s ped of water at the bot- resource ; you can ay nothing worm.
" I •m afraid pun will never tens: me Bat taunt 1'k I will tint
4 TALs die AlIGLIAM Lilt
„surely to the u.d.lgesee of Hr. Loa*.
worthy's disorderly habit.. He stared
I believe se •ere ee the point of
•• tewpe•t what 1 said before," ke ,.-
plied obetimte�f' "Yon have givw
prod( elf extrsortiiaary courage and pre-
sume of mind 41 my &Asuncion for
7e. Geoid te iememesd, the sweats
of Ilia •veetiig .iitsld have dose it"
'Yon are tory kind," she replied. feel-
ing • little beettdalled. and rising to her
tam a she spoke. "I had oo idea of
the wow p.ait'trs I ttee.pi.d in your
esteem," 'lomat os as lightly as she
"L that tow r he 'yhd, and she
telt inatiucu:ely that he took a step tt-
warde her. "Is it true that you have
n ot seen
"seen Mat 1" she asked quietly,
though her heart had hagq to heat very
"Seen that I laved you," he said.
speak int last led veh•mestly. "I
thought a eons• hoes. by instinct when
• man lured her and yet yon say you
have sees Duthie..
Again be stepped forward and again
she mast have felt that he did so, for she
said haughtily-
come ass step nearer, sir."
She must bans Shwa a step beck ward,
for as she aniseed speaking she attend such chaos ;sky should 11"
• cry, there meta ,stead of stones roll- He rude see answer ; he would not
iuto ureter. int down* slurs, • •Neck s if they fell teU her that if her present hold gave
way, and she fell any further, she must
of necessity be killed."
There was silence for some time atter
this : cold, and the discomfort of br
position, caused Helen to tremble so
violently that she keen her voice woald
be misleading if she spoke, 00 toe that
reason she was ablaut ; she war sus
ing fresh means of persuading TIM `ilt
portion to go. Dr Holme scarcely dared
to speak. biow that the momentary im-
pulse which Sad prompted him to speak
passed, he not 0000eive how he could so
far forget himself as to say what he lied
done in such • place and at each • time
Added to this he was firmly resolved not
to go away,so he kept admit. But Helen
did not speak fur so lung that at last he
Lot T !!f Tag Imo.
Her ends were followed by a Most
aaleooe, which her companion broke by
saying -
••What you say 1 quite poessible,sud I
ass no way of hndsegout where we are."
"Theo what inlet we do f I suppose
you have nut a compass.-
ompas .-H• shook his head, forgetting that
she could Lot see him, and it 05a only
when she repeated her qugetium that he
said- -
"I beg your pard on ; no, I have nut,
and even if 1 had 1 could not see it,"
"I should suggest that we stay Sere
nail the fug abate, she beg.sn,"uoly-"
"That would properly be uutil nnorm-
iag," he iuterruptsd, ' and I would not
allow that. '
"Our circumstances will awn be be-
yond your allowing, 1 deremay,- she re-
plied, indulging u11 her side lu a little
sarcastic smile, which was, of mums,
wholly thoowu away."Besides I do
toot want to stay. 'You should let me
tartish speaking. I was going to say I
tgt�esld suggest stafiag if it were not fur
the Longwurthya . they will be se too • limy, I left word that I should be back
moo, this fug has come on, and they will
believe me to be lost 1 should not care
what happened but fur then,.
"They will think you have sheltered
us a cottage. '
"They viol know 1 should not ; they
will thluk 1 am slurs, and Mrs Long -
worthy will make hereof ill with anxie-
ty. I well 1 could let them know."
"But you cannot. Thea you are m
favor ofgutng tea.
"I cannot tell. Yon know the coun-
try better than .i do, why do you leeve
the decision to me : Have you sats idea
aa> PEON 0005len.
Ter a aomAI 1h. &Mlee steed silent
stmmstt� seat wtlfttg to hear
1li7eo • tulip lits ; bat as no wend
same Out of the fug, and all was dark
where we are 1'' around hila, he cried in a voice of
Then was so anger in her voice, only way
pillow resignation, as though she had •.Nr• mGioew ! Mrs Hoon r.
made up her wind to the worst Echo caught up the words and filing
"At torment I have not," he replied, them back le btm oat of they disteoce,
and in his voice wale unmistakable sums end that wan all the answer he gut
of anger, be was so annoyed at het own t1 feeling d bon -or crept over him,
stupidity. If the mist would only ns • I filling ha heart with desperation. In
hale, I might oe able to tell." 1 this impenetrable fog he could do noth-
As if in answer w his words, • pull of I hog, could form no idea of what had
wind blow in thier faces and made u it , bappecied to bis companion, eve the
were a toole is the fog. In the clearing 1 vague .'tis that she had fallen ; and from
they sew what dem:ylowk'd hire shoots the time be bed heard the stones rolling,
d bills looming above theca, then ibe he feared Attired fallen come distance,
mist closed is again and they law no I drown a plea at the bottom of which
Mere there was wafer.
"1 ma afraid that was not much help," ` He oohed aggro, with us. mon result
said Helen. 11 than than the first time, and after wait -
''N., but it sii•.wed possibilities. 1 ingwhat seemed like hours for her
have new hope of the mut clearing alto- anwer, be fait aa if be wen gotta out of
gather his mind-ebe =certainty was so mend,
'A sea mut 'Jul,' not, she replied ; the feeling that he could do nothing to
''but I am not famiibu with your mise help her so maddening, and the
hare' oo1.ciotet.g0 that whatever had happen -
They .ailed for some iit*l. tills but d was entirely his fault, so hideous
the tot; did not dispels wain. At last Since these w nothing to be done, he
Helen aid- tried to Welt. He pressed his hands to
"Lei us go on ; I am cold --
"I can uover blame myself enough for
this," said Dr Hume, aa they moved on
a little vaguely. "I never felt so angry
with myself to my la.."
h it " 1 h totsk b h 11
sig�'n. to his mind. In the heart of the hills, leave yon. God knows my life u not w
I shall require very strung surety of some foie miles from Miller's Gate, was attractive that I should shrank from risk -
beingonight.' an ,Id disused stone quarry, larger and i' ing it It your bidding. I prefer to rick
Although uehey secoioould see the h�ure deeper than anywhich were still work- my ...mutation, and will oot leave yon."
of the tither they aecompeauieJ thele i ' "Then do not k to m. again."
words, when they spoke, with the lurks t ed' and m yiteathollh was •smell deeppea esti
,I. moot have wandered from 'A• yea will."
loght,and gestures which we ns iu the day- 1 pg until they had reached the I Thew were the last words which pw-
ua.r. and which add so much to the 1)11".11.1" must have been sitting
ed between Ikem on the subject Dv
mere words we use. Helot's answer unconeilmesly on its very brink, and •n I Holme had been ..sud un the heather ;
sounded rather seven to her companion, t.,;• etuetrM word from him had ..et ber hs presently roes and began w walk to
who did tut ase theemile with she spoke, c. Ler destruction. A gown boob from !and fro ten piece sash way, which be
and they plodded 011 for some time uatol los lipses he itenember.d how steep and corseted out loud, partly that he might
Helen aloud still, saying -not a too ter, and • rtl from an oh -
"I am sorry. but I must rest. I can •I,rI1 err• the sides, with oo jotting µinto wish that Hoon the b she
o no 1urther •!•elf of frock to beak the fat.. Who- uS
ger.'r slipped at the top ooald not stay his
would ooh speak to bim,she.uld yet .now
"What • f,"d 1 am ' Why did you not on until be reached the bottom, and at he was there. Helen was silent because
speak sourer i mid the doctor rather the bM,WS was •µes. eke could out speak. As her recollection
Io dm anguish of ole thoeght he felt of what had led to her fall became clear.
elt • growing
r corn -
sane Abet
os. is the
f giving in beLre . utoituud tu swing tone the brink ; or if ter she arsswered a kW* l he t • ( amps forward, he moat Pinion, and itt. beganopneentlyrror of rto feel
faintly.Then after •short Dauer- coma to the .glee and fall as she had as if her mind was wandering. Iu addi-
"Have you a:sy brandy with yew, , dons Oo17 one thing Edd him book, bioe she had an almost irrsistable de.
doctor 1 ' the deepes t• flops that some chance had sire w give .ay te hysterical crying, and
He Rave hrr his Cask saying-- m Helena favour ; that she the effort she made to restrain her tars
antes ve.ad
"I h Tel I have not dngtged you uu was but dem only stuurud, and again warted her. She did not speak,
saying --
until ;veers faiuun j. " 1. ailed out therefore, because she could not.
"No, I 'hall be ready to go on again „ Moor., answer me for laud's So the long hours passed slowly and
its a minute, but I must rata little. I sake, u you are alive ! imperceptibly by, and at last a fresh
think I will sit down here," l,Qte him• sem answered. A mica, breeze blew in Helen's Ism, the twat be-
heSh• tank upon the soft, damp heather n w d'w hit* wreaths
in alis spoke, and he, furious with hien. } Sow end tial, and how far her►atb Sim and the serrrr000diin o b hills and nearer
ice m5 14 ooh tall, mid- g
aril for what hod eppeited, said trice .,� Holme, u that you 1.. objects became visible, first dimly, then
"I cannot tel what you mast think of o,yG, it n I Where ere you, in mon clearly as the daylight atreugtheo-
me. It is of no nee attempting to &polo heaven's nesse 1"' ad.
Nice, but I shall never forgive myself, ..1 do not know. i fell. I do not But Helen wan past seeing the change
.ever thiol I hate fallen to the bottom. I or noticing anything. She did not know
"I wish yea would not think of thew sets to hare caught ie • tree, bet I dare that Ur Holme fend called to her trove
much ; it will d• me oto harm, though it net n uve for far of falling mem.-
. than once, and receiving no reply, had
as • hid. src••n,hxtal.le anti disagreeable "Do not move ; whatever you do, do paused his time in agony of dout.t and
jest now It u lar sours for you, ■h'. nest we. Ate you hart T' terror. As soon as there was sufficient
moo be wanted in tie village at this very "1 �.1 toil ; my back butts me, bot light to in.pire him with any hope of
t>is•swnt. Lreo d we have 10 stn, here that did be begaus. 1 am its the psi- success he was making he way down to
• till morning, it u only • few lotto.her. She w.. Ant conscious of it when
When we are at borne •g.ln, we shall ..q' yank God goo en alive," he mid, she heard hie votes clove to her laying --
lout upon this .•.declog in the fog gm .hlainel with a alb in hie voice. •'11nw "Thank Heaven you meld not see. '
as absurd ran . r er*. 1 s.. no bee,- ais 1 g,•t to you ? Tali toe." Her position was 1nd.ed terrifying
soon for alarm or excitement If old ..Do ant attempt to get to me ; 700 The old quarry was.. large end deep, it
Mend slip. and might f•11 in • worse tell the •pp..nra•• at a prectpaeo men
Say than i have don. Stay .here from oboe• it sem amoral like • briars
eenoped not in the hillside, from whisk s
alt all 1 can do, 1 fair ; bat i would sigh min track led straight .ler the
give • world to help yes." moor to Miller's (lata it was m long
"Yea mere*. I mast stay here till mance the quarry had been olo•ed that
do fog lifts." ender the i•Emouee d wird mrd weather
•'I will sot lift before morning an.." the .twee and coed bad grows almost
ebe did ars. answer at once. Present- bisek. Th. sides on the gtuarry cam.
steep and straight to the bot," it
'Hsieh, se before said, lay a small ep
black, se it .m fedi almost .telly
y raja, and en .bettered by the Mee"
elopes which rose above it es all sides,
that wren is the wildest ooreb.et0t who
that ever fere ferioaefy over these bleak,
wind-swept hills it w.. .esreelv rolled.
Uelt ase one platsm was the quarry
•loaded with ant •mntaon- A µream is Hsltsr •Gob flat ire hew gnitstsg•d that '
.f aster trick tars Prem the tutor had ha ggyo star i shalt pat• Int w tura
ehesselled • nam. farrow down N.
sofa.• d the •lope, sod by ohs aide grow " i fear yet ae. • delete , gb1.l► kr,. e1eG(d•* V ale the, thostgh 1 felt
was sod task trend• sedation:
few elder Teo kw,*
whga yam west gee.
M ay
0.e ytm.•cid, 705r iwtieet u so tram
Imam O.s of these bushes ked Meeh besieges is never urges{. test l Mw i.v the rwlr 11 will he very, term hard
d nems ekes. otsi Ib sktsder, zpriagy always time foe you. to prat rMh yes ; 7ua have grow• isle
hese W shooks& Helmet tall. hold o yes, 1 know it. Well, may 7 Wk
his her tltbinitl► • N • e..eb, *Nigh . yes this mon* r
tum ' Baton long the truth Hashed in- 5 , sats me as you like
my friends kn.. that I was safe with
yes. I could wag for the fog to disperse
with the greatest oilwnimity'
"i knew yon were have, but Tot
trate the evening given proof of eotrs
ordinary et -mimic. Moat woman in y"ur
position would, I believe, have lost then -
heeds with fear."
She laughed a little as she replied
"Nay, really, cannot let y„,i cal
.emote women that way. Why should
I not be gals, when both your and mf
owe common ens tell me there 11 not
the lest danger. It n only s new r1.
eeriest*. and I like n»w'leafletted'.
vided they are sot teen unpleasant
"As the woo promise to he,
•'1 did not ley that, neither not I
mesa W. Perhaps If 1 repast for the
Lloyd time that all my snaaety eon be-
half of ear friends Pee will betimes ■,a
Yoe knew ibo limo -
"What i tell yew three times is tree "
"You choose to !a nth st me, 1•e end.
•'t 1h, no ; though ween if 1 did that
wusld be better titan gearrriliwg, whir
. Helmer"
•'T nen berm" - '-
"'IN yet Sees eNs pines f
''i Wok es," be replied with seine
ltd I tan farther 1 and of 1 did,
Msgr. shook* I fell to r
He was silent ; he dared net tell her
.f the .stet.
"A.. roof afraid w in danger of fall=
Reel" k. meted M lest, evasively.
'gal fist I know of : 1 .calm wsNad
M knew, she replied, uewilleag, mines
he mad net help her, to tell hue of the
flaiste•se whish was ereepiat over her
sola, sed else eh* feared it Je hinted
to hem he tt.a'
"She was silent for a moment, and
than went on --
"But I did not ani you to give np your
time w me volt, to toil you that I gener-
ally act opuo impulse end thea regret it.
self to bare taken her up iu his anus I waot.d to 1014 you t:;at, duriug end
without a,word sad carried her the rest since this last illness I have been thtnk-
of the way. Yet he did net do it tnt, and I ate Oast I e.wtht nut to stay
At last they reacted the Rectory. i here boy lusyger. 1 must go back to my
Helen's face had bees getting .biter • bushasd,
and whiter, but she walked along the "For the moment, ' said the rector,
garden ; it was ooly cn the doorstep that "we will put all personal feelings aside,
she gave way, bit bgnn beret and aural- amid so I :ell you candidly that Iasi mere
ed, and she would have fallen of undo.- i glad than I can say tt=ireamtbit-o---
tor had not caught her in hs arms. I ' elf moo .i:1 be generous eaongh te
The Loagwortbys were lust bniating a I overlook the apparent .ant of coat -
rather vain attempt to breakfast when dente, I should :.rcfrt u,.t to give Too
the dining -roma door opened to admit my reason fur it, she said, with ratb-
Dr. Holme and bo burden. lin Long- • er heighteued c .:.•r and a little habits -
worthy looked pale and ill, and her het- i (WM
bard's face was very grave, almost stern, He did not reply at , once -chs w.edook-
with suppressed emotion. -s t tag thoughtfully too, the fire, and she,
Their first idea was that the doctor ; misunderstanding hem. said -
had found Helen. It was lir Long- "lf ! I 1' :ell bat is L
worthy who, whole his wife and the duce not --
ter were trying to resters her to con- � "My dear chi:.:, he ia:arroptod,ligkt-
seiousness, noticed anything extraordin- : lid cosering her hoot a.th hu saws as be
•r7 to his friend's face and wanner. spoke, "do ooh misunderstand rhe. I
Erse while bo was trying to account for moi• considering whether I ought to tell
it to himself the doctor rose from bis yea, •no 1 ttlu.., I uutht, that I know
atoopioo attitude, and said to Mrs L,og- ytar reason. H /am :odd me at once.
worthy- Ant I not right •
"Its of no use trying anything now. She said noth,nr, and he went on -
I will carry her upstairs, and you most "I hop. you are no: annoyed '
pat her w bed ; then I .ill see her "\o ; I am glad he telol you, I would
again. Io the meantime 1 will tell pier not have done se,, partly for his sake and
husband the whole story. partly because it was such • Warfel
"Bat lir Longwortby step•d before. thing I cannot bear te, think of it. But
Flim with • Inlet "Allow me, and, tak- I am glad you :now. I think yes had a
ing Helen in his arms wens swiftly up- right to know.'
stain to his room, followed by his wife. "1t seas ars t.npardonablo error on hie
When he came down again he closed pan ; out I fear we were partly to
the door laying- bla•ta \ o ; 10
do nal mean in that
"Now, dieter, let ole give you • cap way," he wen: on hastily, ashe see the
of coffee before yea begin ; )ou leak as look which her face took. "Personally,
it you needed it. Yea =obi have bees of count. nc particle of blimp could s1 -
out all night too." tach to you but we, Mabel and I, ueght
"If yet will allow me.- said the doe- to have renoe'nbered that Holme did not
tor, with some constrsint,'•I should pre- know yourst�.ry. while our husband was
fee to tell you me tale before accepting oon•tantly .n your mind and your return
your hospitality, him only a question o f time, all he
The reewr'e face became very wave knew .as your dame, sad that you stay-
to•gain u he put down the cup which be ed on here, and seemed to hare neither
held in his band end mid-__iir.tl. ti ,r hsshsad Ws areae tee
"Btfon or alt.tr, whichever you Meeh fur granted."
please." "i cainno,t se that hes la..t •nm aacnam
It .as not • long story. In • quarter at alt. He might have known, he might
of an hour, ea Fanny ace duwnstatn to have made inquiries, and to steak st
ask him to 'see Mn Moore again, she smolt at fosse, in amok • place, the wast
beard him asy- o f respect _ _ -
•It is e.ccassry
now that i should sin Sbe pleased ; indignation end wounded
Mrs Moore, or it may be impossible to pride choked her voice. After a pause
avert very grave consequences ; but, if ate went on more quietly -
later, she should prefer anyone els to " We well not speak d it, bot now you
attend her I have forfeited all right to an understand that is is Imperative I
object" •h.old go back to my husband."
Ws,nJering, she paused, and heard " Certainly ; t 1i ihat thought can-
ter master very rntrdy - ant make von te.l ane. (ueginngly t.o
"it 0111 ssoertain her plaenre in the Hnlsaa H. ie so. Ie.517 and embit-
matt.r." tared beyond desertpilos ; ha will never
It was some day before Helen could got leer this, and sever forgire himself ;
Mme downstairs again. She had beea hot what he said has deeded yon to do
nursed through • short but Revere illness what df along you felt 100 ought to do."
with the utmost can and election. She " I damsel t seoatsatlttag m wbst
had been hardly aonseious enough to .yoe sy, and perhaps 1 shall see it some -
make any abjection to the presence of tas, bat M present i cannot."
Dr. Holme, s t he had e:ontinoed at his " What du yeti thank .of doings 1 '
positron. No. she could do without "7. was shots," Nal I wanted to •peak.
1110, s11d for four days hi bad ant loss If y.. will aid owoth r kiadoes to ibi
es the t•oue.- in mos in the atorafne, many may yea harm s!u,wn m., 1
some time after breakfast, and the rse- theeght if yea wow" witty 10 Penivnl
for and Helen were slnne tngetAmr. Bs sad tell 11im ids. 05111 to 6 ht --,jib
WMa getting .wady to go not .. tss.si, steel
pts to �(05n4, .md ton. tell him,
.hes H.I.e looked sop lot him and ofd, twee fethimgg telae. b ase Ms :till pI..,
Yr. Lomgw •thy, i. your botisa d• tot i Do ye. mt.d 1 Liber. .
this mee.fug very argent 1" Obit .m.li Pow T'
•• W11♦ do yna ask r ' ?►ssw�W e1. •egy meq ; I will •iib
" Chasid you bell... that jos* for Hess b i °ell 1 Mk pea ••
you wish it
wt s yea, -. _._
beepe/ed ; but fair it 1 shoali sever
haw. 1.uuw,. y"u said fele. 1. ooeourt►y."
▪ ♦ allalurlun. must be greet indeed
if It is not • mod out by the g.iu of a
Now I w111 nut keep you tenger,"
she said, rising. " 1 furl moot boos -
the meal 'diet 4 a talk etch ytw."
• Is teat eu.up'"nent or glittery 1"
opium' the glow (.x hrr a. 1.e •p..k•.
•• That 1 lave t.. you W decide
• s • • •
" 11.04 chi., Helse, and tell me it it
will do 1 • said the rector, sootiest' i, toe
tam with • letter is his hand, and u J.
herded it back to hies siguifyicg her ap-
plursl, he went on 1 ass g.utsg to post it myeelf ; it is
not to he treated t" F.uny. 'Star, ie
the address currant 4
She tusk the envelope and reed -
1'.reical Moore, E q ,
()iambi Kerley.
(ib M esVrrstsu )
limited rowel, .. �.,..-
Burdock Blood Bitten unite, in one
a,mhination rw.tarkabie po.eu as a
tome., hlood-putif)'n.g, •)etre-maculating
and cltanug t000Jwinc. It hes to. equal
in its power or curing all Diseases ..t the
St.nisuis, Liver, Kidnile, Bowels sod
The tither day as a a as el Mr John
Leslie, Clinton, .a. wa►binq behind a
horse hu stumbled and fell, the horse
gupptog uu hu haul, wbtcb was 'SW
ibat u hof u, Ise .tido d up.
Eurith the Bh."l by the use of Mil -
burn's list, Iowa and Wine, wli.ch sup-
plies the necessary blood buildso•g ota-
��, lm
A motion was paned at the Wsngham
town council meeting last week, w the
cheat that all bulioluta must hoe muzzled
if allowed to run ou the streets, Oft dan-
ger of being destroy.d-
ia�las ttM .
The atwplenht.1e ein-
ey P$ .e.. ser timid
� w..... -�k.,rteir w14i ltlir% lire
cawed from an Maotiee Liver and bad
blond. Dr Chs.e'• Liver Cure purifies
the blood and •bol' system. See Re-
cipe Book fur toilet recipes, hints and
saggestiuns sod how to preserve the com-
plexion. Sold by all druggist.
The comber of drunken mea oo the
streets in Seaforth is not lessening since
tbe repeat of the Scott Act. Strange ;
la tract'• sa. seeks regal.
Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordere,t
liver is misery. Iodigeshoa u • foe t .
god nature.
The human digestive apparatus u
of the rnw•t c,mpliutet: and woo -dada
things in existence. It u easily put out
of .order.
Greasy food, tough food. sloppy food
bad c.eokery, toeotal worry, late hour.,
irregular habits, and many other thieve
which ought n..t to be, have made the
American people a nation of dyspeptic.
But Green's August Flower has done
a wonderful work in reforming this Maui
business and making the American
petioles, healthy that they cau_enjoy
heir in eats and be happy.
Retuember :-ti„ happiness without
health. Ilut Green's August Flower
beings health and happiness to the
dyspeptic. Ark your druggist for •
bottle. Seventy -Ere Dente. (rawly
I west yea more then all the poor pee
pie r Lew
He smiled only se he replied, be tb *,ms.el filet• am very glad you
our liens."
4.1 aw WSW feel wholly sorry ell MI
'~ 5.n CATAR R
and w... r.•
Icy t .ung
A particle se appheo intoea.•h nostril and to
agreeable. Price .r •rat• .t firuagrldill
mall, r•eisered. m rests. SLY 811014.ir'
Rest&:.tGreta wieb-•,",New York. fly
DAILY AHNivnttli,
bat a large aasrrtmeat of best goods for
05 handat the oto: And rettable stead. Wesc-
ott.. neer the Hank of Mon'rrel-
:- MIT -Talc' DV2'ff2.OP"
! RICHLY rlewarled ere
who Prod the sad
they. s. -I . they r ell and b000rsble employ-
ment that will not nal sak. 'Lem from their
honer* and famlliea. The pectus ate large and
Burt for er.ryInd Iiai Hems person- Roam harp
trade and Orr now making .et ere) bemire t
dollars a month. it Is eeay for an owe to
make is and upwards per day. who le wllllnt
to work- tither sax, y or old ; captlal
Ooh seeded : mos start yna, ]treryrh;ag new.
e special ,helico req•,ired : roe. reader, ran
do it a well se any one. Write to us u once
,"tar fall wokmars. whirl. we mail free. Ad-
dress *tl'csts & ('e., P.rtlasd, blatee. IS
tele Tm l
Oett't oo.
Portraits of Dr. rmatb, tho n.,1,-1.6 )teal
er.tor. Rud Dr. Thom pour. it.. w.. It
1Flora. % laoderater-A.a•t..ar a Moab
and ll.rtleulsural limb. YLnadetpleta.
TWO sane hutdredtk session of the Fen
eral aaeembly of the Presbyterian •burr!
in America, reneutty ouuvenud in Phil i
delpWa. proved to be an meads of eves
more interest than wan espcctesi, Quit
rivaling that historic aesatubly ro tau
acme ha tl:U, h did mcl
tewar' thplacee malas1of thewhicOld gcbod salu
the New.
Tho first general aAcsmbly of the Pre@
b}-tert•u church in Atueriea, cons lidatinl
the old side with the sew side, was belt
•a year after the erection of the states int,
a federal Union by oho adoption of tit
Attd it 1a oerttinly no dieparaitemen
Of an ether deboutin rad he ( byterita rhutir,•hon souto miandthe 1
ppeeccut�liarly spited to America, for thong
indivolual ministers and netters of tit
church have at various times held otos
views, yet the
rhumb as a church
h • s maintained
from the first that
no form of chuleii
government is of
divine command.
that the brethren
in tach cour.'•
have Chrlatlaur
liberty to adopt
that form of
chareh polity " ;-•
whl,-h is beet
0511.1 to tlseir
titn•timn, sail that the prvsbrterird for
la only best for lireat Ilrttaiu std Ame
lea because it both requires and rt:lt bloat
a general ezerrl'soof persona: t•:•••'! -er1.
Erery communi.a1p made t'f.'l th
be• or ebe is a rnnstitnt.trQt n!, A•..1 to :hi,
extent reeponsiMP for the crake up of t
session. the priebvtery the synod and t
gement SWIM b if• Even ti • •'..a«
IiscLant.11a=Lt .schwa r•.u.ru .... neem
not a!!ow him to -conform" lei :Cot-•
and who is s, little underst..>.1 L t
present generation that his n:cao is .nn
Heirs used as a representative of bigot'
was so liberal that he advurstsdth. re, -
df Charles 11, was marc a mart ,hap.
and offered • bt boprie by that mouse
and labored long to establish mutt
toleratloa between the ,rets. Ae 1,..
eenrd••i ,"bat monarchy was thiol t
- 1ireL far lilYyglald. anof of an estahusl
B eywasnot1nitselfawrong:bPui
411rimad a like toleration fair tbo•e .s
1 • pra/mretl a prtebytenal fora. an.i tl
tfra civil polity of a Christian body .h"
los so Eextble that it could grow bud
vrlop with the development of the a']'
It is Mao worth noting that the Pnt
ilshment and growth of the Preebytet
church in a colony was shears euii std
witb the growth of llbtxs' ideas in g
e amen, and so it la • q -.i to • n:t•
.olneidenrr that the new government
the taw rh*
urt�nitation n
to fill growth
griller. As
rust "rias j e
looby +tart: "'P
was a wan a p
deal of •l PI
bas Unum' •i
the ehnrrh
eminent. ea
gradations 1
i oea! arse
through p r
V _ hyla -y and a,
up to gener..t
\s t• souiibly hart
ta•'d oidesi r a
un. t baa t-. ?.otrrsfN. wit► the Ar'
can system of township. county, state
nation, se many units of one order ma
one of the next higher order. with get
Lw• for all and L,cal self peen:meat
Eves the schism of 1'Oi,, comnlete
far reaching so it was. had some enter*
liberal features. It was a divi•ioe
methods and measure in which
party held to Its respective steads
and never was union more hearty
complete than when the two belies t
t�yge.t�her. Any mea who will commie
'nal Westminster Confession of I
withh the nn•iskm adopted by the get
assemblyof 1:80 will sthat the
who tooin the lead to that assembly
keen'? alive to what was going o
wmerl4, that they had read the
betels of the convention of
pretty closely. and that they s
upon the full meaning of the w tea
tenon and foresaw its intnreomeffee
securing religions liberty. They ears
at rack out every word or ..ntenoe e
might be so construed as to give the
government any power over differedr
rellgious opinion. sad after providini
synods and asaembliee under call of e
authority. added time words: '•!t L
duty of dun magfatr.Me to mewl
parson and good name of all tLir ppsr
In snok an .Coctual maa.ae M too
Darton be .mored, .Ith•r npea pre
of n(igfo or infidelity. to pier any 1
atty. ,Iolaaes, abet or tajnry to any
person whatsoever, and to take ordeo
all religious and •ooleeisrtieal nese
be held without molestation or die
ones." And that b the sound Alai
law ta•1a7. s ever since the adopt.
the onsmtitntion; but It may not
'ell known that it was the doetri
Manz eminent Presbyterian,' and
iradsn1s when the division beg.
�gllaanndd indeed, oke attention a )]
Americans should frequently be earl
the fact that when the ant settlemee
Few England and Virginia wen fee
there was no loved ileo of s.parMY
,"met d noted Oalvbibtie '
besMal plains le the established eh
Di. J. T. t itui.
us wet.
ei 11i�Lrelr.-*PN 00. �mmald
gen► most . eetwortb
ps Issileldalsor
trot •r^d p�entail 1�s�
Earl sal IN Prem t 1 W IbtneMr
tatttiYlllf acres t •