The Huron Signal, 1888-5-18, Page 7THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. MAY 18,1888. CAPS' OF IXDIAAA RquIJ►TOM OP MORALS i IN ME COUNTIES. ThpsP.,W- Wale ceeetry-enem ale eitMsWhim Cspa-Toe trans maims AmmeagalabM.- t Be Colored r.... es Osawlswel memo The "White Ceps" s1 Southeasters 1.. dens. riordart whom another .ntrage was resented a law days age. are the natural sit ofiavu•d.sssen the 1orratkst .f two eseatry. two drift of •'poor whine" frets Use seemataora stlRwus of (Mr. , mare tow JaK1 wntan' AT roar .Jos. tails other man... the •nimtoattlea novated by the tar and the rapid w ren stry. whisk Ms driven enttbe poor or and igtamma shapes bask imto the and melees The state may be divided. 1 . Into three esctlums The thud is for two mem fart oto- y level. the mi maimsdle maims is a high and pc:2 lof weadarftti tysettled originally by the Met people of {be middle and border steam. and tow escaped by a ebs ter eargaseed la the teurid for gemmed sC. =able marl "Igor south tis• (able land breaks dos rapidly to the caw da r..asas M which theunit doers,sodas i. awtbsrs bait d t . drift is warty alum( the pi 'lied Stain. 015•.ik the soothers c sots present a saddle chane et formation 13a pttli.W tons pre)tret sharply Mem r 01 bins and wild bollworm wt5d testiessiy between "knobs" or est W bel into •wren •trips .1 table !P,► shoe. meow that am- _--. _ J!!!a two two Ontrttacm s al £•4- ▪ ..y A Fiore aeon bed gra country. occupied W a Sem dao impute tion b often is the mum 'township with a lat cruor" et ••dr+ run' rstghhor000sl .4 log estrus. sad illicit stills, rocks. Am hairs afdu hl The Kneels of the stair. atter 18O .h•rpeu•d 161e contrast sad created a neutral emtagenlara mower* theme clams" The dimmest' of the war perked heightened it. sad for a few yams atter the war thew was a (rest dead of ethos. The wild bellows wore tram tee arm settl.m.5twatmetdly ideated by recti. lees and Mood stained Wes. At length, la Igt the better elms of fitizerts. de- spairing of tbe law. organised In a spirit n7 witd jasi and banged. whopped and b•5l.bed till the Word meneep` ,. was greatly prided la use town and sear vicinity eleven mart were bangeed in a few weeks It has stats been • model Iowa Then happened that which always der happen whoa the low to set endo Om class wanted to go farther and the n:6cr wanted to stop So the secret organise tics degenerated Into • mere mob. end w.• mem the instrument of private vet guano, y o The whole h popular mom veeota toward rimer'• f touaJs r* such lemma Toa teas who organise the e reolattoe are seedy 01ways hurled from power Were it eras ha opens. la 18* 10 and 1f the "vigilantes' wen loorgeolasd mor • special emergency, a0 the new m mead. wens bringing in a new elms d eriusls.ta Two or th>w man wore hanged. several whipped and soapy tmcwe •*warns& eat:' Thee was a hill lar • few ye.es, agd them the "WbSM Caps" took up the wooled d puttying society. With outright edmfads they have Iittie comers. as the law le new .nsldent ter that; their adedo5 M to attend to morals and iads.try Aka who seglet% or abuse thfellow. who insult woman. "losters" who live on tbdr fan Mee" as the phrer is. .staeioe.aly loose wastes ale their isle friends --these am the objects at the .'white Ceps'" atten- tion. 'The town of idnglsh, in Crawford county, wee the ".torte seater" of one of the latest moral burnoose. About mid- night • Ings foecasppe.red to tie streets, the nem with bookend Was and td white cap., like the old ••dwnce cap." but so other Midterm. Ihneb arried • revol- ver soda Mite tough wench of hickory or water beet& or other good timber toe the parpetea Aad this tore•, actin( ender the alias el • in two "frits w p,a fog galla •mol owl Wausau. I(ta 6156 VliWI& a widow with four eego• t . imam apace t Mole tae. bl the able (L seem • ss) da. Parham tmparda5- wfdower tab four c6Ydewt. received 120 larches for "aot.rlous am..eistlon" with the whim, mod negligees' kis ehtMrso. Robert Blo.m-dd get Igo Lobes. laid oat hard. low *lisesgNss sasoetation." and then reinelleas vtrtus rested tor the sight. Oa another 'tering they vis- ited the cabin «a widow Jones and took her firm. bays, Jobs. Ates and Bock. to the woods, wirers they gave them fifty loess each sad warned them to go to work "and stop sponging on their poor old mother." 16. eseitionte operated like a chat The thane boys are repotted to be working like good fellows and treat" E ( mothers` • politeness that ndless her old A **Itntnaa O•eR! AT 'Mai The Meet Maete mange was the W. worsts( ti .ibgr «'11t: r imey at aNesse wee 5stlt leil tbeit IN *hos Se sig ember Tose, .w but OM* ems Oily f_twl 1 es it m.ea ;''elf" - -1 h 'ter. a meek Irr ' Om E:.6 , i1: W"" 4"14 tetra' the Ili d when, er +k'es1s, alb gmo "'matt sly' trait been ems, he wee. vary wounded. bet lee lets 4 stew who he was or wheeler be wed killed. es se sue is the 1sw11l.. serglibeired 1. stMfo1 Altogether they have whipped •ed Malah•d a.m. Oft, prams is the sae wsty. inciadkag e« woman. wed was whined for slemieg her umber 1s - law CrawTord county. from 'est hi west, seven the motto change of tock forma - Ma toms Limeades to the'•e.el meas. sew." white from north to awtti it in- tends front the highest table lased to thv OW* neer level. thus it ban More abrupt (Aft deep hollows earl strep unputiebed Mak time any ether county In the ttlass, and &basalis 1a "ON( shelves" set ea Dew. of which the wonderful •' 1f y lrutntte' le known W •men1Yt. all Over Wm w.rhi It la also celebrated sat the only comity tothe emit rsl wt -probably Cie only .story 1a the tutted Staten - that dote Dot colour • M eotured per - sun It le the the sot i. of Herm fort amine a 1:.. whack eonta.te lo..rtr(a urytno.a w up. w6it& LOOS beturo the ter, says an old dtt:Pa, -Crawford ,.ret • made op her mind she dole t wait ao ui.ggeta. sad you bet the chin t pet may. author " For many ratan ahem was ore in two °panty. but ore tial Loeve.wurth. the county oral. a • face• quiet place of perhaps 1l$L desuu the Ohio end fourteens mike from On. rail u tast. with so •were(. ot .even hills so the mann The preppie (.0.0417 apawwge of Use "%'lute Cape. - AlSQr J(IIftES STREETER. . no as tl.sN.mad ase w • osrde.tlal tuetat• rsie __letNr trots" r+ell' The convention of delegates from the Clime labor party fee tie nomination of i president sad glee president of the United 'States wall is told at tlmelamatt oo the t telt of Nay One o(taa caaNdates w Mee tame will eels0 before two emvenlloti 1• ;that of Abut !eros thews'' Mr Streeter !was born in iteer elaee'•fast N Y . fa 1*'_".1 Omega the family came from llaaea- •chu.ettr Young ran't'ed Mgan the os #.l. lathers farm In Allegany county. to *loch the eider Streeter 'msowed whim { the bay went 4 years old The father died 1n ib it wad the .un was 4•11sec1 to make h is cora ova' Bearing of nor coil..'. then jest opemd •t fialesburg W► -+heedrtime wee a labor department y- abling v.nnsj men W "wort out' an .du- tattoo. he uoacfu.led b go then Cps his arrival the touad the working depart meat w..r. o1 in running order He know Mow to eiake alitttgi.a, me to be bought tame and est them 4uwn end tuto Wheels ' on Saturdays. and W them hauled to town In this way be sassed means W attend litre °oilers ane three years I 1. Sass be went overland W California with an 03 was4 returoing two ear• later to rg. bet Ia 18.$1 be drove s herd of you&( eat. tie from (laim- burg to California for market. The nest year 6e bought another drove, and went through with them. making a i ACO• . writ Erratapro fit o . both trips Mr Streeter bought land near New Rindeor, Mercer county. ilia He stocked* farm. and has beta raising stock ever sloe& de is now • maw land 'tau. a 1 farmer tad • sueeea.ful stock mbar. lir Streeter was, while to col- lege. • ready speaker, but the dunce of a stock grows are ser such as to d.vebp this talent Daring the war foe Lb. Union be was a wear Democrat. In M871 he was elected to the state legislature serried oat the committee on eduesuos and agriculture. and taking an active part fa railroad legislation. -to prevent es - tonne end unjust dbarfmlaattoa " It was the time of the °anger movaseat, and Mr Streeter joined the (h.n in 1871 cu Mr Streeter .'e'd aL 6M old political a>sli•tlos& and Mouse toter. ested in the forming of the Labor party. The Greenback movement followed the Grangers' movement, and in ltilr be Mao candidate for congress on that ticket. Din. R. & BTORRB. A ,offeree Airent .rod iseeslee et a Para c.msowt.a. Mev. A R Storrs, who was appebted to All a vacancy in the Crooklyn Board of Park commissioners. is one id the leading rmiators in the Congregational charch. though now he b one of the oldest. 0. is • far &Grid. !madame eery musical voice, whir adds greats M the charm of bis &Beery la tits pu or en the mistreat Ms church le the lush of the Pilgrim& Basin he prs•ehea every Sunday to an tktelligas$ mod relined ma- yhem beholds by hit scholar- hie a ..p,rtwl . sad ids saatns.a He a great ad- vantage ov•r most of the cloth I in being able to speak .eo.s and thin trm t6. beat At a6e time ot the celebrated Beecher tial. Dr. Storrs. who had been an intimate friend of Lr. Beecher( was un- dreetood W Ism Dal. >t. a groUut& toward the views of Mr. Beecher's enemies. and has news , tics been looked upon with favor h shoal friends of Mr. B'e'ds who ewgim• sed steadfast In his support Bob were Congregationalists. both asheemi m.y flood. while Yr. Beeebsr bud they were tea ter• meet promisees c..gre se -Mod clergymen. Both were members of the Cnser.Ruioosl aeent o A, aeon • the wire feenrin started another, width wed dbandad only a few scathe eget De. Item nem appeared *Meesay ,rehire teat/• ter Anne mws' eerteesa Ith lir. liatelsee attar the 'Mei ammo wars ▪ reblie • 5 After wdeath. th, pot very bleb ham We Dfr Ohm hes of egg ` the t.'. feia sad bee «i6s easel ereeehmlof the tel amb.Ala.laau, who iiesd Pesosedso « the utast Ralf bob* we= our te se ape pra heti ors= one earl sh..peorrit. the Dreoilys Wee „Dal. nom - Mlle et UM der. m w laheine COMPS c i ' •e. owl ►.r116q,wlao4111111,; llllllui iAiva ' • Farm ant ba en. Bra..'/--r.ttbtlise hands. A dear truer--C»•rsp help. Lee ',rine-1 a •r sumt::.r. Hues net to fano-117 Icy. Wer .r y. -Repair your tools. This out overloaded (reit tree& Cos sockets Irwo tit. trait trees. Pour pastures -Us, n.Guble stock. Good pastures--tl..od tattoo and butter OW eyes pn.dues thinner milk than young ones. If you dii...t lead y..er work the work will drive 8.*p-suds and all khehem water are ramebae le" uhaeta. It m'.id that .haat is being adulter- ated to New York city. IT you h.ve have vermin put tobacco («ewer w their nests Tb. eigir.t not the beet -- Paint is itheaper (baa mu timber. Tansies fed imsudt•tely after milk:04 fila sot taste the mit When b color hotter and oherse- --B. - fore they Imre the cow. Poor mature land is better adapted fur aMaio than (..r butter, Bathe the horses' shoulders ones • dee with cold water ; keep their collars at d fest dean The damped way to mend the hole in boar puclet--Study nobody's business rat your uta thewaOW. coef costa. A slim pow man is i. beight of fathom was vi•dently sneezing in a street oar, velum a wmpeui..n remarked, "Ane, Chswlss, dealt boy, how .S ye cat. h that dweedfvl Bold " Au, deal. fella)., left my ease in the lower hall totlwr day, laud in sucking the ivory handle, en dwe•dful add, it chilled use anew( to death." It Charles had used Dr. Har- vey's fled Pine Gum his cold would sot trouble hif, eery much. For sale at J %door's preecriuWon drug store. tt Feed ynl:r calf well, especially if you want ti. u,*ke a prose arcus., of it. But mood feediul N one thug and stuffing is nut her : bad feeding r Nei (` ieutb.r. t)f .11 thew the goegin* system is the wow Everybody knows whist a foolish thing the coif is. It will gnarls through sheer obeti*aucy. Tbe milk curdles is stomach *lid enters into decomposition. The unwitting owner curses the calf and ail the bend--ererything, to fact, ex- cept himself. It should by known that b'gb feeding does not mean gorging ; ;i mesa the proper gaaatity of the ratite f.d in sympathy eith the percent/toe of the dt$.teeit nutritious eleut.rctsc.atatu• .u1 in the Nod. It is moderation that build* up the prize trusts, out exams. ne ea Tear em.M. D..n't .11..w • colo in the head to slow- ly end surely run into Catarrh, when you can be caned for 25c. by tains Dr. Chase a Catarrh Cure. A few applies- . tiers@ core incipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 boxes cures ordesary catarrh ; 2 to 5 b•:zes is guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh. Try it. Only 25o and sure cur. Sold by all druggists I( .1d. Boo good. Little Fanny looked intently at her anther for some litre. Then she said : "Mother, you ain't a girl, are you r "No, Fumy." "What are you 1.. "i am • woman." "You were a girl orae, weren't you r' .,V -es, !Nunn" "Well, where is that girl now A resalable Ufe. Few men here accomplished the rune amount of worst and good in this world ay the celebrate' Dr Chose. Over Canada alums. We want eve 500,000 of Lia works have been sold in troubled with Liver Com *7 personItlaint, pepaia, Hrtedache, Kidney .,r t'Driny ys- Troubles. to bur a bottle cf Dr Chases Liver:. Care, it will cure you. Medicine and Int/sips Book :1. Sold by all dr oggi ns. Put this restriction 011 your p!cerurea Be cautious that they tupelo no being which has life. Lord Rrnogham, in a letter to, a (Mond writes: "Drink is the mother of pover- ty and the agree of ohne." ORAr1FU1.-OOx10R TiRO. Ilplis's cocIJ1 BREAKFAST. "17 a thorough keewied.e of the natural law. which govern the oparatltss of digestion sod nmtritiou. tad by • cereal sp tkatloa et the tine properties of v lleelected Cocos, Mr Rpmlas provided our bresateet table with • de-17ratel7 flavored be whiok astir save es nisei •heavy d'ea'ns' bUle. it N be the indictees use e1 sash articles of ths that a celatitatl5a may be ensdeally bath *p watt1 arming me to reseve*, wstimey to Abeam memo" of mbtle &saladIare featlagarwmed es ready to st- ack wherever there b • weakt. We may moms many a Aral than ppyya.tamang ourselves well fi'tte'd with pare 1Meikannd • properly, semrished teems."-"C5..QQ Srrrter e. Made sherry with bolster water or intik. Ia Ret• by Fromm labelled thea: 411, I A% st Co.. H law - • qTb. Rad Clone of two blood is c.e•, d w the lass a< et claim. S.. ly N e •r..a whoa Wane by aria* Milbsra'e Beef, Ir.. tad Wass lm. Want of Sleep 1. sesiist( theermada annually t0 the la.a.se asylum ; and the Motors say thle trouble le atsresiaity as two I..reas@. The usual remedies, while they may give temporary relief, are likely to 4. snore bars that good. What is seeded le sat Alterative and mood -purifier. Aler's bsnsp•rllls is innasparaWy the best. 1t corrects those dlsturbnu..i in the circulation which cause sleepless - vase. gives increased vitality, and re. Mores the nervous system to a heoltilul coatitlon. Iter. T. G. A. Cool, agent y( the Han. Some Missionary Society, writes that kis stomach was out of order, la sleep very often disturbed. and some itm- purity of the blood manifest ; but that a perfect cure was obtained by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Frederick W. Pratt, 494 Washington street, Boston, writes: " My daughter l was prostrated with nervous debility. ' Ayer's Sarsaparilla restore! her to health." William F. Bowker, Erie, Ps.. was cured of servouseees and sleeplessness by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for about two months, durtmg .6k6 time his weight increased over twenty pounds. I Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rnsrasr:o sv Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.. Lewitt. Mas dead by all DrakMMe. Pais 01; eta bottles, di UNN'S m=ss 0gMER0-N 49, OHICAG • / have jtrsl resumed fop the cities and am nom receiving fhe latest lines WRING 'PRINO MILLINERY. My dressmaking dee nt is also in fait work- ing order. A call is respectfully solicited. A. J. WILKINSON! MISS GRAHAM 11.. a,ew ot„ .4 ,,.t her L.rA, alnck of sPRI a- =M 1 LLINERY-- .04 is prepared to 'ire et, tt ',c, r ;wise than e.er b'rae's n every dep.rr:nieat. Feathers, Tips and Mounts, Ribbons, Fancy Trimmings and .:l 41, :41. e: a feria. of Cup,. makes. Remember tie eland -On the ::,i'neat our to Arhe.ea tCoen tiles SPRING MILLINERY BAKING POWDER TiECOpK'SBEST FRIEND THE KEY TO HEALTH. 'Unl.rkn a9the dogged amount et lee Bowels. Zfdnejs and Liver., aha frac& gra&wllly wktaoot wcakaning system, all 15*. and fool ltrmorere the tM SA MOM tints Ca treating tat' t*. pto.taah. ng Bi°ttar me, of the Elkin, Dropen of Visitant. .Tiat=.11a/t Rheum, the oto ot endihrysisl! /has and many other _ TOM to the a oarlvr m. - ADO L WV • If!<. imminent '8..4 GODERICH BOILER WORD Chrystal & Black Manufacturers of all kinds of STATIONER?. MARINE, UUPRJOIIT A10 TUSULAR BOILERS. »ALT PANS, SMOKE: STACKS and all kinds of Sheet boos work. STEAM Ada WAT10 mire FMIlitas constantly mimed. On hand. ready for delivery : 1 res R.r. stew Wort neerer. 1 a •.r. sew easier. i Complete tad-hudd Tbresblog Outfit Boil, Engle*. Separator. to.. all in good working order. Will be sold cheap. Hail ord:•rs will receive prompt sheaths. Works t opp. S. T. n. 5.11... P.O. BOX 381 C.dertch Mar 1118.1A. PATENTS CAVEATS. TIMM MINS Ai0 CM'TMNNTS Obtained..ad aU beelines in the L7.8. Patent Mee •blended to at 1I0/)RRATN RES. Owr dive is oeeeslto the U. 8. Patent Of - fee. sad we tar .btain Patents M lees tans than these remote trap WASJIIXU?O Y. Send MMOAKL OR DRAWING. W. ad- vise as to patentability free et .rt, • we make 1Nt)CHAROB UNL S WiOa- ?47N PATEN!. e refs here th to the Po.tw.eter,e Sam. o Mosey Order Div.. and to oflblele of ell. 1'. R. Potent OPtee. Tor circular. advice. tenni •ed referenera to actual Meets is year e we Boase or County. wet..to V A. ilifeW A 50.. Oeneslt. Paten Oso& Washlatttes. D. C. SPRING MILLINERY MRS. SALKELD'S. VM latest NovenMe et On senses cep be need ea tee Meth aide of CM Oman MOUNTS, SHAPES, RIBBONS, GAUZES mmol everyitatf Ie be Greed r s areseame maissery allefilleillsilak A tarn flee et • couLin 2 ANI• Nor '8 O1 OW sat ammo the Mod se pot whom Ammo ler lhAdlr Seam mons. Aran in Duainalas should rot lj .11;.:1,,reams 0,, ccurtv, • t bee now received a fu:: stook of et spring millinery", eons:stint/ of the 1.4.&.T=ST O5V I. Ti=S, Arr.eaemoats leave been muse t•r gelling in new loots weekly. and a!t ortotu left st th..t, * w9l 01t*ice prompt attending. C..BD QM' TS1N$Jli.. I .owe lett to tender nor Ow :hank* to the ladles o((iod.•rh-h and vicinity for the pmease..t wbiuh can 5..t. *.Doted me with sinus 1 contoencod basis.,e lass tad. MISB CAMERON, Hamilton street, .em the Square, NEW GOODS, FRESH GOODS, CHEAP GOODS, ALT NIXON STURDY'S People's Grocery. TFROM 15o. UP. No old Stock to work off, but all Fresh and New at Prices to suit. and ... rasa ret.. fir setter roe year. Remember tb: :Use Ott see 0. acs! to Rtathsm', Restaurant. bas/ FLOUR! FLOUR! The new full Roller Mills at Port Albert using the T IA TEST & BEST MACHINERY will be running about the 28th of Februlry. Fanner., roe .ially invited to give them a trial. QHOPPINC+ DONE EVER'2 DA"‘tt. JAMES FY, Proprietor. Thu DRUGS, PERYVIERY AND FANCY GOODS Jest Received at two *I.410111 87 F. JORD.VC. ted will be .old at Price*. to suit Bard T •°' ' .ad see thew before making 'oar pero6rw F. JORD. J, Medical Hall, G o&erich. CARD T11I S WACO rz»<>s or YAT ' cSZ aAC=SON' , having been dissolved by mutual consent, I beg leave to thank the eu.naosere of the late firm for peat favor. at their hand., and to intimate that the bush ier's will hereafter be carried on by Ole e4 the old .mend I intend to carry FULL SHELVES OP HARDWARE and in every Govt a ihkh i .loaf I wi11 make it my afro to have a full sessitaaisi New good* constantly arriving, and goods not in shah Ordered at 1. tort notice. The pnttlioes obedient servant, fart J.LMESI6ammiemetTE8 _Arbr i. r