HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-5-11, Page 7• '141pkx.,111F7, • . • •, • . • cr, 4k. TETE !MOW RIO AL, }TWAY, MAY it 1Sets 111111,, MOM ItiliNSTOK as temses OeudliMmillog 110seabon I al me Meeph a I. boss in seek et sorebitag theistionetin hes he. e we a "eamtschating sessahar" et 1 D. War Fast et the flread Amy of the Re. psbNik Nimiledelphlis The mei elguiSommis et Oho eation Oen. Joheaten's part le to hems la the gesomere Melee sad the keeety esimptioe thereof * the peek The geensel wrote that he dosireff to perdelpate la the noble week d eharky perfumed by the post. mil therefore Inclesed SIC me roles dime es a ountrtbasiag member The atter w as received with cheers. .ad the proposi- tion aerepted by • iumaksous vote of Gee SOO veterans presoak This ea may be mild to mead sett a stem which io 11.111 a most too pesseive e o • auentary on the history ot the United States for the past fifty years. Hare la • man who was a pupil of t b • United Skates. and then as allow In bar was. sal- ient aad hammed in a forage war. thog .o gator otos. J011. 11. 4tnia*MMIA MOS In raak asnonogilaose figbting simian the asthia. ems maraed pososier. ems saws a althea and dually a legtaktow tee the melon ageing which he had eaeglit. • m resepted hien& "bouerary momobee." . es it were. of tame who defeated km In an Wier, lima a* parallel berance If Woe the weft ••lhisadahip martge. onedfiy diorit.' wee seamlessly mac- - tisellesd. lb Om ewes Is the islowssem of the Mimi Siam with the Imo Con•emmer. mem The aatineel Cube is today far stranger theagiver before. and t haoovern• mint is ogre milverwilly loved than an other geweement la the woad. Joseph liggismou Johanna. was bore mar Feammels. Vs.. Feb. O. 1M. gr.du from Wes Pant in ieNifrochr sem I class with Robert Z. Lee. and was at owe mounisolemid wood lientensist la the Fourth United Suttee artillery Ay served in the es ladled -Bleak !hawk war" 1883; ho tepographleal and esedering es.. peditions merkres ..*us.. to the lima - sole sr la 1111111-111: la the Northern besedlery. Woe sad men onmeys and sm. thimeate and Tame benatiseg and ether settleonseas_ and is the lifiesican war. Bore he wen .high honors sad was nano ealonel. IMO he woe laspeceor general la the Uteheapedition wf that year Jam 28. 1840, he was commissioned quartermaster mama .1 Ohs United Stems army. and resigasd flotopeil 1111. to•enter the , service of Warginia. imat is Immo ' He was. seem July. leek seder the *0. 01 ' Jeff Davis. and the fortunes of war were I always wawa him. He le a chilcUess Sig they WM fifillsisOth ewes 'nap • am Ip all kepi" aimiemise tme mew theft It permit vielleile They Wu doss moot et Aseptir sad died." The Oallin of the Congo Fees State le Xiseaseiprostiiimi Stanley. the explorer, the Oen sassinetlea Mews be ammo* to 'MOSS inenelltr. bat et mores leery mina be domed es a Maple pavouctiea. The vegelleakeit is lusailleua. esod as egos as esperimeed botanists hi - mistimes themosator mew valeabis Mace wW tuadembtedly he dimmers& The tomponstam of the Congo asses Is lo Limey assoon. white answers myna winter. about ?flags. la the hot esenin the average is PO degm, sod the limit about dogs. T. le always a Sno Moose flowing. that the weather is mem aulkiestIngig hot. The musky Is iteund to by mottsItalII chains and threaded wita acorigable elvers. There are in aU eve.. 1%0(4 mika of waterways to the Congo diet diet. NOMINATED IN INDIAMIt. illaseemayo Csradlaseas ler Ornetaastr•nol Lawman. Gov The Deinematic nominees for governor mid lieutomant governor of Indium. Gartland C. Matson and W. R. Myers, are both Union veterans. Mr. Mama. the bantam fin vomiter, was born en Franklin county. lad.. is 1841. He wee graduated at De Pauw univervity sod entered the army as a pei V$$4 Items his fortune to Iake pert ba' a numberof Important ingyeasents. aad at the ead he canoe out a cokes'. So studied law. and laving risen to prowl- licrs, IC Ili emiblid Isms tom • O. i•Ser QmpOltiat. used giant deal 01 domes' apt. .hl 4/fl Iwo nu I as magas wane al N. while until I "row atordoek aloud Bitter.. Alit'. talliyig Ewer hauler 1 aro wow nail. also iseemaimed it foe dyspepoe Moo liana la Soda, St. Williams P. O., Oat. T. Doelep, late mil Mates. Ma - cveily tem scrryine es the Mims burl- . urea is ihodurth, bet k bee Imo bans papa'. meg he hes none to Toros*. ; ha fau4y see still so Sealorth, bet s Owed,/ tremae to Toronto. it. ms---ilt..411.-actsem.___ nesse in the piellsmise ow elected peso grotto& attornsp of ha district on Uwe Deriocratie ticket for emend terms. la leen leic defeated the Republican -Groan. beak coalition tablet in the rem fee eon penman 2. 16. dhatict. He was several times re-elected. In oongnms be devoted himself larOy theintegests of velar- CoL k.' *0* emy fluent sem* speaker. Nr. Myers. nominated for !Sweatiest geeernor. is an %Mtn by birth. though he has lived neefly all his life in Indiana. Lk. too, is a lawyer, and rose to be • nip min in the war. The Republican perty claimed Capt. Myers till OM, what he w ent over with Horace Greeley. la UM be was chosen to represent his district Le eauotes. and was re-elected in 1Mill sad lilt He bee also served as secretary of widower. ; Mete of latlions. He owns and edits the _ I Damocretie organ of Madison county. Dena eg Cienionew Later. Mrs. Dr. ifftemenee 8. Lacier. the (Bann- gaished solveame et women's suffrage and a pioneer in the field of toodern1 educates for ten. mew died recently , at her home In New York. Mts.! Loader was born et Flodedield. N. J... Dee. 11. lel& Wm was en aetiv•! mom her of the Antilliervery seed - Da. CLUMP= LOU.. gay, sod engaged • in work el moral with the Awe& can Pomile Ousedlee moiety. She wee i pedestal hem the Relectie NOW , lege 01Symms NAM end pear Owed eatisenhally la New York for more tbsa thirty years. She was for many , years prestoleat of the Netioaal Woman Suffrage sedety sad president of the New York City autnage etaisay. In the beginning ot berprofeadonal co- lter Our began famillor course of medi- cal leettlearte-the women of New York. from whit& twang the Woman's Medical likeery imemiatIon. This became Go nueloas ot the Now York Medical Orilrgo and Elospitei ter Weems. which received s opodel eharter in sod of which Dir. Lasky was almost matinuoualy &he_ ' II Ma film et her death. cr• Oa. et the OM Ilidlest. 11141.---"-1k.161:tagesedlitiheallibaiteeellill $ pieta 7r= • lo clan Sad num* at lier bon is Nash wee Anse Meek. mime Iowa be 1111111 Dreeldrk N. Y., and when about 18 &walloped a romertabio veins. but she had never ressived *ay training for the Mega whom In 1821, she joined a theatrical party to travel In the south. H. r -11mti egypearen es wee le a beim at l'iMishomp. as Om lento ta -The Moneyebeen.' l'vesa Pitteburg time piety went to w h • r• Mks Meek wee n eerrlad to Mr. ileClurs a mow tor se tbe caw TUE LATE NM SWAIM pony. Era Mears rose rapidly In the =LOho supported the ads, i Mewls Illbemat Raring mMli mod tamed $ ratosi aumaelasout for Citoo. bele Onelmen. the two played a pee. Imo" 40.1180881 togotber. MS* woe • wet •••81•11. lir. MeOure moil ht MS bhp widow sormiell lb. W. G. Nosh. 16.. • promiv best bselsele IMMO liesholmr. As 6*0 ratpisst its gee lett ihe mew In NM the am& • eiessibes se Op bearda philtre stime~a the priatipal Sties of the Valise Uses kr Woe* ?WM Ifte=romiljaZateiteree ems bee lietimmei N. asm ettsmit= oh entesu NM! dINISMIL ---- • lbw tames aosstlem ._*_4 *0w anew Oxus Carriage. We give with this a cut of Canadian artillery °Cheri testing a new sleigh air - nage for field guns. Its principle is a separate sleigh or "hob" fee the gun mi- rage, and one forthe limber. Each "bob" is.) built as to be alterable to suit the pingo of say seow road. as the width of tbe teach varies So the different Canadian provinces. Tie "bobs" are each provided with a "tobousa" bottom to prevent than foam ankle( into the deep snow. The draught sad equipment arta the maim as on wheals. sad there is the auras drill: the gran carriage and limber ani merely lifted off the wheels and put on the aleigla Irian not to nee tie sleigh is easily packed kw transport. sad two wagons carry all the sleigh outfit for a Sold battery of four gm, with ammunitiou .54 .16. amen - reship May be Lstpated If you do not heed the warnings ot na- ture and at onoe pay alteintstiu to floc ausistaistnee of your health. W.. °fern we see • person pot off from day to de), the mayhem of • medicine which if pro. caged at the oistatart .1 a disease would lam remedied it almost immediately Now if Johuston's Tonic Liver hila had Imes taken when the first neesainese made its appeammee the illness would have been "nipped ia the bed." John- son's Tonic Bitters and Liver Pills ere decidedly the hest medicine ..n the mar- ket for gesiewil tonic and invigorating properties. Pills 25c. per bottle. Bitters 50 wawa aod St per bottle, sold hv Goals the druggist. Albion block, sole MINAIbi - a awe adios 1 silicreti h.q. a lewarto !LI .$12b waiii.to. 04 14 Ilawa. 1 .c II tivicog nmateilt.si • %suit Sow y *About rap 41 .1*Anyht 1 I • _id if IF ri•gy.,ed • Poem rel pares Oa • . re" • 2.., , e••••• I it. f •.. e I •it.d to•,..ited i he / have jhirned Ai o the cities. and am now 1 lira oath. soy octal. lad watirely Mean.•ust re ' peered, and todAy 1 enjoy better beetle tenon maid it. Om. 11 K....1, irk, rec,fiving the latest lines 1 tten ...I .1 r• I ...... roueetra.le wily • prat I. tie ititt.r, List thlki:k, Ilsto. 2 1 ITOVSE J. B. Bennie boa bought the form of the lers Robert Elliott, cn tho 71 h o u. Geellegiab towneltip, and the woe has brew mooted to H. Elferd. ki ohne.- rills, kw tine per. John Elliott, wbo has Immie 'corking the farm lately, lelt oo Moeda, fur Dakota, and Mrs Elltiet and bee delimiter, will leave for the some phew as soon as the former recovers hoes Ler Wawa. A414••••• new a mom canoes (.14. • alias young man in the height of fashion was violently snow* in • street oar, whoa a companion remarked, "Aw, Chemise, dealt boy, how d'ye cat?b that dweadfal cold." "A w, climb hash, left � g eon* in the lower hall tether day, "in seeking the ivory handle, so dweedful odd, it chilled toe slower to death." It Charles had used Dr. Hsr .sys Rad Pit* Gala his cold would not treable hii very much. For sale at J %%aeon% presenggnin drug store. if - - J. Armstrong. 40 1.1 ten. Gm, died u$ Temday sonrulag .4 last week. The dmieseed was foetid deed in bed. H. bad suffered from an affection of heart dames for some time past. He vatted his old home Met fall, and se be thoseht returned mash imparted. The deceased frees appearneee had expired without a struggle. • eel Innanom mom 76.nenengement is se the gift. tawdMgb. le dome reedy tar action. ie adeg it the meta Is chocked by from aim paned under the runners. ea 2. 16. call pattern sleigh. This new sleigh has bean thoroughly tested in deep snow, over the heaviest and roughest made. It hee bees had with essofee charges. and. la fact. Wald evegy posellin way. and has been found to work most satisfactorily ht every telapiet It has been thantibly far parka epos to heitemarters (anode for the winter equIpmantoi *6. 8.14 batteries throughout the Dominion. Ms Trials .e a Aralar. Twang Mother (to photognmher)-1 sorry. Mr. Cesoora. but the negatives you met of baby doe% ens. Photograpbee-Neao of *mit Them wore oil. Tsang Nether -Toe; 1 Ulm tide sea very wok although It demo% do baby jostles. bet seeker Wake Ws hertibla The me elia files wealth% sossiter • mossat. Baby% papadmoughe 16.ale would de. hut Me grinds Memo bear unit 51*6. Idea mil 1 *greed with bee. T6. dear Mime UM Leirmsw= they wet. all WI. Sid tab, w(11 hash now They Linke Illitrime. Mom of the high maws et the Iowa lea a setimbe hike ta kmse tibes, lb= ir el a mita mak ado Ow elmli emits% ser 6.4 esbelasos. le • matey Imp the Mr1Mr blimmab, itm, SS = e 111.11•101, Some st time elgemitte limb me peseles- leet$ OAP rn Shp teittiv-ilsw Tab /ea me a iteer.gmairg. Don't allow a oole in *ha bead to slow- ly and surely run into Catarrh, when You ma be cored for 23c. by using Dr. Chas.. Catarrh Core. A few applica- nt:ma ouro usespoest catarrh ; 1 to 2 bozos curse ordiaary catarrh ; 2 t.. 5 beers is guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh. Try it. Only Yee sod sure cure. Sold by all druggists ly Cact Prof Idler's Sulphur Soar for Prickle Host. Nettle Rash. Seeley Erup- tion. Itch, and all diseased conditions of the skin. 1. A New York Cestral railroad engi- neer wiys that it ants the company 17 *very time • swiftly moving train is brought to a full atop. Foyer *clic, *numeral appetite, fret - (slues*, weeks'.', and convulsive., are souse of the Afects of Worms in Chil- dren destroy the worms with Dr Low's Worm Syrup. 1 at Crocheted sash curtains in heavy un- bleached linen thread osn be spade by skillful work's, to be as handsome as costly leen A bold pattern --close work upon a clear ground -should be chosen, and firmly and evenly. • Prue hat. Around each bottle of Dr Chase's Liver Cur. is a medical guide and receip brook containing useful information, over 100 receipes, sad pronounced by doctors sod druggists as worth ten times the soot of the medicine. Medicine and book O. Sold by all druggists. tsarist. MIMI se sae Pant. Dmpeosia is dreadfuL Disordered liver is misery. Indigestioe is a foe to gond name. 76. 6..... digestive lipparatue 1 one .4 the most compliceted and wonderfel !hinge in ezistesee. It is easily pot eat cci order. Ormay food, twagh food, sloppy fond, bed °palmy, mental worry, late hours, irreireler habits, and many other thine, whieh ought not to be,. bare made the Amerinto people a nation of dyspeptim But Green • August Flower has done a wonderful work in reforming this rad bosatims and making the A meriour people so healthy that they can enjoy hese meals .54 6. happy. Remember :-No happiness without health. But Green's August Flower brings heath and %syphons to the dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for a bottle. Sentety-fies meta wady RING MILLINERY. My dressmiking dep nt is also in full work- IVA el Pill.. irm sugar siikl hot ugh and aro tia bat lit•oisasell and Levet Pills no si.e. 1111 - - - ing order. A respectfull DUNN°S A, J. WILKINSON BAKING • 1 POWDER MISS COZAHAM THECOOK'S BF ST FRIEND • Ha' ••1.,einfi IAA her latest block a ORA rt- rUIL.-COILFORTLND.P SP - EPPS'S COCOA MIL • BREAKFAST. -BY boro with lowwlegise el tee natural laws Whit I. govern tow. torerailotie of direation sad atoril.a. and b) a careful &min. -Iola of i he fig..: go "pert ut to.. Mr h pe•viderl our breukfew table wit h delicately thevard heYerage c hick way ears sus many Awry duelistsbills. it is by the )01011CNO0? use of such articles .4 diet that a lS.111111.1111111011 nay he gradually buil, up until ioreug ebottech to retain evere tendency to dimme. hundredsu .ubtir nisht.Les are rivaling *round u. ready to et - tack el.eryver there le a weak past We may escape natty a falai .hatt by keeping ourselves wen fortified '.111 yore Mood loot • 1.6=y,. bourn abed frame.- Sorrier Made simply with beeline water or milk. gold lutly to packets by gYiwers. labelled Mal. JAMIL94111.1FS9' Co.. Hunneopathic Chem- ist*. Wades. Leemad. 2132 - WILL CURE OR REUEVE 1093.2E.78, DIZINES4 DROPSY, Olt 1€1.67101', fLUTTERINO JAUNPICE. OF THE Imam ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUZ, DINE OTORIACN, NEARTBURU, DM OEM h:ADACNE, OF TOE WN, And wary spates of dawns aristriaaral dfseraLI red VER. 000.8120.1111T BOWELS OR T. IULBURN 1ge, GODERICH BOILER VOBIS Chrystal & *Black Man .f act urers of all kinds of STAilellERT. M*ME. MURRY 11110 TURKU BOILERS. GALT PANS, SMOKE STACIES and all lads of Sheet iron work. sircbms bee welt* PIP, FITTINGS oonsmatly on band. On Sun.], ready for deUrery ! •SO sr. $...c meet Rosier. a M.P. lew A geopiets 29$1-b291 Tbreshing Oitlt Zeiler. F.-igine. separator. kc. all in good working order. Will be sold ch*.,. Mail orders wt.! receive prompt atteatien Werke i OPP. 43.7. 5- P.O. BOX 381 Dederick Stay Intk.1316. PEENS WORM POWDER.13. are plaarant to tcko. Contain *6.2. 0.5 Par,fli a. is a iris. sere, and arrownwai dillellror or wadi* In CL/Slint arcked PATENTS CAVEATS. TIME SAME Ale CSPIVINITS °braise& and on businees in the Patent Mee ortended to at MODERATE PSIS. Onr office Is opposite the C. R. Patna of - Gee. awl we car obtain Patents la Imo time than tees, remote trees IVA SMINGTON. Mead MODEL OR DRAWING. We n4. vas as to pstentability_ free of egnmei sad we make No CHARGE UNLIIIMI WE °R- UPP' PA nom • 21.0•7 Order Div.. sad to Id Ow V. P. Patent Office. Poe el . advice. wir voter. hers. to tbe „the 8.1. terms and refereaoes to renal ablate la year ewe State or County. writ/the ItS0.. Omosite Paseo Odiee. waskiaafte. D.C. M NW SPRING MILLINERY MRS. SALKELD'S. the Wig Novelties at the seems sae be aced es tee North sae tof 9.11/11114. MOUNTS, SHAPES, RIBBONS, GAUZES, ailamithaft• he so9919 a *maw .1111roaric rotabashmoot. • sow Nab et 462STMO. ihrtriq'S Nri=a3:211TOF mod essedue the sleek mid set prism Meet lar Peelter% Steam NNW& IiitiLEAIKOLE2. N ERY -- and prepared en give .....r tato mew MINA asses 401Strusta1s Feathers, Tips nd Motints, Remember the stead an* "sr Addiallia i bth ngs and 1,11 the taitfilltakoc obsodaaadi tositos Slit SPRING MILLINERY MISS a..66.3SZEMP,01\T has now reeei Oak at al wring commintimg for the T. -4.11.=T INT077=TTES Arrangerneuto bare Wet nialgWilriella riew weds nueher, MA gat mews•- - left la tk. aket receive means atteselea. CARS)o "1"13.411.2•TICS. 1 also beg it* under ov best tcy the Wise of:Ooderieh asi=elstler the - patronage which the). hare me witto slam I esseeseeed MISS CA.MERON', 19.0$0, iacccos. Nor the Ratigm• *144-2. -.44thee ..••••••• NEW GOO FR GOODS, CHEAP GOODS, NIXON OTVE•DirS People's Grocery. TFR.014 15o. TIP. No old Stock to work oft but all Fresh and New at Prices to suit. arfligneeit tub Price he Meer OM RCMP. ttemeinber arseand-Os the equate. next te Restaurant. *081 FLOUBJ FLOUR! The new Hitt a at Pott Albert using the Tat TEST & BEST MACHINERY will be running about the 28th of February. Farmers: ow ,Iially invited to give them a trial. 01E-101"Pr.ISTO. IOITIMN7MIR. DA.,r.. JAMES ziwurnr, Proprietor. 2131 DUGS, PERFOIERY AND FANCY GOODS Jan Received )4$ Hall by r. JORDAN. aod will be sold M Prieln; teak Cal ad see thew before making year pereemos 7. J'011pDAN Medical Eau, Cloftrick. 9 C AMID 0 F 11113A..1\TICS TIMID TIM or •IiroeAmirra etAnCIO1•7 having laimetAissolvel by mutual cement, I beg leave to thank the 'mimeo 4 the late firm for past favors at their herwig, d 10 Willa& that the laminate will hereafter be carried a by its at the old stand. I intend to carry !ULU InalliVES Or HARDWARE and illfarlify line ist whir* I de& I will make it my aim to haves fell seseetaasof. Now geode eon/stoutly arriving, and geode esil gawk ordered at short notice_ 111S pobrie's siediest eervast. YATES,a Iielkoomm. •is • • • t. .pia"1:1* , • ".41111r.".1111411irifi7""r"..""taT