The Huron Signal, 1888-5-18, Page 8ws iNeemlIf -:,am. . 4. a i.... 17•• Neale mese i • t, e COUNTY CURRENCY. " Ptettolllingn and Scissoring, from asebans'•s, Sures cumin velMd Omellsased Mab nod paelliersM semis avow dog.., les Sea. Bit»q Oma is lad up % Jamas Adams,osbus four Mwa" t a the nenthimi cd aims lambs. htihtlMr J. Ilkonittd," ell tiseerdime hes Orssd Trunk station, s 401 opanthor et thy Lasa Friday Henry 'Looney, jt►•, had A his left heed injured in the halves tI4 the one el dm let tits Le"Brassids. mill, I Ln ch 0 10 0, ,M* off of AW child of Mrs John Bradnock, ed with lye on Friday art thaso t took con- vulsions and died in terrible sg ,ny. It was latent rear in the Unice Cemetery on Suasday, other Henry Masao. o. tlof Tackertmith, the other Wm, arse• ter -old filly to is Gilroy, of Indiana, fur $2e5, and eke was worth every Dent of it, tun. Mr Mason ha. purchase) a tears of heavy draught three-year uld geldings fur l3R0. i etoepl• of rerulver shots Bred by Mr Jacob 'faylor, Blyth, about two o'clock .Monday morning Inst week had the desired effect of frightecinq a couple of would he bargees who were trying to gain an entrance into his bout sad shoe store. A man named Peter McIver, of the township of Teckeramith, was instantly killed by the train going west at 9.15 on Thursday night of last week about oto mile east of Se.forth. He was lying ,n the track, and was under the iudaone* of liquor. Last fall Mrs R. Rowden, Colborne, stet with the mid socldent of getting a slicer in her eye ; it gradual! row worse and last week she went to Toron to to go ander an operation, sad return- ed tett Saturday with only oee eye ; ahs '°teach stetting a View eye' Iib T flet months utas John Brown, farcy teenahip, imported a thoroughbred Collie fella nootland in 18811, and she has pr seated her master this spring with a litter of wren pup- pets, real beauties. Mr grown will dis- pose of ire of them if purchasers offer, He lives On lot 21, am. 12, The wife id the late Jaynes Bread foot, T uckersmltb, whose death was settee plated almost any time, hes entirely re- covered from her recent•illaose, and is new able to be cot. Nuthinz prsvent- ieg, she expects to go os' a visit to her children in Kansas next week. Mia Bela Deer, formerly of Birth, has recently become "deer" Balls Whit- her, the wife se Mr Whitener, a Ger- man minister of Michigan. Miss Deer was a highly estimable you; t lady, and her many frienls will join with as A meet Lew A the The at • We Fere recent I'r Jas.0 his ne was w has .'r ary u As a' h',a wit t o et r: 1'. the• t oat. a .nth tff• fears tit an !due with knowledge to meet y tot hosseffessh is prone to, and have 1411111 amt of surgical instru• meet to the idea•ws any operations that ?nes knows. M sat A. Ramona& ses r Cl . erk M. Waal, leirsW- Real pr'op.rt,. $1,7O6,- property, $74.810 ; real P eft' 111,780,170 owes, 64, •: oumtrer el $1.187 ;unsaved aliddres of batman b sad le yeses, 107, over 16 sad under 4110 p ; e.oss is family, $,96$ ; ahsep, Y, ; . 1,847 ; acres wend - acres swamp, 16,000 ; Ian wheat, 4,046 The feature is the lalling Daly 403 doge to the Surely the assessor She »►Lea " S3L Maas - eas has been left is ehurch here by a but has not been par and family have moved masted ssted by Mrs Roes. "a* of maple syrup was lehslr this spring. Some M I ont 36 gallons. of young fellows from this way pretty often. Leesville must be iiasttsd to hear that James has recovered from his Clark, sea "f Mr lids town.htp, wt a passed i• 1887, and for a timeAikanhsad, of Godes-sae al fires veterinary infirm- . Indiana, and taken theO: McPherson, V.D McPherson odious!. t in connection meth College, at Tor - Me rinses and Tebee , of at t the lien is Md Hear eaZe enjoyed a plea- sant r:a,t Io. "friends on the cut line Goderica tosiaship this week. John MaIntosh and J. of Hui:ett. err ,lmaki a clava. f. r hers, which a trey err ft+taat brew for Preens •ass &rachan mechani- cal 'veered d New York, was visiting hei pesbte here last week and saint 'then friends here and about G.der,r.. Sr' :sect. newer -In the recent es - an 0 r. hsM M tits Agricultural Col- lege.aka our townsmen, F. B. Lin- risid, a;ee oat well, being first on all sub:,,ets of the prat year's tens and se- cond to mend pls4cency examinations. he meat asessement for 1888 hese mmanA istime h*r every success hcr alto bas Dot Ir ea ostistactios sphere of life, d•pu gm,.moo tis k of A small boy named Pilloun, of C'in-' buondl. o(e Farm' Dunlop, with a bit tog, met with a very severe accident the in Prolse4, whish were handed rider day. He was riding with another coming hese the revision aleck for the when he was thrown out, and one I The sort of reviuch sion w for Colborne. ales can almost torn off Whether it ' Bow of will likely hear , was cut with the wheel, or oratory this trezhd question, ground on sad there u a ream that tbaee dusts the road, is net known, but it is a very. bad may, is the Mist n[ means being ewers accident nevertheless. with • able Oleos* the nes f.sr Per Rev. Mr Trotter, who hex preached in sell sod II E tit„ 841» it church Clint' -n ,, several ata/ ***lull' r ..ptatn the righ times, has aoceelsd i dill to the pastor I- eke Creeks as it'll M the wrongs of ate thereof, and will enter open his du. l khd- , ties about the 1st of Janetie willglen ti TrtT H..t st VAN. -Lot fail we 811 the base line appointment. lie a s note,: the- IS!. ,lesear the bridge by the young mut of marked ability, and win' ' temperate hal: patted repairs, which prove • worthy successor to Rev. J. wets done 'eh stoat, but have given Gray. The family of David Clark sot! &orals, and at at is nut safe. township of Grey, to the number of 1 lady the dee at captor y eraser t a grin',P of ul fust, hero died of diphtheria, titers from *mere: and o) Nelda] nigh being only ono now left, the baby, sad ' Rental chat hearses a Dunlop ku it has been removed from the ho se• M ! and is •j.'vial engineer see if she disease can be avoided. There l from returning home paying their &sours, woe suddenly I is evidently Mentis local cause that the' interrupted by the tatter going in all I of h i• WIM1014. KU4gsa his ►r pees ler • visit al Musa, ansine Is bsr anal, Y4 Chas pi_e. • " t a several lir el Oodorink d the Our jovial a dosses as Lader el The F''Herrs Mop, fiat sa'l'ad la a . batt- veel tis 4eie•td lest walk (ootid the pez d at..1 the lei11 • reset from tis t a disehwie d ilre earem ii_ri M answer to the ore - 'slat t aty7 volleys vl powder sec- tmilat by the -rapturous sound of tea ill to tbi ~• see ' which utter tela • 11. world s ,bat therea el O1'ople to their neigh- borhood. works MM. ttau•hiaa ,.f Saturday two a[• was rather tun tem tis' to a levy of little prla, and they tried a. t• e . barb 1a ria sitsrkliag and s arm waters in the burn &brie the wdl, which they heartily seemed to enjoy until sod- denly there appeared in their millet an angry dame with a switch, which chang- ed the mer unset to .ad !sweat:tion. Maty friends will he sorry to learn that our towasmau, Mr A C McDoes aid, has been seriously ill and eno8"ed to his bed for some time pas:. itis.. Le- xie, youngest daughter of Mr A. Allen, has else been towell The patients, ne.- der medical treatment and the watchful care of the .ick onmislttee, are progress- ing favorably. There are also a number •t others ucder the weather. and the nuon I steady conrses are ttinnues they, 1 hav send' to ToIt r - onto for a relay of city nurses to mane eh em in their peess of besieges. The eyes of the fair ones are lost in mrimiratiun at seeing a newt orchard laid out as the frontier feral outside Dimly!, ray ire genial owner, ably assisted by a Siltferd horticulturist. The little bird, that dy frees breech to banoh are is' great tarter of being disturbed some day by the jovial engineer le our burg, with his compass, assisting our Garbraid friend in taking the besrioge for a site d fora hoax, whish will resrlt in the get- I s ting of plana and specitcatione for the erection of a picturesque chateau on the • premien. ORO deleat,ility of mains to the lake lar Um supply b. oose/dsred. Last. Keyed by Presdfo i, ssa.sded McLear, that the matter at doom farth- er work at B -4t'. be Wt wit8 the pebfts works a•mauittes • it power toad. Mood by Csu,erou, seconded by 14teholsua, that the deck write Judge &selair, ..f H*isthu., theakit.g hum for Ids offsets en getter ac omfaodstion ran the G. T. It. between G.der:eh and Stratford. The folk.wiee letter was reed from the Dsptty-Uieistse of Marisa : YAtt1R$ Deraeriett.r Ottawa, 7t8 May, 18518 Sir. -Referring to the Order in C•,uu- oil w.f ilea 418 of May, 1883, by which the Prayer of the petition male by the Luer Coutwit of Guderach was complied with and the levying of the tells and dues it the wharf and oamosercel d•.tk dcoue • • ay with on I he distinct understanding that the town council of (iodertch should in oonsidentioa of the dues be- int remitted, keep in good and sufficient repair the wharf and commercial docks, 1. beg to inform, you that the here r Mamer ler the Port of (ioderich has ad- vised the Department that the tows' seemed have out Lept up the repairs as agreed upon, and have expended no ,Honey during the eve yearn for which ugh it of • fed . ere ent red ' m • tolls have been remitted altho such repairs were much required. "need also appear that the trade Gdorich has not been greatly off•c by 'be remission of the tolls, and th dues not appear to be any suffice r, -aeon Dow that the period has expo fir which the tolls have been remit that arrangements atsould not be for the e,llection again ,.f tolls and du and /making also the necessary arran meat• for keeping the wharf and doe n repair by the Government. I am your meet obedient servant, We. Smith, Deputy Minister of Marine. Moved by Proudfoot seconded by Dunlop, that it be referred to harbor committee Carried. The mayor Rave verbal report of the (nutation to Ottawa, Reeve Johnston pitched into THE lax.1L beC&nee of • onmmtoteatipn sinned "Ratepayer" which 8.4 'petered tea issue *retailing the ar tion of the ocanctl i& sending so large • delegattoa. An account was submitted fraru the Royal Electric Light Ce., of Montreal for $269 and interest, amo0ntine in al! to $269 28. The mayor had reraire'1 the account, some tame ago but bad not plao.d a re the clerk's hands ace! that evening His worship stated that he had au offer e all Co, offerin4 $2 2 for the wire and he hada pfOmno:gtinn from another firm that stated the wire was worth rarer $60 more now Ciao when it was purchased at the show time last fa►', TdIIAR fft NEW 8 GOODS NEW 7R&NCR WORSTEDS NEW 800TCH TWEEDS NEW 6NOLIgg' TWBFI)8. N k W CLN4»Uj TWEED& TAKE A LOOK AT THEM. 3. Kato0ornla►4a ttwet AdvealsesesMs That WeeR,. Ceateaalat ixpudt:on--A. Blue. Toronto. (Court alleviates' - Ma, Campbell. Court of R•visaloa -J. 11 ftlehads. Colb•eme. *Postal Delsee-J. A. Reid t It.o The blower's Friend ('lemest It Co.,Teew.te, Notts•- , H. Old- ee'Iwh Chlef-Farr 4! BtiaL'l,.. adlp. Matheson -in Kuban sear at vintage of esteem.. Charles Haadsrwn. sou JO yeas WNhloRtoa_Ir. Ilossevai•.e. Kae.. as Frt- esJ. May uta, Mai, Weary J. t ealat.artea, s sun of e LO Raah:,,:-,,r., Oadeeto►, ged 36 rears. lb, reserve will take plan .'rum his father's residue*. etreck.st.. on Ynda1. Jtav Nth. u 3 Waist* p.m. Friends aa4 saysafasaaua. will rheas* accept this insinuation. Legal.. Et DWa&RD N. LEWIS BARRISTER. ft t. -a _a ease Caere (Rueter la ! etd Y u Yartla'e QEAOER t HARrr. BARRISTERS. a'r_ Cadence and Chicon. Oedcrtcb •1 Ser uppeatte martins Hotel. 110-1/ C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, te. R. (+&toe. corner et ihtMre sad W e.i I atter{, l;od*rfh. ea •r tel.errahh eites,-)'tt 'ate Yusds to lend at _ syr c,.t. ___ 4BROW t PROCDF()OT, Bax -' Hft?rTirt9 .tttor.ere, 8olklto.e, etc Oatericb J. T. °arrow. W. Pre.dfeot. 174 I IG-4afhltON, HILT & CAMERON, tterrfrtr"e, 1(sildrotw In e- d• .,deric-L. M. C. Cameros. Q.C.; P, I eft, II. O. (alaeroe, C C. Rum et, 1; I- e t, 1•- t ha sir Oo110=b. The cuseu_eil met in the township hall, Carlow, on IL: 1148, members all pre sent, minutes of Met meeting read and affirmed. The followlag accounts were passed, viz :-Isaac Jesuitism, cutting down snow drift. $2: J Barker, breaking roads, e2 50; Wm Young, by order of path/seater for breaking reads, $1; J Ling, wood for Mn Webster, duet, purposes, $1; J Mugford, repairing eel - wort, 14; J McPbee, breaking atone on boundary, *1; David Sterlit:g, 1 Ind of wood for Mn Brindley, charity pur- poses, $2.50; A Horton, drawing .fab. fur Mrs Brindley, charity purpose.. 02.60; A Herten, drawing stabs far Mrs Brid•D account chs f r lire uses.Brin$11; F Jor- nurpraa., $33.26: F Jcrdan.' account for Mrs Brindley, charity porpoises, $1; J Bartter, patting once on bridge, twice. $6. Ti., clerk was instructed to write to Peter Adamson els:ming $2.30 a. Godench share ..f puttinY.new un Milt land bridge. afar printing aeoonn1. 0J 13; Crown Land Dan.-oment for a plan showing the original raceme of the township, $4. David Jobneton banded in a Petition, asking the board to re- consider the boundary of Ashfield, Wasemosh and Coibern• Union 'chew onion. -Mmes Tayl,.r moved. seconded es f by A. Malloy, that Joseph Weatherin ton be appointed Arbitrator for Col - 1 borne, on said petirion of re -considering the boundary. Carried. Peter Mc- Even's req. -seat of leave to erect a stale in Saltford was granted. The board agreed to newt at Dor,leop on .tune 2nd. in the riots from tit B owing t., increase in the market value or the article. Mowed by Niche/ann. seconded b Humber, that the acconst of the Roy' Elect L h C wheal- Canted. fir •g / u., be assumed by the i A motion by Cesare', wended by %101RT,OF REVfsh** grid, that le be sold to the Bali Co. I lee - s__ e.,,o (:U Dentistry. M. NICHOLSON. LD.& $islet► DINT A 1, R o o It fr. deer beiem .:.r Pow tf usl Gunxr:'.c,l. W• L. W(►i ►LVERTO ', L- D. 3. (iodation h rgges ni lees: d re!loot -Ail woorrt ranted. Gas or Vital. 'd:.:I:•ru for pale_ lees extraction of :,:etti- t f• Loans arab insurance. *60x),000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON HOLT&CAMERON. Cede rich. 1-m ONEY TO LEND. -A LA ROE amount of Private Funds rue lnrcetmewt st lowest rants os' "netclas• Nertpess Aietl t,GARROW a PitOCUFotyr -- - RADCLIFFE, G NFJiAL LNSCRANCt, Dontesttcs Wanteb. _ 1"IRL WAILTED-A GOOD GIRL) tee", ttuaw•dia'i r, Ar Ira wit1e rafe:rnrr., to Mlire. D S. s::Lia t LL1, Pirton-et. tt)')K WANTED -A Ct,MPETENT' ' i wrrox will reoeire were._ Apatf to TKY««?.J,T,ti.tI:ItOtt', 511•it. 'ZEAL liSTATE'AND MONEY LOANING AGENT. Oaf• firer -doss Competeis* Reperknte4 Imam Money le Lead on straight tows. at the suit it. onrrower. 'Wag,is ••7 way to tart)Frtl'E-eeeond door Zgfiitfee•y. eiest Street, Oalered'. Q ='00,000 PRIVATE FUNDS She ' opte's •tchann. 1.: , tela s. fares sad town property, a low est ia:ere t, Mtwt•age. cors+tea eb a Company n charged ascots for the Trust and Leo" . J off Commits. the eau& Laded Credit vomtsamy. the Leedom Lean (tensest of commute. Interest, a ii sad ; Per sant X. 8. - Borrower can obelus money In day, I. title eattsfss,twrr. 1473 DA V1t1ON R JAN Xae:aaers. CieMrtek Cl(li-RT OF REVISION. I TOWNSHIP o►' CO:.BOIXE. Tarr null. a that the t ,tett of P-ew i,i.,. for ibe Townsk,p M i ',b.rue w,.: 1r bell t: lbs TOwn.biP Hill On +oturdas. floe ii r.. ltsel.at 10 ,stark a -m.. Inc t Is. nonvoter ..a ria a and reetlteen t aU aotyplai.p ani.. er vergers 1 1 the Asanees.at Roll of ibe pees,;,, fear. Aft 1 permits interested err reou.ete•I to "Items- 1 J. H. Rl( iI iItr.. Co!ir_r.e. May 1St:. Hum. ri,et ltaa:rlp.ttu. #li as voted down. Bylaw Nu 4, ler amending the billiard bylaw was real a list seceisd and third and passel. Bylaw No 5, adopted the early clue- ing Statute of the Ontario Legislators, was read a Ant, mooed and thud time, and passed. Constable Yule was instructed to see twat the bylsws be ...furred. Council adjourned at 12 ;,0 ala., ou Saturday morning. Address amid rre...s.Itee. An llntematias( and exceedingly plea- sant evening was spout with the young I people at North -se Methodist c`ar.h` at their social Friday lot A tea was! provided by the youuv ladies that did at nine o'clock, 1..,- the purpose of going credit to them. mud plowed the most i •d 1 amend and examining tit. roads. The fasted :nue of their beehotor friends, and I hers I &elecil adjourned to meet %gain o. May an eeielli5;e program a!ae, was presented i t a 1 26th u 10 o'clock, w $ Grum of Rete- sts! egi- of choruses, solus, duras an wadi. qs .1. tl. Rtaaaann, Clerk, TOWN OFDERV H. Take notice that the (oar' et itrnterm syr the Towo of bode seh win Lr and to the T•w" !tall - 8 . .r. 1 Pea. for eke purpose of hewn ser and re,'.friss all complainta against or error, .4 t- .. Ae.ess- meat Roll of the prevent y .ar .11l Menest.. tweeted are requested a a• trod WM.('a.)t.'.. nerd a it.nict 111• 31Aittweriyht, Uatuator, *cc. Ron toe rale ackisg horse.. ; aree....541 wy,' C 1, a%M$iER on r'rassioser tore. A y rr r ItiCYAlt:t ALDWORTII.Gat.r• • . tLLLR'RKiHT. MACIIINgsT, t'A1.CATu:t. Aai1s:.T ay. Gotertch. ]fay r th. warn geAlt HORSES FOR SALE --t SPAN OF 3febical. nit. W. K..t ROSS, LICENTiATI F (NS -e os :steal aide of U el ' *a1e u Did McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SCR OgON, Coroner ae. Odle" and resides Street ase Street. second dao west Of Vitteri 1141. u118 SBA)/ NON & SHANNON Payaefaon Rearee.,, tossu. (es, ac. rare at tit. 8baa.uies res{deace near the me! uodsrs.da O. C. eeatrxox. J. R. tfstaa- *0t1. 1351 I 1 tY,4T-A SMALL G,'LD t: RUIN / Finder wits be •scat'. :r.rat4ett Idiots( it at D_ GARUOsie St To LET - J '1 he etweRiaq hoot* ehI aletards et ot. Kidd " inter...Ilona: } .ru; ; , .et her mama -rent rea,onatpe. .1 Sa4J r.. Sl-tf A. tit:' teiR. or WII. HOU Dei.N. ight 'Oen- boardealth should at enc. see after, I [ours onto tie h •!e. However his coat I er [t may spread. Prompt action is N•'rase pulled bin fist slows, and if it A aired. i ne freer agate the essineer may bring • J ]rin.ee% d Last On Friday last a auniber of boyshtg atti,e t„e ' covered $ 1 Ls- da. eo we are inform large tortoise in tits river, agnitat tkt,wmnr 'nte about a mile below Blyth. Oa (whine With plume nosy friends here learn ,C y it out they fogad inscribed oe its shell that W. bers .4) p met excepting Friday : W ]dem Um tollowi H ' tto0 0[ ibis pl"ce ha+' all present esrepting D: Whitely. : - ''R. Porten, Blyth, I passed hie film! etaeeitl•tton es e„ M. D I Minutes of last meeting we:e road and 1880.- Tbis turtle, eight years ago, was Before t h 40. COUNCIL MIIIE TIN J. Neese' sf lie it opera* a.4). in the aPpr ived. is possession of that medical course he at- $owtbMs, but pre tended the aeeesteiei moiler* fora short I rea•urer'. report was raid and re- forring liberty to boo i1 broke loose t At rite clear a beautiful .et of silver was; presented to Ulm Wilson, with the ful- lewin; address which speaks ler itself : Mies Li:c:e W'i ,or. : Dsait F•ISA Agit SI•sTEIt -We take this opportunity before you leave us, to 1 express. not in a !tattering, fulsome way, bu' as our hearts feel, the Ctristisa love sod deep regard which we slseriah toward you. It u Gni only that knows; the hear ; but accorarog to ilea word by Sirir fruits we ars able to know wlto are His. 'Your C ris;ian labors amongst us hare been most eburttant : and wo : believe you have been serving God mer icor I ed 1 al from its 'sooting. one a xh ask tc tali be was a student cat' . ad veiing'sad male of the hi.1h rep,,.!, (iederiob, and war Th" sextons report showed that there its escape, • has not hems MOOD mace , alwa s;to stn eat end sue- five interments dunes. the past time ureas last Friday, easeful in n K fa DerLeone) its 1.182 with treat that t I i+ a prose . • d had been all inn ken trhleh h d I month --one child and tour adults, A copy of order from counts' judge, zraotiree the apelicattoa of Canada Com- pany to chu,ge the plait d their pro- perty from town lath purl Note ; alae a communication from Itis tetra so:Miter beeline upon the ase. An application was received frim Wm Tilers is nog in the vieinity took. He • t ,'row two of the Assaf hard. if GIS uO1natwn ins-- his .. ..alati•en es- _ hum and Holstein aside in lite sorely credit for the pr ieastisa ho h h and the latter by W Jobs ('o rieb, .-ns d the vice prrsu- Gemini!! of the 6th eosossskrn of Tana dens o' her wsdtral seaseiatu n of U0 - berry Mr Noeboleos has mesa* tar". W . wisp many friend., tender! bought Iron Mr Arrear John/toe of "ar hearty verentulatisss and hope 8e Sharman, jr., to meths -mei cemetery (Ireenwnod,tle famous young show belt, , will M long apare,l to bail and use the' 'uta Referred to eem.tery committee. Lord Erskine. Meagre_ Gmemi1l sod ! au"•r ,gs „f banal',rt I Apphcatiun of Jae Hailey fie rent of sir group Referred to public Theas chosen. o1. 0 er. °wood. by - -' ef'gw for oto!' • utter milli• with Dr Tay- Ntabolson are 10 •be congttatolated on - The bard 1- I wed f d. tit son *1l: ! which came s f Hope entertainment work. stemmata. Appplication of constable Yule for suit c1.Rhe At the esam'hmtinns jest oosaludsd •t l four lurnoot to sn Moods" nrtht wee • the (Oettepte Atriulteral College,of the wrestler :r d angry aspect tlelb as mu certain rose w• ti b, wit an pleased to notice that '"e on the Reuel Bishop, (trey, .ot cooly pealed' chairhan,'A prof rm with the general seven t.;uttos were tarmor creditably on all sabjeMs bat took I „( is wetter' o•atl heroes le igrieeltere, Live Stook, Ar who unit the y Rro"0-•d borierknee, Jerkiest Cattle, Judging never Touch the Win eh rn` "We shoo. lotf°saeltrp, VMeri I sweetness, folios Wine," eyeae nary Pathos, Jed lag Hoesea, tar_ and Dueoeues wee by Mogo welImadam tesmieistinna, 11.8 Literate', sad Political seminally by ail those wit root The at Lem howl, DRi Of s pnssibja twits dress of the R., D 4°Aftivray wired is a v IKetur •els e< tie &vile of the felon" Is Mrioh deft. ger iters on the wound •d a sketch ofor, ,a week year's ooeres. • I tbote, t, stop it. M,.. SIM Horton'. The hated has ,removed one of 10 .a sang .. f #y also dy e k lives sear, R. Wa- vle the intelt ! 1111 Reason 3 11 blain the psesit ._al AIssannder Mumble, l and a ria .inq whe 0tsttee.ter at Will*LNOP. He haat l t llama The tie, I Riven of 1, ,,anted. Application from bre wattles, for firemen'. boots. Granted. Petition for "penin" Pine and Critters struts to elation. Referred to beard of public works. Petition to improve 9ottth and Raglan- Slee t. t o show groan 1s, and to emu, a Limp on Hrat•m.as .,ed and lewd -at Referred to public works comsmittee. A newsy of accounts wire Dft sated. Moved hy- Proneleest, seconded by Col- borne, that the eblirmaa ..1 Samna slaw metes whertiels in the Torrents pep* the town debentures for eels. The report of waterwnri% comaitfes was presented recomm•dine that W- ee D McGill'. see moetrtNtl I keine tenders for construction be se- trm, astive mss, sed for III to a vole of than ,,, H F'zcantinn rood ptpg_[sfitlg, l bee of yah, rep b the es •e of his (f the I dint t Iwa4om, Beath. had loom mss i tM emir MB* of I band. Tee yd 750.10; London that tvo y $s bees ennfined ler Maden of rite Rar,d ).• boilers, Chrystal & Beek, Gods.. bad Aly a fee tstlj r fe►'ttielrnsa, fall Oheteq, alq Bdhh g , I caalin$2,fi80; naWens pipe sad ratted! relieved hies /hila elan sings. on 000gvmtnLteod for their M r Alton Alet Gorleheese, $lA!►!hi 63. last, at the poi fig years T►s tAw^IAddnn l•n t t.. M(tvnc.' t fres eeloao rr 0•1641•••• Ia rsegMmj N moil toad widely known, PrnR and i. arts( ilii'' ]j„ d and Om retinae.* awn followed by • large tee tb• elfiet of t Med that 184 evert tt1111R11ar bf frissds a tly'Laitlaud roam early taertAt by thM re- 11fao' .ddja ' r ..e ,educt emir* of she readers els Inty. ow Suede, aftliaridit. The toliorrift le 6 *seep& of Ore me - one r...I or utsy temllioloip for lite, • • sate, on that at the I semi will Itegf t the falai imp tam hor es setsylteets questa/1 :diestit. be made, and to Woe and the charo w from true love of bot'.,. Yoe have set to l Tee 1TMAN i SHI►RTHWVD BOOK -A Ilmlaed G _ y . Ear'tnates !fade and Contracts Talmo for er f Hoose Heads,/ by the Rot burse System. r lot Waterbed ptosis gel ;sea other Water Wheels. Aeric LittleWent to the 1 piemeets. ]I:JI atarhlnery. 'he' i PLANS AND SPECIFiCATIONS. i ra m: AT:UNA MADE Fith Ufa T UMW:RICH rs "Itfa-A. limited number of 'Teacher' 8- Tots y:.-ttat eo •iaioed at ►al.! mule For Sale or to Let. a f(t , Amusements. (11-6110-gilt-iii- RY - ' um,. t 31x1. Ger. et Yams street age HEADING a 43peii from 1 se ft pm.. and friths t to HI pAp, tlgaate toy Ilthadan HOtniE T() Itt:NT-THAT CON 1. veiniest and comfort/kW, hr,. L Mw eaa Waterloo ousel at leaner ir roped ao t11e Ameriaao Consulate. p„r i r n ,laeo. ad- dress MIeB8T-FA:•tl ien.e•istreet. turn FARM Ft1R SAL -Tilt ah1e known as of r VAt d•- rich reseweip. cwtsinrna 7a err!.. aster i 1 cletared. and re.tainier grad par,:. Dred Aka several &errs ,d race wnr.sr 1a.,r. tr.me Mar Dad doe ores r . rmod •r:1. r.•.n:r three Maas t tlaieric Irh 'tie Truest tnatlre. -- many of us an e.timAble example in your foment cn0•oatatioa to the Yonne Pee- CO pies' Society, the prayer meeting, the O alas. the r: h P. ,►. The roe mo.c drsirab:e in tae ti vnsh . of ttssoea,Me. Aspiv to MRS :Iii 0AR3T 1.1.IYS oa tae premises or ray totter to uderlcl P. U. ,uuda wheel and Is ail H ebu►eb work. e shall greatly miss you, especially those. the poor, the kick, the burdened, to whom you have been a cheering, Wring presence. W•fervently pray and coafiaently es- ( F peer. that Ood'e blessing and grace will t le rte with you, •rid be with you all year I ti b life, masking it still more bright awl use -11)6e fel ; that 70e will meet trienda apprecia- ter tl.s always of the inner, truer character ere you bare developed, with whom you - M'8E AND -LOT Re: The pa•r t_ 7 of itr U. Ild:in"" dirk Apppqly r ►. H t.71h i btratfo:n sr J• iG rBh pit, tiederiee. gar ARM FOR SALE. -THAT 8I0H- 17 4.eirble farm kaon• as tot :e, can R V. Canonise. ei nralning Det a. rte, 410 sf left arr'learn.. and the re,t ,;sold Ialus .a situated Oo the mael road, He k sahoolhot.r Is on Merrell. particular•s and terns apt.ts- is Ot Mdier'►t8O1tOf: BRAN: SM. of may labor joyously mei successfully in 11' the Molter a • iu/Tarsi. Wo pray yeas to swept this service of , ftleat , ee silver ae a token of our friendship and aa pt leve, Meng you not to esteem them for I'ash user intrifui s vele*, *hem is small• bat pi, for oar Isere, which we trust will no like ,17-4 WW i) FIRST -CLAMS FARMS roe :It,/rite In the rowelish eel► stein( Tie err.•. ;and see ss.xeiaoe( I'D Per J is' Camor»n. Holtwt comma- -litalh• RL M FOR RA i--• tee ' Janemie-eod.rt b To God • t• es, eternal. "Tile Lord bless t and kelp thea ; set The Lord main Sit Ace alone upon Ter thee, stud be ttracrous ante thee ; the Ljtt lift en 4. coufateasuoe epos Oise, tee 8b. paean ' --Limbo" W : Biped tl 1reh•,f of tie members and Meads of North S. Methodist church,' Generis!, Ont 1 a. rt.tw•„ e L { , l au*Ris, Pastor, dart, ansa" A. W. IBeMgssm, Supt ! -st. Fra tt aIJ Mo/h. $ 8. see ►.f Loam OAttrs*LL. Nevem. O. mow Maim ReisaY.nw. teres. If NM o,0haed aa4 boi fM tm els. eon.. S)I acres comfortable tetse..ad •. Tit sf payo.ns .eve. A..riv to 4ARROW d PNOtfDFSOT, I`Idm . F R SALE sr %ee half n,' Int IH. Ambler Mmes. elle M ars.. ir..t. tel. A fr-` T he. Ml 14M traglegarstolt FES I igNv-reL"--IlimrOPIN 011icesi Atait ABOUT 2000 VOL'S LIBRARY. Lembo, Deily, Ifiedsfy reed 1111wateeted Papers, Marunissar. etc., on Pile. Rooth application tor membership received by uperawas. Is renews President. Seeneary. tioderich. Wards lita. US. Executors' Nat*. wile, TO CREDITORS IfilF:ORot PRTIPIPt MONTGOMERY. de The creditors*/ Genre, Peter elestsesseary. bee of the Teem or notietich.in nee massy of about the one day of AWE A.D. are regaIrsd to send to Wm. Peatiana. rillatier torsinho, is the Omar of Ocferd• Orem/el. gm -ester of Mei Agate Of (seer before the lete day of Jae. MK thOr ourimien sea esitheausa addresses aid 411. earitiythass. what psretouutro mid pram to thew rush.' me Karmen of Moir asermuns mod oe,-orsiv of sell head by Mem. satiath of _June. net me ea" yesehor notice is hereby given tiro* after rvil" the not hpittelierahae or reraingne _All par- ies helebsee en ebonite late otherwise Aso uss nem so Or Wass she ISM uirs ... be Oskar .iss iltie the wow meet eseet.4 est. 110,Ontit sof a Maytag bad Mumetare nor •