HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-4-6, Page 5wt.- '-as - _ , s► • sere... i L f THE LATE JOHN T. HOFV N. tis err Wveew.r er the ee.I. em $.w ems N sive sere Tweed ttewtwow. Jvi• TbuayMa Hugtaau, e s governor et New York stela, ez-recorder of the cit tlsemarbf a geemlawd ltitemr ' j at* _ woe ie the prtwd when ba tiler tans pit be had outlived Ms pence( power .nd no •wall .hare w hep yquMflen. Hwa cava r ow et the mat8 WIlesesd la w Udted Males t. wh Ily beesa is dragged (Iowa needy d political s.so dates ra., . too implk'tti trusted .i d tam earnest' . The natkw bas bei tesssil Y W blush spew fur a. peat .sad( r w� este gnat t ault was God h. "$test So UM Mends" • little too long In seine lsatan� and though be was too great to be metkally ralued ail such as error, user Ire delle agar man meet generally bowe•bd` • urll a duwutall as that of $. TW ring le 1871. Juin ging, N T Ilofman was born In Ring Y , bis father, Ilr. Adrian KM - slam Hufun.ti, be- ing • prominent phyakian. Ile ob- ia:sel Ws early education u n d e r t heel nee noted lir. Irr.rtu Prime, who commended his flnnoutrs of character and pro dieted a great fu- ture for blm. He wan graduated JOHN T. U0YTWAW. from ('nlo• col- lege in 1646, completed his law studit and became a inember of the Democratic state central co late before he was of age. In 1b411 he moved to the city of New York and was elected city recorder to 1900, the youngest man wbo ever held the place. Then, and for many years after, he was the great power In Tammany 11.11. As recorder he won such popularity that he was unanitnously re-elected. In 1866 be was elected mayor. In 1886 he was nom- inated for governor and .Neaten by Gov- ernor Fenton; but Hoffman was elected In 1886 and re-elected in 1870. Then his star suddenly paled. In the anti -Orange riots of 1871 his conduct was universally condemned, and Immediately after came the exposures of the Tweed ring and over- throw of Tammany, and Governor Hoff- man was politically prostrated. He never re-eutered public life. He leaves a turt- tuae of shoat ta4110,Opp to h s wd:r `and 5yul1 chill, )drs. Sandford, THE NEW GREEK MINISTER. Asia Gsaaad'ee. �e Gee Intel, Aw rived at Waehington. The new Greek m!nfster bas become very popular in Washington, writes F. G. Carpenter. He la Invited everywhere, acrd bL eventage hero have been a series of dinners. He was received very nicely by the president, and his speech in reply to that of the president ha. been com- plimented. Greece sends a minister to the United State to Investigate the ob- ptrictions to the importation of Grecian currants to tb{s country. Currants are the most profitable export winch Greece leas, and in the year 1885 she sent over $7.000,000 worth of these to Great Britain. This Grecian mluiater conies of the purest alk Grecian blue blood. He is a black haired, bright eyed, bead- lOmS roues wean cif between 80 and !0 gears of age. He is hull nt fir and life, and la one of the most cultured even in diplomatic circles. like all of the Greeks be is •n excellent Iinguit, speaks English fluently, and never wants a word. He L now stopping at the Arlington hotel, when he has a room pleasantly furnished, a dolt tilled with papers •nd invitations, and a mantelpiece crowded wit's p etnri of noted people. Queen Victoria's ptct- urs stands in the center, and at the right and lett d this are photographs of the I Princess d Wake sad Albert Y. twhem. I CHICAGO HOUS E rrlth their anto�tsp� written below them. 'This Grecian mini�ier's name {a John Gssn.dtes, sad bs r bare on • spacial diplomatic mimics. He L the regular Graaf minister ton Great Brttala and Bol- and r eme of the most popular et Landon The RegUah society gapers delight tm de Ma beaor. Vanity ) de a ed a MINI seeks to him lase m_et_b, and The Loam World gave lam • et apse d pll/Is act ys es obs of the -' -bdlM- el tie e•pitsL Ile tea Qderd , aM (neuro a gob• boats. Be i. stpeda� well up in Oreelea Wltiary, alt and lllsretun, and bb baba la Leedom 000talaa the principal sillieeil et tie Greek classics. He hag hap Lollar`. ori nal pamphlet, "Vous Xrisps winder di Torken,.' published In 1 mild he has an edition of Hesalod lsknesd to Racine acrd which coo- _ n aaaeseript notes D him. He has M fia[rl. Fables wbich belonged to Queen Itltetabeth. and his copy of Daphnis and Chloe was once owed by Napoleon 1. His house In London i. hang with beauti- ful p eturss and water color sketcbes d Greek scenery, queer carvings, paintings of the Parthenon, and the other surround- dnga d a classical taste aro scattered throsghout b bons. Oat. d John Gennedlnae ancestors was tbs first patriarch d Coestaounople abet its capture by the Turks, and hi. father, George Awaadies, was one of the fore most t sabers d Greven, and did a gnat deal toward the Inauguration d the pres- ent wchoel system el that country. Ti d Grecian minister wee born st Athens, and be was Jost d ago wbes he was appoint- ed d the Ispllon at Washtng- tea la 1 boa before starting for hb poet be was transferred toConstantinople. Tea years later he was seat to Imo - dos, sad bas also acted at Vienna as ebaese d'alfaires. He is, f am told, a very etalelest minfster. He r proud d beteg a Greek, mod tblaks trite Greeks sem to by one d the sluices d the future, as wen as the groat nation cat the pad. lie r an Impreadoe few hY oous- try la fie Vatted Mates, and It he em - teed. l■ br mini a, the Amarieans will eat mow Great minima than they ever have badly. SEED THE LATEST ANO B 03 T33JD BIm180 lied (lover AYSkr. leaameth, [mamas W Yue Dote►. Tltnoahr Seeds. Oreaatd Umea Mee Red Toy. Italian Rye. letlivt tad ■� Pr•r•.lal Y.ta Whtte aid sleet Seed Chita. While ..d lilach ►harrier and - Pewa- Vies ne.vt. Le sed Mewl, t rJ . •aka an. ('attle Food. To -sip Reed of all trade. WMangls� am•uth, Long Rad. larorteed. fare..• Urge N' bite• eelgian. hearkt. Al 'Amapa... L.uusno� O ega, .to Cabbage mod et ell tir s br t\a mince or good. Oulocr Send of as kl.d• Detch S t 1.. Top. and Petatu, aad ao kinds of Gamlen dyne and rieede. I IHAVR THft I,1B(IBST HD BEST STOCK u: FIELD AND GIBDEN SEEDS u�.z �Az� ND M1LLA 'OTS IV ALL PAltitt OR THE t'ul'XTY, whibbld tit • • I1t RUN LAND ARUN('Y .eat MAtt.l�i's HVTOL UOt'Y;ItlCH, On Tl►urt.lay, til.' 20th of April, nt•xt, at One pew. kntr, far• nae dear• \o sal., nn further viewto. V 1i Le well.:I.ril..d Yue i. tY' tome to sato•. For hr ant land. ••anted sad Inc sale. app( w Lanai Hos 1L1. JUH` K .ox. tioderick, Oat: le. 1. A..(tactlearnr. i GET YOUR PRINTING AT SIGNAL Merchant. can eet their It:tl Hre,ta, Letter Heeds. Ac., a .c. prage I M than utt, ., for veil lr the s.ctte.a. t'.li tittle more tlae the• gworally pal ter lbs •ad examine wr eta. *•pe r, and :t h olds t, adrestise th. r ar.t.e�, teams s• .►dug any otheR,eall♦- 1 am buetd Call and . e ssSsJus and get prise( IO til taty yea. Se SLOA2'E, G000 WORT( IS DONE AT SIGNAL 11 U- Tlar �a•�ma< PRICES REASONABLE AT SIGNAL GEO. BARRY sada cheap fur i 1►e will out tee nud:rwld. EVERY one.buuld call us him bet rebaaog FURNITI NE sloes hers. ONE all eab save 4 a,urey try buying fry t3$O. BABItI'. Y3ARRYmake a specialty of USDER1<AKING and i'icture Fraruiriz. ALL tied• cf Ft1RAITI)RE kept un band. Cellaad see hi. Stock of ROCKING Chain, Tables, Parlor Sets, Mattresses, Idsi.bads, La.y Chairm. Ac. REMEMBER that GEA. BARRY keeps the beat StoepetirRNITI ItBie town. yo should call and get PRICEf.S before bejiugjlsswbere, -=c_ R-r_R3R'Y 7 1 1 Ii andlton-$t. , Gcdd1 ich. NE CASII �T6�E • . 1• Guinea Goods whkl 1 au. de leas re., obtap fur aaob or tits pro,. Life. 1 I.a.e • hear) etoth of Cr�tery&Glasswa� fWhu.b 1 ...h ...,ager Iy�.t: :Lew OYc Glass Sets of Dishes at 50c. b Sot and Upwards. T1AS A1l I.lade. oou-..Ibis ,.1 Japes, Black, Green, rad Oanla.wdt r• .al *•., O.•., and MSc. Tr, my ell. and Sec. bited. Ilan,.. Hao.n +and ..'..coed Beet. •does(, alwa,• uo hand. Pruder.ed fruits .,:.1 Lindh kept in neck. S.MERS A frreh stook o1 . lover. Timor ,y and Tor _ip Seeds, amid dell and Rardeu neds of all kind., which will b• wJd cheap fur cruh. q'Retuember the .'ash Store, C}. H. OLD 21111, THt: GRU('1:[t „ Tar PRINCIPAL t>C Lt� 0 gLEX: MO TON, ( COLD 4M,EDICATEro 4ODERXO ' _ , N, WASHiN6TON, M.D. L.g.P.S.O., MANUFACTURER OF FIRST CARRIAGES• Eminent Throat and Lu:: rturgeon, WiLL VISIT GODERICH, ALBUM L, APRIL IBTH, 1888, R0A0 CARTS. PHAETONS, &C. { ALL WVItKS Opposite Colborne IioteL T:tS-tf JOHN Glfl-SADIrs. SPRING MIL INER HOTS And Una a lI m:li Thr. • :.ter. 1't Ks.e.n Tna.tTgn. Catarrh . r the Read and Throst,Catarrhal Ih•afneekt 1 :onto IYltF chili.• Ashnw and Cou.umptta Aleo of V.,.a,r, S.rrw Throat, Enlarged Taunus, leu1,- pw of the Boar rvlmored. CU.IY, EARLY. 0ONNI'1,TAT;ON F:. c K CATARRH THIROAT C I0O. Thee• are a few of the Remo whobeve beery I�n,tslum.(, aurcd by I)r, N. Washingtuset, 'Bet hod t. a Ikan. RId:-etiorth. Oat.. catarrh, read an:t thr,at. )1rb Ja... Eyrie, iilnlbalh, t)rt.. i-. oath gnwtbr trove Ru-. 1ftateauson'boiler (.,.leery,, I'atre!la. 4•(•, atarrh. )iiw Id. rurnivh, \C..'!tccbura, lbws '1"�.ma aid au.,•umppttIiuu. r p•,,) Mr3(cLudrew 1` ,,, 7611.. crn4, t.. Yrs J. La,u,ina a.d " !r ' rt. _y ant rat,. -)'!t; de Y.rs:•1•h Ct:ambc'r ASLn 1 , ,0" It t Jas. Y.aibie e..tiapes L v t,:,r John A, Little Iltst.e r John E. Keever, P� A. i). U'rlin'a aa. W 11at.. -g �r MRS. SALKELD'S • The latest Novelties of the swoon can be fcundea tee North side of :he square. MOUNTS, SHAPES, RIBBONS' GAUZES, and everything b be found 1. a first slam ministry eatah::•bmect. A :.r1. lits at CRAPE AND NUN'S V EILINC' las lees added. ('all and examine the s:ock and get prices. ECRB_ l8AL:L QLD. T1 L1-L5 of the ssgrwbea now d ora hisgteo who hold o sehm i mss In the Union or (7ae I .4. armies during the war, !Me l4glsst teak was •ttatssd by R.pres.rH•- tJw Jseph Wheeler, d Alabama, irks wee • tett dor 1 la the Onefederses sarvies sad a tlngmfsl.d svlry leads& -lfaw York Aewlea WINK e -. . r ,y. ♦ mise aa. I have just returned from the cities, alid am mow receiving the latest lines in SPRING MILLINERY. My dressmaking department is also in full work- ing order. A call is respectfully solicited. A. J. WILHINSOliT. SPRING MILLINERY ax=ss CA112ERON loss ew received a fell stock of of spring minima % consisting of the ZmmmE�.'TRST' N'O T'=RS Areaagosaeets have been made fcr getting 1r sew geode weakly, and all orders left a the woe• will re cele prompt attent.m OA.. T) OF T� wMS- f I also teeg to 1 best Ura. pe wit sin oto bee( Mut vt ,staenag4 w►lei Y beard a wtth •1.0. 1 MI88 CAM:RON, No. Hsssflbm street, neat t0. Square. MISS Q�RAHAM gee neer evened set bar tams ..week et gPR2NC3- M 1 LLI N ERY= .the r prgsnd to elm errs btfer ve llp ran e5rer barns b wars dgss'Imeat Feathers, Tips and Mounts, Ribbons, Fancy Trimmings Rola. Mev, Mrs r. bean iditb (levet. ,r. Lmdrar.,I'r Mrs JoanT.g7 F Noble,.oetl/ler sad 11. L1ccdt P. M,, 8trk t cotuumei tun W.' ray, )':eq„of yen ('.love ur•ttuter•, c N mit ask lire fat , BABY CAJIRIAGE A'u '.._NCY" G OODg sac l,. i • 1 at tl.. CW .1- assanr of C. F. STRAUBE 10.41 r h�•et t•annt.rntarsr. u. Oa..r at I:0- ':.'1twe I'recen she.•• (lsrriatPs Mc• M1.r te rear opfie to w -.•w Is .-p..I.ly the •'r. -Meet I uW- 1te . fA *sof d./irrent load• •rl.l a r ew a1 1Ye 11•saar tk4 •ad mat .awh W wait ego mrYh• lw can bur tweet 1.5. fu .any ether p'..•• Ulv• u.. ca.-. •,'o ebur/ ,r,. autt..ag to .owe toed are the b...-..ar. C_ F_ SdT RAUBEL, *141/- Otte Dour Went of Town Hail• The BARRIS ST)1I:eL BIN. t - Having had abate Wiese yeah' a:pedes. a in re;..... u,.; mosey• taro rranera etr u lsw-ttnportat.t teem•that 1 hair discovered imt�rr; 70Il.-c fl -,ti -Pi. blcel HiuJar. ycitie m/a.t proves tan, euper:orlt, or ar all whet.: 1. teeppuairs can Ile furelshed ne ehtfrter r., Ike. 1!.n by Puy other root'-n.,y. : •niers left with taw at tt a ut . can 1... tilted 1.. 3 b a. frost l be tn,,e,,i rcSrr{ 17 to .cert Important point to be conridarrd dura,. t G •• in,. I 77,. j tin,••. a� � 'Che marble+, though iiibt, .. romteu•tly 1 ,.11, .. , ,.. az. lu... e.f,RL eta e:. lei as tor•• tetter able to lean.' wort: and wveather than any o: 1•,.• Mhen. '+re' 1 �, 1. 1 am sot a race /lin.: nt•te. au.! ea.. alwad. he 10 .r, .1 at 0.y -laop. she•••' u): 10 t+•uine//, Farmers wand the be.: u.achine. the m..-• easl: ':,an! ..t. tbv ..... t ,..intbtr. the :ue� silty ,•pair rd. are 1st ite.t to I..are tees order -,' m) .buy. 1 lea. r 1..0 i.:0;deg Noe: of ro- pairs for carious utech'nesrf any spoil .0 the se, tion. D_ K STR A C i- A3 , l'rtrtie..t Mach.niat, Lng'n• Railder an.: c, -•:rel i:elwirer cf el1 kinds of .1i ndh '•rye au. h a. Newm114,'I'breef•:ag ldaohimr••s. t.,. ..amtrlr. 0fthe hast bindinr-twine aisle•rel+,.. kepton han,l, and far:Hers requlre/twatt gime;.;) ..aa la-.upt•liod. Leave your orders. �ir1 __... _. Winista-Vlotorta•K..Oodetiek. - CIAL DRIVE lot a A {`i. $.e Th f 1l`eaUSutt _ / .Jl� -•e[ tIM milia �.r aa►Itd ��,� j 't e ' cold mist a � ,�} e ,ni. . MI .term to 4. ,' isirrro-i, H u(In u p►te !s►1 t k'O2• mit osc' lade ant Lo ma- .1..4 t „r l u't' > an faau.rl b;.1i'•Phy' ,crit u: L .' les f o deh ereplitc e:c •di•u hen' tllt+s as t►. 4.. _ .. ,LsnR{ccd as:etchr• Cha Yxngic �piea ur a mr the st:rrtnii el.1 .len in the esat geoid e a vut1ny• ,b1. study of s the ' 4' " I! u t► ,paean. im ofhlos►e�- A pal DrJ [a• Withrow. that t T in Tieoiogl: p^r » urs rkAtreasa of "t_ tar • �[eratah' ! sta.j .Iter ref tits Squire Orll jtfle�tlbaia sena had tc�r`• itb • rigid tale el *.urlll'p ►" ta• �.e,.laMnaeCt�nt1 Rik rwyberart"ar�fa M It ., a ' agince iw Wt.ll •tpti.d• �Trl >d �tPetticy )ere 1.,rottlll, s �, Kia. t• s. wet �1 ass aeons ta•aM g' 1 • �• `Irma 115 •t rills iv. `.►\ 1 see -moi meat. eta fru OCM88Pi1L CA1I�tl x t''• Wee, er• ►Ieerlealmsa/oda (e f • IteatUetr.w, �r t . •ilei' v+ Hick '. - .ldttey ' Allan LAI and af1 Impurities et the Itlocrt tr to what- cer.ansea 414 Female Weak- "eews .N Gen- al ibvbllle uroty Vegetable, Bis deo deg t, effectual, safe. M'024 D5HODDER'S COMPOUND n can ,b.p . H a le Woad having► *$tiff •11 i,llitni. tltti C. geete liolldit, anti' cal ' 4iniafA esrried nil by nue at the ak T' a allser. fid itver,wbere, rrere, FULL SHELITIES VI. i .b r tremsee. ►R_ HODDER'S r K C(BH AND LUNG CURE. •, everywhere. Prlee, 15 eta. and .5e eta prrtal. Proprieeors and wanufa.:tarca. !l�Is UN10N MEDICINE Cox. 21: - - Tomato. Ont. Ar*tUL-oo PPS'S oe. R1tle•KrsaT. thereat! know. dge ld the oatmeal 1. r h Revere the u/aaatio•s of d igest ion ea. and a careful a icattoe of penin well• elec.•red cocoa, Or provided our breakfast table with a flowered breamns, which may save been, Meting Ulla. It r br tw mss of etch artticlde' of 0.1111 g eemenh to ergot ev Ry alto Menlo. Hm•drede .t subtle are ilsadng around s reedy to at u ver there r • weak point. We ,.ett�e Man, • fatal abaft b, keeping .0r=+/w�a well I.rtiaod with fere Used and s r,.uriebed frame. - (yap terrkv %imply It bbaihiMir swater or milk. J >seaeelspaehte Cbear I11L °1,ING GODS ! DAiLY AJ REY1110. f• • 4?WLAf �3 T T?�R y 1 v. •se� t,wt of best goal. tar 11E5 SITS end an the (sent strias ai shapes sad maks I Ma Menember eh..t.01-Oa or a MMi 5 to Adm t (ti•' r • ^.a ' e#Ir the .14 eN reliable smack West. Sank of Moatrool. �i?on Dvar=eop. sa'1 in cv. ry lin(' in which I deal I .. have a full aa)ibrtment. Newg$�o►o�11: of goo.Ls not in stock ordered at short notie,,• ed Rree. Loan ('ottspany ,r,n the fourth year of general sumees Enos he ub1iC :� uk .Ilan been suck as to p )edtente ��n�� t safety !n all with ser - JJt��i E lave nn resdf feeili heir means otherwiu., 5_tbeir interest promptly •" tech the fol. BRAHAM 18 OFFERING NI'E(-IAL 1N r eon w THING. a want you •U to read sed 50.r.M Now the holiday. a.,d els tinea are erne we 00.14 down 10 b eleem. flr oirer}ng .o the public the larg. -...•k wad THE BEST SMOCK OF CLOT .TNG 1N WESTERIN CANADA. A'r 'tl I.OW MST PF• WEI The stoma maw and will be odd We to make room for • I .sere LYb epeertssltr of tbaakinagg the'>,sb11c ha both tewn .rape•. 04 try fo east i•venL sad •slim. a noatlnee .ndlolt mo/m► liederleb. Jan, d dais 'd A . 1 a ole FLOITR ! FLO The new full Roller 1fille tit P�Irt Albert u.• LATEST & BEST MACH will be ro sheat the 28th of fcehr» jinn. Ily invited to give thein s t- OHOPpI'N�3 DO1•T�7 EVg3R a ale JABS FY, prov, ss N st oe r. •-fit e t