HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-5-11, Page 2• WO In • ' • • N. I, a- • • N4 .44 gee • • •fir.'" ""C" ••• • o, 8 4.4 ;.•, 8" 4 = HELEN 'FQE THE FOES OF HO ifOLD. TAILS VP CH A t'T A ti. tRANTHOOD. did not she row Ironi her and began to wale up and dawn r Longerotthy cense in me seising tbe room, t•istiog her handkershisif mo stool bis wife and Helen were cliettin bow in the twilight. All day limg Battu he kis la asked Ms Les-. had been feeling depressed and realer, • sad Mrs Lnaw"rthY, seeing that it was ../Itihe bee I imu di. or go used. - so, was doing her best to cheer her hy SD couraging her to talk ut Brentwood. Liss. THE RUBON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1e118. ales tented sod lewd them as she krd Her plan seemed to have answered. iraillabar$11,t_.d 71$$$$.1.i;__$d_ uw s a.uhra.!°: Helen's voice was already less Oedema ;.aaw ttrewite`""Twhaienk had° keg' ele•erry then when she began to speak . She mow* for weeks. describing the place, sod her d"criPtiva Ponsival's wasparison between Hides brought it very vividly before Mn Lone- am* Abe., mode wheel he firer see the worthy's eyes. The clergyman's wifs attic, was ia Helen st least lidding wee very much interested in it all. She void. Borrow god trouble, instead of had a wornan's love for personal detail . rAdehli hoe of bee beauty, anted to she liked to hear bow Helen had lived twit, hcriwettriss end spints.lizsbe before coining to Miller's Gate. Helen, ter us. saw with • shook that too, yenned to bar ater7 ; ak° kada1- re Messed to be wasting away. Eicept most forgotten the sad thoughts wale° whew gesitesseet soot • feverish color im- bed been haunting her all day she was 1 hew °deeds um were eery white Her abeorbed in her present occupation, ad eyes were absent unnaturally large and low qnsielims sossisokes It sad its is- soeverestion whisk followed Pereivers inj_nivell oar liesathied. At !such the odeverestsou was serried ilee Ion told Ws it wee • toed three net in the mine tone sad chiefly bet.... Whets Smitterood, old haring be this $)J©� sod her guest Prevail searciel• time wen IBM wesnee's heart by los aim- took aay part ift it, and his wife showed Pitt ebelltereft seigeseted that he woeld we teelinetten to misled* him As the wise WOWd lige a mouthful of breed most emit ue Mr Loogwortny thought sad cheese with Mr husband. He lie Waage° to see 101. Never is all his °opted the invitetiori. He ere, mites- life Ike Wateglit Md he meo say men tossed to welt ors*. kind hospitality. twat kis wile with seek exquisite polite - adore loos he set hewed &ern, this sees aud seek as utter absence of ten. time in pamessioa of istortnatton which deroma He weld scarcely understood mode him look very thoughtful as lie w alked Jong at his esti swinging pew. The womas's tale had been as follows. Mr and Mn Moore had been at home alleuut • week, ad had only once come to Tb. Thwarts, when they had ridden over, *ad Mn Moore had been very g rave and polite. But nib, she, Mn Finisher, weld asy for certain, that tio one hams, what had suede Mr Moore marry her. Ever atter the drst Mrs Moore's death, Miss Lstoese had been so ewer sod short-terapered -though that she always was, added the woman -and had gone on getting thinner and thtnner sad (rents* .o, though nobody could was that asether of these roues colludes make out what for, for she lied every- led say police of Heise's reign. He thing she wanted ; and for all she was hardly knew how to interpret that, it such a beauty she looked nothing when alight be the result of 60 many causes. she lied wow as thin. Then one morn- They sat over lunch --lons,er. Mr Lotagworthy fancied, than Percival wish- ed, hot he made not the slightest at- tempt to stem the Sow of his wite's words. Neither lace nor moaner be- trayed the very least impatieuce, sod "hen at last Alice roes from the table eel left the mote he held the dot* view Inc hoe to pees out. Soon after lunch Percival invited his Aless.began so pick up again from tbe leen into his study, with the reeler k very day I saw her go out of this gate that there he kept the model of which with that queer look upon her face." he had spoken to him. Frt.111 the ex - That was Mrs Fletcher's testimony premien which creased Mrs Moore's face as her bemired spoke, Mr Lo worthy tethered that hie taste for new ashion- *4 sencaltund machines was one with which elle did not sympathise. Percival led tee rector acroes the ball ntablie Isele 11$1e Isigokeeper, end thes ietrioluotion as in ally other was. was speaking with a good deal of snisle.teright, aod the kook in them combined -Dear me," he said, "ell in the dark. 11 ciaiestnialliaskit/L1 ,....IttLY of te.hat__ Longworthy appeared. 1 shall have to stand here until Fanny wed"meeinwz- -7eeherlenrwinwtednatnaltte brings the lamp. dere ^"t try t° alk dads as the probable result orils• loss across the room, for I should infallibly of her deebewd.e love ; but her eyes sad lia0e• neer • "hie or to un 'n7 IF"' WW1 tbal attitude in which she stood "Don't be absurd. Rupert,'' said his ' sent • WWI to this hearts of the clergy- wde, turning with a *toile. "Come in roini mad his eibi, with the thought that and shut the door ; there s draught. ' .„ the agetey ot It might turn her brain. "I hare news fur Helen,- be emu, Mr LongerertIty wowed the room and Lakin; • tow cautious steps forward. teot beds bar mike, in his, leading her - **Tor t said Helen, turning quick- _hem ieAka dew ate wews, strawg clasp ly. "Oh, do come tu and tall um what sewed to reessers bit; she drew ono it is." hand a and passed it over her tops, tion when the door opened and Mr with ade told between her eyebrows we, He had not seen her before. She was then sbe up at him with • very sitting in the shadow, and wore a bloc pow assume et, it wade, "eying dregs. ,_ ••lois will think I are mad already." "1" Itra there. are von 7 'e wait "I think you are in .• veey, very dill - it is to be so small. Yes, I have news I watts& ewe_ it. , have • light.' ' ste burtog it.7451771.1,1riy.„end that you Maine Strung oourage-giving smile, end for you, which you shall hear all wan as Mabel has been prevailed upon to let es i He looked into her eves as he spoke, '. what • tease you itrei You lutlemall Heir ogoutered by trying - old man ' said his wife rising to meet ..you blip ins so when you talk like him, fur hy this tine be heel reached disc. chair. They exchanged the usual salts "Bet OM " he said et last "palatal tattoos, he shook heeds with Helen. the ek.,..wei`ih lo, we rousi'40 heei'L to when the expression of a man who endures lamp was brought, and the tau women .---7-0, oc;id drat, / will remind y„ lame hidden sorrow rather them as one whit enjoys life. Still there was some- _ . f Juke H enter, of Cot mete. Ont., Kinn weed Ivan ds en wiles as follows .-"Hagyeed's Oil has stood the test otter when all others tailed. Our Imam is newer with- oa.p.tituu, and %halt INT:a) eres)• tin 1 a welcome the Wive asidrartve. A freed of seise who is • mania S55, said to me the other day : "I would advise soy young man 10reuitin angle until he r is the melee/mon of at oosseAs elaingwwilaahe: .the.dthadims, more Am in keel Ira • ...k. lt, t• almost nutionsibee and perhaps 14., kmp home on lees. Howe root, feel Mlle • maaper more feelings to wooed She wee too at"1 nther onontial• vents, ellth. and a 8We:it neither gd lidndllibgeorougivoi.biaatiteheclutpnwant rizt44isieoseaste copuriflueuy rebiny .beabsteticlo. a Hue% luceou e mb„p rue mind what she eee. kie he is stogie, but let hies attempt to see- Ifegg ibis she requited longer Slid deep., Port • wife and perhaps a faintly, on ibis hOlitie. meet." the least us the world like 1..nd /"11ali laaa alb" aen'a $15 "r $273 • ar.11 stogy theta • ocuple hours in her ern suul` sal hs ad' sr° "her" the nada et" As he had looked round the gardee,en My friend is either a opeoiltchift boo - he looked rusted dm drawing -room sad sell 'Jr he has au tit"‘alCautwit11 the dieing -room, and the impression he hasysoltPantas infaertmosr7 roesounaso wan oto d ot without hetug exactly swat. aim, til he receives IF25 a week before be marries he .111 lee," teen the popute- lion of the world dwindle down to the and Eve boom thesr eilnanee. Mar. same number contained before Aaiun In =toy imitators a 81340 Tied people can live and do uloirve:begnif::-. tably on $15 a week end aulaiatlUblia ing Mrs Fletcher had seen her go teat at the irate, looking quits wale and wdd, and bad wondered wlet wee the neater. In about an hour she had come beolt with Mr Moore, looking se diatom* -5 poosible. Then it Memo* known HMS they wen engaged. -And after dieter` soocluded the women, "there was so until they were married. Mies given in answer to one very simple ques- tion on the part of her guest, and soon after she had finished speaking Mr Long -- worthy rose to no. He thanked her and her huabaud for their hospitality, shook to entoont to anything until he is wor- ried and hes a way to help him ever the sloughs or desp.mdency. It is often the encouragemeati asa eitr- MS to re - w Ith. quire ea Tbe very great majority of fits wealthy 1164111 of the nation married while To.Save Life basVirislisse"be atieskeds 4.14471.42618.wiwalalagik serise7111 therieeelm-dese'ocliw7seresell."Ali. especially la oases of Croup, Posturer. sied War throat sad lung treeless. Reece, no family Amid be without a bottle ce Ager's Amery Poetised, which has proved itself, ta thousands of cases, do beet Itmergeocy Medicine ever dlaouvered. It gives prompt robot and prepares the woo ler a thomegb cure witick is certain to be elected by its continued as.. 8. H. IL.SUISICT. M. D. Mt. Venom, Ga., says. I have towel Ayer's Cherry Pectoral a perfect cure for Vroap in all tellaa. I have known the worst cases relieved in • very short Dine by its use; and 1 atIviee all bindles 1,41 Ube it in suit, den emergent:es, fur cougto, croup, tr." A. J. Eidson. M. IJ.. Mis:dletown. Tema.. says : I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral with the beet effect in my prerttor. now wonderhil prepara- tom 4.10CC sewed my lite. I had a COD - smut cough, night sweats. was greatly reduced In flesh, and Elven up by my physician. One bottle mid a half of the Pectoral cured IDa." •• rawest say enough in prairie of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral." writes E. Braglinn. of Palestine. Texas, believ- ing se I do that, but fur Pa use, I should long since have died." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, TiterA/LED IT Dr. J. C. Vie 1 Co., Lowea. Mal& astIfigillibiegeleis. Pries el, eta hisdee,$11. that their riches must be credited as SHINGLES 1 much to their wives as to themselves. If my friend thinks it morale' thin, • married couple should have three or four servants, attend the opera six tunes • week, ride au carriages, etc., than los advice is dAt tl, only a young man should hands wfth them, sod went awes,. owl &lima s mirage to a mom which lay woet • The hap- A iorze quantity of firte-c105 Georgian WI have more than 123 a He walked almost the whole distance • little apart from the others. Thi door Put"' hsesihue a:11 nut ithri"-4111 aaal• Geier ehteetea. extra thklumes. are Am head from The 'Flirted.* to Brantwood without being opened they entered the strengeat • thiest, and a poleax inane il he an get ati!Trr,„tta•'"` ien"""entkoe 'lel" awwits-i-edie. h• h • good wife aid there are plenty id i whcre. were poor, and it asked they will say SHINGLES SHINGLES ! meeting anyone ; only when he haa al- room for a man to cal is s y most reacted the goal of his pilgrimage he had ever seem did he see. man oornieg towardis him It seemed originally to have been ar- between the leadess kedges. He was • ranged and furnished in the orthodox tall, 'pare mad with se upright carriage, way ; that is, there were the book- end, nieetieg haus in this particular shelves, writing -table, and rather a•Verli pros, he recalled Helen's description, furniture which one is accustomed to and wondered if he were goiag to be eo associate with • seedy ; but these things fortuoate as to meet Percival. But as were sapplanted by others in the uddedr the man mese sewer he saw that hie nianner. lu otie corner near the win - face was pale end rather stern, bearing dow was a little low work -table, on which stood & dainty woreen's work- basket hall open and gapes with work. Close to the table stood • chair with so duced unprinetpled parties to imitate it. sooty a back that oo one cou!d possible The public are cautioned pot to be de- lta.. worked in it. Knickknacks of an ceived by nostrums imitating Nasal Balm essentialiy feminine uature stood on the tu "a" sad sPPearaucei beittl"lt such memid imd „en nn pereienre oases as Nasal Cream, Nasal Balsam, all these things at a glance ; be under- 'aka inuintinn dealer* mei twos opal price 50c and $1 on expectant. "1 Meal isle you to wait a moteedt until I bare brought a little order into my toilette " said the clergyman, looking al we thiag-Remember that when you i *Wise your husband to hare forgotten !thine about hint which tattled with lee, po in probably doing bun 4 great 1 bHitelen's deseription, and whicich mad* pause when they met, an raising tint at himself and then at tbe two lad- ,,/ know ; whew 1 it myself 1 know his hat, he asked - lee, who had changed their dresses for he will change But sometimes "Perdon me, but are you Mr Moore the evening, "I see I am not fit tu stay whoa I am dope, if -I Ite- &wake et night, of 13rantwe'nd 7 ' hers... or in we weather. I forget that. I only ; "I am. Can I be of any use to you T' i was the courteous reply, and as he s7oke 11.1c" tha r'"'ID aa,,h11 aPu."' t" "e'- remeentor that Alice is very beautiful. tie's disappoiotomut, mit iii tai mmutes ogithet soarer or haw etemmar, Nib he raised his hat, disclosing to Mr Lime - be was beck agent, and taking up a pow i„, i".. with her. Thad ewswythinw . worthy's keen eyes, hair, net _. rich tion in front of the tire, began at once. ""' ''''';',0einds„ I brown which Heise had deenribeA, lust "Your husband has come home. *la dia. owe y„ mud ass be ehme. i "patched and streekesd ' with grey. -So 1 see' said his wife serencly. Mabel eh -Ado-- - ' i For • moment the clergyman Wei 4:10 ..I spoke to Helen.- "It is not Mn Longworthy" fault," , much shocked to speak. tie stood with Helen had fleshed crimson, her heart said Helen Lively, laying her hand I his eV" tlaad on klixn" heir, even sites begat' to twat with excitenietit ani uer- . he had replaced his hat 1 4.10•1101111 as ahe baked, know : iamb I feel like that I often ' "I beg paur pardon," he said at last. on that Is s arm. "She does not "How do you know 1 How the. you were het saisueouwit / few' ne if 1 liked returning to himself with an effort. "1 hear to thin; thoes thoughts," she finished , heard you had introduced a new kin of *bum I met in this way. 1 bad a meet- ani vesy much interested in inch things . "I kuguYer. ; you ere nct altngether ' ing to attend t' day at Thurston, to grit t 1 on Ito. _ _ , irl to RC: joli to I took the liberty of calling, as I Imp- el which plime I had to go to Liewhurat, r4t ye pened to be in the neighborhood.' to and take the train un Th 'Mhatever pa i a." They were soon deep in conrenestion he said. promise me wallastbing. or. You know, or rather I don 1 sup- „p,r • he h y 1 i on the subject the clergyman had in- Even while he was speaking he saw mime los t e whenever you es . , pose yuo do, tio I will tell you, that in Bk. that y, d will not be alone. If you I troduced, and were walking slowly along the change in Percival's face, though he accordance with one ti my theories con- . the road Percival had apparently not did not know that it was the use of the with the further advantage cf se oerninz the relauon which should exist if Ft be __, ____, yf noticed that be had turned in Mr Long- word "attractive.' which had wrought it. much mire quickly executed. . • • . ha pen to he, and talk to somebody, JO flifillijor.+00er or Fanny at home, = . ways travel third.class. In the thIrd- . were two grooms. They began to ta to one another, and in the course of the eonversation, which was to' techni- cal f nte to billow it altostether one of "I beard from one of his own Znioate hesitatin I mowing machine on your farms, and as 1 them), bed better get her, even if he is reeeivieg lees than the stipulated sun% "f Bileil&71/71 Liaison Robinsoni my learned economist. - Minneapolis I • herbal. Wasammus tosiatereen% Counterfeits are always dangerous, more Du that they always clumsily let- l'ais THE ORDANAL ArTEARANt11 AND saws. The remarkable success achieved by Nasal Belot as a punters Cure for Catarrh and Cold in the Head lure ir- writing Lehi, Lenan„thy took „I stn. Asir for Nasal Balm and do not Ciildrto Cry for Flicker's Castoria. Whoa Baby was adek. we gayeties deism 'Mash, was a MOIL she fried her Ceaterta. Wbee tee Imam Wes, sheeting; te Cistern, Mina she bee Cbtebeft. she sew them Cassmia. 1NT IC VT you. leor sale by all druggists or sent stood st once that it was here such things as Hymn had left behind her had Pust-Faid tf But what chiedy drew his attentioe 1)3L DAILY •ilitIviNG. SPRING GOODS ty addreesing Fulfod Brockvtlle, found a refuge. 11*. writing dithlef ,Haadelanewhiheihchrwhpoweeean$ °Law The little daughter at .1. (1. Swift. of her before a growing sorrow had fobbed her face of ita color and caused her slender figure to waste away. He al - moot gave utterance to an exclamation as lie looked at it, but be did look at it 0.4 intently that Percival having &pekoe once without getting any reply turned round to see what bed happened. Mr Longworthy, seeing the movement. spok• at last. "What $ wonderfully attritive two," Nebraska City, was pronouneed 7 the attending physIctan. 1 he mi.tber an agony of grief kept kissing the cold lips when suddenly the little uoe open- ed her eyes threw her arms aboet bit mother's neck, and Is now co••••1•••••$. As an aid to internal renie,lies for skis disease, Dr Low's Sulphur ••'sap proves very valuetle lai. In art embroidery the tendency is to go away from swan'', short and close stitches to those Ions: slant ones that give muds the effect of be,..sh k. strokes, between a shepherd and his lock, I al- to me evermind worthy. direction, not Mr Longworthy Hai he said "beautiful," Percival would hat I an. d even if yam thtekiew In hie. Etefore leng they hail reached merely bare assented and mad no more. "Many Men, Many Minds,- but all class carriage in whichlI travelled today is the Brentwood gates. out my *emus; sermons most polo to ' Alice was beautiful ; he was tired of I men and all minds autres as to the merits "I you will let me have the pleasure hearing and seeing sad being mode i of Burdock Pills, small and sugar-coat- ' k talk to " P I f I how beautiful. This man had pass- ed. liu. utiscient care is given to 5 lf course the ware - to human termed's, ing you some lunch, you. Any rubbish will do; bet thew are I of am healthy ihoaddwe, „tad if you persist ,0 val. • we shall be ibis to talk over the ed even Helen's beauty to dwell upon Effective portieres can 1e crocheted or motion more thoroughly, and I can her ch arm. Percival felt he was a knit of rags, if • • them mentiooed that his master wes Me vourselI irc jailing fairly." w you a model of the machine no • P P theta Tau may peromnen y p y to ow ens u when 271:71t.fihrtti ewpeedaw... est ueedies of wood ,,r bone should he nein as I could, which wee n Mr Long worthy hesitated, but Forel- l• he'eai‘ wii"thoP:trIlraimiktin": Moore, of Brautwoisl remotherly. ,./ .t rb y think will intirest you." can. he himi used, and dm regard show,' to harmony .,:her groom left the twin, I began a • h• h ,sd val urged him, saying -- 1 ,* it so. aYlnk • g " different tom from any or contrast color. tittle convereation 00 sly SECOUnt, 111041 • on her sho.uldeg, "Et is a horrid dv- "Mrs Moore will be exeeedingly..grate- Imied.. before. b wool sucoeededin leareing what I want- t11) here hada: km myr,wif, but fel to you, fur we are quite alone. t ts t moat charming face I ever Ftotihnrn Childreu readily talcs Dr overcome it. • cl h t bond oi sympathy had bow 11 ed to know. Mr Moore returned from with a little n Ire have strourh to • who hes not been married six months.- nothing more was said, but both men "That is • strange speech Oval a man repeated Mr. Longworthy, and Low., worm _ and deste,ys the worms. byrup. It pleases the child lin. the coutiuent about • week ago ; his thought the clergyman, as, tong y I ' ed, he walked up the avenue by the side , forred between them. I Contra of acorns, gilt, silvered or . It was late in the afternoon when Mr • hr,,er ., AO sod wired to a light chain, are pretty to bang below a bracket or pie ture, or to entetterine with the ribbon NEW PATTERNS - looping beck draperies of Madras muslin. lit sprogworthy vile has sent out invitations f'r. • large 1 1, viis „„,„Aust house party, anil very gay doings are , should go to 0;ne‘tsely on ib. follow- naan,roening I brought th• converse- ing day and try eel gain mem it -forme - anticipated si-IMATifood. 1ST a Vale tion regarding the lisoling which was sup - that this groom was the same man who „Ndc..1: etele'sytih:weatttas.uet Ai 6d:it:I 11: °:air".4 null upou yoU, Helen, and it appeared Stevenson, said Helen ; "did .. 11$. him, so that if the Helen, &no she poseeded to describe saw you off when you left home. man clutoordhl knuw b to leiduntarily hls eyes wandered over Lougororthy left Brootwood. NMI see- d balt new . the garden and perk. It was here Helms vat drove him to the Iliallitien. As limy hal spent the short time between her stood far • moment ie the porch the roc- eoming home in joy and leaving in doubt nor caught sight of • bush of white and seepense. He seemed to see her shvysanthemorus growing neer the door. say his nem' was stevenson 1 . meet her husband ou Rowe flitting among the !sadism trees, '•May I beg ow LI these r he iiiiiked "He did nut absolutely say so, blithe St 011ee. ard to hear her voice calling to them. impulsively, and Alice thought how odd was of • communicative disposition, , In the drawing -room they found Alice. that he should ask Percival for these in- tld nos all sbout what happened at The following Any Mr Lonew"rthy Perhaps Mr Longworthy had never in stead ot herself ; bet Percival, on hospi- tbe socideut. As hie story contained * •leent to thawitleellil• He bad not 411 his life been so anxious to make the table thoughts intent, noticed nothing. crest maiiy anti he said, "Stevenson," told Helen. but belied made up his mind :acquaintance of any other woman. lie . He stepped tutu the garden and gathered otevenson. said be, I concluded thes to me her husband isensewber• or some- had ).ere so much (.1 her beauty, and , s.handful of the finest, which be gave to was his name. ' haw, and he wee shied: aceliPlad In he was not disappointed. Radiantly , Mr Longworthy. There was a sllence .1 a few minutes thinking what he sisteald sal to bun. 1. oesuojet she looked, ea, haying glanced They did not talk much as they drove which Mis Longworthy broke by saying. • third erns earrieda so that busy lies hall es to the station. Percival wee now bah - hat do you think of doing now, he was molt likely to be done, but he R.ipert 1- wee ded to the erneerestion going on - ' Whatever Mrs M...re think+) liest,'' around his. Ho heennynd a "at 127 he replied, timing t . Heien, and the the wiadow, and looked out iron' Uwe substituti n ,of that for her Christman to time. Inedbanically andel the tillage mime, seemed to bring it al home to Pima whish the "'It° Itelsithas 1 hem. By sod by he boys to notice the Hei:en di I not Sio....; at -nce. At lest country more close* Helen hod so she said in lir enc.- oft** described it, 4th. beauty of the -I hero it to you. Will you decide r hay nodded with isflawde. For «one "1 promised to tin nothing without Stile diseases Were yesoliiort (Smother - year consent. If you remember. my ly the line rise prone' with the bay, and ides was that I should go to Osmotherley. he premently foetid Waste restaarisiatne I bare not thought of lireething bettes. thinge he had beard dimwitted- There Ali Can you sweat anyttdrig 1' '•No, that will Ise the best. I am sore" '•Thee 110'. yaw emiemo. 1 can go m ewe as I Vibe r "Certainly. Go tomorrow if yes like --NI yes will -the sootier the better. el iseinee. Thorn was seek • ton. of shrialtive its bee wise that he lookeil does upon ler ,. enage=set Is Mr low Wk. She wee wieleany frier head te feet. " oohed is 'Ito roe fest me g e Pall" elTes, 1 fear It. I cannot help it. ltdeolln Pot %sow, yea easereet poseleity 1.01 .1 1 Imes .1 stake I feel like the =lei 'Wed Wes with knee mid his sold epee the VOW ••4 it it ao mom ease to know d°1119Bettui is rereseeted lay sty sister. Teis sot knew her saw is as toren Ad swerrepetatie Pereleal 116.11 UMW, elk IOW, her shwa he is 4111111Milia to lier, asel he lele-" up at Percival s entrance, • i at the eight a the man who swoops- 1 itesl.y reserved and Mr Longeorthy was at druggists , by mei,. rinotered, Wets•. ' • ' thinking. .• 'My Brothers , Dzugeists. Owego, New York. ly Georre Pipits?, a New Jersey boy, ran away from hoar to fight Indiana When he was brought heck a lot 'lot earda wore found nn him bearing the in - 'riot ion • --- My name is i :ones* Telpher. sties Nervy Pete, the Boy Adventurer. And if perchance 1 ani killed by Indiana, ootity say relatives at Hobokes N. J. PCXhels THE vr.A.11401:t., bell • large assortment tit beet goods for GEITLEN'S SUITS ea hand. et the old aid Tenable stead. West- er.. wear the Dank of Moutritad. Mid- lit la GI- EC N Via S. S. "OREM." TWENTY FIVE - 2 5- - 'let Setts Hay fever is a type tit catarrh having NEW SHAPES, peculiar syniptome. It is attended by an interned condition i the lining mem- branes of the nostrils, tear -ducts and ----- thowet, affecting the longs. An ocridl Prices to Suit . ...... is secreted, t he discharge lame:0,m- r Peeled with a burning sensation. There are severe spasm. of sneezing, frequent attacks of headsche, watery and inflam- ed eyes. Ely's Cream Helm is a reme- dy that can be depended upon. bOots n ire. She gra* faultlesialy beautiful and fault- They had a few mingles lately dressed- a jewel without • flaw in !the statical, and as they walked up and • rich and lisresowillk setting, and yet- 1 down the platform with the !Wand of the "Alice," said Percival, "this weeds- ; incoming tide waning through the man whose ateisiatance I have just been ; darkness, Percival said - fortunate eimegh to make has kindly I "I seed hardly sip that if yos ever consented to relieve your dullness at . happen to be at Orsothetly swain we lunch. Let mo introduce him ; Mr -- -" !shall hope to eee you at Brantwooi." Ile paused suddenly, a w are t hat hid ..1 thank Yna... ealehad kir Ivallf- .wes ignorant of hie we friend's name. I north, ennIP°01417- "1 °hall Prihribill "Lonwerwthy Jointer .1 Miller's Gate,- 16.1 Y'ar "ritilital 'Wain. Plethora at am a t date. ' the inland side of the like on a hIll was s eePttlied she elerirTatalt• raatiill' ! The words were spoken w y 5114 rented tower, about whit* 11 was doubt- Alice ackowledsed the introluction either thoeghtfully, and Peresval, (.1 whether it had hoicepaed to a chunk both pimple*, and rrecineely. She had though the lean exeetisig of wien. rather or not; further on erns the bong bare eseldmily forgotten that hetet* receiving ! wondered that so miters levitate's mill I Fell, erkkh looked siaallt and daintier people it was neoreary to know 'boat Oren. under the whiny sky, On the other thous. or perhaps she considered the lir lotegworthy iserneyed home is the e - th tkle was Oat, and fen that Mr Lneeworthf vas a reiarilr the darkness, the white freers he held in his hand looking eery soesposeetes weir' his block exit. sset, es he joimmteed, he posiseed oe whet he hod men and hosed that iley, sad hosed Ito would tool here Hefter 1151 the sister sonekivrei villa the Ili41515 low men a 406141.44 diarentee o is Velcilti- , a moan ; in froth was lik. lairgeet ef the tehility. Before Pereival roam le she islaside, the nibs upon wbbb HOW. INA ' had been fooling hared ; new She mer a Imo wrestled ; seroes weem tweedier- man, sod a strawy* loam, Woes her eke I sus, mositresm rude "we looked wee at owes reotareed t a eisiebilitg ; mules km and dry she hod • her way to awe graeioes words harass matters of Mr deadest H. 1154• Sled sighed es enema. he looked at all thine tPs,and leas' lir Iew.wroth. de, Aid litamielf lie deed what sews he w • Horn is the afters.... a. - Arrival al OenietherlipAs sestelsesi aimlessly Wet litthi railer sod tbss mode hie way to The Thilelle. se known le the Mese wham Aden 1051 11... bore, whore elm but solood boar seas& sot Igen sada .10104 Wes essrrist 0.14. iippio absi • t wean thee wen Jeri the dieing - twee to lona he sew* wide to Pee Wel. Two resesies be hod for this t one wee the einem& Wefts' of • van te hires. with a poses emit IMO - ties Geese Imo OW leo wished es pis sons Ass 4 AiSees root Itteurs, sod to $ sem like Mt blew vosthe It est we tie MAW Or Om Nett Ite WI relerrtirtrah. The led Imre. lad 171 W. 3. Jeer.. of A ON.. I felt very seiseeshie with woo my Masses, IsIt.siM st the Merl sodsperwousoses • ,oltor different kiwis of isediehas, lissrlos Omagh, 1 ...la 1,1 tio; abo bottle completely weed els 1 MB MA seesemeend it to °Wee Stye Timm Enemy*. That is to say, ritir lonws. Alm all your breathing machinery. Very woo - "Jarful nichinery it M. Not only the larger air -passages, bot the thwarter of little tubes and (*vines lirding Irma Wes. When them are sloreed sod shocked with matter which cued not 10 155 there your lungs awful hall do thew work. Aad what they do, they eassot do well. Call it cold, (tooth, croup, peeesweier retarrh, coosumptinn or as of the fasetly of threat sod nobs sod Mad sod 1 obetnietione all are bed. 40 t to lie got rid of. Moe is Iasi one mare way *0 151 rid of them, that take Rnestimi's Ori nt Byres, letteele sse *wise 001 osfl 704 01 3 watts liettke Bess if trwerytheg else hes Lis= eon mg depend epee Ws wet" CALL AND SEE T111.31 AT 01-1.A.13- .A.- NAIRN'S. Gale/rich. Apr11111.1147. - SSW mlitisAtCr. OILED ANNUAL tone: CP:Inds *S. ftra= TIM= =bat ow eta .116.inEre.."11 Shwa O est: rgy wig 4 tessillee. ie aritaMl fsc 1'ame• rr .0are ler w , ereet meseteitteesi ese ovemsereetiwerldet seetrz.reress% t1wist ineliTst vett Fos. 12 ssatsvegio:riaLses silswaesiacs "ISSIOSOW 1 -