HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-6-1, Page 1--
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MHOLt NUlitslta rise.
iwfit.M y lth£DV NCe
nducting Rev. Jas. .A Anderson
into Knox Churoh Pastorate.
as lal.oessleg 1 enema, Addresses ea
see imesuse sad ireint te.allea Tie
etteerine■ 1■ .Yr t.,al■n tsNMiea
set. t_ tee... a., Geed -bre
•erseee e■ Nader I...
resins sed Stemma.
The simple but tmpresaive cerer000y of
inducting a Presbyterian minister int.
AIM pa.t••rate of a church was performed
on Wednesday afternoon, the Yard ult.,
when Rey .1. A. Anderson, It A , late
of Whitechurch, was placed in joint
charge, with the Rev Dr Ure, of the
congregations of Knox church, the Union
eetoreh, Goderteb township, and the
burn church, Colborne, ray • commit
of the Presbytery of Heron, comp
of Bev Meilen McConnell, of t'ar
Musgrave, of McKillop, `Iewar, of
Clinton. McLean, of Blyth, McMullan,
Smitds Hill and Auburn, and Rev
Dr Cre. The church was well filled with
member* sod adherents, and every o
bore a happy and contented sppearan
which seemed to augur •uce•e for
Aaderten'` pastorate. The sere
vommweud at 3 o'clock, and after t
meal prayer and praise,
Ree Mr McConnell, of Varna, pore
Cd the sermon. His teat was the w,
onetaieed is the 2rd verse of the 2
chapter of let Coe., "Fur I am d•termi
ed not to know scything among y0. sa
Jesus Cbrut and Him crucified '
dwelt oil the example set forth by t
apostle, as worthy of imitation by a
and endeavored to impress: lst,
worthies and efilciency of the unies
teed for arming the same, ane ant
catch the Cbrietlike spirit exhibited
the apostle in striving atter them
such means as famine self-ab,egati
and holy co•seerstir.n.
The usual Invitation to anyone have
objections to the life and doctrine of M
Andantes having been made by Rev
McMillan, without say response, Rev
McLe.a, after having reviewed short
the history of the eongreratioa sin
Rev. J. A. Terebull was translated
leadership of lllr James C, oke, the
snist, of the church, sad a
or- elusye ew, always suitable grad sass, �p jf - CAPITAL. pryHA?
feature in thea part was the sieving
the Sabbath school choir, whose was co
weed a about thirty little girls, w
nano their piece In a moat s•l,.fact
=antler Refr..hu►ents wen serr
doing the everting to the sowth euJ
the building : this department was and
the .barge 1.1 Mrs J. T. ti.rrow, &vela
ed by au army of youo,y Woo and gip
tlemeu of the congregation. Is s need
less to my that ibis part ret the progn
was well encoded to : juiiwog from t
patronage it received, the young ladi
must have had a busy time of
, Donng the evening Mr M. C. Cameros
who acted as chairman of the, seatin
ed npon Rev Mr Andero, whit
spooks briefly. expressing hi. pleasure at
the warm and c•rdriel recei.tion he bbd
received. Rev Dr. E r. who was aloe an
honored gout of the immune, wee call -
Geo ed upon for • parting word. and was
we enured by young sed old of their hearty
,sed stood wishes that he would have .
na. delightful trip and • sate return front the
Old Land. The proceedings of the
seeming were characterized by a delight-
ful oordiality and hearty enjoyment, and
redacted the utmost credit en the ladies of
ne the noagoagation under whose manage-
s,, men. 11 was held. and a'so upon Messrs
Mr win Swenson, Allan Cameron and John
cess Key, who assst
..d the deco • hates.
he mitt's, and Geo. Stiven, whore egoist-
oleoas usual on melt occasions woe
h. Ind ispenwFile.
To this simple gospel we must look to [FROM THE lot i l 3/.
of msintai° the standard of eaeellen,e is
m- day, even as in earlier days, when Greek ' Ltatm.t Politiati Ottrsod tgrs Uea.ral
ury baron fury were arrayed against it. The News fto>M ed Wit then led the pastor to speak of win.
of teen tbemeelves as •'servants of
the Most High God "-as mew
receiving their enmu►ission from
God -whose besiness it was to
preach Christ and not themselves ; to
make their Master known as the true
Messiah, as the Christ of God, as Jens
the only Saviour of men. as the rightful
Lord whose slot' should be ad.aneed
rather than their non. In plain words;
he told his people that he could not se-
.ummodate the Gospel of find'. 8oe
to the vain t.neie. er lints a any of
them, nor to any of their evil panicle"
cud appetites, but that he would me
that Gospel as • means to the mortifying
of their corrupt affections, and to the
bringing of them under the power ' 1
faith ; that held seek to win their
affections and souls for Christ, not by
fawning and blandiehmeut, bot by tell-
ing them the truth in the love of it. He
than exhorted the people in the 1•ngusgs
of Paul, "Brethren pray for to that the
word of the Lord may have tree course
and be glorified," ur-ring them to receive
and sot to trigs with the truth, however
the iostremenbility alight los tbnt
Ito •lajuenee, and Roman power and bar -
xosAieo axaxoy.
R.v. Jae. A. Anderson entered for
ve mally upon hu duties at associate pastor
He of Knox church on Sunday last.
hal In the morning his enhieet was, "The
If, Christian Minister and his wick." He
took as hie text, Acta lei, 17, "These
men are the servants of•th. Moet High
to ("'d• which show unto es the way of
b 1 Salvation." After pointing to the en -
b, likely source from whish the text ease,
on ! and the nonnectton in whish it goal, he
nntioced the people shout beteg pev-
ad wed dirtlof its ��,'nunemto gladly accept truth
A.. wherever found. He then discussed
A 1.t. the work of the Christian Mien's'.
ly to T, ehow onto to ey
of sidestioe."
iceunpli.h thattheminist•r meet
Ce state 1. What that salvation is He
8t. Mary'., and the circumstances whir
led theme •p to the present, proceeded
with the induction eeremowy, and aft
prayer by Atte Rev Dr Ur*, Mr McL
proed Mr A.deraon the co-peeto
•f the several oo.gregatioaa
Mr Misers.. ss
addreed the minister
resetdieg biro that he was young sad
appently rugged health and full vigoo
A ! must define it. tutor•. The Rev gentle-
man pointed net the error into whish
the people` fell, as well as did their
I n n ere, at the time the words of the text
r weuttered-that of e•betitetiaq •
political deliverance for a aural salvation.
He showed how faithfully Jelin the
Davie, before Christ, labored tc pro-
dace conviction in the minds of the
people that Salvetion eonaieted not in a
mere deliver,nee from the Rosen yoke,
both physically and mentally, b'es.ings
which he was to co«sr'e for the special
work in whisk he en to be engaged : b
was to remember the sick, the your
the old, the risk, the poor. the learned
ed the uabareed when he came to pro -
pre the mese/e. He advised the mew
peter to take the advice gives
lgmotby by Pa.l. He was to preseh
let, exclusively ; 2nd, faithfully, Mein
Hs whole truth ; 3rd, pr•purtioastely
It was his privilege s well as his duo
b net be Mend to tell of the judgm.n
e s well se the blessed promiees-arid h
menet deal psti.stly ; 4th, he mus
preeeb with a porpoise : 5th. evangel
Belly he me sewer .make too moth o
}bet in Divine forgiveness of their Siete,
Thou shalt go before the f.0 of the
s' j Lord to prepare his ways, to give know-
ledge of salvation note hie people by
the remission of their sine." So today
a 1 salvation ie not a sen temporal sesame -
it i potion, not only a moral solvation, bet
spiritual salration. which implies de-
s livers0es from contracted guilt, freedoms
from the bondage of sic, sad tress all
its fetal conewluenoss. It is deb which
secures grace hen, and glory hereafter.
e2. The minister Bust Deist to the
source of that selvtien-tb. peen, di.-
interesed, unparalleled rainy of God.
f Suck a source will furemb sufficing
ha matter for the .estimable oustempleti.e
of men sod angels. So wide are the
h limits that merey has set to itself, that
its pardoning arms are Wended to re-
ceive the greatest sneers who do not
meet to final nspsmte,.•. Lot tie
swoon plea be the grimness of his eine,
sod the inexhaustible felon.. of God's
e.sy 3 The Author a ealenties-
The Lxd Jens Christ ; who by His
.offerings and deeth, mode neon.
eiliation for iaielsity : being sasa-
crated by his own blood, thee psr
ehsins s foil deliserats..fres t►. re
user of .i. end •fell sa'
Christ, Jeeen only, everywhere, nothing
else worth premehing ; •d noel
moist preach with moose•, being filled
with payer in die Holy Spirit. Wit
him Lrp• ma•Iyr le mage be meet ammo
boldly to the t6rose, that the word may
be given trite power, so Aha: when the
Chief Shepherd slab appear the presh
er .hall receive s mown.
Raw. Mir. Stewart ohms •ddrwsd the
People briefly, « it wee late in the after
n oon. He said the duties of the inv
were oar -nidi. with those 01 the min
Weir. They meet sot Daly come to the
that hoer ; thug most pgsnt tham..ive. Chosen and happiness for y.e•eo
ltsfoes tl• I,ar] w tuU a+•viaYon � people
shomeh belt they wore to take heed oto
tint ties ls istd stags everytiisg Thee " fie bees• the Anhwei soot*
kwow. the • aAd salvation unto all thew that Him."
The people merit rio....eethe ii°ater 4. Thar method of awlvatie. When
whets he meta them with •M dos newt
. ad remember, « him time is pdwisa.,
Pot to hatreds M his Mew of study.
They Amid rite ra nember that the
infie.•e• of . esagrapdi.n on the min-
ister is very great •d He fetus depend-
ed a greet deal sea thss• eras.
The sew peter was thee formally in-
bedssed to the ssgr pptioa i.divids-
ally by Rev Dr. Um, s they retired
item the ebgee&
erne rs AND 0000 -$TS.
A robin lsssptien to Ram. Mr. Ander-
me •d a farewell to Dr. Ore (who left
fur • six smooths' minion to the o4
omen' ea Theredy the 24thi wee held
is the Pelee* Roller Risk is the *wee-
ks( of the some day, ..d wee one
of the most so.e•sefsl abbe held
its teen, for may yens. The
ladies of Knot •tach f pj see-
k biped their weS♦aea.d wWwirwebri tar
mite& wee sad
tad rat boot wield a vest
of week Psi me little
wed She g,*b► was hnHitl , W wary, sed dm* by din .tsd •a deet*
tleaJseL •� 'folie seMeese, whisk puma .piss •N ..• far Net ell he.
'. ; aed,wewslMyymotel Mane&" The pwsmher bevieg thee
1 »p! M1f Noire, sediesd the work of wideiwMic
S a••.
fete! t;r
, -ee. t
Jens began His ministry in the s.••ry
of Geblee H. oriel to the people to woo,
poet of the near sppreash tis( tt• (iggdom
et God, ' Repeat ye •.d believe the
repel " Both the green •f faith and
repentance go together. By repartees,
we forsake our vias ; by bite we ro••tvo
=their prdGodmoe.i+w•homBawryyrep• t_.e.
wiuVevRidesne.oo. •;
who acme W save •w no. the gospel
bots. ; this it continues. Still the esti
is. " Repeat sad believe the gonpd." K
The .nes ity of salvstio•. Sash ie the
enure of sin, sad its miasmal demi.ie•
in the bumen family, that .fichem l
waivirsm*y seeded Theft* deme me-
ercels die los tksa others their merit M
that •Moen will mot Nand them ter mel-
'stiow. Aper lying with ►n hued
gnsR s. lues sko th. water wlu b
tlst•wasd a esttaiwly s tb• muse ta ton
daptbg of the des wick a siphon.• .tt sA
W seek. When pskisit ol gest Oise
tied Vitus gime, or may mid fru dee. we
.e net te forme cost rain wet ktsltggy
epos tido world by e.. di.-" VbO=
fere as by nos use dim emend h0s the
the ties with shit Neat whams el nisei*
Ni Mee, bslwod Abet that work would seer
..a yMe lis tided le the Perim. me
te sieeM emote whits h
t w people. Me Mabee sow
Id �Ir`'sbaitpe M sei`o moo yilat Mtn of Asselesties o
8.4 ' Rb Ie, .� eatwietillula gy r
TES rt-satf!mn'.raxo9.
t• the miming Rev Mr Anderson dis-
coursed on Paul's faithful saying, "That
Christ Jesus came into the world to save
sinners " Hs raid there were three rea-
. ons why tete saying should ba interest-
ing to .11. 1a. It arrested Pant in his
deliberations with Timothy ; and con-
strained him to turn toss $ maiden -
ties of the kw to the Gospel 2nd. It
beings us back to a •rs°i6•d Christ ; and
thea renews our strength. 3rd. It wee
ettte.wd by Peel, a man greater than
whom, save Jenne Christ the world
never saw. Then he divided his text
thus : I. The fact stated -- "Christ
Joins came into the world. 11. T.
obysot of that fact -"To eve sin.er. "
111. The extent of that fact -"S,.° the
ebtef of sinners." IV. The futhfelnees
of the fact -"This is s faithful saying
and worthy of all seosotattoo." I. ono
section with the feet itself be spoke of
the eutoblss 'key soil dignity et the
Ben of God, who was prefigured by t pna
and proclaimed by prophets ; whose
g tsciotes character was described, and
whome wocderfsl works wen narrated
by evangelists ad speedos ; std who
appeared es the only beeett n el the
Father, fell of pone site truth. R.-
f•rence was also made to the pis.°
to which the Son of God owe
and the vol.at•ry cbsr .ter of kis
coming. As to the object of the hot, -
the prem b.r skated that sinners were
Agee wen were fart. The mead *h-
ints of (.heist's eommmi into the world -
"the Ben of Man came to seek and save
that whisk wee lob." Sisson were
those who were atiU in s state of natters ;
who were oder the riling power of miss,
ad who mode Sia s habit, yet to sere
seek did Christ cone. As to the *Moot
of the het, it was evident that some men
were greater sinners thaw others : that
those who obstinately resisted the gss-
pel sails were greeter gleans sod
were also trsesrre.on of long standing.
That if the youys t child present was
. old enough Amer, the condition of
that mem or wonea who for the past 10
or 40 or 80 years, resisted the
calls, meat be terrible. The faithful-
n ess
nes of the fast was sNablish.d by re-
pbsis. mbeelee ad the twsssderesiag
pewee of the gaspd ad basen of its
hithhl.°w it was worthy of a ready ..-
.•ptence by all.
lese>r w 10ItrM s. DM Vers swats Maw
1the asset eer.see.
_._TIR ar calor Ariel with a esio of
lumbar fur Mr. Joseph Williams twabed
her desk o• S..day.
The sehee•er Augusta Ford with •
serge of coal for Jaw F. vat: arnved is
harbor lent Wednesday.
The Jae McLeod, with limber ter
Sssrd It Cue, arrived oe Mesd•y ad
left win ow T..•day morni.g.
The =Moen Garter, wit bomber for
retst • Ca, arrived owTenhosed
oa Wednesday means for tri
The plssi.g ret a aesber of mew meh-
bhg peen at the dock hes h.m a good
moves The were badly medal for some
year. boob.
The shoes. ?edema, Capt. A. Lw:
se., with • serge et IMO tweed oda far
the bit mil rice id this barber em Hes-
- ettereese.
The eMewer Piasters with s cargo et
beeps sod slams Ire. Wdtsebsrg for
name. Jae. F. Platt ad Peter Maws.
arrived is person SNstiy .T .Isg.
i1• doom sr.O�k.tarb .t the amity Ibis
toodost Lees d
Seaeaseley.. l Melt .. sodei
M, buds.
shipped by T. ms.S. Ve.sewry
Oept Woe.
! 0..
is post t�ttN! nor ��et , arrived
Ss6siy lamb. NM oto Ism be . Mfr
woe throe boom
liveWhs.Ika ai s by I
Sake • Oe. he& Miseeedlies Iberia
The Ibemer Sim lSI.4 bar INA took N
Meese sp.
For .at
emeses Is i%. Sabine. Mr reese . Ted.
pew'. t..ers to restas4 A eta Seer
■rr Menten al tldree 1e1.e1-
raemrsele l tsar. - - Tile see.,
Re Janeat. refers - muse
Were the eiMw.
osisnstitleroeuLk t,
Ottawa. May 20.
The Cabinet, composed of Hoe
Majesty's miuiaten, is • complex and
curious body. Although the changes in
it are numerous yet it remains one
responsible body and still the Cabinet.
This time Sir Charlie Topper disappears
from it and the punto!,o of bnsaoe is
handed to Hon. G &. Fester. Nut to
the Prem►er the Minister a F,•moe is
the moot important remember of the
f Cabinet, and that to seBcient excuse for a
sketch of Mr. Foster albeit already a
III well-koo.on public mail. Heine is 41,
std in appearance he is more of the pro
lessor than the politician. After t•ksag
the degree of B. A. at the Caivssity of
11.. Bromwich he seeoenively busmen
principat ora psMie iblt`ooi, of a Bed/fiat
Seminary, of a Lades ILO Scheel, .d
in 1871 • professor of classics acrd history
in the University. In 1883 the N.
8 Arvada College nude him • D. J L
He did mut enter the Comecon• until
1882 when he defeated the Conservative
noon/tee Col. Doraville, running as so
independent In 1885 he became Mi.-
ister of Marine, sod et the last g serol
election he beat Cul. Domvilie by 473
majority. He has been an ardent
prohibitionu t. He is a plausible speaker
and very ready in debate.
It is thought by those well informed
that Mr. C. H. Tepper, the member fur
Pietcn. will emend Mr. Fuser.
Sir Charles Topper's return to Ragland
as High Commissi000r sweater his sat ie
Parliament. Ex- Attorney General Pup..
is the standing liberal candidate, and
the lames of Arthur Dickie, son of the
enamor, and Hon. Hiram Black, a Nov
Scotia councillor, are sention.d se the
Coasrvative ceedidatee in Cumberland.
At the general deities the Conservative
majority in that riding was 668.
A ala OSIZBaa.
I heard yesterday that the Customs
Departs... has 12.900 Binger sawing
machines ander seism. It seems that
as the Company were about menefscter-
ieg • new patent machine to ren without
the .clay shuttle they reduced the pries
of their old stock sad shipped 12,000
tato Canada iovoioed at $12, so the Cus-
toms seized for modernisation. The
Company have now their new machines
out sod afar to sell the .nixed one• to
the Customs for 012 a -piece.
Sar01111 AT SID.AL: .Act.
Sir Joke Macdonald agreed with Bir
Richard Cartwright when the latter
voiced the opinion of the Public Ac -
manta committee shoot extrivagam...1
Rid... Hall. T.o be plain shoot it. the
greenest waste ad plender of the public
fads by the officials of Rideau Hall ars
well mons to sa°ny, ad menially to
the trammels of Onion, whom bills for
Roods furnished would startle a Governor
Geser•1 if he was allowed to a.. these.
The systems bas been to mail any and
all monitions made oe the Govern-
ment who have bem mined upon to per-
ches. croekery, lions sod sash srtiol•s
s Dight to be paid for out of the Gov-
overnor CM.rsl'• salary 01 $30,000, whisk
is intended to sever everytti.(. At
every Ames of Governor all or must et
these thi.y disappear 'mysteriously sed
when a new viterey amiss a Complete
mew oetlt of household offsets is fgrsish-
ed sad meek of the furniture geed by
the pradeesesr in r.plemsi b .•m.Wt,
to sit the artist's tells of lbs w
einem. I her. that it in ilsli-
so.t'. i e stiu. to try °.d:metee•pp .r Alis
e pos the arrival of Lord S1.1., The
servants at the Hell mete oegt miry
year to keep tet (s•.dien to«delds
in ooasfort mod luxury.
Do YOU awls l
The .smiler of dementia dere ss.e-
feetat.d in Clueds is registered ie the
Depsrtmeet of Lind Rennin and
o aoo..ted bet year to 85,587,500. or
&beet 18 for .wary awn, women and
Mend i. Cswsdo. Of these, Mosinee'
mala 40,000.000, Hsmiltom marl'
7,000,000. sad 'Fermi* marry 6,000,080
Oar sew dowering. Gement will reach
Q.ebs in soother tee dam,when he
will be swore is k7 the Administrator
General. Sir Jobe Roes,w m
•• sew e•-
mder el the arida forams is ♦mea,
who Ins fest arrowed at Halifax.Iwad
&..ley will mem es 1e Genoa asd be
y needled, sopa lib grimiest,
• .g he sew w moes a mail Whiled
h is Menem doer, sad p gelded. It ie
set as might he thought te provide bis
wen dieser, bet to wwtaia as oar sew
pari• whether way et the
s(s°. at the W.heuhs at
Wwantle Mees lead s»eg► a bias at
the w(lwti ted.
nP Mudd ea via 150rw aedoetne .
no ether emelsg the eri$imi seism
of the 100th rgglgeeet ('O•••tiMs)
MA mi litary t h tpn Meaty •f Pbailsm•.t
len. Of the eases Odds Mean mei-
mem/ Agee are . dies miewiesm ease -
Wag blah peri..e sods® i. Ous•4,
The mimed e« rebel is eta weeks es
r to Wile dweiss the mob, h MM tis
31!. Tb• adore n,,w opgeiv ietg am (iOD=RICH DISTRICT.
honored place in the argot hiaitifil
betiding to Assnss were pow.ted by Autsl rteelleg e. tt►. Clewiral sad amt
the Price of Wales, and they wen ..ret f►rtiyta/n.
to Canada en the nett,,„n Of the pr..ne-
tatiue to tfe resiat.q n '.1• India, of
sew .aloe. by the Cwtuteee et Dtd sin Tr anneal 11 to 'o (;tri T54
last ysr. district was held its I�,trth .reset
o anr►t. errs Methodist church, G..f.nrb, on May
On dit that Mr &km, the senior 30th •t 2 p. u.. Iter J. E H 'w.11, M.A.,
member for Victoria, K th 'sash , Theorist •o . t reps ret, t -
C., i. he con e. the chair. Ti. h.ttns inR represents -
Senator Macdonald 'bo take. the coUs-
tornhip of that port.
Roo. Wilfred Laurier it'll! tooke a
political tour of Ontario.
Hon. S. A. Chaplain willfils _. ar
deliver political &dolrms/ Bath in the
Maritime Province• and o►utww
Over fifty noons in t he Hsu.. of
Commons building aro occupied b'e
Ia April x;',39=,000 dutiable goods
were imported.
Tb. Minister of Railways is well Caldwell and John w.....rald, Hemmed
were present : R".- Messrs Geo. K.
Turk, Gro. i'. S.It••o, Edmund S. Re-
port, M. A . W. W. tpparhnt. Jaa•b R
Howell. John Hero Robert Godf,
EoA. For, A K. Wooed, W.p
Ezra -
Camph.,I, Henry Irvine. James Kest's,
L (t. It,ce, Isaac E t►aileon.
The following lay members were pro.
sent . R. W. McKenzie and Wu, Swaf-
field, lioderch ; Dr Williams and A. H.
Manning. Clinton ; W. M. Grey, 8.'. -
forth : John B.11. H,.lre.vilie ; W.
Keys, Varna : Geo Eyre. Hench ; Weis
awongh to take exercise. North : T. Anderson. D►noannon ; Jee
Sandford Fleming, l' K G., has been Daetow, Nile ; Jus Gledhill, Beamdler,
el.eted President of the ltoyml &tonty Three young men nn proPattoo were :
which met bare last week. The Marquis 1. B W.11oin, eh) during the peat year
ot Lorne has been delegated to represent
the Society at an educational cesten•ry
in Bulogne, Frazee.
Mr. Bloke has reoorared his wonted
-baatth, and witt, tt Is believed, swami
hie old position nest melon.
Mr. Laurier has been a popular tasdr
has occupied the position of pastor of
North street church, t:.deme' : Walter
M. Patton, formerly ot Holmssville, who
reaeited a ere -claw art/fleets from
Mentnsl Cntteg. averses 91 : ..d
Arch. K. Mustard, who received a
second class certificate, a►eraze 64.
There no probationer of four 'one
during the session lux[ cawed,
Lanudowne's departure was tell OM -I standing.
stun of a demonstration,On motion the moarelatt d bis tofh Carso
but ohs. tale G. Rice, • supenntustd brother, with
not • spark of enthu ses's. the &strict was continued.
During the past year no member had
retired from the circuit, and none W
been ermpended.
Moved by Row. S. S Rupert, 'seced-
ed by Re.. Robert Godfrey, that
Walter M. Patti n be allowed to go to
college, and that he be allowed full aid
The oast of I. B. W allwin was enter-
tained, and • resolution pained to lee.e
him without • station for rte year ie
o rder that he may 'Weed Toronto CA-
W,* instead of Cobourg.
Moved by Rev. Mr. Hart, sesend.d
by Mr. Keys, and carried, that $58.62
be obtained from eustentation fond Oar
. apply part of the salary deicieeey ar
Hayfield circuit.
Moved by Rev, fy. F. Seitnn. seemed -
ed by Rev. L. 0 Rice, that Hessen ap-
ply for $100 from the sustentatinn feed
to supply the deficiency of Raw Mr Go/t-
hey'. eatery.
The district meeting granted person
aloe to Holmeevills circuit to sell late B.
C. ehereb at Sumserbill and apply pe. -
ase& to poisons(' fend. It algin greet-
ed peresie ion to the trustees of the pre-
ppeerrtty us which Shepperdton church is
Wilt to deed back the land to the o:igi-
mi doom.
Rev Robert Godfrey was sleeted to
e tatioeary eomimttee, and Rev G. F.
lisltno on the Sabbath School committee
Dr Williams was elected as tee laym.n
en the Sabbath Seim! committee. The
following lapses were elected to attend
eoabrenee : R W McKeon*, Wilhelm
Iteaf.e4, Dr WiUiama, Ju Salsas, W
Ill Urea, A Anderson, J Million, Cald-
well, Dubow, Welsh, Boles, Ayres, Dr
854th. Rudd.
R. W. McKenzie wee elected laymen
M the Minion Board. Meeting cloud
at 3,30.
A word sr ewe seem se. rehatwm..•
TW Base Gane le elasd,
"Dii•OunoN DAT. -
The years .bat have elapsed *aria tis
oleo of the civil war have served to
obliterate all sectional feeling, sad a
coked sad prosperous nation joie. is
keeping gree the grans of dI ire he.
leved deed. It is in this spirit that the
publisher of the Nese Vont Family $buy
Paper bee had written • thrilling std
pathetic rosanee, peculiarly spprope1t.
to this national holiday, nutted "Faiti-
eel Lamers ; or, His Grave Kept these."
In the same pap•r will also be Meed •
weekly i•stalmeat of the "Life stmt Ad.
'pastures as a Showman of P. T. am -
sum," written by himself, and mostly
iateresting to the young folks as well es
beads of famih.s, Thome are ran lite-
rary treats, and thnu of sur readers whet
•re not already *eying them will do
well to obtain No. 766 of the N.e York
Family Story Paper of their wwgjsslgr
or seed direct to the pebluher, Mesee'.
Publishing Huss, Nos 24 and 27 Tee -
detester street, New fork, and resolve
toe paper four months for one dollar,
postage free
uT'r*LL'S urtica Ana.
TI. uamb.r* of The Lieut, Ape ler
the weeks aiding May 19th and Nth
contain Reaper Hauser, (*beefed, ;
Reseinie..ncee of Cardinal
Weatrwin.(er ; Islam and Civil
Cmaeeteporary ; Hymns and Hymelm,
and Among the Imbeds of the Ikea
Pacific : Fiji, Blackwood; Marino Falleae,
and Dickens' Chameleon and their Pte-
totypn., Temple Bar ; Th. Tepaphiwsl
Imbue of Animals, .d Reskia'. !
Leisure Hour; Matthew ArnoW, R.
sed Romaw.., tad The Cashisisg Mee AWFUL
Soldier, Sportster : Old Naval Fowl-
lis, St James's ; Boyish Freak.. Chins- Mr John Stately has retuned to his
hers; Mr Matthew Arnold's Rather Pah. term is the district of Parry Sowed,
'nation, of demon : Scientific Pwrier speeding the winter with bas
in Elsmeet.ry School, Neter,: D.w/t e1 family at this place.
Matthew Aneroid. ased Rimiest' sod No lees then four peddling carte et
Ksts-illemw1•, 'roes: with "The Pei see tows ars run everyda wt
and c
res• Furvybuwt," "The Verne of lie oust ort will start Oaet: wast, add
Croirie, asd poetry. For "Ry-te* that will nuke Bre. Trey ars count
members of sixty -fuer large ports. Th._ primedown patty One, en fine that I
(or wars thaw 3,300 a 7"") 1bShish some of them mil! hen to
embseripaa. pries (00)10 low ; whole fat Melo the woods or ektab • tree befogs
`=14.0011. 0"1111""its io Clad sal .nesse is over, aid dou't you kr
one of the Amoebae $4 'monthlies err SIM
weeklies with i'he Liviwi Ar for a year,
both postpaid. I•ittell & Co , Bosses,beadu at garden gat..
+ talc Y Chert bett Ate teeth are leer :
are the pabluhesa seem awe meters will woad awl CM*,
VW UN lab. of the peddler coot wee.seatagu'& 11.40.1121011.l
8cribier'. Yyaaine for Jas. marks
the begetting of the vary importa•t
sols so the Boddie( amid Maumee*
ort Railways, for whish prep•rsti'n.. hens
Wee bow malting. It i. an) an now*.
all .tem( .wmbr is its literary fsturus
-bleary Jaime, Themes Bailey AWrieb,
Robert inion &.vswaw, and Auntie,
Dinah! being awned the eootritwt.sa
"The Beildiatg e a Railway is the
leading artiel., written by Theins Corti•
Clarke.-eaclsiwly amiss( the most •m4
vest ilf America. bridge MMus. sod w
mesa el the widest •speriats is rail wap
e tuettsetios. Iw addition to his
ole 'o tt kaowled..ee possess chs
kw..k af pwtlMg it ii,, $ clear, f..rabls,
sad iwtereatiwg way. He Saks Wry
vivid the idea of the isem•esity .4 flee
Asterism railway system by striking
eemp nonan : M W followed each sloe
i• eh• s el.tian etf it wso ute
aailys4 .f ten owing sunitks ; hachas
pald a beaety tribute to Amerie•n isgene-
ty mid Meus,srvs whit1 have mode
stogy s..MWty dii.Mt fres
end acep54*. N !hoes h tt• /ted world :
end he soweltaaga by pointiwg est thus
great pest paypwd by the railway is
whoae herds of siviliotio.
1.... te Wwgi.L
The edber •f the Mates Noe Bes
has remind hot lb 11.. Oar, el (►•-
enuie, OIL. (ltioeI" air Otiet,i • wen' -
leg moo all Oren se memo tree T551.5
WIMP Abrs Not inks kW 14 i mbi•
Tim Pampa Eanotaar -For seem
tike peat as attempt has been mode to
111imp s•i•uefortable foe the poor
el theIM1Miist church here by seen
dss�tsi*a persona amongst the convene
s mot. bet ihs.fiiowt hes proved Ablution
Abs I diewhg 0igwed by some 1(0 Amok
sod wombs. of M• circuit, and AMA
boo hose farwerded to the ooe foresee,
will tend, :-Where•,, se .t1.rt v
boos .Duk to recons Rev. Te.ic Gee
Orem the Asher, circuit. and knowing
the teem of sash .tf..rt, we. the under
ClisWs and seah•n of the
Shanb, fe.i it oar duty ie
behalf of Mr. 0s• so my that w e r.gr.t
Mat say sash atilt @holed be made, .ad
eat en's ea.,et iw soy way counteinaaoe
Mee Mohs M the par of paesi.
S Mem_gsw Christiana Mr Ngo
ems dee.miry p heal i, the fulfilment
et all his doles. As a Weimer is the
Flipp his auemes hews hese i.ssremivo
filty srY►a etre sod /earb�w
a. ter proof ef
yes to the keg* somber
Mot LIIspp M.m. H..we`. b:
heir Me i•esee. is Aad'e heals. et
revollf.1s e• both eperihair not
stlsd iy M Mi tiwb. it he ala err
t1giM Awaes d t� atoll
tae....odd to Me itis(
LIMN y Sabi* ease rfawM f as! ft
was rigs* A• at he or wet ealhaell