HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-5-11, Page 6• t.
1141E rout.° egom
wlu RULE
TI3R 1101toiI SIGNAL, FRIDAY. MAY 11. 118E8
le the pteslMs el Me a.atrtw pew
toy fellow" seam beating it ought
added tbog laddset of • &pa,(aa
les fr SOH a Iniked In Berlin "
that imam et the princelier
wen pleased with tits mead. r
Mets we are not tell
rase tater el KWtam write. at
tarsals. the price. 1n The less
�� passage la We settee
bee bass said and written ahem
W •my stippled arm that
Offifs mite. 1 bad been is the
• isf"ftdee behlud him every
ward 1 ewer noticed that
bieaetll wan fA say way di devout froo
Mil" of other people. Strop then 1 only
it became m atentiva was
to It by others. Timm 1 perceived
left arra seag always in alms.*
the same sttltad.. aced that, the
bold only inmse It very alightly
- little up ora little down from
aaeldeats Ie HM Lia* that Whit me red
with lacerate -h. Pea , Lab. naw
Hie Rapid Ad.aaaaessatorietere
lliraertt ..d Vasa Ay.
Ikiring the last few menthe of the lilt
of N'UUanI 1. emperor of Osetsaay. tY
Joung tt'illlszo - be who will adorned
«rick -era. very rapidly M1k. i'e4
11 was foment' that the emperor and the
then crown pillion were both liable 10
shortly become Incapable and an edict •leas
honed giving young William authority
to sign imperial papers as regent. Tao
years ago be ranked only as a wajortu the
army. and people In general spoke with
surprise .t the Woo -us -ye %with which be
ad yenned. yet all prat•pd the thorough
nese of his military education. Inaltpler
able princeling. wars tben above blit, as
well as notltled men of not much longe
service, for a Prussian prince receives his
straps at the age of 101 Ile wait nom
relied to work like the rest of bis aim
radon. equally subject to military disc.
pita. Early and late bt, was with his real
mein, ordered about as an ordinary major,
saluting bis superiors -Iib little or e
attent10e-tn a m!litsiry easy-pald to kb
etyal rank
w0.I-IAY AND 11111 tAle1LT.
But suddenly Me
ion maim Oa
Jan. FT 'weaved
pIvootved as a birthday
present a eonmiedea as major general.
This was the beginning of he
Prom that Aloe his ideane la other es
speebs Willa. iboas sd
rapid indee
and ta
to ho mum loodl tar ySO yeses et � He
rereoltly bean thea dea.dbad by Owego
t "Wuhan bee the appearance of a
• riling lea of 11 His upper ftp show. •
mom Wads ele
wesiIds s arm b slightly
wbar steads beak Note towhead. and h!t
h. Bat
Ids essmesabir mask chin. bis
blas me has a b esela�ang e�
Paw. wild* indole sae tittle orthe
algae jkk. whom be broadly said to
•ceetsiii r' oh•raeser. Heb slender h
band. rift shorter in staters than his
brotber, the 'naval Hobeoxon..,1.' Bb
blit hand is badly alpPl•d. and his left
arm at least two inebes aborter than his
hitt: a defect which has caused as much
annoyed." alnd mental pain as ever Byron'. ,
deformity did lie tries upon every carr- '
don to eoseem! it. but tries, a coarse. !n
wain. Yet the skill be poreess is re-
markable. Be carries his .word apon pa-
rade as well se any slew sad hes become
a moot excellent fender. rides like s Cos-
sack and shoots with unerring L.
"No °Mae In the army 1s more popular
than this royal scion and note more
dower. No wonder that his teen ...t-
1 tit,
N. f
I his
IThe yl
k :,
demi too
was to
a dozen
pato demi
last. tLo
' from wh
position across his body. as
at ur. ese•J in an invisible sling
it he wubnd to use it to steads
of paper upon winch he was
time obliged to raise It on the
the other hand. No doubt this 1
i. • great kiss and Innen
y to so ardent a soldier
for 1t compels Lim. 1
to ride only hor+ca that have
trained for his use. but It
no dta&'urewolit what -
gigot ca:led
for the m ,
for taw (teat
the sem'
op by the
two shirts
York, two in
MO es& If
dlaaapotu sod
to prefers
structure. at
and Last cies
n' t w lamed
this a cut of William and
Victoria, and their two tall
Roderick. and Eitel Fred
Wham will nit Erected
lea e•14 ler'.
meet a monument to her
The award for the design
of Berlin. who has
amid the competition of
and some sixty Enm-
ity an act of the Indiana
en the ed of Parch
at $100.000 was appro-
anerea.ed by additions
for the pull
lite moot:meet to
Wiens in Indianapolis
mare appointed and d.
Tbe commissioners
idiiii'ti.e for designs
la 111. York. Boston.
and to offer ji.(100
pia. and j500 foe
1a designers. as draws
showed that
of artiste in New
terve r Chicago and
(Cincinnati. IO
W been invited
Air the propo.ed
of $800 each.
and sculptors
were squally ell-
txnuy a win. _ Blatoifals!
lathed to him He has a pleasant word jfin" tO comPsm 11
for all. and cracks his Joke with the oom-
moo man as though he ware of his num-
ber. Ills training has been very demo-
cratic He attended school at Carrel,
boarding with one of the teachers, and
treated exactly as one of the other boys.
Taking hit lunch one day. be noticed one
of his comrades eating the black bread
which the poorest classes am in
Germany Wishing to taste it. he
offered to 'trade' with the boy -the eon,
I believe. of a poor meehanic-who, of
course, was only too glad to do w It
pleased the prince's palate so much that
as mad. an agreement to exchange lunches
veldt the boy every day -and Wooster -
ward be always ferried upon the black
bread belied In the booboo( the mechanic
He woe padmeWM atter several years at
Coed mem the Seal is Ade elms to the
great Sitistordss at his parents who et-
eanid the coseassuument He afterward
-as Is Hohenzollern
the unlverefty at Bonn and Joined the
famous baro-Borua.en corps. over whose
ulnae/ emoting, he .till ptwddeo, end te
as eager a, any In rplating the pranks of
his student days.71�ad today one maim
Adm 1n the streets of Berlin In civilian's
clothe,. mingling with the people lib the
'dtd.e° king.' "
The following incident. sant to the New
World by The New York Times eons
spoodeat. will be Intermit hag -
"Crown Primes William has carried to
excess the old Hohenzollern custom of
Riving Its fade(• a military training.
Whenever be visit, hisebDdlen his oldest
mon. who will he s .mat alelttb. has been
eehoo'ed to give the weal of eve aaad.
whereupon the twoansa0,r brothers. aged
6 and 4. range themselves beside him, and
all give the father a eoldkrlyslute. The
other day the crown prime was working
whom his attendees was draws to the fist
that the asterism outside Ids room were
preempting eras repeatedly in an lam-
way_s thing which Orman
aeid(ess. be it explained. do la
wee+ a p.f empters std vehes.at
manner that the seams eaa be beard for a
'tanaidsrsble di.teme. He was puzzled at
this, went net and dimov,..sd that his lit-
tle boy. were having some his parsing up
rod down the corridor alloying the pleas
ate of being sainted cess a prises
mad •I mast tooth yea that ssstds.
dem ! etdst fee little prtaew,, bat pelma..
tea sentries. • U. thee called tgr a was ew
possible. the
Morton. Indiana's
Circle park. Indiana
some w.y ineorpora
mental structure or
Son thereto k was
that the design tnisht
What a Time
P.sp, i oiled bad. trying to swallow
She -1i -rased pill with Ice. Alta of
mrseera vubb' thegaWag Ito Ritter.
Mai gad what a contrast to Ayers
!bat bale Mesa well called "med.
*ad •RAar-ride."-the ualy tear be.
:Mie Munw may he tempted tato
to sesta at a dose. But the
direedeits are pieta and should be
strictly followed.
J. T. Teller, IL D., of. Cbtttenangw.
N. Y., Sw am. mactly'what husked.
ham wane& et greater length. H.
says: " Ayers Cathartic PUB are highly
appreciated. They .re perfect la tura
sod coeliac and their epode are nil
that the meet careful physician could
desire. They bare supplanted all the
rids to•ei.tly popular here, sod I think
It semi be leas before any otbet con
be made that will a* all compare with
them. Those write buj your pyla get
full halts for their stoney."
"fie, plssas.t, and certain is
their actio.," h Ube etnelee testimony
of Dr. George E. Walker, of alanine.
*IUs, Virginia.
"Ayer. PUB ostsdl all similar prep-
arations. The public having once used
them, w111 have no others "-Derry,
Venable A Collier, Atlanta, Ga.
Ayer's Pills
Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer a Co.. Lowen, tires.
Sold W awl Dss1ss. is *-ayes.
Tbi Itlear for T•rs.er,tee.
Pit'•mt Yen. 17.-'rh,. i4 n. cer ify
that I h..tFy«d 1'••1.•...'.iW,•rrih•.
rra•Ymal Asia, rel hair f..1.. ova 'ahe-
ad*'Mnlydy 1. r a l i•.trr.,af + and
auuld Lreatiy n•o, tn,nri,d it t•, tar pub-
lic -\. T Ii INustt t'.
Lrt:,+ CvC,Si', J-. . hi -tt'e are n.4
ileo ha',it ofufi..
P g Mterr n,rd:uine•,
but we r•r.no* w tlahol l • ur testimony .s
to t'.e greet tido* of Net title a as a 'e•
m.dy 1 .r p..i.. We hoer pleernre In Fa-
c•tm...Mtding it m a i.e. • r-'«ihm� rrne.ly.
-Ric. H J. ALLEN. RCN: DILLvS, sod
teary others. $..'d ny .iru-r¢tet•-
Din. Showers, in the-apiny.1 Henry
Clarke, pu.. pmat;er, Wlugham, h..d a
•asreewt.:wv -swipe Hilt Areal. Wille
workup,( arch a pmup horin, machine
Itis arta c.u:ht in the shalt ■n.1 he was
Instantly w,uud up and eh.. clothes torn
off kis bode in tatters. Air Clarke, who
was neer b,. with greet piesen.:e of mind
threw .11 a.aue belting it. th. Dick of
Nae and sawed his lir. Mfr Slww;n is
about, but enable to work.
Ta las l.4I...* Par saraea. ass: an women
as saes caster..
Pbnspphatine, or Nerve 1'..oe, a Phos-
phate Element bused upon Scientific
Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin.
M. D. of Hato*, Maas., cures Pulmon-
ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo, told Neuralgia
and all wasting dilees.a of the hamar
system. Pboephatine is not a Medesino,
bat a Nutriment, because it contains no
Vegetable ..r Mineral Poisons, Opiates
N ircotics, and no &imulanta, but aleph
ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements
found in our daily food. A single bottle
is sutd6ciont to cons -Mee. All Druggists
sell it. 81 00 par bottle. Lower! &
Co., sole agents for the Doi isq ,
5i Frn4t 1 treat East Torontot
the world during the last ha'I cost urs. Nor
least alone the wonders of iatentive pea
grraa is a method and system of work that can
hr performed all over the country without
Iseparating the workers front their honor*
Pay liberal any one es. do the. (week : either
sex. young or old : no special ability required.
(7apital not needed : you are sr.rted free..
Cut this out sad return to rte and we will send',
you tree. ser etniag of great rattle and is
portant,. to yes, that will start you in beta
new. _Nob will Arbor yen In mere mune
right bs'. than nay thine else in the world
Orad octet free. Address love t Co., I
Almost.. flame.
Snpeeted that. - - __
.anti .....ler.
Sea was in home mediates he,
lei the peat hider' sod letter saw.
lett made Ly Lir. Chem, *esker .
Obauia sessip... Try Ch.s.. hives
Oise let ail diaeasee of the Laver Kid
mems. b red hr.wole. t.o4 b ah
"' resist paleness eo oft* o,•
Meal et 'ming girls end woolen. in Aso
le a weal aseasera• to • hest of the ted
e•ps.eles in the blend. To t.,a,e,,,,
this negekte • wedelns which tAndielese
`hese are eery tittle blood t.•nslitne st.,
sad she (fey yet dm:leered is Johaoyts'r
Nem Hisser& Priem Ler cents. Brad $1
use battle as Geodes Brut stole. Albite
.Nuck. (h.derfisk dol. .gent. (.13
A ltawutts-Of one dottu Tereus
b my tore tending the bell. i ur lift -
ea'7rassnanT, 114 remittal/le
littl•for the Teeth and Li::. Ask
7 'e se+ttdte•t ur addreee
mese ttemear*a►N arltl,
rotted et Oast. what tlie.true 1 •'bile
hes boar looking fur these 1uaoo, tear.
end Abet i4 a sediciue which alrl•..usllt
but lately iattndstc.4 has aide fen
Itself a repaint $,., d to 11.4w. !tie
e obis n toed unction .with Tonic
with rt.o
runic Liver ii * hes performed some woide tiMao l ,. impure . r nn-
p'ntrisbeel blood soon hersthes put ,hod
out enriched- Billio5,0eas, indtl(esri,.n,
.ick headache, liver ouurpplaiht. Lite a,r,
wYa►nese, e,.° , soon disappear when
treated by these excellent ionic tnrdt•
'time.. For Rale by Got d, t'rut:uist, .A'-
hiun block, (:uderich, sole agent. Id
O.e acre of well cured mead... Lay
will kap a are Wee or six months to
wilder : she will reclaim, on aienige,
aleeut three scree of pasture for her sow
user eupp.,rt. One sere on the tntha_•
system will stpport her all the year
A weeder/et are
The larvae organ, and one that Weer
• rnatrclliug part on the health of the
hod), is the liver. If torpid or inactive
the whole system becomes diseased.
Dr. Chase's Liver Cure is made specially
for Liver and Kidney diseases, and is
guaranteed to cure. Recipe hook aud
medicine j1. Sold by all drampiets.
BREAD rade of this Yea -r
took i t•'i4. Prises et 0*:,,..
}all Show. f..e6y,
0..., 10.00D Ladle. loom wrieen
to sal that it eurt.ayta soy
error used by them.,
it maim the tighten. wbittet.
buckwheat pancakes. blow
aakets la .early eotrr town is
anode are ..u.0e.
he Stomach. Ur-
i., Kldaeys and
!!.I, tn,( had etre,:' ti't.fn „•ar-. espsr:ence In rrwglleg mawrrs and 14 APRIL there are •
IOW .u•ra,rant it,'np Ilist 1 ha,. 4iate.ertd in regard to Ino Marr.. Y4r1 lfw+kr. whack to u..
elmd pro.. 1ta •upernw,tt , .•-r alt ethers.:
1. l:.-I...r.. an tr- .u•m,ho.l u.• •16&rtw p..•ire than ,r ear other cvn.l•al.y.
Inter• ., 1. a 1: h In, s'd It
s 1 I., t: p leu. from it.,uuec
uuliery. ihh 1• the
UMW meNay orient a 4111 1.. 1 e.'. •,.-.'trred de. tel,. that bur baryon base.
i'1 .w o h;..+. 10 "fah hent, b comemNy hnfh..dtu...t exclusively of eteel,atd 3* there -
13,, war, ob.. to . ,u.! w :,net weather the . so) n.1 tt:e ethers.
t 1 ani n..i n ,r..%el;wr m aero ma 155.1.•. he fere.* Or m?oboe. atreailaeto bw.Iweas.
h'r►eo..e wan•,,..! •.w Ire' .....•alar. 11040 *.si ee..e &awned, Su* wow dnr+Me. IA. host
emit. h'rillrM11...' 10,110.1 u ! .er 1 .ir.odler,, a: 1.7 )atop. 1 bate Mie l- meat *leek or ni-
twit. 11er ,:.rl,.u. 1.,4.!1. tie.agent tbea...1,0!0.
�w g_ ST�ACHAN,
Practice) \'..-h n et. y nittnr Nattdrr sad U. send Repairer of alt kin.'ts or garbis•-
e,). eu,:1.as ,as ..n1•. 1.•,t -bite 1l•,hlaes, ,f'., t:am,•:h of the hes, bindintplwas.• med. ae•
befit u.. Ir,..! n.1,. (tura len 1rt...r1.,1 aur elletolity •nu i•eawp0w.1. Lehr yew ..dem
flab q'o11.d i.rternise-. kider.eb.
ii?7.ADQLTLBTEBt1 13r.Q8�
The Old Earmiii.•,..>,;ort ,.• Nan of rlts+iv.p a.itt w.rte free..! with owe ofArnasa
r•. 'L. is the I)o54.w.. r•.a.lfsins
ax 11t14ENb STOCK SF
Ladies' Fine CWods
in Button Ih•ars. itehsrNnl-. errs,, Oxford •Firs. Mitre* d!f -.',• srflrs of Kid Selppa•
tr..5.iw. up ane ....r vN hkr, tAb• PUes+. IL,Mp. Pran.l,r.
a Garret.
la•..u,...al Uensas Sappers ib pentane..
0, -cry deser! pins tis{, .d r tr,.d.an and Asserrlean malvr 1 weed also call the aatentioa
et coactkit" 10 tl.a, pan sea my stma.eepeel.tiy adteke tee (het., ouch as
Long Boots in Ca1f,. $ip and Cowhide,
I hate • li...f Blot hoots. my own awake, et:ttaw,wledated to be the Hest Felt Boot amide i.
Canada. I', awpt.ad cesefrd atteatl.artiwen to
toss•' Phase bearthser feat. la toted :- t ►ave kr eke =et float of Boon sed Shoes is
MI ares( tar very 1.'. quoiley WispOariit.
Cased*: A54 l ii4il .oil at pr.. ea as tow r lewewthe..aeiet t� teas ateafstattalrers .a
l'Voted ess.ee wsatwsei.i ase dselag eke sort years. immea/syours bolds/4Y.
AND WI1.1. malt ("irabb'.
lalleeb. 1.'... gwa4rd and fllapase.
Lover I'.•ap.w4ne
4 Sok Ms.dalease
%crea m
Debi lN Y.
.A Blood
`Illi, .., i .•r ear sue, euistes utbens sad la-
vigerates the sisters.
For salt ty Junes McKay d rcaTist, Du.
saaror Pricwsecta and $1.
DEEPRef µ-Orders ells! m Untilmade of forma, Miran& sur -
Bawd by the marvels of Invention. Those
who ore on aeed'et profitable work that can be
dose while bibles st home should at ores
seed their addr.es to Hatter t Co.. yertlaod
Maine, aid receive free, full informailos how
elthrr.tic. of alta,tea. ,Cala earn from Si to 10
per day and rewards wherever they live.
Y u are stared fro.. Capital not required
Some have inaorerd° to • sing! * da;a
this work. All* maeem,
ahead but
the Ilan
hear .
column or a mammal with
bass reliefs and groups
reward offered to theet this mo-
design was the 1.
.•rYWng architect or wilt
eoamhuion of 6 for ell, M the Seed
east of executing It_
EO ° O" BARRi- sells cheep for cash ; he will not be andareold.
`' LIVERY one should eall on biro before purchasing FrL 1TCRE elsewhere.
u- 4
ONE mad all can save money by buying from (:EO. BARRY.
Rt.ed 4.
A anted Jesatw••d• i .-•
The founder of The )11111faes. Sieg.
Arunab 8. Abell. died zeal.* M tM ai
' v."od age of et Mr. AYfl woe You Is
%, B. L. .n/ a yam
seatfL blame.. life at $ a
East Provides'
fancy for the printer's !lent` Y aimed an
appratUeeshlp in The Pro$1161011 Plaint.
Alter the clone of
ids apprenticeship
went Boston
and beams fors-
ake& Of • prletle(
c•e there. Then
be went to New
York and beaded
The indledelptila
Ledger. la 1837
he went to BOW
more, sad ea May
17 of Uwe year
founded Thi Mai- A. a
utmost Sna. Moaning to !a, sa+/Iar sod
proprtak.r till the day of W (tit u& The
San was easabihbed Jost as *e ft eerie
telgssg- entrain Info ttsa. W Yr.
Abell was personally Waisted
Mores. The Sum published thg egg M.11 -
Nage Mt deer the wire.. --0,,m au
ae.t-bebee a W..hlotst,,, ma=
cepeeity .f the electric dgystem
mere. Ths Oho 'leo astanueLlat
miffing ever the wine for po bilndiea till
lest presldssw.0M ew.l.'. 0?„ surasthee
On slay IT,
heeled 113 UU NY enor. l xiveaer ~� I`
.Maes PaPev
The tlalrowet la a
green Na sM..dn4y s1
crop it:talus. then& III a
erprd lemneselh t eardme II.
doaky sw1psded.semi se the cabbage,
BARRY makes a specialty of UNDERTAKIN 41 and Picture Framing
ALL kinds et PC RNITURE kept on Mad. Call and see his Stock of
jROCKING, Chairs, Tables, Parlor Setts. Mattresses, Bedsteads, 13.j Chairs, de.
REMEMBER that GEO. BARRY keeps the treat Stock of FURNITUREia town.
you abouiiesll and Ret hie PRICES before baying elsewhere.
Haaailton$t.. Act osieb.
Big Mill Patent Flour,
lJG.ALID L 7saoai
The eheape.tt and bent article for family Use sol. Will
e more bread to quantity baked, and bet value for your
money than any offered.
Noontly -� of repo.. ere here.
mat our beet Mew vary
y►IpaM re a mod "-.
eews.q..emtly rot .hfairts or Aecurrent am to .tate that taw vers sl to _' and
Our Patent, car be bad from a rt 1Jie kawoot powfhlewet
netting the east-eller• arik•I• trent retailers sea haveor45 .Red &Street Seri thme e •I11. �e
aedertrk. Dee. a.
i wawe n w .$ to mai .M trek .tip. Aew the belleam ., eM.tloae are ever.
dew& se brae.. 1 ski rioter se W pkblk Ibe brims Mak awl
M wllglrsltx CAPADJL AT telt LOW
iv�iwsea..="'..aleit a Masa11''C`ta'ria.. sif/ as.=19g..e..
Nbaatba > . s. M.
prz-zE aRvo-c+=sir_
sea shop h the laces
sew. may .
tee cokes Mamie.
hired • halrs. W
sorbet.. we aeras 15s
de asses.
IWera abaaa biretta
Ltul's a: Cb tains'.
�selaki tear aaltabys
aR s�asaaadd >asee►
..70""AC. 2C1•710-237,
#easw'e.t; t'w tiooararsst 01 P0..1.
The .srder,le.Od. white thank)
ng mien his slam Oostatencirg bin unise&• 'Wolk toll that liberal It 3.4 put .w'. ad
Aloes to lo u.o,t&ce fleet h w put down ►Is
Roar liQTraM FiCcaurs
all wishes ps.N•rely a 4611 alswtlee to bN
from 10 cts to 7S cts per Ib, Maple Syrup, finest case Prunes,
pure Spices, Lawry celebrated Baeon,cooked Corn Jif
Cut Myrtle, Cavendish and Club Tobaccos, best
M'1e^can fine cut chewing Tobacco, fresh
salt and canoed Fish, best quality.
12 Bars of Soap for 25c.
8 Scrubbing Brushes for 25c.
iotas... (ls•steSS, Mils. a•dr. A Ss.1 Oesdkte Daspa rte. era, iharmi
Floii', F
�. CrFlen,:::4
Irsesi eb Aller. Arlt, 70,709. �. akake OOPS*
„ ettl peaty
ty •s eA.
Aa -