The Huron Signal, 1888-5-11, Page 80 A Sea HCH. 32',1112ELIE; G HAS COME, AND SO HAS HOUSECLEANING TIME. nable Advertisement at a Seasonably Time. The balmy breah`f Spring is in the air, and already Nature is.putting on her newest and best attire. In like manner the tasteful housewife is making suitable changes in the appearance of her domicile. FRASER & PORTER have this year made special efforts to lessen the labors of the head of the house in the matter of hom ; decoration, by bringing to town the L&R EST , r They comprise th of Prises ever before FROLI Also on hand a la COME EARLY housework done up AT THE CASR STORE Fresh Groceries AEI Oanzioci Goods w 1 jr lit vert rhsap for cash or Sarni produce. I rare a heavy stock of Crocoii & 1assro Writtle 1 as wll�teaper than the cMaas Seta of Dished at 50c. a Set and Upwards. TE.A_S All Clads, ooauWner of Japes. Blank. green. and gunpowder. at We.. ata. and Tic. Try ray lSc. sad neo. bleed. Has. Boom and Cored. d •Besnood, always Preserved fruits of at] kinds kept he lank. S.�wr,�t_�yO 5 doelr� d (.1me�Ta shindy KT tincts. w 1ebb wtl bs wild e�aap fee eeeit. IfrRe■ .mbar tie Cask thorn G. H. OLD hew rns salvia SEEDS. THE LATEST AND BEST or TRIM S>o�SO24r- Rea Clover Akita er.eeke, ma. Peavt. sad *bite Genes, EtZ YAsae.� M�sd. ata. Dam* R 1.rmai- los esapWhite. whit_. ssarlat. *1- 1_ oWZnde W Oa oases so PIMA good r• Wads- DOA new .w Pato. and all kl.b of gooks Pana and neem 1 HAVE THa MOIST Alp 3T STOOL FIELD 1ID URDU 8 1)8 n the .sets+. dtf a" eeWa'lie..sy►...d ..kfstt nap si sr to satisfy yea. s. W. L ROAN LI SLOAink 10:4711.0.0aztint >lt w Ti. Serb..... PITMAN'S BBO)tR77i �r>� eat" erswddrsr�e DR. MOLIAN, IR ,+ •• est b=s ~r• hi fait eMw at a.. Uvea /111•11ifOx <t =kW ENVELOPR8. e'"�:t a BEST ASSORT' ENT OF W&LL PIPER R I C+O=F' " ICI3_ hoicest Patterns, Best Combinations Most Matching Colors* and Greatest Varietyred. :. UP TO $5.C3 PER ROLL. consignment of MOTH -PROOF CARPET FELT, the great carpet saver. to avoid the crush; (2) to get a larger choice; and (3) to get the Spring of your neighbors. ERASER & PORTER. R �� RING SROM BUSINESS. ONE s • RED THOUSAND DOLLAR STOCK 07' Gi101 � STAPLE & PACY DRY GOODS In consequence of eat, we ha BLACK A BLACK A TABLE LI TABLE A. SHEETIN AT PERY LOW P ftIC72S- $. W. Brethnor retiring Eros the Dry Goods Department of the business on tits lOtb of to oder the entire stock df 1100.004 at very low prices. so as to secure a very large et ft before that date. The high claw character of the gouda is well acown. That gives • grand opportunity for securing bargains in COLORED DRESS GOODS. COLORED SILKS AND SATINS. NAPKINS, hc. PIA.NO COVERS. PILLOW COTTONS. MILLINERY. MANTLES, DOL3f ANS. SILK AND KID GLOVES_ HOSI ERY. PARASOLS. AS new choice goods, and marked at very low prices. 6 PER CENT_ •OF'F Is addition to =IN prime which the goods are larked at, we will allow on all cash pueblos" of *4.00 a dimmest of tics H.WBRETHOUR & CO. nM . BRANTFORD. APRIL, 1888. Make this medium for announcing that on the 10th of August. it ;v ray intention to retire from the Dry Goads Department of the busi- ness M king carried on by me under the name and firm of IL W. B�Oeta Co. 'Staring had now a long and very close application to business of t, Years, I feel entitled to at least partial rest and release front tares of a large bnsineas. jn making this announcement, I extend to the thousands of CUA - t, and correspondents sincere thanks for their liberal patronage, and the universal confidence Mowed on me. its retiring from the Ihy Goods Department I will, however, eon the Clothing and Carpet establishment on a larger scale than hrn� and more directly- under my own supervision. attention will be paid to the Ordered Clothing Depart- ment�,�!� to the Carpet and Hoose Furnishing. so as to make thein enm every particular. a continuance of your patronage, I am, yours respectfully. H. W. BRETHOUi . is or el& [IfrO SOI NQA.Le AUa Ba•lsst tW tei1. sw e+ ,whir p"...aretwaiirl►.w Aeetispee. ee. jA C. 'RICES REASOMOLE &T SIGML ENTELOPES GET TOUR MNTms M SIQML �area � GOO MU IS Min Valk is ao— XIS About it. The public ver,!ict is that ALEX itTTNRO has the right Goods, right prices and in the right time. I want to emphasise the fact that I study the re- quirements of my co,touiers, and have made a special effort this season to procure everything New, Useful and F'a•hionable that is worth having. I nuke no specialty of low line. of Goods, I aim at ke'ping food articles, and at prices eemtuenenrate with quality. If brevity i• the soul of wit, 1 will not exhaust patience by particularising particular., but will merely say that in all departments there will: he found a choice assortment AL! GOODS BARRED IN PLAIT FIGURES, All STEM ONE PLAICE. ALEX_ NEUNRO, loss- Draper and Haberdasher. GREAT CASH SALE FOR THIRTY DAYS. Ten per cent. allowed on all purchases over one dollar. J. C. DETLOR & CO. gLEX_ MORTON, GODERIOH, MANUFACTURER OF FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGES► TOP BUGG(EQ CARRIAGES PHETON15 ROAD CARTS. Bring on your old Buggies, and have them made lila new. Prices low and ' ver h'ng steed. Urge Stottof Now Work. WORKS, sae O».w Oabetsa Kota- Boded di - ivory mss is lommia sw pit kids O/io. Siatloa!itary Piristedn . . r. e