The Huron Signal, 1888-4-27, Page 1Cab 4tr' krk 6.6 4 • Yolar-theek trltelt. wu MIMS 111e. DEVITE13.0 cOUNT NEWS GODERicu. ONT.. FRIDAY. APRIL 27, 1SStk GENER TELLIGENCE Pplegaeons. ARM A VEAlt ALPTAXCIL FROi THE CAPITAL. Late* Tbe e. et Political and °immoral ewe from Ottawa. 1. wed 'be S. T. a liartit- tileiremi Jteins'a Lenge iteriatallieb sen raves It earl lbessawd. ad • -11•••••stal hoped that before next session the Goo- ereeteso would introdneo legislation 00 the subject. Smostor Pottier also ad- vocated a court, mod oil joisem in deptior Mg th• scandal wood by tho publics - tine cd the evidence. This to the ere where Mn White alleged tbot nolfor. motion of boo husband, and promoted tbs consuminattou vi dm montage, and the nuolical Set made an examinee - team of to tis parties, reporting that thieve was no grouud for the complaint. • A Weal 13 THE NOValL OVER THE RoCKIES ru. Just in Er- oh- TORONTO LETTER. • Vans:sower hes smut PUrnix•Itho out of - hoc Les, and to • tittle over • you hoe -•--- IntereetinZ Letter From the Pa- tatio'nu:stat"mhe :64 411:1711:rree:= (4'4 Recant Phrente in the Capital of. dile Slope- the C. P. R. it must always remain a Ontario. moat informant coin', but wbetber prima trill eostatiew to h*I'l 1611" A twaeltse etelliwellet teteestee SS0k,.., I ot real estate t wive. Here US 1 glut* count high Woe. time alums BIWA asd ale Lady ileb••41 Tirlasteek - Misaa's mos. Jamernal 4:aalerieli $.70 I Pr Th* 411""" riwa °odd.* nes mom mineibtog *beat Ilatarearre J. Ir. Illia , Aiwa,* tare i• Irma. Seam - A Spite& or (monition own": Teaaperaaae Male -Sao ware Warlike via Masa- beep* sad liestall• At six o'clock friday moo* just bs- woo Oomesposiest. fore rooms when tho House was in ewe.. bye opocial corrooliandwii- Orme to April 24. mimeo of the whole on Out Ceittotos Ast Perboto • few jiWtibige tb* war 011 0. week is Psrlionient hAll lama 1 Pamir Mitchell asked the Ooot. to my return hoot* may prove of interest to h p sea botootta tio, postpone further coosiderstios of the limbo of Tour reild*YL 1,41`finif Sail ott roilway corporations, tn. amour* till Tuesday (lode) es Imo, ask shA Canadian - Th. interested omnibus wished to leave for the hie oh„ter a coUy hoops. Sir Hector Lannivin, Media( • „meat throwe, ths essistiss „/ $ the Home, refused to do so tad Me omit and Huntington to the. Spookor loft the chair. Mitchell thou e Stiff* lines of New Turk. The "at and said "By 0- ff you don't ezesediewly interesting Ma ettre..tive. numoer of root A drive into the coon• loather el ht. congregation. Tea slior cubist down emirs with her bahy en hos. y ie. a is Dotadoe 0,„,nootax I commit over to Sir filietOr Latiliewin's With it. picturesque surroundings, is suotaged to morel 'insult opposes( the hill which wresIlootootte this thing I•11 fight, smd I con The city itself, with • population a try ono other attesoion mate my visit , caused aseeh surprise iu the city, as Ke. mai missed her footing at tlot lower tod by the C. P. It. The C. P. R. ! light well too" Sir Chitties Tupper told 10,000 souls, ie • delirhtful place of re. good enjoy -soot Caning on the °or.. Longloy las away* boon regarded Ge • bop of the stairway, one day Imit wood, thee first victory in the railway I Mr Miceholl thin hail request* were siderite, the climate approaching more dots boys. I was pleased to observe ne all model Piaui% Tb• chariot ..lest the lading a°1° th* the r'3'wn• itteo by a rote of tit to 60, sod obe !method it& a too dofiant tone. Thm that of England than any other ••n tht aides the, evidence,* of their success io hog hoe ler, but tho baby socaptug Hooker. seer., Wm Martin and family. ltich'd Mills. !Atm Rolph, and a son if • to your street ingtector Gordon. Cabot - of on them I was plumed to fied theta in Togooto. April 2t, MLA. . p *miry case antiofiod with their new home, The seseatiom of tio wont in ths at, 21 all doiug well, and fall ut hope for tho hos been tiro scandal 410-*Mriwit the future. Latvian bore bo Dion at cote tor of the giteito's *teem West Meilt,>. Freneineo on ths morning of Inds, CL o clock in th• •y, ',once is ' dist church. Tbe first the public lichee inst., on board th• Moamar Kosice, earnest my long tronentetioontal trip. • of the event was dm atetoment in tbe of Victoria, the capital of British ing 1 stay off to accept the hospitality of I signed his charge, and that it woe ei ewlirwaws• Th. mitts*** to th° harbors wile McOasr, who hos boon extensively I leged Mutt hit had been too footless , oo t„r a with • Tomo Itidy-s &today school three days steaming twins me to this city itorcbtog Kamloops at three next istorn:4 papers that list. 8 Lingle, God re. • venal Litorsture is net only oo. moat intarestinx tones of wool are oblislied. but so an educitins and no Lott tenni for • hoots le w•rii, tot is Wpm aeons,4 in dollar* te. And seen he tita!itir v-lumes are, so a price so rostervItous'y 60 oasts for cloth. C) cents for Moisooto. with 0 coots *zoo for . A opocimeii v-Ou na may be with oriveloo• 4 neturno.g. Weil Tn. wintinhar soots free y tot as di pegs tatalosm of • poolenotoos. Jolts Co Acumi, t•haft, 311 Pori Sovet, New York ; 01•14 Street °Mingo. 11:07;i2t1t3:-. or coostahle, James Canipboll, nth with his b•ton at Lowborn pulling Rio FALL. - While attonding hold duce's, Mrs J Gor'bu whist Trim's apoitolod to tho House.. fir Ilttohell gave troy to one of his 6L. comet. The public buildups', inside the 111., and their high opinion of the coon. 're lobby WW1 itetwred into by of outer, sad shaking hi• Est aloft ez• hallo of the logislaturo, the home of the try in general, mad their bowie its part - sides and so industriously did they *iiiiiwrdi ••1 tiro • dolga ler dm Lieutenant towernor, tit* Tartlet do- Aompting on invitation I vend n hole the noloolont that Col. iriodteolsekof you. I'm able '.1‘ lot ptomain! ret the public service. $ well the **ening with ?dr asd Mn florid I b The Isar* • charming little traiiplanted of it it nt a tee On seesion of the Bones oe y. friday night on dot leo- for the third reading of the bill Dr mooed the six month's howl mad divides woe token resakiog in d Trunk votes sad 0. P. IL °tea. Sir Hassid Slid* mod Ron G. A. trkpetriek, both direstors .1 15. C. P. did not vote. Thom eres • loony ne 'which Howse, of Perth. OM., nit L.odry, of Kent, figured. Nekton. . dottrel to vote on *hit oosstive and tweed to pair, but each, thInking 11* other was stoma from the etiambsor, Lept hie mot, two whom Mr Trow celled otteetame to Mit ammOn abstainsng frogs tOce veto thO statement that ho5.4 paired with Kr Landry eseecid shoots et laughter which wsee rumored when Mr Hamm rose to veto sod stammered ower it and whim Mr Speak*, asked Ms of you," mid went on with similar me- kept mosecon, execs 11 Watt laisoustm. Su Chitties Topper mid rudiment, churches of alt denomination, family and • model home. Kr Husker as be left Ow Chamber with For Hector halls for the varione societies and most ono of the socosasful young men of the Lac/vole,- "that's the most impudont leztelleet hotels. The prom too is • day. Ile holds • maponsible position Mimi 1 ewer sew dolt* to these House.' prominent feature of the place, notably weldor the C. P. R , and in other ways is lir* %beet, conducted by *n old tituor of mil. It woe Woad most tratifyiox to Ontario, Mr J. C. 21rIcogato Different obeerni INA is emery instant* beseeches of manatactosios are on • TSB SOTS ISOM Tife OLD TOwN •l0$4L suretwas is not the intention to increase tht. salaries of the County Court Judges. I may mention the Pc:tag Taoist, a reel becoming mot of the so men ri • The insurance oombine has Leon tn. thsiring condition, and the first railway vestiosted bat it is not one bearing -hard Ma just come into its limits, to add to ver. their own Debi, tNt upon the public. isiporoenee. The people are known , ram for lite, and seemed to poems* en at A laroely stionded Imperial Firisim- se • wealthy class, mom money being thtt rs*Pees of askwrit of thwillr lion Looms* Meeting in tboOpers Home fellow sotto. Kamloops is haudsonot hone Saturday evening. was addressed by eight members of Parliement. A moat, to swore the better ()beet- roots of the Loots Day by legislation and othecwise hos beets (unused. A Goveniesent bill impotent the safety of ships sod out to *mend the Franchise Act will be ietrodeoed this Landry UT he voted leo itstd, '101 week. emirs* 'rota rhe other will Thw °thirr Ties S.ott Act repeal voW its Shoilesd tocay weitOrsed Trask. is fixed for May 31. TWA roma-wen eintinsinnor. The Knights of Labor are mein Itte sir Charles Topper hflieSINIO 11I .1 an increalwki duty on stereotyped plates reeeletioes ombodyieg dos WM lielelele- est with 55. 0. P. R. The tome are some es toted in this gerrespoodeato wake see. Is geseteersties of shandoesteat by this enteposy monopoly privilms• Comm. tract heeds for :4 years urity fag Aga roosted to kiw- is famished by the lands of the compaisy remaining unsold, sok Mods to lie ad- miniateced by Weskit*, team a Cabinet Minister. The prows& el thew:glee of these We& te steed for the to - payload uf dtht. It is stipulated that if the Pombitto beim& whisk tb• I ioesopocy is anxious to get rid of. is sold, ! Ottawa, April 21. -Hon. Thos. Whine Meuester of Om Interior died et a quarter to 10 1.• clock on Satorden toga His toodittee had beim considered critimil for some days previously sod oat Friday Dr Howard, of Moetreal, was ossamsolood to take poet io a tion. Their **pert wes far Mem en- couragiog and thee it booms geserally knows thomohout tho city thot the which now pay oniy lint per moo The roommate! ham resolved to givo 40 001* railway $eheidies. Tim Northwest members presontsd Sir John with an *I nt pair of begot, bora. The wittyPremier thinks the, dot agree to gearantee naturist open /...,,,t00.000 worts oi the nc,,, laad are typical of tho bores of a damson* so h• repayment et ragtag's' asd Interest doposited In the hanks than to any other place if - its size on the oontinenr. satcoo Iwo ?ARIL forma Ow principal attractive, composed of a large tract of lend beautifully situat- ed me the bay and overlooking the greet highway is tb• omen: Thie House be- ing is session I was fortunste in meet- ing with two old frioeds whom I bad not mot for period of over 30 rant Mr Jam Orr, masher for Westiesieeter, and Mr Oeo Comm. meinbeg for Cariboo, *loos with tte toll sod saapiette arnaa. tail" peaceful plains and refresh's' kookiess water, %hilts I meld not help Monte struck with dm ineseem of its air. Bidding farewell to my kind intortsiia- era, I step vs the train again st 3 o'clock in the writing and �oanumessow moodier chapter of my homeward joureey. In $ Previous letter lest tall, as toy oat ward trip, 1 attempted to demerit» the magni- ficent eemsery of , the naconstain anti canyon sectiost of the rood, therefore I preacher were that be had been locked in• chow twain al 15* March wait ohettolnirt. Par over two hours..atie lay young lady for an hour, mod that oe thire tiff Om ochre ettillros mom in ambeequent 0012410411 phi, Imo loom Nem ultual, who at one* OW thou throe boom together in the A.bven /lotto in a private room uoder an usemel name. Mr LongloY oven that ciatbakw of a ern:lintel moors took Moot between him and the girl, out Ims liwitt from tae roty the day after the somaiLoi wos tilting the patent ts &Out troll benuelst publo notice ootainly Woke like emit. Howevor, mat • be thot the pastor, vito is a sun , D3-101la3.7:- a fit*, Aliens: to vet tem pera meat es w that Kr B. o moo,* steocoano 'Ma Itioolisperture (root dm city was the only „to. a good loam. os, oio promisee way to memo the horde of repoton who haLogrottlY .1"Tglinithillwharear nLooSitiePady'oest , Perirvi"4iohnn 017' .b."3 "1:41- 5.14 d ornamenting e xt01 his into to the °Muer side of tho haaa my titisTog house. he looked wretched. I have too the MnAlJohn Bowery 1* "WY ill frollt *he era• working with his am at tho far •tol of the farm, ant at 'dicta aid was seat far. They hut r betting the lox for a tone, am of the swellino. Since th• oatortonato snioiator often. boo" had csogeetum of the lotto. It is hoped to traimact important with hers tat elio won rot bet -w- hom tome to tone and I must say that Weather here is tory fine for moiling. from his character sad *metal Moon - wont be was the last man I would gas- ped of being guilty of so gram *fully se that charimil against hon. IN 'do a most amtablo lady, sad she Whom hire isotirely iota:sot of any mow doles. His distress of mind mod leis do - mausolea sone•what frosty erery t.. FaKilleff 1441 very busy. • are happy to be abM to *tato that Wm. Fowlor, who has boos tog di, trObsielity improvitut in health. 'Six J. It Roberts, morthant, having iiid mattock of inflammation of the lenge dm farmer en old resident of Strottord, i 4.es it meomeesery to ropiest a bens, as asd hi c f • o or % 11111 P sire to keep front the gam of • conous o ere "eased I,„ eat& resorenne. prnri.nt pe ic an or root int II sad the latter a °Detractor oo the ‘i I remarked thou I may say Dow, go mod hien in the eyes of tk„wktfol iotopio, tit meets that Ballo• ton is coining ! thet liberaltty of sholdi 1 som to that, ayzapathy arty this year ; a gate belooeing to tho I Northern Kessel road at Smith's Hill. me it for yourselves ; who, mo doubt, away et your modem the roilorsy setboritim hie put it with- mut restore km to a largo mown, „; l'resbyterion manse, has been takoo, , will remember. IA the halide of these i ta reach of moot of you ; take advantage 01 „flumes. it nt „iy Iota ptosoodo *sm. t• dos, balm taken to Ow Home and in. imitv. you pc.... A word about l t • matter of that load oat without ite willow" on Friday 20th inst. Hs hos .. Eistlaillin "wired 41,05 kind stiva. 01 41 " twe°". SIM" 01 1" splendid sbAinsi liberties who can callous lir Wilkie of Clinton, dentist, was in troilism& to the mosobers. &do Tim litabliallitEDIT snows showiat any distress of mind ot stone • good poultice io this locality ant moulbor for C4•1•0° Partimi•r* twovided by the ettempeoy aloof their at the poblic gase. So far sill dm evidences thighborbood. 1Y sitar Y"r Chell P"... and Wall liwe in thw Bril" e""mbia d'elm". scaliest the couple is tastily eirctiateali- Division& west was hold in tho wort wee still as prominent au article of tow- North Bend -glazier and Field. the sites I otos it oil a questa. sittother many would hole, - Pogelded. Light court ; fi osmosis to know if the old black *tisk Them ars know of them. ""'"Illit at tial, and hut toe the paotor's rows- mem De is or wet. Him How, weal admires' as ever. Bate; dr. selected boils/ in *very instance tho moat ki 1taro behoved tam guilty. mot many aim& HON. THOZIAS warra limos of "Moo oho peso MIT DOCK AT INIVTIKAULT. The 3"am" " szoirlor braises Oh I Mk. a 'bee and drill* vet through • tom -Meath at bib rosier. peony country road, a distaste of four miles, to its location. 1Prosestiog my let- ter of intredoetion Capt. Dowereoz, the seperintenderit. am shown this splendid pimps of public wort, where moods drawing 30 feet of orator can be handled and repaired with somporative ems Tito immense aed powerfol ermines sod boilers from the oelobrated works of Jas Watt & Co, Iffirstimilotm, Scotland, .or• of thanteolves a sight well worth mewl. Tho O•ptain .50 0.5 fur many yaws in tali proceeds shall go to this same 1 cwt. Thew is no doubt thot these roeoletioue 5. aimed to by a majority 01 4.5. Ream The disallowanee correspowl- wee wahine on semis Loran' te Mt Oresawity, of the T3rd Maga, which only sow gives to th. 15 15. Prewstwr "Aa Ir* A1111•1 naisisteis days were eassbared. Der- stt, jaa tanoad • porfeet en- .* wouneed of the goverement atiosinor, to Item Ottawa, I Mks this opporta- lies the maw part ei &was, he wee cradowdic "10.1.216001i. whichhw • id WWI fliwrit III IPwl pio.p.ct we dairies" sad sellered most intsesewrin aseit not to me woo , lood "4 oloont Zero by Parliameet winch will al- to toe moment ef hie &Mb- h" hand. Oely one ship of the Royal Malt amok wit entirMI• now* Owl mow" thisib mks tat to be appeowebet Ow lay chore at the ton*, Ow "Wild Bose foe t.112_,..tr"Mr,„..,_. "s11°*L-1 =weber& of tin featly marts Iodinated a cotter of tea gam aud a „now.," c4 Y"'y `""""""."'""`"'''', "kw sod Arehdissess Lowder sent fur. Kr 130 mi. My dom did aoo „mot me rollet• r•iiww7." a" "" miu """ Whito wee them pert's* eesecioas that home en hoard. bet from ono tba *harming kilitirwis Poitaible- Moliwtie Th• tiairorsity authoritios are cot etiolated hermit. the litttire cos(ioteldi proved that *adhered faeilhies far treasportieg grant eastward stew nogoir od, arid "white betioar• tho C. P. R. wilt make liege rapeoditsres to *sable te beadle this iscessmail traffic, the 5. aolwas aP'ProlobialAis meL56 brave 141 *oersted that ow old "Cheettb filr.w.11 01 Ms will www wwwwrww was woe Wet is the bono-yard at Plymouth. tastiest in Om mimeo. Aft -Memos uador ti. pilotage Rays) biome 1 MA* was %ikon throsnsh eh* *Menthe sw an two ouspirnalmwti wog -vow air tn. IMPS smash, „d yuga, aiad bad az_ 'how tip* *Perk Yedtdod ablitrend Alibied to me to • most inteftemt USW tor the v10** descriptions of SUIT, 'RILL ASO SW anea 1111.11137. roommates ovor a moils WO. roam oP satisfied with tho eondiact of the cuy en lirWd "Weil thr'ir *id" win Skirl threaten to sell the Queen's Park and Charlie loom is visiting frivolo in bat • foist idea of Omer grandeur. At cone". avenue for budding lots. it u litoitigaa. *atm iwirari1 Placa* On Company h•re said that the property is qmstioo would Kim Boson MeAlliateo is viatisst erected hotels bout on (5. 14011 perfect ; bring a round million of dab" To- mead, Godroch this wink. Swiss cottage stodel. The Mate is ao tont° ottoosst Qiieen'e Park enll be Ike excellent and in such strict kimping with Is owe Ws*. one of hia longs, Moses Strachan and 0. Cameron, 4 Ube sorroondiems that it is a poem* Ooderioh, visitiod here last week. is toot to the or, „in in 004 wi these 517.4441$$ 401100110 Rosatesoosod thston.thTe. wit.tyars. taistiU Kim Tina Mo.Donald. of Ashkeld, from yoor Tory feet with ios Ono him- rogoroeco to park managentont. isistration will net mimeo disallow. tmeniont. nee of • IOU similar ie prioeiple to thio NA 111111LUAIIIT OMITS& ted River Vell Railway Am. Sheeld lies 0. P. B. leramh to Emoonon he Mr whit* *PA born is Idastrea ea t er lesiied by Idealsobe so Week- disgust 7, 1830, his fatisce Wag • pro - will, I tempo, lie required.- From worm leather moroheat el that pi.. oast Manitoba reports that °users- Attar taking • course .1*5. high ',hoot aim tuna sot wood bayou's the 110. in Montrose he lust betook himesel to ,,o broReb. bet .411 proceed with dm i moreantilo life, thee trial ids head we- ed River reed waspletieg it by Jely ' caminlly at law est esemseer work, et. rue 'VOMIT ewer DILL Tito *woad mediae of the hilt Wire. mad in the Peineto Hoe. J. J. C. Ab - .t is Mod for this sftetenee in tho ova* of Oneasonos. Tho ifisielsr of ir ao• has the bill in Aare* owl Ow .,itodo of the illeweessiest towards it at andesided snail Saturday, wicks Oa •osere wee watitilswit to Oeswoll• lath the leaks* reached bee not neared. Tim opposes.* of the bM victorowly lobbytee rosiest it, gad • -act effort iv to be mak to get it sw red w tho Boat* owl Oolawstal maim* where tho heeled imp uses pe I. 01 swami it se to minder It se*. simply hanslees. The heat* shop .1,14, twee Isigal emseret at welt hote i ire staklir • deterw4lied ilhl, at passage �f the bill It Pa imam death le Wit psesiellea •A•es, which i ea s per tot* bee- Ifte mod highly dompilbsit ie, Ulf of the atestrp. A Sevtebre eittaa• ostutim., . Port DirTer, ilftilt dirlip110114Abli tl, • d••••••1 form ester* -- - swilslisheasst et • 0•111111.: 0111,1111 hi la Wog at one tura pert ptopmeter .ad editor of the Petering", Amine. Pah- meowed, ho, with hit brother Rieheri, moved to flatmates, whom to and the Speedster. Iti 1800 they returned to their old home, seed bought the Mont- real Od:otte meskiog um of the fret sowepapere its the *mato". Mr White's but attempts to obtain a seat ha porta- mutat woes dwidedly aseswereging. Rio tree se eseeesessfel eandidelo for Oetorio Amembiy lo Rooth %Met - worth hs 1807 and wait deo/sated for the mil Waist llta=lviriumfIlikl. co1:11.111 Oosimoss la Prescott is 1874 asid he ww elesded for Coed well, wed from lie ability ae a speak* at awe Welk a preasisest mei Poe ea hie side el the H. Is 111111 be mu sprilMod Iffedeter of the la - wire, let *Mob eeptisity he warble kW tog subleasily. He vted the Korth. west freneestly seal took Most Warta is the welters al eettlere. 1. peiretto lift Kr White eres • geltored mostlessee end era etivereal reepeet. He Treemeeee, Wog sp. is sw Dorsey 0'064 kompt WI" et ilessak A. Ir. 111 IL TN 01 1Pest °Peed nada, „1 AIL Megant disiog WU with all tits mo lit ia a wrestle of giants. the get* of her sister, Mn R•illy. l ladies on the first schoolboard of tic ei forestam of L ornate firm, aad na- no, ward has drawn out many eommea- toned un his ditties hist week for the &tory &otitis from the rem TM matins meow mayor is indeed a Liberia -Conservator with the emphasis on fire Libust The foslthig in thee city asmost twaltir ' ieet visit. We) Rumor says that fair Oar jovial magimeor took in the Bro.. field Mew, hoodes rotting an interest - arms man is that th• deftest of the Scott village will shortly sous vas of its moot Aet is the amen sousties on Titers* chsrutinig bolls& h*ii iliit °""lied II' it."`"1 of figbt. i This wesk yotto wily, sends in the nildine °Wallows:1w "____*11°41_4;li Pm whisk wet &es to him as • Xmas wIWIll__with * rw.h. _oil**, ilinr",..'""ond box, and hops that ell bill sows in to- ww2T I:. bang zp.......x.7 7.-P,..„1„. riabsinars euit‘entielysie•Gfouth.soptihpers sok.fro11*m Piiltiment!* modern city or Clarks's appiontment of twel Ho/earth has bias reappeist. mitt around you, you ma hardly real- ise so thii teetotally thiseid waitron hand yoe diolt after dish of the most palatable sod well cooked food, that only a (ow yews axe Ow foot of white man had mot trod on the rpm, or the first Sign of eivilizatioe made its appearance. Ra- mming my Owns" I reach my present halting pima 40)13*, and gladly aceeritsd Om hospitality of isy old :need, Dais Watson, who, 1 pleased to find looking runark•btp seed looking forward with plitesershle lIverytitieg woo so ekes awl is sash preset order it was a peeithr• pleswee ti "elk throagh, sad tt eaterally sag - gaited itself to ear the aeirestages whieh 'meld accrue were this sanitary dieeig• law istradased awe into aril las Beetowise %basks aU for tho warts, ay I hod rweieed, I Mrs way beak with regret en this **may spot. Belem Saw Mg Ow eity I milled 05 1(45 %spew and bur desistster, Mrs Lost, who resided mosey yews in Oederich. is the very *NW f011 lisite itbet lakated yoga post Mass saw alma going into the omits of theozstioa with the neighbor- ing ropetolie I musoot help thinking thog this imastifel say of Victoria wool/ io • short time %a pessermall of a papule- *. eo,00n umit.ami et 10,000, imed is Mose of being a *ontoy paseenger in riskett are 'lee te gerleinaelt, a sable oar system wash" be kept bony Whine tearist& by ihe theasand to skit this Motioning Noes. I iney*seld that im see - with Malty of its °Meese I foam, ores not dew le these opteioes. Te draftier • few err! am, sOriaeas with its Floosie" seemeadism sad sanseim thee a West imieyoble owe ims eh. Wiest, etiBe the essemeleistien st Ow Oknellese bead wiX are wry awe Is his weefort. TAW' the Wesamr Moises Iambi at aideiehe I wimp sap booth lie Toimpeereatv 1.40000 TIIII eletele, fieblebie el twenty lire intim, I veto Ito 11 patties wskwhore vs Ned. the steamship Pite- tipelrimillio sad at op th sight of dm laet sew etty. At Ow I MK 111 Wm, tahstlieti hie woe ed tot, rru ..••••° Miti4fross oral option to toted prohibiterot int items mina, th, F,,untsisa anticipations to the day when le will 1 any of the cheaper elemes of bore heesol. Iatiasoeoslel flatfoot % soonsintonto. Pooe tiosidit"'s kr Ilabi"tins' k rei be once more etublod to shako his old howeerr, sre boino erested in s lows Heron friends by the hand. I also meet style. tied slow ten years um will be en Sheriff , sad Mr Chas James, deal of "Jerry work" is dame, and awl formerly of Stratford. To the learn( of of the hewer beck good fosadations. Hoe T. B. Pardee has rosewood from Florida south improved ea health Tbus Moon. the well -knows Lehmal tied workennmeet avocets, Ins moo v. - tensed from a trip to thao old touts" whitlow he was sookiag • wowed of •trootth ; and be lisa not sour o • 412 the hither el se introdeatine to Chief , rain. Jostler Rieke:deem, formerly el Wood - Moat, 1 dna him s most afshio goalie- TEN IIDITOR'S ?Ana aim, and being with his command te 00.5 Bennie during those Mining times. we ohm cov l. many interceding iari- desta sod reatiaramenoes of the poet. J. I. Without. the plass, Mr Coyle, Hamilton. I ow indebted too kind ettentions also- the position he holds as well as that of Mr Watson abundantly presehroc my assertion above ttuit, go where Too will, Goiania boys ST* 114/1170 to be found in the heat risk. Dewing my stay here, I here had M r. Thus. Strobe/, ens of the oldest residents of Clinton, sod who s.. woo three sone mildews as Detrost, will re- move the reessiedso of his Nosily to that eito he a (wimple of wool's. Maloof* fasten, has not united moos Mr Stasi- boom 4.14.4 51. Ions resides'.. here, he Imo always tried to adveneo 5. isterost of the tows, sad leave. ..an(rissole. who will owl to teem 01 51* greater mews, is this Oar of the Straits. Ovsows YOURAL GT Rays*. --A dweltto areas. dAd G01ilwesth mad Ors,. peas Oimowlib WO St= sod wino egeoeteetioe ham Osikte, asserisest is aisissma alt outman, en critt, biod omit weestere ; Ovid, asedes sevellek ; was 5..4 made -tdo tem; n. • sesefl host ef whew *Whom el War mar betwear *5*5*.. sad motor Moth misted e yelb sad whits meal 40*5.5* 44 Ow low WO. The maw Jrass avows has a hes Await sewsiestelly leye as ma 71,2$1006.6. If *erase eas heall the horeehip et Grey he treeill lihe %Mee fres VW. W•All et 4.. arse ers. reastreeese met wave rear" be Mad. NOTAIKR re AIM! larTICRATURIt. Notable imans• en Moe math named!! el Ables's CycOopedt• of Universe! loom. toot. wiesch NAM* with tfetbei and dews with Oweriessv, an aititioe. Oreite bed °rote. himortans .bat .4 her teeter ss the alphabet eao show throe toots Se sermo 1); Ohademeco, Orant and Over ley, moat sesieset as statesme0. mimeo awl Joerselies. bet of high rank .ho it do lower, omit ; Arelobald set James fleskie, semesites ; W. 14. Gams, mita end seabstr; Onrissoit, (leak floss* in this section don't read Moo Meal mows sed oftion got • latter from lar sway, Whom them of events in their owe neighborbocol which they ars m- owers of. ettod bow often they low ea beer or ao of Caw going over to this next neighbor borrowing tho psper. ethon 1111 sesta week otexht sant ton* sod shoe - leather. Among the lat. reproitt to the hese- diet tottlee we aaf Leif wee porde, midtown hem s few years art, in thee torso* of Stinomel Apolaory, moneettei with Lereside hem staff whim owned by 8 Bata Rem won a violist beau mot tootellar whoa W the annshimei of this fair sent, hatt Iwo mow emetneonood the toys of morriod goat Clinton. A loom *gore 111b9 moo a firer days ego by the pesoitig pototio, neiovino tether slowly over the beentifol tronedowe of Lthedosince farm, stooping now ant then and volume* handfuls of ectil 14 15. plowcod fields, and pollisg op Mr fall wlvest blades ant memintrogitolioolc with • small 0,44 -Maim whites tea& woo that'll it wits sin moot of Om Rspat Oweraphissl weietr, wet by %hoe for glutamate (4 sl. Oft softie, er tamely i)t proveir to 5* th• towed* eassiessit kiss; a rigid reistalins of He fame, es enrage ass nee of the ellid epeireemess et the reappoints. polities teateretten toreelht Wove tbe toiehOT Where two osseths ego. The WA, "OP twee sM at Uwe* et die tilde, emelt 110 her*, *lea ie wise IPS *We es • sort mos sits. alat 44S11. Ito *al trttirsegefdeg WM%71 ilea Otte Om, lie boa , Illebtaley, zoom le flee itefteret 01115 00 hew* &Oa the tette ea sees, 'wheys, hat aet serwraelly left propeller intoome--4er bellones. is tins laceertal wage Primakott" sad **Pam Pesisty," red Ostosai. ISo woodertet weerfarr,eriery who. le fish this Velem. IX is 0.8 lkorther disiefer WeiOistiviiiihisee AdirosteOrdspillisi 44 III :!1!.