The Huron Signal, 1888-5-11, Page 110 7,- :•
Things That Ars Happening
Around Us.
the fareattee up .r a Ward wieder -Tae
arw reel Weer • bead m ersate4
Tee Walkway weaw1.• The Aka
anoints, Nati Set heal..
-fares aeposseu-
OW we.
-Have you •ver heard of the ,sun
who felt hie the up of a hard
winter i Well I'm that man, sad don't
ycu fail to remember it. Meboe you
thought that I Mw my shadow on
Candlemas, sad retired into my cave
sod pulled the cave iv after me. Well,
I didn't do anything of dist kind, bet 1
might as well have duce so, far I've
been jest as hop. sad ries and help-
less, sod u devoid of snap, u if 1 had
been 'aeries my paw for the last fire or
six weeks. I've had the *peso°, er what-
ever you nay like to call it, and it
sapped my vim for the timebeing quick•
er than tke proverbial 'eat ! Bat I'm
able to facie the 'aura mice more, and as
the weather has mottled down, and the ice
hes goon to parts unknown, the seder -
unto on the beckstoep will be resumed
with old-time regularity.
-Webb., it'll take me some tome to
eaten up to the procession of events, but
I'll get there all the sa'as, if I don't
take a relapse of the virtu. And talk-
ing about events, I'm told that the new
post-e$es is to be proosdd with right
away, notwitkstaadist the strwtroas
opposition of Citizen Cribb to Ike West
street site. The "combine' has evident-
ly been too strong for the Como, amid
has downed him, .elwittbetandiee his
indomitable pluck is fightiag the insti-
tution. Bro. Saandms is, I understand,
g.ttucg ready to pet kis deep gratitude
to finks °everaaet oa record for its
kindaw in lo.atteg the pros -office oa
West street, sad is looking for a deep
her Yeas to uno.peey his silver -Cooed
tout in the word, sod music of "Allow
me to More a Vot. of Thanks." The
old ruse gays "I'll no Baas back in
pretties o' the brig tial carries use ower,
ye ken." And w eadeth the first reed -
-I notice the Iowa council bas been STArtart• A4—The following items in
giving fres trees 1. all who desire to feonneetion with Ashfield township wiU
plant them, sad the result he. been that trove of interest : Total value of real
.;sits a lumber of sapling have been set �1' $1,663,319 total ale d
pease perp.rty, 111200;,070.00;vuambr
forth. I coat say that 1'a altogether in of bones, 1,181; cumber of oattle,3,947;
favor of peomageoue reboring, and lumber of sheep, 3.060; number of pip,
more particularly when no effort at eon- 9118: total population, 3,522: children
betimes 6 and 16 years of age, 982;
coated actiom is attempted, and when obildien between 16 sod 21 years of age,
everybody is running a sett of • Ito -la- 276: member of acres in fall wheat, 4,134;
you -plow setting out. In some places number of acres in orchard .r garden,
it. sad du the bowling oa behalf of the
peer .eo.
-I see by the daily papers that our
railway delegation arrived as Ottawa
safe is wird and limb, and I nee also
that our delegatiuo was the moot represented of suy of thea
present on the ooc.sioa. 1t don't ;sake
monis difference to m t. as I only pay my
share of the taxes, but it seems to use
this building op of big delegstiooa, when
the expenses ars to bo defrayed Ay to
ratepeyen, is piling oo the •g0oy "too
thick," as the saying is. Some weeks
ago I rsac-iumeoded that one competent
NUM be 'elected to attend at Ottawa on
behalf of Godwin'', and the ides was
snouted. The council sent fin, .ad the
old principle of seeding mea with ales
to grind war repeated with • vengeance.
Oar man c' uld have dune all that was
done by the "mammoth combination,'
but the members of the delegation had
• soot iia•. and the taxpayer will have
to foot the bill. I hope we 01 mu
eeonosnioaipoenoiilors will put their foot
down upon the bit dsitifgation business
hired Wbee Cgog•Ijb wanted repre-
sentatiosbeerel aseetin,g it
sant only Meyer Mantleseld, At other
gatherings in the intermit of the line a
like course has been adrtptd, and I fail
to sea why economy should not be ob-
served in Goderich in a similar scanner.
At railway meetings, as at all other
gatherings, the representation should be
Paged by etre iatefiti•M• of the .e. -
ben rather thea.-Yp_ be bulk of the
-When the Loodon Heron & Brom
R R was in contemplation, Blyth was
.smelly represented by one man -my
old sod esteemed friend Pat K.Uy. He
wasn't • large depetatios, a wasn't
bsndsome, be wasn't elowlwnt, ne waste'
polished, bot he got then all the same ;
and when the lice was formally upend
is Radon, at the greed hugest that
was given to the delegates from the back
townships, no delegation occupied •
more eoespicuoee place or showed up to
higher advantage than Pat Kelly--
Btytb'e committee of use. There's Is
moral right here : If ycu want work
well don., don't sleet too many cooks to
spoil the tenth. AJAX.
the fire hot from the few rule hos
bona observed, in others the seven, io
other the ten, ad is others the twelve.
Everybody has Wass running his own
hag, and the festal, is tat many men d
matey minds have oma many schemes of
tree pladtiag. Bit irregularity is mit
the worst feature art eonneetiuo. the
town tiow-whish Assam* is Lsgioa-bee
already started to make hewn(' of the
newly plantd-out trees. The town now
in O.dericb ought to he frowned down,
ed aa effort should be made to force
the owners of cows to pesters them out
rammed of allowing them to roam at
their owe .west will along the publie
.highways gad byways of the town. 11
know Ism treatise on delicate mused
whoa I take exception to the town cow
being • free esmmoir, bet I'm villas
to stead the brant. The town now meet
go. Of souse the wry of the "poor
man's now" weld be raised at nae& sad a
lead hullabaloo will be .mated against
my .read.. bees that won't deter me
from ebestiag in .ranter tone. "The
tows now .at we r Tk. large Ns-
jerity el the emu that meat oar streets
bored to the usably mea et tb bees.
sad their tenure .inks themselves
from pasteriag them out ea &he plea
test the peat mown now meat mat be
Warfarin with. I kww ...ething
about the our, est in t1e tower
ships se web se in Iowa, .ad 1 e.a hall
yoe that the sew that &speeds uptS
roadside pastes mover hes Jeanne dame
to it is the wry of fedieg. whether
hel mgt to the Ida mem et the pest Min.
If • roe mo.'s now i. W best asp
Merit he line it mil have to be ted
eared ler, sad if he esu Mute k 110; 10410
fare ties reednide ereppiesgs, Hs WOW
be dispense of it to bettor k 11111 be
few the new ag>l ►dosis. Be ; the pee
nese well net .sir by hoist a MTM
litho ea1..Md aphid owe rioting at
loge ; but the agions will equal absent
t.i•AYliiUiK/DPrN as
FROM THE CAPITAL• i he .hocld be expelled by tb. Hoare. COMMUNICATIONS. f M t° ha.e a "a. , f a:r thins makits=
Latest Political cad General
This increased the uproar and finally Mr
McNeill got a chane to say if Mr Edgar
Irate op to Bruce with such eelttimel.ts
--- 1dsOy tripe •i.reet to L,rerpoof, Load w
We de toss bead ourselves responsible for sail amid Caber P 'tuts ; ant nil there mighty
opinion; sewer tie rsspoodrnsa. °este.*iebsagal •n to take p,.ee wirb•n fifty
is his month shout the medals he would tees v teat ®� °DOS
News from Ottawa. Mivss to i=6tons. acid be brief.
Ret ducked in a horse pond. Iter looter —
denied the right of Mr McNeill to lec-
ture them on loyalty sod then the hon.
eentleman "oohed off sad the committee
of supply continued W rote supplies to
Bee Majesty.
)sir Hale of Carleton N. B , was elect-
ed by the Itefurmers of that riding but •
inane. has gradually corns over him in
the Howse and melee the other night he
Goverment/at with the overnment on • motion
of want of confidence- The Opp oaitioe
will io future treat him as .
an oppoeat,
"ion nom the preser-r tame. s r. tett_
bite consideration the rata et whisk
h h u a::. woe i nut the p tY
years r we are 6%