HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-4-27, Page 6T11F. CETT OF NEW HAVEN.
non ANNioLftbARY.
moo of 'he terror. etilhe
"rhea • essinal wee MO and
mant_odoptee. one eleases el
*se "ft sae shall Ire agalector
not mmeniumaast *femme
• As woos am tido eras
a formal treaty PQM made
Wilma. whereby. fee • few
oeell • derma each of hoot hatcbots and
and • eau -made atter ye
meaner" for Use Giblet all she
end InterestIn aU -Hirers. lands.
ellAses" of • vast «settee was
law The aide Meanangiele
11110111eg men placed thens signer
lie the meaty
aluevirid natters Thew Aro Ilta
...ins 1b.. loy - IIo. soul ill Whom the
tt4 •on soled ....Met ssi •• so -
1 torus,/ I'larer awl teueralale nellIdlussa
ettc of Nes Haven. Conn., % about
to ce.s. stv the SAUth &anisette', of its
Will tie Vitt' of April being this 7 sot
L. et tbil; toter traces its
dowse trm the parish of St Stephen,
Coletma sto-et London On the illb of
()mob,- a party of theme sturdY
Englishmen together with their parson.
rt„ j invel.port, decided to leave the
oppresson of vieir mother country and
sail to ',yoa a here religion as al thought
woutlid# tri• For harboring such opin
11011 11arro persecuted and their Svcs
endow lo year they were
drIvec sect. Seat to the euntinent and
finally 1, Americawhere they landed at
Boston Every inducement was made by
the pese,:s of the ii:fatit Hub for the new
colonists to remain there &it as they
wens determine,1 to found a new stets
with Latish puritanism is tbe basis of,
their opriceminent. a portion of the party
pushed on a; h.! the est. seekirg a new
Location. In besides the two
• -see • _
.• •
NEW END: "II ,tEETINC; 11101.:SE.
Rt, `in Davenport and
Morpheus um wsseveral wealthy
Londoners, iiae this fri .41010, of three
An.erican grammar school... five minis-
ters, four achisol tervliers, q the first
master of Pitmani enlIcze, and a
tho first American tvithor of RH edam.
Vona! work, the f.tt her of Elibta Ywle. eon
Michael WIgmiesworth. a morning star of
American Utesture.
In the fa! ir,:rr ?how* mon. after a
ling Journe,. nearly orerrwime by bringer
and like her.1,1::p.• the beautiful
harbor. breatei an,1 .s7; the place In-
lwilplut. aftereard linven. The l.
cation masa Inst leantIfLl and promising
one. wit h a so bay protected by an
*mph Ileum •1 eteliy hills. Cold weather
Soon carue th.• little band, with no
proesions or plea of abode With will-
ing hands they labored night sad day. and
had cellars In the steer bank for
•ng places. These rude shelter; were
p- .'-ted by boards, sticks and turfs, re-
4 AlLY1L1lairia
THE 01.ri STITE nousr.
WI in raj
sembling the weetern "dugout." A town
pht, was laid a ha!1 mile square.
Wended by what are now George, York,
tir,re and State street,. and divided into
nine minor squares. wit • (*atria *action
neerve4 for a market. the spot which now
is occupied by the famous "Orem."
os, the f5th of April. 1698. the re-
ma!tider of the is• "brit arrieed from Bos-
ton.4ary ream their new home on
Situ , and tit., first thing Sunday
morning they Were called togetbor by the
good .on mid preirhol to, wider a
large tree. Dow the ter. Matt. Iv, 1. A
rieetim of this marrooeb ..te tree formed
tito support, a anril on which two
etale-art gemsrati ns of Beecher. ham-
mered befoe* brim Berclier transferred
the role of the family from the anvil to
the pulpit. The old white boas" in which
Lyman Beecher it's horn___k_pow_standlng.
Irradhlon tells «the kindliness of the
earlier Beecher% zely were sitsplelov-
able. always resey to help thou in need.
and, us conaegnmice, lived in compare Imo
povertv. traits winch the descendants of
the o14 stock atill rthibit. Henry Ward
Beecher and his wife %mil to make fre-
quent visit• to this htoto.le rpot. Party
in the year the asitlers began to erect
bonus, and in the latter part of 1638 tins
Colonists had perrinatient dwellings.
Those old 1101111111 moo guppy buildings,
'with t moats besm hoards end shingle&
But asthe OW! inianIpietteina "rem
wealth y. compellit t rely speaking. me
custorned 1 largely -:ms In I Andrei. they
expended libersR e their new houses.
An early chronic4s of the one owned
by Theophiltis Eaton so Si to hew
nineteen nmplaces. ond the Davenport
house. jut oppositt with thirteen. The
Iteseher house. ererbsd some years later,
Wag 'nillpr biat more Unproved
following Its ratitistation. •
lose was ;taught etrolling about
the tales After • trial of tlaree days. be
was esavieted of Impose and his head
iset•ped olf and hong on a pole S the
centre 01 Use grave, as a pointed warning
for -ie followees. Prom this time on they
Owlish soatinually menacing
and for an opportunity to attack
wre.rillooden building oorapying t
Ir• the gest church was ballt, It
preeell, site of Center chiereh on t
Ciremeld the torsruntser of the pr'se
It was fifty feet square with
[I'm:Qat roof. surmounted by a tow
.1 was arranged as a sort of fo
whio• lien placed men to watci. lest t
Indium should interrupt the services
The Alty [tallith" were given seats pelf
emelt IOW to be in realities*. So ai
tine taildrauliday morning, at the call
tit- -cam dreamer. the citizena. we
armel. vimetuted 10 churek As no 'heve
wei-i :Wowed In the church, eren as la
as IA the men carried foot stoves f
the ..tmen. During the short intermi
elfin the worshipers would run home
get seem, eat a lunch and return t
sad hear Use rest of the sermon_
T present Goren was used as a ceme
"we heel 1888 to 1V8. it vW44rorMarlitith • high board fence, painted
red lkire r4In the crer
rpt of Cent
cherM * the remains of many distin
gui-L•1 men in church and state, litera-
ture aud polities. ornaments to the MU
strogellis colony le former days and now
houersil by their deseendante. Their
funerals were simple affairs and yet
preiLsr. The bodies wen; borne on the
sh, hews of thil bearers, elm were always
tumuli with wins beibre Med after the
servireeito strdagthen their tror s. it is
burntb. revolutionary period the city
aSImportant part. Simms& assay
... nye rem from bar reeky hills to the
from to, battle for this new republic.
Arai"; the names of her famous men ass
those of Gee. Wooster, Roger Sherman.
Admiral Foote and many mom besides
that nun. detestable to every loyal Ameri-
can citizea, Benedict Arnold. This last
maa. wherenjoyed the exclusive title as
his eoulges traitor, never stud high in
the este& of hil fellow townsmen. In
persetil appearance he was tall, erect.
with s treacherous look, and even before
his treavaisble settees wee disliked by his
neighbor% -
tho Nth of July. 1779, two ablpe nt
the Britiammadren landed at the harbor
and sent to divhdons of Infantry to sack
the town_ after several arnall skirmishes
on the seeming of that day the redcoats
had pasession of the city. Word was
pent oot re eetehhorint towns. and all
night toe roadie militia poured hits town
and neve. megfeng oompillad the half
drunkra ibeilahmea eo Mat • hasty re-
treat • elteir newel*. Several battles
were 1,,,40 near Now Haven. but non.
of a 1irs1 eacepting this one.
lannspirons CONIIMInaestsd. ,
Countorfeite are always dampens%
laws so that they alwere elta144
IMRE vue trfatOthaL u IIPThagageg ajyy
shill The remarkable aumeas ach anti
Raul Reim as • petite* ‘, or, libet
h and Cold in th. Head leinpjts
d unprincipled parties to iintell�11s.lt.
trublw arw otelioned rod lit e 4e -
°sired by to strums Nusi Rohe
us name and appearseee, rewritet each
mimes as Natiel Cream, :\ seal lialeasa.
etc Ae.: Co Nasal Balm aril no mot
tellaimitation dealt?* env
= elms 0
et sale by all dreggioe "esti
Med no remit* of pray
hy a(hlteitatiig Fallord &:C.., Brock riloa,
In Great Bittain the question of Rome
Ride is conomutdisie attention. To the
map with a odd in the iteLid chest the
Wes* say tu swum LW', R.over a
geld is hare inn d of Dr.
Barvey's !Red Pine Gj. r mak at
Illeaseri of fie tirP.: If
Eapernah's Wors roe/tiers destr,iy sad •
Palliolle• aortas utku. troury to allele
tie lofent isis
To the Inealicel erosesessa. ant an with*
• A ereesserrui "rata
The harvest organ, eh.' i.e., that p'rrys
cosily% Hong part on the loaltbr of the
lis,dy is the liver 11 torpi,1 se insulter
the who's. sy•tem becomes diseased.
Dr. ChadMa Looter Cure is made specially
for Liver arid Kidney dioessee, and is
...teantntood to cure. Recipe hook aad
medicine 31. &ad by all druggists.
ts mai mare.
Phosphatine, or Nerve I...so, a Pilo.
to Element based upon liciontith
, Formulated by Profs- Auatin.
K. D. of Boston, Mama , cures Pulmon-
ary Consumption, dick Headathe, Nue
roue Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
and all wasting diesiases ail human
systetu. Phospliatine ia hot a Tiedecine.
but a Nutriment, because u contain* 00;
Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates
Narcotics, and no Stimulants. hut Map:
ly the Phoeplutio and Gartric Elements '
found in our daily food. A aingle bottle
is sudiciont to convince. All Druggists
sell it. 31 0) per h Alla. Lowe,. &
CO., sole azents for the Dominion,
US Fruit Street Ea* Tutsmto
• Rawasm-Of our delft 'haws* lease" Spatilladds
"" 11° an/ atm sand' " Sii• beat Nair1i Run so nes in too lag setklieine, INN
I rhino., ion rational" the_ iinimarhohla tee the great K•drisy and Liar rum%
little am t.,r the Teeth WOO Batt.. Ark 1,4. gm& 1), Map., mosk.te
thrwiout ug issliitessa ol
Giaawt.• treesupes Try Ch•ae's Laves
Oere ("eel' disavows tie thii laver. Exi
ways, Stomach told Hugel.. d by
The d tat resaiso paleness oft en nib
served in young girls and ii. is dee
in • great measure to a hM 1 the red
corpuscles to the blood. To remissly
this requires a oaptilleinst which pe.dito. •
these iscoesisary little blood ciamiteoegla
sod the test yet toed itabialtele•
Tonle Bitten Peke 50 earns, sod 51
Per bottle at Goole s drug etftria. A Ikon
Week Goderich. Stole agent. fi.J
• metre Resuensele NW.
Fone.d at :aid, .hat the tree poebbe
11.e. been lisit lug for hews many years
and that is • MOdICIiir • high although
but lately int• °dueled, fins made foe
iteelf u reputation se eon.' to ttttt ie. the
multi:11M is J. b0n.ii Tonic Motes.
*davit les coe.unellivu with 'Johann.
Teem Liver 's la has performed some
Math Wonderful afire* nipper, etr
potutiohed blood awn henoutes puridetil
and enriched. Br !Moulmein, indogratlest.
sick headacie, liver comidaint, langur.
weaknesa. eat: tovn toappear u hen ,-•••••./.111111Nell
trellibed hy thews Olttell, ht usedi.
cilia. For 1.1. by 0.5 .1. dreggist, Al- giriANGE OP MINEEJ13..N*
F vit P
• Ion!, wa.
Stone. 1. Lir
teitar) • *a.1
•0 1Leo
lot eat plasm
sea wee. lois
liar Apple Blood
atrengthens aud
cartnen. Peice Arcusaml
pie ask LI James Igor druggist, Owe
bias leltea, Modelle/h. oeir NMI- Id
will keep a to *Etre or Months III WE • DOWDING
01141 Mei of pi. cur.,: 40110111 Isay
'Mier . &hal u111 retitur.. •Iolfraite,
shoat three agree .1 puture foe her Isom- at dm thassounrs that be has h•real t he Harness business so !ono eat rted onin tl odor kh
trident sill atpp,rt her sal A. year
seer support Osie aere to ibm 1OifiIu C s rim A ,1:3-T3p
11.41 would ask COOL:11113 WS a tie favor" that have been conferred on hi* Predeceelswe
- - ---
Sabot A Wonsan airier Adonis.
That she is ill lore.
..,__Tlarf,also ever dieted
Thee the lams t
Thal she is tired at a ball.
That she is fond of scandal.
That her shoes are too small.
That she cannot keep a secret.
That it takealior loco to dress.
That she has lupe yoe waiting.
That she uses anything hut powder
Thal else says what alio doesn't Mean.
?bat ohs blushed when yea ment ices -
al a particulsr gentleman's name.
BREAD wear •4 this Yeast
teeit Mir. "'neat at Oitt.ove
k bit ili.euta lOn-.
10.•00 ladur, have written
to say that it surpasses any ve.i
ewer wed by them. •
..vertest bet rolls, bums and
It Studies the lightest, whitest. I
The Old latablished Rost ender.* Man of Goderitk. still to the front with one of the Larne:
e.ery town ia
t'artada are iaure it
A variety of LIMIT AND HEAVY
•Iwitys In eloa k, lit lowest poseible pekes,
Mr. o. V. Straubel will be at t be situp. and IR lI be pleased to Imre all his old customer*.
Note the Address). -Hamilton St, Opp. Martin's Hotel. 2134 3n.
---- • _
•Ni 311LEA.nt:/t7.41\ li`r3113R113 Ft0Xit
Meanest the
Saul. .ithsys
Suds Us Sens.
Rattans ths
imam Of
met Smeti.
Shaoks in the Dom alum. comprising
As there an malty inferior
gooda. *anted with Jaw.
temp, ote.,offered astsold
Is Caroline by mom
principled nyerehaute Wad-
ing oo the reputation oe
Our gprowidier forallor,
we warn tbe ladles
suet imporition by
Inn their attention to the
cateessityof seeing that the
10 litaisped an Inithriale of ail Comilasasses.
Waist whisk saes so sessisa
Lamesf Fine Goods
Is Hutton Hoots. Raluntrals. l'onzr,ma. Oilord Ties. Sheen diffe-ent styles of Kid tilipper•
frora Nte. up to any r.ri P7ou like. Felt. Plash. Items, Prnaella Canal.
Wig.. am mil tiernven Slippers in ppurasion.
CH evry edraerio,-,4 i'diaadian and American tank,* 1 would also call the atteratloe
uf 1at:31n:8 te that part of fay mere sapeofally sadlabk for them, eneh as
Long Boots in Calf, Kip and Cowhide,
!Dave a liasef Vat 13001S. soy *era math., ackassolidgent P Iso the Best Felt Coot made in
t aaada. llorarapt and astern& artantlos does to
tor Please bear three facto is Wed :- I have by fur the hinreat sleek, of Boots and Shoed in
town ; They onto( the very bee quality procaretne. wean made by the best asaastactarers in
Casella: And I will sell at proses as low or lower thaisabruse else
AolicItinit • contaminate of veer rained ewstota, so liberally aroseded me durtag the past
foueteen years. I retools. yours faithfully.
A particle ts aseitiesi tato each nostril Asa
Womble. Pries re cents at lquairists t'S
seat atimetorezwied.11ehilesittaraLvVerilre. 1144wer;
tbeworid eariairthe last half otiose,. Not
c.,,„• wet aad system ot warn ilsattna
WM anthem IS -weeders et la venni.* pro -
Ca Ibis out 11114 return to mooed we will WWI
r ed ever the coantro with/nit
mom :than* werkere front their houses.
y ono nut do the hoot : either
Fosse er old; aoluseetal ability required,
tal not needed ; you are waned free,
you free, sotbetnlae of great value and im-
portance to you, tbat will start you Is busi-
ness, which win twine roe in morewlyheY
lot away. Gus anything shoe :a tbe world.
Graod °wet tree. Address Taus at Co_
amnia*. Maine. do.
pimpse, Wonders stria ismade of forms. but are ear- I
paesed hy out evarvele of invention'. Tune ,
who are ia wee 01 orsdrahis work Mat CAM 100
dose while living at home seoid at nom
send their adnreao to Hotta". k Co.. Partisan
Maito.. and rocssi•s free: full information how
eft he,. ?OZ. Ot Ageecan earn from te attl
per dive and upwards wherever tbry
are marred tree. °NMI niii,rvittOmd
Sore* hat P made over WI in a strii:e da" at
eli.s work. Alt succeed. SR
GOE. BARRY sells cheap ter emit ; Ise will a..t be undtreold.
EVERY 004 should call on EMI before purchasing RN ITU ItE elsewhere.
oNE and all can save gamey by iruying from (E)). BARP.Y.
Crabb. Bleck. roe. Nast st. Ned ore usee.
BARRY'flakes • specialty of UNDERTAKING and Flews Fruitiest.
ALL kiads rf FVRNITURE heat on hand. Cil and see his Stoat of
ROCKING Chairs, Table.. Parlor Kens, Mattresses, Bedstead., Easy Chairs, ttc.
REMEMBER that GEO. BARRY keeps the beet Stook of FL RNITUBEia Nen.
yor aUildt1 set Ms PRICIMS before buying elsewhere.
Tits ,.i.p lanNEDier AZNOLD 11016112.
The nee. honey wee fret located In
Nes dares In WM, This bundle, wee
soon tangled by Illesesot one, arida,
baring outlived alP4artabeeee. 1. now
only chsrialgid as It Tso1 tbe peat. fed
admired alt Rile tilf the Gore please of
Doric sat b the country. Tee
deader about the
c'id "A WY .11•1! isiqg down.
and It iv:111,iroail'op entll thee
and Ago -
Prom the becalm* was et
on 'Ay viol& tars of mind, and from
the fire wield elf Esekiel Cheever down
to thi- r.oppt "OW old Yale there has
bum ....AM growth In "hie line. The
Hopkins coripliat ached and Tale nal -
verso 64'4e muses of two of the
who.' frisbee. Tho gooey of Yale is a
familiar swiw Igo growth form tise little
al ha 0011111-. to Ito now mapp.
iamb proona is taimUlar to most every
1 nes lo whom was pendia with dot
of ear •1e.wa lirstned sena
of the ww., the Dia
erleret 01
In the year MK
st oeickhoservIneire. It wee moved to
Now Use*10 ITO -,214the osaiXe:Zeolz:
stew owsf m e iwisest
It° ffltli44.4ei1esh Is the reign of
William ly :Wain ,a1110 IC thaw grants
let. modem
191 poofeesors
. -
I Tan 01.0 "mu
Per the fonrous "mho femme -%n& the
arrival of the settees these prople lived
ender s provisional yernment. having
ea shorter. anal Aw the pasta
le as well ss pew* pot this seri el
eon 1.543
Haruiltou-St.. Getilletea.
1117 0 R E
i a the late,
-1-ilelp It 'SUSI)
ley seam
ta.ma Tired
1W•44at he ask-
Tilton C hairs, sod
blind a jolnallargIna
Illarba we are is •
than hereto-
m.t.wiellikl rem'
made a
ita all lays
Big Mill Patent Flour
The cheapest and beat article for family nie soli'. Will
give more bread to quantity baked, Anil beat vgjue for your
money than any offered
ININOTK As reports are current that our bow near la ail shinned to foretop" lawless. %ad
consequently root obtatoshie here. we twig to state that the very hear nom etas nifnetureti Wag
O0? Palestran he had from us at thigh/Won masihte prides. Perinea who me net my of
gettisa the dna-clam Artie* from retailers cam have orders diliel direct frees titer
Roderic& Dec.&
is 0M21.1nit 1ffifit4nia ,ipentla INA IN
t he
that Iwo
nitiggellitteltarailliEur3ber oleaftees ere ever
tha mesa eftek eiea •1 110,111chni lides PM U1 beams' tr011iert '
The eadereepo& while thudding the public for their liberal patronage hestineed
pekes to
nese 141. air» ossaatenotee 14....,.,beim to untrue* OW ha/I. put doss bib
44 wish.* particularly to rail attention to his
from 10 cts to TIS cts per lb, Maple Syrup, finest case Prunes,
pure Spices, Lawry celebrated Bacon,cooked Corn Beef,
Cut Myrtle!, Cavendish and Club Tobaccos, best
American fine cut chewing Tobacco, fete*
salt and canned Fish, best quality. e,
12 Bars of Soap for 25c. 3 Scrubbing Brushes for 25c.
iI ettrodery, Olen
taiweis. °nave. Moen (47. A We. Cloieliele Drew .5.. e.. egoeng
badbetartt::d1WarIMIT, WM. ar CUTIIING JH N R 0 tit
Minima mit ha , ggi - coma AT I% T...01/17X 101111031EMIL
te Irrilslaarillearrolbs b/274221161 "66'1 1117003Mosome 're- CI. T... .lezioNfogo
A ma As MINITEL Iletleielk BleAre's Bliyek, the elquare,