HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-5-11, Page 4menergepnwegis
n * ."'1 .'It."'i�'•.. rel. U.; :r... A
asnerare=genensees Mida wee.
As aMaabr.
isplimg SOW
PSIDAT, MAY ass, IML -. Weatat lraS▪ wear.
s CI11NRIP MAMMA4t *+iie
The Detmisi.o flMlinet is fast 01
to pisses, end already Sit Jabs •
tog amend hies ler "sew blood.'
mom that • peed Adis el
is ae..seary before myth* em
.volved ben the amens d.1. (bat
genet!•, Is addition to the
ns end W the death .f the late 11
!lies, Whiff. the preseet Miaow
Ammo is simian s. rags once
iseeke himself to the London
.iassi(hip ; Hoa Jeba rtenq
through indisposition, is about to nom
Hes. J. A. Cbepis•e pima for • trertw
front the Detonated d State ; Melee
the 5a• fixed leg -
i. eyes upon the Lieebneet-(iuvergsr-
.hip .f Noe. 8.otia; the Minister of
Jesaise desires • Chef dsstic.sbip Mao
,it the Uusssrt.tite party km tie be-
stowal; ad Hoa ]4ekesxi. BowsU tee
pima to the heal .t the Oorer•rt
pttieti•' elle. at Ottawa. Dae of dew
daps the Tory Csbtn.t will awake +l
Sod Half .u.watw.ated sometime a
this shops :
Preddest ell the O. .il-Sir J.be
agew the I• twt•
is -(tot. I»
leimislar d Hailways-Dr. Ferrera
1Postinestondlesentl-Hom O.A.
Weaker eiPsbbe Work. - Sileltct
�' of Militia -Sir Adolphe C.
Minister of !furies -Hos. O. R. F e
• Kieiseer elf Island Revel te-11 r.
Moister .A1ris.ltee.-H... Jeka
it w[ -0esliale-- Hobs.
Reeteleor of State -Mr J. J. Curma
MIwMa d its ..s•-Uote talo.
"4 VAistuire. maw neat
prowl dt"
witaltrtatel, re tiA ~wards. O.
'MEPbelieve lt. OM
EP geom l• 1d. sew WM-
Ad nate .- TM moot .o.tol
la s.Wo `
ale a float ra a ►iia eQ /refs
to tars
ww, t priers tYt
mee Meek.
'b'th d m o1We irtmteMa
Albiattloomimma us
oa ="A...
Ilia.- There aro loamy (tads of
�d.•yews el m...tr.wd 55.1144-Qt�a.
wawa ..d plat•bl.. /ter
Treses-Thlarwn e►sieg
ate• the tram are tegfaa M
e. is. If you mat ..mat
tie rainiest Has doeit
yam lr A. Pndliaa.
Zaottty of lu.adisa WI -
r C` oowns' ear Watts.whleb
.t Petrels* prices. Ales
cis America. Emily tb.te Want
A sash dl.eseat ea a .01M.D1Aar0.
W ▪ ■t'MSBITI. ( Tamonamat
"g mega !levery the tranessolie
1P.e.day yafter ttatl
ki 7t er Md►o 1 eh.re&
loweested t. the wet lie --
Door in Patcua-laotders &
aha. to clear set the Worse .f
Meek of decoeat.d MI window shades.
1 tsaatatag and attest MS sat et these lis... sad
a of ..oh left. Cad wbf5 the
and got year et tam Teeebeaps 6b....am.Lande
THE B.I111,011 SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MAY 11, 18.6.
This l• tate maim d the /'am when NoteenefI. Marmoteou diiaon.--At
the swat 'shoal bey omes.sew his a.- the m..ttsll of the otlltid bused of
w ad Meths el �• testa& Neettr111. lL.abasiet stub, bald ca
sb4Y welsh the epdMd M Ms.dty eeteeiog. Mr It W. %thew
seh.lme in the semshiy remotar wets etktsted deletes*tiis-
thLbsdtttp tweed, went lissome el 144144wast tee to he bold m es
e this & ft. H. 0 , ppl1y�yiinv,g� hest ben SW Mli sed SIM The t d Na
at a poetise meth es Fatwdq hob bis ahueh waw Arra Is he II • L.rY-
seersplitspwith • 'hot ems" from pate hat dB em --. thaw d • sal elw le
• Nos. foeas th
is row e dJ74.sk the tr•asery. It was decided flet M
Ise repelm. mshe a sell wpm the oospepli-w ht
Lammas Corimriem -A es.medioe wilt tai eeplelltaas-ewe
nesting of the eilnem's ramp am. tao4 bot w Po/ dm ae.o.st dee frees
manse will tb. M es W,ea y ee.ritt� the ekes.k out of the sondes head.
matt at $ 'Week to resolve the repos of As Stylist" wen .treaded to >er 0es
the y��.g..tsio t. Ottawa and Mmtmal, W=dwa, of Ihtowel, to eseopt the
end fset ether hushes* �aet.ts ler the aiming year• A res
Veoleet.-Lk. Cruses -Mr were, lmWs of ..4+btw.e wee alai ailed to
tlu.$.Y will be tb. rept ...�etire of he forwarded to Mrs Pollock, is eswaw
Vittoria 8t. Methodist eebsreb at the t�. with the haddeath of the me danrartistea.
Poltwt, .h W been ti mimed iamb
sw ri tt.waT.-At Yet It lea been
..retied that Goober&& wW ha the
pats( et the O.etph JmteWs mall-
Hseea, sad the great Wade wlp
the deciles that has hese readied.
y.tbr tasty problem solved, and
kat that R eanewe deem a pbete
badmenee..11ed.bs aw and e.s/••►
.p yosr yards is the ovate ei
Napes end Joke L. S4livs.n are.
-Mem Nldwty rowing in the Mame boat
• et 1h.Mi1 of the peueessioa. too.
,wrist meeting. A par oasge hos beam ofieial hex "map thirty 'owe.
rooted sod se siert is to be urade w
robe s_Dsiset foods to properly tarnish b'am° Ceeu.ruoxw.-
,ommimiom es for the WMA
sleist A. M.D. As driven mod met is Ciliates, m Fro
mod homed and adopted a alt d renew.
Teo Moir" 50 nosy the soma hyo to tam.it1L* raw sod badad
a w all the en
robin•' soots d eggs here! and bop lie.eass, we do met
they ma bay thew hands os, or (►ere .tU knew whether the regslationa are any
be se uSoniw he Memo this year. The mew rigid than those foroecerly is loess
send' boy weft% nod moth ea000rago- seder tie Creeks Art. but they 5boald
meet along that lin. be fatly .stos,ad. Prior to the sotto-
Gammon Ii. B. C. -$.eh is a fame dustiest of the Scott Act, ons of the
As soate.r bees dab of Toronto hes sleets aid telling argona.ta of the
east • *halboge to the O3odarwh B. B, teepeese people was that tb. Crooks
0., to play bete os the 2415. Owiaj t. Aet .as net ,properly observed, and a
a previous seipg*tseet with the Wing- more rigid law wen wpwary Now it
bats slob ow that manna oar boys were the hotel lass abide by the regulations,
mabds to moat the challenge of the they will materially weaken the forms of
teems city club. orgament* that might hereafter be seed
Lamest -The Heroes. of Goderi.k, spigot the. Temp.rauw people,
will play the Belays, of Lookww. um tboagh fa the Hoe Must", are Tat
the kith, on the grounds d the hitter gang to same their agit•tioae, and will
Mob 15. oleo has hemeeosgoaited, assuredly ezp.ot • better observstios of
sad it iseleitsad that the team tY year the provktiooe of the Crooks Act than
is atroeger than ever baton. Let year that white prevailed three years alga.
Ooderish oempied ..eo.d plats i. the A Toocanro Elmo or Srataco -'Ilio
western district, and this year we look vain of the whitewash and ecrubeiog
for them to take the Sega break is beard is the land, andante peek
osa.oxsau sermons. hammer /ourisbes like a green bay tee.
1* themets, the eat man's tames turns to The seductive mop swishes graostsMb
things eased tis health. about the homes, accompanied by the
had In liver regulators lie invests hts surplus plied but powerful soft au.p• The
mak. paper Mager and the carpet beater held
Is thespian the b.sbmnd test eeees•4 .515 high aestival, and the lady who preside
spade pad mite sad bee.ease tie .limb br enitesd u
AIN gleets u! sews . Jena ea tbtlags tbtK helico '. Yeteilale a strawforbat, his
yesrm sever grow. r coat, with
Using Wnwors ANN GoODII*L-- w N her wogs as • badge of office.
The 'di . 01 Knoz chsrch, Ood nteh. m. mseb-ora •sa dar of the establish -
Wool Woidieg, os. th *venial of the ISOM slinks t* at the back door after ne
4344 Of thus moot►, in the tows ball $ moving his boots is the yard, so as not
rsu.ptios to dm Rev Mr Andaman, and to make croaks on the floor or spoil the
giving at the a.* time an ,WortolOwl paints of melte upon .kith be steps.
to the sills/ friss" of Dr IIre to bid . sate bis dieser of cold victim" of the
farewell to that gentlemen blote he heed d a soar b,„„4 in the pantry, sad
Mmes few the old oonutry. and then takes dews, cleans and pdes
Di reercr MzaTlxu.-Th May di.- away 182 stove pipes and elbows. To
Mist meeting for Guderish district will avoid further domestic tasks he sneaks
he held in (iloderick, (not Clinton, as as oat the back way and strikes across the
seemed last .eek,) co the 90th sed back lot to his work, spotting in bis
31st lett The miaiaters evidently want Sight the bucket of parte upon the bead
to haw a ado quiet time --hence their of (dee baby. Isde.d, this is the period
e moting 1. Goderich. -Clinton Near Yrs. the delights the heart of the housewife,
-[what kind of times do the preachers and makes the husband% head and pock -
h ave .ben they meet in Clinton 1-$D. et ache.
Stoma& j Wiest= Lammas Duran -Y. -The
CorselrTID rot Laactxv. -Jahn Western District C. L A. oouvened
Vail jr., and Samuel Edwurthy of Zee- Wedseeday in Windsor hotel, Stratford,
ser, have hen *omntitted fur triol for •t which the following clubs were repre-
steeling a barrel of coal tar and ether meted :--Ood.nch. Cliotoo, Bright end
combustibles from Mr Jo. Pio.-d, mer Str ttord. R. 8. Willi..., of 0uderich,
chest of that village. There .es an was chosen cb inima, and 8. McCutcb-
sonScott Act celebration in Exeter os. .On. Stratford, secretary. The follow -
the kat of Msy, with hoobre aoa�paa. ing schedule of games was arranged :-
tsmt,and the taking of the barrel u[ coal May 24, Chattel at Ssaforth ; June 7,
tar &c.. resulted therefrom. Chalon at Goderich, Bright at Stratford;
BP••d cheap Wf (are 4142°1°1°°° to Jona 20, Biafora at sClinton, Goderieh
Dakota. Kamm, Minnesota, Iowa, No
t Stratford J 1 Cl' t at B b
Edith llaeeeesott lin wieesid
Ada McKay km wteesd from
0. A. Nairn was visiting in Galt
Tem alleged Papal reoript against the
bash Lead League has so terrors for the
MA Catholic Horse Roles in Heron
meaty. A thorough paced representa-
tive maid to Tat Sweat : "We take or
theology from Rome, but our nationality
from Indeed."
Ms £Deanne, the Reform candidate
in Rossell has been elected over the
malodorous Charlie Mackintosh by
majority of 250. That fad-inrestricted
reciprocity -seems to be catching on
down East, just as strong as we have it
op West.
Circa more we are called upon to
chronicle the death of the "oldest 31a -
nen.' This time he se Bro. Alfred
Barnes, who died at Mimic), Mo., at
the advanced age of 98 years. The
death of the "uldpet Mason- always
gives the mit man a chance to come to
the front To paraphrase a well-known
oyisg, "The oldest Moor: ie dead ;
long Yen the oldest Mame !"
T.4 Lesion Advertiser saps THE Stc:-
aA1. wen is error' when it alluded to
Charlie Meeki.tnei the debated Tory
osndidote is Itw.s*U as • "high kicker,'
and gays "M» M•edenld was the high
Licher." The mama we elod.d to
CMMAAW a the "high plebe'" woo be-
came be mocked .s far is tie Seaton B
tastiest kinking be•ima.a %dere ice put
bits foot down. Ask our oMd•*ri.sd 1lr
Jo. Whitebait, of Chores.
Was the Fre Pew tell .a what has
become of the tMMst.d orates, Mr Kil-
lackey, 4 Chatham 1 Jost before the
Kent .leek.. the Chatham* Demosthenes
•.s driving all before him in that o.n-
stitetesey-- W: 1'. IL Awoke had to
%y fee hie life,andthe other Reform
apothem took to the woods i• fear of
the r.sowaad Lillaskey, bet after the
»tares was is, it wag KilMoh y who
retired f„ public life. Whew 1 0,
where M Lilool oy 1
lit Hatt of Auburn, is workieg for
Jamie Ukvie this summer.
Rev. W. P. Camphill preached m .et
.ceptelie sereno i• th Pale Method!
shepi al.oiq sight
Our Aliso
r rapidly. mMr
(�emmtsett lilt wen boom.
Mr Robt Mellwai., nor enterprising
TeeTeMenlartztles home
ftmdyll�thaalsterly Board int
os MSV the Ss..wties of &resit
bet's- James Dadow M Beet es the
(,%y. epr.« Vic. a the Diarist
The free& Art .Uses km blew, cwt
room gat si ewe the
.et i.. iwslr.ga r p.. fes..
it s. b. Orr Nie oeighbeehoed
ghid of the stood TAB illee teak
the Seen AM.
On Sends, mewing Miss Metas
Kirkpetrti is. the nails of a
nes .et'4rm1. While ,s&4.
from sherd with ewot5w �wwtlg e
A1bst T sella 4.4 •(iteg
a rapidpeen Beth leek the ,lilt Cesar
of the role µ the Mme rtes,sed Meee eeeored
ham stria Kies relent a Utter! below
biow in the leek awed he* . SISTIsg anti e geese& tiul.mllij Medi Ma�tm AM ah or
4 tot
etbing. D►. Meng Is HAI It
ler. Being dames, a, the esidese w1•1t�
damask makes
quite a shark to the p•ssla In4y. Bad isimul teat
taws council will meet at the
this (Friday) evening.
*illis Okimnan, 0.5 , left for his
is Saturday.
IL M. Davis returned frets hie
the Bridge on Saturday.
Jo. Parsons left town o0
to join his boat at 'Buffalo.
4). R. ami F. Vaneto.e, of
were in town on Wednesday.
Cameron returned to tows
1seR 1ak4rem Qmse's College, Kings-
s z Aran" 18881:
Tore weeeettolbe tam �aorr �f ty aztqt aaiet'te i and earrrsniYa:
sq a Mgt etsas. of aplfig
Mclean ben been viat-
utR str.sto daring the pot saves
`6wda•yb•y, of Windsor, Eng -
l. ' inki.g Ler amain, Miss Davis,
T. Yates, of Wi0gitam, is in
to her parents Mr sed Mrs N.
l ev
Deering of Hero* Encamp -
BB, LO.O.F. asst Monday
'P slty bas purchased four lots
's ward from Mr Thos.
and Mary Salida' of
were ,isiting,lriends In Clinton
ea moat cartery and d all pram.
PRINTS AND SITEENS--tam ebolc.s& patterns and beet value
we have ever shown. Wtllrtraated fiat Dolor.
CORSETS. tic . at v&Y Iow pee s.
TOWELINGS, (tie., exceedingly cheap,
a o Goderich y tae 3s rig t,
brwks, Term and New Mexico, May nobBright, Stratford July
Clinton e;
1lWmd, Jun 5th sod 19th Firsi-Diss Amg 10, Clinton at Stratford, Seaford
tickets and good for 30 days This is • at Bright ; Aug. 12, Stratford st hess-
ian opportunity to visit friends and see for A. 31, Stretford at Bright,
the Western States we
at a ll coat For Seafurth at Goderich : Sept. 12. Sa-
tickets and fall i*fertsotien see H. Arm-
strong, city ticket apt 0. T. R
Attest ..f Allen line mean steamers, near
the test dike. ee. Oodaria&
meting of the flirh Hrsatuaxoso.--A heavy rain and
Bob - Bottay .ill be held on thunder stuns ,it in oe Wedoeeday
Fried " eeoniug,smd raged for the greater portion
Mr McNee, who was seriously of the night. We hays heard of no
inju _____ • few samara ago, is slag.*. being dose is this tfcinity e...
able to. tie diasrraaging td telephsiic oommnoi-
yi•. odea. At the time .1 wntiag 00.50'1
*mem died at the rest- titag ap tha Central, and •'H.Uo !" s
Jett. het 6thwr, os. Wsot-street, oet et the question. Strange w it may
Sunda after a protracted illness. sppmsr
dole% feel the
A year wake from the test look at of fJw Tphone xuntil the bleedthing
the he tether works wag expressed to w.sidn't work.
Pn,t. at Ott•.. let !ridgy. Paotnarnotr L.aoc.. - A Tamper-
C•ro Smith Imo already roma° .mos and Prohibitory Les,tos was form-
s Prep• bsW., •'tore °° his ed on Thursday evening of last week in
scent e PsroM' lot, Neat the lecture room of the Meth-
strurt. t the edict church, with the following otos :
Mase. sad EL Hazel, who have President, W. R. Robertism ; vice- pre
I been e se the Thor for the pad adapt, Mn Win Campbell. recording
year , r ss
this weak for Michigan eret•ry, Allan Embsry ; treesurer, J.
to .ark farad. A. Reid. The object of the league is w
Dr M iiDiiim Oriiri.5 for am that the Crook. Am is properly ow
the 2nd or forced, and to generally promote the
coteulta #t t=ai. advancement of temperas**.
Jeno, afbwmwi• es Nle Stat
Set•rday toowti Ihxs Tutoatxti.-The pnblie wouY
J. A. 'Ig'e awe showing a line L weer to ret>•(tsbor B IlmeOortsse
of trot Tall lata at$1:M each when is want at a tical.5..sit,.r any -
01 . •'lfl$t Also some veeryry' thing w 5i. lite, he ba• a
ebe.p litter hie•. Ws. ♦e (naval":
d ock of dotes spring and summergoods,
and see t_ and m eenaegsaoo of the failure of
lot tonxgt Ile '••Hoerr -Rot. 1. B. aloh• � Bee , Mandated the prides to
Wsll.,n •.mean to esilat. io eery , are ry a oder to
trrrpMab drat metas which are pressing end most
in North -al Methodist awn* nett he raid It .ill be to yo.r were*. to
Sendsy .,. All are invited to at- sail on kin. Mr pewee Herat is see 5,
There w/ in &vise service in St-
tidniftglihippgyesiag. Hie Lord.
ship Bishop liteldipie will preach the
"room and gibe • snmber of medi-
We tenetSeamthat Rev Father
Witten hes essios•1y ladipn•d
posed de
week, bat ate
pleased 1. k egg gist he is sow guano
Conti actor
with hie .de
ins in tows
es hie way
ed Toronto.
There will
seder the
✓ n.
Denoy, C.P.I.,
fainly, visited Mat
Oho week. He era.
' ono wanton
he the North -et.
May) mane.
young pripsnies to be
A. Reed ! Ben
of dry anode
Rales and are
low prism
the West .liver
of the
Qlm. a4nM►
er ams was l* *dr tag +p gslKyg tie forel hem Os. lama Ise Ne Pill'
Act}.. w ass oak extraction
his coyote.% sad has the reputation of
being 15. Mat coat maker is the county.
Patta.os Cowciar.-The parlor eon -
met ander the mi.ptes@ of Kunz Meech
ladies society, hold last Friday (Remiss,
despite the bed weather was fairly
well attended. The features of tie
evening were the matters given by Mia
Minim Buse&.. ..d Miss Mary EL
.wed. Tse former snug with a elate
vole, .bowing pure enunciation and
good e.ltivati... Mia 1tJwood also
promisee to bosoms a Own* singer.
The reneger pmeration of angers shook'
be memesetiC se is the time to some
we will have to dopemd epos thee
wholly at parlor .stertai.msats.
Tags Possaowa -Oar b•.-541 club
in sow i.and the boy
have .. JI bees •(•pad 5. poei-
tise es Nobles : slat base, W. Graben ; The benison at the nein was ass -
34 saw, 1 15.54 ; shortstop, Charlie 'hided m Pri4my. At tin fnest, with
Wants ; 34 base and ebs.ge wsenses. telmr, ! twenty aril sa(, os. of them appan
T. Chilton ; anther, Dot Hennes ; only god kw two days, and tweedy-
eatabar, Pew. slow. ; left sold, sena bills at ladietneed jgt then rens
0. H. risky ; seem bid sed pinker, jellthe lot Md ohSee
Haus0.lme. ; ISA bid. lie 8l ti►hils- jet It bas bon diepsas4 edwit on*
b. Mit Owwbd Woe ten hes a dssp- .5. The arMM yea Aar
slot► that ens% h rl.wad. Ho has an ...,L4d wow wend
s far Gish snit Brea 11.451. sod hes f 111 the Mme( of Jabs W. Menewn. oe1►
the bey. swiss ins is in. Th. trimmed ..t lergtrp s swim thtsoossi,
Glob is stow apse bow d1 ds"smsa. roma
t.atiawmtien el Me I ...=2 _a elf
'1 W .L♦'ED�3_
We slow the Loma sad best•eteot et new Tweeds and Costaso la tone_
.11 tlr.t-ehso cyte, sad at extraordinary taw prises.
Tweeds Bought from us will be cut out free of Charge.
Never before have we been in a position to offer such a large
and attractive stock as at present, and at such
Er Inspection Invited. We show goods with pleasure. 111
April S. Iter. Jars al Meek. oedeefeh.
the prisoner, hie preview good char•&
ter, of the two months' period of impri-
eontnmt already spent by him in the
musty jail, released him on he own »-
meaitm.ee in $500 to appear for sesames
when called upon. Th 7011121( moa wee
anomaly admonished by the lensed
jodge aa to his toter. behavioraad pied-
ly received his liberty.
10 the ase of Emanuel R. Bissett, a
mineable 000vtcted of mammos aas.ult,
th defendant had also bees given •
good ehar.cter, and as there was moms
animas to ahce that he had Wee se-
ise is the discharge ..f kis duty i• se-
lecting an unpopular act, and had met
with some resistance is w doing, he re -
eared s mild gents.. The court
sentenced bio to pay a fins of $25 to her
Majesty, and in default of payment to be
Reprieated in the contemn fail for sixty
In the Thomas Edmond'• ass, Mr.
Ostrow, the prtm'iner u counsel, made
some strong repress::rations to the mart
for $ merciful sentence. His Lordship
animadverted strongly an the abase by
the peewee of the poetics* of trust oc-
espied by him, and said the evidence fur
the Crown chewed a delibawte desire to
apprepriate the Statist Manufacturing
Company • property and to defraud his
forth at Stratford. Goderich at Clinton ; ( employes. 0 . Lordship said be tad is -
Sept. 20. Bright .t Clinton ; Sept. 21, tended to sentence him to three years in
Bright at G.d.riah. The following were the provincial peniteatery, tent on ae-
oppointd reforest :- T ,s. 7. Col- cosnt of his family and other oomsiders-
man, Omar Neild, Char. Strong, A. J. tions which had been urged in b» be-
Wileo., Dr. Lake, Oso. Evans, W. H. half hi would impose a mistime of six
Hewitt, Rob& Stewart, & 8 Willi..u, ' month's impruu.ument in the Central
S. J. Beed, 1'hos Perry, Dr. Rtes, H. Freon. The prisoner wee .uterisently
B. Combe, H. E. Tudor, Wm. Magee, arraigned on an indictment *attaining
Jas. Fair. W. H. Grim. S McCutch• three events for emberaleenetit of honey
son, W. Wstios, J. A. McFadden. i from the same company. The Crowe
offered no evidence, and he row fogged
HURON COUNTY A88IZE8. not guilty
T.. nun -jury cases were then dispos-
ed of, after stitch the oourt rose. Mr.
Justice MacIlab.n and tbeCrows ofboar,
Mr. King, left for home thio afternuos.
The .ematader er bre doses the Came sc-
one are roomer.
Before the llomorabie Mr Justice Mac..5e..
Following is the cosclesiot: of the
b.eis.as beton the mama ea the last
seize :
Forma vs. Taylor. -Aa action to re-
cover on • promissory auto, for a thresh-
ing machine. Judgment for OK as
ageism( de/modem, Caths im. Twlor, for
$579,70, with interest from March 1,
1888, at 7 per cent., with full coats,
pltr. to hese. leo oft certain leads sad
the nester to take aceoeat between the
parties. Cameron, Holt A Cameron for
Off ; defeadmit not r.prsseswd by man -
Darks"! R Heffernan.- Action no the
costliest* of a tsars, the parties roadie(
ia the tow.ship of T.okersmtth. Re -
feud by eo.eent to Master to take evi-
dence as to the fasts and report to the
men. Cameros, Holt d: Cameros for
pie ; (Mrro., C., for deft
The Qom* v. Joshes F. Bear. --Prom --Pram-
cation soder the Charlton Aet for the se-
duction, by the defe.dast, of Sarah Ann
Little, • girl over times and under 16
ea of .g.. Shead the dMModest hal
bees k.epiag sampan/ while she was
working se a dogmatic eeteeet of the do-
fede.t'. rather's sew wlsse lmea&
ant was also living. A ediid was bars
in the fell of 1847. amen months after
the alleged .ed.cii•o. amid Ltes4M.t de-
nied hi. guilt. It came cwt is the mors
of the *videos" that the dirt'. father W
bra* advised by a 'abater to aoa.esem
arieia& otoosedi.ge for the sedssti.a 10
oder to settle the aLrir by getting &m-
ega. 1'The Jodie told the jar, it .0044
he mom& to mons( on meek midmost
and the 4*es'•0t .as *geMtd.
T - y
Mr J S Habkirk sod his sou Will. of
Galt, are visiting friends is this vitMge
during the past week. Will Inas balm
engaged by Gen Demised, tin.aith, to
run hie peddling cart this season.
Maitland Lodge No. 304, L 0. G. T.
The following othews were elected :-
W. c., 1totit Clark ; W. V..jeieter L M.
Errstt ; C. S., .J K M Gordon ; F. S.,
Sam Luten5Lyer ; W. T., John Mur-
dock . W. It., Morrie 8prsng ; W. C.,
J E Comedy ; I. G., A E Dawe. ; O. 0.,
John Mole.
Mr Sams& Caldwell of this place on
Thursday, the 3rd May. left es o.r rail-
way delegate to attem4 tswtiap at
Montreal and newts. He has rotate;
ed with strong hopes of having the broad
some thro.nb ower lively little tows.
We think our railroad oomtsfito made
a very good chole in appointing Mr
Caldwell delerate,m he is a .dl-iaforsi-
ed. ho*erable, and Mvel-Leeded gondo-
It is pleasing to be able te note that
Mr J. 1l Roberts is hasseak g.mwMe-
m et.
Gerdseiyelder of this w Messdmmiys w the
day is this legality.
It pyo to taigaod hpes
o. Mr
Cheek. Derain, r., atf Wet Wewuneb
cold a mere Inst w.gk far the head-
man swat $170. The unset! ie good
mime fur w
We regret to Mate lid Mss Maxey
.fled Mr Model MaNwi.s, Ash-
ad4, is veer ill fres ow Mesh of ia-
lisinntiou. We baps eat oho wiU i•
dee dens rewv.r,
rof the Ogress' le this
`w1sossly y hi dm
aft 1`f be dc=7farbs.4.boo
! _
r base
of • violist tem is thews '• WO
b.pi be sejyed Masse.
4 SUCCESSFUL 048118.
• abaft =men eta /e.aredias Ilooaesat
The Heron sad Brom Loan Company
is row entering myon the 'mirth year of
its.zistenoe. sad ita emend maims since
it* ia.arpu:atiun has been seek as to
warrent its period safety to ale with sur-
plus moseys who hate so ready facak-
ties for investing their name otherwise,
and who require their it t*r et promptly
at teenier periods. To all sock the fol-
lowing short recital of Loan Companies
sow doing business in Osten, may
prove interesting :-
Loan Cowponies bave now been in
enstewoe for 33 jeers, and their oeefu:-
sees sod success proven beyond all ques-
There has been no failure of any Loan
Company formed under the General
Low Company Act.
There are now 66 loan companies in
O.tario having a ..homed capital of
F71,178,807, of which $30,175,470, is
paid up.
The total sanest of the subscribed
espial of the Boob of Deliria j. $17,-
756,300, being lees than coo-gtmrtm of
that of the loan companies. The paid op
capital of the Ontario Banks is $I7,580,-
875. beteg about one-half that of lass
companies. The loon companies of On-
tario bare oa deposit as call or shat
notice, $75,640,100; on debmtarss is
(totem, $6,254.938; oo d.beotore. in
England, $41,525,294. Tcta1, $63,420,-
63,420;332. The Basks of Ontario have de.
posits on aid. 119.612,897. Depoeite os
notice. S22,736,174. Total, 642,352,-
,352:071. Showing Loan Companies over
Banks, $21,068,261.
The Huron and Boum Loan sad In-
vestment Company receive
from trustees. parents oe ehi44in
soma of from one dollar to tiro thou-
sand dollars. oed &tos eo.po.nd in-
terest added ever/ six months, at rate
as agreed upon. Th highest current
rates are allowed os deposits. according
to the amount and time left. For
forties particulars call at the Company's
office. eor.r of Courthouse Square end
North 5:,, Oederiob.
Bosac. Homo", Mango
Oederieb, 24th Feb, 1888. 11
the dere Ueda
Ring oat alarm sod it is hooded. Thic
is to notify you that bass substitution is
peactieed when the gnat sueepnp coin
cure is asked for. Potation'. Painless
Corn Extrsst,r .ow fails to Yak. cores
fest. It m.ka esu ase epnt*.nd givesto
pain Be sure and get "Pauses.'
Burse -At the t` :sadkta took of Cat
•mere.% ea the 5th last. the w5e et era Salem
of a dor -,ter.
Shaw -1a Ponies on the 1st. of May M. the
wIteet Jed.. Shaw. of ee.s.
0.n.ts- rime -at 6aderieb se um 7th.
Met. by the Rev (Ir. 1 - re. Mr. Jaw Osr ewer.
f1, to Mies Rate R.. et the mss
Dt1fT! sOpYa
tlaltb !este eases
Vir. oLeyooti V _J LertlD
Domestics dentes.
GI1.t.L tW1RMEED�-A 000D 01
mw•t•y>IIl r_esile iC1JDOT
COON WAIt7fl'1-oA al!!
pIln • 1171.- 42711"141liar
..immemmew- ..a-�---