The Huron Signal, 1888-5-18, Page 60
-II Weir Tr• s1r
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4 •• • 4„414100.4
-41' •
-At_ AC/ '"I'Mtiji atie'
.._at Ammo.- As
a , e% 'ete nbasig.
•An. 4/itse
31. Is Now 1. New York Attemillap ..s
fllg Metlindlat Coelereture-Pleture ,.1
the lit•tioe arwl 111. srasieosis miss.le•sr.
htemsay, the Unary reed.
The Afrkan rabislon of rshop WUU.
Taylor. who Is now in Now York ntt. 1
iug the big conferente,
been singular!) suceessful Ile was a,
putrted a rutssionary bishop at the
general conference, and is ths only mania
the Methodist church hohling that
Binet the beginniziA of his work &WO
flat'(e !Ilse embraced Censtianity wider
his ministrations lie has nodes ba
Illper..,14 413 semi, fifty renehsen, Aiken
of w horn are 1001•11.11.. op Taylor state%
that Liberta with Its settled comiattnities
of Christian Africans. with Bs organi.:n1
governinent rentgilized hy the nate.ns.
and its social regulations. will be used h.
Lim as the hal..• and support of h6 fut,.-.•
"pee:dip:is He brut 'mowed for
a dr.?...ri industrial SA hunk. the chiefs of
tbo . -rent triteo visited hsvirag
to plant rod atte:iti 10 the first, (I?„ ef
food required by the miselon. to terniab
hnilding sited and to erect banding;
Taylor artrer• o. provide. teachers.
?metiers and all other things neressary
pi st the mission in a wslf supporting
-'1To stkritiately unsieestaad the dif2cal• ,
ties erlii0 a missionary in Africa bus to
surmount.- ho says, "it la merely mecca.
sary to state that the langraigen
lees of the mit i vet are itinunicraWe..Th.•
Bible has been tratslated into eitty .
diffeirent tongues', yet this is but a s‘nal
proportion of the tunnel number of Ian
vac^. spoken_ it 6 estimated that ..
are nearly 61.10 1 can say (nail experietire
that it 1. no play to pie: p a lanrhure
In 1'stip:y.4 which di the rules of year
ewn ;:raniniar simply help to puzzle Ton
I was sr:pointed to my work in A fries foto
and sailed from Now Yl r,
fen '" 1965. 1 took with ate fftv two
miThitoTharlieTh. After a short stay in Liver
pool 1 set sail fur Africa, and lauded a.
St. Paul de Isoriri4a. on the west cots/
wherei lArge mission house
preparei for me While sta%frig
many of my workers Leann ill. One ot
ther . died because. he would Let tea/
quinine. which is tho most effeetnal tem
edy for African fever. Finally 1 get lae
perra•olen tif the governor of Angola t
establish five mission statiotes-the fret
at liaand.a. the steond at Dondo, the thi:si
at Clituirrr-peper, the fo-eth
00i. 10-uOTT illiNtle•.1
deseetiew me is astwasetieu as as
leseitim sad a Irelist. aa.
Olt Elliott F. Shepard. son In law of
kW William 11. Yanderbit. sad
author. lecturer and politician.
attracted much attention by kis
of conducting The New York Mall
Mapneas, winch he lately bought ut
W. Pad. Ills nomination of
kt. Dorm for president in a
characteristic speech boloce the
club has also attracted much
• This 0.0313 w The New York
calla RepnbItcan orgailizat ion of the
atone district In New York. and
the club formally opened its new
corner Madison avenue and Fifty
st rea many mean nt men were Midi
▪ anion
tien. Sher -
lion. Theo-
, re Roosevelt
Dies first
maker, and dhe
lillesed Tuv-
e. to whether
sr than A reeri•
E., naps should
. displayed In
York on pub- , • -
L he p rd 1".1•1°Tv v
Mat days Then
sail devoted les time t booming
foe the Republican notuitiation
DJ bought The Mail and Esprass
ished many ana &mann eon. by
tug the publication of set.t: ract s from
Bible at the head of MI editorial
11011Sfatut fie ateielaner his ft:amnion to
a paper for gentlemen and ladles,
Ids belief that no journalist should
and no proprietor print anything he
wastid.not feel free .perk in • parlor.
Meassantains that a clean paper ill com
Mend respect and win support. and pro
pm. to schieve sueeess in that
lbw or not at all. This was ail very
well; but after tne first P31onishment
aid amusement subsided. several very
people begun to ciu.rmur against Ids
meat of the Bible. and Emmy more to
e their heatis ominously They said
ad a tendency to bring the sacred
Belie, Panigese, bloteites and Rhin
Heiner* 0 oilau, • des eestetee•sa. Pe
A *or fleemaellieefie,
'47 die B tent t y smug Bordoes Iltrit•ri ,
thalami .lo 11.11111;.4 11441 14.41 MI6 10.44 'so4
wink leads lk, inoi the raseet +ill .tiolt :
'rib be • 0 ref alto, „.....4 etoyIp!•%1U11
pee eat ea th. 2
Elysksioy, N. S. W.. May 5 -Kemp
'I 0•01 the beet rare teas.. mati�g. lige
lialllin by A.. t...atha f... !...-AA) •..1 I ti•
01111111Bp1ilt•etill4 IIS the 0..41.1. liutur Otrii
the lead at the litsit flat.iatt'• beet
came in centact with ilea .1 hit
opponent the mile ass reel:9d
Kettle vit1pUevi .td 1.1 Ils...011 jpillo, PIA)
then west after hits.. When nil
Oetteollft.e.• Bay, Han'ats eroesen rim bow
el Ken pi host and agion b•iiiird hes
K. tap got elver Bled p: ret 4 e, utistoing
. y five lenotha. A.8 enorm . JP 1.10164
1,1111e414110441 the rao•
There is ne &inlet t•. human life mo e
.0 11.0 dnea led than abut which 11111,11U4
from rittetel Well. la) apeesia, I Iwo -
mot net, tellt.14ehe, oillool ip•o•ellioi del.11oly,
AI re+044 from it, .11.4 ,•,:r.....1 :,y lilac
use cf .tyrr's Si r. si.41 ;ht. Tel.., 11 this
moat h. kl•s ' ( .t t lee, f
Th. 11thrr day Mr E. H. Snell, w.l•
noticed in (lint. n A it .. twe tenni. hut
rather pretty torus in los hi,,,.. rt.
oay he got them v -Le t -v .%• .1 11111t1
001104 Penniek wan enamel/ the heal
near Scott • saleeel hewn. List Wawa -
nosh. the ether day, he anus acrees tate
pat n beaks fightlog. Si. engaged
erre they in tlestily et•shiutt 04, obey
paid to attention t.. hint •11e c•,ttured
them mad Lir ulnae; Ali h44.0...101.sll'Ilse.1*.
t ittir oiaw• retatnefl their ho!il of each
other. Ile ease these to Mr Szell, who
has disposes' ol them to other parties
Nei Ilientslade.
Ron no nee in ni.yiter emedicins, bet
t.) 'J. great kidney and Liver renals.
made by Dr. Chase, a +Ohne 44
C11001be'll ramps*. Tr, Clirne's Liver
Urn* kw .11 411•041aee of the Li% Of, KW.
**Ye, Steusech bowels. ao 4 by all
thing Una
The dozer...sing palenees lko eftell ob-
served in young rids and tiontell. due
to a geed notaonr.. 10 a lace et the red
tarpuseles in the Mood. To woody
ibis rennin.* a eirdosno • voodoo
these negotiant y ...solitteinsts;
and the best yet dhow i. dottainutt •
t1111e00. Prleii ZOO Ct.,. and 11
per betUe l,uoir • drug st..ry A Woo
block. Gosiericia Soler *lent. fbl
A Itawasta-Of Otte doled • Tilastst
sr" to any one sending the L. et I ear !an
rhyme on ftAnElliLlf •' the reussaitahle
little gem for the Teeth and Pae.. Ask
y au. drugxest or address
la ere r .-aaarkaal• 0011.
Feurd at what the true traildic
has lookit.: for three ems. v wean
anti that ie a istedieihe el.a..•tt sit botralt
hut i•tely int ,.sitierui, 14 . •4,14.1 foot
itself toputathm td eiae. the
nieliciou is .1. e'en 's Tonle Bitters
w hich in conjunction with JYhissain's
Tonle Liver Pi Is her perform el some
most wonderful curer impure
pot rriithed blow! leen iseceine4 purified
god ettriehed. Itillenumeee eel 'emotion,
sisi headache, liver complaint, latgeor
w est nein. ete , soon ••10appe1r
treated by these elute:lent Ionic soda-
ibes. per lisle by (loorl, Al -
Moe block, loclericb, stair :soot. [41
/hiring ba -I ab ,u, ll'Iren years' experience iu meat:tug um". ere sod teener& there err a
few mos.riant mute. t ha' 1 bare 0.sem.emte. 4Throeire to fur Hanes eteei itiadar.tentitti to In)
uli"1.1. Pr'It'eit","PlarVirutYlabodst"....11eti sleet' 41jt...!2 „L... ..:Itt•-e 131011 leg mar other coaseent •
roc:. imi.Artipore.rsib.,It.7...:1,..• 1,1%0=6.0w.Ala.,M.bere.....a.i. uto.,,Irel:,;11,.....„1.,11111:11;:roollexisel. This in lb*
itra.3t...41-,,Arhe.nboalf::‘,.....10*. it..40wiesokli Ilowels1.:Ieteeseisahortbildi lida4dpi ..siale, thertetistx,..r..o...s sly a ogee:. and 10 ttenr-
rihapairs.j,re..r.„,,,,..,,;:..„- 11,.....•tedemmtlylermanssir ELM, itubeedimweemosts wiz/ Asp. A '," , (t'. ''''1"‘" "4..- IL 11‘ -'
les 10.11‘1.11,,(1.0ta a1,011rn .4. .hlietab..11 MO". ab ..sireooi. tubiaisievei:::.01.7.404.1 .1.:,.!e. r,h,or...... +:,77444"...beri.: 1";:awerarw-
1:). s.,- ST'Il_A__ Cilia._1\1"
,„.,,,,,„ ,1,,,, 4. ,,... Analre 11.' I....f. OM 1 fletse,s1 31 ewe., (I all 1'1'4' st
P07 , eu.'h m."'." ,.. ... Aqiirsiiirer &la -b n -.. es.. 41.0114noto:1_ .tre level 1011P111.014........1101 mad. ad*
!..runeleil rec ann.{ AM V 13 twelty roi neilltritill•o• iiimv. :4.1se ...."."
%Ikt thoellras--%lciarisall- liedrr:cb.
rine sera of well cumuli meatiow hay
will keep a aw five 4.1 PIT 111-1t1111.. 10.
• wilder ; ohs reqotre. atert•Se.
wee Them A iltare.
-- ahout three acres of pasture for her saw -
That is to sic, y•me lit-i.r.. "0•0 atl suer support. Otte sere . se the LoOnes
your breatiiin.z a iachtaery Vert' wen- round.
system will slipport her a41 :he year
aeriel machiocry it is :s..t (.1,1y the
'target air-paseaue•, but the tio.ussiide of ;
little tunas and Cs% lite. leading 1 • Waoserread 1001100.0.
I The latayset onean, ana one that
tar‘Then these are cloeszed and chinked • a centr. Bing pert set the hohlth of this
with matter which tentht no.t to be ther, 1 ',ay a tee aver. ,,e isaJtive 4.1". ° 111'.".
..t 1.e &AV' •••• Vast u• +Heti. oill to • ne, :esea h CAC at sbe lareest
ese. ibe 44.11 epos. 4,4.0* 04
your hum. camiet luilf there work. the whole system becemee dest-saed.
tea Into tote.;' When eesr- Ar -d *he-% tile -Y- AL% 1:ahht..t 41.0 Glismat lover C•14• newhaspecialIF '
I..-... sueerod at his u' ,sionary 1 for Liver api Kinney fliare•rn. mad fig etS IMMF.Nallt wail: OF
ef throe,. end nese and hood and ; r•
• usetbods Ina explained in langvage hitt Call it cold, cough, croup. pneumonia, 2eseentaet curt% teeeta,
t‘g that the Bib wax -news- 10 catarrh, c ossumptiint or say of the medicine Sold hy all *stews.
• Criticism wa,s. however, confined
lung elettuctions, all are Sad. All -
tentiik.t talk unt The Mull lad Express
ought to he :1.41 rid of. There is
lirred rather eiratattly to Matthew juit 1READMAKER'S YEAST
Nor.. of All 8°4118 'PC)" °L" any druggist will sell 'oil at 75 Cella! P la eaetee me Goods
one Pure way to get rid of them. that
Agiataida drath: then Ca% Bev. r, Beier
•1 is ta!ie noschee's German Syrup, which
11- v"ver'1;•• ' 'to • v.v.. (Ward Tem Maw drlir-at style, of Kid glipmitr..
•.'tt ' • " •.401 kite. rev. Prunotlo. orpai.
as ueeel,n !•‘!..-•evir• in pro mon.
in pulpit. but E • if h el has
t1.. %en ever) ng oe
isis what be said: failed you. you may depend upon this i
a eeering paper. whYti, tinder the for celesta, eovriv
thlik vein of honoring the Bible by peta-
l. Ilene* treats from it at the
_tee na ex
b.of ita editorial columns, is maleto-
Wady seeking to bring our sacred Scrip -
twos into oontempt-an aim to be repro-
bated 11 all pious people who do abhor
stadia shepherding of the masses into in-
thislity -coarsely remarked the other day
that Xsttlisw Arnold had ere this found
out mil:thee that God of Abraham. Isaac
and Jacob was only &stream of tendency."
1110 preacher went on to criticise rather
shandy the sytem of using Bible texts
and religions phrases in a dump scorner-
eial fashion. exciting a keen interest in
1110 etiagregation and much discussion oat-
- dam
Oa the same day CoL Shepard spoke at
the regular Young Men's meeting at As-
iseelstion hall in New York.
*!Providenca.- said Mr. Shepard. "is
haply the evidenas of what God has
aim*. Ood. for hisaance. caused printing
•o be Invented in the early part of the
lifileenth century. Did any one doubt JO
I'bs very first book printed was the Bible.
Than the Lord. in 1114$. had the first tele
.rnspla line erected between Washington
and Baltimore. Let the skeptic scoff. but
.oa be gainsay the fact that the very first
message Sashed by electrical agency was
' What bath God wrought"
"Do you not see that God is reigning!"
'lenge and the fifth at latlaaberg. Donde
is • et roiderrittle town. situated al.: tt:t •..•1ta
milt's from Luanda. It hi laid out in ban;
Horde. and has sidewalks: lamps and
many other improvements."
• • •
It la noeoosary In I melhentinz mil-lon •
ary work in the Interior of Africa to use
the waterways of the continent. Bishop ,
Taylor has a small steamer on the crier,
river. In which he make,' periodical Jour •
neyn info the rot:itt ry It is Itnilt iu or
tiona. and can ho taken apart and trans-
ported one atrium to Alt o her to suit i
his convenienceills work is eantined •
meetly to that part of A el -a kme n as ,
Congo Free Statet According to ta:. tali'. 1
esti/11;1.e, it embraces t.ver 1.00t.401
*inert. mile., and has a population ...
(..10,(110) The 'latices are barb:Harm set!
it I. sala that some of them have tem .
guilty of eannitalitra. When a king re
chief dies they kill 18 i or twill/4S pertains ,
in a most fiaviiize tnanner, and adorn their
h• au es with the skulls 'I'sey believe In
ea it 14e1 And svittehrraft. • ,
%V hel a man thee they tvdieve 11•.•.t.
some • no- 'has hew/Mein-4 him. and t! ,r
try to fitel out who it was. that they may
put hint to death -
The count ry &rag the raper Congo is
revered by Arabs in pursuit of Marrain
traveling ainng the upper 1 ...figss one mar
see villages that °nee contained 5.1ale•.:,..1
Sallidinialitautt ilenilide and In n4aa.
The Arabs surrounded the villages :and
learned thee). having either killed the
peepillem inbr. siert ry. Frste
the e. t o ('on:ro f. r meal, ..,o
milrs the river lo navirshle by the let -,-t
vessels. Then come the 1:.Lie, or rnp.d.
which extend almut lgt miles. Tiwt de.
Brent Is euti feet When la thor Tie:he's
steamer. the Ilenry Bred. aneentini the
lirer it was tat on to plisses at the foot o.
the failvand one riPel• WS..., Of ,.1 1•• enek
1121 ire to ,arry. %%11 li it 0.1414110.0 g.r*11 X
serer of paper iletorrilaing Lai* lend. At tho
end of their Journey they .wine to .the
bishr.p. "ting
••31aster. 1 fyee Is tr.y toad; look nt t'...,
yap-, ,t it is all tight. Nov &iv.,
my 7,ty ni•ii 1 will gl hoent"
T a do iits•loo 1,, their 1,vaegt; it rIr; lo
Mat. il t it not. r. rivet was lacki Ahyo,
tl e /al: ‘ a vtertmer Otrt go 1.11 tr.'!ei ...1
Cie main +tonne or :1,000 miles oft the
stream and its brar.ehres.
"A man who goes ant VI the Congo as a
misAioltery meat be not le,s. 11.. ....: ,
yeti:, old, of sonnet heitith. end eseof-i!
stir t adapting himself to th, etsigeth le,:
of t ha weal her," said Bishop Tr y lor
to your enrreeplantient "Total eleti-
Walneli in an atoolutetieronditaan „1
health. A man must learn what la t
to it.. A wrong man ewe" there and 1,
Attest upon walking eighteen u,ite
la a sheet Owe he was deed Ah.,... „n
scoria meat not Apemen frightened fh re
were three wee who same nut from Ent
land. and on the enrage flfe ! ' rrt
boar! t be Ismael Irisliteeed the ,. . ,i,, 4
there that they world surely rile Th., 1,1.4,
lade three lest eine and,--,•,t,,
AM *noted to disk. Shortly after heel
To lb, Manned ermeasosa. mat all wrIlmai
11 may coerce.
Phesphatine, or Nerve noon, a Phos-
phate Element based upon Scientific
Facts, Formulated by Professer Austin, i
M. L'. of Ls' Aeon, Mass., cures Pullman
ary Cousumption, Sick liesda.7he, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo arid Nettrahfia
and all wasting diseases of the huutan
system. Phesphatine is net a-Medecine,
bee a Nutriment, because at contains no
Vegetablu or Mineral Poisens, Opiates
Narcotics, and no Stimulants. but snapl!
ly the Pheephatie and Gartric EIeft
found in our daily food. A sinele bottle
is sufficient to convince. All Druggists
sell it. $t 0 pa: o 0.
Co., sole saente for the Deminion,
53 Front tttreet East Torattto
INVENTION ihzt,,,7,11
tire world during the WM half century. Not
least among the weeders of inventive pro.
is a method and 1101014 o( work that can
Ce.paerforentri all over the counter without
'eminent( the workers trent Weir homes.
Pay : any one can do the leroeg 5,11,er
sex. yoang or old : no special ability minis -ed.
capital net needed ; you are started free.
I Cut this out and return 1(1 155 and we will send
I yon free. same. nine of street cals. and Isl.
penance to ron, that will start ou In buil-
, De ..s• which w.11 hrina you in atone)*
right away. then anythant Mac In the worie.
' Grand nuldt free. Address Tat -t. k Co.
/Mamas. Maine.
Oen' ...rro lads, . tore•inen Cyr,, er-
:r -that
.t Arrasas t
/1.1 Cir ttep.
• red
let *Lent i --'"/takers in neartv warn*
romanda arc salsa at
•••• r • of k,,,,r, ls
wmill also cell ',lie attention
st FA It h‘ +414.10 104. reW at 10. .•••tt.1.1.1.) 04111A ar for arts. .04 air
mthea Ware. witstittes
were.t locruir
Shepard eontinned. triumphantly I
We ought to have our conversation in
:leaven, and heaven is about us."
A little later he ventured the opialon
• id Sunday papers were the work of the
,leye, to defeat the good designed by
I anvidenee in establishing g..od papers.
Sbepnrd was born in 1833. July 23.
in Jamestown. N Y.. wits graduate,: from
• he New Jersey university in and
was admitted t., the bar in 18111 After
nfering a moderate practice at the bar
married Miss Vanderbilt and branched
,ut into politics and litereture. lle tis
•all ready and terse we air, and persos-
alw s very gerala!, pleasant gentleman
Sit. Paul% T. IS. C. A. Outlding.
TM Toeing Men's Christian use. iatiou.
of*. Final. Mi4s11..-.14 to have new guar.
:ark Over $4.1.000 has been raked sod
er rum
*orate/ the system.
Per Rah. ly isisen }UM", drisc‘ist. Due
paairiot.. Pr.ce 'don sad it.
•Mitt etanh. Uv-
.,„ *1 ! ¶ fotii
',Ix, My', Mond
.taistairtions5.4 in-
.Zoots i Calf, Kip aaa Cowhide,
I have 1. nee of F. -it 111da4e, in) 0 Ii soaks. •' 01,11e4 •. e '1oe Paul Fell Peet made in
tbaridia 1,0itite. and cot. aiteat.. 41. '41=
'!'l. Isms tarts bberinal - - 1 .ave be far ihe larires• .on rit I/0.0 • ^md Males In
!tome 1.4 ,1:•• • 'Of/ beil reaLty tem arable. osier( made best marA3dAeltiirer0 itt
ojemoda 11.., 11 -414oriossastlew or hover tots seyiate •,10'•
sere of yowl tabled tamtom. Marra:: % ...-sielte me ,1111-110! the past
fearivet. 1 citrate, yours, ealahreity.
DEEPW.toders eider Ir. thou
-ab' of forms. het are -or-
passed yr Arvelv of invention- ?tome
Who are . need et' proilta work the: eta he
dons alai, hetes; home should et neer
Aord the•r attire*. le ilahtirr *Co.. korlatol
51 at,.: re...v.4- in*. fn.! 114 rolentiallen vos
rIth•-t. ••• !:. 0 ad,es. enu erott tr. Sti !
per day and upwards 1.whetree :tote live.
y..1 ars ;darted tee, Aorta, est relttlutvd
Sons. have matte over *At is a .issrie boo- at
tt.i* svori.. All suiees.d 33.
I(Ir EO.BARRY sails sheep for cash : he will sot be undarseld.
EVERY one should cell nn him before purchasir.g FrECNITt elAessbers.
IONE and all can saes nitat.ey by buying from (E'. BAR ILY.
BATtIZY makes a specialty of ITNDF:RTA KING anal Picture Ftsireit'Z
ALL kinds '1 FURNITURE kept on hand. Us1 and see his stock a f
ROCKING Chairs, Tables, Parlor Setts, Mattreeres, Bitfh:tosCpv Rae,. cludre &e
REMEMBEP. that GEO. liAllitY keeps the best. Stock of Fr RNITTC RE in town
yOU should call and get his PII10ES befete huyitat else where.
1Samilton-St.. Gedatich.
141.t.oe. Coe. Kest Anfteellare,
the work of building will soon he eons- _
We give the a:roptoil illeration Oats of
owe Ildiflee the northwest corner of Big mill Patent Flour,
ths sew building The site for this hand.
!OM and Minnesota streets. purchased 2
lad ?OW at a coat of Sallie°. The lot is
130 by 150. and all the round win he
egret esceptiagn part on MInnemots atrect.
1 by 80 feet The building will le eon
Angled of stone. five stories itt height.
barb, a f.ontnge of 10 feet on Tenth
street and 110 on Elencanta. molting an L
.taped it:i enf•luiro nn Tenth
1.TA.137i: FROM
The rheapemt ani Iou rxrf,e1.• f fa:oi..y tar Wii•
give more ',read ti inantity and. 1R-4 value for youl.
. money than any offered.
• arNOTIC As reports art enrrent that bur hey. than. 1. all shlinved to enreher. market!. 11414
. on•eqn. nil) not ont•tnahle tote. 00 Ire to NAPS that the eery hem manor:wilted Irina
mar Patent. ens he had from 154 Pt the Ma est rstml,•'s ••• tu= 010 te• sere et
settles the Met -clam el* front retatleri elan bin.- oeteree:10.1 beim the mai.
11 N" RE.
r Dili Eli
Pill oil up in the hates
style. aut in Verne
bW�,)I 111.'.. :le urit-
10111ael Ito rt portal
Tilttna b• rs. sad
hired a joert.nonan
ssarts.m. we are tit ft
Thip01.14•101 UP do Bettor
Witte& than hereto -
Led? gak thiren' •
,11$1.641 Wiwi.,
speciality en all day*.
except 11.0 r ,azigiber,
Roan sad
WV es Z■nesI-CT
Wed -e1, met 11.6..Geaerk4i.
Toe uedersigaeoll. white thanking the meek for thief liberal pate*.', tooleesa
, • ae, , sitic• oseiiseeerni business. begs to atmoueos that he has put d„. & 116
Borratr FICFRES,
ser wishes par ienisety te eall at:•nion to ids
r:-cn, 10 cts to 75 cts per Ib, Maple Syrup, finest case Prunes.
pe Spices, Lawry celebrated Bacon, cooked Corn SW,
Cut Myrtle, Cavendish And Club Tobaccos, best 4
American fine cut chewing Tobaceastreell
salt and canned Fish, best quality.
• 11
12 Bars efSoep for 25c. 3 Scrubbing Brushes for 25c.
-- - _. - 1,00.1116.101411111. MTN Oliadir. A ille. 1 Chemists Drool. de.. sta. gaaiing e
1Th the batiement eel: be two beveling cLoTHIN
'", hehNyfieorsp.t •*oft*oiWnoet nSwiniVlg l a hmeet aVlsA* arnMedcAeLpbtIa:WiothnMs rooOmn.
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d1ng wotoa10osvi twaMle04 WW1i anoiefiMe WO. trinhepies paid etamor( weges.
bnasas 1 amnUP tee paois Um 1510141 Meek004o144--ROBERTSON
wide/cm • .,
1 he MOW. witb its gallery will amuse 1
sidate 1.000 persona Th. seroral floor I,
, ill he u0111 for 'lase rooms rommitt** 1
.,..... sod bitter -I On the thirst and I
titetit now. 'hp., .111 enevably be sport -
meets to he noted to pats. dos
IM g nglAnik. sie 9,11Y. LOWEST PR IOUS.
The Oar* newts sail win be tedil est to make ream for spring need&
BMs imbibe ta bosh Iowa aad ilervesiediag room
in an me vire. sad solicit a mattes.
Sellerisa. . k NIL A. SMITH.
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•17QC3101100.11 TO 0. WZIIVZOMIlt.
Mates Mock tint &paw% golltatab.
Oseirkk.s11 104. NS.