The Huron Signal, 1888-5-11, Page 3mere Iftsvang.
- -
This affection is is so prevalent that
• low etigkeetiosas from • prosetneut
physleias easy be of eaststance itt eeriest
preventing at acted. Wham. pers.'.
feels that he threatened grab • wiver•
&tuck of mere throat --b. hes • chill or
es chilly, has pious us les beck, head aud
hubs, , he duel.' at. 011ie take the
proper swede to &nest it. Maay peeple
at such times wall net seed for • physi-
cian -the best way -but tweet on dim
tug themselves. For suds we will out-
lasts tbe treateemit which ciao safely be
applied in the early st•ge way form of
severe sere teem ,it es:willow 'I'M
drat thing to do is to take • mustard
lout bath, es hot as can he borne. •nd
then met into boil. By the& time the
patient la gen.-rally fei aud • •
is advi•able. timid to the nearest
apothecary and hare put up the follow.
: S•eir spirit* of ultra one
roil • ; spirit ut us *swum, three ounces.
Of tit'. take cue teblespoonful tia:t •
tumbler of water every three hours wait
the fever subsides. These se hare ad
'teed is for au adultonly. Extra blae-
keta should be added to the usual bed -
clothing. 1.. teeny cuss under this
treatment peewee sweat peewee) ; wh-
ere, however, Jo not do am freely. and
vet the laver lanIllia to SUbialds very near-
ty as rapidly. h would scarcely be elate
to continue tke medicine adroad inore
than tweloy four hours, at limit not In
such large dom. ; that 'snob id time m
generally sullieteco for it to accomplish
its purpose. We naturally expecit p.-
Moots in such &tucks to be very restless
and wakeful, therefore setae quieting
n iedeine will very likely be weeded If it
is, a five grain Dover powder may be
elven at bedtimes, and repeated if Uneen-
n ay in tour or five hours. On the fol-
low:rag morning it will be advisible un-
less Ziarrhie •zists, to give a *victim
power, t.r • more active cethartic. This,
, then, is the interim% treatineto to Ise ap-
e:it'd, for the purpose of arresting it„
when a serene attack of sore flame, ac -
commuted by fever, is threatened.
Buck) Sam's New Navy Beginning
to Take Form.
They Were Iltatteatly letaached at Plana-
, tleapailak. and The; dim Mere Pacteasea
aahl timeirami-rbe Iresetssas Giam-
beat awl the Loner a Inyaanaltai ember.
The (netted States Is at last hi a condi.
lion at *loch patriots can rejoice. d,j.
with the receot launching of six new
vessels. 11 may he mid that Uncle tiara's
reproach for deficiency In naval armammat
Ls begiuning to dinapeeur
Tho four mew cruisers -Dolphin. At-
lanta. Bowen and Chicago --built under
the contracts with the late John Road.
are nosy upon the sea. and on April 2$. at
the ship yard of Cramp & Sons. Philadel.
plitbewere launched the gunboat Yorktown
making for speed above algid Mots per
hetet each aided Suet requires MUM coal
time any pneogriliatt
White the LI sheit8tates navy is (elapse,
Ing Its constructive talents on destructive
gunboats. (heat Britain is devotiag bee
naval energies st present to the per-
himing of torpedoes said torpedo bode.
note are fifty sasek beats in the Mellish
*awe. but the admlralty a year ago pre-
mium:el them unsafe. ansemfortable sod
of Weir or uto use In • rough *ea. and
Vital proposals for • mar clans tras from
ta• -going 4riects Dee result has beset
a bout of novel designs constructed by
Metiers Yarrow & Co. Their first boat
was lately exhibited in the Thames, and
i$ viticuely declared a eseceres. It is SO
feet long. 8 few. asid & inches In beam,
anti can make emeatatio knots en bout
with its full Owl. Tbe rapidity and ease
with oloch the boat Ls turned. ite capacity
for the rodgheat litsa and the ears with
white it la steered. MI tb. wthuthdtra
no machinery consists of a locomotive
boiler ate' triple expansion eugines-all
protected, as Is the steering apparatus
• revolvIng torpodo gun Is fixed att. hors
whet a torpedo can be ejected at an angle
wbile tee boat Le going at Nu .pend. •
great Improvement (teethe firing from the
bow, by which the speed of the boat was
suddeuly checked. greatly increasing the
liability to be hit by the seeney's gnus.
A small Nordenfeldt gue is also mounted.
so Out the craft can be mad*to tbat ex
THE VEAL% ICS tent. a quick ering ranted. II the_sisees
and that strikirig novelty in naval work. shy arise Tbe admiralty see so pleased
the dynemite cruiser VINIIITIAHL As this eith the W../ design that they wyl, super
lest. if a suocreut. will greatly revolution- sede wite it all the old torpedo boats, and.
Ile naval warfare. a full description la of of course, other nations must follow
=tercet. And by the tinse we get weU supplied all
• • _._. , aaeuad with torpedoes. torpedo boats.
The Velia"thiS 13 all /learn:I'm/4 •1"13. dynamiter*. and other gunboats, we may
with msehtnery below the water line. S40 maaaaala expact that earn, games wiu
in rages est aoseteay.
Apoplexy esay readily be distinguish-
ed Irma tempo,/ by • little swoostiosi to
ihs followag dried. Vatiettee is uI
short duration, and is charm:dries/ by
palls r id the lam, it week ur iespereep
utile pulse, and so parelyeet. Apopleay,
on the other bassi, is looser in duteous,
the foe may be gashed, the psalm ie
usually wrong and slow, and peeelyeis is
frequent. The sewing character of ties
bergamot eti oases of apoplexy will ales
serve to distinguish the two eiriadeitoas.
And the eircurnetanosse uuder which tbe
attack comes on May likewise be id aid.
To Ole abut' statrineeta Good flown-
te,pov add., that • person oozed wide a
spell apoplezy should have the freest
access a air; stiodotria should be opened
•ide, and all crowding about the patimit
avoided The clothoor about the Of*
sr'd chest should be heeded. so that
there way be no impedinotot to the
breathing. Tbe belt should be utiles-
trued, sa• anything which tu any way
wrote» the body. The head should be
raised aemewliat, ani if it be flushed or
id be battsed mid water.
feel itekle with • autlre Wad° a°•• a"d Invent airmetleng that will render all
stern and • body like a thick cigar. _ It is these useless. and tben wo shall all begin
but lel feet wide and 14 feet deep. with a wet et, the beginning. Bet the mat
Mean draught of 9 feet The sides are in t ti United States is that these
po o
crowtoid with • very light railing of gal. aaw irtaboala ma range the mese ono ee
vaialsed bon. which glees it 010 aiNuar' stow merchant ships eo easily that any
aS of • Pleasure boat. sad it bt diatifa•d oominercial nation will think long before
set to stand mini take semet, but to fire and gowloa car with dm vast Republic.
rim away Indeed. In aartaba made-
gessies. it tacit be guarded by an Iron
lid behead wilts h is can take refuge
till ready to bring its guns to bear. Still
mere novel is the arrangement by whirls
tee three dynamite guns are fasteeed is
the bow, and cannot be turned: so the
vessel itself must be pointed at the objec
to take sint
The dynamite guns look like Martense
re6ecUng telescopes. being OS feet long,
and projecting far out from the forecastle
Jed_ The breed.. are firmly fastened
to the bottom of the reasel. and around
dem are thirty-six pipes. each el fest
long and 16 inclose in diameter. into which
the compreseed sir ts forced to thrive the
g uns The eoropreemor brings this air to
a pressure of 2.000 pounds to the square
inch. and by Its force thedynamite shells.
weighing SOO pounds. can be sent two
miles As the voiners stenos can resit
• speed of tereelly miles an honr-its
shape beim calculated for speed -It Is
plain that the destroyer can "shoot and
run." like tbe militia captain of the old
story. The engines are toward the eters-
triple expansion machines developing 3.1100
horse power. to both ran the vessel mad
empress the air.
Me guns are the kind Invented by
Linta Zelinaki. of the navy. recently
tested with great swims; and one a
them can throw a 900 pound proyectilia
The vessel contabas averments for its
complement of teMesre and mew, and the
&rigours are melded it will peeve imbed
tbe °Destroyer of the Saes."
Along with the dynamite cruiser was
launched the Yorktown. or Gunboat No.
1. se *be was fret called -it steel ended
of 1.700 teem displacement. kerb be-
Zweso perpondienhere ISO feet, disseht
13 feet ftemett Iasi 13 fed in mai
breadth N feet. Ohs hm a poop and top-
gallant forecastle. otth mom deck be-
tween Her osgines age triple expanding.
of 2.200 horse power with natural
demerit and 3.380 witb forced draught.
giving a speed of esiventess knots par
boar. The ermines we ta swede water
sight 0001partosaats. wad the eml 11 is
hankers around them to give protectiose
mashinery. enmeshed and steering
rap are °weedy, b7. three-eigtiths hash
elloter tight deri do& whir& la In the
gene a turtle beak. carving down at the
Vides and at tee bow sad Mem while the
erinre of ft is bet Bribe above tbe water
Ane Above and below this dank are
grater tight balkieseds. dividing the skip
tato many water light sompartinmels.
all of wield ean be dreised by the
1==i1 Imams and ventilded by the
An armored tower stands es
Ake foreesette ilsok. prodded by leinek
itheel plates sad provided with speaking
Mt ins and teleompbs by whir& the eap-
Idols die W. Waller Natatimssod by Cram
Mem Cievetisise.
Preehlent Cleveland has named a sue
disco to the late Chief Justice Waite. of
the United States supreme court.
Melville Weston Fuller. of Chicago. the
nominee. 11 a man of :13. and eras born in
Augtrea. Me -
Ilia father was Frederick A. Fuller. bie
mother Catherine Marton. daughter of
Chief Justice
Nathan Weston.
Mrivilie W. was
graduated at
dein in the elass
of 1833, E. J.
Phelps. minister
to England. bring
a classmate. kir
Fuller began tbe
study of law in
the °Hee of his
O fl e le oserge traortios W. PULLED..
taw flabitia vasenee seam.
late qa• dessettaleges with tbe imilesso
ralearat VIONEW smatiel tar Inhale
badke. The Ye ineers edam
Weld • OA sea tem SAM
Is Ile lob et
dal:141-_. OA"
Bottles et but water or heated bags of
' should be placed at tits feet, if the
lei ter are mid, care tieing takm nut to
euro the person who is oicapable
protecting himself or of reinoastrating.
Ile should be alkoved to remain quiet,
h. evilest "Ilfortl being made to &roam
hoe until a physician be celled. for great
harm may be done by inexperimmed zeal
for his welter.. Any watiocessary mu -
t iou tbe body may increase the amount
• Warthog wide, the *gull.
- - - - -
Many ladies admire gray hair-oe
some other person -but lee care us try
its effects on their 1.wn charms. They
odd tee, since Ayet's Hair Vigor re-
e ve, a gray hair ic iu original color.
Sold by drugeme and perimeters.
Jamey Lied.
Very frequently they who wimpy •
common place in hie strive to imitate
the peculornies of these who hold •
high rank in the faehionahle world. But
tbe result of such endeavors, even when
successful, is 'hen far hew satisfactory.
The female hairdo., at the hotel
whither Jenny Lind west; en willebing
New York City, sonteerbat more than
thirty years ago, sere naturaIy eager
to learn in what dress she would, for the
first time, present herself before an
Melrilis Weston. at Bangor. After at-
tending lectures In the Lew department of
Barvar,1 university he began the practice
of his profession in Augusts in 18116.
While waiting for clients he acted as
editor of The Age. Some time later he
went to Chicago. and there be wen bad •
luerative practice In 1861 lbe desolated!
a member of the state emstitutional 0011.-
rention In PM he was chown 5. 51*
Illinois legislature, and. although a Demo-
crat, ruuning web time in a strong fte
publican district, he was victorious by
large majorities. lie was a delegate to
the Democratic national conventions of
1864. 1872. 1876, and 1880. In IWO he
was seemed by the citizen' to deliver the
address of welcome to Stephen L. Doglike.
of wbees be wee an admit admirer.
Tiseassinihista at Chlassaa.
Tin Theosophists of Anwirtea have re-
cently held • coorentice In Chicago, and
we bere mown group portraits of seine
of the more pierninent delegatee_thesete.
talent id a ge of A in en cs n w Ointen. So,
when the boar for dinner arrived, there
was • rush to the dining -hall.
The surprise of the ladies was greet as
ahe entered the room, dragged in • aim
phi. unpretentioes manner; sad este-
ciaily were they astnnished at the ab -
deco from the back of her heed of the
immense comb without which, in those
days. no American lady tornetdered her
lot complete
"I wish 1144 known that she dew not
nib then 1 would have left
mine off," whispered ote The other*
Uting to her room, the "Swedish
Nightingale" said to her dressing -maid,
"I notice the', American ladies fasten
their back Wr with a hires dm", sod
while among them I *hall not Irish to
teem unwilliag to conferm to their cus-
toms. You will please procure wash sa
ooinb for me today."
The fallowing day at dinner, Jenny
Lind was astonished at finding bereelf
tbe only lady present wearing a comb.
And it ia not difficult to intestine the
amusement a the other ladies at seeing
upon bet head an article which they had
dureirded as urifeshionable. Perhaps.
too, they were slightly vexed, thinkeig
cf the hour* they had wasted -ea* it
proved -in dressing their hair without
the customary ormatesi.
asediaory ffsansm. wash* VW, kg/ o
Afraid of the piesibility of weenie, Odd hear of a bed eatrier geese
Isis prefers the white...eke./ 111300,_2""Ilarbofr• a" 0 • 71'Imiaine he
itt te PePec uf eurY eau'. MI" cen" " tri's all"ray".. isbaot.:.114""ig.t :4411, syrUlagps
light and ilry, no mould discernible, isn
any •valetios of vegetable tie asimai 4.
compoestion, and ie wheels -aided ai„„,
14., or rotten tes wife, does nut sager
the offal front kitehen 1r be thruwn eat
of door or wiedow, bet is carried to do
sty, which, with the barn and nimeare
heap are on • oonsiderably lowsr too
then the house or well, fearing
Lfretosirsirdise the integrity of the •are
• iking assells, and careful .4
well, he avoids the pit for his outtoao
ami provides a stoat bee, properly pe,
ed, sad periodieally removed Dna
emptied a it& tweeted*, wind ie severe
with dry earth, previously supplied ot
quantity sufficient fur constant" use. He,
fin,is the owebinetion a mod mot
economics! fertiliser ; and, lookiet 14)
the comfort of the female" if his famalre
has itt an an1141 te toe bows 111 weld
srianeement for these, unwilling to ea..
pee these to the vie's/etudes of the
weedier. fie is a limitary farmer
wife an able mediator ; she asp ieeD
and water are excellent disinfiettor
that cleanliness is as good for at II
is desirable for beasts.
Weasels 14 .4. Steeping tar
It is one of the inscrutahle iumi Mee
of Ide 'why the slowest and
nickity" and most selfish .4 esti
tenon/illy obtains possession id theatres-
ing noon first, and holds it emir die
patienee of every eteer wonies to the
-oar is about exhaumod. elineareeetee
tbe conalfort of (Ahura she wishes, rid
powders, and puts up her hair, ard hop
out her bangs, anti brushes her teeth,
and manieerea her nails, and Images
her collar and cuffs, and aIl ths nat (4j
with the calm deliberstion of ose who
has nothiug to do but loaf, are the
whole day before her to do it, while ber
, her
Mow go keep Ileabasd•
A man loves to see bis wife well dress-
ed. Whoa she goes stout In tatters,
ilili hie shame untidy skirts, soiled
collier and a halo et curl papers. if be
delegue swear he thinks it. 1 don't be-
lieve is the economy of home toilets. I
meet 'de a dress they is done fur and
wear it in the hew& When the life is
Seise out oi it it goes i a the 1.14 bag. I
make a duty of mice linen with plenty of
laces, and may \Aim gowns are not iald,
the, are nut wrappers, and tie', are net
aptly. Another bobby of mine is my
hair. which I will have es neer the
poet.. concerti -au of "her fragrast tress -
&a possible. TheuI have a whele lot
of little devices -I perfume my eye-
brows and hp.; berp my hands soft and
creel, my teeth in geed order, and I
make my doctor prescribe for a sweet
breetb, But 4031 put that in the paper.
I only tell yen to give you an ide• of
the care revered to keep a man in love
with you. Men like to pretcb thorn ex-
travagance, and style, and dress ; but
the woman who bangs her hair, powders
de shine a her face, hides a blotch or
scar under • piece of court plaster, who
yenta pretty 'lord end stockings. trim
slipping. perfumes, balms, cold creams,
finger curls and fancy motions to increase
her charms, ta the woman who is admir-
ed every eine Those long, lean, lank,
daimon -sense women may dad about
with their wholesome ugliness and chewP
simplicity, but the procession of mef.
who follow is not • lung roe.
suffering meters are graiting-•
with unkeuept hair, and growl/lei
painful and selfish slowness F
these, aod the many minor ini.�iii of a
sleeping car, women pray e, Welliver
ed-theugh, by the way, they esesid do
something more effect i ve thee pmy hi&
If nothing better could be devised in de
way c4 accommodations, one r
provernent could mealy be put tree we,
Wee, and that is to hare • ear fre woneele
to themselves. Th at aloes meld ream,
the diamereesbles nieht tie el very
cousiderably --Pittabure Demo&
, In the epring,hundredg of persens mei- ,
Oleo froo lea's, carbuncles, and other
ereptive diseases. These are evidences
Oat the symem is trying to puree itself
A' impurities, and that it needs the pow-
erful aid which ie afforded by the use of
Ayers Sansparilla.
g. 5. OttiOrre.
psov. motor? coves. wneoas 4. ernes
wore 1111AVATIWT.
The society was fouseled la Now Yerk.
la len. by Maas- Blavatrity, with the me
°resold of OoL H. & Mott. Meas.
Blamtaky is now at the heed of the brim&
of the Theosophist society, which s1*.
Welshed In lellelou 15. 1*. been sea
mew in Amend by lerellaseor Mika
coma. who le president of de wastrity.
aeasag the early somewhere et the gimp!
oe armee the society was erieinally met -
peed was lends Meta, the et -tram She
was at the• trees favorite with the rebate
am wee flaying at the Union ageism
theism the has aims retired from UM
S isips. sad Ms dIsappeamil hob
vise. Then thine was Mr. W. Q. LT.
a mem of the Ihnesslil isle, wee le seer
the aristetary el de mielety. 30*has hid
dery et Misr ,Illairstakyls
&IWO Sag NNW POWs. of tem ereemeas
aei the easeagy woe vereesented. twenty -
tern Is disChiregonostrestion.
ft appeared fieee the mord, rims them
WM now in the Mideed States abed 1100
emened meenborlis ead awrems1 thoesseads
eserstly rielliated.
. -
Tbe most feesawav• tail IN Mee
nallatalwaT taw awmaser et Femme
Oe Maros Idell• Toes day ide "Tame
11 TWoika-fr wee Ilkurdeatal by *dew
IAD REY. rad le Ms lallatlea Se bees
lie ssileis slity Viol elimaltelbf ••
ONO le It eliNP Ye*
The letnisters eriestarity.
The late Dr Cook, of Haddington, af-
ter assisting the late Dr Forsyth, of
Morhem, at • communion service. re-
paired as weal to tee manse. While in
the enjoyment of a little social inter-
course, the minister ot Morhain, whicsh
by the way is one of the arnaileet parish-
es in Scotland, quietly remarked to Ins
brother divine, ''Doctor, you most be a
very popular loan io the parish !" Aye,"
replied the Doctor, "How's that r
palained the other, "me useisl
collieries II threepenee.ligiUjr it is
weeps:nee r "Oh, is that all." esid
Cook. "thee waft me for my popelarity.
for I put is the extra sixpence seyeelf !"
. _
The Rod Color of the blood is wooed
by the Iron it ossifies& Supply the iron
when laking by using Milbers'e Beef,
Iron and Wine. 1.
Thicken yoer piano singing; broaden
without breaking your declainat ion
Practice winos ways of singing' mese
passages. A void monotony; 1.1 your
emotional nature selor your voice ; prate -
Wee the passions 'wally. Legere to me
your voice. Sit et anybody's feet. De-
light remelt in Iliedieg out yver
IIIgL Try. try ogees. I limy the temp -
tatter' to rash at the remelt without wait-
ing on the mem*, Inc I did it myself,
and that's the meson I want you to has-
ten slowly.-Kaseety, the Sentlish Vo-
calist to Hie Mildew'.
Seesaw ?Mag.
Those who *Wert Hie torturing pangs
of Neuralgia. Rketwastiste, Beiaties,
Latitude end elleadar somplabete We
severely tried, bet •Iww• Is a epee*? Iv -
Ref hi Hagyertirie %Bow Oil, as theo-
✓ ised' witn have Need it joyfelle teddy.
It Measles, pais meg lelemesse wriekly.
Now that peweerenterie is eo geed
the rem. ladies may spend their Weed
wiessoneeally. of 1104 proftably. le emote
stem bestows', ormasseee fet their
serial tts and elope
Borer Perry Peeenra-Q••••• •
deli. pet is • layer et gibed sepias.
th... • 1•1•• of breed west %rots
of seise, Nits Weems al
animism. aril eie us WI de did le NIL
I. awrib anItarsate see oft tom
•• , a. . 1
Allow Sins to anew tiosaelblaz.
if he Art. But we tio• differeetly •
of poreition when he csouplene thee
eter best end meat hardosteltiog
pewee wed up to tLe lasr ,1 the club
tee other dee to iret • drum. Us Art
"Or -.9 re a lung drink. John,
am veto twee. I have me sr.any thews
se del,' is say howl 10 coon that it tine
ea rot ' "I sau symesietleme with yd.
e' said Co. loudly barkeeper. ••1
row how it is reverie clirying in my
all the drink. the bey. "row e
Tee Oates te operatic., •poistle, M.
Itechat, is carrying on a is for -u. crumbs
against oitemyeraliCe I i Paris.
TULL v. Our awl ime half CITIOI sf
seger, three -tour h. cuo milk, a pima
a butter the • ze sf mtg. leavor
Ida sanir.e.
'1 shott:d hot tlittia it right did 1 nit
glee my testimony what I kilo., to to
dr value of 11 irdock Wood Lettere Be -
sec • euderer iron liiliourii.esa. I leek
onie b i:ile ii1 l El LI and it gait, ins
immediate relief. I rec. minei.d itt. a
fete lelieuetiess.- Auto. Mclean,
Woodville, Oot.
In • eertain private &lino' there is •
small. stout, chuckle headed boy, whose
ordinary gravity of demeanor, or sums
other circumstance not known to the
listener, has given him the name of
"the generar•-• soubriquet which has
become so common that teen the teacher
applies it to the youth. The other day,
in class, the teacher questioned th,
"renewal' thus
"General, how much are four times
seven r•
The general looked grave, detained
asd chuckle -beaded, as usual, but made
no reply. Preemie' the boy next him
whispered softly in the neighborhood of
his ear -
"Thirty !" said the general, is a loud
and confident seem
"A It , General,' said the teacher,
"antsiebcdy meat have told !0u.
"Oh, no, sir, surely uobody didn't ;
rr. kaows Om* this long tame'
11111111111141110k15w. la *start..
At the meeting of the Fairs and FA-
peeitioes' Oonvestion in Taranto Fri-
day Prof. Roberteon, of Guelph, read a
paper ea the "Coe ef Eahibitiosts to the
Doerr Industry." The Professor love
some interesting matisties. There are at
in (Inters° 750.000 mild *owe
of 230 000 of these is isaso-
factored into cheese, 240 000 eontribeie
milk for better and 130,000 revs the
milk who+ is endemed in the 'item and
*every. The Professor seireasted that
en dame show" the veneers should be
ticketed by de Paden* with a card ex-
pleinincsl.y tbey were awarded prizes.
Ties woold he • valuable aid to breed -
WA*Ift,4•;roT CAav --Ti' cope of
sugar. quarter cup 01 better, three cups
of deur. four eggs, hall coo of intik, two
tesepooug Li.tking p 'oder. 1tate in
layers. Crest.-Oile pint of milk Ilse ow
ed, one eine t wo Labia -spores of co a -
starets ; tent till thiA.
The El retie Fluoh, pade hollow the las
and precarimis aupetite, indicate aoittia.
Freemsees Worm Powder* will quickly
and effectually remove thetn. lin
CARAMEL (ALE. -'he cup of sugar,
floe -kali cup of butter, one-lalf clip of
milk, two ceps of flour, two egrt, two
teaspoonfuls oi belting powder', leaks in
two layers, put the h1;ing between.
The top may he frnetea ,r yoo can see
chocolate to the Wlsut mei the ter.
Judges ars weary with caring 41550 -
tion to drink as the principal oases of
crime, bet I cannot refrain hen saying
tha if they could make &wend sober
they would .but up nine -tombs of the
prirtine-Lord Chief Juana Coleridge
of Eugland.
• oresesese dee
Few mea hare areomplished the same
amount of .or and good in this world
se the celebratel De Chase. Orst
000,000 84 los works have bean sold in
Owed& alone. We want every person
troubled with Liver Complaint, Dya-
grPsiHeadache, Melon or teeny
oteleige, to bus • bottle c.f Dr Cb••••
Liver COT*, 15 .111 este yos. Medicine
sad Reesito Mook Ill. Sold by all
Wall benne:a are hopelesey passe.
Burnt orsoge is the shah of yellow i
that should be chosen for the fittings of
• brunette's boudoir.
Drapery is more than Mr in favor,
but meat be well chLges r tke effect
will be that of a color shop no mad.
It is lawful, but not &detect., now to
ase more than ail yards of abbou in the '
ornamentation of one wicker chair.
The bulked and the stork, like the I
poor, we have always with us -but they
grow happily less froluent r the seasolui
The big tufted quilted istchets that
make a peifumed lining for snee drawer
are atout the meet tearless things a
woman can put her hard to.
Eaborate frilled coven of silk and
lace for ciiehions„ toilet betties, etc., are
ere -sous, but far free" finely, se they
catch and hied dust w. rid without end.
Knit nags, tufted 'eh zephyr. ars
bandana'. an.i rich looking, but so te-
dious that unless ons ho • young etre-
soli? csofnle.Ideisure the dame hardly worth
It is now eigh fashion 1. let le-th
day and wedding gilts burly foith some-
what of your own haedirok, bet ag you
lore us, spare the plaque with golden
rod or autumn leaves.
A table cover brought home by a
traveler frets India,adallolive. atill.with
dead gold embroidery. is both the ad_
miration and the despair of all behold-
ers save its lucky possessor.
BLACK CAIEL - One posed each of
flour, batter, auger and otron, cut tine ;
two pounds each of resins and cornetts:
twelve eggs. one tablespoonful each of
nutmeg, cinnamen sad isms. ilak•
nearly four hoers in a moderately heat-
ed oaten. •
14.2 CREAM . with delft ie
rieber than with milk . with enie it is
better and richer 'Rhea. The ad-
dition of march or arrewoot injures -I
qt. of milt or cream. i 6 'etc e i.
14 ex. of granulated sugar. Best the
ogre and wear wed together, put the
te bolero eater when it boils stir is
milk into • tie can or pail, lad rat it in -
the seri and let it I let come into bell'.
thee strain and tiiv,r eith any deemed
extract or the reef look alma irries.
toluene pine apple. etc ; pet it in coin
water to snot isil thim freese. A eery
greet freezer it , 1,0 IC by * tsn
pail witli a tight feted cover pot inte a
Hill Of 11311 Of MO • *Plit Soli. Whirl
often. arid scraie trent 'he miss as fug
siz. ..1Lew.ewietheril;;..lspleirrng.
starch in place of red elet. moisten the
starch with a lite. cold Milk, and tete
into thesteiling red's. wk. the sot sad
Ass esperiessee of morn than riresity
yews tal jolieei life hem taught we that
seem des seem -eights ef the erne* wet-
Mitted 1. title weviery-whieb involve
pemessl rieleseee--were tradeable be ek•
••• el intesiedies licimes • • •' that
61 ell the sin sail misery. rif pasperneng
Wars Refie"
of ONO/ eaal •
Hay fever.
Net Liquid. dee
sr Power
pos. r•i•riess
leaddela* eel& is ••••••weembable chief.- 1)/e1.1"1 ol*Netypere
enstabeiseek istemilating _ *tow am Orkws.
Neat Dame, aid Jestiller elf Me Mew irbleage..Zetrie ,
Tglil 411.611NreNfli - • •
It;REE Nervous Prostration. Kimono
"--114eadachs. Neuralata. Narrow*
Weakliness, Stomach and Laver
Dessases Rheumatism. Dmespega,
sad all affecreses of tbe Kamm&
l'AlegliCittiat Coding:fan is a Nerve Tom
which sever tads. rantalnIng Csisry sod
Coca. laces westernise stimulant* it spast
OF cures all aerrous eimorders
pays-. clime Comm= perigee Ogg
bleed It drives out tbe lactic acid. Wed
wed ebrumatime, sod twitoresibe
waking organs tO Maltby modeles. Tbe
true remedy for Rheumatism
O.Leas Cause coarzocare quickly restore&
the tiver and kidneys ra perfect Marta
This curative power combined with Ns
nerve tonics, makes Las best resod,
tar ail kidney complairm
Taller, ening-1r Ccsasenn, venom, the
stenuacti, gad mime the taros of the diem
tiro tags% This Le why it cures even the
w)rst cases of Dyspepsia.
eater* ration- C091700E0 is not a Mbar -
be. It is • laxative. eriad eery and natural
action to the bawds RodularitY /well W-
inos Oa we
Recant:seeded by priabsermal sod busisma
men Send tbr book
Price *Lea licin by Druselem
Montreal, P. Q.
seeec. boons E.Q.. OWL
Hey tIth.11161.
My wife Fettered hic eve years with
that distressing dismiss. catarrh. Her
cass was one of the worst known in tisane
parts. Mho tried all of the catarrh mime
dies I crier saw advertise.'. but they were
of no am. i tinnily procured • bottle or
easel Bad. Sias has used Daly one halt
0_11:_hdd WM blahs like a new person.
It myisti-f-H way that Nasal Beton
MOO bit TOO HIOHLY recemenieded
fee catarrh treetop,. aad am pleas& to
have all such sufferers know tkrough its
U.. they will receive instant relied sad
R CHAS. HCOH.t. Shrum
(Wm lanafacturinfill
saws ?la Clot -jai