HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-5-11, Page 5Irene THE RlilAN SIGNAL, FRII)Ait, MAY 11, 1888. UELP AND REST. eolith& paps w f.Y ppors. capital avid Imbue and t of Two _iYOO• Delivered is Nteet. S BIA604 * Ohureb. 1 disaimi -* us As,o mad to I S a". •S ii en is uue of I ' pal .hick .r. S)I ale. tu-al aw,sao,. Whet treatises el rreeds 1 "o Townie* t e iaasr, truer quanta "g1111 SprIn 1lrense, a Bl.et malas, • the d the Christian "h was said ut him, I •mom 4 Mown( sat what "Hca was s man. )1a Weber Intone weddings ewetha mold be per. s . m&iI' fits has is th. neo 6~iloarket ,let is Chianti marks riser tied midst of Ms days, had jest ��stVossrrsesssa�, dem it, is dm and of labor. bort sidled beak w Totowa for the e, - T7ferMaass et Leedom, Metinyea g ee sutug r. where he had spot 'web of Sash is Tractor Saws are be sesta bA. frilly.. God's ways are whamswias sign*. ilea will abs great , set ours Y, heart has bas made sad problem he solved 1 By legtalatwu sod as ..U, desist( the past week by Ike eurasments Yes and no. By death of • fixed gone*. friend, Yr W. the grnwitig leaseSisa power al T. Pfvtman, cut down a IM .gaud Cbriati•utty le 1GTWu•ents. Uriah ' year of his probation in our misatry. Ward solve this sed story utter N• was • young awn of true 11114.1 pprre fur ►ummsMy, by shaming tha tomtits mutt, with bright proa- heart-life of mss, mdtsaiatt truer ■m ; peau Upon a child's toa.tntnee in Mims, td was a Bigler value , man I iso itogli hoheroh)ard r the ineoriptton earth, more thea missy. sad character '• 'Who pleased that dower 1' cried the than capitol. What is wrung with these "'ideate a. b. walked through the ssr- sometary efforts 1 They me thistly duo. His hollow-oarraot answered, 'Th. owed ow tM.eil, selfish nature of aim I plaster.' And the gsrleu.r held hi Swift calls 'looney, the great div.dwr of , peace." But w• hare a promise that the world." The Bible mays, The love I quiets the Maim heart and extorts of wormy iI the rout of all evil." Money `the bitter from our tears : "All things Maids iu the ds d •elfish.••• is a surae, shall work together fur good to tb.m creel tynne, as inhuman mower. that Iur• Gal." The world to acme is Sums ptopeaa to smite inee by cation- •ppruaebier very sear to us, and Heaven ality; patriotism avid the love of country. ie \seaming very nal .ad venom by W. feel truly with Goldsmith's traveller, the translative of those we love, aka bare worked a0d wept a 01 rejJie.d with its Asd soots of dime yeah and mouths sed days death will stnke as ; the most certain thing in life is death, the most •eortaio the fine of death. Lot es be prepared for that st all times which may coma at any time -root come at one lino. W e may Shall poverty by dih- gewce, gain prospet ity by prtt.lance, maiutaiu health by moderation, stake life bright yr duh by our surrouudings i► r ti annpssisuabips we form, but winnower our habits or route of life, we all roach the saw goal -Death, ahich alit. stay. kiag mud aubj.et, the strong• sat, love/leo, wisest, meet piuo.. But the Chri•tiau does nut for death ; to Samuel Janne es "Palriutum w him it is but the death of ria, the death ]e, of the false, sod the gaup .1 life -truer, Pen the Innodus. oI a •ooundr•L" brighter, eternal lit. "The taster is Popo, °"."'st "ngw, •'W b tion to bre owe and calleth for thee " There bad Ib.ir country and be poor S.i none been a death -call in Bethany, a borne wag Iwtit1 r satiesal anthem, avid circle of three links broken ; the oak, than by thef.cat, rem-sulor, &e. , defy the ohm oh,.f tutees sod support, bad taller. Brit." rete ; jest w ens. shunt, "L ing Bet Christ, to his amino and human sympathy Domes, tcmforts the braking Mart of Martha, aad moods her to mil Mary, whose sorrow and despair had led her, upon thr announcement of his com- ing, to sit shall in tb. Mass, I want to post est that the cell of the text is to comfort, to c.,nsolation. Rut how inex- plicable is this to sora., whom comforts are earthly -rich meats, told sod 60. cluthiuy. How an Christ, empty -baud - .d, bring comfort 1 The greatest com- forts, like the greatest disuses, are not twtenal tie phyeteal, bet of the mind and spirit. Christ is tin physician of the coot What's the eu.solaties i 1. That there is no wiatak* or oversight is God's providence. We all are apt in our blood/ism to say with the sisters, "Lord, if thou Lodi bola tare my brother had not died," tbiskisg that God did out ase the pain tM disease To ur. and the spirit to flee of them we love ; out be kapott .ten alms sparrows 2. lite 4welling house and orchards of the That death is not a sift of God's du - pleasant. A U die, bet Oud lovas tall, has redeemed all, and would make death to alt the entrants to life. 3. The consol- sties is bassi upas the revelation of the new lift. All the thought - tel, with deep anxiety sod stir- ring of heart, ask, "Is man immortal P' "1f a man die shall be lire again 1" Seieoce proposes that death has been from the beginning ; is universal ; but' kg* no evidence a resurrection. lbw tory tells the same tale, shadowing all down the ages the Cities u( the Li•isg los-80. with the silent Cities of the Dead. Spec. I dress 1118r eixt:MILLED. ulati•e pnilaeopby alae has no onto l FARM FOR SALE -THAT VALU- voieo, Daly etormes ; bot Christ; tM l r able •arm known ae lot lt. cm. Odds Sou of God, Nasdint; with the sisters at rich township. eootatninx!dwan, sesrly ail the grave of their brother says, "Thy I emeriti!. ad rsmaander ttOud hardwood. Chao brother shall rite n ; he that indigo- .trots: acme of tail Loa 'Lewitt tame boric again sad tlne orchard, cod well. &heat three mum .th in Me, thun,ih he were dead. yet I from Uoderncb 1'.ab. The petive.raols one of Terme shall he 1ivi" Upon this we base hops „°‚ble. Abet., 0 iM tr inERARMY of eternal joys, re -anion end perfect COLLINSon the ,re eisoa or by letter to hf.. With this consolation death is i Ooderch P. O. that. robbed, despoiled, overthrown. There is another call included in the text, not in the words, but tie uwsioo-a call to aspiration for death. The wise reed be- tween the Iin.s,aid interpret theattead- FARM FOR SALE-T1lJ&T 8100- amt feels- w ewe" funeral cortege, or i, desirable farm knows se let it ems. 11 memorial *ad or sermon is a quicken- E. D. Colborne. containing Ne acres a• of in ea11 to a new life --to r•paotaace and wktca are char d. and the wt gepd u '-} 1t I. t heated on tax .travel rete RiMalinewswilliimenrse M tses.s leap re Weft Me Mas •Maas-mraww I. __edIPIO b She •eadaf-,"•Mt red w deed, ties •re M . Mer'. • net tiro interesting end s.ewere gewand 1. dmoa ietlost )r.H,edat ehsr1h by Oho pm - tar, ille L Il Wallas. Is the now- kiet se saireeamrq daessrew was de bmsred M tae Isenberg of Hansa Lodge No EL LO.O.F., sad is the menus a msmeral swim was held Thep .gs • lags .is.dssa t os each mammies. /bras we ham thenal mssbun to sae body. sad ell osemkme hats ant the same ovine : se we. beteg may ere ems dss a Movie*. sad mssrime oma bed ttsr-lt.rarwm t! :e Peal, by a fonefsl simile, eo.wpSres the Christina Agra to the physical body with its sissy limbs, Touts, ffsstions.and tsoslti.s. Mankind is apt- ly en reprsaeet.d-lhers is as essential osemage mad endless diraratt Ood -WMrear.oreaw. ]• Our asst. seat wttatr7 ever Le at lone." dos. taut npomt htttwlf-the eery lest es A mighty spirit of uuity emanates (rum our siatw,t.al autbom, -Sod viers the Queea." '11e Amoroso' sing Noisily lustily, "say country. The thee." Bot without nationat or racial or class dtmiwtica is this sew kirgdo.m, all amus and magus and peoples are en. icing to sing tba world's wUuual an- tkem, "Praise Ord. from when all bluets now ; Protea, Mtn, all creatures bare below ; Prates hint above. ye heavenly hest : Prates Father. ass. sad Hell Obese" Lire of country doesn't always unit all dsttc ; no two mes are alike, other- wise theft world be umtul! eouf.sum. Bot them is far greater diversity aid dissimilarity in the inner character of roan, in the mind, the sprit. In the sole of life, at ore end is the selfish, high .upp at dm sews aha bus.dowt assa..�tha miser, bad the 011ilent atueilt. Ent madded is a crit ; temre are deep sa.urel lash taedesaies sad tr,pabilitias. The greatest difisro.ess spring from de r.top.Nt ; alike in the iauuowcy and n oble ..pi,atiuss al childhood, in ace st.r..ly sepasato. Bat we are wen - daily ere is •iniia, setup, laws, and dealsy. Whin wkiiid is a great eon - joist body there are many smoothers, ..f all aims. of mead, doi.g all nates11 of work ; the farmer, carpenter, physician, la, towbar, preacher. All are in- set, oho head or thinker. una- ble to my to the band, the taborer, l have hca Pnotestaotmm," who know nothwg no used of thus Our lumpiness and of abs seethe srutavid life of Pro- hK "to esitastantisu cunserveu flit alt. mations and ort rosy. Nu sa.•a baa fell.., an erosions., sr a,mpaes life the individual soul. 1 tell you there is all os iarestt_ste all truck. Moro are oo bud but Christianity -it hes at the speei•1Ws, sod give ted receive Crum rant a all trim Ids, mod charity. TM .ash ntbw euoteaaoee. •..moon and hfe, inatitutiuos founded up this gospel (3od owning, the Christian governments, the church, the benevolent moieties. Wm ..I.•ume you hap this morning as a n asty o.( lb.000 messier. in Ontario, Ws should out thou be sordidly Wl6e1, or s recluse, or rivals. Mt associates, co - vas, co -ail i atom allies. o- v.e,coadjattors,allies. Anything that diridee, diajuiaw, alienates men founded on the roa.gnitwu of (Mud as ahoold receive our diabvor, depreciation ear common Esther, and because of the mud ops or h ; ee" together that writes, work you are doing. 1 an glad to say ham or links neo Ingather sport. 'bat °urine the peat year you hate ►eip- lave oar test sympathy and support. ed orer 4,000 osmotic and mast over Il any things is ear Christian civilization 00.000 in relief of the sick, t►. widow link mem- oar .,.I., and brother- .ad the u ban. what the Miele yob hods, our orreemeseata, church" and homes. Bat ander all, and as the a11• together 1 .out amply the mystic hood secant meso of uni6O.tt:.n is the Goa- cf .scney• which bac neither iatneeie pol of Jew Crest Earthlyoutdoode are toil nor writ ; bat the sprit if this wank and transient : you „Dino, rather Gospel ben cad numbers. one king "nibye into your bosom from this lite alnne, st.,. And yea, asntY Inn' your wont, motives many and strong tweak to live tae nuclein co your coo hart of a the ►gbest Lae yosta.if, moth Ivies to wider charity that, Christ -like, will reach bola atbees to Yes likewise. C Gluier Or;y a oat sad help all awn. Bet mea w sol heiag '•.era body is Chris" vire w• Lolly part of • greater unity, but a cots- "meorbep our d ssatbsr." The Ger unit himself. Here rests our per - pal is a root troth, all-embraniag and mn I W. vire mut anted aU-ones_. it tma Asp eternal responsibility QL)radw•rk :__7171:y mss.Zit rasa, at oMrehes or societies, but iedividuals. sandy, tM FMtmhood of God. When Lot as eons isolated from those •boat e s,we grsap thin truth we bowie broth- Tod loes. roamto pardo to osrioe befand ore ore, rum ;:e75 ] �� potherhod Christianity remiss the whole throurh of liod• tdo�w. tay recognise the broth lb. ioiividasl ; 111_ ggrrea.aasst ttiumpbs ahead of moa ; other grounds are 1 ap In aha sod .ad i idi.idoal lits tinsel and iee rssant. Bet what is 3lessestaf servles. the sacred mystic is of Chriatismity, In the avenieg the earwig was solemn yes pervading priacipls, law or motive- sad impressive, beteg s tameurial one. power that Issas to golf-doeisl sad TM ezeelleot choir was well prepared, to do good soft ail ass 1" Some may sod ..big the first hymn, Lyt.'s imams - think it a ' Lode smage Stal tel, "Abide with me, fast falls the eves - hood, imies►ae y. It is toga tale,.' with deep effect. The first rt - "Love is the fulfilling of the law harry. "Who ate These in Bright with knowledge it world fulfil all law. Array .. ' was likewise very beautifully To Paul, who wrote, "the love of Christ reader d ; and the woad, "Rest ooastraiaeti us," st was me sentiment or Spirit, Rest," a chores and soprano solo, mak impalas; it led bin to fearlessly was mfio agniout At the clans of the fees the mob, the aril poorer, the pre- srvies, with ile Wow epos their eon, sad the gdllatisi. By this saint minds, all sang with earned, "Work, says the Ssviosr,an saes shall know that fur the eight s."rTi. ette ye are say dagiplss. Yes, brrehrea, staging gagegloat astrac- han' se .aspeken cad sswrittee las- time to the service at North -at gage by width yon know ..sh other t. The patsy took fur a tett Joe xi. b ivivid of the car. This a do ss- !fi-!, aad more psetie.l l the .ds, ' pokes, M maratlof Christi- "Tb Massin, y is eossodwads, eolith for e s*, s t may ,. to bratbres thea" He mid : during she past week thesseshse, Mt M mil sass, who belong end foetsegit der► hos keen dwag his to aha brotherhood The hoed is net work i• meWM. I. our own sttsgre- psi�� or , ce ode, oc ..mor, ratios we has seta .ember of shi*rty Mut lee. ; whisk fededge all other Trus rod das4isR. our dear i.iwd and bonds sed ovmimpa the boners vivid bterbmr, the ate Bused Pollack. He asks =dames ttMtwsw risk aid poor, was oseve rtd to Ood whoa a W, avid whits gad kick, iilitmeate and tettered, joined this shod none thirty years ago, and iink ile s "sale Rsyur.ad.esppli- • of whisk im-awl of that tion asd at lia, cation for all isms." Anything dist death he was a teams He rejoiced in divides, savers soon should neat our ttts ashatic's of Christ Jas., avid died d.pre.tion sad rejotiva. I want to in fall and peaceful hops He rested in t .et one ow of divisum ; in some Ins atonement of Christ -jest where you mese a root saw. It is Materialism, and I mist trust. The noblest life dads .kith dissevering and rending man from Do other 'tumid of esear$Boe 5.t, the hie sterna telaLioes, esys "there it nal !re and mercy of Ood thr..ngh JAAt s iso immortality, no lasting brother- Christ, His Soo. I visited oar deet Wei of erg," Asd oun..quently acne brother in bit last sickliest, sod shortly hat prosiest interests, no right bot that before his death asked, "Yoe are trust - .t attlit, su amlority bet that d en Mg is Christ 1" Ha d me- llow fell e- sttl.si. 0.e mesh a rc)action of ssaa's adonis was, "Yes 1 altogether." Aad true eaters and Mations breaka the so be died, with trust sad hops Yes- .aerdoess of the hood of brotherhood : today, too, the romans al our dear old bilis, in Ord i at the root of troth sad aster, Mn Ramos, woe takes to their homely is we. We my he Church a.d tat in the cemetery. Oho parted with Stats sod family eosaootton, "Lad as No with no terror, iso turmoil of aid he ssssalated with ow who batiste a or spirit, hot with pram, calmness sod Ood mad my bsso.t.Nty." Materialism rest. Theta& witheat kis ear her she breaks matt a tete relations and narrows we not without Maids, for way of down life to dark amble limits, sod es re were bled to bar. sad she hod with .eekens sad dagrdca is impsam sad hue that Prised "lobo stiek.tb dery moues, It modems .arekoess sod thea a brother." You maysot hate U esasualam. The higher noble .. or earthly friends near to oomert you at peeosslity is despoiled t the mean lei; k may will coy b. that deed' did mason oaf ismorose you a • distant lead, g olf of the appetites Nei false ambitions. epos ago, m, hat if pie Imre that Tb. phydol rage : rant. esnseality, Fried you will trismph still. The jaws igserunce, strife, avid grad in place of of the aupwt of Math will have lust is troth, kaowldps, Vitt.., becety. hese- .riot and BM grave its rietory, sod you advises. Now biidelity and rejstiwr .i11 lied for poor spirit poses ha aloft o-- _e/ the Gospel ttogrdes maw, moth sod bsaVs&Iy tart IRMA Adel las = .sen .M► iilelft 'MINIMS' die esiks. pram• 1s gel iiae haw aim bah ANC* iwes se {kit the lith- sr, mad d areas Ise *the Mei &seek widest mem awe, r dg*alr, is dirk- has been assisted is the Yew Itch*. "A leap tole the dark" arid day law, et the Rev Sa..d .I. Hast. eta essaios skis ..�.. ,.,a.....�. SALES Iglu •iw the si.apSll.e.pt�••aus r-v....�a was n reiml+a 10ee t rtr r wA- i s Em,E.�t itMeserilegletri -� t.�„' awe :'fief taw iliwtil ad stoutly .. ieaai e�ii ... "�� talseste mss a hdk.t- Weiser ei bee said , "Mew N way •, ,•" • el= s aswwele. - They preys* a Avid wee Mrd a der .fir NU . ,R1. . - omar �� the Ilse et eats' .a/ I mark peseM to .eBEtwfw hG ..pmt iiimos1es uIlI Mal u� Rs belonged M W whey it _i_... Ir. T. Goods' -IN- ;REAP VARIETY -AND AT - PRICES TO SUIT •ILL ! -AT THE - TORONTO CASH STORE. P. ODEA 2i61 - `f LNAGER. Legal. F/DWARD N. LEWIS BARRISTER, Solicitor in Supreme) Court. Pro. -tar 1a Maria ime Coact. ()Moe next door to Martin's Hotel. tiodertch. Money to loam. it. SILAGER & HARTT, BARRISTERS. Ar.,Oodericb and Climes. Roderic► et - lice sopaeite )dame's Hetel IMO C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, da tio Ones. oorasr of 'cq.are and West Wert. Ood.rM.h. over telegraph dace. Pri rate nimbi to land at 6 Per real - ft ARROW est- CARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAIL ttISTI.its Attorney*. Solicitors. etc Ooderlct J. T. Ostrow. W. Proedfoot. 176 (`tAMEIION, H:)LT t CAMERON, •J Barristers. Solicitor/ in Chaucer ooderich. R. C. Cameros. Q.C.; P. Holt. 0. Caassrea. C C. Rosa 1761 - She People's Column. HORSES FOR SALE. -A SPAN OF good workieg bones. hareems sad wan sou ter sole ou negotiable tonna Ark to RICHAHI, ALD WORTH.Ooderleb. IOST -A SMALL GOLD EARRING J natter will be suitably rewarded by leaving it et U. GORDON'S. 51-11 Jos. Kidd "Internaliota: }'arm- to let for the season -rent ressoaabie. Apply to C. A. HUMMER. 31-11 or WIC. HOWDCN. For Sale or to Let. HOVE AND LOT FOR SALE.- On Keay. street, Oodench. emstalaing 5 reOins. lot Lb aces. For particulars •poi, to SA3t1'I!L ADAMS, South -St. gilt. HOOSE TO RENT -THAT CON- renient and comfortable brick hoagie ea Waterloo street. at present occupied es the latex For 'cedars. ad - HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.- The yropertj °fdRrS JAYiit Apply _t o RUBfXS iON. t;edsiicb. iStL faith. Another ee11 which is also the .oho of the death -nal, u one to active service and oun..cration. 'Why stand y. Imes all the day idle 1' "What thou dont do quickly." All these are but TWO FIRST-CLASS FARMS FOR prior sad initiative to Ike final trumpet- l sols Oar l0 the towaahiO K Askfld/• mu to� judgment sol ent •tad to gcel• 1 "tt hen `'pO0taiDinconutn: lee g 1 yreo. ; and .ane toar Mont Wawa pooh. 5015.. Fpattimalan Wawa - Usk corruptible shall have put an nohly to 1ameroa. Holt t . thede- eorreptwri n and this mortal shall have c put os immortality." lot those who Ch�?LIGIBLE FARM FOR SALE - mourn boar MAW/ ..magi of comfort, 1'i-4naesekL-Oodericb To•ce0bls.,ak sea avid like Mary rime op hastily and curse gam.. cte't'ra'•oo.g3Dj re o�acres-corc.mi4 oat) Row ; end let ail ammo the .alis, c to repentance and more active ssrrie•. Terns of psjTwwwt ees7• A t llsRRON'!P 9s11 eigh 1.262m brick .cboalhouss is on t be Darner of tk•�. Aler. ter paritealsn pad terms aptly 1 C 6. YOL NG or GEORGE SWANSON ht t rich. 1 NEW 8P NEW RRf NEw se, NEW EA N 1:11• CA TAKE A RE REES P Ouva - Bl TWEEDS. AT THEM. Xso0armao. VED! CE have remove • - the mammoth store formerly o.pied by Wm. Kay, next to :: of Commerce, where they will be happy to rp.et theirold customers, and *many new ones. SES PRICE & BON. Loans anb ins itoiNs. ,000 TO LOAN. CAYKROX HOLTt risk. Y TO Doe• MONEY TO LEND. ammo of Private ♦t lowest rates on a to (JARROW t MOLD R. RADCLIFFI, GENERAL 1NS1:RA- REAL ESTATE -I.AROIseuresses Z Asolr MONET W t- 0 AGENT. Only 1Rrste+laaaTeres at i IfIr Mowry to Lewd • he lowest rate of intens 1a any WILY N suit tis. S.rrower. ogs Square, We Strgeett.Oode Ise 11R341 $200,000 PRIVATE. NOM tTo len. on farm sol tons as lowest intereet. aforttsrss fro com- mtssno0 charged wen hod l nam of (monCompany (monCanada Mended Credit Company. the Wean lean Cbmpse, ed eamus. 1 ntetem . e. Mine 7 per east. X. B.-Horrow.noms dada maws 1n day. if title sat' �'O�f� DAVISON aeaettawes Js. ti.derieh li!4 ams.. �• NOTICE TO CREDITORS se •b, R PILTER YA recce Irr.T. ds TM«Ml'bie of G Pcter Nonteomart. s of the Iowa of 1n the county of area. gemtlemae. We died .a at the SIM day .t Acorn. A.D re pa Win. hereby •.red a wad W. R. Peatlaad et the vintage et Drenbe, to the CommCet, Oxford. no dem*. gxeeeter of the estate d the rail bees Pear yea £&.... a& ow er Were ttta 16th day of Jose. UM nen Minna i �.dt � do that ening eo�atf eeratam at id their esaaau W� Ms Seet1 dthold er tlat after the std lean e J I the a mid %tt. a ld 4. erander y 1. ti t. •welsh be wwiltltgaasf, M 1 --iso ika�.sswathe ssRY aafm ofd 10 ....!Cr ttos at 11. dim er R ' pR SALE. West half of Lot 163. Arthur Street. with ental brick cottage ,\crew. HV,LDlxo Lona- tel aft Zit. 263, Elgin Street. St. Andrews Ward. 631, coiner of Horoa and Britannia Had. Frame 14 story hoose a Keep, Street. lot sad halt Mad. "v.= III Reed's Pcrts7, Opposite sew Chows. risk Nes 3t ,L Si Z. aft. 54. Cs. sib M. Au the shore at LOW Rue S. AI•p1T to C2.iE DAVISON it JOBXBTON. miitirs atlfaw SI nice is owe Legal Notices. 3Rillwe{gAt, Ual a tor, &Rc. e - A. HUMBER,YVILLWRIOIif• VALt'ATOR. naw. Retaliates Rade sad ter Home Heating b aha Het wmssr A.sam. Hot water sad Slams Iola* Lane laser and other W.,w teasel. AgrIselka al Itm- Memento. Rall iasoklmsry. PLANS AND SPICIPIOATIONfi. VALUATIONS YADIL KAST STREET. - amen Feb.:. Mlle. nrea��a IN THE HIGH COCRTOFJUSTICE Ar C1AANCZR n 4ti101r. a: : theafish vial beaerabbe ta the tie iig� t.ret,.... th. er..t- tew.�dDaziaIn the ri emraJ���datnetet+, ;12� .rebe s s/rri :��I�� o.. fife • sr Mtmre amusements. GODERiCH MECHANICS' oST1- TUTK LIBRARY AND>RSADING 800:1. or. of Coat Irvine sod •gate (ap Brain. Open from Ito 6 pa, sod from 7 to Wpm. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. Leul:ny Ihily, WcsMp mei Rhei sW Paiwri, . a�neilm, R NNI RKRS I I IP T grsatt14 free 1. -j Applies)ice fat r.eshal 7A Librarian. is mesa Pl. Ltwoots. azo. tial rich. rieronistak. 11111=110,1. COLD IN THE HEAD, GIC Iia. TER PRINCIPAL COLD MEDICATED. Haan Orwu-o, els Yotssa•ST. Tsnowr0- H, EIWlIHA7tOH, ■.D. L.i.P.$.O., 1Lmiaest, Threat and Lung Burg na. WILL VINT GODEIUCII, ALMIOH HOTEL, UU 1011, 1388, Aad ogees Ilaa1h Thereafter. Drawee Tasuteu-iatarrk of tie Read end Throat.Catartkal Dssfaees.Ckredc Woo own Asthma' ard Cawassipt10es . Also le veto. us el the Xoies hres.eEn Poly- p Tensile. COYZ KARLY. CONSULTATION TRICE CATARH THROAT CUR Thais are a leer of do way who bars bum pe e:mowti7 oared by Dr. N. W ask1gtoats M. R Maas. RW s.o •Oat.. uttatth. land Mrs Jos. Kyrie. Kimballs. Ont.. ramerlsa growtYr OW 111..1.1111. tbdhs: maear7train ' 1, iwedl. Oat.. Yes Y. Cecelia. aoase �5. el Oat_ and o Mrs McLeod:4es*. I .tesla. oaterrh od rite ]Cts J. Laaded and wen Kingston. catarrh and carjrrbal Beata Yrs Ralph Cbambt i Imer. Oat„ catarrh Ma las Kmbsass*. XapsOae.00t.b renchiti•i. Jobs A. Little. Dratialk. (10*..catarrh. Joh. K Kersey. H woroeso P.O.. Chat.. catarrh. bed farm A. D. Urilat sambaed. Waadalleedeuirestinp.Oat.. catarrh Raba. Y.kd es.Warrbam. oat. Yre r. Scott. Sttrttaag, OW.c . catarrh. threat. l 11.11(12 Pierer, Strat.= Oat - emerged tem - W. Liana Petrone. Ont.. catarrh. Yrs J51a Tait. V ygoat.. umtarrb bead and R. Neigh jeweller a d throat. .tebreater. Pettelle. retH. McColl. P.M...*ttreyy, Ont.. broadho W. H. Store l.sq.. ot Storey ft Soo. Moveetap. ore Reawtscturere. eared of Ira. Wits and esk bin for eartloclmte. 3116 ANCHOR LINE Atlases Ripsaw hircisa IZK rk om ►t mounrt� m.woo York • i - e.1▪ i Pusmplf' m a]tseai.aiam gtaarry eve] gay �wm IMew Tart te GLAAAOV f+RL' N Jj T. CoMs At+ rT. W- rites - • eo .sesP r�� a °0 rut ta 21v s ' rrA mstas at lowest ear ea: elite 1!011. YAsrt.h. PAINTING DEOORATING. car,_, fl L'e. PRICIC. 26 OMNI- J. T.J. WILSON 1 Norio Y7 •1 ef1 elide Anil. A. Oft. tsypwrg wi"tgpse tiieri miss MAW Prescription Drug Store. 1 1 hi Diesseia. w{tW �d Mr trees roe anew abet Female iwd Oen° Men esaeemteeted. pleses j. sibete ai. as.. Jaz 1PCAR DR. HODDER'S COMPOUND. ,aa... sib.. a.ad Svse7s.are. Pate. s mess pre MMM Dg_ HODDlaR'• COUGH HD LUG CIJU. @tarws�eleraa.t311 p" TISK 0141011 I11 Ki ria #r >ssf-